Saturday, March 8, 2014

why does my infant hate his car seat?


he is 18months old and starts screaming minutes into getting into the car, he has hated it from the day we brought him home from the hospital. we have tried different types of car seats, different pisitions, dvds, just about everything and nothing seems to help

My son hated his car seat until he was about a year old, then he was in a convertible tall enough to look out the car window and that seemed to help. But honestly I think he was simply car sick from rear-facing and had to distract himself with toys and the mirror and such. Also you want to make sure that the seat isn't hot, the buckles aren't too tight, check the groin especially since it can pinch there.

I made sure that when we go in the car seat he always gets to go to a fun place, not just boring things. He also has toys he only gets in the seat. And I ignore him if he's screaming, it's the one time I'll turn up music and sing out to my heart's content if I need to. There's no choice, he must be in his seat, it's not safe otherwise, and it's just life.

An infant car seat travel question please?


My son and I are traveling overseas in January to visit my sick mom. He'll be 5 months old. It's going to be just the baby and me from beginning till end. Since it's just the 2 of us, I'm taking my FAA approved car seat and stroller with me. I was wondering if anyone else has traveled this way and if you could give me advice. I'm already aware of the fact that I need to be there earlier than normal but will the stewardesses be mad if I book the seat next to me? Are they helpful? Is it hard to put the seat in place? What about bathroom brakes? Where do you change the baby? Can I take the CAN of formula or does it have to be in a bottle already mixed (I'll be breastfeeding but I'd like to have it with me just in case)? and things like that. I've traveled this route more times than I can count but never with a baby so any advice would be very welcome!
Thank you in advance!
I'm asking the question in this category because more mothers are likely to read it and respond! :)

Definitely book the seat next to you--it will give you SO much more space. You will get there early and you can just buckle his car seat right into the seat next to you just like you would do a lap belt install in a regular car. It works great! If you didn't do this and you hit turbulence during the flight, your baby would become a projectile, not only becoming injured himself, but injuring you and the other passengers. Not to mention, checking the carseat with luggage can mean a badly damaged carseat.

You'll take the stroller and carseat right to the gate and you'll check the stroller at the gate when the attendants get there and you'll carry him on in his car seat. They'll have the stroller waiting for you at the other end of your destination.

As for the canned formula, you'll have to ask the airline--each one has different regulations. That said, most say it's ok so long as it is completely sealed and you just buy bottled water once you are through security. If it needs warming, the flight attendants are usually more than happy to warm it for you.

Make sure to bring a few toys for him and a pacifier for take off and landing--or make sure he's feeding during those times. And, as for changes, many planes these days do have a spot for changing children. If your plane does not, either plan on changing him on your seat or the floor space in front of the seats which is why it's imperative that you choose the window seats not the middle section of the plane. Just bring a changing pad. If your baby has a poopy diaper, head for the bathroom and lay the pad on the toilet seat in there and work fast, or ask the flight attendants for a suggestion. They may let you change him in their area on the floor.

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I need help with some details in my baby book?


I am filling out my baby book and I was wondering if you can help me out.
For 2010

What is the biggest toy fad?
Most popular movie?
Hit songs?
musical Groups?
Television shows?
Famous actors and actresses?
Sports figure?
Best selling book?
Fashion trends?

Thanks so much.

toy fad--zhu zhu pets
popular movie--eclipse (it hasn't come out yet, but im sure it will be a hit like the other twilight movies)
hit songs--probaly something sung by lady gaga
sport figure--drew brees (superbowl QB)

What all do I need for baby?

Q. What all do I need exactly? So far I have a baby bath and a diaper bag. I've picked out a Pack-N-Play with a bassinet (I'm moving in January so I'll be getting a crib after the move. It'll just make things a little easier). I've also picked out a swing, bouncy seat, bottle warmer, baby carrier, baby moniter, diaper pail, and a wipes warmer. Clothes, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles blankets, health care stuff I'm just going to get in the store (easier than looking online.) I also have a travel system (stroller / car seat) picked out. Is there anything I'm missing?

â¥â¥â¥ Isabella Rose Due July 28, 2010 â¥â¥â¥
My mom will be giving me her breast pump that she used so I don't have to purchase one :)
Also... What brand of diapers and wipes do you recommend?

-breast feeding supplies-storage, nursing pads, creams, a nursing bra for you
-towels and rags for baby
-mittens and hats and socks
-cloth diapers for burping
-baby laundry detergent
-a mesh laundry bag (delicates bag) for small baby items such as socks, mittens, bibs, etc. keeps them together in the wash so nothing gets lost or stuck under the agitator
-car seat accessories- head support, strap covers (so the straps don't rub the neck)
-bottle cooler to keep bottles cold on the go (like if you make one while you're out and baby doesn't finish it), they have single ones that come with an ice pack
-waterproof pads/sheet savers to put in pack n play to protect from leaks and spit up or protect surfaces (bed, floor) when changing baby
-you may want to have a small thing of formula on hand, just in case you need it. my daughter had jaundice really bad and had to be on formula full time even though I had planned to breast feed. We had a can at home, so we didn't have to run out and get some the first few days
-travel wipes case for diaper bag
-play gym for baby to lay on and look at
-some kind of musical toy, my daughter goes to sleep really well if we wind up her musical giraffe or turn on the piano (precious planet kick n play piano, plays for a while and has lights) or your pack n play may have a musical attachment

I prefer Luvs and Pampers diapers because my baby has thin legs and the legs on these fit better. Huggies are good, but the leg holes are to big for my little girl. My daughter is 6 weeks old and is just now almost to big for newborn diapers. It all depends on the baby. Buy a variety of sizes of diapers, you can always take them back.
I like huggies wipes and pampers wipes so far, but I haven't tried a bunch of different ones. Parent's Choice (Walmart brand) are good, except the refill packs don't like to "feed" through the hole in our warmer like they are supposed to.

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my 9 month old keeps waking up in the middle of the night!?


my son is going on 9 months and for a while between the ages of 6-7 months he was sleeping through the whole night, but now he wakes up every 30 Min's - every 2 hours it just varies, i don't know what to do i give him a bottle of water to sip on and he falls right back to sleep, but sometime he wont take the water and he wants formula, and i dont want to feed him to much during the night. i don't know what it could be if anyone knows please tell me, and if you have any advice, we usually feed him food, usually a thing of gerber, then give him a bath right before bed and then give him a bottle of formula and he will pass out. i don't know if its his teeth or what( he still does not have teeth) please any help would be appreciated.

Give him a warm bath every night, and put baby mango in his bottle.

I know it sounds crazy, but put baby mango and rice in his bottle when you put him to bed, and only the mango at night.
He will get used to the routine of bath and bed with a bottle with mango in it. It makes it a little sweet, mangoes also put out any gas, and it makes the bottle have more of a substance so he feels fuller for longer.

Also if you think he is teething give him some benydryl or baby motrin before bed (Half a teaspoon). It works wonders with teething. You might also want to put baby orajel on his teeth. The baby orajel is so strong it makes my finger go a lil numb when I put it on my babie's gums.

So try this in this order -

Mango+rice+formula bottle

If he still isn't sleeping through the night you might want to try bathing him in baby lavender scented wash and shampoo. Lavender makes people tired and Johnson's*Johnsons sells lavender shampoo and baby wash. They also sell a gel that you use for infant massages that smells like lavender. You might want to try that as well then give him an infant massage every night to where its

Bath with lavender shampoo and lavender wash
Lavender Massage Gel and infant massage (just rub it on his legs and feet and arms and little bit on his chest.
Mango+rice+formula bottle

Theres also infant soothers where a toy or a crib toy will play a lullaby.

That product is what I have had for my baby girl since she was a few weeks old. I got it as a gift, and it plays a soothing lullaby with a soft yellow glow and it will play for about 3-6 minutes and will calm your baby to sleep. And it isnt even that loud either which is great.

My first baby (what i need)?


I am having my first baby and im not sure what all I need and how much of everything I need , and what works best. If anyone with experience can help me with what I need that would be great , Thank you so much

- Onesies. These are the most versatile baby clothing ever made. You can layer them. You can put pants on with them. You can let the baby wear just a onesies during warm weather. I'd recommend buying several in newborn and a lot more in the next size up in case the infant is actually the 0-3 months size and not the newborn.

- Bottles if you are going to use them along with possibly a sterilizer or a bottle brush
- Pacifiers
- Receiving blankets
- Crib sheets
- Infant car seat (you will need one before the hospital, I'd consider buying it before the shower just in case)
- Stroller
- Baby shampoo
- Baby washing detergent
- Some kind of changing system whether it's a pad on a dresser or a changing station
- Lots of outfits, but preferably in the 0-3 months and the 3-6 months
- Nursing bras if you nurse
- Nursing pads if you nurse
- Possibly a pump if you nurse and some sort of storage unit like those plastic bags
- Possibly a food processor down the line
- Sleeper gowns (with access from the bottom)
- Two or three show-off outfits
- A few toys
- Infant proofing the house
- Thermometer (get it before you need it)
- Baby tylenol (get it before you need it)
- Bulb syringe
- Receiving blankets
- Socks
- Diapers the next size up
- Regular cloth diapers (better for burping than burping cloths)
- Nursing pillow
- Some kind of carrier (some people like slings, but be careful that you know how they work)
- Shopping cart cover for when the kid is older

Decide if you want to use a crib right away or if you'll use a bassinet first. You may be able to hold off on the crib. You may also have to purchase a mattress pad for a crib along with crib sheets.

Bibs you can usually hold off on. Cloth diapers work better when nursing or bottle feeding.

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Q. my son is 5 months old and has been crying all day. I put my finger in his mouth and at the bottom front was really sharp. does that mean the tooth is coming or has it popped the skin already? when will it actually be an obvious tooth?

Teething is the process during which an infant's teeth start to sequentially grow in. Teething can start as early as three months or as late, in some cases, as twelve months. Occasionally a baby may even present with one or more teeth at birth. The typical time frame for new teeth to appear is somewhere between six and nine months. It can take up to several years for all 20 deciduous (aka "baby" or "milk") teeth to emerge. The process of teething is sometimes referred to as "cutting teeth".

The infant teeth tend to emerge in pairs - first one upper incisor emerges then the other upper incisor emerges before the next set begin to emerge. The general pattern of emergence is:

Lower central incisors
Upper central incisors
Upper lateral incisors
Lower lateral incisors
First molars
Second molars
Milk teeth tend to emerge sooner in females than in males. The exact patterns and initial starting times of teething appear to be hereditary. When and how teeth appear in an infant has no bearing on the healthiness or developmental ability of the child.

During teething, the new teeth are breaking through the surface of the gums. Signs of teething may include

Poor mood
Loss of appetite
Chewing of objects
Bruises/swelling in gums
Excess salivation
Teething has not been shown to cause fever. A slight rise of temperature may occur when the teeth come through the gum. But it does not make a baby ill.

Infants chew on objects to aid in the teething process. This can be dangerous if the baby is allowed to chew on objects which are small enough to be swallowed or which could break while being chewed, creating a risk of choking. Teething rings and other toys are often designed with textures that will appeal to an infant during teething.

In cases where the infant is in obvious pain, some doctors recommend the use of anti-inflammatories or child-safe pain-relief treatments containing benzocaine. Some infants gain relief from chewing on cold objects.

Dentists recommend brushing infants' teeth as soon as they appear. It is not necessary to wait for the teething process to complete. Dentists may recommend against the use of fluoride toothpaste during teething.

Infants and teething?


my daughter will be two months old on november the sixth and shes already starting to teeth and I don't know if its too soon for her to start this Im a first time mom so I don't know what to do and im kinda worried is this normal she had a lil trouble when she was born, Any helpful answers will be appreciated

treat any pain, let her chew on toys or suck on an ice cube covered in a cloth, wash all hands well, keep her nose clean with the bulb syringe & saline drops, and follow up with the pediatrician.

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parents of 4 months-1 year olds! please help!?

Bre Bree

I have a infant observation paper I need to write for my child development class, however, I don't know anyone with infants to observe! I was wondering if anyone on here with babies ages 4 months-1year can help me by answering some questions. I GREATLY appreciate it! Thank you so much to all who helped out! If you could just state the age of your baby and answer the questions listed that would be GREAT! :) Thank you!

What does your infant eat and when?
Infant's favorite foods?
Any allergic reaction to foods?
When does your infant typically go to bed and wake up?
Are they still waking up during the night?
How does your infant's napping go?
What type of sounds/motor skills does your infant make?
Does your infant have any separation anxiety when left with caregivers, other family members/friends etc?
What are the infant's favorite toys?
What is an item that always provides comfort?

I know there is quite a few questions! Thank you SO much if you answered them. I really appreciate it!

My daughter is 8 months in a few days her name is marina I can try and answer your questions :)

1. She mostly breastfeeds still but does eat some solids like bananas, and the stage 1 baby food
2. Breast milk I think lol
3. Not yet
4. She goes to bed around 9. Wakes up around 5
5. She doesn't really wake up during the night anymore unless she is sick
6. She is horrible to put down for a nap lately I feed her at 5 and shell normally fall asleep on my chest and wake up around 8 or 9 then be up until like 2 when I try to put her down and shell normally sleep for about an hour
7. She babbles a lot chews on stuff as well
8. She loves pretty much everyone and will go to strangers she's just met (I think that's sorta weird)
9. She loves anything that makes noise she has a Dora doll that talks in English and Spanish that she loves
10. Her pacifer

what are symptoms for strep throat in infants?

Bethany B

what are some symptoms for strep throat in a four month old

Infants rarely get strep throat infection but they can get other types of strep infections. Watch out for a fever or a rash. If either is present then consult your pediatrician immediately. If the child is lthargic or less active then normal get him checked out. At this age any fever over 100 degrees F. should be checked out. At 4 months the baby does not have any risistance. If he is breast fed then wonderful. He will get some antibodies from moms milk. Not all moms can breast feed and should be sure the bottles and pacifiers are throughally cleaned. Some infections can be spread through impropperly cleaned bottles. You can visit Clorox's web site for information on sterilizing baby bottles. The bleach will kill any strep bacteria if cleaned according to directions. Also clean the baby's toys as those end up in their mouths as well. Keep hands clean and anyone comming into contact with the baby should be healthy and wash their hands at this age. It is ok to ask anyone near your baby if they have washed their hands. If they take offence then you can tell them they cannot hold the precious baby till they do so.

Congratulations on your new arrival. As always you can consult your pediatrician for any concerns. They are happy to do so. Make a list of questions and take it with you to all appointments. I have a notebook that i just keep adding too.

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Two months pregnant, and 14. What all will I need for my baby?


So hey, I'm 2 months pregnant and 14. Before guys go AWOL on my pregnant at 14... It was an accident and I have his family, and my family backing us up. Also we both have jobs (I work at once upon a child, he works at American eagle.) I was wondering what everything I need for this baby. Diapers, wipes, stuff like that. Also what brands are best and how many I should get! Also any other tips would be 100% grateful! Thank you!
Also my highschool has a daycare so I have that figured out! And also I will not be returning to work after school. He will be though

You could use cloth diapers and cloth wipes, it will save you a bunch of money and you wont be destroying the environment.

but what do you NEED?

a few newborn cloths (don't go ballistic buying newborn cloths... they grow really fast)
a few 0-3 months (also fast)
some 6-9 month clothing
then 9-12 month clothing and you're good!
crib. even if you will be co-sleeping I still would get a crib for nap time.
baby blankets
socks and hats!
personally... I would get pacifiers they reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
I would also get a bouncer, you don't NEED it, but I find when I need to take a fast shower or get something to eat it helps a lot!
baby shampoo and bath wash (I prefer Johnston & Johnston but parents choice is also good)

and I am amusing you will go back to work after your baby arrives? you will need a good breast pump (get a double electric one, and then talk to a lactation consultant) And then also get bottles, and breast milk freezer bags (I prefer gerber... lashion sucks!) get nipple cream.
also I would get some "mothers milk tea" it helps promote healthy lactation, it makes me really engorged! and I am able to pump more after I was done feeding my son.

you don't need toys till around 3 months and even then you don't need many (rattles)
and don't buy baby shoes. Yes they are cute but it can deform their feet growth and they don't even need them still after the age of 12 months.

What kind of things do you add to your baby registry?


I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.

I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.

First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.

Here are some things for your registry

Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer

That is all I can think of for now. Good luck

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Stimulating baby aged 3 months (without toys)?


I have spent the first three months of my granddaughter's life with her, in spite of living almost 2000 kms away. Grandpa visits us once or twice per month. Sadly, I have to return home soon - I am going to miss her tremendously.

I want to know from all the mommys and nans out there - what sort of educational stimulation can I give my baby? I started exercising her back and neck after two weeks, and we were all amazed at how strong she is. After a month I started with her legs and now she kicks very strongly. I have done the same with her arms (clapping) and she is in very good shape.

I would like to start some mental stimulation but have no idea where to start. Already, since age 2 weeks, I hanged a very colourful flower for her to look at. She loves it! She also has toys all around her to stare at, but I feel there must be more!!!

Please help, your answers will be very highly appreciated. Bless everyone with a baby, it is so rewarding. They are made to be cherished

Read to the baby! My daughter loved to be read to at that age. When you walk around the house with her tell her everything that you are doing so that she can begin learning the names of things, you can also put a mirror in her crib which helps her learn observation skills. I bought a book called Games to Play with Babies. It is organized by month and tells you games to play and what the game teaches your baby. Here are two websites that have a few developmental games.

highchair toys for a baby between 3-5 months old?


i have a deluxe recline & grow 5 stage feeding seat. and was planning on using it on thanksgiving for my baby who will be 3.5 months old. and i want to get her a good toy that will keep her occupied while we eat. any suggestions?
i want her to be able to sit at the table with everyone else. i have no problem holding her i just thought it would be nice for her to have something to do.

sassy has a toy that has a suction on the bottom and the thing on top (the actual toy) looks kinda like a ferris wheel, it spins and so do the little toys attached to it.

dylan has one, but he can pull it off now... could be i'm not suctioning it on right lol.. either way, it's a good one :) also.. blocks are fun and keep them occupied :)

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Friday, March 7, 2014

I have a doxin and she has a little rubber frog she thinks is her baby! What do i do?

Sasha Brad

I have a 5 year old doxin.... A few months ago I bought her this little rubber frog that squeaks and she is super overprotective of it. Seems like she thinks its her baby. when you grab the rubber frog then she freaks out starts whining loud and then when we give it back she lightly grabs it like she is trying not to hurt it. My boyfriend and I put it up on a shelf and she hurt herself trying to get up there with it. I dont understand why she is doing this. She lays in bed all day with it. She burys it in places that are soft like my bedding or under my pillows. She bites my cat if he gets anywhere close to her. She even carries it to the car when we leave to go places! She doesnt seem happy anymore and she never wants to play! HELP!!!!

That doesn't sound like she treats it like an infant, it sounds like she's possessive over her favorite toy. That's a bad habit that needs to be nipped in the bud right away. Small breed especially are prone to this - more so since people put off training them properly since they think it's "cute". There's nothing cute about aggression though. She needs to be trained.

Here's a bit on it and another you should read but there's tons of pages out there for you. Just google "possessive dog"

Are there any daycare owners on here?


I'm planning to open a daycare in August 2010. I'm thinking about buying a house in a commercial area. I want to start by having no more than 25 children from the ages of 6 wks-18 months. I think it would be cheaper since I wouldn't have to worry about so many toilets per child, food, playground equipment, field trips, etc. I would like to expand maybe after three years to include older children. Do anyone think this is a good way to start?

I definitely think your plan can work. Make sure you are doing as much research and gathering as much information as you can right now.

Infant care is in high demand and many places only do preschool aged children and up. I don't know that it will be cheaper because infants usually require a higher ratio (one adult for every 4 infants is typical) while older children can be watched by fewer adults. However, you will be able to charge a lot more to watch infants than you could for older children.

Start saving your money now. The more money you have saved (and don't have to take out in loans) the better. If you are planning on opening a daycare in a low income area, you may also be able to get a grant. You need to research and apply for grants early. Start collecting baby equipment, toys, and books now. You won't want to buy everything new, but slowly collect it through garage sales, donations, etc. You have to do everything you can to keep your initial costs down (you can always upgrade later). Buying a house is a good idea (as long as you get a good deal and can afford the payments initially even without the daycare income).

Contact the agency that licenses programs in your state and get some initial feedback and information about what you are wanting to do so you can start the approval process. You will need one year of hard work to be able to open your doors.

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Wooden Toys Or Plastic Toys? Plastic From China May Contain Lead?


After over 1 million recalls this year would still continue to by toys that are made in china? What do you think of wooden toys?

Infantino Sling (owned this)
Dora Explorer Toys
Baby Einstein Blocks (owned this)
Kolcraft Pack And Play
Fisher Price Take Along Rainforest Swing
Laugh & Learn⢠Kitchen Toys
Soft Blocks Tower Toys (on Graco® Baby Einstein® discover and play⢠Activity Centers)\
Learn-Around⢠Playground Activity Center
Fisher-Price Recalls Infant musical Toy Chair Posing Strangulation Hazard

And Tons More

I have desided to buy my baby for Christmas only wooden toys. And if I buy plastic I will make sure its not from China.
Wooden toys dont have slinters they are made so well that a child can bit it and wont get splinters.

I'm also making a concerted effort to buy more locally-made toys, made from organic products such as wood, this Christmas. I just feel that we haven't learned all that we will in the coming months/years about plastics and how inorganic materials in children's toys can affect their health.

What is the best teething toy to give my infant?


Those plastic rings you put in the fridge are not working.

The Best Teething Toys

By Miebeth Bustillo-Booth, ChildTrek Founder

Natural & Wood Teethers
The best teething toys are made of natural materials like wood. Wood is naturally anti-bacterial. (Thatâs why there are wooden cutting boards.) So it is self-cleaning. Wood is hard and will help ease teeth in. But not all wood toys are ideal. The best wooden teething toys are either unfinished or lightly finished with beeswax, water-based stains, or other non-toxic paints. Itâs best to gain the manufacturer statements to this effect. At ChildTrek, only toys that have met or exceeded safety standards are available.

Great Teething Toys
Grabbing Toy Giraffe with Wooden Teething Ring by Kathe KruseConsider the Infant Grabbing Toy Mah or Giraffe by Kathe Kruse. They are made out of non-porous beech wood, lightly finished with beeswax, and made using non-toxic dyes. There are no harmful chemicals to leach out while your baby gnaws on the hard wood. The wooden ring is extra large for easy handling by small hands. The lamb and the giraffe can be removed for machine or hand wash. And they are completely adorable!

The Grabbing Star Red or Blue also by Kathe Kruse has a wooden teething ring and interesting textures for early learning stimulation. A special feature is a velcro loop at one of the star ends so that it can be fastened as a stroller toy. This achieves a couple of things: the teether is always nearby and it doubles as a grabbing toy. Smart!

Girali Rattle by SelectaThe Girali Rattle by Selecta, aside from being a practical teething toy, is uniquely beautiful. It is made of native woods from Germany and finished with beeswax and non-toxic paints - completely safe for your baby.

Also, itâs hard to beat the Cherry Rattle by Camden Rose. It is lightly finished with beeswax. Its contoured design makes for interesting tactile stimulation. Its gentle rattle is soothing. As a teether - it is naturally hard to facilitate teething. Watch as your baby gnaws on this beautiful toy for hours.

Cold and Soothing
Organic Vegetabe Teethers by Under the NileOne of my personal favorites for the summer are the organic teethers by miYim and Under the Nile. Take the Bunny, Elephant, or Bear teether. Dampen, not soak it. Put it in the freezer. Then let your baby gnaw on this cool toy to help soothe tender gums. Do the same for the Fruits or the Vegetables by Under the Nile. Besides gently soothing for your baby, you are teaching your baby to âeatâ his or her fruits and veggies!

Vary Teethers
Itâs best to keep a few different teethers around that have varying textures and hardness. Some teeth come in easier than others. The molars, for example, are especially hard on infants.

Check out ChildTrekâs selection of ideal teething toys.

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What do you pack for twin 1 year old fussy infants????????????????????????????? ?

Hey yall I am a new mom to this packing for vaction stuff we are going to DISNEY WORLD!! For 10 days! I packed some diapers,body wash ,baby powder,vaseline,diaper cream and blankets what else Toys and Clothes wise should I pack

dino but if dutch the baby powder it gets in there lungs and restricts there breathing, vaseline is also made from petroleum which its bad for there skin, bottles if they aren't breastfed, socks, hat sunscreen have fun

Any infant toy recommendations?


I have a 6 month old daughter and I just recently began sitting for a 5 1/2 month old girl also.
I have all the big stuff (swing, jumparoo', entertainer, etc...) and lots of rattles, balls, stuffed animals...but am looking for other toys that might keep their interest longer and help them learn as well.

Any recommendations/links would be helpful!

I have an in-home daycare...currently I have 4 infants that range from 4 months to 11 months, here are the favorites:
The 6 months olds can close them easily, around 10 months they learn to open them also.
This is an expensive one but well worth the investment in my keeps ages 6 months all the way to 4 years old occupied
Another big one, but it's great for kids around 6-10 months learning how to put things into other things, plus the balls themselves are entertainment :)
Great for crawlers, fun to chase :)
Pretty much any type of activity table is a must once they hit around 6-7 months, they are great for learning to stand and play

Well I could go on and on...I have a zillion toys and the kids love most of them...if you'd like more ideas let me know, I'd be happy to help!

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Please help.. My 14 months old daughter is delayed, autism?


My 14 months old daughter is delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills. She is not waiving, not clapping, not pointing, not self feeding. She will sometimes show where my eyes are or mouth, when I ask her, and she will look at a picture on the wall when I ask where the picture is. But she rarely pays any attention to me or anyone else. She loves to play with all her toys, but she doesn't do anything repeatedly (like pushing the same button over and over). When I talk to her or ask her something she ignores me, and continues to do what she was doing like playing with her toy or watching tv. When she watches her cartoons and I get in front of her to get her attention she completely ignores me like I'm a see-through ghost. I'm worried sick.. Has anyone had a kid who was delayed in these areas (waiving, paying attention to mommy, pointing etc), and now are older and normal? Or is she for sure has an autism. I've convinced myself that she does and can't stop panicing. I will make an apt with the neurologist tomorrow, and I was told by an Early Intervention program that she is significantly delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills such as picking up small cereal and putting them in her mouth. (she doesn't do that at all). She seems like normal happy baby to me, she loves it when I sing to her, she looks directly at me into my eyes when I sing, or when I do silly games. She loves pikaboo games and runs to me on her walker when I call her all excited. But when I talk to her most of the time ignores me. I would love to hear from someone who went through this and their kid turned out fine. Some words of encouragement also would help :( thank you so much. I am so afraid of what the neurologist would say. It seems like 100% of normal kids do all these things. If I can just find one who didn't do these things and turned out normal, I could breath just a little easier. Thanks again!
About vaccines etc.. We are on dr. Sears vaccine schedules and we haven't even gotten everything she needs. So I really don't think this could be from vaccines we are being very careful about them.

You are right to be concerned, but don't worry about this until you have done some homework and researched the issue. There is a wonderful web site you can visit to see the symptoms and what is being done to not only help autistic children but what can be done to prevent it.

Go to:

Mary Tocco has been researching vaccines for 30 years and has a volume of information on this subject. Her daughter, Rene Tocco, is the doctor that has dedicated her practice to AUTISM and that is the web site above. Many of the problems children are having today are a result of what is being done to the children in doctor's offices and the food they are eating and the lack of information on good breast feeding, etc.

Become educated, not indoctrinated.

EDIT: NO child needs ANY vaccine. It is a very well known documented fact that children who do not get vaccinated are far healthier and grow up much more healthy. Believe what you will about vaccines, but those promoting it is relying on indoctrination and distortion of the facts, not educated facts.

EDIT: Here's a wonderful article for you to read to get a better in depth understanding of why vaccines are causing many of the problems your child is experiencing.

Dr. Sears is just spreading the poisons over longer time between getting the poison injections. Infants and babies should NOT be receiving these injections at all. Look at the evidence to learn the truth. Pediatricians were invented to inject poisons and nothing more. The well baby visits is just an injection party, nothing more.

If you are still in doubt about this, watch Dr. Maurice Hilleman that was the Number 1 vaccine expert, researcher, and developer of over 40 popular vaccines talk about the "Bargain Basement Technology" vaccines are in this confidential interview:

Now watch this video showing the probity of the Bayer Pharmaceutical that makes aspirin for the world and how they view PROFIT over HEALTH:

Is it no wonder the public has started to reject what these guys are promoting?

Drug companies would have you believe their technology saved the world of disease, but nothing is farther from the truth. Look at this study on small pox that drug companies tell you they eradicated:

Babies are being damaged by these corporations that are promoting this farce. BIG MONEY is being made by them. In fact drug companies make 5 times the profit of any U.S. corporation and politicians get a huge amount of this. This is why the recent Health Care Law funnels so much money directly to them. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame and the public is getting the booby prize. And the worst part is that children are the victims.

good luck to you

Can anyone suggest a convertable car seat that will fit in a Subaru Forester?


We have a 2010 Forester. Since the seats are at an angle the convertible car seat we have (received new from childbirth classes) does not fit without having the front seat pushed all the way to the dash. Anyone have suggestions for a convertible car seat that would fit? My son is 7 months and just does to fit so well in his infant seat anymore. Also, I have read here and there that the seat no longer needs to be at a 45 degree angle, is this true?
I can tell you that it can not go in the middle. In the bottom of the seat, it has a piece that flips up and out for drinks and there is the lap/shoulder belt for the middle, not hooks for the seat. When I took my car in for the infant seat inspection they told me it was not safe in the middle for that reason. I will have to go pull the car seat out and get the manufacture and model and let you know. Also my son is 7 months and has been sitting unassisted since 4 1/2 months, but I hate to change the angle and make him uncomfortable.

This is very similar to the one we have. The only thing I found different is our is a 22120FSM (date on seat is 2008) instead of a TRC. These are listed around $50, we do not mind spending more for a nicer one.

I have read that after 8 months it can be at a greater than 45 degree angle since they can sit up unassisted by that point, so that babies can rear-face longer. But I found with my daughter that she wasn't really comfortable like that. Have you tried putting the convertible in the middle? I was surprised to find that our convertible, which had us pushing the chair all the way forward, fit perfectly between the two front seats in both of our small cars.

As for recommending one that might fit better... which one are you trying?

Add: Well that stinks that you can't put it in the middle back seat. Blah.

If you can find out the manufacturer, the type of seat it is, you may be able to find a seat that is shorter or has a smaller base or would fit better overall. I think it's that has a lot of experts that might be able to tell you directly. Another option, the one I'd go for, would be to measure what the current seat's size is and then go to some place like Toys or Babies R Us and measure different seats, and when you find one that seems like it would work then talk to one of the employees and test-fit it in your car to see if it will.

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How to disinfect infants toys?


I have an underground storage space where I live in Italy. It's quite damp and very dusty there. I've stored toys there from when my kids were little.I'd like to pass on these toys to my grandchildren. The toys have been there for probably 17 years. Is there a way of safely disinfecting the infant toys that will go into baby's mouth or should i throw them out? They were stored in a closed bag and then in a box. Most are hard plastic ,but a couple are stuffed.

You can definitely disinfect the toys. You just need to get a surface wipe (they have them at most supermarkets) get a surface wipe and wipe the toys clean. If they were in closed bags, they should be fine with a little bit of cleaning. Give them to your grandchildren after you clean them, they'll love them!

Toys for infant?


I need some ideas on toys for my son who is 4 1/2 months old. I stay at home with him and he gets lots of attention. But there are moments I need to do something. Like right now I've been trying to get ready to go to the store and he's just whining. He's in his exersaucer with a baby video in. Nothing keeps his attention for any length of time, even a few minutes. I know part of it is his age. Is there anything that has worked for anyone or am I just going to have to deal until he learns to play better with age (and when does that happen)?

Get the Baby Einstein Baby Mozart, Beethoven, etc. DVD or videos. My daughter is now 8 months, and she STILL will sit there for at least an hour and watch the pictures and listen to the music. It's AMAZING how much she loves it.

Also, LAMAZE toys are terrific, especially for children your sons age that are starting to play with toys more with their hands. They are very colorful, and normally make some sort of noise. You can get them at places like Babies R Us, Kohls, Toys R Us, etc.

Also, I got a vibrating rocker chair from Fischer Price that has a detachable toy arch. It has a cow/farm theme. She has loved that chair pretty much since birth. She naps in it, plays in it, and it's wonderful!!!

Finally, anything with a mirror in it. Look for activing chairs or gyms that have mirrored things on them. My baby now likes to have conversations with herself! lol!

Good luck!

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Any infant toy recommendations?


I have a 6 month old daughter and I just recently began sitting for a 5 1/2 month old girl also.
I have all the big stuff (swing, jumparoo', entertainer, etc...) and lots of rattles, balls, stuffed animals...but am looking for other toys that might keep their interest longer and help them learn as well.

Any recommendations/links would be helpful!

I have an in-home daycare...currently I have 4 infants that range from 4 months to 11 months, here are the favorites:
The 6 months olds can close them easily, around 10 months they learn to open them also.
This is an expensive one but well worth the investment in my keeps ages 6 months all the way to 4 years old occupied
Another big one, but it's great for kids around 6-10 months learning how to put things into other things, plus the balls themselves are entertainment :)
Great for crawlers, fun to chase :)
Pretty much any type of activity table is a must once they hit around 6-7 months, they are great for learning to stand and play

Well I could go on and on...I have a zillion toys and the kids love most of them...if you'd like more ideas let me know, I'd be happy to help!

What would you get an infant girl about 6 months old for Christmas?


At 6 months, it isn't a present for the child. The infant won't know it is a present. It is a present to the parents. At 6 months, perhaps a toy that makes noises or plays a nursery rhyme. Perhaps a chewing toy since gums are pretty itchy at the time. Winter is approaching so perhaps soft warm flannel crib sheets. The infant needs lots of wash cloths, sleepers, 1-sies.

Whatever you get for her, give the both of you a present by holding her in your arms. Make funny faces. Make baby sounds. It will make your heart and her heart leap with joy.

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Make up a hypothetical baby?

Q. Just say things like their name, when they were born, weight etc.

You can have more than one baby at a time if you wish.

On November 24 2010, I gave birth to a little girl. I named her Violet Eve C. She was born with a little bit of fluffy, black hair and her eyes are a murky blue colour. She weighed 7lb 5oz and was 20 inches long. She loves wearing little dresses and her favourite toy is a stuffed zebra.


How do you prepare your first baby for a sibling?

Evan's mom

I am due with my second son, 12/23/2010. My baby will be (not so babyish anymore :( )
20 months old.
What are some tips and ideas you have to help a 20 month old, understand and adjust to this huge change?
What are some tips on keeping him happy and not resentful of the new baby?

im not sure about what to do before the baby born im in the same situation i got my we boy a doll and i would show him how to feed it and be gently with it. it doesnt always work as he end up throwing it across the room but when you come home from the hospital buy him a new toy and tell him its from his new brother or sister and if you hav any visitors make sure they go and speak to him 1st and if they geting anything for baby most people buy 4 the other child as well so he doesnt feel left out. good luck

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Looking for the best infant toys for development from newborn to 1 year- Any suggestions??


My baby girl is almost 2 months - i need something to occupy her later on - some kind of activity play center toy - something great with lights and music _ I've been window shopping and dont see much that i like - What do you parents out there recommend -What toys does your baby like??
What about activity mats or something that will promote sitting up and crawling??
And also looking for toys I can attatch to her swing (since her swing does not play music or have lights- a toy with light & music thats attatchble - where can I find one??

My kids LOVED the peek-a-boo blocks from Fisher Price. It is also good for development for them to learn how to put things in and take things out. They have a shape sorter from peek-a-boo blocks. It has different shapes and each block has something new inside. There are SO many different accessories that you can get with the Peek-a-boo blocks. has a great way to select that type of thing. You select the age, and then you select the type of toys. You want to find cause and effect toys, early development, and sights and sounds. You can look at all those categories there, or just type whatever type of toy into a search engine and it should pull up some options.

activities for infants?


I am studying early childhood education and I am going on placement in a centre soon. we have to make resources to take to these centre, the resources/activies are suppose to promote the use of language, so it could be anything from treasure chest to discussing different things in photo albums.

However i am stumped on what to do for infants (ages 0-16months). I am not sure how i can support or encourage the use of language. i was thinking of learning different body parts with a chart with removeble body parts but i'm sort of thinking thats a bit advanced, othrs in my class are doing mobiles so I want to do something diffferent.

please help

all younger kids learns fast when they experience it. you can do alphabets puzzles but is from foam, you can even just put words of the different toys that you have for them..just put words in all their toys.. label your classroom and let them listen to rhyming songs, and nursery songs..

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What clothes and quantities do I need for twins for the first year? How would you change my list?

Ivy G

100 Newborn Disposable Diapers
70 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 INFANT size
50 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 PREMIUM size
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size One 6-18 lbs:
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size Two 18-40 lbs:
6 Newborn daytime Winter outfits
4 Newborn Hats
30 Newborn onsies
2 Newborn Shoes / Booties (Size 0)
14 Newborn Sleepers / Pajamas
20 Newborn Socks
4 Newborn Velcro Swaddle
30 Receiving Blankets
10 0-3 month early spring daytime outfits
30 0-3 month onsies
4 0-3 month shoes (size 1)
14 0-3 month sleepers / Pajamas
2 3 - 6 month baby brimmed hats
4 3 - 6 month shoes (size 2)
30 3-6 month short-sleeved onsies
14 3-6 month sleepers / pajamas
10 3-6 month Summer Daytime Outfits
4 6-12 month Hats
14 6-12 month Socks
4 6-9 month shoes (size 3)
2 6-9 month Winter snowsuit / bunting
14 6-9 month daytime fall outfits
10 6-9 month long-sleeved onsies
10 6-9 month short-sleeved onsies
14 6-9 month sleepers / pajamas
4 9-12 month shoes (size 4)
14 9-12 month daytime winter outfits
10 9-12 month long-sleeved onsies
10 9-12 month short-sleeved onsies
14 9-12 month sleepers / pajamas
2 9-12 month snowsuit / bunting
4 9-12 month coats

Is there anything I need more of? Less of? Missing? (This is just a clothing / diaper list for the first year, not lotions, car seats toys etc). Also I didn't put bibs on my list, but my mom says I should? If so how many and what size? I will be breastfeeding and using the wrong sized diapers as burp cloths.
I need to try to buy everything for the first year before they are born for financial and other reasons (such as baby shower gifts). This is for twins, so 2 babies, likely born weighing 5 pounds each.
Hmmm I heard you need lots of extra outfits when they are under 6 months because they spit up and drool a lot? I think this is why my mom says I need bibs. I thought the coat might get dirty when they crawl around at the playground and I might need a spare while it is washing?

We do have a washer and dryer, but I am hoping to get away with only doing laundry twice a week. If I can't then I can't, but that is what I am trying to aim for. ;)
Really want to try to get as much as possible now, but if I stick to layering I can use things out of season. For instance short sleeved onsies, a regular sleeper and a coat over them during winter? I am concerned about them being in the wrong season, but here in the south most days are warm and winter is 3 months long. If I have to go out and get smaller /larger coats I can do that. But for instance today I bought 50 outfits for $36 at a fantastic yard sale, including a 6-12 month coat for $0.75.
For seasons I am trying to estimate by their due date, not their actual birthdays,so hopefully they will be close to the right size. As long as the clothes are not completely unwearable for the season, they will be able to wear them at some point! ;)

My girls were 5lbs and 5lbs7oz at birth. I think we were in newborn diapers for 2 months, about a box a week. They were the big boxes you get at Toys R Us of Pampers. We go through a box of 88 (size 4) a week now at 12 months. The first year, most of our clothes were given to us from his mom and my parents. I would not buy your coats in advance. You will not know how much they will grow in the first year to know what size to get them. I always get coats bigger than their size because of putting clothes on under them. Their coats and winter pants for this year are 24 months, because I will have to pile a onsie and a sweater on under it. They can still wear some 6 to 9 months clothing in pants. Shirts it almost has to be 18 months at this point, the few 12 months shirts they have are getting too small. The one thing it seems like we still run out of is onsies, and then socks. Also shoes are funny about sizes. I don't get new shoes for them until they are about to outgrow them. I have 3's that are still too big for them and 4's that are almost too small. According to sizing charts they should be in 4 for their age.

My suggestion is instead of getting everything for the year is get what you need for right now, put the other money away in a savings account and then sell the clothes that look good after they outgrow them on either craigslist or once-upon-a-child and use that money to get their new clothes as you need them.

Edit: I know you don't want to do laundry every day, or even every other day. I do a load every other day, but that is for a family of 7, we also have three boys 14, 14, and 6. You will be surprised how much goes unworn even when you layer them and I didn't have nearly that much. But I am also running out of storage, his mom will see things at the thrift stores and pick them up so I have a bin of 2t, a bin of 3t, and still need to weed out clothes I kept thinking they could wear them this winter and can't.

Having first baby, what should i buy?


I know that sounds dumb, but seriously what are some things to buy for a baby.

You will need to buy:

An infant carseat

A stroller

Bottles (2oz or 4oz depending on how much the baby eats)

Bottle brushes

Diaper bag

Diapers (size Newborns, size 1's maybe size 2's)


Either a bassinet or a crib (some people also use a pack n play)

A kit with a nasal aspirator, nail cutter, nail files, thermometer, hair brush and a teether

Baby body wash, lotion and baby powder

Baby towels and wash clothes


Clothes (size newborn, 0-3 months and 3-6 months), baby shoes, socks and mittens

Baby blankets

A bouncer chair

Anything that babies can play with (toys)

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name 3 toys/materials to use with infants in each age category. tell whats areas of development each can enhan

Deborah H

0-3 black and white images- sight
3-6 hanging toys- reaching
6-9 table top toys- standing
9-12 walker toys- walking

What is the youngest age recorded that an infant was walking?

Angel P

Im curious as to the youngest age a baby can walk
i cant find any info about it on the web.
Do you know?
If so, where did you find the answer??

The earliest I have seen really walking (able to walk several steps unassisted) is 7 months. I think most moms of super-early walkers woud have babies at least 7 months before they would be able to walk across a room. I have 3 kids...the oldest girl walked several steps at 8.5 months, the middle girl at 7.5 months, the youngest boy at 11 months (I swore he would never my early girls!)

Oh - and never push a baby to learn to walk. My girls were never pushed or taught...but DH and I were both early walkers so they come by in naturally. Children that are taught/pushed into learning to walk before they are naturally pulling up and able to push toys around...usually end up with problems. It isn't worth it just to say your baby was a young they time they are 1 1/2 you would never know which babies were early walkers and which ones weren't so it really makes no difference - let them develop on their pace.

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entertaining baby toys?


I have a 9 month old boy. I am having a hard time finding an entertaining, flashy, lighting type of toy. He loves playing with my cell phone but I cant take the risk of him getting drool inside of it. The baby phones at babies r us didnt really seem that entertaining (according to reviews). Any ideas on any other fun toys?
p.s. I wanted a flashy toy to try to motivate him to crawl, he wants to so bad but doesnt have a favorite toy or anything interesting to give him that "i gotta have it" boost :)

they have a really cute cell phone at target called a b. hellophone that I saw when we were bday shopping for my son (who turned a year)

He loves to chase anything & everything (even his dad's socks! he'll throw and go after them). Some things we have are a monkey ball (they have at walmart - a monkey on top of a ball that rolls), a move & crawl ball (target), a v-tech helicopter (he LOVES). The helicopter has a string so you can pull it having them try to chase it & comes with 4 balls - which my son loves to chase after.

I found the move & crawl ball at a garage sale for $1, so I recommend maybe checking out some of those too for other toys (if you can't wait to get something!). I definitely recommend the helicopter for enticing to crawl. Once he can crawl, I'd get balls to chase, or other pull toys too!

We also have the laptop & the table - our son loves both of them too! & the maracas from leapfrog. Even though those aren't crawling toys!

What toys would you recommend for 5 months old baby boy?

Jayden was

I want to buy him a present for his 1st Christmas but have no idea. He'll be 5 months 11 days on Christmas day.


Lamaze baby toys are really highly rated on You'll get lots of great ideas if you use Amazon look under toys and then select birth - 24 months. You may want to sort by Avg. Customer Review

When he's able to stand, my niece and nephew loved the LeapFrog Learn & Groove musical Table that I gave them.

Good luck.

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