Saturday, July 20, 2013

What are some possible questions I may get asked at an interview at a daycare center or preschool?

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Also how should i respond to those questions. It's for an infant/toddler teacher

>They may ask if you are familiar with the curriculum they use. If you don't know what it is, you should ask before the interview if possible and look it up on line so that you can ask intelligent questions about it or even answer a few yourself.

>They will ask about previous experience working with infants and toddlers.

>They will ask about your personal philosophy about discipline and how it should be handled.

>They may give you a brief scenario and ask how you would respond to it, ie Johnny and Sara are playing with toy cars. Johnny takes Sara's car from her and Sara hits him. How do you respond as the teacher supervising the play? If you don't understand how to support young children in this kind of situation, you need to do some research and reading.

>They may ask for some ideas of what kinds of activities you think would be fun and constructive for the children to participate in. (Messy is good! music and dancing or rhythm activities are also excellent. You might want to come up with some specific examples of these kinds of activities so you can give concrete ideas.)

>They may talk about the importance of staff/child ratio and ask how your attendance at previous jobs or at school was.

>They may ask why you would like to have this position, so give some thought as to how you would answer that. Just "I need a job" isn't what they are looking for. Perhaps you want to make a positive difference in the lives of children. Perhaps you've spent a lot of time in the church nursery, or babysitting, and really enjoy interacting with young children. Think about it.

Also, be thinking about questions you would like to ask them because you will probably be given the opportunity. If they haven't said anything about curriculum, that would be a good time to bring that up. If they haven't mentioned the hours for the position or the rate of pay, those are good questions to ask. Also, ask how you would be expected to dress. If you're not familiar with staff/child ratio for that age group, do ask. It's important. You might also want to ask about nap time procedure and potty training if those haven't come up yet. Be professional, positive, and friendly. This kind of job is very busy, active, and fun. They are going to want to see that you can keep up with the kids!

How to safely clean plastic and electric children's toys?

Carolyn L

I have some old, gently used toys that I used to play with from my attic. I want to use them with the kids I will be working with in First Steps, but I would like to clean them first to get the dust and germs off. What is a safe way to clean them? I will be working with infants and toddlers, so I don't want anything that may harm them. What products should I use to make these items safe and clean? Some are electronic (battery-operated, make noises, etc.) and others are plastic.

For plastic toys I tend to use clorox wipes. If you think that is to strong you can always then wipe them down with a damp cloth or toweling. You'll want to keep liquid away from any speaker if the toy has one. You either clean carefully around it or disassemble the toy (if possible) and clean the outer shell.

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What is everyone's favorite games to play with their infants?

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I have a 7 month old son and want to know what beloved games keep a child stimulated and happy. He already has hours of playing, reading, listening to music and other people talk, visual media, and bouncer/swing time. Is there any other jingles or cute little games I can play with him besides peek-a-boo, nursery rhymes, finding dropped items, tickling, and various toys?

good old blocks is a classic, touch feel and smell things, outside is obviously good with lots of bird noises, and pretty smelling flowers, soft light isnt as intrusive, sounds like botanical gardens is the best bet, also what about pets? Rabbits are cool

What toys are appropriate for the first year?


What toys -- if any -- are appropriate for infants? Do infants really play with toys or is it more a matter of peek-a-boo, etc. All the "toys" that I see for babies seem to be either teething items or "clutch" toys (not sure if these do anything more than just give baby something to hold). Seems like you wouldn't need a special toy for that. Any thoughts?

My son never likeed any of those infant toys. He did use the doorway bouncer, walker, exersaucer quite a bit. Also a baby gym, board books and that lullaby seahorse thing. Also there is this turtle that puts stars on the ceiling... Turtle star night light

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Tips on surviving an International flight with an infant?

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In a few days my husband, our 8 month old son and I are going to be on a 14 hour International flight. Any tips on surviving the flight? I am having a hard time getting excited about the trip because I am so worried about the long flight! Any advice from those who have "been there, done that"?

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I now fly a lot with my own three children. We usually travel between Europe and California about twice a year.

Seven months is actually a good age to travel. It gets trickier when they can run! You may have him crawling all over the place but for the most part, you'll be able to keep up with him.

I have never used any sort of medications to get my children to sleep on any of those flights. At that age especially, they do nodd off at some point of the journey, more if it's at night.

I also think he's too young for a portable DVD player. I got one when my youngest was 3 years old. They are kind of heavy to cart around and could easily break. How much screen watching does he do? Mine were not very interested, especially with a small screen, at that age.

Bring a few quiet toys but a small selection. Again, short attention spans and he'll be more interested in his new surroundings.

First of all, I really recommend bringing a car seat and using it onboard. Make sure your car seat is approved for use on aircraft. If you're flying on a U.S. company, see the below link for information on if it's approved. Most car seats, including infant buckets, sold in the U.S. are.

If you are flying a non-U.S. company, see the information for your airline. If you search with the name of the airline, followed by "children", that will usually give you the right page.

This way, the seat will get to your destination without risking it being damaged or lost in luggage, a bigger risk than anything going wrong during the flight itself.

If you don't have a seat for him, request it at check-in. Ask if the flight is full, and if not, they can "block" the seat next to you, only using it if they really need it. They often do this for families.

Bring the seat to the gate, even if they are unsure that you'll get a seat. This way, if you don't manage it, they will "gate check" your seat, sending it down with the strollers and wheelchairs. This is gentlier than checking it in at the desk.

I also recommend trying to sit at the bulkhead. These are the seats with the wall in front, located in different places depending on the aircraft. Bulkheads are easier with children since no one is leaning in front of you and there's probably room to crawl on the floor.

If you have a travel system, you can use the stroller until you get to the door of the aircraft and then it'll be "gate checked". If not, use a stroller frame for a infant seat. You'll have it again, by the door of the aircraft when you arrive. If you have a convertible car seat (going to 40lbs), there are a number of contraptions you can use to wheel it around. I simply strap mine to a small metal luggage cart and that works great.

If you do have a stroller, bring a bungee cord and double secure it before leaving it at the door of the plane. They can get damaged if they pop open en route. Make sure the claim ticket can be seen and isn't squished or hidden. Be sure to ask when disembarking where the stroller is.

Bring at least 1/3 more diapers than you think you'll need. I saw so many parents run out on flights when I was working! Wrap them in plastic bags and throw a bunch of rubber bands around them to save room in your carry-on.

For a formula fed baby, I really recommend using the bottles with plastic liners. Traditional bottles are too difficult to wash onboard because of the kind of sinks on airplanes. I premeasured the powder and rolled them up, placing the rolls in a ziplock bag. Then I threw the liners away as I used them and only had the ring and nipple to clean.

If you use bottled water, make sure you have enough! The water on the aircraft is filtered tap so decide if you're comfortable using that for your baby. Bottled water runs out fast on flights and we never had any extra for baby bottles. Most security operations around the world will let liquids over the 3oz restrictions for those flying with babies.

Be sure your baby does not need the bottle warmed. Get him used to a room-temperature bottle before leaving. This is unnecessary health-wise and a real pain to do while traveling. I warmed many bottles on my flights but I wasn't there in the check-in line, the security line or the waiting area! Babies do great with room-temperature bottles.

Make sure you have at least one change of clothes. I would bring two. At that age, I simply dressed mine in sleep suits for flying. No one will care so keep him comfortable. Bring extra socks if he crawls so that he doesn't pick up anything nasty on the floor and to keep his hands clean.

Hopefully you have a good baby carrier. They're so useful for flying, especially at this age. I had a sling but other parents swear by their wraps and pouches. The Ergo and Beccos are other popular carriers for travel that go on the back.

I liked the sling because I could slide my babies from into and out of a stroller or car seat without waking them. It also doubled as a blanket, baby changer, breastfeeding cover-up and sunshade! My sling was magic for calming my babies during the flight. Other parents wanted one when they saw how easy it made my travels. Avoid front packs like the Bjorn since they're so bad for both the parents' and child's back. A good carrier should go to at least age 2.

Many flying tips say to make the child suck on something or drink during take-off and landing. This is actually a myth. I rarely saw ear problems in anyone in my 13 years of flying. ENT specialists say to have the child awake about an hour before landing (top of descent, landing or touch-down is too late). This is also the recommendation of the AAP:

Take your child to the doctor in the last few days before you fly to make sure his ears are clear and infection-free. Heathy ears can handle pressurization changes.

About 8 years ago, I wrote an article on flying with children for an expat newsletter. I later put it on a blog so that parents had access to non-commercial information from someone with both practical and professional experience on the web. Over the years I've expanded it, adding tips from parents around the world.

Just be really prepared and that will be half the battle!

Have a good trip!

Any suggestions on traveling with infant on a plane?

paula r

I will be traveling ALONE with my 10 months old son for a 15 hours non-stop flight very soon. Any suggestions on how i can make it easier on myself and on him? I heard about the sucking bottle when take off and land to avoid his ear popping. The travel agent booked us the very last row. but then I heard that the best is the bulk head. I am not sure having a big screen in front of me and my baby though. He crawls everywhere. Not yet walking by himself. What do i do to entertain him? Can I bring a electronic toys on board? Is there any traveling gear that I should bring with me? I will have a travel system stroller and the car seat with me. I am afriaid it will be really tough when we get to the screening. Just a bit nervous since I will be going alone. That's a long flight too. Please help.

You have so many important questions! I found this site that is probably just what you need to read. It has information on everything listed below. I copied it from the site to give you an idea. Best wishes on your trip.

These baby and child air travel tips are from flying families worldwide
Get tips about:


At the airport

Diaper changing

Meals on board

Entertainment and playing

Getting around

Health and hygiene



Sleeping on board

Staying sane

Travel planning

What happens on board

What to wear

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Friday, July 19, 2013

How can I set up a fund for my daughter?

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My daughter was born 2 months early, she was 3 pounds 3 ounces when she was born and I was deathly afraid she was not going to live. My wife and I do not make a lot of money and her bills (to include heart surgery she needed) are absolutely breaking us.

I want to know if there is any way to set up a fundraiser or charity or something that can help us raise money to pay for her current and future medical bills. We have been trying government assistance for a long time but that just isnt working, I know a few of you might suggest it, but trust me we're trying constantly but unless we get some kind of help immediately we can't really afford anything anytime soon.

Additionally our severe lack of funds has left us unable to buy her an adequate amount of proper infant toys/teething rings/ pacifiers and I really hate that we cannot provide these things.

Finally, don't worry about her, she eats like a little piggie, she never goes without food, my wife and I skip full days of eating to afford formula and I would go steal a bottle of baby food before I would let her go hungry.

Any help and any advice is welcome and appreciated.

I've seen 2 1/2 pound babies grow up to be just fine.

Your question is not right.
Insurance pays for all this.
And if you are very low income, the government pays for all these surgeries.
Medicaid and other state plans out there.

How to help a teething baby???


I need some ideas on how to help a 6 month old baby get some relief from the pain of teething. We have tried infants tylenol, teething tablet, teething rings, but none of these have worked. Any ideas??

I would continue to use the Tylenol ever 4 hrs. so long as your doctor says it is ok. Also, try wetting a wash cloth and then letting your baby suck on it. If he does not mind very cold things you could refrigerate it for a little while. My little guy loved to suck on a clean wet wash cloth. I have found that distraction is one of the best methods! Give your baby a bath, take him/her on a walk outside, take them to the park or the backyard and put them in a swing, get them interested in their favorite toys and you play with them.
Also, I have pasted a website below that gives some different ideas to help ease the pain a teething baby is going through. This time will pass as well. Those first few teeth seem to be the hardest. I do hope that your little one feels better soon!

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Do y'see the love in this one?!?

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 on Baby Toys
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The Feeling of Done

Sometimes, like an architect
where my write is the ribbon
on opening day;
sometimes just fully spent,
and my poem is the towel to
wipe my tears away!

Sometime, the fool drunkard
inebriated by this cocktail
penned to true love;
sometimes the wolfish glutton
who writes and writes but
never gets enough.

Sometimes a wee small infant
a strange format my newest toy to
learn to rattle;
and sometimes I am a warrior,
with cause shield and word sword brandished
well in battle!

RAH (c) 09/23/2010
"D"...hugs t'you too sweetie! :)

Caz...I posted all these love poems 'n' wodnered where y'went!?! ;)

Muchas gracias amiga! :)
T'anks again ladies...y'all so dependably sweet!

T'anks s'much BF and CG...actually, I've posted a number today, cuz I got asked about somethin' and these were my answer! From the archives or on teh spot, I'm enjoyin' the ones I chose today!

Yes I do see the love in this one , Nice one Ray

Are parents aware of the harmful effects of lots of chemicals found in most plastic?

Stupid Sma

like ''Bisphenol A'' or 'BPA' and other chemicals like phthalates ?

''BPA is controversial because it exerts weak, but detectable, hormone-like properties, raising concerns about its presence in consumer products and foods contained in such products. Starting in 2008, several governments questioned its safety, prompting some retailers to withdraw polycarbonate products. A 2010 report from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised further concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants, and young children.[1] In September 2010, Canada became the first country to declare BPA a toxic substance.[2][3] In the European Union and Canada, BPA use is banned in baby bottles.[4]''

Yup, thus why we only buy wooden toys and we make sure all of our plastic is BPA free, or buy glass/wood products where possible. We use glass baby bottles.

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Does anyone know of a modeling agency in Houston that represents newborn infants?

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Melissa N

I am due to have a baby boy in June and am interested in getting him in some ads or commercials. Daddy and I are both very attractive (so we've been told) and thought this might be a great way to kick start his college fund. He will have blue eyes and either blonde or strawberry blonde hair. Thank you for your input.

Neal Hamil is the only agency in Houston with a kids division, but it looks like the youngest they represent is 2 years old, not newborns

But you have to realize there is VERY little work for newborns. Companies like Pampers or Fisher Price use the same visuals on their packaging and ad campaigns for several years, so that baby you see on the toy box is probably 5 years old by now. When they become toddlers, there are more chances for ad campaigns, catalog work, in-store visuals, etc.

Has anyone ever traveled really long distances with their infant?

Just call

I am moving, and the drive is a total of 1300 miles. It's an 18 hour drive WITHOUT stops. I have a 6 month old boy. I am really nervous about the ride. Anybody have any advice or tips?
He is a really good boy, and sleeps most of the time in the car anyway, but I am so nervous.

Well I didn't go that far with mine, only 8 hours, but we just stopped every few hours or so & walked around for a few minutes so we could all get a break from the car. We fed her in her car seat then took her out to burp and as soon as she did, we put her right back in. (We stopped, didn't take her out while driving). I really didn't make that much of a difference stopping like that because it was only for a few minutes when she ate, which was every couple of hours. We also took alot of toys, light up ones, loud ones, etc. to keep her busy and one of us sat in the back with her. Really the only advice I can give is to stop & get out every now & then so your little boy can get some time out of his seat.

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How do you disinfect toys and such with clorox?

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 on Best Ways to Clean Your Baby's Toys
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Laura M

What's the mixture? How much of clorox and what else?
Do you need to rinse the toys off after the clorox?
I know these may sound like stupid questions for some people, but I honestly don't know. I have just been boiling water and sanitizing that way.

I have been a child care provider in my home for 20 years plus I organize toy cleaning sessions for the nursery, toddler, and preschool rooms at our church. If you are just wanting to keep the toys clean that typically just your child uses at your home then one of the best and easiest ways to do this is to put them on the top shelf of your dishwasher and run them through a cycle. For toys that are not dishwasher safe or too large than you can just keep them washed with warm soapy water and rinsed well afterwards. Disinfection for normal home use really isn't needed, but if your child has been ill (especially with anything stomach related) or has had a playmate over who has put toys in her mouth or showed signs of illness than you may feel better to disinfect them. This is the method I use for my daycare toys and what we do at our church: First, wash hard surfaced items in warm soapy water (we use regular dish soap - Dawn) either in a dishpan or with a cloth. Use a scrub brush for exceptionally dirty items and on toys with crevices. After washing, rinse with lots of clear water to thoroughly remove soap residue. In a large container (I use either a dishpan or a mop bucket), put 1 gallon warm tap water. Add 1 Tablespoon household bleach to the water than add the toys to cover. Allow to sit in the bleach water a few minutes than remove and let air dry at least overnight. Discard the bleach water after use. It is not toxic to drain systems and can be dumped down the sink or toilet. Many people are nervous about leaving the bleach water solution on the toys, but bleach breaks down very quickly and returns to it's original state of salt and water and the chlorine evaporates, leaving no residue. For large toys not able to be immersed, place some of the bleach water in a spray bottle and spray on then let air dry. Most infant chew toys are top rack dishwasher safe and I wash all my infant toys this way as well as bring home the infant toys from church to wash through my dishwasher. We keep an empty dishpan on the shelf in each of the rooms where infants, toddlers, and preschoolers have care and classes. After a child has used a toy or has put one in their mouth, the care givers/teachers place the toy in the dishpan. Someone comes through once a week and either takes them home to run through their dishwasher or we have the instructions and supplies to do cleaning and disinfecting with soap, water, and bleach. ETA: I would just like to add that while bleach does make a good disinfectant, as with everything, you can get too much of a good thing. Excessive use of products such as disinfectants, anti-bacterial products, and hand sanitizers has been strongly linked to the development of bacteria and viruses that are resistant to normal treatment. There are good germs and bad germs. These products do not know the difference and kill both the good and the bad. If you feel you must disinfect, do so with caution and in moderation.

To Disinfect infant toys, isnt a spraybottle with 2/3 water and 1/3 Bleach WAY too much?


We bring our 11 Month old daughter to the center here in our area. Apparently they have a buncha kids that have intestinal problems and/or rashes that parents cant explain. Is there any site I can go to to get SOLID info on whether it's from the bleach? Or maybe a way to test if it's from the bleach? I have seen a few disinfecting answers here that say like 2 spoons to a gallon of water. I am kinda worried about my child sucking bleach off the toys with them using 33% bleach.

Nope, not at all. And just to let you know, more than likely, it's state law. So if you want your daughter in a state certified facility that goes through yearly safety checks and certifications you're going to have to live with it. In CT, we have to use a mix of 50/50 bleach and water. Either there is something else going on in the facility, or they're using MUCH more bleach than they are letting on, because we never had any problems with the children.

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Does anyone have any good audition songs?

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I am an girl alto, and i am trying out for both hairspray and les mis. I was wondering if anyone has any one has any good audition songs for either?

Geezus, could you pieck any TWO musicALS that could be FURTHER APART than HAIRSPRAY and LES MISERABLES? I'll leave the Les Miserables audition songs for the "I WOULD SING DEFYING GRAVITY" and the "I LIKE POPULAR FROM WICKED" people who always answer that question with some stupid WICKED song because all the tweens, teens and ari headed twits thin WICKED is the only musical ever written.

HAIRSPRAY is in a class all it's own. The musical is based on 1960's music and "Downtown" type Rhythm and Blues. The San Francisco sound and the MOTOWN style of music, and the advice of "Use a song from a Musical to audition FOR a Musical" (especially if it's from Hairspray) is WRONG and just does not apply. AND do NOT use GOOD MORNING BALTIMORE because this has been done into the GROUND.

Even though the MOVIE came out in 1988 and the MUSICAL didn't hit Broadway until 2007 as a "Juke Box Musical" , The main emphasis is on UPTEMPO songs FROM THE 1960's , so Here is just a short list of songs, ALL are from the 1960's ,that make good FEMALE SOLOS for Hairspray Auditions in 2011 and you can just change the pronouns if necessary without changing the meaning of the lyrics

A BOY LIKE THAT.. West Side Story
A HAZY SHADE OF WINTER.. Simon and Garfunkle
A NATURAL WOMEN.. Aretha Franklin
A SIGN OF THE TIMES... Petula Clark
BE MY BABY.. The Ronnettes
BITS AND PIECES.. Dave Clark 5
BOTH SIDES NOW... Judy Collins
CALL ME... Chris Montez
CHAIN OF FOOLS... Aretha Franklin
DO I LOVE YOU.. Ronnettes
FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH.. Dusty Springfield
GOLDFINGER.. Shirley Bassey
HARPER VALLY P.T.A. Jeannie C. Riley
HE'S A REBEL.. The Crystals
IT'S MY PARTY.. Leslie Gore
LET'S HAVE A PARTY.. Wanda Jackson
LILY THE PINK.. Scaffold
LOVE CHILD.. Diana Ross
MAYBE I KNOW... Leslie Gore
MY BOY LOLLYPOP.. Millie Small
MY LOVE.. Petula Clark
PROMISES, PROMISES.. Promises, Promises
RESCUE ME.... Fontella Bass
SAN FRANCISCO... Scott McKenzie
SEE SAW.. Aretha Franklin
SNOOPY VS THE RED BARON.. The Royal Guardsmen
SON OF A PREACHER MAN.. Dusty Springfield
SUNNY... Bobby Hebb
THE CLAPPING SONG.. Because of Winn Dixie
THE WEIGHT... The Band
THIS MAGIC MOMENT.. Jay and America
TOSSIN' AND TURNIN'... Bobby Lewis
VENUS... Shocking Blue
WEDDING BELL BLUES.. Fifth Dimension
WISHIN' AND HOPIN'.. Dusty Springfield
WONDERFUL WORLD.. Herman's Hermits
YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY.. Ohio Express

How likely is it that my husband will get custody of his daughter?

Janet Amei

My husband has partial custody of his one year old daughter. He gets her every weekend as ordered by the court. Well when she was 6 months old she got a yeast infection and blamed my husband saying he needs to use the same diapers and wipes that she uses but we kept using the same wipes and diapers and it hasn't happened to her again. Then in October she started to get sick her mom called us on tuesday and asked if we still wanted her on friday even though she was sick. We told her yes. Then that friday be got a call that she went to the er because she started wheezing. The doctor said she had bronchitis. The doctor gave her a nebulizer. or so that is what her mother told us. they said they would bring her over after the hospital. she called 10 minutes later and said she wasnt letting my husband have his visit because she was sick. That was contempt of court and the attorney told her if she does it again she will be in alot of trouble. After that his daughter came over with a cold every other weekend. In the begining of december. she had a cold that turned to an ear infection. Then She had a fever of 104 on christmas night and went to the hospital. no one told my husband til this past weekend. Her mom said the doctor at the er gave her a med to give her ever four hours as needed. But she ripped of the pharmacy name from the lable and the expiration date. We read the bottle and notice that the perscription was filled on december 26 2011 over a year ago. we refused to give it to her. I dont understand why she would tell us to give her a med that was a year old. And a mutual friend told us that the moms house is messing and that she blames it on the baby. plus the baby came here a few weeks ago with a bruises that can not be explained by her moms simple "She fell on a toy" and shes always coming over with cat sctratches on her legs. we take pictures of everything but my husband is geting worried that she is not in a healthy environment and want to try to get costudy of her. What are his chances?
Kit Kat: It is not anger that we are dealing with its worry for her safety. And we've already gone to parenting classes.

You should stay out of it. This is between the Mom and Dad. Be supportive of him but do not go to court, do not get involved with the doctors. If you start playing a role in this, it will make co-parenting all the more difficult for the Mom and dad over the next 18 years.

First of all - when a little baby like that is very sick then visitation can and should be cancelled. It is one of the ONLY reasons a parent is allowed to cancel visitation.

Dad should try to work with the Mom, not battle or try to build a car against her. If he refuses to work with him to figure out why the baby is sick all the time, why the prescription bottle was torn up, etc, then he should schedule a hearing in family court to address the matter. It is not a matter of who gets custody. The family court will likely allow both Mom and dad to have equal parental rights. I think what you are asking is if they might order that the baby should live with Dad. Likely, they wil give Mom ample opportunity to improve her parenting and the environment the baby lives in.

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

What are good x-mas presents for a 6 month old girl?

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My daughter will be 6mos old for Christmas and I was wondering what are good toys for 6 month old babies? I know she isn't old enough to understand the whole Santa thing, but I still want her to have a good and exciting xmas.What are good toys that are both fun but also help with her development? I know it may seem like a silly question, but I'm a first time mom trying to do things right.

I would just get a few things- she is so little and you're right- she dont understand yet. There will be so many years when she wants everything:)
My son was 8 mos his 1st Christmas and I got him a fisher price learning table- he really liked it and it helped him learn to stand. I also got some books and bath toys- he loved his bath! Teething toys were a big hit too. Even after all that, his favorite was rolling around on the floor w/all the wrapping paper! Have fun and enjoy it! Take lots of pictures:)

What is a typical day for a 6 month old?

Q. My baby is turning 6 months in a few days. What is a typical day for a 6 month old? How do you spend time with them, how to you help them learn, how do they play, what things do they do? What is a healthy fun learning day for a 6 month old?

â¢Always look your baby directly in the eye when talking and interacting with him. Studies have shown that this assists language development and it can also help with discipline as your child becomes older!
â¢Support your baby emotionally when encountering strangers or new surroundings - let him warm up slowly if he is experiencing stranger anxiety. This encourages your baby to develop a happy and trusting view of the world
â¢Offer a variety of toys such as blocks, rattles, stacking toys, and books so your baby can practice developing her fine motor skills with his hands.
â¢Your baby most likely wants to put everything in his mouth. Provide plenty of safe, easy to clean toys for him to do this.
â¢Place interesting toys just out of reach to encourage your baby to move towards them. You can do this when your baby is sitting or on his tummy.
â¢Provide toys which make sounds when moved or squeezed as your baby is learning about cause and effect at this age
â¢As your baby begins to be confident at sitting he will want to grab at interesting objects. Make sure there are a few books and toys within easy reach so he can practice this skill
â¢Now that he is becoming more confident at grasping objects his hand-eye coordination will also improve. He will now be able to hold a toy and take a good long look at it by twisting and turning it in his hand. Provide a variety of toys which are easily held in his small hands.
â¢Babies love bubbles. By blowing bubbles he will improve his hand-eye coordination as he reaches out to pop them with his hands
â¢At this age babies also enjoy pop up toys. These toys also help develop strength and coordination in his arms.

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I need funny invitation ideas for a fiesta themed diaper shower I am throwing my sister.?

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This is my sisters second child so the "shower" is going to be more like a party. I am looking for a funny poem to use for an invitation. The party is Sept 13th 2012. She is having a girl.

Everybody loves cuddly babies
Theyâre soft and chubby and cute
They arrive wrapped in love
Wearing nothing but a birthday suit
But they need lots of stuff
Bottles, diapers, toys and decoration
And most of all, they need people like you
So please join us in celebration

All I need to accomplish before having a baby?


Okay, I'm almost 16... And before you start lecturing me about how I'm too young, I know.
I would like a baby now, but I know obviously I shouldn't. I'm not planning on it. I'm not going to have sex at my age.. If I was raped and was impregnated or something, well... Things would work out. I'd find some way to provide for a baby.
I just would like mothers with experience to create kind of.. Maybe like a "checklist" of things I need to do/get before having a baby.
Like schooling, items (crib, diapers, etc), housing, insurance, income per month, experiences, car, etc etc.... Basically a list.
What is a schedule with a newborn like? How long until a baby with sleep through the night most of the time?
Any other advice you would like to add :)

Add-on: I have done the Baby Think It Over project for a week and got a 99.5% (would have gotten a 100 but I forgot to chime in once) the least amount of sleep I got was about 2 hours... And that was Sunday night so I had school the next day haha. It kind of sucked. I also got a C on a test in a class I usually get A's in because I hardly remembered anything that was taught because of lack of sleep lol. Yeah.

Let me just tell you this, having a baby means pretty much giving up everything else you had planned. They are the most demanding, challenging and time-consuming activity a human can do. There is no perfect situation for having a baby, plans are very hard to make, there's rarely enough money and everything you plan goes to the back of the line because the baby is the priority.

A schedule - every waking minute is the baby's - you can sneak in short naps while they nap. Some babies sleep through the night from the beginning, some don't ever sleep through the night, and some take months before they sleep through the night. You, on the other hand, rarely sleep through the night.

It can be wonderful but it is not for the weak-hearted. They are not a toy, they are a person in training and you must take responsibility for preparing that child for life. As they get older you cannot be their friend, you are their parent and you must take a firm hand with discipline or the child will go completely out of control. At times you have to let them hate you because you will tell them something they don't want to hear, or you will have to give them punishment that they earned. Your life becomes theirs, you do everything for them, plan your life around them, give up things you want to do to allow them to have opportunities. You are their chauffeur, housekeeper, maid, cook, cleaner, slave.

And, for all that work, you get in return a hug, a card on mother's day, a smile, thanks and that little bit makes up for almost everything. A few classes or projects don't prepare you for what parenting is, nothing can. It is the single most rewarding experience in life and to go with that it is also the hardest and you get the least in return for your investment unless you count all those times they asked for your help.

Go into this with your eyes open, it is not romantic, not dreamy, it is real life, crap full diapers, crying for hours on end, so much laundry you think you'll never ever do it all, and unless you work outside the home you'll long for the sound of another adult voice. It is lovely and demanding. My own child had her own family and her children are now grown - her childhood was the best time of my life and I miss it like crazy but it isn't easy.

How to prepare. Get a good education or training first, so that you can have your choice of occupation that can make your life easier and provide you with a good income. There are mothers out there living on minimum wage who struggle severely to keep their family going. If would be good to make at least $30,000 a year or more to provide for yourself and a child. It costs over $200,000 over 17 years to raise a child. Housing would be the biggest expense, so income would depend on where you live, in an urban area you'd need more.

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What are the best ways to keep the baby occupied while in the car...?

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amber 18

We visit the grandparents at least 1 a month and they live about 2 hours away. My 6 month old is getting tired of the infant toys that hang from his handle. What other toys are good for keeping babies occupied for so long in the car?

Other than my husband or I sitting back there playing peekabo!

Traveling is sooo hard. I have trouble with mine if its more than an hour. He will sleep about that long then wake up and be bored and fussy. I try bringing lots of toys from home. When he was that little he loved to rip up paper. Old magazines work great for that. That would keep him busy for awhile. The other thing I try to do is leave for the trip when I know he is tired. He used to sleep late so if we got going real early I knew he would fall back to sleep. Also try and tire him out before you leave, play outside in the fresh air. My baby also likes the toy cell phones. I set aside some toys for just the car so he doesn't get bored with them so fast. The only time he gets to play with them is in the car.

Do you look on the back of the package to find out where it was made before buying it? Do you buy made China?

Fedup Vete

The last question was suppose to be, "Do you buy stuff "Made in China" or do you try to find something else to take the place of it."

How about infant toys? Do you return it if it says China on it?

I look to make sure. Especially if Im giving the toy to a baby or toddler. They seem to chew on everything. Im checking chocolates and candy now too.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My four month old infant has very spastic hand movements is this normal?

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My four month old daughter has very spastic hand/arm movements like she cant control them. And she was doing very good eating stage one baby food but recently, in the past two weeks or so, she has been having a hard time doing what looks like swallowing. Her tongue just pushes the food out of her mouth. When she concentrates on a toy, she can bring her hands to it but then soon drops it because her arms spaz. Is this normal or should talk to a doctor about possible signs of a tic?

If she is pushing food out with her tongue SHE IS NOT READY FOR SOLIDS. Forcing solids at this stage damages her natural gag reflex. Babies loose the 'tongue thrust reflex' around 4-7 months. This is a natural reflex that all babies have, and will go away on its own.

As for the spasms, she is still young. You can ask the doc for better advice on this.

How can I help my husband realize that I don't hate his penis?


We are having a son soon and I don't want him circumcised. My husband does, but I think he's given up arguing with me because he knows I firmly believe routine infant circumcision is bad and I wouldn't stand for anyone to do that to our son. The problem is that my husband was circumcised as a baby and now he thinks I hate his penis because I don't want our son circumcised. I have used such words as "mutilation" and "abuse" to describe circumcision. He thinks that I think he is inadequate now and not good enough for me and less of a man. I love my husband (and his penis) and I hate that he thinks these things! What can I say/do to help him realize I don't hate his penis just because I want my son to have the opportunity to make his own decision regarding his foreskin??
I've told him, he just doesn't believe me..... :-/

Your situation is very common. It's called Adamant Father Syndrome. The best thing you could do is show him videos of it being done. I was almost in the same situation as you, but made him change his mind. I told him the truth about circumcision - they cut off 20,000 nerve endings and in comparison a clitoris has 8,000. The ridged band in the tip of the foreskin has 10-12,000 nerve endings, and in that sense is the male equivalent of a clitoris. In a circumcision it must be cut through before being removed. Back then they didn't know as much about circumcision as they do now. Back then parents had that excuse that they didn't know, but these days that's different. These days they've mapped the penis sensitivity, counted the nerve endings under a microscope, they've had infants monitored for heartrate, cortisol (stress hormone), blood oxygen saturation level and screaming with various painkillers and have come to the conclusion circumcision is indeed the most pain a human being can go through and the pain alone makes it very dangerous (on top of bleeding - hypovolemic shock is very common) for babies.

Back then circumcision was the majority. These days intact is the majority. Back then people thought circumcision is cleaner, these days they know intact is cleaner. And back then most parents had never seen a circumcision being done and they didn't know what it involves. Back then they used to think you had to retract an intact boy's foreskin, which brought about a lot of problems with infection and phimosis and balanitis. These days they know and teach parents (well if their knowledge is up to date) never, ever retract and only clean what you see.

Times have changed, and you don't look at your son sexually, you're thinking about him among his peers. An appeal to new fathers As you can see, she was told it was healthy and painless. These days they know better. father/son matching penises circumcision to look like others cut vs intact outcome statistics

At the end of the day, he needs to start thinking like a father. Considering the different generational differences, and what is known about circumcision, he needs to understand that his responsibility is to your son, and to protect him, and keep up-to-date with knowledge about baby care. Like back then, they used to tell women almost how not to breastfeed successfully, hence many women failed and resorted to bottle-feeding. Does he intend to make you follow the same advise as his mother? Back then they weaned babies onto solids at 4 months old. Now they know better and have realized that before 6 months can really affect the body permanently (and many adults ARE suffering the affects). Does he intend on making you feed him at 4 months old? Back then they thought it kept babies happy to be surrounded by toys in the crib. Now they know that is often fatal. Does he intend on making sure your son is surrounded by teddy bears just like many people used to? The bottom line is that some things are different. Circumcision is one of them.

Put simply, you not putting your baby boy through the pain and trauma has NOTHING to do with your husband's penis. It's not about hang-ups or sexual preferences, it's about good PARENTING.

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How much bleach do you use to clean an infant bathtub?

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 on Best Way To Clean Baby Toys
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I want to get the infant tub super clean, but I've never used bleach before and have no clue how much to use. I know I'm supposed to dilute it in water, but what kind of bleach/water ratio do I need? Is bleach even safe? I saw a commercial for Clorox that said it's safe to use on baby toys and bottles, so I went ahead and bought some. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I've never trusted bleach on my babies items, I've always been too paranoid that I wouldn't rinse it off well enough. I use the Clorox Everywhere spray. You can spray it & it's safe without rinsing it with water. I absolutely love it, and it cleans everything really well.

How do you disinfect toys and such with clorox?

Laura M

What's the mixture? How much of clorox and what else?
Do you need to rinse the toys off after the clorox?
I know these may sound like stupid questions for some people, but I honestly don't know. I have just been boiling water and sanitizing that way.

I have been a child care provider in my home for 20 years plus I organize toy cleaning sessions for the nursery, toddler, and preschool rooms at our church. If you are just wanting to keep the toys clean that typically just your child uses at your home then one of the best and easiest ways to do this is to put them on the top shelf of your dishwasher and run them through a cycle. For toys that are not dishwasher safe or too large than you can just keep them washed with warm soapy water and rinsed well afterwards. Disinfection for normal home use really isn't needed, but if your child has been ill (especially with anything stomach related) or has had a playmate over who has put toys in her mouth or showed signs of illness than you may feel better to disinfect them. This is the method I use for my daycare toys and what we do at our church: First, wash hard surfaced items in warm soapy water (we use regular dish soap - Dawn) either in a dishpan or with a cloth. Use a scrub brush for exceptionally dirty items and on toys with crevices. After washing, rinse with lots of clear water to thoroughly remove soap residue. In a large container (I use either a dishpan or a mop bucket), put 1 gallon warm tap water. Add 1 Tablespoon household bleach to the water than add the toys to cover. Allow to sit in the bleach water a few minutes than remove and let air dry at least overnight. Discard the bleach water after use. It is not toxic to drain systems and can be dumped down the sink or toilet. Many people are nervous about leaving the bleach water solution on the toys, but bleach breaks down very quickly and returns to it's original state of salt and water and the chlorine evaporates, leaving no residue. For large toys not able to be immersed, place some of the bleach water in a spray bottle and spray on then let air dry. Most infant chew toys are top rack dishwasher safe and I wash all my infant toys this way as well as bring home the infant toys from church to wash through my dishwasher. We keep an empty dishpan on the shelf in each of the rooms where infants, toddlers, and preschoolers have care and classes. After a child has used a toy or has put one in their mouth, the care givers/teachers place the toy in the dishpan. Someone comes through once a week and either takes them home to run through their dishwasher or we have the instructions and supplies to do cleaning and disinfecting with soap, water, and bleach. ETA: I would just like to add that while bleach does make a good disinfectant, as with everything, you can get too much of a good thing. Excessive use of products such as disinfectants, anti-bacterial products, and hand sanitizers has been strongly linked to the development of bacteria and viruses that are resistant to normal treatment. There are good germs and bad germs. These products do not know the difference and kill both the good and the bad. If you feel you must disinfect, do so with caution and in moderation.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What's a really good convertible car seat?

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 on Chicco Car Seats The Toy Zone TTSN
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I have to infant car seats and I know that the weight limit is 22 lbs. Should I change now are when my baby girl weighs 22 lbs?
Is it true that the safest place for a car seat is in the middle of the back seat?

ok the cosco scerina is a wonderful seat at a great price. about 30-35$. Dont' let taht fool you either. It can rear face up to 35lbs & has good support. It also has the adjuster on the front.
The middle of the back seat is the safest IF your car will let you put it there. CHECK THE MANUAL. Some cars don't.
Rear face as long as possible. If yo uare in a frontal impact & your kid is facing forward then their BIG HEADS get thrown so hard... massive neck problems... yikes. Besides if they are rear facing then they don't drop their toys as bad.
Their still to weak to have good enough support to keep their bodies from being slung.
Oh yeah, the back is higher so it has a higher max height & longer straps. Means this is the seat till the kids is about 4years old! next step is a booster!

ok if you want a GREAT site.. check here:

If you have the $$ a Britax is an excellent option.. but I still like my Scerena. Cheap enough I can put em in husbands car too.

Keep em in a booster till they are 4'9"!

How can I move without moving bedbugs in to?


I have a four month old so I'm not sure how much spraying and bombing can be done. We are getting rid of the couch which is where they were first.
We have a lot of baby stuff, and all of it is coming with us, that's a crib, loads of clothes and diapers (I stocked up before she was born), toys, both plastic and stuffed animals. Gettin rid of the stuffed animals is not an option as they are very special.
In our room there are at least 200 books, both hard and soft cover that my husband will not get rid of. Then we have a night stand, dresser, and bed frame. There are also clothes and dream catchers.
We have two infant car seats that stay in the house unless we're going somewhere. A bassinet, bouncer and a large swing that has a frame I'm worried they could get into, the christmas tree and christmas ornaments are also sittin in a corner of the living room since we have no storage. We also have a large entertainmment center but I'm going to talk to my husband about getting rid of that.
Electronics: microwave, 2 coffee pots (my husand and I drink different stuff), a hair dryer, lap tops, baby monitor, tv, humidifier and DS. How do I make sure they're not in my electronics
oh, and some of my daughter's toys are stuffed animals with rattles in those, can those be dried in high heat?? And there are two guitars, one bass one electric

It is an easy job. If you stop bites immediately and leave CO2 traps. You will kill 100% bed bugs within 3 months. You don't need to dump anything.

Bed bugs hide behind wall, under carpet, in a laptop, and in everywhere. It is non sense to kill them by chemicals or steamer on contact only and let survived bugs bite and lay up to 300 eggs per bug.

Most people donât know how to kill bed bugs inside laptops or how to stop bites immediately even bed bugs migrate from other apartments tonight. You donât need to search any bed bugs and should have solved bed bug problem now if you received right tool today. Click âShow moreâ in the video to read text and understand one-time easy method and why experts never had a chance to use such an easy and efficient method.

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Monday, July 15, 2013

What size socks should I be getting for her socks?

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 on found the Winkel especially suited to my baby pre-6 months.
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Moon Pixie

My daughter is 13 months old and she currently is wearing socks for 6-12mo so I went to walmart a couple days ago to get her new socks and walked around the whole baby department looking for them. When I couldn't find any I went to the children's department but had no clue where to start for socks. What size should she be wearing now because I do not know how sizes work for kids feet. She's my first one lol.
Thanks. I searched all over the infant section.I guess I'll have to look again.

she needs a size 12-24 or 12-18
the socks for her size are going to be n the infant/toddler section usually close to the baby toys
Alot of times for some odd reason wal mart doesnt have that many socks for infants/toddlers n there isnt any left but i would ask someone just to double check b4 leaving..
did u not c any at all or just any in her size?

Is it too soon to allow baby and toddler to sleep in same room?

Gracie's m

I have a 4 month old and an 18 month old. The 18 month old sleeps great, 12 hours a night. The 4 month old goes right down at night but does wake a few times for a feeding. I tried it last night and the 18 month old slept through the night wakings. Does anyone have any experience with this? I have been trying to wean the baby from most of her night feeds but it just doesnt work. I think it is too early and would like to wait until she is closer to 6 months. Thanks!

My son woke up once a night for a nursing until he was 13 months old. Since he nursed like he was hungry, I didn't do anything to cut it out. He just stopped doing it on his own.

Whether your toddler fully wakes or not, their sleep is still disrupted, and it can cause deprivation issues.

Also, is your toddler still in a crib? Do you feel comfortable that she won't try to help your infant by giving her toys in her crib? Or that she won't pull on her or such?

Personally, I wouldn't put them together at that age, though I realize that it is done all of the time. But, I have the option, so I will avoid it.

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How can I help my husband realize that I don't hate his penis?

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We are having a son soon and I don't want him circumcised. My husband does, but I think he's given up arguing with me because he knows I firmly believe routine infant circumcision is bad and I wouldn't stand for anyone to do that to our son. The problem is that my husband was circumcised as a baby and now he thinks I hate his penis because I don't want our son circumcised. I have used such words as "mutilation" and "abuse" to describe circumcision. He thinks that I think he is inadequate now and not good enough for me and less of a man. I love my husband (and his penis) and I hate that he thinks these things! What can I say/do to help him realize I don't hate his penis just because I want my son to have the opportunity to make his own decision regarding his foreskin??
I've told him, he just doesn't believe me..... :-/

Your situation is very common. It's called Adamant Father Syndrome. The best thing you could do is show him videos of it being done. I was almost in the same situation as you, but made him change his mind. I told him the truth about circumcision - they cut off 20,000 nerve endings and in comparison a clitoris has 8,000. The ridged band in the tip of the foreskin has 10-12,000 nerve endings, and in that sense is the male equivalent of a clitoris. In a circumcision it must be cut through before being removed. Back then they didn't know as much about circumcision as they do now. Back then parents had that excuse that they didn't know, but these days that's different. These days they've mapped the penis sensitivity, counted the nerve endings under a microscope, they've had infants monitored for heartrate, cortisol (stress hormone), blood oxygen saturation level and screaming with various painkillers and have come to the conclusion circumcision is indeed the most pain a human being can go through and the pain alone makes it very dangerous (on top of bleeding - hypovolemic shock is very common) for babies.

Back then circumcision was the majority. These days intact is the majority. Back then people thought circumcision is cleaner, these days they know intact is cleaner. And back then most parents had never seen a circumcision being done and they didn't know what it involves. Back then they used to think you had to retract an intact boy's foreskin, which brought about a lot of problems with infection and phimosis and balanitis. These days they know and teach parents (well if their knowledge is up to date) never, ever retract and only clean what you see.

Times have changed, and you don't look at your son sexually, you're thinking about him among his peers. An appeal to new fathers As you can see, she was told it was healthy and painless. These days they know better. father/son matching penises circumcision to look like others cut vs intact outcome statistics

At the end of the day, he needs to start thinking like a father. Considering the different generational differences, and what is known about circumcision, he needs to understand that his responsibility is to your son, and to protect him, and keep up-to-date with knowledge about baby care. Like back then, they used to tell women almost how not to breastfeed successfully, hence many women failed and resorted to bottle-feeding. Does he intend to make you follow the same advise as his mother? Back then they weaned babies onto solids at 4 months old. Now they know better and have realized that before 6 months can really affect the body permanently (and many adults ARE suffering the affects). Does he intend on making you feed him at 4 months old? Back then they thought it kept babies happy to be surrounded by toys in the crib. Now they know that is often fatal. Does he intend on making sure your son is surrounded by teddy bears just like many people used to? The bottom line is that some things are different. Circumcision is one of them.

Put simply, you not putting your baby boy through the pain and trauma has NOTHING to do with your husband's penis. It's not about hang-ups or sexual preferences, it's about good PARENTING.

Where can I find replacement blocks for a Fisher-Price toy?


I recently bought my daughter a Fisher-Price Stack 'n Surprise Blocks Songs 'n Smiles Sillytown. I got it on sale at Toys R Us about a month ago for $25. My husband brought it to his mom's house for our daughter to play with while she stayed over there for a couple hours, and her cousin took all of the pieces to his house and lost them. She now only has 3 blocks left! The cheapest price I found for this toy was $68 on amazon, and all I need is a couple of blocks. I checked ebay, nothing! This toy is completely out of stock everywhere and probably discontinued! Will I be able to find replacement blocks anywhere??

Yes the set was discontinued in 2010. If you visit the Fisher Price web page for this particular toy, on the right hand side, there will be a shopping cart. Select United States in the drop down menu.'n+Surprise+Blocks

Then on the shopping page, select Baby Gear under Fisher Price. Then select Infant Toys. Then select Other Infant Toys. Then select Stack N Surprise Blocks Peek A Boo Choo Choo. You can purchase replacement blocks that are compatible with all Stack N Surprise toys. They run $9 a set. Hopefully this direct link will work, but if not, I hope my directions above explain how to get there.

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I have a nursing 2 mth old & a 2 yr old & I'm trying to loose 70 lbs. What diet can I do to loose the weight?

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Stressed o

It seems like between taking care of the kids needs and the house I don't have time to follow a plan were I have to count points or calories. I know I need to walk and exercise but is there something specific I can do? This belly and these thighs gots to go!

For diet I think weight watchers has a plan for nursing moms. You could look at that to get a basic idea of what sort of diet to follow. Another thing you can do is check your portion sizes. Especially with kids it is so easy to eat on the run and finish off your children's food and wind up consuming hundreds of extra calories without realizing it. If you eat standing up, in front of the TV, finish your kid's plate, etc, put a stop to all that. Look up the appropriate portion size for foods online and serve yourself using measuring cups and spoons for a week or two so you can get a feel for how much food constitutes a serving.

Also, what kind of food are you eating? Try to avoid the center of the grocery store and just buy food from the perimeter - ie no prepackaged food. What do you drink? Liquid calories are sneaky! Stick to water or unsweetened tea (herbal or decaf if your nurslings are sensitive to caffeine like my boy) with a bit of skim milk. Also, do you eat yogurt? The flavored kind is full of sugar. Try switching to plain (not vanilla) and stir in fruit or a bit of honey when you are ready to eat it. Low fat cottage cheese is a quick and easy nutritious food too. Is there a farmer's market near you? You could make shopping for fruits and veggies there an outing for the kids and then look up simple recipes that your toddler can help cook, or just steam what needs cooking and slice what can be eaten raw. Overall, think Michael Pollan: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

For exercise, how is the weather where you are? Can you pop your babies into a sling or stroller and walk to the park or at least around the block? Do you have a wrap or sling? If so set your toddler up with some toys and tie on your infant and do squats, lunges, and crunches. Your baby's weight will add to the exercise. For that matter, try wearing your baby instead of using a bouncy seat or swing. Having that extra weight tied to you makes chores burn more calories! Are their any gyms in your area where you can bring your children? If so schedule work outs 2 or 3 times a week. Can you take them to a pool? If so get in the water and play with them. If someone else is with you and can watch your toddler try putting your infant in a float and using it kind of like a kick board.

Finally, your baby is 2 months old. Cut yourself some slack. The weight will come in time, especially since you are nursing. Just be mindful of what you eat and stay active.

Congratulations on your new baby and go you for tandem nursing!

What's a good portable bathtub for a 19mo old?

New Mom

We currently have the Summer Infant Newborn tub but our 19 mo old is getting to big for it (we do not have an actual bathtub in our house, only a large shower stall). Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Well, my mom has the same problem, so when we visited her I would just put a washcloth/plug in the drain and watch the kids. Of course, it would probably be more fun to buy:

#1: A TOY/storage BIN (you know those big round ones from walmart) and fill it up, just like they did in the olden days. You could also by a hook-on shower hose, for easier tub filling and easier washing of kiddo. If the wash bin was small enough you could just stick it in the shower stall, (which saves you from mopping the bathroom floor later). She is just the right size for one of these!
#2: you could get a small HARD plastic kiddy/pet pool (we went with the "pet" one, due to space concerns) and put it on the bathroom or kitchen floor and let her splash in that. Then during the summer she could splash outside in it too. I admit to now using the one we have on the back porch, as a fun outside 'bath' on sunny days.

The upside of these, esp. the toy bin is that you could even put it on a towel on the kitchen floor and then it would be easier to watch her while you worked. When she outgrows the toy bin, you could actually use it for toys!

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