Saturday, May 3, 2014

are extreme, inconsolable tantrums normal in an infant under 1 year old?

shallan a

I am a professional nanny and have started a new position a few weeks ago. I am taking care of a 2.5 year old and 11.5 month old boys

the 11.5 month old is generally super happy, but it seems he has only 2 moods, happy or tantrum.

he can be playing clamly by himself or with me when out of nowhere he is screaming at the top of his lungs and throwing himself on the floor. once he goes into this mode it lasts for a long time, anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more. nothing i do seems to help him calm down. i change his diaper, offer him different food choices, milk, water, games, cuddles, tv. absolutely nothing will stop his screaming until he is ready to stop. he screams for such a long time and so hard that his lips turn blue and he shakes like he is freezing, i cant tell if he looks angry or more scared. he also has a tantrum everytime he wakes from a nap or night sleep.

I talked to his mom about it and she said he had had tantrums since he was 3 weeks old.

this seems very strange to me, in all my experience working with young children i have never come across behaviour like this that cannot be altered with positive reinforcement.

he also hardly eats anything, he is very skinny (his ribs, hips and spine are more prominent than normal infants. he has less muscle mass than a 7 month old i also take care of. he does not put any weight on his legs even when i hold him up.

his older brother had not had any of the behavioral or eating issues that this little boy has.

any advice on what could be wrong, if this is normal, and what i can do would be greatly appreciated.

thank you!

Hi, I have a 11 month old son. He does not cause tantrums as long as your little boy does, but he does scream, shout and gets irriatable at times. He is a very hyper little boy, always playing crawling, trying to walk and talk and play with alomst anything that comes in his way. And when it comes to feeding it is a big challenge.... I have seen my freinds babies quietly and happily drink their milk and finish their food but my son has his bottle in one hand and a toy in the other and his eyes distracted on something.. It is difficult getting him to finish his food or drink milk or anything as he is very active. Compared to all my friends and families babies, he is not as big as they are but he is more active and stronger in his movements then they are. In the beginning, I was concerned that he was putting on much weight as other babies around his age, so we took him to the doctors just to be sure, however, Thank God, the results all came out well, and the doctors said that though he looked small, he was not unhealthy and his weight was just right.. Not too big and not too small. Now coming to the tantrum part, my son used to scream shout and cry, and one day as he was doing so and I tried everything to calm him down, I started to sing and fan him and he instantly got quiet... And now when he starts his tantrum I do the same and it works..
In your case I do firstly suggest that you talk to his mom and ask to see a doctor just to make sure he is not crying and yelling because of something thats hurting him. My sisters son used to throw very large tantrums like throwing himself on the floor and throwing things, yelling and crying, and she tried everything then also took him too the doctors and founf out there was nothing wrong, all he wanted was attention..... Hope this helps you a little.. all the best an dhope baby starts being happy all th etime :)))

car seat for 1 year old?

linda d

what is a good car seat for my soon to be 1 year old son??? He is in a infant car seat right now but is just about outgrowing it. I need something easy to buckle as i am always in and out of the car with him. I would also like a cup holder on the side and i would like a car seat under $100.00...I want one from either target, walmart or toys r us??

Target has a wide selection on car seats that under a 100 bucks. I recently purchased a Graco model that has a cup holder on the side and easy to put my 1 year old in and it was only 60 bucks. Good luck!

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Friday, May 2, 2014

How can I help my husband realize that I don't hate his penis?

Q. We are having a son soon and I don't want him circumcised. My husband does, but I think he's given up arguing with me because he knows I firmly believe routine infant circumcision is bad and I wouldn't stand for anyone to do that to our son. The problem is that my husband was circumcised as a baby and now he thinks I hate his penis because I don't want our son circumcised. I have used such words as "mutilation" and "abuse" to describe circumcision. He thinks that I think he is inadequate now and not good enough for me and less of a man. I love my husband (and his penis) and I hate that he thinks these things! What can I say/do to help him realize I don't hate his penis just because I want my son to have the opportunity to make his own decision regarding his foreskin??
I've told him, he just doesn't believe me..... :-/

Your situation is very common. It's called Adamant Father Syndrome. The best thing you could do is show him videos of it being done. I was almost in the same situation as you, but made him change his mind. I told him the truth about circumcision - they cut off 20,000 nerve endings and in comparison a clitoris has 8,000. The ridged band in the tip of the foreskin has 10-12,000 nerve endings, and in that sense is the male equivalent of a clitoris. In a circumcision it must be cut through before being removed. Back then they didn't know as much about circumcision as they do now. Back then parents had that excuse that they didn't know, but these days that's different. These days they've mapped the penis sensitivity, counted the nerve endings under a microscope, they've had infants monitored for heartrate, cortisol (stress hormone), blood oxygen saturation level and screaming with various painkillers and have come to the conclusion circumcision is indeed the most pain a human being can go through and the pain alone makes it very dangerous (on top of bleeding - hypovolemic shock is very common) for babies.

Back then circumcision was the majority. These days intact is the majority. Back then people thought circumcision is cleaner, these days they know intact is cleaner. And back then most parents had never seen a circumcision being done and they didn't know what it involves. Back then they used to think you had to retract an intact boy's foreskin, which brought about a lot of problems with infection and phimosis and balanitis. These days they know and teach parents (well if their knowledge is up to date) never, ever retract and only clean what you see.

Times have changed, and you don't look at your son sexually, you're thinking about him among his peers. An appeal to new fathers As you can see, she was told it was healthy and painless. These days they know better. father/son matching penises circumcision to look like others cut vs intact outcome statistics

At the end of the day, he needs to start thinking like a father. Considering the different generational differences, and what is known about circumcision, he needs to understand that his responsibility is to your son, and to protect him, and keep up-to-date with knowledge about baby care. Like back then, they used to tell women almost how not to breastfeed successfully, hence many women failed and resorted to bottle-feeding. Does he intend to make you follow the same advise as his mother? Back then they weaned babies onto solids at 4 months old. Now they know better and have realized that before 6 months can really affect the body permanently (and many adults ARE suffering the affects). Does he intend on making you feed him at 4 months old? Back then they thought it kept babies happy to be surrounded by toys in the crib. Now they know that is often fatal. Does he intend on making sure your son is surrounded by teddy bears just like many people used to? The bottom line is that some things are different. Circumcision is one of them.

Put simply, you not putting your baby boy through the pain and trauma has NOTHING to do with your husband's penis. It's not about hang-ups or sexual preferences, it's about good PARENTING.

Could we afford a baby with what we have?

Q. My husband and I are madly madly in love. Were young 22 and 23 years old. But we wanted to do things young. We married at 21 and 23 and want our first Child at 23 and 25.

My husband and I agreed that I should stay at home.
In Michigan GOOD quality childcare cost about 1k a month for good care. On top of, I want to raise my child, not have a stranger do it.

Here is what we have going for us.
My husband and I own a 3 bedroom 1.5 bathroom house with about 1300 Square feet of living space.-800 dollar mortgage

Health Insurance- We have the Blue Care network-Healthy Blue.
We have a Zero deductible and only a 10 dollar Co-pay for Doctor visits and 30 co pay for emergency room visits.

My car is paid off and his car will be paid off in December of 2010. 280 a month car payment.

However we do have about 8K in student loans and credit card payments.

My husband brings home between 2700-3500 a month depending on his commission.

I always shop Second hand. Platos closet here in michigan is My FAV store.
I bought a pair of BCBG shoes for 14 dollars.

I work with kids now but get paid penny's to what my husband makes. My husband is still young and is Climbing up the Ladder at his work. We have alot of love for each other and Praise God that when we wake up, we have another beautiful day to live in his glory!
I always shop Second hand. Platos closet here in michigan is My FAV store.
I bought a pair of BCBG shoes for 14 dollars.

I work with kids now but get paid penny's to what my husband makes. My husband is still young and is Climbing up the Ladder at his work. We have alot of love for each other and Praise God that when we wake up, we have another beautiful day to live in his glory!

You are so cute! I'm happy you are so in love!!
Oh honey you'll be more than okay to have a child. :) And let me tell you how you can save tons of money:

*Breastfeed exclusively, no bottles/pumps. As a SAHM that is easy!! And formula can cost upwards of $1200 a year!!!! Breastfed babies are also healthier overall, costing less in medical visits and prescriptions.

*Cloth diaper. You save THOUSANDS of dollars, and they can be used with future children as well. Also, there are many new modern types out there that are easy as anything, like this:
I switched to cloth when my daughter was 14 months, and I'm SO happy! :)

*Do baby-led weaning. Not only do you save money by offering real foods and not jarred stuff, but a baby who feeds herself eats exactly how much she needs. Purees are also completely unnecessary, since babies mash food with their gums. :)

*Buy secondhand or sale items. Our crib is convertible to a toddler bed and a double bed, and only cost $200. Our changing table is also a large dresser, and only cost $200. I've seen cribs sold for nearly $2000!! RIDICULOUS. I also found great toys, onesies, and blankets at yard sales for dirt cheap.

*Consider babywearing. A great sling or wrap costs far less than the average "travel system." It's also very beneficial for baby's physical, mental, and emotional development, not to mention allows mommy to go about her business.

*Speaking of carseats, get a convertible one. It will see your child into toddlerhood and beyond, depending on the type you buy, while you have to buy a new seat after 20 lbs if you get an infant carseat!

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Any infant toy recommendations?


I have a 6 month old daughter and I just recently began sitting for a 5 1/2 month old girl also.
I have all the big stuff (swing, jumparoo', entertainer, etc...) and lots of rattles, balls, stuffed animals...but am looking for other toys that might keep their interest longer and help them learn as well.

Any recommendations/links would be helpful!

I have an in-home daycare...currently I have 4 infants that range from 4 months to 11 months, here are the favorites:
The 6 months olds can close them easily, around 10 months they learn to open them also.
This is an expensive one but well worth the investment in my keeps ages 6 months all the way to 4 years old occupied
Another big one, but it's great for kids around 6-10 months learning how to put things into other things, plus the balls themselves are entertainment :)
Great for crawlers, fun to chase :)
Pretty much any type of activity table is a must once they hit around 6-7 months, they are great for learning to stand and play

Well I could go on and on...I have a zillion toys and the kids love most of them...if you'd like more ideas let me know, I'd be happy to help!

How do you help your infant learn to self soothe?


When my son showed interested in his fish crib toy, we made it his sleep soother.

Sometimes it can be a gradual process. Just dont try to rush it or it will never work.

they way we did it was:

put him to sleep like we normally did. After putting him down, we turned on the fish ( its the ocean wonder one) for a few cycles during the night.
the next night, we put him now asleep but still awake a bit and did it again.
the third night we put him down as he was falling asleep and turned it on. he put himself right to sleep.

now we just put him down when he starts to try and snuggle into my arm and he watches it for a bit then goes to sleep. we do the same for naptime. worked very well and took only a week.

good luck!

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how much to spend on infant car seat?


we are having twin babies this coming summer and I am looking at different car seats. I just learned that they will need an infant car seat and a car seat for when they are more than 30 lbs or so.

I have been looking on amazon for ones that have the best ratings etc...

is this a normal range?

249.99 for one infant car seat ...... that will be about $500 for the twins

179.99 for one older baby car seat.....that will be about $360 for the twins.

are we really looking to spend over $800 on just car gear :( None of our friends have small babies who are ready to give away theirs. And since this is our first time as parents, I'm sure you can imagine we want to be really safe.
But I just want to make sure this is a normal price range.

any suggestions for buying gear for twin babies?

thank you

Welcome to the world of twins!

With the infant carrier, you can buy 2 seats and than an extra 2 bases if you need to have them in multiple cars. Some people will tell you to just get a convertible seat and skip the carrier, but I disagree - it is easier with a carrier and twins frequently run a bit smaller and just "fit' better in the carrier. Because our twins were small - 5 lbs 1 oz and 5 lbs 4 oz, they had to pass a "car seat test" at the hospital before we could take them. Basically, they fit them in the seat and monitor their oxygen levels for an hour. Our daughter failed and had to be retested - we almost had to go out and buy a "car bed" to take her home in. There is no way they would have been able to sit in a convertible seat at that size and be released from the hospital. Just because a convertible seat is rated for 5 lbs and up does not mean it is the right choice from birth.

Graco is a good brand and you can get the infant carriers for as low as $100 at Babies R Us ($200 for two and then you need to decide whether you need the extra bases).

When they outgrow it, you can switch to a convertible seat - we invested in the Britax Marthons, pricey but worth it to us as they will be in it for years. We got 4 - 2 for my car and 2 for my husbands as it varies as to who picks them up from daycare etc . . .

Honestly? Car Seats are all safety checked and follow the same standards set by the government - some have additional side impact protection - otherwise it is just padding, ease of use etc . . .

Go to Babies R Us - try them out in your car (they will let you check them for fit) and go from there. Shop online - you will find better deals.

I also recommend that you call the local police station / fire department - they can assist you with getting the seats installed, but I would also ask them about car seat programs. Our town had a deal with Graco. If you brought them an old seat, they would recycle it and replace it with a new one. We got our infant carriers for free through this program as friends and family donated their old seats for us to trade in. It made investing in nicer convertible seats for later easier.

You should also check to see if there are any Parents of Twins groups in your area - a lot of times, they have tag sales etc . . . I am not suggesting buying a used car seat. Car seats and cribs are what you invest in . . . but on a tight budget, it is a great way to get a good double stroller, clothes, toys etc . . .

Hope this helps!

Switching baby from infant car seat to full size car seat.. toy solution?

Q. My baby loved playing with the toys dangling from the handle of the infant car seat. Now that he's in a full size car seat I haven't figured out how to have toys dangling for him to play with. Does anyone have a solution for this?
I should clarify he's 8 months old and the car seat is rear facing. If I just gave him toys to play with he'd toss them. I was hoping to find some kind of bar that could be attached to the car seat but I couldn't find anything.

Most cars have a handle, that I guess is to be used to aid you in getting out of the car, just above the window. I hang toys from there

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

baby interactive toys?


What kind of interactive theme based activity centers are available for infants and toddlers? i.e. nursery rhymes, science, math, geography, music,etc... Do babies like this type of product and which would you recommend? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I prefer the baby gym made by Selecta. Selecta makes quality wooden toys. They are more expensive, but well worth it! Babies benefit from exploring their environment; themes are not really necessary.

Cheapest place to buy Vtech - V.Smile Baby - Infant Development System?

Where can I find a great deal online for Vtech - V.Smile Baby - Infant Development System

Bring a smile onto your little oneâs face and connect her to a world of interactive learning toy games! The V.Smile⢠Baby Infant Development System goes beyond passive developmental videos with a breakthrough, interactive approach to learning. With the V.Smile Baby Infant Development System, you'll receive a colorful panel that fits comfortably in your childâs lap and connects wirelessly to a receiver that hooks right into your TV! The signal works from nine feet away no matter how high or low your baby is seated. Plus, you can choose from three grow-with-me play modes. Select the Play Time mode on the panel and watch your baby play with games and use colorful, easy-to-press buttons to hear fun, educational phrases. Select the Watch & Learn mode and your baby can watch educational animations complete with baby sign language. Finally, as your baby grows, select the Learn & Explore mode where she can actually direct the games on the learning toy screen by choosing the subjects she wants to explore.

The V.Smile Baby Infant Development System works with Baby Smartridge games, which slide easily into the receiver. Each Baby Smartridge features learning games with five different baby signs, and teach important skills like colors, numbers, sounds, animals, music and shapes. V.Smile Baby Infant Development System even doubles as a car toy. Take the colorful learning toy panel on the road for games on the go!

V.Smile Baby Infant Development System features Baby Sign Language. Dr. Susan Goodwin and Dr. Linda Acredolo, authorsâ of Baby Signs, have helped VTech provide a great start for Baby Signing with your little one. Itâs a great way to start language development with lasting benefits as children grow. To learn more about the Doctorsâ research on Baby Signing visit
V.Smile Baby⢠Infant Development System Features
Offers 3 modes of learning games: Play Time, Watch & Learn, and Learn & Explore, where your baby can go from playing games; to watching educational videos; to making choices about what she wants to learn
Connects wirelessly to a receiver, which transmits from to up to 9 feet away
The Infant Development System`s activity panel provides an independent learning toy for on-the-go games for the youngest learners
Baby Smartridge games offer unique learning activities and include 5 different baby signs
The Infant Development System includes an activity panel, console receiver, and Learn & Discover Home Baby Smartridge

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give me an example packing list for an infant (air travel)?

Q. also we will be away from home for 2 weeks

Packing Checklist

One for each hour you'll be in transit, plus extras in case of delays

Pad to put under your baby during diaper changes
You can buy disposable changing pads at supermarkets or reusable ones at baby stores.

Bring a few â you'll use them to lay your baby on, cover your baby, cover yourself if you're nursing, protect your clothes from messy burps, shade your baby, and more

Plastic bags
Carry a variety of sizes for storing soiled diapers, clothes, and blankets.

Diaper rash cream


Small bottles of disinfecting hand gel, baby wash, and baby lotion


Extra pacifiers (if your baby uses one)

A few of your baby's favorite toys

Clothes, socks, and booties or shoes
One to two outfits per day is a good guideline.

Washable bibs

Sun hat

Lightweight plastic feeding set with utensils, and baby food
If your baby's eating solid foods

Formula, water, and juice if appropriate

Extra bottles, nipples, and sippy cups if appropriate

Energy-boosting snacks for you to munch on

Breast pump (if you use one)

So you can keep the room lighting soothingly low during middle-of-the-night diaper changes

First-aid kit
Baby pain reliever and supplies for treating minor injuries

Sling or front carrier
Lightweight, hands-free way to keep your baby close in crowded places like airports

Portable crib or play yard
A safe place for your baby to sleep or play

Inflatable baby bathtub
Can make bath time easier at your destination.

Car seat for safer travel by car or plane

Collapsible stroller
Can be gate-checked or stored in the overhead bin of an airplane.


Start preparing to pack a few days before you travel. Keep a running list of things to take, or put items out on a table or dresser as you think of them.

Use a diaper bag with a waterproof lining and a shoulder strap.

Be prepared for leaky diapers and baby spit-up on the airplane: Tuck an extra outfit or two for your baby â and an extra shirt for you â into your carry-on bag.

Prevent leaks by packing medicines and toiletries in resealable plastic bags.

Pack each of your baby's outfits in its own zipped plastic bag so you don't have to hunt around for tiny socks, shirts, and so on.

Take your camera, battery charger, and an extra memory card.

Take a clip-on reading light so you can read without disturbing your baby.

Take the phone number for your baby's healthcare provider in case you have questions while you're on the road.

Any tips on air traveling with an infant?

Q. My 7 month old is preparing to fly to his uncles wedding in Key west. So we'll be on a puddle jumper too. I'd love to know any tricks on getting an extra seat or any savvy advice. I've heard about benedryl and would prefer not to use it. Any other must knows

Pack a very light carry on! A few diapers, wipes, bottle (if s/he uses one), change of shirt for you (I needed one), and a few simple toys. Take a soft colorful book, a favorite small stuffed toy and a rattle (the other passengers will get over it). I flew with my daughter when she was four months. I made the mistake of taking too much with me in the carry on, it's hard to juggle a carry on and a baby. I needed a new shirt when the diaper leaked all over me, I was lucky I had bought one at the airport I left from. Use a front carrier instead of getting another seat. If you're on a long flight you can get him/her out of it and let 'em wiggle. Short flights just leave 'em in it, it will save time and hassle. Be sure to be on time, you can be boarded after the handicapped. Makes it easier to get situated in your seat before the other passengers crowd and push through. No matter how nice the stranger next to you seems, they probably wont want to talk to you because you brought the baby on a plane. If your baby has a pacifier, BRING it! It will help while taking off and landing to equalize baby's little ears. Good luck and enjoy the wedding!

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Where can I find replacement blocks for a Fisher-Price toy?

Q. I recently bought my daughter a Fisher-Price Stack 'n Surprise Blocks Songs 'n Smiles Sillytown. I got it on sale at Toys R Us about a month ago for $25. My husband brought it to his mom's house for our daughter to play with while she stayed over there for a couple hours, and her cousin took all of the pieces to his house and lost them. She now only has 3 blocks left! The cheapest price I found for this toy was $68 on amazon, and all I need is a couple of blocks. I checked ebay, nothing! This toy is completely out of stock everywhere and probably discontinued! Will I be able to find replacement blocks anywhere??

Yes the set was discontinued in 2010. If you visit the Fisher Price web page for this particular toy, on the right hand side, there will be a shopping cart. Select United States in the drop down menu.'n+Surprise+Blocks

Then on the shopping page, select Baby Gear under Fisher Price. Then select Infant Toys. Then select Other Infant Toys. Then select Stack N Surprise Blocks Peek A Boo Choo Choo. You can purchase replacement blocks that are compatible with all Stack N Surprise toys. They run $9 a set. Hopefully this direct link will work, but if not, I hope my directions above explain how to get there.

I have a doxin and she has a little rubber frog she thinks is her baby! What do i do?

Q. I have a 5 year old doxin.... A few months ago I bought her this little rubber frog that squeaks and she is super overprotective of it. Seems like she thinks its her baby. when you grab the rubber frog then she freaks out starts whining loud and then when we give it back she lightly grabs it like she is trying not to hurt it. My boyfriend and I put it up on a shelf and she hurt herself trying to get up there with it. I dont understand why she is doing this. She lays in bed all day with it. She burys it in places that are soft like my bedding or under my pillows. She bites my cat if he gets anywhere close to her. She even carries it to the car when we leave to go places! She doesnt seem happy anymore and she never wants to play! HELP!!!!

That doesn't sound like she treats it like an infant, it sounds like she's possessive over her favorite toy. That's a bad habit that needs to be nipped in the bud right away. Small breed especially are prone to this - more so since people put off training them properly since they think it's "cute". There's nothing cute about aggression though. She needs to be trained.

Here's a bit on it and another you should read but there's tons of pages out there for you. Just google "possessive dog"

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What toys are appropriate for the first year?


What toys -- if any -- are appropriate for infants? Do infants really play with toys or is it more a matter of peek-a-boo, etc. All the "toys" that I see for babies seem to be either teething items or "clutch" toys (not sure if these do anything more than just give baby something to hold). Seems like you wouldn't need a special toy for that. Any thoughts?

My son never likeed any of those infant toys. He did use the doorway bouncer, walker, exersaucer quite a bit. Also a baby gym, board books and that lullaby seahorse thing. Also there is this turtle that puts stars on the ceiling... Turtle star night light

Where can i find Spiderman infant toys in the U.K?

Q. Woolworths used to do them!!! :(
I have Incy Wincy Spiderman, The Bedtime one with the web comfort blanket and the Spiderman and friends ride on....
I was just wondering if anyone had noticed anymore?? (Tried Ebay and google = Nothing..) thanks xx

What spiderman toys you looking for? As in, spiderman, the movie spiderman? Lol sorry.


This is from the USA so i dunno if it's any good..

Might be a bit too old for him?

I thought this was cool. Lol.

I know it's not a toy but still....


Don't know if these are any good but can't help to look :) xxx

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To Disinfect infant toys, isnt a spraybottle with 2/3 water and 1/3 Bleach WAY too much?


We bring our 11 Month old daughter to the center here in our area. Apparently they have a buncha kids that have intestinal problems and/or rashes that parents cant explain. Is there any site I can go to to get SOLID info on whether it's from the bleach? Or maybe a way to test if it's from the bleach? I have seen a few disinfecting answers here that say like 2 spoons to a gallon of water. I am kinda worried about my child sucking bleach off the toys with them using 33% bleach.

Nope, not at all. And just to let you know, more than likely, it's state law. So if you want your daughter in a state certified facility that goes through yearly safety checks and certifications you're going to have to live with it. In CT, we have to use a mix of 50/50 bleach and water. Either there is something else going on in the facility, or they're using MUCH more bleach than they are letting on, because we never had any problems with the children.

What kind of bathtub toys do you have?(for your kids lol)?

Q. Just curious...when my son was an infant, I bought all the proper bath tub toys but now he drags in his trucks/cars and anything else that might tickle his fancy at the time. He is 2.
What kind of toys do your kids play with in the tub? And do you disinfect them regularly?(weekly?)

I just use rubbery duckies :-) I try not to make bath time so stimulating otherwise she will not sleep but play, but if she is in a cranky mood I will encourage her to play with her rubber duckies lol.

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games for an infants birthday party?


I'm having a birthday party for my son who is turning 1 this weekend, we will be having other children there that will be abour 2-5 and i want to make sure that they enjoy themselfe as well. I don't want them to be board but i want them to have fun with small simple games. Any advise would help.

My daughter has a summer birthday as well. What we always do is provide a kiddie pool and sprinkler toy/game with bubbles in the backyard so the toddlers and young'ins can keep cool and make a huge mess outdoors. It's great fun if that's an option for you. This way no organized games are necessary. I think those "pin-the-tail" games and such are more appropriate for 5+ age group.

Where can I buy infant floats (for the pool) in NYC?

The Foul

thanks, all.

Probably at Toys R Us, Target, or Kmart.

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Do you rate and review the toys and such that you buy for your baby?

Q. My daughter recieved this awesome toy for her birthday and she loved it. She picked up how to play with it right away. In all the reviews I read online about it.. it said it was a waste of money because baby never got intrested. So i decided to rate the toy since there was nothing positive about it on there. I think i'm going to do it with most of her toys. Haha.

Anyway, Have you or do you rate and review your babys toys and such?

I do- especially if they are good! I want other parents to know the same.

It's funny you mentioned that though- I wrote a review after reading a review on our baby's infant bouncy seat. It's a Baby Einstein...and everyone said that after a time, the music and lights no longer played. We had that problem too and discovered it was because it was not pushed in all the way- and I mean all the way. So, that's what started me with writing a review. I also wrote a review for our SUV recently- because I love it. It's almost 1 now and it's been awesome in any kind of I guess I believe in spreading the word.

Any suggestions for quality infant care programs in Austin, Texas?


We live in south Austin and are expecting our first child in October. We both work and are looking for a high quality infant care program. Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences with different types of Licensed infant care in Austin, TX? I have been to Austin CitySearch and I there are many conflicting "reviews" about many of the infant programs. We don't make alot of money, but would pay for a high quality program for our infant...

Austin is a beautiful city - you are fortunate to live there. Congratulations. Parenthood is the most amazing experience you will ever have. Have you considered being stay at home parents? What if you used this time before the baby comes to figure out how to cut your expenses to the bone & live on one income? As you have found, there are no good infant care programs in Austin. Think about the folks who work in day care centers. Young, mostly uneducated ( HS diploma, perhaps) with little to no parenting experience. Total strangers to you & your baby. Your child wants to spend his/her day with those who are nurturing & loving - not someone who is making little more than minimum wage. I left my job to stay home & care for my son. I learned to do everything differently in terms of how I made our dollars stretch. Losing $25.00 an hour is a huge hit to the wallet. Has it been worth it? Absolutely! I can sacrifice a lot so I can stay at home with my son & he can stay in his home with his bed, his toys, lunch on his schedule, etc. Go to your library & borrow a book - "The Irreducible Needs of Children" Hopefully this will help you adjust your priorities & make the best decision for you child. Good luck . The highest quality infant care in Austin is in your home.

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6 months old baby question?

Q. I am starting to do a little Christmas shopping for my daughter who is 4 months old now, but she will be a day short of 6 months on Christmas day, so my questions is what was your 6 month old able to do? I mean like could they crawl,roll over,sit on their own, etc... I want to get her toys that she will be able to use at 6 months. Thanks.

I would say toys that light up and or make noise. Something she can bang on.
My 6 month old could sit up, roll over on her own. She could not crawl, but was close. She did get around by rolling or scooting.
Go to fisher they have a good web site you can review the toy options.

What is your 6 month old baby's favorite toy?


i want to get my daughter a really fun toy for Christmas.

My son loves these:

1/ VTech Ball -

2/ Winkel Teething Rattle -

3/ Lamaze Mortimer the Moose -

Also loves his exersaucer & jolly jumper, hope this helps :)

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What is the best car seat toy for a forward facing carseat?


I am going to be getting my son a new car seat because he no longer fits in his old one. The new one is forward facing. In the old car seat, we have a bar that has rattles and a light up musical frog that my son loves to play with. Anyone have any ideas for an awesome car seat toy? I'm looking for the best one out there, one that I haven't seen on my google searches. Thank you!!

When deciding on any toy to be allowed in the car, think about what's going to happen in an accident and it goes flying. This will sound silly, but its a simple test to decide whether it should be allowed as a toy in the car: smack yourself upside the head with it. did it hurt? If not, go for it, if it hurt you, think about how much more it will hurt a baby, whose skull is softer, and when in an accident it will hit with a lot more force. Ican't at all remember who made them, but check your local kids resale shop (like Once Upon a Child) since they seem to have them often: soft toy steering wheels so child can play-drive while in the car.

However, a bigger issue here, would be how old is your child and what size? Sounds like he's outgrowing an infant carrier car seat? Kids do not go from infant carrier seat straight to forward facing seat. The next step is a rear facing convertible car seat. Most state laws require kids to be rear facing until at least 20lbs and 1 year, but more importantly, the laws of physics say kids should stay rear facing as long as they possibly can. Its THAT much safer. The old 20lbs/1 year rule is just that. OLD. It came about in the 1980's when our seats were only capable of rear facing to 20lbs and we didn't know any better. Now we definitely know better and all current convertible seats rear face to at least 30lbs, but its hard getting people to realize this.
Turning kids forward at 20lbs/1year is an outdated practice that could cost you your child's life!
1)A forward-facing child under 2 years old is 5 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash than a rear-facing child of the same age.
2)A child's vertabrae do not fully fuse until 3-6 years old, before then, she is at great risk for internal decapitation. The spinal column can stretch up to 2 inches in a crash BUT the spinal cord can only stretch up to 1/4 inch before it snaps and baby is gone.
3)Current research suggests that children under the age of two years are 75 percent less likely to die or be seriously injured when they are riding rear facing.
4)In a recent article from Injury Prevention, it was found that the odds of severe injury to forward facing children age 12-23 months old was 5.32 times higher than a rear facing child. (Car Safety Seats For Children: Rear Facing For Best Protection; Injury Prevention 2007; 13:398-402.)

It works this way: when you get in an accident and run into something, the car stop suddently, but everything and everyone in the car keeps moving in the direction the car was moving when it stopped, in most accidents, this is forward. So in an accident with a child in a forward facing seat, his head, the heaviest part of the body on babies and toddlers, flies forward very forcefully and easily snaps. If that same child is in a rear facing seat, his head tries to fly forward but is supported by the back of the rear facing seat, so there is no stress put on the child's neck and spine.

Check out this photo album exclusively of rear facing kids, many of them much older than 12 months: There isn't a single documented case of a child breaking their legs b/c they were rear facing in an accident. There are, however, lots of cases where children have been killed and seriously injured where a rear facing seat would have protected them better. And most kids actually prefer to be rear facing b/c they can rest their feet on the vehicle seat back. When they are forward facing, their legs don't receive enough support and will frequently fall asleep.
In the foreground is a forward facing seat, in the background a rear facing seat. You can see how much trauma the forward facing dummy has to endure. The rear facing child simply rides it out.

Here's another video. You can see how there is NO trauma to the baby, it simply sits there waiting for it to end.

The story of a child who suffered severe injuries from being forward facing when he could've been rear facing:

What are some Montessorri activities I can do with my 4 month old?


I am looking for some activities that I can do with my 4 month old that are Montessori-inspired. Right now I am working on getting her to roll over, to reach for toys that are dangled in front of her, and to spend more time on her tummy for more head control. Any ideas?

I don't have a lot of infant ideas, since I teach 3-6 year olds.

I would recommend this book:

Really, what I would suggest, thinking about Montessori, is your actual environment. Not so much specific activities, but I would look and see whether the environment is set up for the child. When your daughter is old enough to crawl, is everywhere she crawls safe for her?

Right now, language is playing a huge role in development. Not that she'll start talking, but it is important to make sure you talk to her a lot, sing and play games, and she sees positive communication from you.

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Pl suggest toys or activities for an 8 month boy?


My son will turn 8 months old in a few days. He has had a bouncy chair, play mat, books and variety of soft toys at home. He also likes to play with cell phone and TV remote as well as being shown colorful books. He has a jumperoo and lots of toys at the daycare. I am wondering if I should get a jumperoo for the weekend (at home). Does he need a swing?
What other toys would be stimulating for him for the coming months and year. If you have a suggestion, do let me know. My son likes playing with us, so I and my husband spend a lot of time going out for walks, swinging him around, singing and reading him books. What else should be fun for him?
Any suggestions you may have are welcome.
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.

Blow bubbles.

Balls (one of those tiny plastic pools and some ball pit balls (you can buy them at Wal Mart) is inexpensive and fun!

A swing, but not the infant kind (he is probably outgrowing that by now). My 6 month old LOVES to swing- we have the Little Tikes kind (we have a dolphin that is in like-new condition and we got it for our oldest child's first birthday, and she is almost 13 now) that looks like a dolphin. They also have airplane ones and ones that are not shaped but just as durable.

Look at One Step Ahead (dot com) and request a catalog. They have an indoor swing that you can hang in a doorframe like you do a Johnny Jumper. They have other indoor swings/slides and toys for infants.

My son will be 8 months old the day after Christmas, and I am getting him something from Toys R Us that looks like a shopping cart. He can push it around like a walker, but the top, front and sides have different activities such as a bead maze.

Play games such as Peek-A-Boo and do motions such as Itsy Bitsy Spider.

I recommend music- I love the Cedarmont Kids cds (they have lullabies, nursery rhymes, songs for babies, toddlers and older children. They also have Christmas music). I also have the Build Your Baby's Brain cds which I like (classical music) and my babies have liked as well.

Get one of those baby proof picture albums and put pictures in of various loved ones- you, dad, grandparents, etc.

A non-breakable mirror.

A wagon is my most recommended gift suggestion. Even my 12 year old and 10 year olds still play with our various wagons. You can pull your son now, later he can use it to pull his toys (or younger siblings!), and they come in handy when going to the park or beach to haul the necessities.

My son is on top of the growth chart...?

Q. The doctor told me my 10 1/2 month old is on top of the growth chart and is bigger then most kids his age. He's not concerned about his weight or anything though.

My son hasnt started crawling, walking, or pulling himself onto things. Could this be why? Because he's bigger? Should I be concerned about him not crawling yet? Or concerned about anything?

He is a late crawler, but not yet late on walking / cruising.

Big heads make babies walk later. But big babies can crawl just as soon as little babies.

People hate hearing this sometimes, but does he get lots of floor time? I mean on his back and on his belly on the floor. If a baby is worn constantly and also cosleeps they can do these things rather late do to limited practice and motivation. It isn't only do to being worn. Too much time in swings, jumpers, exersaucers etc. is also going to delay these things. They are seeing this more and more with infants as there are more "riding" type toys and more people wearing babies as well.

When a baby is laying down on their own (mom can watch close by of course!) is when they learn these skills.

But regardless, your boy is just a bit behind on the crawling, and just not ahead on cruising. Give him lots of floor time, and put a favorite toy just out of his reach.

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What kind of toys can there be lead in?


I have an infant and I know alot of the stuff from China is not good. The only problem is like almost everything is made in China. Can there be lead in plastic toys? I don't know what kind of stuff is safe for her.

you always hear about the recalls, then when you check the site it is mainly toys for a little older kids. but it is better to be cautious, i check on a regular basis and watch the news they will have lists including everything being recalled!! and yes there can be lead in plastic toys, that is what the most recent recalls werel, they say it is in the paint they used!! just be careful and stay up to date with the news GOOD LUCK don't stress about it though because i check every week and so far my sons toys have not been included in any of the recalls

What are the best toys for a 6 month old?

Possibly something to help with learning to crawl.

In fact if youâre Christmas shopping with a infant in mind, you may find thereâs a boggling number of choices.

In the very early years safety is of special concern. A person wants to select well constructed toys, that are free of any sort of small parts that might potentially detach. Children at this age certainly will put toys in their mouths. Another reason one might also be concerned about the country of origin given the recent spate of tainted toys originating in China.

Toys for the the under one set are often aimed at emerging skills, such as fine and gross motor skills, tactile stimulation, etc.

Babies at 6 months are gaining the ability to sit up. And so toys that they can manipulate on the floor in front of them are attractive.

Babies between 6 and 12 moths of age will also begin to move (creep, crawl, take first steps) so there are many toys aimed at supporting this development too.

A few favorite suggestions:

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Wooden First Vehicles Set

Sturdy first vehicles for small children. The size and weight are appropriate for very young children to grasp and carry. I find that many young children will spend endless amount of time pushing a small rolling toy around. These are toys that they are likely to play with for a good long while. I do not know what the country of origin is, Melissa & Doug is a favorite brand - some of their things are made in China, others in other Asian nations such as Vietnam.

(Also available for sale thru various sellers on

Blocks are also another great âgrow with me toyâ. Even very young children will enjoy a small set of colorful blocks which they can simply pick up and explore. These can be added to as the child grows into more sophisticated pretend and build play. Haba makes some beautifully whimsical blocks that are manufactured in Germany.


Sorters come in, well, all âsortsâ of sizes, colors, and configurations for young kids. And are often treasured toys for kids between 6 mos and a year and a half or so. They love to place objects inside of something and dump them out again and again. Melissa and Doug make some toys they label as âfill and spillâ with cute themes (bugs in a jug, fishbowl, picnic baskets etc.). Thereâs also the old fashion âshape sortersâ and these come in many âthemesâ these days too. For examples, just try searching for âshape sorterâ or âfill and spillâ on

If you are concerned about the nation of origin - I will note that is one toy website that allows customers to conduct product searches that include not only age, gender, price, but also the country of origin (and it allows you to exclude China if you so wish).

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Traveling with an infant on Planes ?


I'm taking my 6 month year old on a 4 hour flight and i'm kinda of nervous. anyone have experiences or suggestions. thanks

1.) If possible, buy a seat for your child. Here I talk about it's importance:;_ylt=AuzCyPcceRfxbsmok0f_jRPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081016015002AASP55j&show=7#profile-info-qgIGOJQOaa

2.) Pack plenty of things to entertain your baby. A few soft toys, a comfort blankie, etc.

2.) You are allowed to take a stroller with you for your journey, and it will not count towards your checked baggage limit. All airlines differ on what kind of stroller you are allowed to take, but all allow an umbrella stroller.Check with your airline to see if they will allow a bigger one. Here is a link that talks about the procedure for gate checking your stroller:;_ylt=AnKvCt1q1JVJISfMQUsXcyPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081005224258AAmgcGm&show=7#profile-info-942f313b2c81b37310c7808f5ed1d1a9aa

3.) Liquid and powder formula, milk, juice, baby food, and water are allowed in quantities over 3oz (100ml). Here is a link that will give you all the details:;_ylt=ApaVhxxUaNiiEsDfths2ADjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081002064751AAqUtKH&show=7#profile-info-Y3IuVmeiaa

4.) Many parents are concerned about pressure changes in their childs ears, but honesty, I've never had problems with my children. In fact, not all children have problems with pressure changes in their ears. The "popping" is what helps to equalize the pressure changes, so it is actually the result you want. What you do *not* want, is for them not to be able to "pop" their ears.

Make sure your child has a check-up with the doctor to ensure s/he is healthy enough to fly. Doctors recommend that anyone sick (stuffed up or already having an earache), not take the flight. My husband and other pilots do not work if they are sick. If your child seems to have problems equalizing pressure in his/her ears, here are some ways to help:

For take-offs and landings (the WHOLE way up, and starting from the BEGINNING, or TOP of descent - about an hour before landing), the best ways to alleviate ear pressure are to:

1. If your child is nursing, nurse him/her
2. Give him/her something to drink (formula, juice, water - it doesn't matter)
3. Give him/her a pacifier to suck on
4. Place hot damp towels (usually like the ones distributed to first and business class before take-off and landing to freshen up with - just ask a flight attendant for them) or paper towels that have been soaked in hot water and wrung out, at the bottom of two paper or styrofoam cups, then hold the cups over the ears
5. Gently but with some pressure, rub his/her neck repeatedly from the chin to the base of the neck. This will cause a swallowing motion that will relieve pressure build-up in the ears.
6. Give him something to eat.

6.) Other tips:
-Keep your diaper bag well stocked with what you will need
-Be sure to pack 2-3 changes of clothes for your child
-Bring any medications that you might need for your child should s/he get sick or that s/he takes regularly.
-Don't be afraid to get up and walk the aisles with your child
-Keep your calm. If you get stressed out, your child can pick up on it and it will make the travel that much harder
-Do NOT plan on giving your child medicine with the hopes of it making him/her sleep on the plane. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well.
-Last but not least, if help is offered to you, take it

I've been flying internationally & domestically with my children since they were each 2 months (now 9&6, 11 months and currently pregnant with #4). At least three trips a year are the children & I traveling internationally (14+ hours each way) alone. We do another 8-10 international & domestic flights a year as a family. Due to this, I have written a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives up to date security rules & regulations for the US, EU, UK, & Australia, offers tips & tricks for the travel, etc.

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

my infant does not like to be left alone AT ALL?

Q. my son is 10 months old and for almost all of his life he does not like to be left alone in a room. we cant leave the room without him SCREAMING to the top of his lungs. he wont sit in his crib and just play. i cant even use the bathroom by myself because he can NOT be alone. i was reading about children with attachment disorders but i am unsure if this is what the problem is..has anyone ever experienced this with their children or does anyone know what i could do to help him feel comfort with being left alone?

@Jeremy - you literally just made me cry! You physically discipline a child for expressing their emotions?!?!?!!! What is wrong with you!! They are a CHILD not a DOG!! I hate think of what the consequence would be for spilling milk, or forgetting a toy out, what 50 lashes on the back with a iron rod?? That is the most terrible thing I have ever heard! I could never imagine hitting my child for crying! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! I am just dumbfounded right now..... OhMiGod, it just makes me sick...

Anyway to answer the question. More than likely when your son was younger you didnt take care of his needs quick enough and he never developed a good sence of trust. So when you leave the room he honestly doesn't know if you will ever come back. Best thing to do is show him you will. If you leave and he starts to cry go back immediately, if he wants to be picked up do it, take vare of his needs before he starts crying. This way he will learn that no matter what you will always be there for him. Once he learns that he won't care where go, cuz he knows you will always come back.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What toys are appropriate for the first year?


What toys -- if any -- are appropriate for infants? Do infants really play with toys or is it more a matter of peek-a-boo, etc. All the "toys" that I see for babies seem to be either teething items or "clutch" toys (not sure if these do anything more than just give baby something to hold). Seems like you wouldn't need a special toy for that. Any thoughts?

My son never likeed any of those infant toys. He did use the doorway bouncer, walker, exersaucer quite a bit. Also a baby gym, board books and that lullaby seahorse thing. Also there is this turtle that puts stars on the ceiling... Turtle star night light

Where can i find Spiderman infant toys in the U.K?

Q. Woolworths used to do them!!! :(
I have Incy Wincy Spiderman, The Bedtime one with the web comfort blanket and the Spiderman and friends ride on....
I was just wondering if anyone had noticed anymore?? (Tried Ebay and google = Nothing..) thanks xx

What spiderman toys you looking for? As in, spiderman, the movie spiderman? Lol sorry.


This is from the USA so i dunno if it's any good..

Might be a bit too old for him?

I thought this was cool. Lol.

I know it's not a toy but still....


Don't know if these are any good but can't help to look :) xxx

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My son is possibly teething and i need advice.?

My Babyboy

My son is 3 and 1/2 months old and i think he has started to teeth. Hands are always going in the mouth, drools like crazy, fussier than normal, feels warmer and is starting to chew on his bottles when he feeds. I have tried to give him teeth rings..i would put them in the fridge to get them cool and then give them to him but he doesn't like it...He gives me this look like "eww"... what can I do? I don't want him chewing on his hands so much that he breaks the skin or anything.. any advice mommies? Thank you

He can chew on his hands he won't hurt himself. But hylands teething tablets are the best and are all natural. Infant Tylenol and they have these teething toys and they have a net so you can put like frozen fruit in it so it's cold but they can get the juice from the fruit. My son hated the rings too but loved the net cuz he got the fruit juice and it was cold. Good luck! Make sure he doesn't have a fever too cuz some babies get them while teething and then should give him Tylenol to keep that down. Hope this helps!

Flying with my infant?

Q. We are flying from FL to CO with our 5 month old? What can I expect? Can you please give me some insight as to make this flight a good time to be had by all? He will be sitting in my lap rather than buying him his own seat....First time mommy here! Thanks for any info. you have for me!!

I'm also a first time mum, and was very nervous about flying with our 8 month old son.
We took a couple of his favourite toys, his bottle and his sippy cup. We also took his favourite food (banana) as the flight included his usual lunchtime.
I was worried about take off and landing, and the pressure in his ears, but it didn't bother him at all and he was far too busy looking at everyone around him. The noise of the plane soon lulled him to sleep and the flight was pleasant for us all!

We were given preferential treatment at the airport and got through passport control quickly (well in the UK anyway!)

Be prepared - any teething gels, nappy cream etc, put in a plastic bag in your change bag ready.

We dressed our little one in a sleepsuit, rather than clothes so he was comfortable and easy to change.

I hope you have a good flight!

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good toys for a 7 month old?

Amber H

my little girl just turned 7 months old and seems to need something to keep her entertained. she gets bored so fast any suggestions? she is way rotten and always wants to be held!
She doesn't like her jumper, her little feet barely reach. And they do not reach when she is in her walker at all!

Great age! Jolly Jumper, a walker (if it's safe where you are), any toy with lights an music, like an infant radio with big buttons and bright lights. A toy drum to whack at, little Nerf balls to throw. Crinkly toys and very tactile toys are terrific too!

Seven months is a great age for throwing, banging, crinkling, jumping and practicing walking (if you're 'pro walker toys' that is).

I'd go shopping with ya, but I'm probably about 9 zillion miles away - I hope this helps hon!

*Edit - oh yes, the Leapfrog table (with removable legs), great fun on the floor, for practicing pulling up, and also goes along well with the Jolly Jumper too!

What infant toy(s) do you think actually benefits your child developmentally?

Q. My guys are 4 months, and so far I think the activity gym (the mat with toys hanging overhead) is the only thing that really develops them in a way that not having it would not.

The swing, jumper, infant chairs etc. are soothing / fun, but not developmental, but the activity mat allows them to do something they couldn't yet otherwise, which is to grab and bat at toys.

I feel the same way. I have a jumper and a swing and they simply keep my son distracted (for a short period of time) when I need to be doing something. The activity mat actually engages his mind and helps him to play. It is by far his favorite place to be when I'm not holding him. I have recently tried him in a Jumperoo and he loved that thing so much he got kinda mad at me when I took him out of it because I could tell he was getting exhausted. It has lights and makes noises when he jumps and he loves light and noises. (And belly dancers for some reason, but I won't get in to that here.) (:

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sensory stimulation and childcare?


How much sensory stimulation do you think caregivers should provide for infants? Could an infant be given too much sensory stimulation?

How much is too much?

Age, development, and individuality, all play a role in identifying the optimal stimulation threshold in a particular child. As a general guideline, stimulation activities should be limited to three sessions per day and not to exceed fifteen minutes per session. Your child will tell you when âtoo muchâ is âtoo muchâ. Does he become irritable after ten minutes? Does he push away the toys? Learn to read his cues and remember that sensory-stimulation activities are to be short in duration and individualized.

A good teaching aid for infants (0-18 months) to make? 10 points to best answer!!?

Q. So for my foundations in early childhood development class for college, we have a project and we have to make our own teaching aid (can be like a bulletin board, door decoration, mobile, toy, book, activity, game, puppet,etc.) It needs to be one approtiate for a infant (which is 0-18 months) and for me it has to deal with the physical dominion. I have like ideas but nothing good enough where I can make it and be creative. I just was hoping someone would have some good ideas on here, that I could make! :)

Thanks so much!

The best toys for infants are those that are fairly simple, brightly colored, and make noise. Younger infants need small rattles that they can learn to reach for and grasp, and as babies start to develop their coordination, place toys just out of reach so they can learn to creep and crawl to get what they need. Toys of different materials and textures are a great stimulation to babies, and little ones will enjoy looking at themselves in unbreakable mirrors during playtime

also books with lots of bright big pictures, toys, shapes and little kitchen applience(there is one for babies)

here is a link also will help you choose and help you with the age appropriate toys,baby_toys_type#age=6to12&cat=baby_toys_stage&cat=baby_toys_type

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Good pointers in designing an infant/toddler child care center/classroom?

Q. I have to design a classroom for infant/toddlers for a school project. any ideas or pointers from professionals and people in this career would be great :)

Clean, safety( no electric out lets or cords a child can reach).
A quiet place for napping
Safe toys,books No small objects
Sink for hand washing
Small table and chairs
place for hanging coat hats, sweaters etc
place for boots
Large table and chair for caretaker
Place to store food
Window for sunlight
private place for changing child
All I can think of right now.

What is the bst way to clean infants toys after they have been sick?


My baby has RSV and I need to disinfect his toys soon. I know I can throw the stuffed animals in pillow case and wash them but what about all the other stuff?

Put some bleach in a bath tub full of water and dunk them in. The ones with batteries, just give them a wipe down. I understand completely why you want to get those germs out! My nephew had RSV and did breathing treatments and took steroids to get better. I remember him being sick for weeks. Poor thing! I hope your baby gets better soon. You should think about an air purifier like the ones Rainbow has. Those are great.

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How do I work with autistic child in a pool??


I am a swimming instructor at the YMCA and was recently asked to teach special needs. The child that I am supposed to teach is autistic. I taught him before and it was very difficult, it took me about 5 minutes just to get him into the deep end from the kiddy part where he could just walk in and out. He doesn't respond or listen when I talk to him, in his own little world and likes to push me away and have nothing to do with me. I thought about asking the mom about how to communicate with him but she is Chinese and can barely speak English. I want to be able to help this child but how do I go about doing more than just floating on a noodle? I don't want to force him to do some things (jumping in, floating, front glides etc.) I asked my boss about what I should do with him and he said...just swim around, but that's hard to do for 40 minutes...
Any suggestions???!!!

I think its amazing that you got him in the deep end in 5 minutes. It took me 15 minutes to get my 4 y/o son out of the car today to go to the park! I would strongly suggest you not force anything as this is very counter productive and you want this child to trust you. Here are a couple of fun pool games I play with my son.

1. Have him throw floating pool toys into the pool. You hold all the toys in a basket and hand him the toys one by one to throw in. After a few tries, see if you can count 1-2-3 and say go before he throws it in.

2. Sit on the side of the pool together and kick you legs to spread the toys around.

3. Once all the toys are floating around use a noodle under his arms to support him and encourage him to kick his legs. Use really good boat sounds to drive him around the pool and have him pick up each toy and then guide him back to the side. Pick up each toy and bring it to the side one by one so he can understand how you are cleaning up. If he is able, have him point out toys that need to be picked up.

4. Blow bubbles in the water. Put a noodle around you and around him. Float in the deep end together and try to get him to blow bubbles in the water with you.

5. Practice floating like stars on his back.

6. Hold him in your arms and jump up and down to make floating boats float on waves.

Go slowly. He needs to know he can trust you and you are not going to expect the impossible from him. Take baby steps and when you see what he can accomplish go a little further.
Take a look at the programs for moms/infants. See what they do and incorporate some of that into your class.

Best of luck and thanks for taking on such a challenging class.

Best device for 18-21 month old using swimming pool?

Sarah H

Last year I used a inflatable baby float and pushed my infant son around the pool. This year he is much bigger (25 pds)- is there a similar device that he would fit into? or some kind of life jacket/body suit that would fit him? He does not swim yet, and I plan on pushing/carrying him around the pool again.

there is still a baby float out there for that weight and age. I am not sure of the name of it try toys r us. We used one last year when my daughter was 22-26 months. You can always get one of those suits with the floaties built into it too.

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Traveling by plane with infant?


I am looking for plane tickets for my husband, infant, and I. I am not sure what it means by infant in lap or infant in seat. Which one is better? We are from Fresno, Ca traveling to St. Paul, MN. When we go on our trip baby will be 2 months old.

Basically the difference is In a seat they get their own seat in lap means you hold the baby for the duration of the flight.

In my opinion I do think that in a seat is much better for you and the baby for the flight since you dont have to hold him/her for the entire flight (your arms can get a little tired) but with the lap seat its cheaper since you dont have to buy a hole other ticket.

If you do decide to go with the lap seat make sure u have a sling for the baby (with or without the lap seat actually it makes it alot easier to walk around airport) the sling will help with actually holding her so its not so stressful on your arms and your arms wont get that tired (not to mention they sleep real easy in one) you cannot wear the sling during take off and landing but during the flight its a life saver.

I've never actually used a regular seat yet but i imagine i will soon. But I heard you can bring a car seat and stuff but im not entirely sure...

Some addition tips.
Brings some toys for him/her to play with
and make sure shes sucking on something or feeding during take off and landing (it helps with the ear poping)
Hope This Helps

Flying with an infant on a plane!?


My husband and I are going on a 3 hr flight up north for vacation this summer and our daughter will be 7 months old at the time. Any advice, suggestions, ideas to make flying easier? She is a breastfed baby and I'm hoping she'll nursing during take off and landing to help her ears adjust. Any ideas greatly appreciated!!

Hi! I travel a lot with my son (and alone at that) so the fact that you're with your husband and will have four arms is wonderful! It will be fine. Try to nurse during take-off and landing or give LO a pacifier. Bring along lots of hand sanitizer and some alcohol wipes for the tray table, and I also like to bring the toys with the suction cups on the bottom to stick on the tray table (they're usually made for the high chair). I don't know if you're doing solids yet, but a hard breadstick might be a good, nonmessy option too. In terms of changing diapers, take LO to the bathroom and there is usually a changing table that drops down above the toilet. It's small so have your husband come with to help. I bring a big garbage bag to line it then stick all the messy stuff inside the bag when I'm done and give to the flight attendant since they don't always want diapers disposed of in the restroom. Check your stroller and carseat at the gate, bring some toys and you'll be fine! Also, you can check with your doc to see if a little benedryl is ok if you're really worried. Have fun!

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Baby nursery ideas for hunter green and tan painted room.?

Q. So my husband is giving me his "man room" to convert as the baby's nursery. Its painted half hunter green and half tan. Im trying to think of cute nursery ideas that would work for a boy or girl. I would like to save money and not have to repaint.Only idea I came up with has been a forest theme but people me say it seems more boyish.

Congratulations! Here are my ideas:

-- I think a forest theme works for either a boy or girl. We almost went with a forest theme for our nursery (but when we found out we were having a boy, my husband decided he wanted trains instead). Because the paint scheme sounds dark and bold, choose bedding and curtains that have lots of softer colors (like forest-themed bedding that is mostly cream-colored instead of mostly brown).

Using "girlier" animals to decorate a forest-themed room might help the nursery seem more unisex. For example, bunnies and deer feel somewhat more feminine than owls and foxes, if that makes sense.

Here is a forest bedding set that looks more feminine to me:

And here is one that looks more masculine:

-- Rainforest animals are actually very "in" right now in terms of nursery decor. Those colors also sound like they could work with a rainforest theme. I've seen cute monkey bedding that looks somewhat feminine.

Here's an example of a monkey-themed nursery:

And here is some elephant bedding that looks fairly unisex:

-- A pond/bugs/frogs theme sounds like it would work well with the dark green and tan. Bugs and frogs seem pretty feminine as well. Here is an example:

-- I've always thought it would be fun to replicate the "great green room" from Goodnight Moon for a child's bedroom or playroom. It could work for a nursery, too, especially if you're set on keeping the bold wall colors.

Here is a video of a playroom at a children's museum that is designed to look the like great green room:

Here is a link to a recreation of the great green room for a stage performance:

Since your room is half hunter green and half tan, you could even have half the room be a Goodnight Moon room and the other half be something else literary ... nursery rhymes, maybe?

-- I know most of what I've shown you is pre-packaged bedding sets, but honestly, if I had our nursery to do over again, I don't think I'd get a pre-packaged bedding set. They're cute, but the sheet is the only part that ends up being really useful. You're not supposed to use quilts/comforters with little babies, so those usually end up becoming wall decorations. And there has been much debate about the safety of bumper pads, so we ended up taking ours out. Plus, when you move the crib mattress down to its lowest setting (when your baby is about seven months old or so), the crib skirt usually no longer works. I would instead decorate with pictures, toys on shelves, lamps, etc. I would get regular baby blankets and sheets that matched the theme or color scheme.

Paint isn't very expensive, so if you decide you really aren't happy with the dark colors in your nursery, it wouldn't be a bad idea to repaint.

Good luck!

Make up a hypothetical baby?

Q. Just say things like their name, when they were born, weight etc.

You can have more than one baby at a time if you wish.

On November 24 2010, I gave birth to a little girl. I named her Violet Eve C. She was born with a little bit of fluffy, black hair and her eyes are a murky blue colour. She weighed 7lb 5oz and was 20 inches long. She loves wearing little dresses and her favourite toy is a stuffed zebra.


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Make up a hypothetical baby?

Q. Just say things like their name, when they were born, weight etc.

You can have more than one baby at a time if you wish.

On November 24 2010, I gave birth to a little girl. I named her Violet Eve C. She was born with a little bit of fluffy, black hair and her eyes are a murky blue colour. She weighed 7lb 5oz and was 20 inches long. She loves wearing little dresses and her favourite toy is a stuffed zebra.


How do you prepare your first baby for a sibling?

Q. I am due with my second son, 12/23/2010. My baby will be (not so babyish anymore :( )
20 months old.
What are some tips and ideas you have to help a 20 month old, understand and adjust to this huge change?
What are some tips on keeping him happy and not resentful of the new baby?

im not sure about what to do before the baby born im in the same situation i got my we boy a doll and i would show him how to feed it and be gently with it. it doesnt always work as he end up throwing it across the room but when you come home from the hospital buy him a new toy and tell him its from his new brother or sister and if you hav any visitors make sure they go and speak to him 1st and if they geting anything for baby most people buy 4 the other child as well so he doesnt feel left out. good luck

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