Saturday, July 27, 2013

What are some good craft projects for infants?

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I am a infant teacher at a daycare and I do different art projects with them weekly, but I am running out of ideas. Does anyone have any ideas? There from age 6 weeks to 12 months, but my oldest is 10 months.

Are you serious? This is a real title and you went to school to learn this?

Babies should not be doing anything but playing with baby certified toys.

How to get my rescue puppy to learn to hold her bladder?


I have a approx. 6 mon. Old Doberman puppy who I adopted from a rescue at 41/2 mon. Her litter had been abandoned by the owners and had been running loose in the woods fending for themselves. Immediately upon getting her home, I noticed that she urinated frequently. Sometime two or three times an hour anywhere and everywhere. I chalked this up to her being used to no correction. I was off from work the week I got her and really worked hard to housebreak her. Out after waking, out after eating, out as often as she needed it. Maybe this is where I went wrong. By Friday, she really had the hang of alerting me that she needed out. In two months she has only pooped inside once. I consider her housebroken in the sense that she will always run to the door then to you to be let out. But she can't hold her bladder more than an hour at a time unless she is sleeping. Sometimes she goes out 2 to 3 times in an hour and always urinates. I tried distracting her with toys etc, but when she alerts she will go in the house if ignored.She is not crate trained. I considered this but with her issue, I thought this would not help things. She is confined to a large room while I work. While in this room she reliably uses puppy pads. I had her checked for a uti 3 days after I brought her home and it was negative. Her kidney function is normal per pre-anesthesia labs for her spaying. And she can sleep up to 7 1/2 hours with no trouble at night. No diabetes as her glucose was normal as well. My vet says what goes in must come out, but this seems very excessive. I can only assume she doesn't understand that "holding it" is expected. I am not looking for a full day of holding it, but no other dog that I have ever had has ever had this issue. I will be returning to the vet for an "all clear" , more bloodwork, urinalysis, etc. If that is good then I am going to try to restart her crate training with the hope that if I start slowly and lengthen the time it may finally click. Advice?
Dixie's only correction is just a quick no for distraction, then rushed outside to finish her business. After she is praised. No treats as I don't want her to just ask for out for the treats. I just think that having to take her out 15 or more times a day is excessive. I am more concerned about something being medically wrong. She has a problem with eating very quickly, gulping down her food, that we are working on. I am wondering if she feels the same about her water and is concerned about drinking while the water is available. I haven't tried to withhold water before bedtime etc. I'm not sure if that is wise. As far as I know none of her littermates have this problem.
And for those who think this is a ridiculous request. I have raised dogs for 35 years and have housebroken many puppies with no trouble. I just have never seen a puppy at 6 months old having to urinate multiple times an hour all day long but is fine at night and is completely housebroken without there being a problem. I am not asking for a miracle and not asking for holding it all day, just longer than an hour at a time! I was hoping someone could offer some help, not looking for sarcasm! Thanks in advance for those with honest answers not judgement.

Puppies are prone to accidents, theyre just like infants or kids who pee in the bed because of their weak bladder. The best advice i can give is feed them consistently, for a 6 month puppy 2 times a day is enough with a 12 hour interval in the middle. Be consistent then it will learn to pee at those times. Another thing you can do is to cage the puppy in an enclosed area and bring them out to pee, my puppies never urinate when theyre in their cage (or a spot where they sleep).

If you are concerned for medical problems, get a blood test for your dog and ask the vet to check it out, my puppy is a tiny yorkie but only pees after 3 hours average.

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What is the best teething toy to give my infant?

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Those plastic rings you put in the fridge are not working.

The Best Teething Toys

By Miebeth Bustillo-Booth, ChildTrek Founder

Natural & Wood Teethers
The best teething toys are made of natural materials like wood. Wood is naturally anti-bacterial. (Thatâs why there are wooden cutting boards.) So it is self-cleaning. Wood is hard and will help ease teeth in. But not all wood toys are ideal. The best wooden teething toys are either unfinished or lightly finished with beeswax, water-based stains, or other non-toxic paints. Itâs best to gain the manufacturer statements to this effect. At ChildTrek, only toys that have met or exceeded safety standards are available.

Great Teething Toys
Grabbing Toy Giraffe with Wooden Teething Ring by Kathe KruseConsider the Infant Grabbing Toy Mah or Giraffe by Kathe Kruse. They are made out of non-porous beech wood, lightly finished with beeswax, and made using non-toxic dyes. There are no harmful chemicals to leach out while your baby gnaws on the hard wood. The wooden ring is extra large for easy handling by small hands. The lamb and the giraffe can be removed for machine or hand wash. And they are completely adorable!

The Grabbing Star Red or Blue also by Kathe Kruse has a wooden teething ring and interesting textures for early learning stimulation. A special feature is a velcro loop at one of the star ends so that it can be fastened as a stroller toy. This achieves a couple of things: the teether is always nearby and it doubles as a grabbing toy. Smart!

Girali Rattle by SelectaThe Girali Rattle by Selecta, aside from being a practical teething toy, is uniquely beautiful. It is made of native woods from Germany and finished with beeswax and non-toxic paints - completely safe for your baby.

Also, itâs hard to beat the Cherry Rattle by Camden Rose. It is lightly finished with beeswax. Its contoured design makes for interesting tactile stimulation. Its gentle rattle is soothing. As a teether - it is naturally hard to facilitate teething. Watch as your baby gnaws on this beautiful toy for hours.

Cold and Soothing
Organic Vegetabe Teethers by Under the NileOne of my personal favorites for the summer are the organic teethers by miYim and Under the Nile. Take the Bunny, Elephant, or Bear teether. Dampen, not soak it. Put it in the freezer. Then let your baby gnaw on this cool toy to help soothe tender gums. Do the same for the Fruits or the Vegetables by Under the Nile. Besides gently soothing for your baby, you are teaching your baby to âeatâ his or her fruits and veggies!

Vary Teethers
Itâs best to keep a few different teethers around that have varying textures and hardness. Some teeth come in easier than others. The molars, for example, are especially hard on infants.

Check out ChildTrekâs selection of ideal teething toys.

I would like to own a capuchin monkey?

Santana Fr

I already know they are difficult to take care of, need constant supervision, must be fed and changed multiple times a day, and can still make terrible pets. I am ready for whatever is thrown at me (not litteraly). I just want to know I am supposed to prepare for a monkey. I know they need diapers, clothes, toys and stuff like that. I would love a website link that has no negative things about monkeys.

Please - pay attention to the facts - be compassionate - spare yourself and your loved ones and spare the monkey - DON'T get one as a pet! Why do you want a website that has "no negative things" about keeping monkeys? The reason that those "negative things" are all over the place is because they are TRUE! A website that leaves these things out is not going to be in any way reliable. Facts are facts!

Monkeys don't ever make good pets. Please don't even consider it. Your "freedom" to choose your pet shouldn't override the monkeys' right to live a decent life. You can NOT provide a pet monkey with a decent life. And though they're small, capuchins can be really dangerous! How wouyld you deal withthis monkey once he was grown up? Your choices, in order to protect yourself, would be to a) keep him locked up 24 hours a day or b) remove his teeth and nails and/or drug him - both of which are incredibly cruel. Why would you bring home an animal knowing that you'd eventually need to resort to one of these options? Why would you deny a very social animal the chance to do what he was meant to do - live with other monkeys? Why would you support an industry that pulls infants from mothers well before weaning age despite the firm evidence that this is acutely damaging?

There are groups that actively advocate what they call âresponsible ownershipâ of primates, but these groups are usually largely concerned more with the maintenance of their ârightâ to keep monkeys than with the welfare of the monkeys themselves. Groups and individuals that are seriously concerned with the welfare of individual monkeys as well as with human safety and conservation of threatened wild primate species inevitably agree: monkeys are not pets.

There is no such thing as a âdomesticâ primate â all primates (apart from humans!) are wild animals. Domestication is a process that happens over many generations of selective breeding. Simply being born in captivity does NOT mean domestication!

Chances are, upon reaching adolescence, pet monkeys will become unmanageable, unpredictable and dangerous as they try to assert themselves and as their natural instincts kick in and they do not know what to do with them. Their owners and their ownersâ friends and families are at real risk of serious injury. Even small monkeys can be dangerous as they are strong, quick and clever. Pet monkeys who have become threats are often confined to small cages to live out the remainder of their lives with no further hope of social contact.

In order to be kept as pets, primates are usually taken from their mothers as infants â whereas they would naturally depend on their mothers for long periods of time, and would maintain close bonds for years. This separation causes acute psychological suffering and lasting damage to both mothers and infants. This also makes infant monkeys particularly needy and responsive to human interaction â which is often mistaken for happiness by their new âownersâ.

All primates are social animals. Denied the opportunity to interact with others of their own kind, pet primates often develop serious psychological problems such as severe aggression, depression, and/or stereotypical behaviours such as rocking, pacing and self-mutilation.

Primates have physical and psychological needs which are very difficult to meet in captive situations, such as the need for high levels of intense natural light; the need for vertical space; the need for constant mental stimulation; and the need for an appropriate diet. They are built perfectly for survival in their natural habitats, and are not suited to lives of confinement and solitude.

Wild primates spend a huge portion of their waking hours travelling and foraging in search of food. They urinate and defecate wherever they happen to be. In the home, this translates into destruction and mess.

Capuchins can live for forty or fifty years â a factor which is rarely taken into consideration by prospective pet owners. When pet monkeys outlive their owners (or their ownersâ finances or patience!), provisions must be made for their future â but sanctuaries are few and many of these are filled to capacity.

All primates are threatened in the wild. The keeping of pet monkeys in places like the USA and the UK appears to have a negative impact on wild populations, whether directly (to feed these trades) or indirectly (by setting examples... if people in America can keep monkeys as pets, why shouldn't people in habitat countries?).

Why would anybody choose to keep monkeys as pets in light of all of the above? It is clearly not in the interest of any monkey to be kept as a pet - it is a selfish act that causes all kinds of misery. Please do not do it.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Do you think its inappropriate to shower with a 10 month old?

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 on of 8: Baby Einstein Discovering Water Play Gym by Kids II Inc.
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I am a woman and have a 10 month old daughter. Today I wanted to try something new and took her to shower with me, to see if she liked it because if so I would shower her sometimes. She didn't like it and the water scared her so I took her out. Do you think thats inappropiate?

I have been showering with my twin girls since their birth 2 years ago. We didn't want to get an infant tub, and we didn't have a bathtub either, just a shower. They loved it. When they were starting to get mobile it was a little harder to hold their squirmy bodies, but now that they can stand, they stand in the shower with me. We have a shower seat and it acts as their "table" in the shower because they put their toys on it and play while I shower, and then I wash them one at a time. It saves a lot of time honestly.

My son is 9 months old, and I shower him, too. My husband does as well.

I read that around 1 year is when you should stop being naked with a baby of the opposite gender. So around 1 year I'll stop showering with my son. I think that's appropriate.

If you have a detachable shower head, try letting her hold it to see if that makes her feel better about it. Be careful, though, because she could accidentally spray herself in the face and that won't be good. Make sure you bring in some bath toys, too, or even some new ones.

Infants: What are SAFE non asian lead toys that you can make at home?

Q. With all the recalls I want a safe wholesome toys for my child and soon to be born girl. My oldest is 7 months and a girl.


It has 10 toys that are good for babies.

Congrats though!

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What infant toy(s) do you think actually benefits your child developmentally?

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 on The best baby toys - Photo Gallery | BabyCenter
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Ivy has Tw

My guys are 4 months, and so far I think the activity gym (the mat with toys hanging overhead) is the only thing that really develops them in a way that not having it would not.

The swing, jumper, infant chairs etc. are soothing / fun, but not developmental, but the activity mat allows them to do something they couldn't yet otherwise, which is to grab and bat at toys.

I feel the same way. I have a jumper and a swing and they simply keep my son distracted (for a short period of time) when I need to be doing something. The activity mat actually engages his mind and helps him to play. It is by far his favorite place to be when I'm not holding him. I have recently tried him in a Jumperoo and he loved that thing so much he got kinda mad at me when I took him out of it because I could tell he was getting exhausted. It has lights and makes noises when he jumps and he loves light and noises. (And belly dancers for some reason, but I won't get in to that here.) (:

What are some Montessorri activities I can do with my 4 month old?


I am looking for some activities that I can do with my 4 month old that are Montessori-inspired. Right now I am working on getting her to roll over, to reach for toys that are dangled in front of her, and to spend more time on her tummy for more head control. Any ideas?

I don't have a lot of infant ideas, since I teach 3-6 year olds.

I would recommend this book:

Really, what I would suggest, thinking about Montessori, is your actual environment. Not so much specific activities, but I would look and see whether the environment is set up for the child. When your daughter is old enough to crawl, is everywhere she crawls safe for her?

Right now, language is playing a huge role in development. Not that she'll start talking, but it is important to make sure you talk to her a lot, sing and play games, and she sees positive communication from you.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Can anyone give me some American based toy companies that are not linked with lead poisoning?

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 on Best Baby Toy - 6-12 months
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I have a 6 month old daughter and I am getting concerned with all the recalls in infant/toddler/children's toys. If you also have any great ideas about bottles and so forth. Much would be greatly appreciated.

Melissa and Doug . . . . AWESOME toys that are made in America and can be found at Toys R Us. Their products are also high quality and usually wooden (as opposed to plastic). They also focus on educational value as opposed to TV character association.

Quote from their site:
"Additionally, we specifically test our paints and coatings very frequently, to be sure our toys meet or exceed government recommendations limiting heavy metals and lead in childrenâs items. We have cabinets full of thousands of passing test reports, and these passing results have been verified by 3rd party independently accredited testing laboratories, considered by many to be the best scientific laboratories in the world."

Their site:

How do day cares manage very young infants?


My baby was (and still is) a high need baby. I can't imagine him in a day care setting, especially when he was 6 weeks old. Now that he is almost 6 months old and can sit up, I suppose he could sit and play with toys and interact with other sitting babies. But before babies can sit up, how in the world do day cares take care of infants?
Really...2 answers, and they aren't even from people that are familiar with day cares. Awesome.

I can't imagine it either. However, my daughter goes to daycare a couple days a week and has since she was a little over 6 months. However, I see the little ones in her class. Basically, at that age they do eat and sleep a lot - so they do that a lot. The teachers are often rocking them in the glider with a bottle. At my daycare, they will involve even the little ones in any activities they do. For example, painting or reading or collecting leaves or whatever. It seems silly to me that they do that for such babies, but they do.

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Homemade toy for children 6-12 months?

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 on Win toys for babies 6-12 months! | askamum
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Just Me

hi, can anyone give me any suggestions on making an easy to make homemade toy for infants 6-12 months. Something that would help with fine motor skills would be a plus. FYI:this is for a infant/toddler class. Please and thanks

Pots/pans and a wooden spoon.

To mothers of infants 6-12 months old i need particapents for school please?


Here are some questions that i wish you would be willing to answer about your infant. Just explain if you agree or not. Also if you could put what age your child was.

Thanks in advance

·Sits unaided- spends more time in upright position
·May be able to crawl
·May be able to climb stairs
·Develops eye-hand coordination
·Prefers primary caregivers
·May cry when strangers approach
·Commonly exhibits anxiety when parent or caregiver leaves
·Pats own reflection in the mirror
·May push away things not wanted (e.g., bottle, toys)
·Begins to âplayâ with adults
·Babbles to himself or herself
·Puts everything in mouth
·Solves simple problems (e.g., will move obstacles aside to reach object)
·Transfers from hand to hand
·Responds to changes in environment and is able to repeat actions that cause change (e.g., sound of rattle)
·Drops objects repeatedly
·Fascinated with small objects
·Begins to respond to words

These are three theories. Please tell me which on u agree withand why

Freudâs first stage of psychosexual development is the oral stage, which lasts from birth to about 15 months. In this stage, the id, which contains all the basic needs and feelings, is dominant. The ego, the rational part of the mind, is under formation due to the development of body image and delay of gratification. Body image is developed as the infant realizes that the body is distinct from the outer world. The infant also gradually realizes that gratification is not immediate and that it has to produce certain behaviors to initiate actions that lead to gratification. The key experience in this stage is weaning, which leads to the childâs first feeling of loss, and the babyâs awareness of self. Success during this stage leads to the formation of independence and trust, whereas too much or too little gratification can lead to an immature or passive personality.

Erick Ericksonâs theory states that children from 0-12 months of age are in stage one of psychosocial development. This stage is called the oral sensory stage. Erickson believes that neonates at this stage can experience Trust or Mistrust. Trust meaning infants live through and love through their mouths. In the trust stage parents will respond to the infants needs with consistency and continuity, infants believe the world is a safe place. Mistrust can occur with parents who are overly protective; child will be overly trusting and gullible. Child cannot believe that anyone would harm them

Piaget is best known for his cognitive development theory. The first scheme of his theory is the Sensorimotor and this scheme is divided into four different stages 0-12 months. During this scheme Piaget believes that infants develop their primary circular reactions such as sucking, staring, listening, ad grasping objects during the first six months. From 6-12 months Piaget has called this stage the secondary circular reactions. This is where the infant is more aware of objects and people. The infant will also respond to the object or person.

Which I agree with and why? I believe that all three have truth to them and all are valid. As a general rule I tend to agree more with Piaget's theories (for infants as well as older children). His theory seems to be the most balanced and insightful with out trying to impose any other theory on top of it. Like I said, though, I do believe that all three views contain truth.

Freud is correct that too much or too little gratification can lead to an immature or passive personality, and that the id is the primary driving force for an infant. Freud is almost always, especially in this case, incorrect about a development of body image and the focus of the child being just on gratification. Since all of Freud's theories stem from an idea of gratification, though, it makes sense for him that he says this.

Erickson is correct that infants can and do experience trust and mistrust. Mistrust also occurs, however, when an infant's needs are not met (example: feeding on a schedule instead of demand, CIO).

Piaget's theory is focused primarily on fact, not in interpreting those facts, and he is correct.

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What are some fun activities to do with 9-month old?

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 on keeping a baby occupied can be a big task for parents keeping baby ...
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I already do a lot of the standard stuff (play Peek-a-boo, read book, sing songs) but I am always looking for new ways of entertaining and educating my baby girl. Please share your ideas and favorite baby activities with me. Thanks.

My son is 8 and a half months. I love that he is getting more interactive. I throw him on the bed (making very sure that he goes back first). He loves it! I throw him in the air. He LOVES being held upside down!! That is his favorite. When he is in the high chair (with wheels) I spin him in circles.

He is a very gentle boy though and is not as rough as my daughter was at that age. So if he is not in the mood for those games I get him to 'help me make the bed' in the morning. I lay him on the bed and throw the first blanket in the air and let it float down on him. Than I take his feet and slide him out and put him on top of that blanket and to it with the next one. We do this till the whole bed is made.

Another thing we do on my bed is that when he rolls away from me or crawls away (almost crawling, lol), I will pretend to be upset (in a play way) and he gets so excited. I take him and turn him back over onto his back and say "NOW, you stay there!" He grins real big and rolls to his tummy again, lol.. that little twinkle is priceless.

I also get on the floor with him. I play with his toys with him and read books down there... and boy does the world look different from 4 inches off the floor! Gives me whole new ideas for baby proofing the house!

We do alot of cuddle time and when a good song is on the radio, we turn it up and dance. He loves it. Slow or fast songs... he loves it all.

Sometimes I take his hands and do baby sign hand over hand.

For rewards for him listening, I do lots of happy voice and touching his face. He loves having his face touched.

He play this back and forth game with the soother. I put it in his mouth and act like he stole it from me. He does that to me now.. will put his soother in my mouth and grab it back, lol. Too cute!

He learns from all of this. Fun energy is the best way to learn.

OH, infant massage is great too! He is very sensitive on his skin. I tickle him, give him the shivers, give a back rub, or even take one finger and gently trace it all over his skin... he loves that last one, especially when we are cuddling.

Breastfeeding an infant while you have a toddler, any suggestions?


I am currently 7 months pregnant and have a 2 year old. I am a little nervous about breastfeeding my infant because my 2 year old is so demanding and cranky at times. Any suggestions on how to breast feed one baby and still take care of a toddler?

you learn :). With my first I always breastfed sitting or side lying with a pillow for support. With my second I quickly learned how to breastfeed with baby in the crook of one arm while chasing my 16 month old ;). Its just something you adapt to. It also helps to have a comlpetly child proof room with toys and an activity set up for your older child so hopefully you can sit to feed your youngest without worry or having to chase. Reading a book to my oldest while nursing my little one also worked out well. Slings are also invaluable. Just make sure you wear them right. Best of luck! I love my two being so close and wouldn't have it any other way.

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I need activities and toy ideas to help my mentally ill grandfather?

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 on Fisher Price Infant Toys | An Educational Baby Toy
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On July 3rd my grandfather fell down the stairs after he got home from the bar one night. After hours of waiting we found he had serious bleeding in the brain and would have permanent damage. It is now December and he is home but he has serious problems with how to say and react and i need something to help keep him busy. The nurse and I have thought about baby toys as a good use for his memorization but we'd like to get more ideas for toys and activities that we could use and give him to help.

Don't go with baby toys. I have had experience with patients of brain injury and they are more in there than you know. He might just get frustrated if it was baby toys. Unless it is like blocks and things with letters and numbers. Paper and markers are a good start. Get the oversize drawing pads. Flash cards too. But don't assume he is like an infant even if it outwardly seems that way.

What is the bst way to clean infants toys after they have been sick?


My baby has RSV and I need to disinfect his toys soon. I know I can throw the stuffed animals in pillow case and wash them but what about all the other stuff?

Put some bleach in a bath tub full of water and dunk them in. The ones with batteries, just give them a wipe down. I understand completely why you want to get those germs out! My nephew had RSV and did breathing treatments and took steroids to get better. I remember him being sick for weeks. Poor thing! I hope your baby gets better soon. You should think about an air purifier like the ones Rainbow has. Those are great.

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What is the bst way to clean infants toys after they have been sick?

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 on Photos of Best Way To Clean Plush Toys
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My baby has RSV and I need to disinfect his toys soon. I know I can throw the stuffed animals in pillow case and wash them but what about all the other stuff?

Put some bleach in a bath tub full of water and dunk them in. The ones with batteries, just give them a wipe down. I understand completely why you want to get those germs out! My nephew had RSV and did breathing treatments and took steroids to get better. I remember him being sick for weeks. Poor thing! I hope your baby gets better soon. You should think about an air purifier like the ones Rainbow has. Those are great.

How do you clean an infants stuffed toy?

Loves to L

I bought them at a yard sale and I want to kill the germs but once before I washed one in the washer and dried it in the dryer but it lost its real softiness. It's like the dryer made the soft material rough and brittle but i'm afraid just let them air dry. What to do?

Use a hand-held steamer. It's great for cleaning baby toys and furniture because it kills germs and leaves no chemical residue. Steam is also the way to go on hardwood, ceramic and stone floors that the baby might crawl on later on. No chemicals, no residue, and it's easy to use and does a great job.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

what are some thinga/toys your baby had between the age if 6-12 months?

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 on Best Baby Walker Toy, baby walker, walker toy for sale of item ...
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my baby is 7 months and he has a few things, like a play mat with hanging animals that makes noises and sings, los of toys, a walker..
what type of things did you havee for your baby to help him/her start to crawl or pull himself up or just for fun that they loved?


Toys that make music or any form of noise are favorites of babies. Toys with contrasting colors are really interestng to babies and help to stimulate the development of their vision. As they grow, infants use toys to explore object permanence and cause and effect relationships. They also need objects such as blocks to help them build motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Have a look at the links in my source box which may give you some ideas

Take care


At what age range do most babies start to crawl?

Q. I know all babies develop at different times. In what month do they start to crawl? I have a 4 mo old and he rolls all over the place! I am so excited to see him start crawling! 1st baby and a boy!

Rolling over, sitting without support, cruising (walking along furniture), and walking independently are important developmental milestones. Crawling isn't.

Crawling isn't even mentioned in my favorite pediatric development textbook!

This seems strange since, of any of these behaviors, crawling is most associated with babies. The truth is many babies never crawl! They do need to find some way to move across the floor. Each will do so at unpredictable times and in distinctive ways. Your grandson may be a scooter, one who likes to stay upright and scoot across the floor on his bottom. Many babies prefer creeping, or wriggling forward on the stomach. Many children will crab-crawl, moving backwards. And, of course, many children will get up on all fours and crawl forward in the traditional way. Each child is unique.

Some adults are concerned that children who don't crawl in the traditional way will be less coordinated. This is a myth. As long as the baby begins to move across the floor using each arm and each leg, there is no cause for concern.

I'm reluctant to mention time frames, but somewhere between six and ten months I expect babies to discover some way to move horizontally across the floor to get desired objects. Obstacles to this include the child's not spending enough time on the floor, using an infant walker (which often eliminates the desire to learn crawling behaviors -- infant walkers are bad for proper development), having toys brought to the infant, pushing the child to learn to crawl, and physical problems such as muscle weakness. If babies actually crawl, it usually begins at around 8 to 10 months

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What should I bring when traveling/flying with an 8 month old baby?

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We are flying to Ohio for a week (2 flights about 2 hours each). I am packing, but want to make sure I don't forget anything. I have diapers, wipes, clothes, a few toys, etc. How many bottles should I bring? I nurse and pump everyday, but will probably mostly pump while we are there. Any other suggestions would be great!
We are only bringing two small carry on suitcases and the diaper bag because luggage costs so much.

I just traveled with my son who was 10 months at the time...God bless you! haha....Anyway, Things I took on the plane with me 2 hour flight plus time in the airport....Diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib, 2 bottles, 1 can of formula, infant tylenol/motrin, orajel (hes teething pretty bad lately), Food (3 jars), spoons, snacks (cereal), sippy cup, toys (ones that don't make too much noise).

Things I brought in general for the trip....Clothes, PJs, stroller, car seat, toys, baby toiletries (soap, lotion, nail clippers, nasal aspirator, brush, diaper rash cream, baby monitors (we were staying with family, so I was able to put him down for a nap, and still go outside by the pool). Towel and washclothes, sunblock.

I bought food, formula, and diapers when I got there. My relatives also borrowed a lot of baby gear from a friend so I had things there (Pack n Play, walker, high chair).

Check your airlines policies. There usually isn't a charge for checking carseat, strollers, or bassinets (pack n play), even if the child is flying on your lap. You are also allowed to bring the diaper bag plus your carry ons...the diaper bag does not count as your carry on.

Best of luck. I hope you are not traveling alone, and will have help, my son was very good and slept the entire flight there, and if it weren't for my fiance and my mother traveling with us, I would have had a nervous break down.

How do I occupy a 14 month old boy on his first airplane flight?


My 14 month old grandson will be flying for about 3 hours at a time. (roundtrip). I would like to put together a fun pak for him to have on the plane to help with fussiness. He will not have his own seat, so he will be on a parents lap. What kind of things would work best for this situation?

Definately make sure that you have a bottle or dummy for your grandson for take off and landing as the sudden increase and decrease of altitude and cabin pressure is quite harsh on their little ears.

Perhaps pop together a little gift pack.. sticker books, crayons, paper, toys, snacks ect ect. And reward him every so often, if he start to get restless, let him know that he has been a good boy and if he keeps being a good boy then he may get another present.

This way you are keeping him entertained with one thing at a time, he wont get bored of everything so quickly if he is given each item separetly, it also encourages good behaviour.
Perhaps wrap the treats, so its more exciting for him to open!

Also, when you check in for your flight, with a smile kindly ask the ground staff if there is any possibility of being placed in a row of seats where there maybe a spare seat. Unless the flight is full, this should not be a problem. Even though you have not purchased a seat for the infant, as long as he is on the lap of a parent for take off and landing there is no reason as to why he cant be in a spare seat through out the flight!

One last thing, many airlines have inflight entertainment devices that can be hired for the flight, these generally have cartoons for children on them and movies for all ages - just incase he gets sick of it!!

Hope this helps a little!!

Happy and Safe flying!

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Homemade toy for children 6-12 months?

best infant toys 6-12 months
 on Win toys for babies 6-12 months! | askamum
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Just Me

hi, can anyone give me any suggestions on making an easy to make homemade toy for infants 6-12 months. Something that would help with fine motor skills would be a plus. FYI:this is for a infant/toddler class. Please and thanks

Pots/pans and a wooden spoon.

Homemade toy for children 6-12 months?

Just Me

hi, can anyone give me any suggestions on making an easy to make homemade toy for infants 6-12 months. Something that would help with fine motor skills would be a plus. FYI:this is for a infant/toddler class. Please and thanks

a "drum"? just grab a pot and make some spoons or rattles look nice and wa-la! my son loves it.

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where can someone who is opening a daycare get donations from?

best infant crib toys
 on Toy House Baby Crib F20 Best Price
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My friend is opening a daycare and needs help getting infant and toddler stuff for the center. She needs things like cribs,toys,furniture, and anything else that can be helped with.

Maybe post an ad on Craig's list seeking donations. Or, get a loan from a bank and buy used stuff.
Or, she could ask around at existing day care centers to see if one of them wants to sell their established business and buy the supplies/business with a loan and payments.

Relying on donations to open a business is risky. If she doesn't have enough money to get the essential supplies to open she may want to wait until she has money saved up to open her business. Or get a business partner to front the money.

I need help with room arrangement in my Day Care Center. Can you help?


I work in a Day Care Center. My Center is removing a wall to make my Infant Room large enough for 12 Infants. The children range in age, from four months to 15 months. Can anyone help me with ideas on how to arrange cribs, toy shelves, and high chairs to accomodate all twelve children. I really need help with this. Thank You!

make them space efficiant but so that the kids feel at home u need somewhere for them to play either have a play thingy or take them to the park put the objects in order from age like and ohh ohh make it COLORFULL hope i helped

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What clothes and quantities do I need for twins for the first year? How would you change my list?

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 on Best Baby Toys
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Ivy G

100 Newborn Disposable Diapers
70 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 INFANT size
50 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 PREMIUM size
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size One 6-18 lbs:
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size Two 18-40 lbs:
6 Newborn daytime Winter outfits
4 Newborn Hats
30 Newborn onsies
2 Newborn Shoes / Booties (Size 0)
14 Newborn Sleepers / Pajamas
20 Newborn Socks
4 Newborn Velcro Swaddle
30 Receiving Blankets
10 0-3 month early spring daytime outfits
30 0-3 month onsies
4 0-3 month shoes (size 1)
14 0-3 month sleepers / Pajamas
2 3 - 6 month baby brimmed hats
4 3 - 6 month shoes (size 2)
30 3-6 month short-sleeved onsies
14 3-6 month sleepers / pajamas
10 3-6 month Summer Daytime Outfits
4 6-12 month Hats
14 6-12 month Socks
4 6-9 month shoes (size 3)
2 6-9 month Winter snowsuit / bunting
14 6-9 month daytime fall outfits
10 6-9 month long-sleeved onsies
10 6-9 month short-sleeved onsies
14 6-9 month sleepers / pajamas
4 9-12 month shoes (size 4)
14 9-12 month daytime winter outfits
10 9-12 month long-sleeved onsies
10 9-12 month short-sleeved onsies
14 9-12 month sleepers / pajamas
2 9-12 month snowsuit / bunting
4 9-12 month coats

Is there anything I need more of? Less of? Missing? (This is just a clothing / diaper list for the first year, not lotions, car seats toys etc). Also I didn't put bibs on my list, but my mom says I should? If so how many and what size? I will be breastfeeding and using the wrong sized diapers as burp cloths.
I need to try to buy everything for the first year before they are born for financial and other reasons (such as baby shower gifts). This is for twins, so 2 babies, likely born weighing 5 pounds each.
Hmmm I heard you need lots of extra outfits when they are under 6 months because they spit up and drool a lot? I think this is why my mom says I need bibs. I thought the coat might get dirty when they crawl around at the playground and I might need a spare while it is washing?

We do have a washer and dryer, but I am hoping to get away with only doing laundry twice a week. If I can't then I can't, but that is what I am trying to aim for. ;)
Really want to try to get as much as possible now, but if I stick to layering I can use things out of season. For instance short sleeved onsies, a regular sleeper and a coat over them during winter? I am concerned about them being in the wrong season, but here in the south most days are warm and winter is 3 months long. If I have to go out and get smaller /larger coats I can do that. But for instance today I bought 50 outfits for $36 at a fantastic yard sale, including a 6-12 month coat for $0.75.
For seasons I am trying to estimate by their due date, not their actual birthdays,so hopefully they will be close to the right size. As long as the clothes are not completely unwearable for the season, they will be able to wear them at some point! ;)

My girls were 5lbs and 5lbs7oz at birth. I think we were in newborn diapers for 2 months, about a box a week. They were the big boxes you get at Toys R Us of Pampers. We go through a box of 88 (size 4) a week now at 12 months. The first year, most of our clothes were given to us from his mom and my parents. I would not buy your coats in advance. You will not know how much they will grow in the first year to know what size to get them. I always get coats bigger than their size because of putting clothes on under them. Their coats and winter pants for this year are 24 months, because I will have to pile a onsie and a sweater on under it. They can still wear some 6 to 9 months clothing in pants. Shirts it almost has to be 18 months at this point, the few 12 months shirts they have are getting too small. The one thing it seems like we still run out of is onsies, and then socks. Also shoes are funny about sizes. I don't get new shoes for them until they are about to outgrow them. I have 3's that are still too big for them and 4's that are almost too small. According to sizing charts they should be in 4 for their age.

My suggestion is instead of getting everything for the year is get what you need for right now, put the other money away in a savings account and then sell the clothes that look good after they outgrow them on either craigslist or once-upon-a-child and use that money to get their new clothes as you need them.

Edit: I know you don't want to do laundry every day, or even every other day. I do a load every other day, but that is for a family of 7, we also have three boys 14, 14, and 6. You will be surprised how much goes unworn even when you layer them and I didn't have nearly that much. But I am also running out of storage, his mom will see things at the thrift stores and pick them up so I have a bin of 2t, a bin of 3t, and still need to weed out clothes I kept thinking they could wear them this winter and can't.

help PLEASE?

yet to dis

tomorow morning i have my
first baby sitting gig
i want to start off on a good
foot so i just want some good advice
on how to take care of 3 boys
one toddler and one baby
(infant 6-9 months?)
I am thirteen so if i
could have any good advice on how to
keep the boys entertained
as well as keeping the kids safe
and ensuring my own safety
and some good web sites
that have good tips on baby care
like how to feed them, how to
change diapers, etc. that would be great
thanks so0 much =] and please i need
them by tommorow morning
Excuse you AGENT D
but i have had experience
with handeling these boys
just not alone for a full 3 hrs
so im sorry but since you're
no help i think you should just
jeep your rude comments to
you're self!
Excuse you AGENT D
but i have had experience
with handeling these boys
just not alone for a full 3 hrs
so im sorry but since you're
no help i think you should just
keep your rude comments to
you're self!

Boys are easily entertained, make sure you get down to their level. You're young so it shouldn't be too hard. They have a lot of energy, make a game out of picking things up. Get involved (if the baby is not awake or needs attention) and play with them and their toys, ask them what they like to do, be interested in their rooms, toys and interest. As for the baby, that one is easier than the boys. Baby might sleep most of the time but just keep a visual on the baby at all times. Good luck!

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Monday, July 22, 2013

What is the bst way to clean infants toys after they have been sick?

best way to disinfect infant toys
 on Best Ways to Clean Your Baby's Toys
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My baby has RSV and I need to disinfect his toys soon. I know I can throw the stuffed animals in pillow case and wash them but what about all the other stuff?

Put some bleach in a bath tub full of water and dunk them in. The ones with batteries, just give them a wipe down. I understand completely why you want to get those germs out! My nephew had RSV and did breathing treatments and took steroids to get better. I remember him being sick for weeks. Poor thing! I hope your baby gets better soon. You should think about an air purifier like the ones Rainbow has. Those are great.

How do you disinfect toys and such with clorox?

Laura M

What's the mixture? How much of clorox and what else?
Do you need to rinse the toys off after the clorox?
I know these may sound like stupid questions for some people, but I honestly don't know. I have just been boiling water and sanitizing that way.

I have been a child care provider in my home for 20 years plus I organize toy cleaning sessions for the nursery, toddler, and preschool rooms at our church. If you are just wanting to keep the toys clean that typically just your child uses at your home then one of the best and easiest ways to do this is to put them on the top shelf of your dishwasher and run them through a cycle. For toys that are not dishwasher safe or too large than you can just keep them washed with warm soapy water and rinsed well afterwards. Disinfection for normal home use really isn't needed, but if your child has been ill (especially with anything stomach related) or has had a playmate over who has put toys in her mouth or showed signs of illness than you may feel better to disinfect them. This is the method I use for my daycare toys and what we do at our church: First, wash hard surfaced items in warm soapy water (we use regular dish soap - Dawn) either in a dishpan or with a cloth. Use a scrub brush for exceptionally dirty items and on toys with crevices. After washing, rinse with lots of clear water to thoroughly remove soap residue. In a large container (I use either a dishpan or a mop bucket), put 1 gallon warm tap water. Add 1 Tablespoon household bleach to the water than add the toys to cover. Allow to sit in the bleach water a few minutes than remove and let air dry at least overnight. Discard the bleach water after use. It is not toxic to drain systems and can be dumped down the sink or toilet. Many people are nervous about leaving the bleach water solution on the toys, but bleach breaks down very quickly and returns to it's original state of salt and water and the chlorine evaporates, leaving no residue. For large toys not able to be immersed, place some of the bleach water in a spray bottle and spray on then let air dry. Most infant chew toys are top rack dishwasher safe and I wash all my infant toys this way as well as bring home the infant toys from church to wash through my dishwasher. We keep an empty dishpan on the shelf in each of the rooms where infants, toddlers, and preschoolers have care and classes. After a child has used a toy or has put one in their mouth, the care givers/teachers place the toy in the dishpan. Someone comes through once a week and either takes them home to run through their dishwasher or we have the instructions and supplies to do cleaning and disinfecting with soap, water, and bleach. ETA: I would just like to add that while bleach does make a good disinfectant, as with everything, you can get too much of a good thing. Excessive use of products such as disinfectants, anti-bacterial products, and hand sanitizers has been strongly linked to the development of bacteria and viruses that are resistant to normal treatment. There are good germs and bad germs. These products do not know the difference and kill both the good and the bad. If you feel you must disinfect, do so with caution and in moderation.

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Help with my mother who doesn't agree with my views?

best infant toys 2009
best infant toys 2009 image


My husband and I want to start a family soon and are hoping to get pregnant in late 2009. We care about the environment (which is a concern in our every day life together) and feel that one way we can help is by using cloth diapers, homemade wipes, and other more environmentally friendly products. I am also concerned about toys that are ethically sound.

My mother is completely the opposite of me (something I have been dealing with for some time). While I advocate for the use of environmentally-friendly products, I do not ever look down upon those who do not use such items. Each person makes his or her own decisions about what is right for his or her own life. My mother not only looks down upon me for thinking about such products, she actually talks about them as stupid! She thought I was insane for even bringing up the topic. I tried to explain to her that every single disposable diaper ever used is STILL siting in a landfill, unable to decompose for many hundreds of years. She still said that it was all a lie.

Anyway, you all probably get the gist of this...

So, how can we help her understand that this is important to us? She said that no one in her family would purchase clot diapers for the shower (which is fine, we won't even have a registry...we don't need a ton of help with baby stuff). I am not as concerned about the practical aspects (purchasing items we agree with)...I am more concerned about the philosophical and emotional aspects of how this is going to work!

Any ideas? Any one else gone through this?
Yes. I am aware of the usage of water. I actually wrote my dissertation on this very thing!


I actually contacted my local landfill to find out what happens to disposable diapers. What is left of them is just the tab that is used to close them. They have made huge strides in environmental education for all involved, producers and consumers and have it down to a fine art. You can go the cloth diaper route if you would like but have you thought about the huge amount of water you're going to be using to clean that many diapers?

Parents have their own views and will continue to express them. What i've found to work best is to listen to them and make them feel that their ideas are being at least considered and do what you feel is right. its your child and your life.

As for the toys bit, most infant toys don't really have a chance to be unethical. They're developmental toys and amazing for your small child. As the child grows older as a parent you choose to surround them with whatever you see fit. About a month ago i was at my aunts house and her daughter was watching the Alvin & the chipmunks movie, I was absolutely horrified when a song that said "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me, Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me..." came on and she began to sing along. Just because you are given a gift doesn't mean that you have to provide it to your child. Say thank you and at the next good will drive you come across donate it.

Why do so many people assume that other countries need US consumers to buy their goods to thrive?


Please read all of the details before answering the question and tell me what you think of my own thoughts on the matter please. Thank you.

Because of this, from what I understand, many people assume that countries will have to keep lending money to the US so that the US economy doesn't end up collapsing.

I don't buy into the idea that countries need the US. The US appears to be the consumer in this global system, consumers can be replaced though. If the US doesn't consume, someone else will, there is a ton of demand out there, even if prices have to be lowered or currencies revalued to a higher level.

Question written on March 22, 2009

Americans buy a whole lot of things that they don't need.

Kids received mountains of toys on Christmas and birthdays. Many parents would go to a store for regular errands, and if their child was along, they would buy a toy or two. New parents are inundated with baby products, and newly-married couples are given a lot of household goods--many of which they'll never use.

Working at a department store, I have seen parents come in with sheets of computer paper filled with a list of things that the child wants for Christmas. And that is only for one child. The parents would buy everything on that list--at least several hundred dollars worth, but sometimes several thousand dollars worth.

Wedding registries contain large lists of relatively useless items. Items like waffle irons, indoor grills, deep fryers, and fine china will rarely or never be used, but they are almost always purchased.

Baby registries contain large lists of relatively practical items, like cribs and play yards, but also contain a swing AND a bouncer, or an infant car seat AND a convertible infant to toddler car seat, or even a compact stroller AND a full-size one. And many people ignore the registries and buy mountains of baby clothes, all in newborn size, which the child will only fit into long enough to wear each outfit once or twice.

And that's just gift items. We throw out our clothing as soon as it gets a hole, even if the hole is on a seam and easily repaired. We throw out towels, sheets, and underwear the moment it gets stained, even though no one will see the stain but us. We purchase clothing that looks nice on the rack, but horrible on us and that we will never wear. We match our bedding and upholstered furniture to our curtains, walls, and carpet--so if a sofa wears out, we will go out and buy new carpet, draperies and wall paint in addition to a new sofa, loveseat, and chair set so that everything matches.

We always want the best and newest electronics. Every time someone renews their cell phone contract, they get a new cell phone, even if the old one works fine. When flat screen TV's came on the market, people flocked to buy them, even though their old tube TV's still worked fine. People line up to wait to get the newest video game system, even though they already have one that they were happy with until now.

Almost all these things are made in other countries.

We are wasteful to an extent that no one else is. This is what makes us such good consumers. And I honestly can't see people in Europe, where the homes are smaller and the environment is a bigger concern, going out and wasting as much stuff as we do, even if they have the money.

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Where can I find replacement blocks for a Fisher-Price toy?

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 on Winners of Mother & Baby Awards 2010 revealed
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I recently bought my daughter a Fisher-Price Stack 'n Surprise Blocks Songs 'n Smiles Sillytown. I got it on sale at Toys R Us about a month ago for $25. My husband brought it to his mom's house for our daughter to play with while she stayed over there for a couple hours, and her cousin took all of the pieces to his house and lost them. She now only has 3 blocks left! The cheapest price I found for this toy was $68 on amazon, and all I need is a couple of blocks. I checked ebay, nothing! This toy is completely out of stock everywhere and probably discontinued! Will I be able to find replacement blocks anywhere??

Yes the set was discontinued in 2010. If you visit the Fisher Price web page for this particular toy, on the right hand side, there will be a shopping cart. Select United States in the drop down menu.'n+Surprise+Blocks

Then on the shopping page, select Baby Gear under Fisher Price. Then select Infant Toys. Then select Other Infant Toys. Then select Stack N Surprise Blocks Peek A Boo Choo Choo. You can purchase replacement blocks that are compatible with all Stack N Surprise toys. They run $9 a set. Hopefully this direct link will work, but if not, I hope my directions above explain how to get there.

Please help.. My 14 months old daughter is delayed, autism?


My 14 months old daughter is delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills. She is not waiving, not clapping, not pointing, not self feeding. She will sometimes show where my eyes are or mouth, when I ask her, and she will look at a picture on the wall when I ask where the picture is. But she rarely pays any attention to me or anyone else. She loves to play with all her toys, but she doesn't do anything repeatedly (like pushing the same button over and over). When I talk to her or ask her something she ignores me, and continues to do what she was doing like playing with her toy or watching tv. When she watches her cartoons and I get in front of her to get her attention she completely ignores me like I'm a see-through ghost. I'm worried sick.. Has anyone had a kid who was delayed in these areas (waiving, paying attention to mommy, pointing etc), and now are older and normal? Or is she for sure has an autism. I've convinced myself that she does and can't stop panicing. I will make an apt with the neurologist tomorrow, and I was told by an Early Intervention program that she is significantly delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills such as picking up small cereal and putting them in her mouth. (she doesn't do that at all). She seems like normal happy baby to me, she loves it when I sing to her, she looks directly at me into my eyes when I sing, or when I do silly games. She loves pikaboo games and runs to me on her walker when I call her all excited. But when I talk to her most of the time ignores me. I would love to hear from someone who went through this and their kid turned out fine. Some words of encouragement also would help :( thank you so much. I am so afraid of what the neurologist would say. It seems like 100% of normal kids do all these things. If I can just find one who didn't do these things and turned out normal, I could breath just a little easier. Thanks again!
About vaccines etc.. We are on dr. Sears vaccine schedules and we haven't even gotten everything she needs. So I really don't think this could be from vaccines we are being very careful about them.

You are right to be concerned, but don't worry about this until you have done some homework and researched the issue. There is a wonderful web site you can visit to see the symptoms and what is being done to not only help autistic children but what can be done to prevent it.

Go to:

Mary Tocco has been researching vaccines for 30 years and has a volume of information on this subject. Her daughter, Rene Tocco, is the doctor that has dedicated her practice to AUTISM and that is the web site above. Many of the problems children are having today are a result of what is being done to the children in doctor's offices and the food they are eating and the lack of information on good breast feeding, etc.

Become educated, not indoctrinated.

EDIT: NO child needs ANY vaccine. It is a very well known documented fact that children who do not get vaccinated are far healthier and grow up much more healthy. Believe what you will about vaccines, but those promoting it is relying on indoctrination and distortion of the facts, not educated facts.

EDIT: Here's a wonderful article for you to read to get a better in depth understanding of why vaccines are causing many of the problems your child is experiencing.

Dr. Sears is just spreading the poisons over longer time between getting the poison injections. Infants and babies should NOT be receiving these injections at all. Look at the evidence to learn the truth. Pediatricians were invented to inject poisons and nothing more. The well baby visits is just an injection party, nothing more.

If you are still in doubt about this, watch Dr. Maurice Hilleman that was the Number 1 vaccine expert, researcher, and developer of over 40 popular vaccines talk about the "Bargain Basement Technology" vaccines are in this confidential interview:

Now watch this video showing the probity of the Bayer Pharmaceutical that makes aspirin for the world and how they view PROFIT over HEALTH:

Is it no wonder the public has started to reject what these guys are promoting?

Drug companies would have you believe their technology saved the world of disease, but nothing is farther from the truth. Look at this study on small pox that drug companies tell you they eradicated:

Babies are being damaged by these corporations that are promoting this farce. BIG MONEY is being made by them. In fact drug companies make 5 times the profit of any U.S. corporation and politicians get a huge amount of this. This is why the recent Health Care Law funnels so much money directly to them. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame and the public is getting the booby prize. And the worst part is that children are the victims.

good luck to you

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

What are some good educational toys for a 2 year old girl?

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 on The Best Toys for Six-Month-Old Babies : Newborn Baby
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My daughter is going to be two in May. I am wondering what would be some good educational toys for her. I have been looking but most of what I have been seeing is for infants and toys that she would get bored of. She likes things that make noise. Right now she is into drawing and organizing. She likes pushing things around. She is really into baby dolls right now. I got her one and some accessories to go with. I am just wondering what educational. I a curious what your child at this age likes or liked and also what are some toys to avoid? Thanks!

I would recommend anything Leapfrog. A couple that come to mind are the Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set and the Leapfrog Alphabet Explorer. Here is a link to all Leapfrog toys that are appropriate for a 2 year old-

Vtech also makes a toddler laptop. I don't have it but it looks like it got good reviews and it would be educational-
I believe it is for ages 18 months to 3 years.

My son likes his Little People Animal Sounds Farm. I would recommend that highly. Great for learning animal sounds and names and for speech (saying in, out, up, down).

What are the infant toys with a blanket attached called?


My daughter really likes this winnie the pooh toy. It is a pooh head with a little blanket attached. I don't know what the official names for those toys are and my husband calls them dish rags (which I hate), so I wanted to figure out what to call the thing.
I just looked them up online to see about buying a 2nd one and they are $39! The tigger, eyeore, and piglet are $7.99. What on earth! And it looks like they are called security blankets and loveys. Thanks!

I was always told to call them 'security blankets'. Where I shop they tend to call them 'security blankets.'

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