Q. I am due to have a baby boy in June and am interested in getting him in some ads or commercials. Daddy and I are both very attractive (so we've been told) and thought this might be a great way to kick start his college fund. He will have blue eyes and either blonde or strawberry blonde hair. Thank you for your input.
A. Neal Hamil is the only agency in Houston with a kids division, but it looks like the youngest they represent is 2 years old, not newborns
But you have to realize there is VERY little work for newborns. Companies like Pampers or Fisher Price use the same visuals on their packaging and ad campaigns for several years, so that baby you see on the toy box is probably 5 years old by now. When they become toddlers, there are more chances for ad campaigns, catalog work, in-store visuals, etc.
But you have to realize there is VERY little work for newborns. Companies like Pampers or Fisher Price use the same visuals on their packaging and ad campaigns for several years, so that baby you see on the toy box is probably 5 years old by now. When they become toddlers, there are more chances for ad campaigns, catalog work, in-store visuals, etc.
How can I decorate a nursery for a toddler boy and an infant girl?
Q. I know that the most obvious stuff is ocean/tropical, or barnyard/jungle themes, but my house is modern and my husband and I thrive on all things monochromatic and clean lines.. My baby boy's nursery is baby blue and brown. The childlike accent thrown in is a few fluffy sheep:). We are expecting a baby girl next year and only have one room available to serve as the nursery.. any ideas?
A. I am really attracted the the new baby colors of pink and brown. Since the boy's room is already blue and brown, could you put some accents on her side of the room that are pink and brown?
Also, you could find a pink sheep, or tie a pink bow on a sheep.
Also, you could find a pink sheep, or tie a pink bow on a sheep.
Has anyone ever traveled really long distances with their infant?
Q. I am moving, and the drive is a total of 1300 miles. It's an 18 hour drive WITHOUT stops. I have a 6 month old boy. I am really nervous about the ride. Anybody have any advice or tips?
He is a really good boy, and sleeps most of the time in the car anyway, but I am so nervous.
He is a really good boy, and sleeps most of the time in the car anyway, but I am so nervous.
A. Well I didn't go that far with mine, only 8 hours, but we just stopped every few hours or so & walked around for a few minutes so we could all get a break from the car. We fed her in her car seat then took her out to burp and as soon as she did, we put her right back in. (We stopped, didn't take her out while driving). I really didn't make that much of a difference stopping like that because it was only for a few minutes when she ate, which was every couple of hours. We also took alot of toys, light up ones, loud ones, etc. to keep her busy and one of us sat in the back with her. Really the only advice I can give is to stop & get out every now & then so your little boy can get some time out of his seat.
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