Saturday, October 5, 2013

What infant toy(s) do you think actually benefits your child developmentally?

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 on Get Best Infant Toys for a Unique Learning Experience
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Ivy has Tw

My guys are 4 months, and so far I think the activity gym (the mat with toys hanging overhead) is the only thing that really develops them in a way that not having it would not.

The swing, jumper, infant chairs etc. are soothing / fun, but not developmental, but the activity mat allows them to do something they couldn't yet otherwise, which is to grab and bat at toys.

I feel the same way. I have a jumper and a swing and they simply keep my son distracted (for a short period of time) when I need to be doing something. The activity mat actually engages his mind and helps him to play. It is by far his favorite place to be when I'm not holding him. I have recently tried him in a Jumperoo and he loved that thing so much he got kinda mad at me when I took him out of it because I could tell he was getting exhausted. It has lights and makes noises when he jumps and he loves light and noises. (And belly dancers for some reason, but I won't get in to that here.) (:

what are the best products out right now that can help boost my children developmental skills?

wendy k

I have a 2 1/2 yr old and a 9-month old. I have tried Baby Einstein and Baby Genius cd's but they don't prove to be effective. I would like to have highly intelligent, intelluctual children. I would like to know what products are out there that provide what I'm looking for.

Being "highly intelectuall" Is based on a lot of factors including the right nutrients while their brain is devloping, genetics, and what they are exposed to from birth.

Ex: if you put on a baby einstein video your child is not going to pick up much from it just staring at the tv.
If the parent sits down with the child and points out things in the video then they will get more out of it. I used to for the color van gogh baby einstein, after they showed each color, I would pause the dvd and find objects of that color around the house for my infant to see.

You have to play an active roll in helping your child learn if you don't just want them to pick something up at a casual rate. However try and keep in mind everyone is different, pushing a child to hard to learn when they are not ready is only going to frustrate them and make them dislike learning more. Try to make learning fun and take the cues from your child when its time to give it a rest for the day.

Start by talking to your child ALL the time, sing to him/her, read him books, name everything around the house and what you are doing. "mommy is opening the cabinet and getting out a plate, this is a plate" Spend lots of time with your child.

Get developmental baby toys, NOT electonic ones. These are like watching tv, they entertain the child and do not require to use their brain to explore. Try shape sorters, blocks, large legos, pull along toys, lacing toys, puzzles, etc.

Try getting shape/color flash cards and making games out of them. Pull a card (say circle) and walk around the house together triyng to find toys that are circle.
Or number flash cards and count things around the house. In fact you can count pretty much anything just casually thrown in there while your child is playing with it.
Also try laying a few of the flashcards on the ground and make it a game by having the child find a card for you. (Can you find the cat? can you find the letter D?)

let your child finger paint or use whipped cream and food coloring

Cook together, even little ones like to crack eggs and pour stuff into a bowl.

Color with crayons, or chalk, or draw.

Go outside for walks. Stop to point out different things or smell the flowers. Blow bubbles.

put a word of the day/week on the refrigerator and try and use it with your child all day (it can be any language you wish)

Make and play with puppets.

spend time on the computer together. For infants and toddlers you can buy little keyboards, a mouse and programs, like jumpstart or fisher price, or just let them hit letters on a blank screen in notepad to see what it does.

make bath time fun with bubbles, toys, strainiers, measuring cups, new coffee filters, or ice cubes

make a cardboard box into: a car, a house, a bed, ect. color it and play in it. or take many boxes and stack them like blocks

Hide some toys around a room and ask for help finding them. (help me find all the ducks they ran away. or all the food for my shopping cart)

Put pillows and cushions on the floor for infants to climb on or children to bounce on.

Group items (3 or 4) with one different and have your child pick which is differnent.

Draw faces on paper plates with different emotions. Name them or ask your child to name how the person is feeling. Put on a show for your little on with the faces.

Hide a toy under a cup, mix them up and let them try and find it.

Hide something that plays a long song or noise and have them listen to find it.

Make big Feet out of paper and tape them to a hard floor. Put a letter on each and let them walk down the foot path and read the letters as they go.

Play copycat or simon says

Make a touch bag: fill it with items of different textures (smooth, bumpy, silky, fluffy, rough ect.) infants-rub the items on their hands, feet and cheek. toddlers/young children-have them guess what each item they feel is.

Clap, pat your legs, hit a drum and make simple beats and have your child repeat them.

collect items that go together like a sock and shoe or a spoon and bowl, lay them out and have the child match the items that go together

Whats wrong, get items like a sock and shoe, and book. put the shoe on then the sock or read the book upside down. see if they try and fix whats wrong, if not say "is this how this goes?" "wasnt that silly"

Play peek-a-boo, use a toy and a scarf for a bit of a change, if your baby is older play by leaving the room and re-apearing, for toddlers play hide and seek.

Buy a crawl tunnel or cut a large hole in the box to let infants crawl through.

Provide different sized containers and lids (like tupperware) and let them find which fits where

kids love to rip and crinkle paper. lay them on a sheet of wrapping paper to crinkle or let them experiment ripping and crumpling paper (supervise so they dont eat it)

take a paper bag and make an "underground" home for one of your childs stuffed animals that would live under ground (a fox, rabbit, groundhog, mole ect.) decorate the bag with crayons and markers making the bottom half look like dirt, worms, ect and the top half like grass and ant hill, ect. glue leaves and sticks to the top half. Discuss how and why animals live underground.

play "pigs fly", call out an animal name and have them flap their arms like wings when an animal flies and stop when the animal doesn't.

Ask questions to your child.

pull out the pots and pans as well as whisks and funnels to play with.

Use 2 littler plastic pop bottles as pins and a ball and go bowling.

set up an empty laundry basket and let your kid throw balls of different materials into it (crumpled paper, a sock, etc.)

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what's the easiest way to fly with an infant and a toddler?

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 on ... airplane travel with a baby by elizabeth pantley author of gentle baby
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The toddler will have his own seat, but I will be holding the baby. My questions are, should the toddler fly in his carseat, and if should we be taking a stroller to the gate (I have a double jogger).
Anyone who has gone through this, please give advice! This is not a vacation, it is for a cross country move so both carseats will need to go on the plane in some way.

Definitely strap the toddler into his seat and buckle him in. Don't get him out for any reason. Treat it like a car trip. Take a stroller to the gate, but I'd recommend just using a single stroller because they're easier to fold and deal with and get a sling or Bjorn for your infant. It'll be easier for everyone involved! Make sure to have new toys in a backpack for him. Think: a new box of crayons, coloring book and paper, play doh, little plastic animals and cars. One thing my grandmother did for me in a similar situation was to wrap little junky toys like the ones mentioned above and at certain time intervals I was allowed to open a new one. It made the trip go faster (according to my parents) and I only got them if I was behaving myself. Good luck!

should I be worried about flying 18 hours with a 9 month old?


I'm going home to visit family and I won't have anyone else to help me. I've never taken him on a plane but I'm scared that he'll cry the whole way and I'll feel really bad for annoying others. Does breastfeeding work well for taking off/landing? I'm open to any suggestions!
I couldn't even afford my economy class ticket let alone business, my family paid for it so they can meet the baby. My husband has to stay home too.

For a trip that long, I would highly recommend paying the extra price and getting your baby his own seat in her carseat. That way you don't have to hold him the whole time. You CAN fly "infant in arms" and not pay for him to fly but would it be worth it? Just my two cents.....

Yes, breastfeeding or a pacifier helps with the differences of cabin pressure during take off and landing, just like chewing gum. Bring little toys and books to keep her from getting too bored. Bring a lot of healthy snack foods and pick her up and walk around occasionally. Try traveling mainly at night, may be your baby will sleep more.

Also, if your baby cries a lot, the seasoned travelers are used to it, and besides you won't see any one else on the plane again so don't feel bad. And a bad day or so of crying and the annoyance of the trip won't have any negative affect on a normally happy baby.

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What are some things to think about before having a baby?

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 on Babble lists the hottest new toys hitting shelves this year!
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I'm trying to make a list of "problems" and "solutions" - just some things to think about before we have a baby to make sure we are as prepared as we can be. Not big things like financials, more like obstacles along the way.

Such as, traveling by plane with a baby, going grocery shopping with a baby, how to find a baby sitter while traveling etc etc.

Take the baby with you. My guys are 7 months old I've never had a baby sitter.

You need 2 people. One makes money, one watches the child. The one who watches the child spends all day with the child. They can be mom, dad, a nanny, a daycare provider, grandma whoever. The one who makes money preferably is not the same one, and not the government either.

My guys are easy. We don't take planes, we drive. I put the infant seats on the grocery cart. They like it and will sit back for hours just babbling and smiling. There are babysitters from Craig's list, but I don't use them. When we visit grandparents I might take off for awhile leaving them with grandma. Otherwise their dad watches them, but those outtings are rare. I like bringing my little sidekicks with me places.

I don't find it that difficult, except that we are short 1 income, so finances are tight. The world is made for babies.

We followed an eat-play-sleep schedule so that "jump up at every cry" thing was not true for us. That said, I spent 11 hours a day breastfeeding alone. Then another 4+ doing diaper changes etc. And that is all broken up time. I got 15m out of every 2h to get things done, and 3h of sleep per 24 hours.

By 9 weeks they slept 8 hours straight at night, and now at 7 months they sleep 11 hours straight and take 3 hours of naps during the day, so lots of time for sleep / housework / play. And they like shopping and car rides and stroller rides. We have taken them to restaurants, they just gawk at everything. Today we went to take the car to the shop. We had to wait about 2 hours and they just played with a couple of toys and had bottles in their car seats / stroller.

Should i be worried about my 16 month old?


My daughter is 16 months old and says mama, dada, dowa (dora), bah pah (backpack) , mahp (map), cup (tup), and ipah(diaper). And that's it. She understands almost evrything that you tell her and points at things; ie nose, mama's face, pretty eyes.. so on and so forth but most of the time she doesn't seem to want to talk, should i be worried about this?

I read at a parenting website that most gilrs her age should say about 70 words and understand over a hundred.

What parenting website would that be? That's insane!

American Academy of Pediatrics
By the end of two years:

* Pays increasing attention to speech
* Responds to simple verbal requests
* Responds to "no"
* Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for "no"
* Babbles with inflection
* Says "dada" and "mama"
* Uses exclamations, such as "Oh-oh!"
* Tries to imitate words

From the National Institutes of Health
How Do I Know If My Child Is Reaching the Milestones?

Here is a checklist that you can follow to determine if your child's speech and language skills are developing on schedule. You should talk to your child's doctor about anything that is checked "no."
12 - 17 months Yes No
Attends to a book or toy for about two minutes.
Follows simple directions accompanied by gestures.
Answers simple questions nonverbally.
Points to objects, pictures, and family members.
Says two to three words to label a person or object (pronunciation may not be clear).
Tries to imitate simple words.
12 to 18 months

* babbles - sounds like sentences
* understands simple questions/statements e.g.. "where is your nose?", "give me"
* says words (not clearly)
* nods "yes" and shakes head for "no"
* enjoys rhythm and likes to "dance" to music

warning signs

* does your child not talk at all?
* is your child sociable?
Between one and two

* Understands "no"
* Uses 10 to 20 words, including names
* Combines two words such as "daddy bye-bye"
* Waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake
* Makes the "sounds" of familiar animals
* Gives a toy when asked
* Uses words such as "more" to make wants known
* Points to his or her toes, eyes, and nose
* Brings object from another room when asked
By 12 to 15 months

Children this age should have a wide range of speech sounds in their babbling and at least one or more true words (not including "mama" and "dada"). Nouns usually come first, like "baby" and "ball." Your child should also be able to understand and follow single directions ("Please give me the toy," for example).
From 18 to 24 months

Children should have a vocabulary of about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more partial words by the time they turn 2. By age 2, kids should be learning to combine two words, such as "baby crying" or "Daddy big." A 2-year-old should also be able to follow two-step commands (such as "Please pick up the toy and bring me your cup").
By the end of 18 months, your child may:

* Point to an object or picture when it's named
* Recognize names of familiar people, objects and body parts
* Follow simple directions, such as "Throw me the ball"
* Say up to 20 words

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COGNITIVE development game ideas for infants, toddlers & preschoolers?

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 on Love That Max: Special Needs Blog : Best toys for kids with special ...
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im not even sure what cognitive development is, but i need to come up with games/toys that contribute to it. (it can be a toy or game from toys r us) thanks in advance!
ps its for an assignment

Cognitive development is basically memory and problem solving (cause and effect, ect). For infants, mobiles, rattles,teething toys, stacking toys, squeeze toys and picture books.

For 1-3 years, Push-pull and ride-on toys,Small tricycles and wagons, Simple puzzles, shape sorters, peg boards, movement games, Blocks, stacking rings, Picture and coloring books, Crayons, markers, and clay

For 3-5 years, Dress-up with accessories, Puppets, Large bead threading and lace sets, Storybooks
• Simple board games (Candyland ,Whac-A-Mole, or Chutes and Ladders),Puzzles (no more than 24 pieces)

Hope that helps! :)

Are their developmental milestones for babies?


I know all babies develop at their own pace, but I wanted to know round about ages for certain goals. Such as, first words, crawling, walking, sitting up, first tooth. Also are there ways to help them with their words?

Yep, every baby achieves or reaches different milestones at different ages.

here is a couple great websites that you can read through about what to look for during certain months (ages) on what they should be doing:

Developmental Milestones: According to the
Early Learning Accomplishment Profile Assessment.

The following is a list of major milestones in baby's first year of life. This is meant to be a general guide, but keep in mind that all babies develop at different rates. If you have concerns that your baby's physical development is lagging behind, please consult your pediatrician.

Pushing Up: 4 to 5 months
As your newborn gains better head control, he will begin to push up and fully extend his arms. Babies spend the first six months of life gaining control of their posture, which sets the stage for more advanced motor skills.

Reaching and Grasping: 4 to 5 months
As a newborn's reflexes begin to disappear around 3 to 4 months, he'll use both hands to grasp for objects and have more control. The Palmer reflex, baby's clenched fist that waved spontaneously, has disappeared.

Rolling Over: 4 to 6 month
By six months of age, baby can roll over both ways.

Sitting Up: 6 to 7 months
By six months of age baby is sitting up or getting ready to do so as his back straightens out and strengthens. He is also able to pass a toy from one hand to another. By nine months baby has mastered sitting to the point of twisting and turning in place.

Crawling: 7 to 9 months
By nine months of age baby can move forward in some way whether it's creeping, crawling or scooting on his bottom.

Standing: 7 to 9 months
Some babies as early as six months of age can pull to stand.

Walking: 9 to 18 months
The average baby walks a month or two into his second year of life.

Climbing and Pushing: 18 to 24 months
At this age, toddlers have mastered walking to the point of climbing and pushing objects. A toddler can also carry things as he walks.

Dance and Dress: Age Two
Toddlers at this age love to dance, clapping their hands and tapping their feet to the rhythm. A toddler can also get himself out of his car seat and may prefer running to walking. He can also assist in dressing himself and can climb up and down stairs by himself.

Mental Milestones:
The following is a list of cognitive milestones in baby's first year.

Newborn to Three Months:

Remembers objects that disappear and reappear.
Can discriminate among different voices.
Can tune out stimulus at will.
Six to Nine Months:

Likes to imitate.
Babbles one syllable.
Knows his name and some words associated with familiar objects.
Understands the concept of object permanence, when things disappear from sight they may be there just concealed by something else.
12 to 18 Months:

Understands the meaning of some words and commands.
Has increased attention span.
Imitates activities.
Searches for hidden objects.
Uses five to 10 words.
Remembers past events for longer periods.
18 to 24 Months:

Engages in imaginary or pretend play.
Can follow two step commands.
Can put words together.
Can identify pictures in a book.

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Any suggestions on traveling with infant on a plane?

best toys for infant on plane
 on ... airplane travel with a baby by elizabeth pantley author of gentle baby
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paula r

I will be traveling ALONE with my 10 months old son for a 15 hours non-stop flight very soon. Any suggestions on how i can make it easier on myself and on him? I heard about the sucking bottle when take off and land to avoid his ear popping. The travel agent booked us the very last row. but then I heard that the best is the bulk head. I am not sure having a big screen in front of me and my baby though. He crawls everywhere. Not yet walking by himself. What do i do to entertain him? Can I bring a electronic toys on board? Is there any traveling gear that I should bring with me? I will have a travel system stroller and the car seat with me. I am afriaid it will be really tough when we get to the screening. Just a bit nervous since I will be going alone. That's a long flight too. Please help.

You have so many important questions! I found this site that is probably just what you need to read. It has information on everything listed below. I copied it from the site to give you an idea. Best wishes on your trip.

These baby and child air travel tips are from flying families worldwide
Get tips about:


At the airport

Diaper changing

Meals on board

Entertainment and playing

Getting around

Health and hygiene



Sleeping on board

Staying sane

Travel planning

What happens on board

What to wear

How to travel alone with a toddler an infant? By plane. Any advice?


I would like to know how anyone here might have travelled alone by plane with a toddler (mine is almost 2) and a baby (mine is 10 months old). Please I am at a loss at how I will be able to visit my father with both babies. What gear is available, how can this be done? I will of course have help to get to and from the airports but in between with boarding, seating, and after arrival to get to baggage area. Thanks.

Okay well your one child (the older one) will have their own seat. but you will be holding the baby unless you purcahsed a separate seat. i highly suggest a double stroller and wheel the luggage behind you. You can use your stroller up until the very last second and then they will put it under the plane for you and then they will have it ready for you right when you get off...but that is going to SAVE you. Also make sure you have a backpack so that you can keep a change of clothe, diapers, etc and pack some new toys and snacks so that your toddler will be interested and if you have a potable dvd player i would pack that in the bag as well. Also if they have a favorite binky or blanket or cup i would definately let them have that. Relax and take your time.
hope that helps...happy travels.

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Friday, October 4, 2013

What do you do as a parent that goes against the grain of the current parenting trends?

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Dr. Blue F

No need to be serious. I like silly, yet honest answers.

Me: I let my daughter rough house with her dad, play with "boy toys" and generally be a tom-boy. I basically reject the current trend to make my daughter conform to a very strict "gender stereotype". I also chose to go "old fashion" and not make my infant use the potty.

i believe children are children who are people. i believe a 3 year old isnt stupid and comprehends things. i give her chores - pick up your toys, put your dishes away, clean up your room. im anti soda. i believe in giving the opportunity to right your wrongs before a discipline action is taken. books are toys. water cakes wont kill anyone.

where wood i go to get an application for the Bruce Roberts Toy Fund?


Its where the program provides free toys to boys/girls from infant to 13(i think) low income families. pltd. press heard puts the application in the sundays paper.

Here's the link:

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How likely is it that my husband will get custody of his daughter?

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 on Where to Get the Best Toys for Kids Online: Top 3 Baby Toys 2011-2012
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Janet Amei

My husband has partial custody of his one year old daughter. He gets her every weekend as ordered by the court. Well when she was 6 months old she got a yeast infection and blamed my husband saying he needs to use the same diapers and wipes that she uses but we kept using the same wipes and diapers and it hasn't happened to her again. Then in October she started to get sick her mom called us on tuesday and asked if we still wanted her on friday even though she was sick. We told her yes. Then that friday be got a call that she went to the er because she started wheezing. The doctor said she had bronchitis. The doctor gave her a nebulizer. or so that is what her mother told us. they said they would bring her over after the hospital. she called 10 minutes later and said she wasnt letting my husband have his visit because she was sick. That was contempt of court and the attorney told her if she does it again she will be in alot of trouble. After that his daughter came over with a cold every other weekend. In the begining of december. she had a cold that turned to an ear infection. Then She had a fever of 104 on christmas night and went to the hospital. no one told my husband til this past weekend. Her mom said the doctor at the er gave her a med to give her ever four hours as needed. But she ripped of the pharmacy name from the lable and the expiration date. We read the bottle and notice that the perscription was filled on december 26 2011 over a year ago. we refused to give it to her. I dont understand why she would tell us to give her a med that was a year old. And a mutual friend told us that the moms house is messing and that she blames it on the baby. plus the baby came here a few weeks ago with a bruises that can not be explained by her moms simple "She fell on a toy" and shes always coming over with cat sctratches on her legs. we take pictures of everything but my husband is geting worried that she is not in a healthy environment and want to try to get costudy of her. What are his chances?
Kit Kat: It is not anger that we are dealing with its worry for her safety. And we've already gone to parenting classes.

You should stay out of it. This is between the Mom and Dad. Be supportive of him but do not go to court, do not get involved with the doctors. If you start playing a role in this, it will make co-parenting all the more difficult for the Mom and dad over the next 18 years.

First of all - when a little baby like that is very sick then visitation can and should be cancelled. It is one of the ONLY reasons a parent is allowed to cancel visitation.

Dad should try to work with the Mom, not battle or try to build a car against her. If he refuses to work with him to figure out why the baby is sick all the time, why the prescription bottle was torn up, etc, then he should schedule a hearing in family court to address the matter. It is not a matter of who gets custody. The family court will likely allow both Mom and dad to have equal parental rights. I think what you are asking is if they might order that the baby should live with Dad. Likely, they wil give Mom ample opportunity to improve her parenting and the environment the baby lives in.

I need help creating a Subvertisment Idea?


Please help!!! I need an idea for a project in my digital toolbox class. I need to use photoshop to merge together at least 3 images to provoke an idea or message. Like choosing an issue in society and using a brand to extort it.

For example:

An image of an overweight kid standing in front of McDonalds to show that McDonalds will make you fat and causes obesity in children.

An image of a hand tattooing a baby a picture of a Disney character to provoke the message that Disney is forced into our childhood minds from birth.

A slogan would be helpful too since we have to make one...

Thank you!!!

How about some product related to getting/staying slim - Diet Coke, 'Lite' .... whatever is common in your country eg. stocked to the hilt on the kitchen shelves, but the family is obese & lazy ?

Watching supermodels walk the ramp & trying to emulate their figure, etc. by becoming anorexic ? You could show magazines with Size 0 model photos, posters in the room, etc. while the girl tries to emulate in front of a mirror.

Something similar with Health drinks, sugar-free foods, etc....

New gadgets from Apple that kids get hooked on or enticed by ? Almost a status symbol too, with people lining up for hours/days in front of stores before a new launch...

Movie franchises & their related products - whether toys, masks, clothes, or whatever - kids dreaming of Being that character & trying dangerous stunts or picking up wrong attitudes/habits ?

Hope these spark off ideas...

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How can I go green with raising my infant?

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 on Best Educational Toys for Baby
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How can I go green with raising my infant?
Glass bottles instead of plastic,
organic and petro free baby lotion, soap, etc
organic clothing and bedding,
wood floors in nursery,
cloth diapers.......WHAT ELSE? Thank you for your ideas!

Making your own baby food is a good one. That way your baby gets all the nutrition you get in mashed form. I use a KidCo food mill. You put the food in, crank the handle and baby eats what you eat for meals. It was a $13 investment that saved tons in baby food and you get to know exactly what baby gets.

Also instead of cloth diapers you could look into g-diapers. They have a website and are also sold at places like Whole Foods. They are a cross between a cloth and a disposable however instead of throwing away the diaper you flush a biodegradable insert down the toilet and wash out the outer shell. They have no pins and use velcro on the back so baby can't take off his or her own diaper.

And instead of wipes you could buy a box-o-rags that you re-use by cleaning with bleach or a natural cleaning agent (Shaklee makes a great one). You cut them into smaller pieces and dampen them when you have poopy diapers. They are usually recycled from old t-shirts so they aren't a rough fabric and very cost effective.

Getting fabrics that are made of soy, bamboo, or other natural replenishing fibers are not only safer but usually softer and last longer.

If you don't already have wood floors in your nursery, look for a demolition in your area of maybe a school, church or the like and ask about getting your wood from them. School gyms and churches usually have old wood floors full of charm and character and most often this stuff goes to the dump.

Buying wood toys (such as Melissa and Doug items) ensures your baby has child-safe yet fun, educational toys that aren't full of plastic and batteries.

One last thing I can think of. When storing baby food or breastmilk, buy cases of Mason jars. This eliminates the use of plastic ice cube trays (for freezing food), tupperware, and Saran wrap. The jars come in all sorts of sizes and are less expensive that Glad-ware in the long run.

What are some fun things to do with older infants (like 10 months) while your babysitting?


Im 13 years old and today i started babysitting this 8-9 month old baby. she got bored with her stuffed animals and toys so easily! what can i do to keep her entertained?

There are lots of things you can do to keep the baby entertained! For example, you can:

-read books to her and ask her questions about the book so she feels like she's participating
-sing songs to her
-put her in a stroller and go on walks together (if the weather permits)
-put on an educational television program for her
-play with stuffed animals and make animal noises to keep her excited and interested
-play music and dance around goofily
-play peek-a-boo

As long as you're creative with your resources, you can almost always keep the baby you're babysitting amused!

I would also recommend downloading the free app Recalls Plus. It allows you to keep track of foods and products that have been recalled, that way you can make sure that both you and the baby are consuming and using safe foods and products!

Recalls Plus

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What would be the most important items a woman should have for her first baby?

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 on Travel Toys
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My little sister is pregnant for the first time. I know there are some things that a mom could use that are very important to have. I know diapers, baby wipes, and little squeaky toys are some things. What else would be very important to have? Thank you, I appreciate your answers!

a bouncy seat.
a swing
a stroller travel system with infant carrier and extra base if there is two cars.
a convertible car seat.
an infant tub
a bumbo seat with tray i use mine as a booster seat since we don't have a high chair yet
infant Tylenol, ibuprofen, mylicon, aspirator
a little grooming kit with hair brush and nail cutters

What was your favorite and most used gift from your baby shower?


I am curious what your favorite gift was and most used gift that you received from your baby shower? My favorite gift was probably the baby carrier and my most used would have to be between a travel system stroller and baby swing. I am trying to figure out a gift to get my cousin whose pregnant. I already know that her parents are getting a lot of gifts she will need for the baby. I also am wondering what smaller gifts you liked receiving?

Most practical was definitely an infant car seat from my friend. Cara grew out of it at about 7months, but I used it up until then and I'm definitely keeping it for #2. They are pretty expensive though, and you have to make sure that it's compatible with the car. This isn't small, but it was the most useful.

I have a baby blanket from when I was little, so it was sentimental receiving blankets. They're very basic, but useful and I appreciated them a lot. I got 17 of them though, so if you want to get your cousin something more unique, maybe you could monogram it.

Pacifiers, bottles, etc. all come in handy a lot, especially since Cara liked to throw her bottles to the floor and they would roll away somewhere we couldn't find them (until, of course, they started to smell...). Some good brands for these are Nuby, Graco, etc.

also, any type of organizer is great! I have a really cute one that I actually bought myself, it used to hold diapers and such now it holds bath toys, pull-ups and clothes.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Where are the cheapest places to by baby supplies?

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 on Developmental Toys, Babies and Toddlers | Mom Exchange
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Pokemon Tr

My friend is having a baby shower for her son who is due sometime in 3-4 months. Im not sure. Im on a budget but want to make her a nice basket. I plan on diapers and some onesies and some other small things. I know she is looking for jake footie pajamas and has dc shoes on her wish list. I dont know if I can get her all that but I do want to know the cheapest places to find baby items. We have a walmart and a dollar store ao it may need to be online. If anyone else has any ideas for a basket let me know. I am not sure yet whether she will be using breast or bottle. Should I get some bibs or a blanket?

Um, does DC Shoes even make sizes for infants? I wouldn't get her name brand stuff as the baby will outgrow it quickly. I don't know about the Jake footie pajamas either.

Amazon and Wal-mart has some cheap shipping options too.

I would consider getting her the onesies packs that Wal-mart sells. I would throw in some teethers (a set of 3 is cheap). A glowhorse or a glow-worm in the toy section of Wal-mart is a good buy because every baby I've seen loves them. I would consider a package of regular cloth diapers for burping. Bibs I'd hold off on. Receiving blankets maybe but those big plush ones aren't actually recommended till the child is out of the SIDS range. I would consider a sleeper gown. Baby shampoo and wash clothes are good for baskets.

Any clothes you get, I'd recommend buying in the 3-6 or 6-9 months range. A lot of people will buy clothes in the 0-3 range or newborn so that way the baby has stuff to grow into.

What kind of things do you add to your baby registry?


I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.

I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.

First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.

Here are some things for your registry

Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer

That is all I can think of for now. Good luck

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I need i check list for everything a baby needs for its first year of life? Can anyone find one?

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 on Parenting & Pregnancy magazine Awards 2011/2012 best baby toys ...
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Country Gi

I am planing on trying to conceive but i want to save up some money to make sure i am prepared. I need a check list of every single thing a baby will need for its first year of life.. Everything from car seats, to cribs, to diapers, ect. And im having trouble finding one. Any help?

Baby Care~
Baby care set: Brush, comb, nail clippers, thermometer & medicine dispensers
First aid supplies
Teething rings (2 or more)

Bathtub or contoured sponge
Bath toys
Washcloths (6 to 8)
Gentle shampoo or body wash
Baby lotion
Hooded towels (2 to 4)

Bedroom & Furniture~
Crib or bassinet
Mattress pad (2)
Crib bedding set
Fitted sheets (2 to 4, cotton and/or flannel)

Books, Baby CDs & More~
Colorful board books for Baby
Camera (digital, video, or film)
Baby book or journal
Personalized gifts
Baby CDs with classical, lullaby, or fun music

If cloth diapers, plastic pants and/or Velcro® covers (6 to 12)
Diaper bag
Diaper and accessory organizers
Rash ointment and powder
Wipes (at least 2 packs at all times)

Nursing pillow and nursing stool
Breastpads, shields, and cream
Lap pads (4 to 6) and burp cloths (3 to 4)
Bottles (6 to 8 of various sizes) and nipples
Bottle sterilizer and organizer
High chair (not needed until around 4 to 6 months)
Infant spoons (3 to 4)
Baby plates and bowls
Spill-proof cups (1 to 2)

Rear-facing car seat
Car seat base for 2nd car
Safety mirror
Portable crib or play yard
Sling or soft carrier
Bouncer seat
Jumper or stationary entertainer
Gym or play mat
Infant seat

Layette ~(for newborn to 6 months)
Homecoming outfit
T-shirts or kimonos (3 to 4)
Shirts and one-pieces (6 to 8)
Coveralls and outfits (2 to 4)
Layette sets
Sweaters (2)
Sleepwear and gowns
Receiving blankets (4 to 6)
Absorbent bibs (4 to 8)
Booties or socks (3 to 6 pair)
Hats (2 to 4)
Snowsuit or bunting and warm hat (for winter)

Baby Monitor
Safety gate
Corner guards & tot locks

Plush toys
Crib mirror
Car seat toys

Just for Mom~
Prenatal massage
Nutritious meal substitute
Healthy snack
Prenatal vitamins
Maternity wear (pants, comfortable shoes, etc.)
Nursing bra
Sleep pillow
Parenting magazine

What are the steps of opening a home daycare?


Licensing Requirements

Opening a daycare in your home requires you to follow certain rules and procedures. These vary from state to state. Before you start, contact your state authorities. Find out what you need to do to open a daycare. You may need to complete official courses in caring for young children. Many states also require caregivers to illustrate mastery of techniques aimed at keeping young children safe, such as administration of CPR.

Safety Issues

Before you open a daycare, do a thorough inspection of your house. Child and infant safety should be your first priority. Dangling cords should be placed out of reach of children. Electrical outlets should have covers on them. Carpets should be inspected to look for any objects that a toddler might put in her mouth. All cabinets should be locked with locks that cannot be opened by a small child. Purchase baby gates to make sure that a child cannot climb stairs. Even if you don't have stairs, a baby gate is useful to keep a child in a single area. Furniture should also be given a very close look. Check for nicks in wood that could cause splinters, edges on tables or chairs that could be dangerous and cushions that have strands that could pose a choking hazard. If you have a pet, make sure it can tolerate babies and small children. If the pet poses a danger, you may have to give it up.


Proper organization will help you run the daycare better. Set aside a specific corner for feedings, another for diaper-changing and a third as a play area. If possible, devote a different room to each purpose. If not, decorate the corners to indicate their function to parents and other caregivers. Place all supplies such as child-size spoons, wipes to clean up spills and toys in each appropriate area.

Finding Clients

Once you've set up the daycare, you must find clients. Advertise in magazines devoted to parenting. Place an advertisement on a local bulletin board. Let your fellow parents know that you have openings in your daycare.

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How soon after your baby learned to crawl and cruise did he/she start walking?

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 on Baby Gifts 6-9 months, Best Baby gifts for babies 6 7 8 9 months. Age ...
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My daughter learned to crawl around 8 1/2-9 months. Within a day she was pulling herself up and within a couple days cruising. Now she's 10months old and cruises pretty good.

Just wondering after your baby learned all these tricks did they learn to walk??

I do realize she will when she's ready and that there is a wide variety of normal for all infants. :)

My daughter started to crawl 6 days after she turned 6 months. She then started to pull up just before she turned 7 months and was cruising really well at 8 months. I was sure she was going to be walking at 9 months, but she didn't! She just wouldn't let go - didn't feel comfortable. She did not start walking independently until 11 1/2 months. When she did start walking thought she walked well. She is a year old now and is walking really well and fast! She also squats to pick up toys and stands back up with no problems.

What are some fun things to do with older infants (like 10 months) while your babysitting?


Im 13 years old and today i started babysitting this 8-9 month old baby. she got bored with her stuffed animals and toys so easily! what can i do to keep her entertained?

There are lots of things you can do to keep the baby entertained! For example, you can:

-read books to her and ask her questions about the book so she feels like she's participating
-sing songs to her
-put her in a stroller and go on walks together (if the weather permits)
-put on an educational television program for her
-play with stuffed animals and make animal noises to keep her excited and interested
-play music and dance around goofily
-play peek-a-boo

As long as you're creative with your resources, you can almost always keep the baby you're babysitting amused!

I would also recommend downloading the free app Recalls Plus. It allows you to keep track of foods and products that have been recalled, that way you can make sure that both you and the baby are consuming and using safe foods and products!

Recalls Plus

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Do y'see the love in this one?!?

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 on best baby toy sudocrem blog the best baby toys on etsy 400x400
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The Feeling of Done

Sometimes, like an architect
where my write is the ribbon
on opening day;
sometimes just fully spent,
and my poem is the towel to
wipe my tears away!

Sometime, the fool drunkard
inebriated by this cocktail
penned to true love;
sometimes the wolfish glutton
who writes and writes but
never gets enough.

Sometimes a wee small infant
a strange format my newest toy to
learn to rattle;
and sometimes I am a warrior,
with cause shield and word sword brandished
well in battle!

RAH (c) 09/23/2010
"D"...hugs t'you too sweetie! :)

Caz...I posted all these love poems 'n' wodnered where y'went!?! ;)

Muchas gracias amiga! :)
T'anks again ladies...y'all so dependably sweet!

T'anks s'much BF and CG...actually, I've posted a number today, cuz I got asked about somethin' and these were my answer! From the archives or on teh spot, I'm enjoyin' the ones I chose today!

Yes I do see the love in this one , Nice one Ray

Are parents aware of the harmful effects of lots of chemicals found in most plastic?

Stupid Sma

like ''Bisphenol A'' or 'BPA' and other chemicals like phthalates ?

''BPA is controversial because it exerts weak, but detectable, hormone-like properties, raising concerns about its presence in consumer products and foods contained in such products. Starting in 2008, several governments questioned its safety, prompting some retailers to withdraw polycarbonate products. A 2010 report from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised further concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants, and young children.[1] In September 2010, Canada became the first country to declare BPA a toxic substance.[2][3] In the European Union and Canada, BPA use is banned in baby bottles.[4]''

Yup, thus why we only buy wooden toys and we make sure all of our plastic is BPA free, or buy glass/wood products where possible. We use glass baby bottles.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How much activity does a 6 month old usually get?

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 on Win toys for babies 0-6 months! | askamum
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My DD is 6 months and she plays for a few minutes, then she just sort of stops. I'll let her watch a Baby Einstein because it seems like she's bored with all of her toys.

She also still HATES tummy time.

Is this normal?

Yep - Some babies are scootching around kicking and trying to get moving at 6 months and some are content to just hang out and observe. My daughter never liked to be on her belly either. Every baby is different :)

What are good learning/developing toys for a 6 month old baby boy?

Evelyn Isa

I have a 6 month old son and christmas is coming up. I was wondering what are some good toy ideas to give him. He loves putting things in his mouth so small things that can make him choke are a no no. He also loves things that makes noises. This is my first child so I really don't know what is good for him?

Glo Worm or Scout dog.

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Infant ear piercing: What is wrong with these people who call themselves parents?

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 on This is La Newborn boy from JC Toys, who make spookily realistic baby ...
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Buffy J

A baby is a baby not a fashion accesory. Permanent Body mutilation should be the choice of whoever is getting it. I think that parents do have a right to not allow their kid to do it to themselves, because the kid can when they grow up, but they have no right to do it to their kid before they are old enough to decide for themself. I have an arguement against a few of the biggest reasons why a parent would do this to their kid. First, they say it's cute. I think it looks tacky, but for those who do think it is cute, so are hairbows, a lot of baby outfits, and babies in general. Also, see reason above about it being the kid's choice. Second, they say it ends the problem of gender confusion. A simpler, pain free trick even more visible is putting a little girl in pink, boy in blue. Finally, they say it spares the kid the pain of remembering. If the kid doesn't want it and doesn't wear earrings, the holes are still visible. If they want it when they are older, they can if they are allowed.
I was running out of characters for the last reason, so here's what I meant. I had my ears pierced in kindergarten, I wanted to, in case you are wondering. When I don't wear earrings, the holes are still visible. One possible reason someone may not like having their ears pierced as a baby is because even if they choose not to wear earrings, the holes are still visible and they may not like that. When I looked at similar questions, there were some people who had their ears pierced as infants and ended up not liking it. And if you want to know why I am so bothered by this, when I go to the mall, seeing this done to infants really haunts me, seeing parents deliberately put their kid through so much pain deliberately.

Thank You! I was at a birthday party not too long ago and my friend walked in with her 3 MONTH OLD daughter with her ears pierced! I was so horrified I couldn't say anything nice about it! I just said "I can't bear it when my daughter gets shots, how could you deliberately put her through that much pain!". Needless to say the mother was speechless and after they left EVERYONE at the party was in shock. It is now the punch line for everything like, "hey, at least I don't poke holes in my babies ears..." So awful, and trashy to boot!

OH and she didn't get them pierced for cultural reasons...she was treating her daughter like her own little fashion toy.

what is the best gift for an ucle to give his newborn nephew?

ronny t

my sister just recently had a baby boy, which by my luck was born on my birthday. my sister was already given all the essentials, such as bottles, formula, ect. and since im the uncle and its a boy i want to be the one to get him the best things. i want to spoil him. what would be the best gift for a newborn boy?

Here are some things I found to be absolutely amazing with a newborn/young infant: (sorry the links aren't clickable, just copy/paste them to see what they are) (I believe these are available at Babies R Us now) OR
I think that's so cool you want to spoil your nephew and be the "cool" uncle. I think you're already on your way. OH-- and as he gets older, and your sister gets more comfortable with being away from him, offer to babysit, spend time with him one on one, or just visit him often. My boys love my husband's brother- he doesn't spend a lot of money on them, but he spends TONS of time with them, and is always willing to go to the park and play in the dirt with them, take them to movies, McDonald's, or the zoo. They worship the ground he walks on, and the world stops when he comes over, simply because he's their favorite toy. :)

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How to advance intellectual compentence for infants mobile infants and toddlers in a day care?

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 on Toys to Promote Cognitive Development in Toddlers & Infants | Everyday ...
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Infants: Place baby on their tummy in a safe area on the floor. Get down on their level and talk to your baby to encourage her to raise her head and chest off the floor. Add to this activity as your baby grows by placing colorful toys just out of reach to encourage scooting and crawling.

1-year old children: include block play, filling and emptying containers, hide-and-seek and rolling and catching a ball, according to the National Network for Child Care. Play music and dance with your child to encourage movement.

2-year-old: needs opportunities to challenge and build upon his gross and fine motor skills. Sand and water play helps toddlers develop hand/eye coordination and encourage fine motor development. Clapping games such as pat-a-cake also promote coordination. Activities that involves running, jumping or climbing are appropriate for toddlers.

Preschoolers develop fine motor skills through art activities using crayons, glue, scissors and/or paint, and through dress-up activities. Riding toys, swings and climbing structures help children gain strength, dexterity and coordination. Walking a chalk line or playing hopscotch helps preschoolers develop balance and coordination.

Cognitive Development
Activities that engage children in problem-solving, sorting, classifying, understanding and using information promote cognitive development, according to Child Care Help. Playing peek-a-boo with your infant encourages intellectual development as he begins to understand how you disappear and reappear. Shape-sorters help toddlers and older infants to develop problem-solving skills. Age-appropriate puzzles, matching games, sorting games and block play engage toddlers and preschoolers in activity that requires them to work intellectually through a problem.

Creative Development
Creative development thrives in an environment where children can safely express their curiosity, explore and play. Open-ended art, music, movement and dance activities breed creative expression. To encourage and foster creative development, you must allow children to explore and express their own ideas. Give infants opportunities to make choices, and to listen and move to music. Provide age-appropriate art materials such as scissors, glue, crayons, markers, paper, paint and sponges for older children, and allow them to create freely. Invite children to make up a story, use instruments and move freely to music to help them develop confidence in their own ideas and expression.

what is Piagetian process or concept. and what is the child’s most likely stage of development in this example?

Andrew J

Example: Fourteen-month-old Henry tries to move the blanket to find the toy that his mother hid beneath it.

Piaget's 'Four levels of development' are (1) infancy, (2) preschool, (3) childhood, and (4) adolescence. Each stage is characterized by a general cognitive structure that affects all of the child's thinking (a structuralist view influenced by philosopher Immanuel Kant)[citation needed]. Each stage represents the child's understanding of reality during that period, and each but the last is an inadequate approximation of reality. Development from one stage to the next is thus caused by the accumulation of errors in the child's understanding of the environment; this accumulation eventually causes such a degree of cognitive disequilibrium that thought structures require reorganizing.

The four development stages are described in Piaget's theory as:

Sensorimotor stage: from birth to age 2. Children experience the world through movement and senses (use five senses to explore the world). During the sensorimotor stage children are extremely egocentric, meaning they cannot perceive the world from others viewpoints and explore using senses. The sensorimotor stage is divided into six substages: "(1) simple reflexes; (2) first habits and primary circular reactions; (3) secondary circular reactions; (4) coordination of secondary circular reactions; (5) tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity; and (6) internalization of schemes." [4] Simple reflexes is from birth to 1 month old. At this time infants use reflexes such as rooting and sucking. First habits and primary circular reactions is from 1 month to 4 months old. During this time infants learn to coordinate sensation and two types of scheme (habit and circular reactions). A primary circular reaction is when the infant tries to reproduce an event that happened by accident (ex: sucking thumb). The third stage, secondary circular reactions, occurs when the infant is 4 to 8 months old. At this time they become aware of things beyond their own body; they are more object oriented. At this time they might accidentally shake a rattle and continue to do it for sake of satisfaction. Coordination of secondary circular reactions is from 8 months to 12 months old. During this stage they can do things intentionally. They can now combine and recombine schemes and try to reach a goal (ex: use a stick to reach something). They also understand object permanence during this stage. That is, they understand that objects continue to exist even when they can't see them. The fifth stage occurs from 12 months old to 18 months old. During this stage infants explore new possibilities of objects; they try different things to get different results. During the last stage they are 18 to 24 months old. During this stage they shift to symbolic thinking. [4]
Preoperational stage: from ages 2 to 5 (magical thinking predominates. Acquisition of motor skills) Egocentricism begins strongly and then weakens. Children cannot conserve or use logical thinking.
Concrete operational stage: from ages 5 to 11 (children begin to think logically but are very concrete in their thinking) Children can now conserve and think logically but only with practical aids. They are no longer egocentric.
Formal operational stage: after age 11 (development of abstract reasoning). Children develop abstract thought and can easily conserve and think logically in their mind.

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Where can I find replacement blocks for a Fisher-Price toy?

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 on Top 10 Baby toys for Christmas 2010 | Toybuzz
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I recently bought my daughter a Fisher-Price Stack 'n Surprise Blocks Songs 'n Smiles Sillytown. I got it on sale at Toys R Us about a month ago for $25. My husband brought it to his mom's house for our daughter to play with while she stayed over there for a couple hours, and her cousin took all of the pieces to his house and lost them. She now only has 3 blocks left! The cheapest price I found for this toy was $68 on amazon, and all I need is a couple of blocks. I checked ebay, nothing! This toy is completely out of stock everywhere and probably discontinued! Will I be able to find replacement blocks anywhere??

Yes the set was discontinued in 2010. If you visit the Fisher Price web page for this particular toy, on the right hand side, there will be a shopping cart. Select United States in the drop down menu.'n+Surprise+Blocks

Then on the shopping page, select Baby Gear under Fisher Price. Then select Infant Toys. Then select Other Infant Toys. Then select Stack N Surprise Blocks Peek A Boo Choo Choo. You can purchase replacement blocks that are compatible with all Stack N Surprise toys. They run $9 a set. Hopefully this direct link will work, but if not, I hope my directions above explain how to get there.

Please help.. My 14 months old daughter is delayed, autism?


My 14 months old daughter is delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills. She is not waiving, not clapping, not pointing, not self feeding. She will sometimes show where my eyes are or mouth, when I ask her, and she will look at a picture on the wall when I ask where the picture is. But she rarely pays any attention to me or anyone else. She loves to play with all her toys, but she doesn't do anything repeatedly (like pushing the same button over and over). When I talk to her or ask her something she ignores me, and continues to do what she was doing like playing with her toy or watching tv. When she watches her cartoons and I get in front of her to get her attention she completely ignores me like I'm a see-through ghost. I'm worried sick.. Has anyone had a kid who was delayed in these areas (waiving, paying attention to mommy, pointing etc), and now are older and normal? Or is she for sure has an autism. I've convinced myself that she does and can't stop panicing. I will make an apt with the neurologist tomorrow, and I was told by an Early Intervention program that she is significantly delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills such as picking up small cereal and putting them in her mouth. (she doesn't do that at all). She seems like normal happy baby to me, she loves it when I sing to her, she looks directly at me into my eyes when I sing, or when I do silly games. She loves pikaboo games and runs to me on her walker when I call her all excited. But when I talk to her most of the time ignores me. I would love to hear from someone who went through this and their kid turned out fine. Some words of encouragement also would help :( thank you so much. I am so afraid of what the neurologist would say. It seems like 100% of normal kids do all these things. If I can just find one who didn't do these things and turned out normal, I could breath just a little easier. Thanks again!
About vaccines etc.. We are on dr. Sears vaccine schedules and we haven't even gotten everything she needs. So I really don't think this could be from vaccines we are being very careful about them.

You are right to be concerned, but don't worry about this until you have done some homework and researched the issue. There is a wonderful web site you can visit to see the symptoms and what is being done to not only help autistic children but what can be done to prevent it.

Go to:

Mary Tocco has been researching vaccines for 30 years and has a volume of information on this subject. Her daughter, Rene Tocco, is the doctor that has dedicated her practice to AUTISM and that is the web site above. Many of the problems children are having today are a result of what is being done to the children in doctor's offices and the food they are eating and the lack of information on good breast feeding, etc.

Become educated, not indoctrinated.

EDIT: NO child needs ANY vaccine. It is a very well known documented fact that children who do not get vaccinated are far healthier and grow up much more healthy. Believe what you will about vaccines, but those promoting it is relying on indoctrination and distortion of the facts, not educated facts.

EDIT: Here's a wonderful article for you to read to get a better in depth understanding of why vaccines are causing many of the problems your child is experiencing.

Dr. Sears is just spreading the poisons over longer time between getting the poison injections. Infants and babies should NOT be receiving these injections at all. Look at the evidence to learn the truth. Pediatricians were invented to inject poisons and nothing more. The well baby visits is just an injection party, nothing more.

If you are still in doubt about this, watch Dr. Maurice Hilleman that was the Number 1 vaccine expert, researcher, and developer of over 40 popular vaccines talk about the "Bargain Basement Technology" vaccines are in this confidential interview:

Now watch this video showing the probity of the Bayer Pharmaceutical that makes aspirin for the world and how they view PROFIT over HEALTH:

Is it no wonder the public has started to reject what these guys are promoting?

Drug companies would have you believe their technology saved the world of disease, but nothing is farther from the truth. Look at this study on small pox that drug companies tell you they eradicated:

Babies are being damaged by these corporations that are promoting this farce. BIG MONEY is being made by them. In fact drug companies make 5 times the profit of any U.S. corporation and politicians get a huge amount of this. This is why the recent Health Care Law funnels so much money directly to them. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame and the public is getting the booby prize. And the worst part is that children are the victims.

good luck to you

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