Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tips for babysitting 6 children with a friend?

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 on ... For You Children: How To Find Best Outdoor Toys For Your Kids
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Hi I am 15 years old and I was asked to babysit 6 children, and to ask a friend. I asked my family friend who is 19 years old so both of us will be babysitting the kids.
The ages are 7, 5.5, two 4.5, 2.5, and 10 months old.
Only two of the kids are girls.
Supposedly they are all easy children.

Any tips to handling everyone? Activities we could do to keep the busy, etc? How to stay organized?

First of all, I would split up the kids. For instance, I would take the kids that are 4.5-7 (all of whom should be more independent), and I'd ask the other sitter to take the 2.5 year old and the 10 month old. You could also ask the other sitter to take the 4.5 year old, leaving you with the 5 and 7 year olds. Or vice versa (you could take the younger ones). I prefer caring for the older children, so I have listed for you the way I would go about this.

If you are caring for the infant and the toddler, you'll want to make sure that you are watching them around the clock, and keeping them happy. Play with toys, get down on the floor, be interactive.

For the older really varies on "handling them". Do these children get along with one another? That is usually the biggest problem...sibling rivalry. I usually bring along with me board games, crafts, and maybe a ball.

This one ball can be used for indoor games like monkey in the middle, silent ball, or even hot potato; and also the typical outdoor games. Crafts can be whatever you want to make out of them. With that many children, I'd keep it simple. I bought a great "Spin Art" kit from Meijer which was a huge hit. I also like the "Color Wonder" paints (no mess!), though crafts are endless in possibilities.

How will the weather be? With four kids, tag is great. As is hide and seek (which can also be played indoors). Then of course there are the typical outdoor games (Football, etc.). Ride bikes, shoot hoops, possibly put together a scavenger hunt.

Also if you are indoors with the older kids, you could always make a fort! They normally LOVE that!

Of course keep all of the children fed and well cared for. If this runs into the evening, I usually would bring the kids in and calm them down an hour or two before bed time. Watch a movie. That is a great way for the kids to unwind and get prepared for bed. Read books to any children that request it, and get them to bed! Once they are sleeping soundly, enjoying the rest of the evening for yourself, but be sure to check on the kids frequently.

Best of luck, and have fun!!!

~ Kris

We will be having a fun day to mark the end of the school year. I need ideas for infant and toddler fun day?


I work at Early Head Start and we are limited in what we can do. Last year we did a carnival day and the year before that we had a Luau. We can't think of an easy theme for this year..any ideas?
we are required to have a fun day theme.

Have a "Beach Day" or "Water Play Day"
This is assuming you have an adequate outdoor area, of course.

Set out a few wading pools, water sprinklers, slides, etc. The children will bring their bathing suits,towels and sunscreen and just enjoy a day outdoors in a less-structured environment. Have a sand table with lots of digging toys available; a small tub of sand with seashells; a bubble center, and so on. You can have a picnic-style lunch with popsicles.

Not a whole lot of work in terms of decorations, props, etc. but loads of fun for the kids.

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We will be having a fun day to mark the end of the school year. I need ideas for infant and toddler fun day?

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I work at Early Head Start and we are limited in what we can do. Last year we did a carnival day and the year before that we had a Luau. We can't think of an easy theme for this year..any ideas?
we are required to have a fun day theme.

Have a "Beach Day" or "Water Play Day"
This is assuming you have an adequate outdoor area, of course.

Set out a few wading pools, water sprinklers, slides, etc. The children will bring their bathing suits,towels and sunscreen and just enjoy a day outdoors in a less-structured environment. Have a sand table with lots of digging toys available; a small tub of sand with seashells; a bubble center, and so on. You can have a picnic-style lunch with popsicles.

Not a whole lot of work in terms of decorations, props, etc. but loads of fun for the kids.

What do you think are the Pros and Cons of having a child in Day Care?


It's for an opinion paper in my child development (psychology) class. There is no right or wrong answer...and everyone has different opinions. Let's try to respect others feelings in our responses. I'm hoping to find some responses that I had not thought of, or I had thought of but had trouble expressing the opinion in a clear way. The answer that best assists me in my preparation for the paper gets "Best Answer"!-- Whether you agree with me or not (part of the reason I'm not stating where I stand). Feel free to list both pros and cons!
And thanks in advance for you help!

Pros: your child will be able to learn and interact with other children and it prepares them for pre-school or kinder garden.

Cons: (If you work a 9-5 job) someone else will be raising your child and disciplining them, probably in ways you don't approve of. You are away from your child for a long period of times. Your child may pick up other bad kid's habits. If your child is still an infant...then your child might end up calling his/her caregiver "mommy". I've seen it happen before. Other kids may have bad hygiene and pass it on to your child (i.e. head lice).

UPSIDE of Daycare:

Always more than one person available to watch, care for, supervise, and feed your child

Interaction with other children

Develop social skills at an early age

Kid's days are pretty much scheduled, routine, and consistent

Daycare centers don't call in sick

Kids receive a lot of mental stimulation

Your house stays neater (although my son can make a mess in minutes)

The kids enjoy the change of scenery and toys

Cost is less than for a nanny

English-as-second-language kids have more exposure to English

DOWNSIDE of Daycare:

Nighttime baths vs. possibly every other day

Laying out their clothes

Packing nutritious lunches vs. fast food snacks

Morning rush to get out of the house on time

Allow extra time to make the stop and drop-off

Your child screaming, "Mommy don't go!!"

The guilt and bad feelings because you're leaving them behind

Less one-on-one attention from caregivers

Potential personality conflicts at the center between parents and staff

Potential personality conflicts between the children

Ethics taught are the centers or the caregiver

Values taught are the centers or the caregiver

Possibly no ethics or values taught at all

Political influences are those at the center/school

Less bonding between parent and child

Child learns early on that you won't be there for them when they need you

You don't get to see and experience all the "firsts" that your child goes through

You can NEVER recapture those things you miss

When your child has a boo-boo you're not there to make it better

When your child is excited about what she/he has learned, you're not there at the moment they want to share it with you
When they're not feeling well you leave them to someone else to care for them

When they're sick no one will baby them like you will

More exposure to health issues: ringworm, lice, and colds/flues

You're not there to kiss away their tears

You're not there to waylay their fears

You're not there to set their wild ideas back on track

No opportunity to have a spontaneous day

No time to do "nothing at all" together

To experience the joy of holding and watching your child sleep for hours (hopefully)

You're not there to teach them to climb a tree

To explore the bugs and insects

To plant a seed and watch it grow

Playing "what do you see in the clouds"

Less time to go to the beach, woods, hiking, swimming, biking, skating, etc.

No time to just "play"

To be your kid's playmate

To experience getting to be a kid all over again with your child

Seeing and experiencing life through the eyes of your child

No time to make pancakes in the morning

No time to bake real cookies

Not there to put a band aid on the invisible oweee

Not get to see your child's imagination develop

Not get to see their personal development as much as you could

Don't get to see them beaming with pride at their BIG accomplishments

Infants and toddlers spending 6-8-10 hours a day away from Mom or Dad

The cost of daycare is an added expense: financial and emotional

(Copied and pasted the pro's and con's and attached the link below)

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Is this a beautiful crib? (Read Details)?

Friday, September 6, 2013

will a nissan rogue fit three car seats?

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raeann k

I have a 6 and 5 year old in two booster seats and just found out i'm expecting.. Will a 2011 Nissan Rogue fit 2 boosters and an infant car seat comfortably or should i start looking around for something bigger


It totally depends on what seats your children will be riding in and in what positions.

Many parents have successfully installed three car seats across as shown here:

I would look into the Chicco Key Fit 30 infant car seat as it is typically narrower than other infant car seats. Usually the KeyFit works best when installed in the center. Another option is using a convertible car seat straight from birth. Look at the lowest bottom slots measuring about 8 inches or less to ensure the harness straps can be adjusted at or below the baby's shoulders.

The Diono Radian is the narrowest car seat on the market that measures about 14" across the thighs and 17" wide at the shoulders. It is typically outgrown around age 3-5 rear facing and another two to three years forward facing. This means that it will be the last harnessed car seat your child will need. It is spendy, but it is indeed worth it. The Radian R100 can typically be found on sale on amazon for around $207:

A newborn needs their car seat in at at a 45 degree angle to keep their airway open and the Radian does take up a ton of front to back space in the vehicle. You could try installing it in the center seat and have the top part of the Radian fan between the two front vehicle seats. Or you could have the Radian installed behind the passenger seat, but have no one sit in the front passenger seat until your baby gets some head control. When your infant is older, you can always used the angle adjuster by Diono to get the seat more upright.

You can always use the Chicco KeyFit 30 then get the Diono Radian later so you don't have to eat the dashboard. It is completely up to you =]

But I have to warn you- boosters can be difficult to buckle in a three across situation. You might get some scraped knuckles, but it is indeed do-able.

Also, if you do install in the outboard seating position for the infant seat, installing with the seat belt generally gives you more room. When installing it with the seat belt, the car seat can be scooted closer to the door. The seat just needs to be installed with less than an inch of movement. The KeyFit 30 has a built in lock-off to aid seat belt installs.

My best advice for you is to go to Toys R Us and try out car seats and different combinations. If you are installing a car seat in the center position in the back seat, LATCH cannot be used as they aren't reinforced in the center (unless your vehicle manual says specifically that they can be used in the center). The lower anchors on the side seating positions are connected by a metal bar; this is (usually) not found in the center.

Are you going to circumcise your baby boy?

Proud Momm

Why or why not?

No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

No. It is a cosmetic surgery, medically unnecessary. It is extremely painful (see the video link at the end of my message). Genital Integriy, Intact Genitals, Rights to an Intact Body are for all.

If you are religious, "God Designed. Mother Approved. Revision is Circumcision"

Every baby boy on the planet is born with a foreskin and yet very few have them removed. The foreskin is a perfectly normal natural body part.

It is illegal to circumcise baby girls. Would you be asking this question if your baby is a girl? The answer is probably no. So, the answer to would "I amputate normal healthy body parts of my baby boy,at the risk of death, perform cosmetic elective surgery on my perfect newborn?" The answer is no.

Doctors tell you the amputated Lie when it comes to Circumcision. I beg you to learn the WHOLE TRUTH.

Every YEAR, more than 100 babies die from Circumcision. If this was a product, a toy, a crib, stroller, bottle for sale, on the market, for babies, it would have been recalled long ago.

Here is a video made by doctors for doctors on circumcision.

Here is a another link containing the actual surgical procedures of circumcision

•No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

•Only the USA circumcises the majority of newborn boys without medical or religious reason.

•Medicalized circumcision began during the 1800s to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease.

•Today's parents are learning that the foreskin is a normal, protective, functioning organ.

•Today's parents realize circumcision harms and has unnecessary risks.

•Circumcision denies a male's right to genital integrity and choice for his own body.

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Can an infant teething cause the upper lip to form a blister like bump on her lip?

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 on Parenting & Pregnancy magazine Awards 2011/2012 best baby toys ...
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A and A B

My children had them when they were breast feeding. I'm sure they could be caused by teething, but are most likely the result of sucking on fingers or toys to sooth the teething. This is a portion of the definition found in Parenting Magazine. Hope this helps.
SUCKING BLISTER- Found in the center of a baby's upper lip, this blister results from the baby's sucking on a thumb, toe, or other body part

Moms of potty learners: what do you pack on the go?


What is in your diaper bag/purse/bag/etc. when you leave the house with your potty learner. Tell me everything, even if it's not related to change of clothes, etc. Thanks!

Ok, i'm not a mom, but i am a parent, so....

My son has a SpiderMan backpack that has been used as a diaper bag for a couple of years.

While he was an infant, the diaper bag had: complete spare outfit, 6-8 diapers, package of wipes, a couple of small garbage bags, rash cream, teething toy, however many bottles/sippy cups were needed, and all of his baby documents (birth cert, vaccination record).

As he grew older, the rash cream was replaced with sunscreen, and the teething toy was replaced by old magazines, and a small zip top bag of Cheerios.

Now that he's potty training, we carry three pairs of underwear, two pairs of shorts, and one neutral shirt for back up outfit duty. No diapers, but wipes are always good to have on hand for accidents in and out of the pants--messy eating, small spills, sticky hands, etc. Still have those grabage bags as well, for wet/soiled clothes. A fresh bag of Cheerios--some things don't change so fast. Sunscreen and a bottle of water for emergencies (can you tell i was a Boy Scout?) Still carry a copy of his birth cert and shot records. A couple of toy cars. A rock he picked up at the park. My wife's old cell phone (it's his "phone" now). And a pair of shades--one of three pairs he owns.

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Where are the cheapest places to by baby supplies?

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 on What Babies Learn From Play Senses And Motor Skills.
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Pokemon Tr

My friend is having a baby shower for her son who is due sometime in 3-4 months. Im not sure. Im on a budget but want to make her a nice basket. I plan on diapers and some onesies and some other small things. I know she is looking for jake footie pajamas and has dc shoes on her wish list. I dont know if I can get her all that but I do want to know the cheapest places to find baby items. We have a walmart and a dollar store ao it may need to be online. If anyone else has any ideas for a basket let me know. I am not sure yet whether she will be using breast or bottle. Should I get some bibs or a blanket?

Um, does DC Shoes even make sizes for infants? I wouldn't get her name brand stuff as the baby will outgrow it quickly. I don't know about the Jake footie pajamas either.

Amazon and Wal-mart has some cheap shipping options too.

I would consider getting her the onesies packs that Wal-mart sells. I would throw in some teethers (a set of 3 is cheap). A glowhorse or a glow-worm in the toy section of Wal-mart is a good buy because every baby I've seen loves them. I would consider a package of regular cloth diapers for burping. Bibs I'd hold off on. Receiving blankets maybe but those big plush ones aren't actually recommended till the child is out of the SIDS range. I would consider a sleeper gown. Baby shampoo and wash clothes are good for baskets.

Any clothes you get, I'd recommend buying in the 3-6 or 6-9 months range. A lot of people will buy clothes in the 0-3 range or newborn so that way the baby has stuff to grow into.

What kind of things do you add to your baby registry?


I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.

I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.

First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.

Here are some things for your registry

Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer

That is all I can think of for now. Good luck

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Any suggestions for good toys for young babies?

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 on Best Infant Development Toys |
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Q. I'm a first-time mom and my three month old daughter is just starting to swat at toys on her playmat. We didn't stock up on any toys before she was born because we knew we wouldn't need them right away so now I'd like to get some for her. Also, we're planning on getting an exersaucer in the near future when she can hold herself up a little bit better. Any suggestions including name brands? Thanks for your help!

My baby is 4 months, and he's just now getting big enough for his Rainforest Jumperoo. The activity mat kept him pretty busy for the first couple of months... there's not much they can do except swat things on the activity mat and watch the mobile on the crib at that age. You might buy more toys for the activity mat (I bought the Tiny Love windchimes for my baby to kick, he loves those). Also, board books (like Goodnight Moon) are great. Until they are older, babies really need to interact with their parents, so just pointing things out and talking to her about them is enough entertainment.

By the way, I saw someone suggested the Baby Einstein videos... I would not suggest those. Research has shown that they actually delay language development.
"Despite marketing claims, parents who want to give their infants a boost in learning language probably should limit the amount of time they expose their children to DVDs and videos such as "Baby Einstein" and "Brainy Baby."

Rather than helping babies, the over-use of such productions actually may slow down infants eight to 16 months of age when it comes to acquiring vocabulary, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute.

The scientists found that for every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them."

How do you become a nanny?


My teacher for Infant Development was observing me when we took a trip to a preschool. She noticed how I interacted with the children, kept everything neat and orderly, and adhered strictly to the schedule and told me I would make a good nanny, which got me wondering: what exactly does it take to become one?

Go to and
Fill out a profile for each site. Be honest and fill it out the best you can in detail.
Then you can search for a family near where you live and families can search for you.

Most families want a person with experience, mature, on time, clean, will help with house work, taking kids to activities, someone that will teach there kids, do crafts, stick with there schedule and rules, take kids to the park, fix the kids there meals,doing activities at home(toys,puzzles,games,outside play), most ive worked for dont want kids in front of the tv all day(i allow 40 min a day and on occasions we have a movie day,just one movie),etc... Pretty much what a mom would do.

Why did I get a thumbs down?

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How to get my rescue puppy to learn to hold her bladder?

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 on Photo courtesy of Used with permission.
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I have a approx. 6 mon. Old Doberman puppy who I adopted from a rescue at 41/2 mon. Her litter had been abandoned by the owners and had been running loose in the woods fending for themselves. Immediately upon getting her home, I noticed that she urinated frequently. Sometime two or three times an hour anywhere and everywhere. I chalked this up to her being used to no correction. I was off from work the week I got her and really worked hard to housebreak her. Out after waking, out after eating, out as often as she needed it. Maybe this is where I went wrong. By Friday, she really had the hang of alerting me that she needed out. In two months she has only pooped inside once. I consider her housebroken in the sense that she will always run to the door then to you to be let out. But she can't hold her bladder more than an hour at a time unless she is sleeping. Sometimes she goes out 2 to 3 times in an hour and always urinates. I tried distracting her with toys etc, but when she alerts she will go in the house if ignored.She is not crate trained. I considered this but with her issue, I thought this would not help things. She is confined to a large room while I work. While in this room she reliably uses puppy pads. I had her checked for a uti 3 days after I brought her home and it was negative. Her kidney function is normal per pre-anesthesia labs for her spaying. And she can sleep up to 7 1/2 hours with no trouble at night. No diabetes as her glucose was normal as well. My vet says what goes in must come out, but this seems very excessive. I can only assume she doesn't understand that "holding it" is expected. I am not looking for a full day of holding it, but no other dog that I have ever had has ever had this issue. I will be returning to the vet for an "all clear" , more bloodwork, urinalysis, etc. If that is good then I am going to try to restart her crate training with the hope that if I start slowly and lengthen the time it may finally click. Advice?
Dixie's only correction is just a quick no for distraction, then rushed outside to finish her business. After she is praised. No treats as I don't want her to just ask for out for the treats. I just think that having to take her out 15 or more times a day is excessive. I am more concerned about something being medically wrong. She has a problem with eating very quickly, gulping down her food, that we are working on. I am wondering if she feels the same about her water and is concerned about drinking while the water is available. I haven't tried to withhold water before bedtime etc. I'm not sure if that is wise. As far as I know none of her littermates have this problem.
And for those who think this is a ridiculous request. I have raised dogs for 35 years and have housebroken many puppies with no trouble. I just have never seen a puppy at 6 months old having to urinate multiple times an hour all day long but is fine at night and is completely housebroken without there being a problem. I am not asking for a miracle and not asking for holding it all day, just longer than an hour at a time! I was hoping someone could offer some help, not looking for sarcasm! Thanks in advance for those with honest answers not judgement.

Puppies are prone to accidents, theyre just like infants or kids who pee in the bed because of their weak bladder. The best advice i can give is feed them consistently, for a 6 month puppy 2 times a day is enough with a 12 hour interval in the middle. Be consistent then it will learn to pee at those times. Another thing you can do is to cage the puppy in an enclosed area and bring them out to pee, my puppies never urinate when theyre in their cage (or a spot where they sleep).

If you are concerned for medical problems, get a blood test for your dog and ask the vet to check it out, my puppy is a tiny yorkie but only pees after 3 hours average.

What Baby Items Should I Buy For After 6 Months?


Hi! I just had my baby shower and have what I need through about 6 months. My Dad is giving me 250.00 to spend. What should I get for down the road a ways? I did already get his car seat for when he's out of the infant seat. Thanks!!

1. size 6 to 12 months clothing
2. toys that make noise, light up, roll around, and or play music
3. board books
4. Jumperoo
5. high chair
6. sippy cups and toddler bowls and spoons
8. plastic bibs
9. size 3 and 4 diapers
10. bathtub toys
11. baby gate and other safety items

You have a nice dad!

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Please help.. My 14 months old daughter is delayed, autism?

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My 14 months old daughter is delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills. She is not waiving, not clapping, not pointing, not self feeding. She will sometimes show where my eyes are or mouth, when I ask her, and she will look at a picture on the wall when I ask where the picture is. But she rarely pays any attention to me or anyone else. She loves to play with all her toys, but she doesn't do anything repeatedly (like pushing the same button over and over). When I talk to her or ask her something she ignores me, and continues to do what she was doing like playing with her toy or watching tv. When she watches her cartoons and I get in front of her to get her attention she completely ignores me like I'm a see-through ghost. I'm worried sick.. Has anyone had a kid who was delayed in these areas (waiving, paying attention to mommy, pointing etc), and now are older and normal? Or is she for sure has an autism. I've convinced myself that she does and can't stop panicing. I will make an apt with the neurologist tomorrow, and I was told by an Early Intervention program that she is significantly delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills such as picking up small cereal and putting them in her mouth. (she doesn't do that at all). She seems like normal happy baby to me, she loves it when I sing to her, she looks directly at me into my eyes when I sing, or when I do silly games. She loves pikaboo games and runs to me on her walker when I call her all excited. But when I talk to her most of the time ignores me. I would love to hear from someone who went through this and their kid turned out fine. Some words of encouragement also would help :( thank you so much. I am so afraid of what the neurologist would say. It seems like 100% of normal kids do all these things. If I can just find one who didn't do these things and turned out normal, I could breath just a little easier. Thanks again!
About vaccines etc.. We are on dr. Sears vaccine schedules and we haven't even gotten everything she needs. So I really don't think this could be from vaccines we are being very careful about them.

You are right to be concerned, but don't worry about this until you have done some homework and researched the issue. There is a wonderful web site you can visit to see the symptoms and what is being done to not only help autistic children but what can be done to prevent it.

Go to:

Mary Tocco has been researching vaccines for 30 years and has a volume of information on this subject. Her daughter, Rene Tocco, is the doctor that has dedicated her practice to AUTISM and that is the web site above. Many of the problems children are having today are a result of what is being done to the children in doctor's offices and the food they are eating and the lack of information on good breast feeding, etc.

Become educated, not indoctrinated.

EDIT: NO child needs ANY vaccine. It is a very well known documented fact that children who do not get vaccinated are far healthier and grow up much more healthy. Believe what you will about vaccines, but those promoting it is relying on indoctrination and distortion of the facts, not educated facts.

EDIT: Here's a wonderful article for you to read to get a better in depth understanding of why vaccines are causing many of the problems your child is experiencing.

Dr. Sears is just spreading the poisons over longer time between getting the poison injections. Infants and babies should NOT be receiving these injections at all. Look at the evidence to learn the truth. Pediatricians were invented to inject poisons and nothing more. The well baby visits is just an injection party, nothing more.

If you are still in doubt about this, watch Dr. Maurice Hilleman that was the Number 1 vaccine expert, researcher, and developer of over 40 popular vaccines talk about the "Bargain Basement Technology" vaccines are in this confidential interview:

Now watch this video showing the probity of the Bayer Pharmaceutical that makes aspirin for the world and how they view PROFIT over HEALTH:

Is it no wonder the public has started to reject what these guys are promoting?

Drug companies would have you believe their technology saved the world of disease, but nothing is farther from the truth. Look at this study on small pox that drug companies tell you they eradicated:

Babies are being damaged by these corporations that are promoting this farce. BIG MONEY is being made by them. In fact drug companies make 5 times the profit of any U.S. corporation and politicians get a huge amount of this. This is why the recent Health Care Law funnels so much money directly to them. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame and the public is getting the booby prize. And the worst part is that children are the victims.

good luck to you

Could we afford a baby with what we have?

Sophia's M

My husband and I are madly madly in love. Were young 22 and 23 years old. But we wanted to do things young. We married at 21 and 23 and want our first Child at 23 and 25.

My husband and I agreed that I should stay at home.
In Michigan GOOD quality childcare cost about 1k a month for good care. On top of, I want to raise my child, not have a stranger do it.

Here is what we have going for us.
My husband and I own a 3 bedroom 1.5 bathroom house with about 1300 Square feet of living space.-800 dollar mortgage

Health Insurance- We have the Blue Care network-Healthy Blue.
We have a Zero deductible and only a 10 dollar Co-pay for Doctor visits and 30 co pay for emergency room visits.

My car is paid off and his car will be paid off in December of 2010. 280 a month car payment.

However we do have about 8K in student loans and credit card payments.

My husband brings home between 2700-3500 a month depending on his commission.

I always shop Second hand. Platos closet here in michigan is My FAV store.
I bought a pair of BCBG shoes for 14 dollars.

I work with kids now but get paid penny's to what my husband makes. My husband is still young and is Climbing up the Ladder at his work. We have alot of love for each other and Praise God that when we wake up, we have another beautiful day to live in his glory!
I always shop Second hand. Platos closet here in michigan is My FAV store.
I bought a pair of BCBG shoes for 14 dollars.

I work with kids now but get paid penny's to what my husband makes. My husband is still young and is Climbing up the Ladder at his work. We have alot of love for each other and Praise God that when we wake up, we have another beautiful day to live in his glory!

You are so cute! I'm happy you are so in love!!
Oh honey you'll be more than okay to have a child. :) And let me tell you how you can save tons of money:

*Breastfeed exclusively, no bottles/pumps. As a SAHM that is easy!! And formula can cost upwards of $1200 a year!!!! Breastfed babies are also healthier overall, costing less in medical visits and prescriptions.

*Cloth diaper. You save THOUSANDS of dollars, and they can be used with future children as well. Also, there are many new modern types out there that are easy as anything, like this:
I switched to cloth when my daughter was 14 months, and I'm SO happy! :)

*Do baby-led weaning. Not only do you save money by offering real foods and not jarred stuff, but a baby who feeds herself eats exactly how much she needs. Purees are also completely unnecessary, since babies mash food with their gums. :)

*Buy secondhand or sale items. Our crib is convertible to a toddler bed and a double bed, and only cost $200. Our changing table is also a large dresser, and only cost $200. I've seen cribs sold for nearly $2000!! RIDICULOUS. I also found great toys, onesies, and blankets at yard sales for dirt cheap.

*Consider babywearing. A great sling or wrap costs far less than the average "travel system." It's also very beneficial for baby's physical, mental, and emotional development, not to mention allows mommy to go about her business.

*Speaking of carseats, get a convertible one. It will see your child into toddlerhood and beyond, depending on the type you buy, while you have to buy a new seat after 20 lbs if you get an infant carseat!

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

What are some Montessorri activities I can do with my 4 month old?

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 on best infant toys for cognitive development on Ways to Stimulate Infant ...
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I am looking for some activities that I can do with my 4 month old that are Montessori-inspired. Right now I am working on getting her to roll over, to reach for toys that are dangled in front of her, and to spend more time on her tummy for more head control. Any ideas?

I don't have a lot of infant ideas, since I teach 3-6 year olds.

I would recommend this book:

Really, what I would suggest, thinking about Montessori, is your actual environment. Not so much specific activities, but I would look and see whether the environment is set up for the child. When your daughter is old enough to crawl, is everywhere she crawls safe for her?

Right now, language is playing a huge role in development. Not that she'll start talking, but it is important to make sure you talk to her a lot, sing and play games, and she sees positive communication from you.

What can cause abnormally fast strength and skill development in infants?


My 10 week old infant has been gaining certain abilities at a very fast rate. He started trying to lift his head the day after he was born. At 3 weeks old he had full control of his head and learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back. At 7.5 weeks he started trying to roll from his back to his stomach. At 8 weeks he started trying to crawl. He can't get his knees under him but he manages to travel across the designated play spot at a very slow pace. He hates tummy time and fights to get out of the position which results in the rolling over and crawling. I try to encourage play with toys because tummy time is good for him but he just screams so he has gotten limited practice. At 10 weeks he can almost sit, has full control of his back, can roll from tummy to back, can almost roll from back to tummy, and is in the process of gaining skills to crawl. He also has a very strong grip and very strong legs. When we are holding him he tries to stand on our laps. If he is laying down and holding our hands, if we try to pull our hands away, instead of him letting go he holds on and his whole body comes up with us.
What causes this abnormal amount of strength and skill development?
How can I get him to have more tummy time without screaming his head off?
Is this considered a birth defect?
This is not me thinking my child is special or trying to brag. Some of the stuff he's doing typically doesn't occur till 5 months or later. I'm asking what can cause this and if it's reason for concern.
Then why did the doctor say he's very strong for his age? He also said it was abnormal for him to have full control of his head. I've also had other parents saying it's weird and how their kids couldn't do this. He can crawl it's just very slow and not up on hands and knees. I read that kids don't roll from tummy to back till 5 months and back to stomach even later and he did it at 3 weeks and gets 3/4 over from back to tummy. So I wanted to know if he can hurt himself or if there is something wrong.

Your baby is on a normal development track. Being "almost" able to do something is not the same as doing it. He does not have full control of his back if he can not sit unsupported. Babies try to make the motions of crawling often for months before actually being able to do so. Rolling over can easily occur early depending on the muscles he is using to accomplish the task. I am not trying to minimize your son's performance, but from a developmental standpoint he is not so advanced that you have need to worry about something being wrong. Just let him develop at his own pace.

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What things do you do to keep your infant entertained?

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 on Top 10 Activities With Your Infant | Hot 96.3
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Just looking for different ideas you do to keep your infant entertained. Mine can't sit up by self yet. Best ideas gets 10 points.

My girls were always very happy if I just carried them around and talked to them about whatever I was doing. We went on walks, trips to the mall and grocery store, and just moved around the house cleaning and doing laundry. My younger daughter loved being carried in a sling, and I wish I'd had one when my older daughter was a baby. My older daughter did like the stroller a lot, though.

My older daughter loved her bouncy seat, and when she was 4 months old, I started putting her in her exersaucer, which was her very favorite toy. She also loved listening to books. I could hold her on my lap and read to her for a very long time.

My younger daughter loved the swing. She also loved just being on the floor in the middle of the room and watching everything around her -- her big sister, the cats, etc.

Both girls loved being outside -- just feeling the breeze on their faces, hearing the sounds, and watching the leaves rustle on the trees.

I sang to my daughters a lot, too -- lullabies, nursery rhymes, pop songs, made-up songs, whatever I was in the mood to sing and whatever they seemed interested in hearing.

I looked them in the eye and talked directly to them. I'd identify their body parts (eyes, nose, mouth, hands, tummy, feet, knees, toes) as I touched them. I'd use hand motions to sing songs, or I'd let them watch me count on my fingers.

I'd hold up various toys and see which ones interested them. If they wanted to hold or touch something, I gave them the toy or let them feel it.

Most of the things that keep an infant entertained are interactive. Your baby wants to see your face, snuggle up to you, and hear your voice. He or she will play with some toys, but most of that will come a little later -- after sitting.

Hope this gives you a few more ideas!

What are some fun things to do on a "mommy date"?


Another mom and myself have been trying to go out "on a mommy date", where we get to know each other and let our little ones play together. But we are both completely stumped on where to go that is baby friendly!

We'd love something interactive that all four of us would have fun doing. But anything is open for us to try! Neither of us have never done a mommy date/play date and we both want it to work out and not be awkward. Any ideas, or tips would be absolutely lovely!

Thank you!

Our local children's museum has an infant area, and/or there are other things in there for older children.

You could meet at the local park- babies can swing in the infant swings or you can carry strollers and walk as you talk. Have a picnic on the grass and the babies can play on the blankets. Bubbles will be a hit with them!

Libraries and book stores can be a good place to meet, most have some toys to be played with in the children's area.

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How far above its equilibrium position will it go?

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 on Safe Teething Toys - Toxins in your baby's teether?
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An infant's toy has a 120g wooden animal hanging from a spring. If pulled down gently, the animal oscillates up and down with a period of 0.50s . His older sister pulls the spring a bit more than intended. She pulls the animal 30cm below its equilibrium position, then lets go. The animal flies upward and detaches from the spring right at the animal's equilibrium position.

If the animal does not hit anything on the way up, how far above its equilibrium position will it go?

By ω = √k/m
=>(0.50)^2 = k/0.12
=>k = 0.03 N/m
By the law of energy conservation:-
=>KE(max) = PE(spring)max
=>1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2
=>1/2 x 0.12 x v^2 = 1/2 x 0.03 x (0.3)^2
=>v = √0.0225
=>v = 0.15 m/s
=>By v^2 = u^2 -2gh
=>0 = (0.15) - 2 x 9.8 x h
=>h = 0.001148m
=>h ≈ 0.12 cm

What is the best teething toy to give my infant?


Those plastic rings you put in the fridge are not working.

The Best Teething Toys

By Miebeth Bustillo-Booth, ChildTrek Founder

Natural & Wood Teethers
The best teething toys are made of natural materials like wood. Wood is naturally anti-bacterial. (That’s why there are wooden cutting boards.) So it is self-cleaning. Wood is hard and will help ease teeth in. But not all wood toys are ideal. The best wooden teething toys are either unfinished or lightly finished with beeswax, water-based stains, or other non-toxic paints. It’s best to gain the manufacturer statements to this effect. At ChildTrek, only toys that have met or exceeded safety standards are available.

Great Teething Toys
Grabbing Toy Giraffe with Wooden Teething Ring by Kathe KruseConsider the Infant Grabbing Toy Mah or Giraffe by Kathe Kruse. They are made out of non-porous beech wood, lightly finished with beeswax, and made using non-toxic dyes. There are no harmful chemicals to leach out while your baby gnaws on the hard wood. The wooden ring is extra large for easy handling by small hands. The lamb and the giraffe can be removed for machine or hand wash. And they are completely adorable!

The Grabbing Star Red or Blue also by Kathe Kruse has a wooden teething ring and interesting textures for early learning stimulation. A special feature is a velcro loop at one of the star ends so that it can be fastened as a stroller toy. This achieves a couple of things: the teether is always nearby and it doubles as a grabbing toy. Smart!

Girali Rattle by SelectaThe Girali Rattle by Selecta, aside from being a practical teething toy, is uniquely beautiful. It is made of native woods from Germany and finished with beeswax and non-toxic paints - completely safe for your baby.

Also, it’s hard to beat the Cherry Rattle by Camden Rose. It is lightly finished with beeswax. Its contoured design makes for interesting tactile stimulation. Its gentle rattle is soothing. As a teether - it is naturally hard to facilitate teething. Watch as your baby gnaws on this beautiful toy for hours.

Cold and Soothing
Organic Vegetabe Teethers by Under the NileOne of my personal favorites for the summer are the organic teethers by miYim and Under the Nile. Take the Bunny, Elephant, or Bear teether. Dampen, not soak it. Put it in the freezer. Then let your baby gnaw on this cool toy to help soothe tender gums. Do the same for the Fruits or the Vegetables by Under the Nile. Besides gently soothing for your baby, you are teaching your baby to “eat” his or her fruits and veggies!

Vary Teethers
It’s best to keep a few different teethers around that have varying textures and hardness. Some teeth come in easier than others. The molars, for example, are especially hard on infants.

Check out ChildTrek’s selection of ideal teething toys.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How many units are sold for a typical infant toy?

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 on The best baby toys - Photo Gallery | BabyCenter
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I’m looking for data about the typical sales volumes of an infant toy. I’m only interested in toys of leading companies, such as Fisher Price, Tomy, MGA, Hasbro, Learningcurve and step2.

Just to clarify, I’m not looking for the total amounts of toys of any kind that a company sold. The key is the number of units sold per specific toy model.

Any solid data to backup the answer will be highly appreciated.


How to disinfect infants toys?


I have an underground storage space where I live in Italy. It's quite damp and very dusty there. I've stored toys there from when my kids were little.I'd like to pass on these toys to my grandchildren. The toys have been there for probably 17 years. Is there a way of safely disinfecting the infant toys that will go into baby's mouth or should i throw them out? They were stored in a closed bag and then in a box. Most are hard plastic ,but a couple are stuffed.

You can definitely disinfect the toys. You just need to get a surface wipe (they have them at most supermarkets) get a surface wipe and wipe the toys clean. If they were in closed bags, they should be fine with a little bit of cleaning. Give them to your grandchildren after you clean them, they'll love them!

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Any suggestions on traveling with infant on a plane?

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paula r

I will be traveling ALONE with my 10 months old son for a 15 hours non-stop flight very soon. Any suggestions on how i can make it easier on myself and on him? I heard about the sucking bottle when take off and land to avoid his ear popping. The travel agent booked us the very last row. but then I heard that the best is the bulk head. I am not sure having a big screen in front of me and my baby though. He crawls everywhere. Not yet walking by himself. What do i do to entertain him? Can I bring a electronic toys on board? Is there any traveling gear that I should bring with me? I will have a travel system stroller and the car seat with me. I am afriaid it will be really tough when we get to the screening. Just a bit nervous since I will be going alone. That's a long flight too. Please help.

You have so many important questions! I found this site that is probably just what you need to read. It has information on everything listed below. I copied it from the site to give you an idea. Best wishes on your trip.

These baby and child air travel tips are from flying families worldwide
Get tips about:


At the airport

Diaper changing

Meals on board

Entertainment and playing

Getting around

Health and hygiene



Sleeping on board

Staying sane

Travel planning

What happens on board

What to wear

Any tips for traveling with a buddy pass on Frontier Airlines?


I plan on traveling with buddy passes for my daughter and I. I will also have an infant on my lap. (crazy I know, this was my husbands idea!)
I have never used a buddy pass before and would like ANY tips! I plan on traveling on a tuesday or a wednesday from San Diego to Chicago, on frontier airlines.
I am also traveling with kids which makes me a unique, and crazy stand by passenger.
Also... will they enforce the dress code for kids as well?
Thanks for any help!

tip: be zen about it. If you are supposed to make your flights, you will! If not....lots of diapers, wipes, change of clothing, snacks, toys to keep amused...oh, and some for the kid too :)

do check the flight loads! presume you are changing in Denver, so you have to make sure they both look OK (when res says the day before "they are both wide open", you can relax...a little...)

Don't know specifically about Frontier's dress code, but usually they just ask that kids' clothes should be neat, clean, & in good condition (if your daughter is partial to jeans with a hole in the knee, hide them that day)

Just chill, hang by the gate, and listen for your name! and bone up on the timetable, in case your plans do not immediately come to fruition (and don't freak out if that happens--it is part of the deal that sometimes you get on, sometimes you don't, and the gate agent doesn't really have time to solve your problems)

Good luck!

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Would buying toys in English and Spanish confuse my child?

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I have a baby and I want him to be exposed to, and learn both English and Spanish. My family speaks only English, although I speak spanish, and his fathers family speak Spanish. I've read conflicting articles where they say you should teach them one language first and others where they say you could teach a baby both at the same time. I've bought him some learning toys that teach him the alphabet and numbers, etc., and a couple of them are in Spanish. Will it confuse him if I let him play with toys that speak 2 different languages?

I have friends who are missionaries to Mexico. When they moved there, they had a 5 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. They later had another daughter born in Mexico. The children are all teens now.
The boy speaks perfect English and speaks Spanish with an English accent.
The girl born in Mexico speaks perfect Spanish and speaks English with a Spanish accent.
The girl who moved there at age 2 speaks perfect English and perfect Spanish with no trace of an accent in either language.

I don't think your child will be confused. In fact, it's easier for a baby to learn 2 languages at once, because they don't know that most people only learn one.

How many toys does your toddler have? Or how much of your house does your baby occupy?


I'm wondering how many toys other people give their toddlers. You can estimate.
Each stuffed animal counts as one toy.
A fisher price barn with all the animals I would count as one.
Each hotwheels is one toy.

You can figure your own system. I'm wondering if we're nuts or if most people have this many toys. We have a pretty big house and we've turned the dining room into a play room for books, letters and numbers with some stuffed animals and cars. It's also where my piano is and we have a sofa where I play guitar. The entry area has his play village with his play houses and tunnels. The village spills over into my office but it makes a nice door and he doesn't go past that line.

The kitchen, living and breakfast area are relatively toy free. Maybe a toy or two that he's playing with and his rocking horse stays in the living room.

Upstairs, his room is another play room which is nice in winter as it is much colder downstairs. We have more books, letter and learning toys, oodles of stuffed animals, Fisher Price garage and Farm and a variety of other toys.

Just curious to see the toy situation in your home. My mom says she's never seen a child with more toys.

My 2 year old doesn't have a lot, but she has enough.
Our house is a little different. Our main living space (3 bedrooms, 2 bath, kitchen/living/dining) is only 900 square feet all together - high ceilings in our A-frame make it feel bigger, though. We've got a basement that adds another 900ish square feet, but we only really use that when it's warm. it's only heat is a wood stove. So we don't have a lot of room for lots of toys.
In the kitchen area, I've got a cooking stand with a shelf that has 2 tubs of art supplies/playdoh, which she shares with her 5 year old brother
In the living room, she's got a large dollhouse (we fixed up my old one, for her, for Christmas) and in a corner I have a medium sized bookcase (3 ft x 5 ft) of puzzles, games and toys, 2 kid recliners with a little end table that has a few books. there's also a basket of books by the couch (not that anyone usually notices) We also have a large rubbermaid of blocks. Not necessarily fancy, expensive blocks - some were melissa and doug, but the vast majority are old decking cut up that a neighbor brought over. They love those the most.
In her room, which is pretty small, she's got a laundry basket of stuffed animals and dolls. She has a small play kitchen and a little bin of play food/dishes. She's got a small bookshelf with her books and a few random toys. She's got a few dress up clothes in there as well. And that's about it for her. We don't have oodles of anything.

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what is the best way to make space for a baby in a one bedroom apartment??

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 on Best Baby Tolo Toys Crib Toys Baby Toys Lamaze Online With $5.67/Piece ...
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Q. we just signed a new lease and it isnt up until the summer, how do we make space for the baby and all the items ( crib, toys, stroller, etc..) ??

Get a small stroller that can fold up and be kept in the hall or outside the door or in your car. Don't get an infant car seat because you'll have to either leave it in the car or store it somewhere in your house. Get a convertible seat like the Sunshine Kids Radian 80 or the Britax Marathon--both can be used from birth-65 or 80 lbs depending on the seat. Plus, they both have better safety ratings than infant seats.

A bassinet is useless and you can only use it for a couple of months and then you'll have to store it. Or, if you plan to co sleep, that'll save space, too. If you get a crib, make sure it doesn't have a drawer under it. This way you can buy plastic drawers to stick underneath it and store toys, clothes, etc.

You don't need a changing table--just get a changing pad that you can slide under the bed, behind the couch, behind a bookcase, etc.

If you get a swing, get one that also has a vibrate feature so you don't need a separate vibrating seat.

Don't buy a full high chair, get one that attaches to a kitchen chair so it doesn't take up extra space. Wait to get an exersaucer or something similar until the baby's 5 or 6 mos old. That way, it's not taking up tons of space. Newborns don't have a lot of toys. If you get a gym, get the tinylove kind that folds up and you can take it down when you're not using it and it'll be flat and you can stick it behind the couch, head board, wherever. Get one of those organizers for the countertop for baby food and bottles and you should be set!

Any suggestions for good toys for young babies?

Q. I'm a first-time mom and my three month old daughter is just starting to swat at toys on her playmat. We didn't stock up on any toys before she was born because we knew we wouldn't need them right away so now I'd like to get some for her. Also, we're planning on getting an exersaucer in the near future when she can hold herself up a little bit better. Any suggestions including name brands? Thanks for your help!

My baby is 4 months, and he's just now getting big enough for his Rainforest Jumperoo. The activity mat kept him pretty busy for the first couple of months... there's not much they can do except swat things on the activity mat and watch the mobile on the crib at that age. You might buy more toys for the activity mat (I bought the Tiny Love windchimes for my baby to kick, he loves those). Also, board books (like Goodnight Moon) are great. Until they are older, babies really need to interact with their parents, so just pointing things out and talking to her about them is enough entertainment.

By the way, I saw someone suggested the Baby Einstein videos... I would not suggest those. Research has shown that they actually delay language development.
"Despite marketing claims, parents who want to give their infants a boost in learning language probably should limit the amount of time they expose their children to DVDs and videos such as "Baby Einstein" and "Brainy Baby."

Rather than helping babies, the over-use of such productions actually may slow down infants eight to 16 months of age when it comes to acquiring vocabulary, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute.

The scientists found that for every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them."

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I have dream catcher tattoo on my arm, what should i add around it? Pics inside?

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I have a tattoo similar to this one:

and I want to add something onto my front shoulder, I was thinking of more roses running across and down a little but what other good options could i do?

Okay for the ignorant people I am actually half Native American.... I didn't know words could show someone's ethnicity ?

And a dream catcher is a lot more than a baby's decoration toy, there are many meanings behind it. If you're going to be shallow please don't even comment because your wasting my time, thanks

Do you know what a dreamcatcher is? It's a infant's cradle decoration, like a crib mobile. nothing more. It has no magic powers or special meanings. It is laughable how white people have become obsessed with dream catchers, and adults all want to own them.

So you have a tattoo of a baby's toy? Why not get a pacifier and a baby bottle to go with it?

or the words- "white girl who knows nothing about native culture but wants to appropriate it anyway" ?

Oh, wait, you don't need the words, the tat says it all.

I am starting an in-home daycare in Jan 2011, but interviewing parents now. Should I make them pay a deposit?

Hailey B

My daycare opens Jan 3rd. But I am beginning to interview now and I have been flooded with calls. I am starting to interview on Monday if the parents decide to go with me should I make them put down a deposit to hold their child's spot so I know they are serious? If so how much per child and should I put it towards their first week of care or should i keep it and put it towards daycare odds and ends? My full-time rates are as follows. Infant (6wks-12months)- $110/week, Toddler (12months-2years)- $115/week, Preschool (2-5years) $120/week, School aged (5-12years)- $100/week Hope this info helps!!!

Usually you can charge a "Materials Fee" - many private schools do this as well as daycares. It pays for arts and crafts supplies, books, even toys.

Consider the fact though that you aren't up and running yet though - so there's nothing the parents can even see. It might be important to have a little good faith with them like they're having with you.

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what are some thinga/toys your baby had between the age if 6-12 months?

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 on Best Baby Toy - 6-12 months | askamum
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my baby is 7 months and he has a few things, like a play mat with hanging animals that makes noises and sings, los of toys, a walker..
what type of things did you havee for your baby to help him/her start to crawl or pull himself up or just for fun that they loved?


Toys that make music or any form of noise are favorites of babies. Toys with contrasting colors are really interestng to babies and help to stimulate the development of their vision. As they grow, infants use toys to explore object permanence and cause and effect relationships. They also need objects such as blocks to help them build motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Have a look at the links in my source box which may give you some ideas

Take care


Homemade toy for children 6-12 months?

Just Me

hi, can anyone give me any suggestions on making an easy to make homemade toy for infants 6-12 months. Something that would help with fine motor skills would be a plus. FYI:this is for a infant/toddler class. Please and thanks

Pots/pans and a wooden spoon.

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Any toy Gift Ideas for a Disabled child????

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I have a disabled almost 3 year old family member. He has down syndrome, so most of the product toys for his age group don't fit him. He cannot walk yet because of very poor muscle tone, and has limited interest and ability for toys for his true age. I already got him a whole new wardrobe and would like some toys. Any help??? What would really help him?

My sister turns three tomorrow and she has down syndrome. Interactive things are always good for these kids. Things with music and lights. Dont feel bad going into the infant secton to find a fun colorful toy. We usually get her things that fir 12-18 months. We found the Hasbro Playskool Step Start Walk n ride was great to help her working on mobility. She loves her infant bowling set. Depending on his weight you could consider a bouncer to help work on muscle tone.

1 year old toddler cant speak a word?


My kid is now 1 year and a month old. He cant speak a word. He can listen even a pin drop. I am very worried, maternity nurse said he will be ok. I have seen many kids who start talking even before the age of 1 year. He had DownSyndrome test but it came negative.

Please advise what should I do...

We have no elders to guide us here.

He makes noise like dadadada every time

I'll be your son was an early walker and probably started getting around on his own by 11 months. right? It seems that infants fall into one of two categories; they either talk early, which means they can get people to do things for them, or they walk early, which means they can get around on their own.
Why did you have him tested for Down Syndrome? Does he have the facial configuration that is typical of Down syndrome?
You say he makes a sound like, "dadadada" - and that type of vocalization is the precursor to speach. Try spending more time talking to him -- dada, mama, milk or water - (which, in baby talk, would be mmm or wawa) and perhaps holding his favorite toy close to him and using the name of the toy.
Above all, be patient. If he's normal in other aspects, slow speaking ability isn't something to worry about. Some children don't start talking until they are around two -- but then they go like a house on fire and catch up with the early talkers.

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