Saturday, October 26, 2013

Is it safe to use super glue on infant toy?

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 on Educational Baby Toys - The Best Educational Toys for Infants
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i just recieved a new musical toy for my 8 month old in the mail, it has a small piece that is broken off on top that i know i can fix with super glue, but i need to know if its safe..i know my mom used it on my toys way back, but..i don't know about if its toxic or not?..he is a teething and chews on everything!

No it is not safe! Send the toy back! The glu is toxic and if it doesn't hold he could choke on the piece.... Please don't do that!!

How do you keep your infant from crying while shopping?


I have an 11 month old infant who has a difficult time keeping entertained while I shop. The only way I can doing any shopping is if I know exactly what I want, purchase it, and then leave immediately. Whenever I need some time to browse, my 11 month old begins to fuss and eventually begins to cry. I've always fed and changed her before our outings so those reasons go out the window. Is there anyway that I can keep my daughter entertained better while I'm doing errands? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I totally feel your pain..... First remember this don't worry about those childless people (or even parents themselves) who'll give you dirty looks if you baby so much as cries while you are trying to shop.. They'll get over it and ig they donn't eventually they'll go somewhere else. Some people seem to think they were perfect angels when they were young (yeah right!)
Babies are going to cry... even if there is nothing wrong.
Babies cry to relieve stress too. Not just when they are hungry or need to be changed or tired.

Alot of time shopping in the morning not too long after the baby has gotten up and been fed. Not too close to nap time though : )

Sometime I bring cheerios and juice. Or I let them bring a toy... Once they get sick of that I give them my keys...
Also I saw another person mention letting them hold things that you put in your basket.... I do that too!

Have you tried those soft books? some of them have teething toys on them and some have different textures... like crinklly paper in them or something squeaky in them

If a pacifier works for you then go for it! I refused to give my kids a pacifier after 6 months old... it can hinder speech development. I see some mom's with 2 and 3 year olds that still have "binkies" and they think it's cute that the kid can talk even with the paci in their mouth.... Little do they know it's training the kid to talk like that... all garbled and such
But if it's the only thing that will work then it's up to you.

The only other thing I can think of is what I did when my daughter (I have 2 kids) was getting into the "difficult" stage
I just refused to take her with me..... If I ran out of milk.. too bad
We'd just have to wait for daddy to get home.. or I would just call him and have him get some on the way home.
Then when I had real grocery shopping to do... not just milk and eggs, I would have my husband take care of her while I shopped.

oh, I just remembered... do you have any musical toys? (what kinda question is that?) Or ones that have lights and stuff?
That always seemed to work for my 19 month old son.
He would be crying and just suddenly stop when he heard his toy. He would completely forget about WHY he was crying : )

Hope this helps!

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Do you think it is right to even suggest that a two year old killed by a pit bull could be at fault?

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I had someone suggest that perhaps the pit bull was provoked. I'm sure that two year old was threatening the pit bulls life and it had to kill the toddler. No way a growl or nip would have sufficed? This person is actually suggesting that the dog could have been justified.

I say that there is no provocation under the sun that a two year old could possibly do anything to justify that reaction. This person is far more ready to blame a dead toddler over a 100+/- pound dog.

The person also goes on to defend the mother saying it wasn't her fault. They apparently don't see how leaving a two year old with a 100#+/- pit bull is completely irresponsible and that if she was determined to have such an animal in her house that it was her duty to protect her child and ensure that the animal was secured and could never be a threat to her child. After all, two year olds are known to be somewhat unpredictable themselves.

Of course it is her fault. She left a two year old unsupervised with a 100# biting machine. It doesn't matter if the dog had been good for years. Leaving a toddler with any large dog is totally irresponsible. If she was determined to have such an animal in her home, it was her duty to secure the dog and never leave her child alone with it.

Finally, I find it noteworthy that the mother left the house without a scratch. I guess her house is so big that she couldn't hear her child being eviscerated or she was too scared to even try to rescue her child.…

Do I think a 2-year-old could provoke an unstable dog to bite? Yes, certainly. The dog isn't going through some mental checklist of "can this human kill me?" or "what response would best make my point?". The dog is reacting in the moment to a child who *might have* seriously hurt or startled the dog in some way. The injury that killed the child may also be exaggerated by media. That is not to say that it wasn't a serious bite, but one serious bite to the head, neck, or thigh could quickly result in fatal blood loss.

However, that does not mean that the child is "at fault" for the incident. A toddler is impulsive and does not understand safety or the effects of her actions on others. The person/persons to blame for the incident would be whichever ADULTS made the terribly poor decision to leave the dog and the toddler alone together.

All those supposedly cute youtube videos of infants and toddlers mauling the "good old family dog" by chewing his ears, yanking his tail, bopping him with toys, etc. make me cringe. One momentary loss of control on the dog's part and their child may be damaged for life and their beloved dog may be have to be euthanized. Little kids and big dogs can mix, but there must be adult supervision, a safe space away from the child for the dog, and adult guidance so that the child is taught proper behavior around the pet.

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17 and pregnant.....can I get any advice from parents??? ?

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 on Infant John Deere Terry Turn Cuff Socks and more toddler socks
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I literally just found out I am pregnant last week. I am 7 weeks and when my mom first found out she didn't take it well....AT ALL because honestly I am only 17.  Along with that I've done nothing in my life to really show her I'm responsible enough to handle a child. 

I just recently got my drivers license and got a job at iHop. Both I don't really count that as showing her im responsible because both happened within the last month or so. My boyfriend is a little better than me because he has his license for the past 2 years but no job. He did just get a interview for mcDonalds.

For the first two days after my mom found out she was determined I was going to get a abortion or adoption. It was her choice NOT mine. But then she found out that that couldn't happen because she needed my signature too and I'll be damn if that happens because I'm a stern believer that God would not let something happen that I couldn't handle. Along with that I made the choice to have sex I need to take responsibility and grow up. Plus I always wanted children this just happened earlier than expected (No, I didn't plan it. Broke condom) 

Well my mom finally accepted the fact that she can't do anything about it. So told me she isn't helping me with ANYTHING besides medical insurance because she can easily add him/her. Other than that me and him have to clean out the spare bedroom in my house that has nothing but boxes and junk and we are going to turn it into a baby room. Then as the months go on we are going to buy baby stuff to create the room because I make about 280 a week in tips and all together a 1000 a month give or take. 

So I'm wondering what are some things we can do to prepare for this child? How can I go about buying things? 

Advice would be GREAT PLEASE 

One of the most responsible things you can do is sign up for prenatal classes, CPR classes including infant and child CPR, first aid classes, and parenting classes. Prenatal classes will help you determine what things you need to have when you bring your baby home. They will also teach you how to care for your new baby. Every parent with an infant should know CPR, because things can happen in an instant. If you know what to do, you are less likely to panic, and you are more likely to have a good outcome in an emergency. Parenting classes will teach you about ages and stages, and what your child needs from you as you meet those milestones together.

Don't stock up on things like diapers and formula. Just save the money. You know right away what your baby can tolerate. Babies often have to be switched around between brands due to sensitivities. Breast feeding is best and cheapest. However, you should not buy a breast pump until you have done a LOT of research. Also, do not skimp on a breast pump. The money you save breastfeeding makes up the cost, but a bad breast pump can interfere with your overall success. If you buy one, be sure you are prepared to stick with it. By law, the store can't take it back, even if it is unopened.

You probably won't even need to use a nursery for the first few months. Until your baby is sleeping through the night, it is better for everyone if the baby sleeps in your room with you. It makes late night feedings easier and less disruptive to evrryone's sleep. My son had a nursery, but I ended up with him sleeping in a basket next to my bed when he was a newborn.

Decorate your baby's nursery with soothing colors and keep it as uncluttered as possible. Too much stimulation in the nursery is not good for your baby. There is a time and place when stimulation is good. Bedtime and the nursery are not it. Keep toys to a minimum. Your baby will do little more than sleep, eat, and dirty diapers for a while. As he/she grows, do not let toys take over. Your child does not need more toys at one time than you can reasonably pick up in a couple of minutes. It is actually stressful for the baby to have too many choices, and toy clutter will cause accidents for a creeping or crawling infant, let alone a tripping hazard for a toddler. Make sure all toys are age appropriate.

Sleepers, gowns, onesies, and receiving blankets are what you will use most. Do not buy too much of anything in size 0-6 weeks. Your baby will outgrow those things swiftly. A couple of nice outfits in that size will be sufficient. Most of the time a gown or sleeper is more appropriate. A couple of bathsets with hooded towel will be all you really need for bathing. You will be doing laundry frequently anyway. I recommend buying a couple dozen cloth diapers, even if you plan to use disposable. They are handy for lots of purposes. If you think you will use cloth diapers, get a diaper service. It's totally worth it.

I am going basics shopping tomorrow and I am making my list ?

TRolz have

I know to put down bottles and clothes binkies and stuff like that but ?? I am a stumped on what else to get our baby boy ??? Like any toys or anything ????What toys will a baby 0-12 months really play with ???A swing any one got any swings they really like and want ot suggest ??? How about car seats ??? .We already have clothes and stuff we are just looking for the big stuff that my husband will have to put together .Any thing I am missing ??
Any one have astroller they awant to suggest that would be wonderful!!

A swing - get one that has different speeds, and possibly music. The classical music on my son's swing always put him to sleep

Bouncy Seat - some babies love them, some hate them

Play Mat

In the toy section just look for toys that are 0-6 months

Rattles - I like the soft fabric ones so they can't hurt themselves

Car seat - do you want an infant carrier or a convertible? Do research on these before registering for them. Check out the Consumer Reports page so you can find safety ratings.

If you want an infant carrier I suggest getting a travel system, comes with the infant carrier, base and stroller.

Do you have a bassinett, crib, changing table, pack and play?

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For parents: anyone else with a baby with a lopsided head from sleeping on only one side?

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 on Happy baby boy (6 months old) playing with soft toys, smiling. Toys ...
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My baby's head is lopsided and the ears as well because he only sleeps on his left. We tried putting him on the other end of the crib so he has to turn to the right to see his toys, but to no avail. The doctor said it will probably correct itself now that he spends less time on his back and that we can wait 3 months for the 9 months appointment to see if it's better and then discuss the options. Did anyone have or is having the same problem? If so, what did you do about it?

First, welcome to motherhood!

It is quite common to see "lopsided" heads in infants and the usual reason is just what your Doctor described. All babies have a series of "fissures" (called sutures) that traverse the skull. There is one that runs down the middle of the skull (front to back) and two others that bisect this one (one in front and one in back) which allow for normal brain growth. These sutures essentially divide your babies skull into semi-mobile plates which can move or mold to the pressure applied. If your baby favors one side during sleeping it could cause these somewhat mobile and malleable plates to accomodate the persistent pressures. As your babies sleeping preferences change his head should return to a more normal shape.

In the meantime I’d try not to worry....unless your husband has a "lopsided" head. :-)

What can I do to entertain my 9 month old all day long?


He loves Blues Clues, Dora, and Baby Einstein, but I recently read that the AAP recommends that infants under 2 years of age never watch tv. He sleeps, plays with toys, reads books, eats, and excercises for several hours of the day, but what am I supposed to do the rest of the time if he can't watch any movies? Oh, and maybe the AAP has forgotten that there are things I need to get done during the day too! I need suggestions!

My daughter watched TV from when she was a little baby. I really don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's not all they do all day long. I'm sorry I don't really know what else you could do during the day. Sound's like it's already pretty full.

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What is a good website to buy infant/toddler things?

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 on rattle toys | Best Baby and Toddler Toys
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This is my

I am a daycare provider. I am looking for websites to buy things for my infant and toddler classrooms. Things such as toys, board books, etc. Lakeshore and a few other catalogs seem to be very expensive. I was wondering if anyone knows of any really cheap places to buy these things, where do you buy yours?

lakshore is very good but yes I agree, very expensive. You may just want to stick to stores such as walmart or target if you want the cheapest prices.

How do I price items for a garage sale?


Is there a percentage-of-retail-price to use? I have mostly infant/toddler items including a pack-and-play, very gently used toys, etc. Would I be better off on ebay or a resale store?

Typical rule of thumb; customers at garage sales will pay ten cents on the dollar; so if you bought something for $10, asking $1 would be about right.

If you don't want to go through the hassle of having a garage sale or selling the items on Ebay, I highly recommend donating the goods. When you donate something you can get a tax refund for 1/3 of the item's value, so if you paid $10 for something you would get about $3 back. My husband and I did this last year when we cleaned out our basement. Instead of having a garage sale, we called the Salvation Army and they came and picked everything up. It was SO EASY and we got $1,100 back in tax refund just from the items we donated.

If you do decide to donate the items, make sure you get a receipt from the organization and keep a list of all the items you donate.

Good luck!

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a list of things i will be needing?

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 on Developmental Toys, Babies and Toddlers | Mom Exchange
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I'm almost 29 week pregnant and in all honesty my brain just can not think of everything i need for bubs...Iv got a few things like Pram,cot,bath,bouncer,swing,blankets,sheets,car seat, a few clothes not much just yet any more ideas?Also where can i buy cheap maternity wear as i will not be needing them for long?

· nail clippers - the scissor kind is worthless, get small clippers that look like adult ones

Changing Supplies

small changing pads

diapers I get huggies from you can buy them in bulk and free over night shipping.

wipes -

changing table or countoured changing pad and a cover that can sit on top of a dresser

Bath Supplies

bath towel - buy two with hoods

· bath toys - plus a plastic cup for rinsing and pouring

· washcloths

· baby soap and shampoo or body wash

· baby lotion

· desitin or corona (Which is for animals and sold at feed supply stores. It has lanolin, which heals diaper rash faster than anything I've ever found. A nurse recommended it to me.)

· soft brush

· infant bath tub or sling - I preferred the sling because the tubs are so hard to store

Feeding Supplies
bottles - 1 or 2 are nice even if you plan on breastfeeding


· burp clothes - need 4 to 6 or more if your baby has reflux

breast pads- If you dont breastfeed your might leak.

formula- even you do breastfeed if always good to have some on hand just in case.

breast pump - I found hand pumps worked better than electric.

you can wait until your baby is four months old before buying these items ( or stock up now they grow fast)

· plastic bibs - get a small one that fits the baby's neck

baby spoons - plastic coated ones are the best

baby food and cereal also plain mashed potato flakes are easy to fix and cheap.

sippy cup - I like the ones with handles for first time drinkers

Bring home from the hospital

alcohol pads

soft brush for scrubbing babies head while bathing - this prevents cradle-cap

nose aspirator

Sleeping Essentials


receiving blankets - buy 4 to 6 because babies need to be wrapped up when they are first born

sheets - at least two for when your baby poops or throws up on one

Car Basics

infant car seat

sun screen for the car window


clothes - don't buy too many you will receive a lot of 0-3 month clothes at your baby shower. If you get too many which you probably will take them back and buy a bigger size. Figure out how old your child will be the next time the season comes around and buy that size.

pajamas - buy lots of these, 4 to 6 pairs, because they are easy to change and keep your newborn warm


socks - keep those baby feet warm

Toys and Board Books

teething rings

toys with bright colors and music



rubber toys for chewing

soft toys for cuddling

board books - not paper

Great extras

bounce chair - my son slept in his the first three months because he was elevated and it helped his acid reflux

swing - some children love these and some don't

baby carrier - I used to take mine to the grocery store and carry my baby in it so I had my hands free.

stroller - I used to take my son on walks for exercise.

bassinet - this is nice because you can keep the baby closer for the first month

rocking chair - babies love the rocking motion

Having first baby, what should i buy?


I know that sounds dumb, but seriously what are some things to buy for a baby.

You will need to buy:

An infant carseat

A stroller

Bottles (2oz or 4oz depending on how much the baby eats)

Bottle brushes

Diaper bag

Diapers (size Newborns, size 1's maybe size 2's)


Either a bassinet or a crib (some people also use a pack n play)

A kit with a nasal aspirator, nail cutter, nail files, thermometer, hair brush and a teether

Baby body wash, lotion and baby powder

Baby towels and wash clothes


Clothes (size newborn, 0-3 months and 3-6 months), baby shoes, socks and mittens

Baby blankets

A bouncer chair

Anything that babies can play with (toys)

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Friday, October 25, 2013

will a nissan rogue fit three car seats?

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 on Where to Get the Best Toys for Kids Online: Top 3 Baby Toys 2011-2012
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raeann k

I have a 6 and 5 year old in two booster seats and just found out i'm expecting.. Will a 2011 Nissan Rogue fit 2 boosters and an infant car seat comfortably or should i start looking around for something bigger


It totally depends on what seats your children will be riding in and in what positions.

Many parents have successfully installed three car seats across as shown here:

I would look into the Chicco Key Fit 30 infant car seat as it is typically narrower than other infant car seats. Usually the KeyFit works best when installed in the center. Another option is using a convertible car seat straight from birth. Look at the lowest bottom slots measuring about 8 inches or less to ensure the harness straps can be adjusted at or below the baby's shoulders.

The Diono Radian is the narrowest car seat on the market that measures about 14" across the thighs and 17" wide at the shoulders. It is typically outgrown around age 3-5 rear facing and another two to three years forward facing. This means that it will be the last harnessed car seat your child will need. It is spendy, but it is indeed worth it. The Radian R100 can typically be found on sale on amazon for around $207:

A newborn needs their car seat in at at a 45 degree angle to keep their airway open and the Radian does take up a ton of front to back space in the vehicle. You could try installing it in the center seat and have the top part of the Radian fan between the two front vehicle seats. Or you could have the Radian installed behind the passenger seat, but have no one sit in the front passenger seat until your baby gets some head control. When your infant is older, you can always used the angle adjuster by Diono to get the seat more upright.

You can always use the Chicco KeyFit 30 then get the Diono Radian later so you don't have to eat the dashboard. It is completely up to you =]

But I have to warn you- boosters can be difficult to buckle in a three across situation. You might get some scraped knuckles, but it is indeed do-able.

Also, if you do install in the outboard seating position for the infant seat, installing with the seat belt generally gives you more room. When installing it with the seat belt, the car seat can be scooted closer to the door. The seat just needs to be installed with less than an inch of movement. The KeyFit 30 has a built in lock-off to aid seat belt installs.

My best advice for you is to go to Toys R Us and try out car seats and different combinations. If you are installing a car seat in the center position in the back seat, LATCH cannot be used as they aren't reinforced in the center (unless your vehicle manual says specifically that they can be used in the center). The lower anchors on the side seating positions are connected by a metal bar; this is (usually) not found in the center.

Are you going to circumcise your baby boy?

Proud Momm

Why or why not?

No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

No. It is a cosmetic surgery, medically unnecessary. It is extremely painful (see the video link at the end of my message). Genital Integriy, Intact Genitals, Rights to an Intact Body are for all.

If you are religious, "God Designed. Mother Approved. Revision is Circumcision"

Every baby boy on the planet is born with a foreskin and yet very few have them removed. The foreskin is a perfectly normal natural body part.

It is illegal to circumcise baby girls. Would you be asking this question if your baby is a girl? The answer is probably no. So, the answer to would "I amputate normal healthy body parts of my baby boy,at the risk of death, perform cosmetic elective surgery on my perfect newborn?" The answer is no.

Doctors tell you the amputated Lie when it comes to Circumcision. I beg you to learn the WHOLE TRUTH.

Every YEAR, more than 100 babies die from Circumcision. If this was a product, a toy, a crib, stroller, bottle for sale, on the market, for babies, it would have been recalled long ago.

Here is a video made by doctors for doctors on circumcision.

Here is a another link containing the actual surgical procedures of circumcision

•No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

•Only the USA circumcises the majority of newborn boys without medical or religious reason.

•Medicalized circumcision began during the 1800s to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease.

•Today's parents are learning that the foreskin is a normal, protective, functioning organ.

•Today's parents realize circumcision harms and has unnecessary risks.

•Circumcision denies a male's right to genital integrity and choice for his own body.

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What is a good website to buy infant/toddler things?

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 on rattle toys | Best Baby and Toddler Toys
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This is my

I am a daycare provider. I am looking for websites to buy things for my infant and toddler classrooms. Things such as toys, board books, etc. Lakeshore and a few other catalogs seem to be very expensive. I was wondering if anyone knows of any really cheap places to buy these things, where do you buy yours?

lakshore is very good but yes I agree, very expensive. You may just want to stick to stores such as walmart or target if you want the cheapest prices.

How do I price items for a garage sale?


Is there a percentage-of-retail-price to use? I have mostly infant/toddler items including a pack-and-play, very gently used toys, etc. Would I be better off on ebay or a resale store?

Typical rule of thumb; customers at garage sales will pay ten cents on the dollar; so if you bought something for $10, asking $1 would be about right.

If you don't want to go through the hassle of having a garage sale or selling the items on Ebay, I highly recommend donating the goods. When you donate something you can get a tax refund for 1/3 of the item's value, so if you paid $10 for something you would get about $3 back. My husband and I did this last year when we cleaned out our basement. Instead of having a garage sale, we called the Salvation Army and they came and picked everything up. It was SO EASY and we got $1,100 back in tax refund just from the items we donated.

If you do decide to donate the items, make sure you get a receipt from the organization and keep a list of all the items you donate.

Good luck!

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I'm pregnant, but I am not ready for a baby, What should I do mentally to be ready?

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 on Parenting & Pregnancy magazine Awards 2011/2012 best baby toys ...
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Blue Flowe

Is there any specific book I should read that tells me how to take care of babies? I don't know what they are supposed to eat, or anything. I'm completely lost.

there are many baby books.

ask your doctor to give you a list of clubs or classes on new moms to prepare you for the birth and care of your new life.

that is also a good way to decifer if he has a good bedside manner.

you really need to get all this info before you have the baby because you need to do it right.

find what you will need to buy for the baby's first few months
gowns, socks, diapers (lots), undershirts, onsies, caps/mittens (most gowns have the mittens in them) so they don't scratch their faces cause the nails grow fast.
warm blankets, receiving blankets, changing pads, crib sheets, care box (brush, comb, nail clipper, nasal sucker
pacifier, baby bottles (compare which ones may be better for the baby and easier clean up for you), towels wash cloths
will you be breast feeding or using infant formula (some formulas have iron which most babies cannot digest and get terrible gas. this causes the baby to be uncomfortable and will cry if he cannot releive himself of it.

list the checkups he will need over the new few months and keep that on your fridge,

you will need to learn how to give the baby a bath.
you need to research baby toys and what ones are/have been recalled and for what reason. also cribs and car seats, swings and any other infant furniture you will be using.

you need to put his feeding schedule up to remind yourself what is next (usually this is not necessary) but its good to look at.

you need to sterlize your bottles and anything that goes into the baby's mouth. you need to buy toys that will help the baby with his eyesight and so forth
for example (baby's don't see in color so the colors won't amaze him at newborn age) buying black and white items will help his eyes get stronger due to the significant contrast.
there are many toys that will help him grow so research that too. (fisher prices website will help in this area)

you will need to know when to start the baby on cereal, then regular baby food. when to burp him during the bottle/breast feeding so he won't get to gassy or spit up so much.

I think making a chronological list from each stage of his life and then what he needs for each stage might help you get alittle control of how your going to cope.

you might want to research parent magazines to see which one has article that may help you and get a subscription to them.

go to the library and relax as you sift through some baby books and take notes or take them home and add to the list or even buy the book that you feel is best for you.

make sure you research all baby problems and diseases and what to do until you can get him to the doc/hospital, such as cradle cap, checking to make sure the baby is breathing (something I did every 10 minutes) some babys just forget to breath and you need to be aware of this so you can watch for it. I beleive it is called infant death syndrome.

it is very scary. I was aunt to at least 5 kids from the time I was twelve to the time I had my first born and I still never felt like I knew enough. but I got thru it as most of us do, you will to.

most important thing to remember is to enjoy your baby to the fullest and never put anyone before him/her.

she is totally in your care. they will be so much fun to play with and watch them grow. the funny ways they do things, and creative things that they say can be quite entertaining.


How long is children's long term memory?


Years back, scientists and researchers believed a child possessed no real memory skills until their eight or ninth month of life. Parents have been expressing the contrary for quite a long period of time. These myths have stifled professionals and baffled parents, until they recently began to be disproved with fascinating studies.

Latest research into a baby’s memory is really very interesting for both researchers and parents alike. According to an article in American Baby Magazine, February 2000, p.36 entitled Total Recall, a baby’s long term memory can be for as long as twenty-four hours at six weeks old and up to four months time at sixteen months old. This is fascinating because it proves a baby does have specific memory.

Setting up routines on a daily basis is good practice for memory development. This establishes predictability, comfort and healthy expectations. Repeating playtime rituals will help a child remember how to play with a particular toy, learn a particular motor skill and adapt to environment.

It is easier for your child to remember a new skill if it is taught to them several times using short sessions, rather than a few long playtimes. “If you spread eighteen minutes of total playtime over three days instead of two, baby can remember that skill for two weeks,” states Carolyn Rovee-Collier, PhD, of Rutgers University.

Context is very important for baby’s memory skill. They will recall their surroundings, a song or a particular game in their short term memory if nothing about it changes or is taken out of context. Alter one aspect and it will not be recognized by baby even one day later. Adults have a difficult time grasping this reality because, to them, it is insignificant. You will notice if you change a baby’s crib outfit, the toys they play with or the songs you sing; they will have a reaction to this unfamiliarity. (Not necessarily a bad reaction, mind you.)

Short-term memory in a baby has been traced back to prenatal stages as early as the development of the fetus. In the fortieth week, a fetus can remember a stimulus ten minutes later with a lasting memory for up to twenty-four hours. Similar studies are being performed periodically to uncover more findings. These studies are available in medical journals and other similar papers.

Several variables contribute to your child’s memory. In particular, proper nutrition for a child’s first eighteen months is crucial in their long-term memory development, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine. “The authors concluded that nutritional supplementation during the critical first eighteen months of infant development can lead to enduring benefits in working memory,” states the December 1997 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

According to studies performed by researchers at the University of Iowa, “Some children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) also have memory problems that need separate assessment and treatment.” The ability to tell the difference between learning difficulties (memory retention) as a result of inattention or memory defects and assessing both situations is critical. With the ability to perform memory testing on your child at the first sign of concern, your treatment options are clearer. Remember that a child with a learning disability will also have difficulty with memory, but will be less likely to show this at home. A child with ADHD is not affected environmentally and will show symptoms anywhere.

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Are there any daycare owners on here?

What kind of things do you add to your baby registry?

best infant toys 6-9 months
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I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.

I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.

First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.

Here are some things for your registry

Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer

That is all I can think of for now. Good luck

my baby is a premie but I think she may be teething?


She was born 13 wks early is now 10 1/2 wks old and tonight she won't eat. She's constantly crying, screaming her head off unless I put an ice cold washcloth on it and her gums look like teeth indentions. I didnt think babies started to teeth until they were 6-9 mo. old. Plz help. How can I get her to eat? Make her formula cold?

When a baby begins teething, there is no set pattern on when it will begin, how long it will take and how painful it will be. For one baby cutting a tooth might happen overnight without pain, while another child might have to go through a long, drawn out and painful experience.
You may sometimes visibly see a rise or lump in the gum for several weeks, while sometimes there may be no visible clue at all until the tooth actually appears.The process of teething often follows hereditary patterns, so if the mother and father teethed early or late, your baby may follow the same pattern. On average the first tooth comes in during the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months, as late as a year, or in rare cases even earlier or later.
There are several things that you can try to help ease the pain of teething; some work and some don’t, but most parents agree they’re always worth a try. Teething rings, water filled and chilled rubber teething toys; mom and dads fingers can all provide counter pressure that can sometimes bring relief. Offering your baby a cold bottle of water can also help. If sucking on the bottle bothers your child, offer a cold cup of water. The water can also help replenish your baby’s fluid if they’re drooling a lot or have loose bowel movements.
Cold food has also been found to be helpful by some parents. Chilled applesauce, yogurt and pureed peaches may be more appealing to your baby and also more nutritious than a chilled teething ring.
When nothing else helps, you can also turn to the Infant Tylenol. Before giving your child Infant Tylenol (acetaminophen) always check with your doctor first. Your doctor will tell you if it’s all right and what the proper amount is to give your baby. Baby Orajel and other teething pain medicines that are applied to the gums can also provide some relief. Some parents say the Baby Orajel type products work great, while other parents will say it doesn’t. Also check with your doctor before giving this type of over the counter pain reliever to your baby.
The teething process will come and go just like so many other things with new babies. Keep trying different things until you find what provides the best relief for your child.
Before trying any of the suggestions listed above or any other type of home remedy it is highly recommended that you contact your pediatrician first. You should follow your pediatricians advise first before trying anything mentioned on this site or on any other site. Your child's doctor knows what is best for your child.

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How do I create a title tag?

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The title tag is located at the topmost part of your website's code.

Here's an example of a title tag from --it is placed after the <html><head> codes of your site

<title>Welcome to Target</title>
<META name="description" content="Expect More, Pay Less at, the official Target online retail site. Shop the latest in Women, Men, Baby, Kids, Home, Bed+Bath, Furniture, Sports, Toys, Electronics, Health and See All. Check out current deals and promotions, and the Weekly Ad, too.">

There are a number of websites that can help you create your metatags including title tag. Here are examples

The title tag is very important -- it needs to have the right keywords that you want to rank high in the search engines while keeping the balance of allowing users to know at first glance what the site is all about. Google in fact uses the title tags in their search engine listings

For example, here's the #1 site that ranks for the keyword "family facts" -- note that the site's title tag contains this very same phrase


Family Facts: Social Science Research on Family, Society & Religion
Sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, this site presents findings on the family, society and religion from peer-reviewed journals, books and government ...


<title>Family Facts: Social Science Research on Family, Society & Religion</title>

Search engines will pick up your title tags so think carefully of how you will phrase your title tag in such a way that it will have the right combination of keywords you want to rank for your site in the search engines

I need help teaching my daughter to fall asleep on her own and staying asleep all night?


My daughter is 12 mos, I used to nurse her back to sleep, but learned how it was a bad habit so I stopped, but she still cant fall asleep without me rocking her to sleep or singing to her. Once i finally get her to sleep, she wakes up every 2-3 hours to make sure im still there. She will sleep in her crib for a while, but wake up and stand up and scream and call for me. So i usually get up and rock her back to sleep and put her back in her crib. She has only slept in her crib throughout the night, without waking up, once in her lifetime! its so frustrating.. Any good advice?

Sounds exactly like my own daughter!

Your daughter is in her separation anxiety phase, so it is normal for her to wake up more often and to wonder where did Mommy disappear and why she is all alone in hte dark

Add teething to that anxiety, and you know why she is waking up more often!


First things first:

Before sleeping well at night, she needs to sleep well during the day.

At night you might want to try:



-Collation (sometimes baby are hungry and it wakes them up, banana or yogourt fill their stomach!)

-Book,couple of songs

Caillou book : Time for Bed is the most wonderful thing as your baby will relate to Caillou going to bed. And the illustrations ar wonderful.

-Review her day with her, and end by telling her it is time to sleep, that her (name each of her favorite toys/friends) are sleeping

And you can tell her : Caillou is sleeping too

-Tell her you will rock her and that after that you will put her in her bed

-Put baby in the bed while awake but sleepy

-Always use the same words when you put her in her bed

(ex: Sweet dreams honey, Mommy is there, Daddy is there, you can sleep now)

She will cry and protest loudly but will finally fall asleep on her own.

If Daddy can do the sleep routine the first few days, it will help her dissociate your presence from falling asleep.

When she wakes up during the night,go quickly to reassure her (once she gets that you havent disappear, she willl needs less and less to wake up to confirm you are still existing)

It is very important since she is in her anxiety separation stage.

If you are tired, it's OK to bring her to your bed. Both of you will sleep.


Start by doing it for the naps first, when you are less tired and have more will power to endure.

Do not worry if one day or one week you dont have the energy to deal with that, you'll do it another day

It is very very important that you can get some sleep, so try taking naps when she is sleeping.

You wont be able to cope without sleep


Separation anxiety is a very difficult stage for the mom, but once your baby grow out of it, you know that she will be an happy,secure baby that has integrated that her mommy is there for her.

It is the base for a good self-esteem and internal security, feeling of being loved and protected

Your daughter is 12 months, so this phase will soon start to decrease.

One day, you will be surprise to see that she has not awake as much, and that she is sleeping almost all night long.

It will come sooner that you expected

For more info on the separation anxiety stage, see my answer there:;_ylt=Asn41kKk9IBQ_LO7szkCx.J.7hR.?qid=20070522181229AADHlA2

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How to disinfect infants toys?

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I have an underground storage space where I live in Italy. It's quite damp and very dusty there. I've stored toys there from when my kids were little.I'd like to pass on these toys to my grandchildren. The toys have been there for probably 17 years. Is there a way of safely disinfecting the infant toys that will go into baby's mouth or should i throw them out? They were stored in a closed bag and then in a box. Most are hard plastic ,but a couple are stuffed.

You can definitely disinfect the toys. You just need to get a surface wipe (they have them at most supermarkets) get a surface wipe and wipe the toys clean. If they were in closed bags, they should be fine with a little bit of cleaning. Give them to your grandchildren after you clean them, they'll love them!

What is the bst way to clean infants toys after they have been sick?


My baby has RSV and I need to disinfect his toys soon. I know I can throw the stuffed animals in pillow case and wash them but what about all the other stuff?

Put some bleach in a bath tub full of water and dunk them in. The ones with batteries, just give them a wipe down. I understand completely why you want to get those germs out! My nephew had RSV and did breathing treatments and took steroids to get better. I remember him being sick for weeks. Poor thing! I hope your baby gets better soon. You should think about an air purifier like the ones Rainbow has. Those are great.

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Walkers, have they decided they are bad or good for babies yet?

best natural infant toys
 on ... Baby Rattles and Baby Grabbing Toys|Safe quality baby toys|Best Baby
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Mom of E a

I have seen several posts on here saying that walkers are bad for babies. Are they for sure saying that (do you have a link) or is it just something someone said? I haven't seen anything on the news or net about this. My little one seems like she might be ready for one. I haven't decided to get a walker or push toy yet. Give me your opinions!

She's 9 months old and pulling to stand and taking 1-2 steps.

Timid Woman heard correctly. Most of us pediatricians dislike walkers because we have seen our share of accidents, some serious. Some accidents are the result of neglect as when a baby pushes the walker down the stairs, but others are less predictable, as when one collapses and pinches the fingers or hand.

From a theoretical standpoint, walkers emphasize use of the legs and hips at a time in development when the infant should be exercising and strengthening the arms and shoulders.

Sure, it's cute to watch babies toddle around behind a walker, but walkers disrupt the natural order of development, and that may be bad for some children.

What is the best teething toy to give my infant?


Those plastic rings you put in the fridge are not working.

The Best Teething Toys

By Miebeth Bustillo-Booth, ChildTrek Founder

Natural & Wood Teethers
The best teething toys are made of natural materials like wood. Wood is naturally anti-bacterial. (That’s why there are wooden cutting boards.) So it is self-cleaning. Wood is hard and will help ease teeth in. But not all wood toys are ideal. The best wooden teething toys are either unfinished or lightly finished with beeswax, water-based stains, or other non-toxic paints. It’s best to gain the manufacturer statements to this effect. At ChildTrek, only toys that have met or exceeded safety standards are available.

Great Teething Toys
Grabbing Toy Giraffe with Wooden Teething Ring by Kathe KruseConsider the Infant Grabbing Toy Mah or Giraffe by Kathe Kruse. They are made out of non-porous beech wood, lightly finished with beeswax, and made using non-toxic dyes. There are no harmful chemicals to leach out while your baby gnaws on the hard wood. The wooden ring is extra large for easy handling by small hands. The lamb and the giraffe can be removed for machine or hand wash. And they are completely adorable!

The Grabbing Star Red or Blue also by Kathe Kruse has a wooden teething ring and interesting textures for early learning stimulation. A special feature is a velcro loop at one of the star ends so that it can be fastened as a stroller toy. This achieves a couple of things: the teether is always nearby and it doubles as a grabbing toy. Smart!

Girali Rattle by SelectaThe Girali Rattle by Selecta, aside from being a practical teething toy, is uniquely beautiful. It is made of native woods from Germany and finished with beeswax and non-toxic paints - completely safe for your baby.

Also, it’s hard to beat the Cherry Rattle by Camden Rose. It is lightly finished with beeswax. Its contoured design makes for interesting tactile stimulation. Its gentle rattle is soothing. As a teether - it is naturally hard to facilitate teething. Watch as your baby gnaws on this beautiful toy for hours.

Cold and Soothing
Organic Vegetabe Teethers by Under the NileOne of my personal favorites for the summer are the organic teethers by miYim and Under the Nile. Take the Bunny, Elephant, or Bear teether. Dampen, not soak it. Put it in the freezer. Then let your baby gnaw on this cool toy to help soothe tender gums. Do the same for the Fruits or the Vegetables by Under the Nile. Besides gently soothing for your baby, you are teaching your baby to “eat” his or her fruits and veggies!

Vary Teethers
It’s best to keep a few different teethers around that have varying textures and hardness. Some teeth come in easier than others. The molars, for example, are especially hard on infants.

Check out ChildTrek’s selection of ideal teething toys.

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Where can I find a list of everything I need to have b4 baby arrives?

best infant musical toys
 on The Best Baby Musical Toys Guide
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I am due in April. I am not sure of everything I need to have for my baby. I know all the basics like crib, dresser, ect.. I just want to have everything done and ready for his arrival by March. I am so confused I dont even know where to start!! Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated!! This is my first and I am just wanting to be completly prepared!

You can look on any baby care website, or in one of those "What to Expect..." books. Or, just take all the answers you get and compile them. Someone may list something no one else thought of. Some basics I can remember are:
onesies in all sizes
bath supplies - lotion, baby oil, baby bath, baby powder, nail clippers, towels, washcloths, brush
vaseline, Desitin, infant Tylenol
baby monitor
bottles and bottle brush
burp cloths
blankets (receiving and thicker ones)
outdoor wear (jacket or sweater and hat - snowsuit if necessary)
lap changing pads
waterproof pads for bassinet and/or crib mattress
sheets for bassinet and/or crib
nose aspirator (the sucker thing!)
cotton balls/q-tips
musical mobile for crib, if desired (my daughter still likes hers at age 2!)
some small baby toys, and a stuffed animal or doll
diapers, can be all sizes, not just newborn
baby wipes
diaper pail if desired

These are just some I can think of. Hope it helps a bit.

What toys start with the letter I?


My son needs to bring a show and tell item that starts with the letter I and we can't think of anything!
Sorry - you can't tell with the font on here - I mean I like Igloo. Not L. Thanks!

It doesn't have to be a toy does it? Just something that starts with 'i'.

Maybe if someone you know has a baby and who is available your son can have an 'infant'. Maybe he could bring in some 'ink' and show a picture he made with the ink. You could even go to the butchers and see if they have any animals guts and he can bring in some 'innards'. You could catch an 'insect', show a musical 'instrument' or if you have something made out of ivory he could use that.... But if it HAS to be a toy, I'm completely stumped. Maybe you could find or make a stuffed iguana.

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At what age should infants be able to sit up on their own?

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My son is 6 1/2 months old. He was a 5 week early preemie and had tons of problems keeping him in the hopsital until his due date. His development has been going fine. But he will not sit up on his own. My friends baby starting sitting up just before 6 months. I know better than to compare but I just wanted to get some other opinions. He grabs toys, rolls over, laughs, etc. He just doesn't sit up. Thanks for the advice!

All babies develop at their own rate, he just may take his sweet time sitting up. Your right about the comparing part, I think that makes every woman worry about their child.
He will eventually get it, if your worried about it speak to his doctor about it.

what is Piagetian process or concept. and what is the child’s most likely stage of development in this example?

Andrew J

Example: Fourteen-month-old Henry tries to move the blanket to find the toy that his mother hid beneath it.

Piaget's 'Four levels of development' are (1) infancy, (2) preschool, (3) childhood, and (4) adolescence. Each stage is characterized by a general cognitive structure that affects all of the child's thinking (a structuralist view influenced by philosopher Immanuel Kant)[citation needed]. Each stage represents the child's understanding of reality during that period, and each but the last is an inadequate approximation of reality. Development from one stage to the next is thus caused by the accumulation of errors in the child's understanding of the environment; this accumulation eventually causes such a degree of cognitive disequilibrium that thought structures require reorganizing.

The four development stages are described in Piaget's theory as:

Sensorimotor stage: from birth to age 2. Children experience the world through movement and senses (use five senses to explore the world). During the sensorimotor stage children are extremely egocentric, meaning they cannot perceive the world from others viewpoints and explore using senses. The sensorimotor stage is divided into six substages: "(1) simple reflexes; (2) first habits and primary circular reactions; (3) secondary circular reactions; (4) coordination of secondary circular reactions; (5) tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity; and (6) internalization of schemes." [4] Simple reflexes is from birth to 1 month old. At this time infants use reflexes such as rooting and sucking. First habits and primary circular reactions is from 1 month to 4 months old. During this time infants learn to coordinate sensation and two types of scheme (habit and circular reactions). A primary circular reaction is when the infant tries to reproduce an event that happened by accident (ex: sucking thumb). The third stage, secondary circular reactions, occurs when the infant is 4 to 8 months old. At this time they become aware of things beyond their own body; they are more object oriented. At this time they might accidentally shake a rattle and continue to do it for sake of satisfaction. Coordination of secondary circular reactions is from 8 months to 12 months old. During this stage they can do things intentionally. They can now combine and recombine schemes and try to reach a goal (ex: use a stick to reach something). They also understand object permanence during this stage. That is, they understand that objects continue to exist even when they can't see them. The fifth stage occurs from 12 months old to 18 months old. During this stage infants explore new possibilities of objects; they try different things to get different results. During the last stage they are 18 to 24 months old. During this stage they shift to symbolic thinking. [4]
Preoperational stage: from ages 2 to 5 (magical thinking predominates. Acquisition of motor skills) Egocentricism begins strongly and then weakens. Children cannot conserve or use logical thinking.
Concrete operational stage: from ages 5 to 11 (children begin to think logically but are very concrete in their thinking) Children can now conserve and think logically but only with practical aids. They are no longer egocentric.
Formal operational stage: after age 11 (development of abstract reasoning). Children develop abstract thought and can easily conserve and think logically in their mind.

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Is it safe to use super glue on infant toy?

How can I help my husband realize that I don't hate his penis?

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We are having a son soon and I don't want him circumcised. My husband does, but I think he's given up arguing with me because he knows I firmly believe routine infant circumcision is bad and I wouldn't stand for anyone to do that to our son. The problem is that my husband was circumcised as a baby and now he thinks I hate his penis because I don't want our son circumcised. I have used such words as "mutilation" and "abuse" to describe circumcision. He thinks that I think he is inadequate now and not good enough for me and less of a man. I love my husband (and his penis) and I hate that he thinks these things! What can I say/do to help him realize I don't hate his penis just because I want my son to have the opportunity to make his own decision regarding his foreskin??
I've told him, he just doesn't believe me..... :-/

Your situation is very common. It's called Adamant Father Syndrome. The best thing you could do is show him videos of it being done. I was almost in the same situation as you, but made him change his mind. I told him the truth about circumcision - they cut off 20,000 nerve endings and in comparison a clitoris has 8,000. The ridged band in the tip of the foreskin has 10-12,000 nerve endings, and in that sense is the male equivalent of a clitoris. In a circumcision it must be cut through before being removed. Back then they didn't know as much about circumcision as they do now. Back then parents had that excuse that they didn't know, but these days that's different. These days they've mapped the penis sensitivity, counted the nerve endings under a microscope, they've had infants monitored for heartrate, cortisol (stress hormone), blood oxygen saturation level and screaming with various painkillers and have come to the conclusion circumcision is indeed the most pain a human being can go through and the pain alone makes it very dangerous (on top of bleeding - hypovolemic shock is very common) for babies.

Back then circumcision was the majority. These days intact is the majority. Back then people thought circumcision is cleaner, these days they know intact is cleaner. And back then most parents had never seen a circumcision being done and they didn't know what it involves. Back then they used to think you had to retract an intact boy's foreskin, which brought about a lot of problems with infection and phimosis and balanitis. These days they know and teach parents (well if their knowledge is up to date) never, ever retract and only clean what you see.

Times have changed, and you don't look at your son sexually, you're thinking about him among his peers. An appeal to new fathers As you can see, she was told it was healthy and painless. These days they know better. father/son matching penises circumcision to look like others cut vs intact outcome statistics

At the end of the day, he needs to start thinking like a father. Considering the different generational differences, and what is known about circumcision, he needs to understand that his responsibility is to your son, and to protect him, and keep up-to-date with knowledge about baby care. Like back then, they used to tell women almost how not to breastfeed successfully, hence many women failed and resorted to bottle-feeding. Does he intend to make you follow the same advise as his mother? Back then they weaned babies onto solids at 4 months old. Now they know better and have realized that before 6 months can really affect the body permanently (and many adults ARE suffering the affects). Does he intend on making you feed him at 4 months old? Back then they thought it kept babies happy to be surrounded by toys in the crib. Now they know that is often fatal. Does he intend on making sure your son is surrounded by teddy bears just like many people used to? The bottom line is that some things are different. Circumcision is one of them.

Put simply, you not putting your baby boy through the pain and trauma has NOTHING to do with your husband's penis. It's not about hang-ups or sexual preferences, it's about good PARENTING.

Where can I find replacement blocks for a Fisher-Price toy?


I recently bought my daughter a Fisher-Price Stack 'n Surprise Blocks Songs 'n Smiles Sillytown. I got it on sale at Toys R Us about a month ago for $25. My husband brought it to his mom's house for our daughter to play with while she stayed over there for a couple hours, and her cousin took all of the pieces to his house and lost them. She now only has 3 blocks left! The cheapest price I found for this toy was $68 on amazon, and all I need is a couple of blocks. I checked ebay, nothing! This toy is completely out of stock everywhere and probably discontinued! Will I be able to find replacement blocks anywhere??

Yes the set was discontinued in 2010. If you visit the Fisher Price web page for this particular toy, on the right hand side, there will be a shopping cart. Select United States in the drop down menu.'n+Surprise+Blocks

Then on the shopping page, select Baby Gear under Fisher Price. Then select Infant Toys. Then select Other Infant Toys. Then select Stack N Surprise Blocks Peek A Boo Choo Choo. You can purchase replacement blocks that are compatible with all Stack N Surprise toys. They run $9 a set. Hopefully this direct link will work, but if not, I hope my directions above explain how to get there.

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Where can I find replacement blocks for a Fisher-Price toy?

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I recently bought my daughter a Fisher-Price Stack 'n Surprise Blocks Songs 'n Smiles Sillytown. I got it on sale at Toys R Us about a month ago for $25. My husband brought it to his mom's house for our daughter to play with while she stayed over there for a couple hours, and her cousin took all of the pieces to his house and lost them. She now only has 3 blocks left! The cheapest price I found for this toy was $68 on amazon, and all I need is a couple of blocks. I checked ebay, nothing! This toy is completely out of stock everywhere and probably discontinued! Will I be able to find replacement blocks anywhere??

Yes the set was discontinued in 2010. If you visit the Fisher Price web page for this particular toy, on the right hand side, there will be a shopping cart. Select United States in the drop down menu.'n+Surprise+Blocks

Then on the shopping page, select Baby Gear under Fisher Price. Then select Infant Toys. Then select Other Infant Toys. Then select Stack N Surprise Blocks Peek A Boo Choo Choo. You can purchase replacement blocks that are compatible with all Stack N Surprise toys. They run $9 a set. Hopefully this direct link will work, but if not, I hope my directions above explain how to get there.

Please help.. My 14 months old daughter is delayed, autism?


My 14 months old daughter is delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills. She is not waiving, not clapping, not pointing, not self feeding. She will sometimes show where my eyes are or mouth, when I ask her, and she will look at a picture on the wall when I ask where the picture is. But she rarely pays any attention to me or anyone else. She loves to play with all her toys, but she doesn't do anything repeatedly (like pushing the same button over and over). When I talk to her or ask her something she ignores me, and continues to do what she was doing like playing with her toy or watching tv. When she watches her cartoons and I get in front of her to get her attention she completely ignores me like I'm a see-through ghost. I'm worried sick.. Has anyone had a kid who was delayed in these areas (waiving, paying attention to mommy, pointing etc), and now are older and normal? Or is she for sure has an autism. I've convinced myself that she does and can't stop panicing. I will make an apt with the neurologist tomorrow, and I was told by an Early Intervention program that she is significantly delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills such as picking up small cereal and putting them in her mouth. (she doesn't do that at all). She seems like normal happy baby to me, she loves it when I sing to her, she looks directly at me into my eyes when I sing, or when I do silly games. She loves pikaboo games and runs to me on her walker when I call her all excited. But when I talk to her most of the time ignores me. I would love to hear from someone who went through this and their kid turned out fine. Some words of encouragement also would help :( thank you so much. I am so afraid of what the neurologist would say. It seems like 100% of normal kids do all these things. If I can just find one who didn't do these things and turned out normal, I could breath just a little easier. Thanks again!
About vaccines etc.. We are on dr. Sears vaccine schedules and we haven't even gotten everything she needs. So I really don't think this could be from vaccines we are being very careful about them.

You are right to be concerned, but don't worry about this until you have done some homework and researched the issue. There is a wonderful web site you can visit to see the symptoms and what is being done to not only help autistic children but what can be done to prevent it.

Go to:

Mary Tocco has been researching vaccines for 30 years and has a volume of information on this subject. Her daughter, Rene Tocco, is the doctor that has dedicated her practice to AUTISM and that is the web site above. Many of the problems children are having today are a result of what is being done to the children in doctor's offices and the food they are eating and the lack of information on good breast feeding, etc.

Become educated, not indoctrinated.

EDIT: NO child needs ANY vaccine. It is a very well known documented fact that children who do not get vaccinated are far healthier and grow up much more healthy. Believe what you will about vaccines, but those promoting it is relying on indoctrination and distortion of the facts, not educated facts.

EDIT: Here's a wonderful article for you to read to get a better in depth understanding of why vaccines are causing many of the problems your child is experiencing.

Dr. Sears is just spreading the poisons over longer time between getting the poison injections. Infants and babies should NOT be receiving these injections at all. Look at the evidence to learn the truth. Pediatricians were invented to inject poisons and nothing more. The well baby visits is just an injection party, nothing more.

If you are still in doubt about this, watch Dr. Maurice Hilleman that was the Number 1 vaccine expert, researcher, and developer of over 40 popular vaccines talk about the "Bargain Basement Technology" vaccines are in this confidential interview:

Now watch this video showing the probity of the Bayer Pharmaceutical that makes aspirin for the world and how they view PROFIT over HEALTH:

Is it no wonder the public has started to reject what these guys are promoting?

Drug companies would have you believe their technology saved the world of disease, but nothing is farther from the truth. Look at this study on small pox that drug companies tell you they eradicated:

Babies are being damaged by these corporations that are promoting this farce. BIG MONEY is being made by them. In fact drug companies make 5 times the profit of any U.S. corporation and politicians get a huge amount of this. This is why the recent Health Care Law funnels so much money directly to them. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame and the public is getting the booby prize. And the worst part is that children are the victims.

good luck to you

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