best infant ride on toys image
In about a week me and my 13 month old are flying back to my home town for the weekend. Any thoughts on how to make the plane ride easier for me and her both. Also .. do you think I should take a car seat or just hold her. My sister back home has a car seat we can use when we get there, but I don't know if it will be easier for her to just sit in her own car seat or in my lap. Any suggestions?
Most airlines allow children under 2 to ride in their parent's lap. So if money is an issue for you, upon checking in (or purchasing your tickets), note that you will be carrying an infant in your lap so you don't have to pay extra for another seat. Make sure you get an aisle seat so there is no struggle when you have to get up to use the rest room and there is room for your wiggler to wiggle. Our two hour trip from Orlando to Newark (and back) was a little tough the first time. So what did to make sure that this flight would be easier was use a large diaper bag as my carry-on and fill it with stuff to entertain him (amongst his diapers and other motherly necessities). I bought a coloring book, his favorite small toys and favorite books to read, some snacks and a portable dvd player w/ his favorite tv shows or movies. Make sure to pack a juice or water (3ozs or less... lol), so that they can be drinking and swallowing when the plane takes off, which helps the popping in their ears be less painful. You can also just purchase a juice or water on the flight, but sometimes they are a little pricey. If you are getting one, buy a juice or water so you can share.
I also scheduled the flight around the time I knew he'd be taking his nap so he could sleep some of the time. I had done the whole flight thing with him once w/o this stuff and w/o getting aisle seats. It was horrendous and I learned from that tremendously. After the flight with the baggage filled with goodies, I was actually comments from those seated beside me. He was so well behaved and they had initially been worried about their flight with a baby next to them. I actually had one of them tell me that I was a good mother, which is always good to hear! I hope this helps!
Most airlines allow children under 2 to ride in their parent's lap. So if money is an issue for you, upon checking in (or purchasing your tickets), note that you will be carrying an infant in your lap so you don't have to pay extra for another seat. Make sure you get an aisle seat so there is no struggle when you have to get up to use the rest room and there is room for your wiggler to wiggle. Our two hour trip from Orlando to Newark (and back) was a little tough the first time. So what did to make sure that this flight would be easier was use a large diaper bag as my carry-on and fill it with stuff to entertain him (amongst his diapers and other motherly necessities). I bought a coloring book, his favorite small toys and favorite books to read, some snacks and a portable dvd player w/ his favorite tv shows or movies. Make sure to pack a juice or water (3ozs or less... lol), so that they can be drinking and swallowing when the plane takes off, which helps the popping in their ears be less painful. You can also just purchase a juice or water on the flight, but sometimes they are a little pricey. If you are getting one, buy a juice or water so you can share.
I also scheduled the flight around the time I knew he'd be taking his nap so he could sleep some of the time. I had done the whole flight thing with him once w/o this stuff and w/o getting aisle seats. It was horrendous and I learned from that tremendously. After the flight with the baggage filled with goodies, I was actually comments from those seated beside me. He was so well behaved and they had initially been worried about their flight with a baby next to them. I actually had one of them tell me that I was a good mother, which is always good to hear! I hope this helps!
What does a decorated tree have to do with the Birth of Jesus The Christ?
Do Christians know why they spend money on trees and the many decorations on them? Why do we buy our children guns, both real and toys, to celebrate the Birth of The Prince of Peace? Why do we lie. and say a morbidly obese man in a red suit and beard comes down the chimney with a bag of toys?
Christmas is nothing to do with either Christianity or Islam but it does have it's origins in the midwinter festival and many other basically pagan rites but since much of it is a celebration of nature rather than religion everyone should be able to enjoy it and be happy together despite religion!
The ancient European pagans celebrated the midwinter festival and a number of other festivals long before Christianity ever existed!
Babylonians celebrated the feast of the Son of Isis with gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift giving and the goddess of fertility, love, and war.
The Romans held a festival on 25 December called “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, celebrating their own god Sol Invictas – PAGAN!
The Persian god Mithras, the Syrian sun god Elah Gabal, the German Sol, the Greek Helios and the Mesopotamian Shamash. But also Saturnalia, honouring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. The law courts and schools were closed. No public business could be transacted an this is where the holidays originated - ALL PAGAN!
Wax tapers were given by the more humble to their superiors. The origin of the Christmas candle - PAGAN!
In Rome groups of costumed went from house to house entertaining their people. And this was where the carolling Christmas tradition originated PAGAN!
Statues of the Mother and lover or Mother and son were paraded through the streets not only in Italy but also in Africa, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Bulgaria. Thus, the symbolism of the Heavenly Virgin and the infant child paraded on a yearly basis are not of Christian origin. They stem from the Mother-goddess religion, which is very ancient ENTIRELY PAGAN!
Scandinavian countries celebrated Yule honouring Thor – PAGAN!
In Germania (not Germany) they celebrated midwinter night followed by 12 wild nights of eating and drinking. The 12 days of Christmas PAGAN!
The church under Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25 in 350 AD in order to try to hijack the PAGAN festivals but it was largely ignored. Christians did not really celebrate Christmas until 378 but it was then dropped in 381 and not resurrected until 400.
The Christmas tree stems from pagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, which included the use of holly boughs ivy and other foliage as an adaptation of pagan tree worship. Holly and ivy represented male and female. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual - all PAGAN!
Santa Claus came from the Dutch “Sinterklaas” and was a tall figure riding a white horse through the air and usually accompanied by Black Peter, an elf who punished disobedient children. Also the origin of the reindeer, sleigh and the elves ALL PAGAN!
The modern red coated Santa was brought about by coca cola!
AMERICA ACTUALLY BANNED CHRISTMAS several times and is the originator of the expression “Happy Holidays” which came about because of the pagan origins of Christmas to include all religions and traditions!
The Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer pointed out that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices when it found the population unwilling to give up the festivals. Thus a lot of what Christians now see as Christians practices are in fact pagan!
Christmas is the time of year christians strive to prove just how pagan they have become
Christmas is nothing to do with either Christianity or Islam but it does have it's origins in the midwinter festival and many other basically pagan rites but since much of it is a celebration of nature rather than religion everyone should be able to enjoy it and be happy together despite religion!
The ancient European pagans celebrated the midwinter festival and a number of other festivals long before Christianity ever existed!
Babylonians celebrated the feast of the Son of Isis with gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift giving and the goddess of fertility, love, and war.
The Romans held a festival on 25 December called “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, celebrating their own god Sol Invictas – PAGAN!
The Persian god Mithras, the Syrian sun god Elah Gabal, the German Sol, the Greek Helios and the Mesopotamian Shamash. But also Saturnalia, honouring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. The law courts and schools were closed. No public business could be transacted an this is where the holidays originated - ALL PAGAN!
Wax tapers were given by the more humble to their superiors. The origin of the Christmas candle - PAGAN!
In Rome groups of costumed went from house to house entertaining their people. And this was where the carolling Christmas tradition originated PAGAN!
Statues of the Mother and lover or Mother and son were paraded through the streets not only in Italy but also in Africa, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Bulgaria. Thus, the symbolism of the Heavenly Virgin and the infant child paraded on a yearly basis are not of Christian origin. They stem from the Mother-goddess religion, which is very ancient ENTIRELY PAGAN!
Scandinavian countries celebrated Yule honouring Thor – PAGAN!
In Germania (not Germany) they celebrated midwinter night followed by 12 wild nights of eating and drinking. The 12 days of Christmas PAGAN!
The church under Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25 in 350 AD in order to try to hijack the PAGAN festivals but it was largely ignored. Christians did not really celebrate Christmas until 378 but it was then dropped in 381 and not resurrected until 400.
The Christmas tree stems from pagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, which included the use of holly boughs ivy and other foliage as an adaptation of pagan tree worship. Holly and ivy represented male and female. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual - all PAGAN!
Santa Claus came from the Dutch “Sinterklaas” and was a tall figure riding a white horse through the air and usually accompanied by Black Peter, an elf who punished disobedient children. Also the origin of the reindeer, sleigh and the elves ALL PAGAN!
The modern red coated Santa was brought about by coca cola!
AMERICA ACTUALLY BANNED CHRISTMAS several times and is the originator of the expression “Happy Holidays” which came about because of the pagan origins of Christmas to include all religions and traditions!
The Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer pointed out that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices when it found the population unwilling to give up the festivals. Thus a lot of what Christians now see as Christians practices are in fact pagan!
Christmas is the time of year christians strive to prove just how pagan they have become
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