babble best infant toys
My daughter is 16 months old and says mama, dada, dowa (dora), bah pah (backpack) , mahp (map), cup (tup), and ipah(diaper). And that's it. She understands almost evrything that you tell her and points at things; ie nose, mama's face, pretty eyes.. so on and so forth but most of the time she doesn't seem to want to talk, should i be worried about this?
I read at a parenting website that most gilrs her age should say about 70 words and understand over a hundred.
Answer What parenting website would that be? That's insane!
American Academy of Pediatrics
By the end of two years:
* Pays increasing attention to speech
* Responds to simple verbal requests
* Responds to "no"
* Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for "no"
* Babbles with inflection
* Says "dada" and "mama"
* Uses exclamations, such as "Oh-oh!"
* Tries to imitate words
From the National Institutes of Health
How Do I Know If My Child Is Reaching the Milestones?
Here is a checklist that you can follow to determine if your child's speech and language skills are developing on schedule. You should talk to your child's doctor about anything that is checked "no."
12 - 17 months Yes No
Attends to a book or toy for about two minutes.
Follows simple directions accompanied by gestures.
Answers simple questions nonverbally.
Points to objects, pictures, and family members.
Says two to three words to label a person or object (pronunciation may not be clear).
Tries to imitate simple words.
12 to 18 months
* babbles - sounds like sentences
* understands simple questions/statements e.g.. "where is your nose?", "give me"
* says words (not clearly)
* nods "yes" and shakes head for "no"
* enjoys rhythm and likes to "dance" to
musicwarning signs
* does your child not talk at all?
* is your child sociable?
Between one and two
* Understands "no"
* Uses 10 to 20 words, including names
* Combines two words such as "daddy bye-bye"
* Waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake
* Makes the "sounds" of familiar animals
* Gives a toy when asked
* Uses words such as "more" to make wants known
* Points to his or her toes, eyes, and nose
* Brings object from another room when asked
By 12 to 15 months
Children this age should have a wide range of speech sounds in their babbling and at least one or more true words (not including "mama" and "dada"). Nouns usually come first, like "baby" and "ball." Your child should also be able to understand and follow single directions ("Please give me the toy," for example).
From 18 to 24 months
Children should have a vocabulary of about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more partial words by the time they turn 2. By age 2, kids should be learning to combine two words, such as "baby crying" or "Daddy big." A 2-year-old should also be able to follow two-step commands (such as "Please pick up the toy and bring me your cup").
By the end of 18 months, your child may:
* Point to an object or picture when it's named
* Recognize names of familiar people, objects and body parts
* Follow simple directions, such as "Throw me the ball"
* Say up to 20 words
How cute is this at 10 weeks old?
In the morning after my son wakes up, gets changed and nurses, we go in the living room and have "floor time" He is only 10 weeks old and so sweet. He never cries and is always smiling and staring at me. But this morning he was looking away from me and not really interested in the rattle that he is always interested in! I went in the kitchen for a couple minutes to get something to drink and eat and I could hear him cooing but when I came back in the living room he was 3 feet away from the blanket he was on!!! He scooted all the way across the living room. I just let him go! I turned him when he got close to something but he eventually ended up with his head at the wall!! He went a whole 6 feet!!! I am excited and I had to share that with someone and everyone is working right now!! Sorry....But when do babies usually start scooting around like that? I know all of them are different but it really amazed me. What else can I expect at 2 1/2- 3 months??
Also what are some things I can use to make our "floor time" more fun? Certain toys, music etc....
That is really amazing! I've never heard of a baby scooting that early! Congrats! Time to start baby proofing.
Developmental Milestones by the End of 3 Months
Raises head and chest when lying on stomach
Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach
Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back
Opens and shuts hands
Pushes down on his legs when his feet are placed on a firm surface
Brings hand to mouth
Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands
Grasps and shakes hand toys
Watches faces intently
Follows moving objects
Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance
Starts using hands and eyes in coordination
Hearing and Speech
Smiles at the sound of your voice
Begins to babble
Begins to imitate some sounds
Turns head toward direction of sound
Begins to develop a social smile
Enjoys playing with other people, and may cry when playing stops
Becomes more communicative and expressive with face and body
Imitates some movements and facial expressions
Developmental Health Watch
Although each baby develops in her own individual way and at her own rate, failure to reach certain milestones may signal medical or developmental problems requiring special attention. If you notice any of the following warning signs in your infant at this age, discuss them with your pediatrician.
Still has Moro reflex after 4 months
Doesn't seem to respond to loud sounds
Doesn't notice her hands by 2 months
Doesn't smile at the sound of your voice by 2 months
Doesn't follow moving objects with her eyes by 2 to 3 months
Doesn't grasp and hold objects by 3 months
Doesn't smile at people by 3 months
Cannot support her head well at 3 months
Doesn't reach for and grasp toys by 3 to 4 months
Doesn't babble by 3 to 4 months
Doesn't bring objects to her mouth by 4 months
Begins babbling, but doesn't try to imitate any of your sounds by 4 months
Doesn't push down with her legs when her feet are placed on a firm surface by 4 months
Has trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions
Crosses her eyes most of the time. (Occasional crossing of the eyes is normal in these first months.)
Doesn't pay attention to new faces, or seems very frightened by new faces or surroundings
Still has the tonic neck reflex at 4 to 5 months
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