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Aluminum L
I really want a ferret, and I'm planning on getting 2 or 3 this Christmas. I was wondering what would be a good cage,good food and treats, good toys,etc. Anything you want to share...
Do NOT get your ferret a wheel or a ball they are not good for their spines. Here's some tips:
If your ferrets aren't neutered ask your vet if you can get desloreline implants rather than neutering or spaying...not all vets offer it but it isnt associated with adrenal disease like spaying and neutering is. if not you MUST spay your female ferrets.
Cage should be a minimum of 3X2X3 for a pair of ferrets, a cage can NEVER be too big. Good cages are the Ferret Nation, Marshall Penthouse, Townhouse, Mansion and Estate, and (the Townhouse, Hotel, and Penthouse are all suitable). If you are in the UK, the Rat and Rodent 100 by Sky pet products, The Explorer rat cage and the Ferret Nation are all these products for prices and supplies.
Good toys for ferrets are jingly cat bell balls, make sure they are not soft plastic or rubber, stuffed animals with no chewable buttons or bits that can come off, hammocks, tubes to run through, plastic bags (they love the noise but under supervision only), paper bags, boxes, cat teaser toys ping pong balls (throw them away when they dent) and most toys designed for ferrets. Avoid soft plastic or any rubber toys, ferrets will destroy and eat them.
Good on you for getting more than one, three is a good number...I have five lol. Ferrets should NOT be kept on their own, its cruel.
You should spend at least four and preferably six hours with your ferrets daily, keeping an eye on them and playing with them in a ferret proofed area (google for more on ferret proofing).
The best food for ferrets is the raw diet, its more biologically appropriate than dried foods. Google BARF ferrets for info on this. If this option is out for you, the ONLY foods I would recommend are Evo ferret (or Evo cat if you cant get the ferret, its about the same) Orijen cat or if you are in the UK, Applaws kitten. Normally cat and kitten foods aren't much good for ferrets but these particular foods are high in protein and low in carbs which is exactly what a ferret needs. Avoid 8 in 1, Marshalls and most other foods.
For treats, best to avoid too many of the pet store bought ones, they are full of sugar. You can buy pure dried chicken treats, or dry chicken out yourself in you oven. Good treats for ferrets are unsalted and unprocessed meat, small amounts of scrambled or boiled egg, raw bones, goats milk or cat milk (small amounts), and VERY occasionally tiny pieces of non acidic fruits such as mango, melon and banana...but not too much ferrets are carnivores.
Start saving for vets fees now, ferrets can cost a bomb at the vets.
Ferrets are a LOT of work, do your research before you decide to buy. They have a lot of downsides to be aware of...a lot of baby ferrets bite quite hard and have to be trained out of it, litter training can be a pain and take ages, ferrets do have a strong smell (descenting does NOT prevent this), they are very accident prone and prone to illness as they get older.
Read the following:
Ferrets for Dummies, second edition
If you are in the UK also visit
And have fun with your ferrets, if you are up to the work, they are amazing pets.
Do NOT get your ferret a wheel or a ball they are not good for their spines. Here's some tips:
If your ferrets aren't neutered ask your vet if you can get desloreline implants rather than neutering or spaying...not all vets offer it but it isnt associated with adrenal disease like spaying and neutering is. if not you MUST spay your female ferrets.
Cage should be a minimum of 3X2X3 for a pair of ferrets, a cage can NEVER be too big. Good cages are the Ferret Nation, Marshall Penthouse, Townhouse, Mansion and Estate, and (the Townhouse, Hotel, and Penthouse are all suitable). If you are in the UK, the Rat and Rodent 100 by Sky pet products, The Explorer rat cage and the Ferret Nation are all these products for prices and supplies.
Good toys for ferrets are jingly cat bell balls, make sure they are not soft plastic or rubber, stuffed animals with no chewable buttons or bits that can come off, hammocks, tubes to run through, plastic bags (they love the noise but under supervision only), paper bags, boxes, cat teaser toys ping pong balls (throw them away when they dent) and most toys designed for ferrets. Avoid soft plastic or any rubber toys, ferrets will destroy and eat them.
Good on you for getting more than one, three is a good number...I have five lol. Ferrets should NOT be kept on their own, its cruel.
You should spend at least four and preferably six hours with your ferrets daily, keeping an eye on them and playing with them in a ferret proofed area (google for more on ferret proofing).
The best food for ferrets is the raw diet, its more biologically appropriate than dried foods. Google BARF ferrets for info on this. If this option is out for you, the ONLY foods I would recommend are Evo ferret (or Evo cat if you cant get the ferret, its about the same) Orijen cat or if you are in the UK, Applaws kitten. Normally cat and kitten foods aren't much good for ferrets but these particular foods are high in protein and low in carbs which is exactly what a ferret needs. Avoid 8 in 1, Marshalls and most other foods.
For treats, best to avoid too many of the pet store bought ones, they are full of sugar. You can buy pure dried chicken treats, or dry chicken out yourself in you oven. Good treats for ferrets are unsalted and unprocessed meat, small amounts of scrambled or boiled egg, raw bones, goats milk or cat milk (small amounts), and VERY occasionally tiny pieces of non acidic fruits such as mango, melon and banana...but not too much ferrets are carnivores.
Start saving for vets fees now, ferrets can cost a bomb at the vets.
Ferrets are a LOT of work, do your research before you decide to buy. They have a lot of downsides to be aware of...a lot of baby ferrets bite quite hard and have to be trained out of it, litter training can be a pain and take ages, ferrets do have a strong smell (descenting does NOT prevent this), they are very accident prone and prone to illness as they get older.
Read the following:
Ferrets for Dummies, second edition
If you are in the UK also visit
And have fun with your ferrets, if you are up to the work, they are amazing pets.
How do you go about sampling kids and baby products like strollers and electronics etc?
Christen T
I see ppl on the internet getting to try out big products like strollers and riding toys etc totally free and just have to write a review on hte products and get to keep them. Anyone do that for totally free without buying a membership somewhere or somewhere with a cheap membership that actually works? I'm interested in doing this but IDK any legit places to go to do it and I'm leary about buying memberships. Thanks
You have to live in a major city then look up Market Research firms, then call them to see if they conduct focus groups and are accepting applications for new participants
I used to be signed up to an agency in NYC but in 5 years only participated in 2 groups as they have a database of thousands of people and look for very specific demographics for each group
I had one that was for athletic shoes. We didn't know in advance what the group was (you rarely do) but about 50 people were invited in and asked to fill out a questionnaire with our age, ethnicity, income level, education level then it had a lot of questions about our exercise routines, which sports shoes we had bought before, gym membership, etc. We then turned the applications in, waited about an hour, then they called 10 of us to participate in the group and the other 40 were sent home.
We were then put in a room with a two-way mirror and talked about why we chose particular brands of cross trainers - the fit, style, performance, name brand, price, advertising campaigns, celebrity/athlete endorsement, recommendation from a store employee/personal trainer/friend/family member, etc. Then we were told to give our size and they mailed us a pair of plain white shoes with no logos. We had to wear them working out for 2 weeks then were invited back to give feedback
I did another group where we tried flavors of a new drink (like Snapple -- in fact it might have been Snapple but you never know the company name that's running the group). For that one we didn't get to keep anything. We were just paid about $50 to taste various cups with letters on them, choose which of the 4 versions we liked best, guess what the flavor was supposed to be, if we thought it was too sweet or not sweet enough, if we would ever buy it, if we would recommend to friends, etc
A friend got to do one for facial self tanners where she got a free tube of self tan for face to try out and give her feedback
You have to live in a major city then look up Market Research firms, then call them to see if they conduct focus groups and are accepting applications for new participants
I used to be signed up to an agency in NYC but in 5 years only participated in 2 groups as they have a database of thousands of people and look for very specific demographics for each group
I had one that was for athletic shoes. We didn't know in advance what the group was (you rarely do) but about 50 people were invited in and asked to fill out a questionnaire with our age, ethnicity, income level, education level then it had a lot of questions about our exercise routines, which sports shoes we had bought before, gym membership, etc. We then turned the applications in, waited about an hour, then they called 10 of us to participate in the group and the other 40 were sent home.
We were then put in a room with a two-way mirror and talked about why we chose particular brands of cross trainers - the fit, style, performance, name brand, price, advertising campaigns, celebrity/athlete endorsement, recommendation from a store employee/personal trainer/friend/family member, etc. Then we were told to give our size and they mailed us a pair of plain white shoes with no logos. We had to wear them working out for 2 weeks then were invited back to give feedback
I did another group where we tried flavors of a new drink (like Snapple -- in fact it might have been Snapple but you never know the company name that's running the group). For that one we didn't get to keep anything. We were just paid about $50 to taste various cups with letters on them, choose which of the 4 versions we liked best, guess what the flavor was supposed to be, if we thought it was too sweet or not sweet enough, if we would ever buy it, if we would recommend to friends, etc
A friend got to do one for facial self tanners where she got a free tube of self tan for face to try out and give her feedback
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