Saturday, December 7, 2013

Can anybody give me reviews or advice about ferrets?

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 on What are some of the features of the Plan Toy Baby Walker ?
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Aluminum L

I really want a ferret, and I'm planning on getting 2 or 3 this Christmas. I was wondering what would be a good cage,good food and treats, good toys,etc. Anything you want to share...

Do NOT get your ferret a wheel or a ball they are not good for their spines. Here's some tips:

If your ferrets aren't neutered ask your vet if you can get desloreline implants rather than neutering or spaying...not all vets offer it but it isnt associated with adrenal disease like spaying and neutering is. if not you MUST spay your female ferrets.

Cage should be a minimum of 3X2X3 for a pair of ferrets, a cage can NEVER be too big. Good cages are the Ferret Nation, Marshall Penthouse, Townhouse, Mansion and Estate, and (the Townhouse, Hotel, and Penthouse are all suitable). If you are in the UK, the Rat and Rodent 100 by Sky pet products, The Explorer rat cage and the Ferret Nation are all these products for prices and supplies.

Good toys for ferrets are jingly cat bell balls, make sure they are not soft plastic or rubber, stuffed animals with no chewable buttons or bits that can come off, hammocks, tubes to run through, plastic bags (they love the noise but under supervision only), paper bags, boxes, cat teaser toys ping pong balls (throw them away when they dent) and most toys designed for ferrets. Avoid soft plastic or any rubber toys, ferrets will destroy and eat them.

Good on you for getting more than one, three is a good number...I have five lol. Ferrets should NOT be kept on their own, its cruel.

You should spend at least four and preferably six hours with your ferrets daily, keeping an eye on them and playing with them in a ferret proofed area (google for more on ferret proofing).

The best food for ferrets is the raw diet, its more biologically appropriate than dried foods. Google BARF ferrets for info on this. If this option is out for you, the ONLY foods I would recommend are Evo ferret (or Evo cat if you cant get the ferret, its about the same) Orijen cat or if you are in the UK, Applaws kitten. Normally cat and kitten foods aren't much good for ferrets but these particular foods are high in protein and low in carbs which is exactly what a ferret needs. Avoid 8 in 1, Marshalls and most other foods.

For treats, best to avoid too many of the pet store bought ones, they are full of sugar. You can buy pure dried chicken treats, or dry chicken out yourself in you oven. Good treats for ferrets are unsalted and unprocessed meat, small amounts of scrambled or boiled egg, raw bones, goats milk or cat milk (small amounts), and VERY occasionally tiny pieces of non acidic fruits such as mango, melon and banana...but not too much ferrets are carnivores.

Start saving for vets fees now, ferrets can cost a bomb at the vets.

Ferrets are a LOT of work, do your research before you decide to buy. They have a lot of downsides to be aware of...a lot of baby ferrets bite quite hard and have to be trained out of it, litter training can be a pain and take ages, ferrets do have a strong smell (descenting does NOT prevent this), they are very accident prone and prone to illness as they get older.

Read the following:

Ferrets for Dummies, second edition

If you are in the UK also visit

And have fun with your ferrets, if you are up to the work, they are amazing pets.

How do you go about sampling kids and baby products like strollers and electronics etc?

Christen T

I see ppl on the internet getting to try out big products like strollers and riding toys etc totally free and just have to write a review on hte products and get to keep them. Anyone do that for totally free without buying a membership somewhere or somewhere with a cheap membership that actually works? I'm interested in doing this but IDK any legit places to go to do it and I'm leary about buying memberships. Thanks

You have to live in a major city then look up Market Research firms, then call them to see if they conduct focus groups and are accepting applications for new participants

I used to be signed up to an agency in NYC but in 5 years only participated in 2 groups as they have a database of thousands of people and look for very specific demographics for each group

I had one that was for athletic shoes. We didn't know in advance what the group was (you rarely do) but about 50 people were invited in and asked to fill out a questionnaire with our age, ethnicity, income level, education level then it had a lot of questions about our exercise routines, which sports shoes we had bought before, gym membership, etc. We then turned the applications in, waited about an hour, then they called 10 of us to participate in the group and the other 40 were sent home.

We were then put in a room with a two-way mirror and talked about why we chose particular brands of cross trainers - the fit, style, performance, name brand, price, advertising campaigns, celebrity/athlete endorsement, recommendation from a store employee/personal trainer/friend/family member, etc. Then we were told to give our size and they mailed us a pair of plain white shoes with no logos. We had to wear them working out for 2 weeks then were invited back to give feedback

I did another group where we tried flavors of a new drink (like Snapple -- in fact it might have been Snapple but you never know the company name that's running the group). For that one we didn't get to keep anything. We were just paid about $50 to taste various cups with letters on them, choose which of the 4 versions we liked best, guess what the flavor was supposed to be, if we thought it was too sweet or not sweet enough, if we would ever buy it, if we would recommend to friends, etc

A friend got to do one for facial self tanners where she got a free tube of self tan for face to try out and give her feedback

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What is the best car seat toy for a forward facing carseat?

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I am going to be getting my son a new car seat because he no longer fits in his old one. The new one is forward facing. In the old car seat, we have a bar that has rattles and a light up musical frog that my son loves to play with. Anyone have any ideas for an awesome car seat toy? I'm looking for the best one out there, one that I haven't seen on my google searches. Thank you!!

When deciding on any toy to be allowed in the car, think about what's going to happen in an accident and it goes flying. This will sound silly, but its a simple test to decide whether it should be allowed as a toy in the car: smack yourself upside the head with it. did it hurt? If not, go for it, if it hurt you, think about how much more it will hurt a baby, whose skull is softer, and when in an accident it will hit with a lot more force. Ican't at all remember who made them, but check your local kids resale shop (like Once Upon a Child) since they seem to have them often: soft toy steering wheels so child can play-drive while in the car.

However, a bigger issue here, would be how old is your child and what size? Sounds like he's outgrowing an infant carrier car seat? Kids do not go from infant carrier seat straight to forward facing seat. The next step is a rear facing convertible car seat. Most state laws require kids to be rear facing until at least 20lbs and 1 year, but more importantly, the laws of physics say kids should stay rear facing as long as they possibly can. Its THAT much safer. The old 20lbs/1 year rule is just that. OLD. It came about in the 1980's when our seats were only capable of rear facing to 20lbs and we didn't know any better. Now we definitely know better and all current convertible seats rear face to at least 30lbs, but its hard getting people to realize this.
Turning kids forward at 20lbs/1year is an outdated practice that could cost you your child's life!
1)A forward-facing child under 2 years old is 5 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash than a rear-facing child of the same age.
2)A child's vertabrae do not fully fuse until 3-6 years old, before then, she is at great risk for internal decapitation. The spinal column can stretch up to 2 inches in a crash BUT the spinal cord can only stretch up to 1/4 inch before it snaps and baby is gone.
3)Current research suggests that children under the age of two years are 75 percent less likely to die or be seriously injured when they are riding rear facing.
4)In a recent article from Injury Prevention, it was found that the odds of severe injury to forward facing children age 12-23 months old was 5.32 times higher than a rear facing child. (Car Safety Seats For Children: Rear Facing For Best Protection; Injury Prevention 2007; 13:398-402.)

It works this way: when you get in an accident and run into something, the car stop suddently, but everything and everyone in the car keeps moving in the direction the car was moving when it stopped, in most accidents, this is forward. So in an accident with a child in a forward facing seat, his head, the heaviest part of the body on babies and toddlers, flies forward very forcefully and easily snaps. If that same child is in a rear facing seat, his head tries to fly forward but is supported by the back of the rear facing seat, so there is no stress put on the child's neck and spine.

Check out this photo album exclusively of rear facing kids, many of them much older than 12 months: There isn't a single documented case of a child breaking their legs b/c they were rear facing in an accident. There are, however, lots of cases where children have been killed and seriously injured where a rear facing seat would have protected them better. And most kids actually prefer to be rear facing b/c they can rest their feet on the vehicle seat back. When they are forward facing, their legs don't receive enough support and will frequently fall asleep.
In the foreground is a forward facing seat, in the background a rear facing seat. You can see how much trauma the forward facing dummy has to endure. The rear facing child simply rides it out.

Here's another video. You can see how there is NO trauma to the baby, it simply sits there waiting for it to end.

The story of a child who suffered severe injuries from being forward facing when he could've been rear facing:

Where can I buy a stainless steel mirror (18 inches by 12 inches) to hang over a baby crib?

Paulina R

Does anyone know of a toystore or toy manufacturer that sells such a thing? It cannot be made of glass, has to be very highly polished stainless steel or some other metal that cannot break but reflects a face as well as a glass mirror does.

Any ideas?
I had one once. My 3 month old loved looking at herself, she could see herself with this size mirror.
I just want to get another for my grandkids. No danger at all, there were 4 holes in the corners, it strapped on the crib sides, all sharp edges were covered, and I removed it when she turned 5 months old and was able to learn to sit up.

Look for a mylar mirror with plexiglass. Infant's eyes are not developed as well, and they like the play of light more than seeing themselves.
Try Toys-R-us or Babies-R-Us, or onine @

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How do you manage the time between your baby and housework?

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 on best educational toys: Baby Walker, by the Plan Toys
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I am a new mom. My daughter is 3 months old.
My baby doesn't like to be alone.
At home I have to to houseworks too, cooking, cleaning, etc
She cries when I put her in her crib, even when I have to go to the toilet for a while.
It's still difficult for me to manage the time between parenting and doing houseworks.
Do you have experiences like I have?
Please share yours
Thank you so much

When my kids were this little, I'd put them in a sling and get stuff done and they were happy being with mommy. However, when they got older I'd put them in the walker while I was cleaning/ cooking. I'd also put them in the play pen with some toys. This way- they learn to entertain themselves. This helps as they grow older into toddler stage. Also, what helps alot is clean as you go so that you won't have to have a big cleaning session later on. For example while you're waiting for spaghetti sauce to boil tidy up the counters or wipe down chairs real quick. Wipe down the microwave immediately after using it, so stuff doesn't stick on it and it takes longer to clean up later. After dinner, rinse off dishes and immediately stick them in the dishwasher so food doesn't stick making it harder to clean later. Wipe the table immediately afterwards. If you use bottles, rinse them out immediately and stick them in the dishwasher instead of letting them pile up. I made it part of my routine after feeding baby. Laundry- see if your husband/ partner can help with this. Throw a load in the washer and then in the dryer and when it's done drying stick it in a laundry basket and have dad help fold/ put away. I was very very OCD when I had my kids, still am. I eventually made a schedule for everything- cleaning, cooking, laundry WHILE it was baby's playtime. My kids were infants I'd take a cat nap while they napped. There for a while, I thought I'd never get any sleep. That's when I got sleep- was while they were asleep. And if they were still asleep when I woke up I'd use that time to fold/ put away laundry. It's a tough job being a stay at home mom but if you make yourself a little time management chart, it's a lot easier. Maybe once or twice a week, get a friend to watch the baby while you do big time cleaning like bathrooms and vacuuming. But be very VERY organized in order to keep everything flowing smooth. Everything has a home. Categorize everything in your home and get rid of unnecessary items that take up space in the home. Excess items and "stuff" just makes the house seem more cluttered and this is when stress sets in. Baby doesn't need a thousand toys to be happy especially at this age. Manage your space in order to manage your time. Get those little cubbies with those canvas bins. This helps me a TON. I have one in every room and closet. Just get organized in both space and time and you'll be OK.

What are the basic things that a baby need before they are born?


This is my first pregnancy. I am due January 21, 2008. I am having a baby boy and a very happy mother-to-be. There are so many things out there for babies. What items do I really need and what can my baby do without???? Please help!!!!

You are smart for asking this: it will save you a lot of money and a lot of space (from all the useless items you won't have laying around!)
From personal experience you
1.) LOTS of diapers and wipes
2.) Baby wash (most of them can double as shampoo)
3.) bottles (if bottlefeeding) pacifiers
4.) clothing, of course... lots of socks... they go missing.
5.) a diaper bag to carry everything
6.) a carseat (very important!) Get a good one! Get the baby head supporter thing... it's a must.
7.) a stroller is a must unless you plan on being stranded at the house all the time... and for sanity sake, you'll want to get out.....
8.) crib or basinette and blankets.
9.) a little baby chair, like a bouncy seat... those are great
10.) a little infant bathtub


1.) a jumper or a walker - waste of money
2.) a playpen... it is not a must if you have the baby chair, they've usually got straps to keep the baby secure. Those pens just take up space and later on when you're baby is older they'll just scream whenever you put them in there. I think we used ours twice. If you have a crib, use that instead.
3.) a highchair... don't buy one yet. You won't need it for months and there are many other things you'll need to get right now. When you do get one, get one of the chairs that fits into the dining chairs you've already got... huge spacesaver, just as good!
4.) the door swing jumper thing... DANGEROUS! My son just kept hitting his head on the door frame. Avoid this!
5.) An activity mat. Those things are like $30. Know what works just as well? A blanket on the floor with some toys spread about... plus it seems to prompt baby to crawl sooner that way, or it did for us anyway.
6.) And lastly, a changing table is not a must. If you have one then that's okay. They're not bad, and later, when the baby is older you can use it as a stuffed animal shelf or something. But if you don't have one, don't stress. We've had one the whole time and honestly we changed him on our bed more than anything.

GOOD LUCK and congrats!!

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For parents: anyone else with a baby with a lopsided head from sleeping on only one side?

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 on Best Baby Toys
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My baby's head is lopsided and the ears as well because he only sleeps on his left. We tried putting him on the other end of the crib so he has to turn to the right to see his toys, but to no avail. The doctor said it will probably correct itself now that he spends less time on his back and that we can wait 3 months for the 9 months appointment to see if it's better and then discuss the options. Did anyone have or is having the same problem? If so, what did you do about it?

First, welcome to motherhood!

It is quite common to see "lopsided" heads in infants and the usual reason is just what your Doctor described. All babies have a series of "fissures" (called sutures) that traverse the skull. There is one that runs down the middle of the skull (front to back) and two others that bisect this one (one in front and one in back) which allow for normal brain growth. These sutures essentially divide your babies skull into semi-mobile plates which can move or mold to the pressure applied. If your baby favors one side during sleeping it could cause these somewhat mobile and malleable plates to accomodate the persistent pressures. As your babies sleeping preferences change his head should return to a more normal shape.

In the meantime I’d try not to worry....unless your husband has a "lopsided" head. :-)

What can I do to entertain my 9 month old all day long?


He loves Blues Clues, Dora, and Baby Einstein, but I recently read that the AAP recommends that infants under 2 years of age never watch tv. He sleeps, plays with toys, reads books, eats, and excercises for several hours of the day, but what am I supposed to do the rest of the time if he can't watch any movies? Oh, and maybe the AAP has forgotten that there are things I need to get done during the day too! I need suggestions!

My daughter watched TV from when she was a little baby. I really don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's not all they do all day long. I'm sorry I don't really know what else you could do during the day. Sound's like it's already pretty full.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

What is the best online advertising for a new website?

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Denise B

We just opened a new website We specialize in boutique baby gift items and toys. We looking for ways to promote the site. What marketing techniques work best to promote a new website? Does anyone have experience with yahoo! directory? What about purchasing key words?

Don't waste your $299 annual payments with Yahoo Directory - no one goes there anymore. You can spend that $299 better and get more traffic by buying pay per click advertising. You can use Google Adwords or Yahoo

Here are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible:

1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.

2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important -- and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more - that's additional traffic that you get for FREE!

Recommend Site Scripts (various)
Big Nose Bird Recommend this Site
CGI Resource Index

3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.

If you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of's "Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day."

4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News.

5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.

Here is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481

6. Improve your conversion. Getting visitors is one thing; getting them to buy your products is a whole different story. Read the article " How To Sell More on the Web: 30 Tips To Increase Conversion Rates For An Ecommerce Site " for tips on how to improve your conversion rates.

7. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:

Google Base
Classifieds for Free
Text Link Exchange
Yahoo Classifieds
US Free Ads

What can I expect as my great dane's lymphoma progresses?

Q. He was diagnosed Oct 15, 2010, is on prednisone. He has golf ball size nodes under neck, as well as bilateral shoulders and behind knees. Was given between two weeks and three months. We are past the two week mark, and so far he seems to feel fine. What do i need to expect?

Firstly, I'm sorry you and he are enduring this. Seize every minute you have with him. Feed beef, chicken and FreshPet and other delicious options low in carbohydrate. Add fish oil capsules to his diet, at least 1,400 mg of omega 3 fatty acids total (read the labels). Go to the park. Take lots of pictures! I enjoyed keeping a journal of memories of my old babies in the past.

Lymphoma is responsive roughly in half the cases to chemotherapy, and I've seen many dogs withstand it with very few side effects. It is not responsive to radiation therapy. This is dependent on the degree of metastasis or spread. If it's affected any of his organs, he's of geriatric age, or he's in poor health, chemo may not be an option.

They have many good days and then some really bad days. On good days, they are playful, seek attention, eat well, enjoy interaction, can go on walks. On really bad days, they don't want to eat, they're lethargic, they need help to get outside and potty, and don't want to do anything. The bad days are hard, but until they have simultaneous bad days with no good days in between, we continue to support them and share life with them.

It's definitely an emotional roller coaster, as they don't clearly decline or improve in one direction. But dogs are tough, resilient, loving creatures, and they hold on until they're ready. They let us know by no longer enjoying their favorite things in life anymore. The difficult part for you will definitely be transporting him on days he's weak.

If he still enjoys toys, it's definitely invigorating for them to get a new toy every couple weeks. A pointer mix patient really loved her new big snake, or octopus, or hedgehog, whenever she came in for treatment. Definitely boosted her, she'd rouse enough to tug and pull it for many minutes.

Sometimes, lymphadenopathy, or swollen lymph nodes, decreases, and your dog survives another 3 months or a year. With a giant breed, it may be closer to 3 months.

Enjoy the time you have with him.

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What should I bring when traveling/flying with an 8 month old baby?

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 on Best travel toys for children - Fun days out - BabyExpert
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We are flying to Ohio for a week (2 flights about 2 hours each). I am packing, but want to make sure I don't forget anything. I have diapers, wipes, clothes, a few toys, etc. How many bottles should I bring? I nurse and pump everyday, but will probably mostly pump while we are there. Any other suggestions would be great!
We are only bringing two small carry on suitcases and the diaper bag because luggage costs so much.

I just traveled with my son who was 10 months at the time...God bless you! haha....Anyway, Things I took on the plane with me 2 hour flight plus time in the airport....Diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib, 2 bottles, 1 can of formula, infant tylenol/motrin, orajel (hes teething pretty bad lately), Food (3 jars), spoons, snacks (cereal), sippy cup, toys (ones that don't make too much noise).

Things I brought in general for the trip....Clothes, PJs, stroller, car seat, toys, baby toiletries (soap, lotion, nail clippers, nasal aspirator, brush, diaper rash cream, baby monitors (we were staying with family, so I was able to put him down for a nap, and still go outside by the pool). Towel and washclothes, sunblock.

I bought food, formula, and diapers when I got there. My relatives also borrowed a lot of baby gear from a friend so I had things there (Pack n Play, walker, high chair).

Check your airlines policies. There usually isn't a charge for checking carseat, strollers, or bassinets (pack n play), even if the child is flying on your lap. You are also allowed to bring the diaper bag plus your carry ons...the diaper bag does not count as your carry on.

Best of luck. I hope you are not traveling alone, and will have help, my son was very good and slept the entire flight there, and if it weren't for my fiance and my mother traveling with us, I would have had a nervous break down.

How to help infants in the car?

Kate T

We are traveling 5 hours to upstate NY this weekend with a 3 year old and a 6 month old. The 3 year old is fine in the car, but the 6 month old screams the whole time. Does anyone have any suggestions as to help this? It is not car sickness or reflux, I think it is just boredom. Thanks a million for all of your help in advance.

My husband and I took a trip from MA to PA (6-7 hour trip) when my daughter was 10 months old. The best way we did it was to wake her up in the middle of the night (1:00am) start driving and let her fall back to sleep in the car. Then when she woke up at 6:00 we only had an hour or two left. We stopped and had breakfast, changed her and let her play for 20-30 minutes. When we got back in the car we only had 1 hour left and she was great.

We brought books and toys and don't forget the pacifier (bring a few so when he/she throws it you have more). Plus you have an added bonus, the 3 year old can sing songs and show pictures and toys to him/her. Teach the 3 year old to make faces to make the baby smile and sing baby songs. Give him a reward for helping you! Good Luck!

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Do you think it is right to even suggest that a two year old killed by a pit bull could be at fault?

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I had someone suggest that perhaps the pit bull was provoked. I'm sure that two year old was threatening the pit bulls life and it had to kill the toddler. No way a growl or nip would have sufficed? This person is actually suggesting that the dog could have been justified.

I say that there is no provocation under the sun that a two year old could possibly do anything to justify that reaction. This person is far more ready to blame a dead toddler over a 100+/- pound dog.

The person also goes on to defend the mother saying it wasn't her fault. They apparently don't see how leaving a two year old with a 100#+/- pit bull is completely irresponsible and that if she was determined to have such an animal in her house that it was her duty to protect her child and ensure that the animal was secured and could never be a threat to her child. After all, two year olds are known to be somewhat unpredictable themselves.

Of course it is her fault. She left a two year old unsupervised with a 100# biting machine. It doesn't matter if the dog had been good for years. Leaving a toddler with any large dog is totally irresponsible. If she was determined to have such an animal in her home, it was her duty to secure the dog and never leave her child alone with it.

Finally, I find it noteworthy that the mother left the house without a scratch. I guess her house is so big that she couldn't hear her child being eviscerated or she was too scared to even try to rescue her child.…

Do I think a 2-year-old could provoke an unstable dog to bite? Yes, certainly. The dog isn't going through some mental checklist of "can this human kill me?" or "what response would best make my point?". The dog is reacting in the moment to a child who *might have* seriously hurt or startled the dog in some way. The injury that killed the child may also be exaggerated by media. That is not to say that it wasn't a serious bite, but one serious bite to the head, neck, or thigh could quickly result in fatal blood loss.

However, that does not mean that the child is "at fault" for the incident. A toddler is impulsive and does not understand safety or the effects of her actions on others. The person/persons to blame for the incident would be whichever ADULTS made the terribly poor decision to leave the dog and the toddler alone together.

All those supposedly cute youtube videos of infants and toddlers mauling the "good old family dog" by chewing his ears, yanking his tail, bopping him with toys, etc. make me cringe. One momentary loss of control on the dog's part and their child may be damaged for life and their beloved dog may be have to be euthanized. Little kids and big dogs can mix, but there must be adult supervision, a safe space away from the child for the dog, and adult guidance so that the child is taught proper behavior around the pet.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

What is the best car seat toy for a forward facing carseat?

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I am going to be getting my son a new car seat because he no longer fits in his old one. The new one is forward facing. In the old car seat, we have a bar that has rattles and a light up musical frog that my son loves to play with. Anyone have any ideas for an awesome car seat toy? I'm looking for the best one out there, one that I haven't seen on my google searches. Thank you!!

When deciding on any toy to be allowed in the car, think about what's going to happen in an accident and it goes flying. This will sound silly, but its a simple test to decide whether it should be allowed as a toy in the car: smack yourself upside the head with it. did it hurt? If not, go for it, if it hurt you, think about how much more it will hurt a baby, whose skull is softer, and when in an accident it will hit with a lot more force. Ican't at all remember who made them, but check your local kids resale shop (like Once Upon a Child) since they seem to have them often: soft toy steering wheels so child can play-drive while in the car.

However, a bigger issue here, would be how old is your child and what size? Sounds like he's outgrowing an infant carrier car seat? Kids do not go from infant carrier seat straight to forward facing seat. The next step is a rear facing convertible car seat. Most state laws require kids to be rear facing until at least 20lbs and 1 year, but more importantly, the laws of physics say kids should stay rear facing as long as they possibly can. Its THAT much safer. The old 20lbs/1 year rule is just that. OLD. It came about in the 1980's when our seats were only capable of rear facing to 20lbs and we didn't know any better. Now we definitely know better and all current convertible seats rear face to at least 30lbs, but its hard getting people to realize this.
Turning kids forward at 20lbs/1year is an outdated practice that could cost you your child's life!
1)A forward-facing child under 2 years old is 5 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash than a rear-facing child of the same age.
2)A child's vertabrae do not fully fuse until 3-6 years old, before then, she is at great risk for internal decapitation. The spinal column can stretch up to 2 inches in a crash BUT the spinal cord can only stretch up to 1/4 inch before it snaps and baby is gone.
3)Current research suggests that children under the age of two years are 75 percent less likely to die or be seriously injured when they are riding rear facing.
4)In a recent article from Injury Prevention, it was found that the odds of severe injury to forward facing children age 12-23 months old was 5.32 times higher than a rear facing child. (Car Safety Seats For Children: Rear Facing For Best Protection; Injury Prevention 2007; 13:398-402.)

It works this way: when you get in an accident and run into something, the car stop suddently, but everything and everyone in the car keeps moving in the direction the car was moving when it stopped, in most accidents, this is forward. So in an accident with a child in a forward facing seat, his head, the heaviest part of the body on babies and toddlers, flies forward very forcefully and easily snaps. If that same child is in a rear facing seat, his head tries to fly forward but is supported by the back of the rear facing seat, so there is no stress put on the child's neck and spine.

Check out this photo album exclusively of rear facing kids, many of them much older than 12 months: There isn't a single documented case of a child breaking their legs b/c they were rear facing in an accident. There are, however, lots of cases where children have been killed and seriously injured where a rear facing seat would have protected them better. And most kids actually prefer to be rear facing b/c they can rest their feet on the vehicle seat back. When they are forward facing, their legs don't receive enough support and will frequently fall asleep.
In the foreground is a forward facing seat, in the background a rear facing seat. You can see how much trauma the forward facing dummy has to endure. The rear facing child simply rides it out.

Here's another video. You can see how there is NO trauma to the baby, it simply sits there waiting for it to end.

The story of a child who suffered severe injuries from being forward facing when he could've been rear facing:

Where are the cheapest places to by baby supplies?

Pokemon Tr

My friend is having a baby shower for her son who is due sometime in 3-4 months. Im not sure. Im on a budget but want to make her a nice basket. I plan on diapers and some onesies and some other small things. I know she is looking for jake footie pajamas and has dc shoes on her wish list. I dont know if I can get her all that but I do want to know the cheapest places to find baby items. We have a walmart and a dollar store ao it may need to be online. If anyone else has any ideas for a basket let me know. I am not sure yet whether she will be using breast or bottle. Should I get some bibs or a blanket?

Um, does DC Shoes even make sizes for infants? I wouldn't get her name brand stuff as the baby will outgrow it quickly. I don't know about the Jake footie pajamas either.

Amazon and Wal-mart has some cheap shipping options too.

I would consider getting her the onesies packs that Wal-mart sells. I would throw in some teethers (a set of 3 is cheap). A glowhorse or a glow-worm in the toy section of Wal-mart is a good buy because every baby I've seen loves them. I would consider a package of regular cloth diapers for burping. Bibs I'd hold off on. Receiving blankets maybe but those big plush ones aren't actually recommended till the child is out of the SIDS range. I would consider a sleeper gown. Baby shampoo and wash clothes are good for baskets.

Any clothes you get, I'd recommend buying in the 3-6 or 6-9 months range. A lot of people will buy clothes in the 0-3 range or newborn so that way the baby has stuff to grow into.

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What baby doll toys does your daughter have?

best infant wooden toys
 on Free Shipping Red Cute Soft Plush Foldable Strawberry Design Style Pet ...
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Mom of E a

I bought Sophie a $10 baby doll infant carrier... it sucks, I know why it was only $10 now! So, I'm looking to see what other mommas have and what your daughters liked. Add a link if you have one.


She has a variation of this set in pink: We got it for her at Sam's Club last year. It's very cute. The stroller has held up very well... the swing is kind of a pain in the butt and falls off, but she loves it none the less. The crib is crap though... but she likes to sit in it herself, which i'm guessing is why it ripped so easily. Plus the bars move around so it's crooked a lot (which has to do with HER using it instead of the babies lol). I would love to get her a wooden crib, i've got my eyes out for that for her this year. I'm tempted to buy just the stroller in this set if I can find it... since it's bigger than the one she has now, she's starting to outgrow it a bit. But so far this set is a winner, she loves her, my nephew loves it, the kids who come to play love it.

EDIT: Found it. The set she has is the fisher price precious planet at Toys R us. :) We got the entire set for $45.

EDIT2: I think this is a pretty cute set too, and does look pretty durable. I'm tempted to get her part of this set too, since she is so tall for the stroller she has now lol

Can anyone give me some American based toy companies that are not linked with lead poisoning?


I have a 6 month old daughter and I am getting concerned with all the recalls in infant/toddler/children's toys. If you also have any great ideas about bottles and so forth. Much would be greatly appreciated.

Melissa and Doug . . . . AWESOME toys that are made in America and can be found at Toys R Us. Their products are also high quality and usually wooden (as opposed to plastic). They also focus on educational value as opposed to TV character association.

Quote from their site:
"Additionally, we specifically test our paints and coatings very frequently, to be sure our toys meet or exceed government recommendations limiting heavy metals and lead in children’s items. We have cabinets full of thousands of passing test reports, and these passing results have been verified by 3rd party independently accredited testing laboratories, considered by many to be the best scientific laboratories in the world."

Their site:

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How do you disinfect toys and such with clorox?

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Laura M

What's the mixture? How much of clorox and what else?
Do you need to rinse the toys off after the clorox?
I know these may sound like stupid questions for some people, but I honestly don't know. I have just been boiling water and sanitizing that way.

I have been a child care provider in my home for 20 years plus I organize toy cleaning sessions for the nursery, toddler, and preschool rooms at our church. If you are just wanting to keep the toys clean that typically just your child uses at your home then one of the best and easiest ways to do this is to put them on the top shelf of your dishwasher and run them through a cycle. For toys that are not dishwasher safe or too large than you can just keep them washed with warm soapy water and rinsed well afterwards. Disinfection for normal home use really isn't needed, but if your child has been ill (especially with anything stomach related) or has had a playmate over who has put toys in her mouth or showed signs of illness than you may feel better to disinfect them. This is the method I use for my daycare toys and what we do at our church: First, wash hard surfaced items in warm soapy water (we use regular dish soap - Dawn) either in a dishpan or with a cloth. Use a scrub brush for exceptionally dirty items and on toys with crevices. After washing, rinse with lots of clear water to thoroughly remove soap residue. In a large container (I use either a dishpan or a mop bucket), put 1 gallon warm tap water. Add 1 Tablespoon household bleach to the water than add the toys to cover. Allow to sit in the bleach water a few minutes than remove and let air dry at least overnight. Discard the bleach water after use. It is not toxic to drain systems and can be dumped down the sink or toilet. Many people are nervous about leaving the bleach water solution on the toys, but bleach breaks down very quickly and returns to it's original state of salt and water and the chlorine evaporates, leaving no residue. For large toys not able to be immersed, place some of the bleach water in a spray bottle and spray on then let air dry. Most infant chew toys are top rack dishwasher safe and I wash all my infant toys this way as well as bring home the infant toys from church to wash through my dishwasher. We keep an empty dishpan on the shelf in each of the rooms where infants, toddlers, and preschoolers have care and classes. After a child has used a toy or has put one in their mouth, the care givers/teachers place the toy in the dishpan. Someone comes through once a week and either takes them home to run through their dishwasher or we have the instructions and supplies to do cleaning and disinfecting with soap, water, and bleach. ETA: I would just like to add that while bleach does make a good disinfectant, as with everything, you can get too much of a good thing. Excessive use of products such as disinfectants, anti-bacterial products, and hand sanitizers has been strongly linked to the development of bacteria and viruses that are resistant to normal treatment. There are good germs and bad germs. These products do not know the difference and kill both the good and the bad. If you feel you must disinfect, do so with caution and in moderation.

How do you keep your infant from crying while shopping?


I have an 11 month old infant who has a difficult time keeping entertained while I shop. The only way I can doing any shopping is if I know exactly what I want, purchase it, and then leave immediately. Whenever I need some time to browse, my 11 month old begins to fuss and eventually begins to cry. I've always fed and changed her before our outings so those reasons go out the window. Is there anyway that I can keep my daughter entertained better while I'm doing errands? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I totally feel your pain..... First remember this don't worry about those childless people (or even parents themselves) who'll give you dirty looks if you baby so much as cries while you are trying to shop.. They'll get over it and ig they donn't eventually they'll go somewhere else. Some people seem to think they were perfect angels when they were young (yeah right!)
Babies are going to cry... even if there is nothing wrong.
Babies cry to relieve stress too. Not just when they are hungry or need to be changed or tired.

Alot of time shopping in the morning not too long after the baby has gotten up and been fed. Not too close to nap time though : )

Sometime I bring cheerios and juice. Or I let them bring a toy... Once they get sick of that I give them my keys...
Also I saw another person mention letting them hold things that you put in your basket.... I do that too!

Have you tried those soft books? some of them have teething toys on them and some have different textures... like crinklly paper in them or something squeaky in them

If a pacifier works for you then go for it! I refused to give my kids a pacifier after 6 months old... it can hinder speech development. I see some mom's with 2 and 3 year olds that still have "binkies" and they think it's cute that the kid can talk even with the paci in their mouth.... Little do they know it's training the kid to talk like that... all garbled and such
But if it's the only thing that will work then it's up to you.

The only other thing I can think of is what I did when my daughter (I have 2 kids) was getting into the "difficult" stage
I just refused to take her with me..... If I ran out of milk.. too bad
We'd just have to wait for daddy to get home.. or I would just call him and have him get some on the way home.
Then when I had real grocery shopping to do... not just milk and eggs, I would have my husband take care of her while I shopped.

oh, I just remembered... do you have any musical toys? (what kinda question is that?) Or ones that have lights and stuff?
That always seemed to work for my 19 month old son.
He would be crying and just suddenly stop when he heard his toy. He would completely forget about WHY he was crying : )

Hope this helps!

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What endless fun toys are great for two children ages 6 months and 26 months of age?

When will my infant start playing with toys?

best infant toys 12 months
 on Butterfly Rattle and Teether Toy Gift Set at IMshopping
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Q. I was wondering when will my baby Jadah start sitting up on her own and playing with her toys? She is 3 months old and Ive tried to introduce rattles to her and little bears. Also could she be teething ?...
She always has her hands in her mouth and slobbing She also like to chew on her clothes to where the front of her shirt in soaking wet.
thanx everyone!

My son noticed his toys at about 10 weeks...and started batting & slapping at them (on his activity mat) at about 11-12 weeks. He hasn't yet been able to sit up on his own, nor is he able to hold onto a toy and play with it yet...but I suspect it will be soon.

Get some teething keys or gumming toys...your child might like those, since she is chewing on everything right now. BTW, this behavior is completely normal!

Why is my 7 month old baby so emotionless and mean?

Q. She is 7 months old. She doens't like to be with me. She won't hug me or give kisses. She get frustrated VERY easily and hits her toys. She won't let me hug her. It's as if she were indifferent around me, or anyone else for that matter. Is this normal behavior for an infant?

baby is not suppose to be emotionless babies for a very strong bond with the person who takes care of them most, an emotionless baby is def. a sign of autism

Among the early signs and symptoms that parents and Pediatricians look for to alert them that a child needs further evaluation for autism include:

•not smiling by six months of age
•not babbling, pointing or using other gestures by 12 months
•not using single words by age 16 months
•not using two word phrases by 24 months
•having a regression in development, with any loss of language or social skills
Infants with autism might also avoid eye contact, and as they get older, act as if they are unaware of when people come and go around them

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What is the one thing you couldn't live without when your baby was born?

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 on Best Baby Toys - ToyTalk | ToyTalk
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I'd love to hear what one (or more) thing (or things) you parents absolutely loved during your child's newborn weeks and the first year. I'm thinking about my baby list and registry. Thanks!
@Andrew: what exactly do you mean? Like, earplugs for dad? Yeah, um, that's not gonna work in our family. We're taking turns getting the baby.

My twins nursing pillow. I only use it for them one at a time, but if I was stuck on a desert island with them and could only bring one thing... that would be it.

Although without diapers it would get pretty stinky.

You can't take them home without a car seat of course.

For toys the doorway jumper KILLS SLAUGHTERS DESTROYS and ANNIHALATES all other toys. My guys are 5 months and been rocking out on them for 2 months.

ONLY the Graco is worth getting. I got the Evenflo - SUCKS. Worthless in comparison.

Graco doorway jumper cost $30, but worth $300 for fun.

I have all the stuff, all the toys, everything. For toys, Graco doorway jumper. I feel sorry for babies who don't have them.

I got the slings, I got the baby bjorns, I have the infant swings, bumbos, boppys, activity mat (okay, that one is IMPORTANT), I have 3 strollers, I have lots of bottles, pacifiers etc. gotta go with nursing pillow for feeding and for toys that doorway jumper.

I use prefolds and thirsties cloth diapers to. Much Much cheaper than disposables. For cloth get those, but if not using cloth that's fine to.

I change my guys on a waterproof mat on the floor. It is 1000 times better than a changing table. Because we do naked tummy time, play with them before and after changing... we do tons of floor time, and just change a diaper while we are down there.

I didn't have much help with the cleaning. Would have been great, but everyone who came to help me wanted to give them a bottle instead of helping me clean but I was breastfeeding so had to constantly tell them (my mom mostly) no. *sigh* Yes, help cleaning would have been nice.

Oh wait, an infant scale. I found that reduced my worries when breastfeeding. If you start to doubt your supply etc. you just weigh the baby and make sure they are gaining properly. Well worth the money. Pillow trumps it, but it is still a great thing to have for $30 from It also is a standing toddler scale for when they get bigger. Regular scales don't weight things less than 50 pounds very accurately, and infants not at all!

The best gift I got was my double electric breast pump... and the Kiddopotamus swaddlers! That is a tie actually. No, swaddlers win. Those velcro swaddlers will give you an extra couple hours of sleep or so a night. You want those very very much. Just 1 is fine. Costs about $12.

My husband and I have a 2008 Wrangler 2 door. We would like to know what car seats will fit in the back?


We have considered selling it, but no takers as of yet. We discovered that a lot of people get by with the 2 doors, and were wondering what brands other have used to fit into the backseat for a newborn on up!

It is not necessairly the brands of car seats, but the individual car seat itself. You need to find car seats that result in a secure installation. A secure installation is when the car seat moves less than 1 inch from side to side at the belt path. Toys R Us will let you install their car seats with the display model.

Personally I would skip the infant only seats. Infant seats are the type of seats that you see in grocery stores on top of shopping carts (they should never be on top of shopping carts). They are outgrown very quickly because of their short shells and low weight limits. You would be lucky getting a year use out of it. Most kids outgrow them at 6-8 months and by the time your child is 4-6 months old, you will be leaving it in the car (as it is SUPER heavy). Instead of using an infant car seat, you can use convertible car seats from birth. In every rear facing car seat, the harness needs to be positioned at or slightly below the shoulders as in a crash, the child will slide up toward the top of the seat. It is important to find a convertible with low slots for the harness. Some convertibles have infant inserts. These inserts are crash tested- you place them under the cover to lift the baby up for a better harness fit.

I would recommend the:
-Britax Convertibles (only if you were to buy the infant car seat insert as it is sold separately)
-Graco My Ride 65
-Cosco Scenera (their are 2 different Scenera made by cosco; I would get the one with the 40 lb rear facing limit than the one with the 35 lb rear facing limit)
-First years True Fit convertibles
-Diono Radians
-Evenflo Triumph 65 or the Triumph Advance Model
-Evenflo Symphony 65
-Evenflo Symphony 65 e3
-Maxi Cosi Pria

I would go to Toys R Us and find out which ones result in a secure installation. The most important thing that you can do for your growing child is to have a properly installed car seat. Car crashes are the leading cause of both disability and death for children under 12 years old. Statistics show that 95% of car seats are used or installed incorrectly. Car seat manuals are very confusing. I cannot emphasize enough to go get your seat checked by a child passenger safety technician (CPST). It should be absolutely FREE to go get your seat checked. You can find a CPST at

Below are reviews on convertibles by done by CarseatBlog. They are very objective and do list the pros and cons. Of course, never by a car seat without checking if it fits and looking at it yourself. Newborns require the 45 degree angle to keep their airway open. When your child has more head and neck control, the seat can be installed much more upright, as up to 30 degrees from vertical.

Did you know that a rear facing child is 5 times safer than a front facing child? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all child stay rear facing until they are at LEAST 2 years old...and for a good reason to. Find that reason out on the next 2 links:
Above link: This website has a TON of info regarding car seats. Please click on the tabs "Rear facing" and "LATCH"
Above link: CarseatBlog's Review on the Maxi Cosi Pria 70 convertible
Above link: CarseatBlog's Review on the Cosco Scenera (the one with the 35 lb rear facing weight limit)
Above link: CarseatBlog's Review on the Graco My Ride 65

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Babies and Toys?


When do babies usually become interested in toys. My 2 month old only seems to like her dangly toys like from her bouncy seat, swing and crib. I was just wondering if she should be inerested in rattles and other things yet. Also, what are some of the better and more educational toys that they first play with?

Every year Oppenheim evaluates infant toys and gives awards for the best 'developmental' toys that engage the baby's senses and encourage different skills (eye tracking, eye-hand coordination, understanding of cause and effect, understanding of object permanence, gross- and fine-motor development etc.) You can see the award winning toys here:

Tiny Love has several award winning toys. Their website is also very informative about how each of their toys encourages infant development.
They have several amazing infant activity gyms. (See link below.) The activity gyms tend to be pricey but you can find them for reasonable prices on Craigslist or Ebay.

Lamaze also makes many award winning toys. (See link below.) Their toys tend to be soft and cuddly with many textures, peek-a-boo flaps, patterns, colors, and sounds to explore.

Have fun watching your little one explore and see her developing right before your eyes. :D

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Find a picture and a description of an infant toy in your home.Write a very brief description of the toy, tell?

the best infant toys for learning
 on Educational Baby Toys - The Best Educational Toys for Infants
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Q. Find a picture and a description of an infant toy in your home. Write a very brief description of the toy, telling why it would appeal to a very young infant. How would the toy be used by a 2-month-old? How might the same toy be used by a 6-month-old?
Toy manufacturers often try to convince parents that infant toys will still be interesting to toddlers. How might a parent scaffold an infant`s interaction with this toy? How would this relate to the zone of proximal development?

Books, you know what they look like.
You can read them and show the pictures to babies of any age. As they grow they learn new things from books. Eventually they will be able to read the book even though they can't read because they have memorized it from someone reading to them.

What are some good educational toys for a 2 year old girl?


My daughter is going to be two in May. I am wondering what would be some good educational toys for her. I have been looking but most of what I have been seeing is for infants and toys that she would get bored of. She likes things that make noise. Right now she is into drawing and organizing. She likes pushing things around. She is really into baby dolls right now. I got her one and some accessories to go with. I am just wondering what educational. I a curious what your child at this age likes or liked and also what are some toys to avoid? Thanks!

I would recommend anything Leapfrog. A couple that come to mind are the Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set and the Leapfrog Alphabet Explorer. Here is a link to all Leapfrog toys that are appropriate for a 2 year old-

Vtech also makes a toddler laptop. I don't have it but it looks like it got good reviews and it would be educational-
I believe it is for ages 18 months to 3 years.

My son likes his Little People Animal Sounds Farm. I would recommend that highly. Great for learning animal sounds and names and for speech (saying in, out, up, down).

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How to get my rescue puppy to learn to hold her bladder?

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I have a approx. 6 mon. Old Doberman puppy who I adopted from a rescue at 41/2 mon. Her litter had been abandoned by the owners and had been running loose in the woods fending for themselves. Immediately upon getting her home, I noticed that she urinated frequently. Sometime two or three times an hour anywhere and everywhere. I chalked this up to her being used to no correction. I was off from work the week I got her and really worked hard to housebreak her. Out after waking, out after eating, out as often as she needed it. Maybe this is where I went wrong. By Friday, she really had the hang of alerting me that she needed out. In two months she has only pooped inside once. I consider her housebroken in the sense that she will always run to the door then to you to be let out. But she can't hold her bladder more than an hour at a time unless she is sleeping. Sometimes she goes out 2 to 3 times in an hour and always urinates. I tried distracting her with toys etc, but when she alerts she will go in the house if ignored.She is not crate trained. I considered this but with her issue, I thought this would not help things. She is confined to a large room while I work. While in this room she reliably uses puppy pads. I had her checked for a uti 3 days after I brought her home and it was negative. Her kidney function is normal per pre-anesthesia labs for her spaying. And she can sleep up to 7 1/2 hours with no trouble at night. No diabetes as her glucose was normal as well. My vet says what goes in must come out, but this seems very excessive. I can only assume she doesn't understand that "holding it" is expected. I am not looking for a full day of holding it, but no other dog that I have ever had has ever had this issue. I will be returning to the vet for an "all clear" , more bloodwork, urinalysis, etc. If that is good then I am going to try to restart her crate training with the hope that if I start slowly and lengthen the time it may finally click. Advice?
Dixie's only correction is just a quick no for distraction, then rushed outside to finish her business. After she is praised. No treats as I don't want her to just ask for out for the treats. I just think that having to take her out 15 or more times a day is excessive. I am more concerned about something being medically wrong. She has a problem with eating very quickly, gulping down her food, that we are working on. I am wondering if she feels the same about her water and is concerned about drinking while the water is available. I haven't tried to withhold water before bedtime etc. I'm not sure if that is wise. As far as I know none of her littermates have this problem.
And for those who think this is a ridiculous request. I have raised dogs for 35 years and have housebroken many puppies with no trouble. I just have never seen a puppy at 6 months old having to urinate multiple times an hour all day long but is fine at night and is completely housebroken without there being a problem. I am not asking for a miracle and not asking for holding it all day, just longer than an hour at a time! I was hoping someone could offer some help, not looking for sarcasm! Thanks in advance for those with honest answers not judgement.

Puppies are prone to accidents, theyre just like infants or kids who pee in the bed because of their weak bladder. The best advice i can give is feed them consistently, for a 6 month puppy 2 times a day is enough with a 12 hour interval in the middle. Be consistent then it will learn to pee at those times. Another thing you can do is to cage the puppy in an enclosed area and bring them out to pee, my puppies never urinate when theyre in their cage (or a spot where they sleep).

If you are concerned for medical problems, get a blood test for your dog and ask the vet to check it out, my puppy is a tiny yorkie but only pees after 3 hours average.

How to create a homemade toy for toddlers?


I am trying to create a homemade toy for my toddler. I am a stay at home mom of twin girls. They show that they are tired of playing with the same toys and so my husband and I thought it'll be a good idea if I came up w/a homemade toy. But, Im stuck.
Please help me.

We'd like it to have a meaningful concept as well as it being safe. Dont' want pieces to easily come off and find them in their mouths!
the twins are 3years of age!

Homemade toys for your toddlers is very satisfying and can become very addicting. This is a great way to explore your creativity, recycle and provide your child will incredibly unique learning tools.

Here's the link for Home Made Toys for Infants and Toddlers

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Do the infant learning games really work?

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 on Top Developmental Toys | All that is baby
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due [9/15/

I was at barnes and nobles the other day and being 6 months pregnant of course i went to the parenting secton and say this book (or a couple books) about games you can play with your baby from newborn and up? i mean do they really help? has anyone tried these?

I haven't read any books on games to play with your children, but I do get e-mails and mailings from formula and diaper companies which include developmental suggestions. Plus, you kind of make up stuff as you go along!

These are the things I do with my almost 3 month old son (who is "highly advanced" according to milestone charts):

* I talk to him constantly. I tell him all the tasks I am doing, and I make up silly stories. This helps his vocabulary development. I also vary my speaking voice and I refer to myself as "mommy" and my son by his name instead of saying "I" and "you" (babies are not supposed to comprehend pronouns at a young age).
* I count to 10 with him on both our fingers in English and Spanish every day. And, I use his toys to introduce the names of colors, also in both languages. When I show him books with pictures of animals or objects, I try to use both languages as well.
* He has a bumble bee toy that I hold a few inches away from his face and allow him to focus on. Then I make a buzzing sound and move the bee in different directions (up, down, left, right) so he practices following it with his eyes. This helps spacial development.
* I sing songs to him, especially ones with hand motions or dances (la manito, itsy bitsy spider, wheels on the bus, etc).
* I place toys in his hand(s) while we are playing together so he works on his grip, or I sit him in his swing with toys attached to the play tray when he wants independant time so he can practice grabbing the toys himself. He also like to play on his play mat and in his bouncy chair where he can bat at and rattle the toys.

I hope these suggestions help. Good luck!

How will the following hender the normal development of ashley?

Carla B

By Lindsey Tanner, Associated Press
CHICAGO — In a case fraught with ethical questions, the parents of a severely mentally and physically disabled child have stunted her growth to keep their little "pillow angel" a manageable and more portable size.
ON DEADLINE: Debate the case, read family's blog

The bedridden 9-year-old girl had her uterus and breast tissue removed at a Seattle hospital and received large doses of hormones to halt her growth. She is now 4-foot-5; her parents say she would otherwise probably reach a normal 5-foot-6.

The case has captured attention nationwide and abroad via the Internet, with some decrying the parents' actions as perverse and akin to eugenics. Some ethicists question the parents' claim that the drastic treatment will benefit their daughter and allow them to continue caring for her at home.

University of Pennsylvania ethicist Art Caplan said the case is troubling and reflects "slippery slope" thinking among parents who believe "the way to deal with my kid with permanent behavioral problems is to put them into permanent childhood."

Right or wrong, the couple's decision highlights a dilemma thousands of parents face in struggling to care for severely disabled children as they grow up.

"This particular treatment, even if it's OK in this situation, and I think it probably is, is not a widespread solution and ignores the large social issues about caring for people with disabilities," Joel Frader, a doctor and medical ethicist at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital, said Thursday. "As a society, we do a pretty rotten job of helping caregivers provide what's necessary for these patients."

The case involves a girl identified only as Ashley on a blog her parents created after her doctors wrote about her treatment in October's Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. The journal did not disclose the parents' names or where they live; the couple do not identify themselves on their blog, either.

Shortly after birth, Ashley had feeding problems and showed severe developmental delays. Her doctors diagnosed static encephalopathy, which means severe brain damage. They do not know what caused it.

Her condition has left her in an infant state, unable to sit up, roll over, hold a toy or walk or talk. Her parents say she will never get better. She is alert, startles easily, and smiles, but does not maintain eye contact, according to her parents, who call the brown-haired little girl their "pillow angel."

She goes to school for disabled children, but her parents care for her at home and say they have been unable to find suitable outside help.

An editorial in the medical journal called "the Ashley treatment" ill-advised and questioned whether it will even work. But her parents say it has succeeded so far.

She had surgery in July 2004 and recently completed the hormone treatment. She weighs about 65 pounds, and is about 13 inches shorter and 50 pounds lighter than she would be as an adult, according to her parents' blog.

"Ashley's smaller and lighter size makes it more possible to include her in the typical family life and activities that provide her with needed comfort, closeness, security and love: meal time, car trips, touch, snuggles, etc.," her parents wrote.

Also, Ashley's parents say keeping her small will reduce the risk of bedsores and other conditions that can afflict bedridden patients. In addition, they say preventing her from going through puberty means she won't experience the discomfort of periods or grow breasts that might develop breast cancer, which runs in the family.

"Even though caring for Ashley involves hard and continual work, she is a blessing and not a burden," her parents say. Still, they write, "Unless you are living the experience ... you have no clue what it is like to be the bedridden child or their caregivers."

Caplan questioned how preventing normal growth could benefit the patient. Treatment that is not for a patient's direct benefit "only seems wrong to me," the ethicist said.

Douglas Diekema, a doctor and ethicist at Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle, where Ashley was treated, said he met with the parents and became convinced they were motivated by love and the girl's best interests.

Diekema said he was mainly concerned with making sure the little girl would actually benefit and not suffer any harm from the treatment. She did not, and is doing well, he said.

"The more her parents can be touching her and caring for her ... and involving her in family activities, the better for her," he said. "The parents' argument was, 'If she's smaller and lighter, we will be able to do that for a longer period of time.'"

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Personally, I think that the parents reasoning is a slippery slope. I know how difficult these decisions are from a personal perspective. But I think such treatment may be against the person's best interests and would not ensure the outcome the parents envisioned. Despite their having the best intentions, I would not advocate this treatment mostly for fear of unforeseen repercussions to the person and fear that it would not accomplish the goal I sought.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What can cause abnormally fast strength and skill development in infants?

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My 10 week old infant has been gaining certain abilities at a very fast rate. He started trying to lift his head the day after he was born. At 3 weeks old he had full control of his head and learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back. At 7.5 weeks he started trying to roll from his back to his stomach. At 8 weeks he started trying to crawl. He can't get his knees under him but he manages to travel across the designated play spot at a very slow pace. He hates tummy time and fights to get out of the position which results in the rolling over and crawling. I try to encourage play with toys because tummy time is good for him but he just screams so he has gotten limited practice. At 10 weeks he can almost sit, has full control of his back, can roll from tummy to back, can almost roll from back to tummy, and is in the process of gaining skills to crawl. He also has a very strong grip and very strong legs. When we are holding him he tries to stand on our laps. If he is laying down and holding our hands, if we try to pull our hands away, instead of him letting go he holds on and his whole body comes up with us.
What causes this abnormal amount of strength and skill development?
How can I get him to have more tummy time without screaming his head off?
Is this considered a birth defect?
This is not me thinking my child is special or trying to brag. Some of the stuff he's doing typically doesn't occur till 5 months or later. I'm asking what can cause this and if it's reason for concern.
Then why did the doctor say he's very strong for his age? He also said it was abnormal for him to have full control of his head. I've also had other parents saying it's weird and how their kids couldn't do this. He can crawl it's just very slow and not up on hands and knees. I read that kids don't roll from tummy to back till 5 months and back to stomach even later and he did it at 3 weeks and gets 3/4 over from back to tummy. So I wanted to know if he can hurt himself or if there is something wrong.

Your baby is on a normal development track. Being "almost" able to do something is not the same as doing it. He does not have full control of his back if he can not sit unsupported. Babies try to make the motions of crawling often for months before actually being able to do so. Rolling over can easily occur early depending on the muscles he is using to accomplish the task. I am not trying to minimize your son's performance, but from a developmental standpoint he is not so advanced that you have need to worry about something being wrong. Just let him develop at his own pace.

At what age should infants be able to sit up on their own?


My son is 6 1/2 months old. He was a 5 week early preemie and had tons of problems keeping him in the hopsital until his due date. His development has been going fine. But he will not sit up on his own. My friends baby starting sitting up just before 6 months. I know better than to compare but I just wanted to get some other opinions. He grabs toys, rolls over, laughs, etc. He just doesn't sit up. Thanks for the advice!

All babies develop at their own rate, he just may take his sweet time sitting up. Your right about the comparing part, I think that makes every woman worry about their child.
He will eventually get it, if your worried about it speak to his doctor about it.

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