Saturday, November 23, 2013

Are you going to circumcise your baby boy?

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Proud Momm

Why or why not?

No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

No. It is a cosmetic surgery, medically unnecessary. It is extremely painful (see the video link at the end of my message). Genital Integriy, Intact Genitals, Rights to an Intact Body are for all.

If you are religious, "God Designed. Mother Approved. Revision is Circumcision"

Every baby boy on the planet is born with a foreskin and yet very few have them removed. The foreskin is a perfectly normal natural body part.

It is illegal to circumcise baby girls. Would you be asking this question if your baby is a girl? The answer is probably no. So, the answer to would "I amputate normal healthy body parts of my baby boy,at the risk of death, perform cosmetic elective surgery on my perfect newborn?" The answer is no.

Doctors tell you the amputated Lie when it comes to Circumcision. I beg you to learn the WHOLE TRUTH.

Every YEAR, more than 100 babies die from Circumcision. If this was a product, a toy, a crib, stroller, bottle for sale, on the market, for babies, it would have been recalled long ago.

Here is a video made by doctors for doctors on circumcision.

Here is a another link containing the actual surgical procedures of circumcision

•No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

•Only the USA circumcises the majority of newborn boys without medical or religious reason.

•Medicalized circumcision began during the 1800s to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease.

•Today's parents are learning that the foreskin is a normal, protective, functioning organ.

•Today's parents realize circumcision harms and has unnecessary risks.

•Circumcision denies a male's right to genital integrity and choice for his own body.

I have dream catcher tattoo on my arm, what should i add around it? Pics inside?


I have a tattoo similar to this one:

and I want to add something onto my front shoulder, I was thinking of more roses running across and down a little but what other good options could i do?

Okay for the ignorant people I am actually half Native American.... I didn't know words could show someone's ethnicity ?

And a dream catcher is a lot more than a baby's decoration toy, there are many meanings behind it. If you're going to be shallow please don't even comment because your wasting my time, thanks

Do you know what a dreamcatcher is? It's a infant's cradle decoration, like a crib mobile. nothing more. It has no magic powers or special meanings. It is laughable how white people have become obsessed with dream catchers, and adults all want to own them.

So you have a tattoo of a baby's toy? Why not get a pacifier and a baby bottle to go with it?

or the words- "white girl who knows nothing about native culture but wants to appropriate it anyway" ?

Oh, wait, you don't need the words, the tat says it all.

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What should I bring when traveling/flying with an 8 month old baby?

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We are flying to Ohio for a week (2 flights about 2 hours each). I am packing, but want to make sure I don't forget anything. I have diapers, wipes, clothes, a few toys, etc. How many bottles should I bring? I nurse and pump everyday, but will probably mostly pump while we are there. Any other suggestions would be great!
We are only bringing two small carry on suitcases and the diaper bag because luggage costs so much.

I just traveled with my son who was 10 months at the time...God bless you! haha....Anyway, Things I took on the plane with me 2 hour flight plus time in the airport....Diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib, 2 bottles, 1 can of formula, infant tylenol/motrin, orajel (hes teething pretty bad lately), Food (3 jars), spoons, snacks (cereal), sippy cup, toys (ones that don't make too much noise).

Things I brought in general for the trip....Clothes, PJs, stroller, car seat, toys, baby toiletries (soap, lotion, nail clippers, nasal aspirator, brush, diaper rash cream, baby monitors (we were staying with family, so I was able to put him down for a nap, and still go outside by the pool). Towel and washclothes, sunblock.

I bought food, formula, and diapers when I got there. My relatives also borrowed a lot of baby gear from a friend so I had things there (Pack n Play, walker, high chair).

Check your airlines policies. There usually isn't a charge for checking carseat, strollers, or bassinets (pack n play), even if the child is flying on your lap. You are also allowed to bring the diaper bag plus your carry ons...the diaper bag does not count as your carry on.

Best of luck. I hope you are not traveling alone, and will have help, my son was very good and slept the entire flight there, and if it weren't for my fiance and my mother traveling with us, I would have had a nervous break down.

What should I do for Christmas this year?


My kids already have to many toys and clothes. I was thinking of getting them a laptop but hubby veto that idea.

How does new bedroom furniture sound? I could fix up their rooms (which would most likely be a better idea as I plan to sell the house next year)
We did just take a trip to Louisiana but I could take them to my Dad's Lake house.

My kids play ball and catch but not to good at sports they are only 4 yrs, 2 yrs and 5 months old

So you have an infant to a 4 year old and aren't going to do Christmas for them because "they have enough all ready". I'm sorry but I think it's a bad idea all the way around.
Taking a trip or redoing their rooms at that age is not going to be appreciated. Kids want things they can unwrap and play with not furniture they have to "keep nice" or a trip that they may never remember taking years later. Besides, if you're moving anyway, why sink all the money into redoing any room when you won't be living there and the new owner is likely to change it anyway after they move in.

Your best bit is to go through all the toys they don't play with anymore and donate them long before Christmas. If they are broke or have critical missing pieces, throw them away. Clothing, if you can't reuse it as hand me downs for your younger children and it has no sentimental value to you then donate it as well if it is free of severe wear and stains.

Buy them some new books. New clothing or PJ's for Christmas. Get some toys like an art center, something for outside rather than inside if you are over run in the house. How about new toy boxes with their names on them for their rooms to keep their personal things in? get some board games for kids that are in their age range to play together.
My son has oodles of indoor things to play with but for his birthday in March instead of telling people "don't buy him toys he has too much all ready" we just told them "outdoor toys, swim items for summer or books". Kids like things they can have and open. When they are this young it is more important to them. As for stockings you could always put in some treats, new crayons, coloring books, tub toys (throw out worn out ones that you have at home), things that can go in the car to amuse them with a tote with their name on them to keep in the car with their car toys.

A laptop at their age is a bad idea. It would end up broken and would be a waste for them at their age.

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Is it better to buy black and white or colorful infant toys?

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I'm 12 weeks pregnant and want to do a penguin theme if I can find enough items. My dads girlfriend interjected and said that with penguins being black and white (even though I explained to her that most penguin things vary in color) are not stimulating for a baby. I was just wondering what some other opinions were? And maybe where I could find some penguin themed baby things, like some websites, stores or anything? Thanks!

Baby won't use their nursery for 2-6 months.

Black and white is great for new borns! Red is the next color they see .

What are some activity lesson plans for infants?


what are some ideas for activity lesson plans for infants up to 12 months that would cover the cognitive development?

oh yes...lesson plans for infants...this is a current trend in Early Head Start Program.

this is fairly simple it is activities that are developmentallyappropriate for their age and is based on observations..

for example you might observe a young infant beginning to track object with their your lesson plan would be tracking objects and you may set up a mobil....or hold a small are writing different method to promote tracking

it is a little too much in infant land...but in some cases the children are not getting any stimulation at home and need these enriching opportunities.

good luck

relax and vote for a best answer

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Friday, November 22, 2013

What can I do for my baby who hates riding in the car?

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My 12 month old baby HATES riding in the car. He started in an infant-carrier style seat. We then switched him to a more comfortable rear-facing seat. Recently, we turned that same seat around to be forward facing. We've tried giving him toys, a sipee cup, putting a mirror on the seat he faces. It doesn't matter if the trip is for 5 minutes or 45 minutes. He starts screaming the second he realizes that we are putting him in his car seat. He gets so upset that he gets red splotches all over his face and he throws up. Sometimes, we can entertain him by playing peekaboo or giving him Cheerios, but this only keeps him calm for a few minutes. My mother-in-law suggested that he may have motion sickness.

Is there anything that we can do to make riding in the car less of a nightmare?
I think that Nimo2 is right. The other answers were good, but I've tried those things or variations of them and nothing seems to work. I was afraid that it was a stage that we would have to suffer through.

What I think that I'll try though is getting him to sit or play around the car seat outside of the car as was suggested (THANK YOU). Just looking at the seat makes him cry. Maybe getting him used to the seat in a happy non-car environment will help.

Have you tried changing carseats. Maybe he is not comfy anymore. Take the car seat in the house and let him play with it. Let him use it to watch tv and to play on. Let him play in while you are in the car, not driving down the road. If you are working outside let him play in the car , without the keys in it. Once he knows it is not something bad he will calm down. Do you have a portable DVD player? Take a movie that he has started to watch at home and move it to the car.

What should I bring when traveling/flying with an 8 month old baby?


We are flying to Ohio for a week (2 flights about 2 hours each). I am packing, but want to make sure I don't forget anything. I have diapers, wipes, clothes, a few toys, etc. How many bottles should I bring? I nurse and pump everyday, but will probably mostly pump while we are there. Any other suggestions would be great!
We are only bringing two small carry on suitcases and the diaper bag because luggage costs so much.

I just traveled with my son who was 10 months at the time...God bless you! haha....Anyway, Things I took on the plane with me 2 hour flight plus time in the airport....Diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib, 2 bottles, 1 can of formula, infant tylenol/motrin, orajel (hes teething pretty bad lately), Food (3 jars), spoons, snacks (cereal), sippy cup, toys (ones that don't make too much noise).

Things I brought in general for the trip....Clothes, PJs, stroller, car seat, toys, baby toiletries (soap, lotion, nail clippers, nasal aspirator, brush, diaper rash cream, baby monitors (we were staying with family, so I was able to put him down for a nap, and still go outside by the pool). Towel and washclothes, sunblock.

I bought food, formula, and diapers when I got there. My relatives also borrowed a lot of baby gear from a friend so I had things there (Pack n Play, walker, high chair).

Check your airlines policies. There usually isn't a charge for checking carseat, strollers, or bassinets (pack n play), even if the child is flying on your lap. You are also allowed to bring the diaper bag plus your carry ons...the diaper bag does not count as your carry on.

Best of luck. I hope you are not traveling alone, and will have help, my son was very good and slept the entire flight there, and if it weren't for my fiance and my mother traveling with us, I would have had a nervous break down.

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What would be good Christmas gifts for a 1 year old girl and 2 year old boy?

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 on best infant toys 1 year on Best Gifts for 1 year old Girls
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I'm going shopping on Friday for my 1 year old niece and 2 year old nephew. I don't really have any experience with children, so I have no idea what to get them for Christmas. Do you have any suggestions?

If the one year old can walk get her a little car she can hold onto in the back that she can push (helps them learn to walk better) theres this red and blue car at toys R us for $20. For a 2 year old boy, big blocks my son loves to stack them then kick them down. Also for the one year old, it all depends on if they crawl or walk, but go down the infant toy aisle for the one year old, the have things from age 0-18 months. Good luck finding something!

What do I need to know about flying with a 1 year old for the first time?


I have a family emergency to tend to and I am going to be flying solo with my 1 year old for the first time on Sunday. I am reading up on flying with a toddler right now, but I was hoping to find someone who has done this and can share some tips with me.

Sorry to hear you're traveling under stress.

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I fly alone with my three children about twice a year between Europe and California, plus other flights...

First of all, it's more comfortable and safer if she has her own seat and you bring her car seat on board. If it's a long flight, she's more likely to sleep and less likely to disturb others. If you need the car seat at your destination This is the only way to transport it safely. Never check a car seat in as luggage! They are too often lost and/or broken in transit and sounds like you don't need another worry!

If you don't want to buy her a seat, find out if the flight is full and ask nicely at check-in if you can have an empty seat next to yours'. Bring the car seat to the gate even if they aren't positive you'll succeed because if you don't manage it, the car seat will be "gate-checked". This is no guarantee but better than luggage-checking it.

If she still fits in her infant seat and it's part of a "travel system" you're set. I didn't have a travel system so I snapped the infant seat into a stroller frame. Later on, with a convertible seat, I checked or borrowed a stroller at my destination and then strapped my car seat to a metal luggage cart. Secured with an extra bungee, I could roll this through the airport. I either wore my youngest in ring sling or she rode on this contraption. Some parents attach the car seat to the stroller, sometimes with bungee cords. See what works for you.

Instead of a fiddly purse and diaper bag, opt for a largesh backpack. Make sure you have enough diapers (you go through more than normally when traveling), a change of clothes and some never-been-seen toys. Pull these out as needed. A good time is on the tarmac, when she has to be seated (or in your lap). The TSA allows those flying with children to bring a "reasonable" quantity of liquids expressly for the child so don't fret over any drinks or milk you need. I've never heard of the "reasonable" level being challenged so just bring the snacks and drinks you need (please note, even if the TSA officer does object, they only take it away from you).

Please note that it's a myth the babies have to drink or suck on something for take-off and landing. If you have the car seat on board, make sure she's safely strapped in during those times. Just feed her when she wants. I rarely saw children having "ear problems" on flights and quite frankly, if they cried, it was for another reason. I would take mine to the ped to have their ears checked before flying. You probably don't have time to do the same but if she hasn't had a recent cold or other symptoms of an ear infection, she should be fine. The AAP simply recommends that the child be awake not on landing (which is too late) but at the TOP of descent, when you'll feel your own ears changing pressurization.

Practice changing her standing up before you leave. This was a great tip my cousin gave me. She's at the age where she probably wont want to lie down in a strange place and too big for most airplane changing tables. I would opt for the handicapped lav, which is bigger and do the deed there. This also solves the problem of separating from her. If she's asleep in her car seat, and strapped in, you can leave her but tell someone nearby or a Flight Attendant where you are. Once, my son woke up and the nice gentleman next to him pointed to the lav up front and told her where I was. Sure enough, I emerged...

For more information, nine years ago I wrote an article on this subject. It's based on both my personal and professional experience of flying with children. I go more into detail on all of the above. It's totally non-commercial and other parents from around the world have contributed;

Have a good trip and hope there is a positive outcome!

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list for everything i need for baby?

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**JoJo's M

so my baby is due october 3rd..n i just need help on a list for what all im gonna need for him and how much of it..i have his crib,cradle,bassinet,bouncer n changin table so i have most big things but need help on all the lil things i still need please and thank you.

· teething tablets - These are homeopathic and great for relieving teething pain. They can be found at Wal-mart.

· nail clippers - the scissor kind is worthless, get small clippers that look like adult ones

Changing Supplies

· small changing pads

· diapers - don't stock up on too many newborn diapers because most babies don't stay small for long. I love the White Cloud brand at Wal-mart. Buy the big box it's cheaper per diaper.

· wipes - I prefer Parents Choice wipes at Wal-mart. Buy one carton for the container then buy them by the box.

· changing table or countoured changing pad and a cover that can sit on top of a dresser

Bath Supplies

· bath towel - buy two with hoods

· bath toys - plus a plastic cup for rinsing and pouring

· washcloths

· baby soap and shampoo or body wash

· baby lotion

· desitin or corona (Which is for animals and sold at feed supply stores. It has lanolin, which heals diaper rash faster than anything I've ever found. A nurse recommended it to me.)

· soft brush

· infant bath tub or sling - I preferred the sling because the tubs are so hard to store

Feeding Supplies · bottles - 1 or 2 are nice even if you plan on breastfeeding

· binkie

· burp clothes - need 4 to 6 or more if your baby has reflux

· breast pads - actually for Mom. I recommend Lansinoh brand

· formula

· breast pump - I found hand pumps worked better than electric.

you can wait until your baby is four months old before buying these items · plastic bibs - get a small one that fits the baby's neck

· baby spoons - plastic coated ones are the best

· baby food and cereal also plain mashed potato flakes are easy to fix and cheap.

· sippy cup - I like the ones with handles for first time drinkers

Bring home from the hospital

· alcohol pads

· soft brush for scrubbing babies head while bathing - this prevents cradle-cap

· nose aspirator

Sleeping Essentials

· crib

· receiving blankets - buy 4 to 6 because babies need to be wrapped up when they are first born

· sheets - at least two for when your baby poops or throws up on one

Car Basics

· infant car seat

· sun screen for the car window


· clothes - don't buy too many you will receive a lot of 0-3 month clothes at your baby shower. If you get too many which you probably will take them back and buy a bigger size. Figure out how old your child will be the next time the season comes around and buy that size.

· pajamas - buy lots of these, 4 to 6 pairs, because they are easy to change and keep your newborn warm

· onesies

· socks - keep those baby feet warm

Toys and Board Books

· teething rings

· toys with bright colors and music

· balls

· blocks

· rubber toys for chewing

· soft toys for cuddling

· board books - not paper

Great extras

· bounce chair - my son slept in his the first three months because he was elevated and it helped his acid reflux

· swing - some children love these and some don't

· baby carrier - I used to take mine to the grocery store and carry my baby in it so I had my hands free.

· stroller - I used to take my son on walks for exercise.

· bassinet - this is nice because you can keep the baby closer for the first month

· rocking chair - babies love the rocking motion

Total cost estimate for baby's first year?


So I'm 16 and pregnant. My due date is January 28th, 2014. My boyfriend and I are gonna take full responsibility for this baby and pay for everything he/she needs without relying on our parents or taking any government assistance. We'd like to see if anyone has a rough estimate on how much our baby will cost us for the first year? We understand we'll have to provide for him/her throughout their whole childhood, but for now we're wondering around how much it will cost for the first year. I have insurance through Tricare since my father is in the army, so all of our hospital fees are covered by that, including the birth. I am planning on breast feeding and using a breast pump which is also free with insurance, so we won't be needing to pay for formula either. I know eventually I'll have to total it up myself and I know it all depends on what brands of baby products we buy, but for now it'd be nice to have a rough estimate of how much it'll cost us. Include diapers & wipes (I know that's gonna be a lot! haha), clothing, baby food, the nursery set (crib, changing table, etc.), car seat and stroller, toys, baby care items (such as a baby tub, lotion, shampoo, etc.), and any additional items the baby will need. Thank you so much!!
@bby: Yes, we're getting a breast pump for free through my insurance. We aren't formula feeding.
Also, is that estimate with or without hospital and birthing fees? We won't have to pay for those because I have Tricare insurance free since my dad is in the army.

Sorry but the person above is so beyond wrong. Having a baby is no where near that cheap. $300 for diapers for a whole year? That's only $25 a month. One box of the cheapest diapers is $32 and you only get about 260 in them which isn't enough for a whole month. All of her calculations are so so wrong. she didn't even include wipes? A baby doesn't have to be super crazy expensive like $20,000, but no way in hell is it less than $2,000 a year.

Buying the cheapest diapers and wipes, its probably about $75 a month. That alone is $900.

You'll need clothes for a whole year, so newborn, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12. If you buy used like off of Craigslist, you could probably get by with $50 for newborn (they arent in them long) and $100 for each clothes size, so that's a total of $450.

You'll need Bibs ($75), burp rags ($100), towels ($200), and wash clothes. ($75) so $450

Shampoo, body wash, lotion, You'll probably need about 20 bottles of each for the whole year, so $180

With those things alone its $2,000. That's not even close to half the things you'll need.

I didn't even get into a crib, changing table, dresser, Bassinet, pack n play, swing, bouncer, stroller, infant car seat, baby car seat (yes they're different and you'll need both) high chair, exersaucer, ect. All of which is safe to say another $1,500 if bought cheapest possible.

There's also all the little things like bottles, nuks, diaper rash cream, bedding, blankets, toys, baby monitor, diaper genie, baby bath, sunscreen, baby grooming kit, ect. For a whole year I'd say at least $500

Breast feeding isn't free either. You'll need breast milk storage bags, breast pads, nipple cream, breast feeding cover ups, nursing bras, a nipple shield, special bottles for the breast pump. Easily another $1,000 breast feeding things are way more expensive than you'd think. You'll probably spend $600 alone on storage bags and breast pads.

There's so much more you need I didn't even come close to adding in here. Id say if you buy used and the cheapest stuff possible $7,000-$8,000 is a good estimate. If you buy new things, I'd say about $10,000-$12,000.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Can anyone give me some American based toy companies that are not linked with lead poisoning?

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I have a 6 month old daughter and I am getting concerned with all the recalls in infant/toddler/children's toys. If you also have any great ideas about bottles and so forth. Much would be greatly appreciated.

Melissa and Doug . . . . AWESOME toys that are made in America and can be found at Toys R Us. Their products are also high quality and usually wooden (as opposed to plastic). They also focus on educational value as opposed to TV character association.

Quote from their site:
"Additionally, we specifically test our paints and coatings very frequently, to be sure our toys meet or exceed government recommendations limiting heavy metals and lead in children’s items. We have cabinets full of thousands of passing test reports, and these passing results have been verified by 3rd party independently accredited testing laboratories, considered by many to be the best scientific laboratories in the world."

Their site:

What are some activities I can do with my 14 month old?


I am a SAHM with my 14 month old daughter. She is a very busy girl and I am finding that she is getting really bored with our usual activities. She likes to play outside, but it is really rainy for most of the year where we live so going outside is difficult. She also puts absolutely everything in her mouth so crayons, paper, etc, won't work. We read books a lot and stack blocks and stuff, but she really doesn't really play with many other toys. Any real suggestions would be great! Thanks!

Keep offering the crayons and coloring books, just discourage her from putting them in her mouth. That is how she learns!

Puzzles (the wooden ones with pegs are great for that age).

Blow bubbles.

Google the recipe for edible playdough.

Look for Story Stretchers on Amazon. There is a version for infants/toddlers. It gives ideas to turn favorite children's story books into math, science, games, music, arts and crafts and even snacks!

If you can, look for an activity such as Mommy & Me gymnastics or Gymboree that you both can participate in.

Look for a local playgroup at

If you can, visit the local petting zoo, children's museum, etc. Most book stores and/or libraries have story times for little ones.

Sing, dance, let her help you clean (my little one would help 'fold' the wash cloths, likes to take a baby wipe and 'dust' the fireplace insert, etc).

Purchase some musical instruments, puppets, etc.

One of my last few answers might have some other ideas you want to incorporate, so check that out-it is for an older toddler, but a lot you could probably use as well.

I hope this helps, and wish you the best!

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When do you need toys for the baby?

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 on Animal Den Peek A Boo by Haba
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yellow fuz

Hi. I'm 33 weeks along with my first, and while picking up some stuff at the store today, it occurred to me- when do you need baby toys? I read in the nursing book that, for the first couple months, the baby can only see a couple feet away... I mean, there are little hanging toys on the "infant swing" we've got, and a mobile for the crib. What else do I need, and when? Thank you so much!

"When do you need toys for the baby?"

Never? LOL. Just kidding, but really - my 2-year-old still finds non-toy items more fascinating than actual toys, even though she has loads and loads of stuff to play with. Not something I would invest in heavily. Check out garage sales and second-hand stores for very gently used items, and don't spend a lot if you buy things brand new. It is just not worth it. When my oldest daughter was 9 or 10 months old her favorite thing ever was this silly plastic tube my mom had lying around - it held a large spool of thread she used for one of her many sewing machines (she's a seamstress). She wouldn't put it down whenever we would visit.

Best of luck!

Where can I find a doll with hair and eyes that open and close?


Not the Barbie type and not an infant/baby doll type. The old fashioned type a little girl can play mommy with and put "little girl" type clothes and shoes and socks on. Do they still even make them? I don't care if it is caucasian or not.

Pullip dolls. They are very cute and can open and close their eyes and can wink. If u live in the u.s, I recomend buying from They have reasonable prices and are very trusted. Pullip doll prices can range from $80-$2000 if u get a really rare one. Most are about $90 or $100. These prices are for the full sized doll (12 inch). There are also little pullips which are 4.5 inch and taeyangs (dunno if that is correctly spelled), which are the male version of pullips and dal, pullip's younger sister. Here are some pics:

this dolls name is rida

this dolls name is prunella

my personal fav, this dolls name is kirshe

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What are some good educational toys for a 2 year old girl?

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 on Educational Baby Toys - The Best Educational Toys for Infants
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My daughter is going to be two in May. I am wondering what would be some good educational toys for her. I have been looking but most of what I have been seeing is for infants and toys that she would get bored of. She likes things that make noise. Right now she is into drawing and organizing. She likes pushing things around. She is really into baby dolls right now. I got her one and some accessories to go with. I am just wondering what educational. I a curious what your child at this age likes or liked and also what are some toys to avoid? Thanks!

I would recommend anything Leapfrog. A couple that come to mind are the Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set and the Leapfrog Alphabet Explorer. Here is a link to all Leapfrog toys that are appropriate for a 2 year old-

Vtech also makes a toddler laptop. I don't have it but it looks like it got good reviews and it would be educational-
I believe it is for ages 18 months to 3 years.

My son likes his Little People Animal Sounds Farm. I would recommend that highly. Great for learning animal sounds and names and for speech (saying in, out, up, down).

i have to make an infant learning material for college class?


i have to create something infants can learn from but it also has to be safe for them any ideas?

Some kind of stuffed toy that has things to open, flaps to lift, someting hidden uder a door ..

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Will 3 Car seats fit in a 2012 Kia Sorento?

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 on Top baby toys this Christmas | Top 10 Toys of 2012
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Hi! I just purchased a 2012 Kia Sorento and I just found out I am pregnant with baby number 3

Just wondering if anyone has experience with fitting 3 car seats in a Sorento.

I have a 3 1/2 year old son whos 31 lbs and a 2 year old girl whos 24 lbs.

If you have fit three Id love to know the brands of carseats if you know!!

Thank you very much

If your car was older, I would tell you to go on and type in your vehicle name, year, and the words "3-across". Many times you will get search results on car seats.

I know that the Diono Radians are extremely narrow car seats. The R120 and RXT version both have a rear facing weight limit of 45 lbs, a forward facing weight limit of 80 lbs, and it can be used as a booster seat from 120 lbs, however, in most 3-in-1 models, there are always flaws with the booster seat. I wouldn't worry though because using this seat as a convertible seat is still awesome.

The Radians tend to take up a large room front to back when rear facing. Diono has created a new angle adjuster, a wedge that you place under the Diono Radians to change the angle. This can make an older rear facing child much more happy. Your 3 1/2 year old can rear face in this seat if he is short enough- this car seat is outgrown by height when the child's head is 1 1/2 inches away from the shell.

Also, you don't have to buy an infant seat for an infant. You can use a convertible car seat from birth. I would recommend the Diono Radians, Safety 1st TrueFit Convertibles, Evenflo Triumph 65, Evenflo Symphony e3, and the cheap Cosco Scenera 40 lbs weight limit (there are two scenera one with a 35 lb weight limit and the other with the 40 lb weight limit so read carefully)- costs $50 at your local target.

Before you ever buy a car seat make sure that you test it out in your vehicle first. Many times at Toys R Us, they will let you test out the seat with the display model.

Space saving ideas for studio apt? Baby due Feb 2012?


My BF and I live in a studio apt (approx 500 sf) - one large open room. I've determined a place to put a pack-n-play for the baby to sleep in which contains a built in changing station, however, in doing so I've had to rearrange the living room and nothing works. Storage space savings ideas? We'd like to have a small portable swing for the baby as well as one of the jungle gym. Anyone been in this situation and came up with some great ideas?
Unfortunately the lease to the apartment isn't up until Jan 31st and I'm due within 2weeks of that. We decided it would be best to not add the stress of moving right at that time.

We are adding risers under the bed to add some storage space under the bed, as well as condensing out of date clothing to the vacuum sealed storage bags. We are looking into a new microwave cart with a hutch for storage of baby bottles, etc in the kitchen.

For the baby jungle gym - one of the small floor play areas for the baby to lay on and be stimulated with the colorful toys. We are aware of course that at some point, we'll need to also get items when the baby is old enough to sit up and trying to walk - but are looking into moving one year after the baby is born.
To K - I ABHOR when people suggest just letting a baby sleep with you ... mainly for the reason that I personally know someone that lost a child that suffocated that way. My child will be in their own bed (chose a pack-n-play over a crib to save space) and as for the 'other' items - we will manage to give up some of our comforts for our child to have stimulation outside of mommy/daddy's arms. I was asking for space saving ideas - not to be criticized for wanting to make our apartment more suitable for a baby.

I don't know what kind of budget you have but Ikea has a huge selection of storage and many that have doors so you can hide stuff out of sight! Consider altering uses of things - a wardrobe system for a bedroom could be placed in a family area and offer you a place to hide baby things but look nice. You can also buy pretty inexpensive vinyl ottomans at Walmart that have tops that lift off and storage inside. A bonus with those is that they are soft for when baby starts pulling up on things. Think about maybe getting a tall bookcase (Expedit unit at Ikea) but turning in on it's side like a bench. You can throw some pillows on the top for extra seating and put baskets in each shelf to store toys or baby stuff (blankets, wash cloths, diaper changing needs, etc). In other words, if you just look for things that you can use to hide some of the baby stuff you can certainly manage to live in one room and not look like your living in a nursery.

You may want to reconsider the pack n play and get an inexpensive crib. I say this because a pack n play is really an occasional bed once the bassinet phase (first 8-10 weeks - may be less if you have a big baby) is over and then the baby will be sleeping on a very tiny board and very low to the ground. They are not designed as a crib replacement. If you really want to go with a pack n play for the diaper changing feature be sure to find out the weight limit of the changer and how it works. Most of them only go to 15lbs which could be a very short time if you have a big baby. My baby had reached the bassinet/changer limit by 8 weeks! Buy one that has a hinged changer instead of the lift off type. When you are holding a baby in one hand it is not possible to lift off the changer with the other! I had the one in the link below because it was inexpensive and the changer was on hinges.

Also, some babies hate swings. You may get more use out of a chair that goes from newborn to toddler just to get more use out of it. I borrowed a swing from a friend and my son only used it a handful of times. And I live in a house and was frustrated with how much space it took up.

And as far as a change table goes, I'd scrap the idea all together and go with a crib. Or, if you already have a dresser you can buy a pad for the top and use that for a while. I did that until my son became too squirmy and I've been changing him on the floor every since. The floor is easy and baby can't fall off the floor! If you don't already have a dresser you can use I would just buy a diaper caddy and use the floor. Save that space as you don't need it and you can use almost any surface to change a diaper - you will learn that fast when out and about!

My advice is to just use what budget you have to buy the absolute least amount of large baby things and the most amount of living room/bedroom things with drawers and doors so you can manage the baby mess! An infant has a lot of small stuff that is needed but easily stored away and if you cut out some big things and ask friends what the did and didn't use you can get by with very little and keep you space in order.

Good luck and congrats on the baby! :)

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Where can i get the toys needed for my sugar glider?

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 on PriceGrabber / Leap Frog
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I live in St. Louis, and I'm going to be getting a sugar glider soon. I looked on ebay and found a nice cage and bonding pouches and all that kind of stuff, but I wanna know what types of toys I should get for my baby, and where to get them? I don't really want to buy those things online.

Just as a note before I start answering your actual question, sugar gliders are colony creatures and should be kept in pairs or groups.

That said, make sure your cage is at least 3 feet high x 3 feet wide x 2 feet deep.

Toys.. I know you say you don't want to buy online, but the truth is, you're more likely to find good toys online.
These are some vendors that I do business with on a regular basis:

..each are fabulous.
Also check out
And (great site for information, but also has a classifieds center, and many links to vendors).

If you still are set on buying them in person, most bird toys are safe. As well as toys made for infants.

You will also need cage sets and sleeping pouches for your gliders. sells them -- and if you send her an e-mail (email is listed on her website) asking if she'll make a custom cage set for you, she likely will..(Standard cage set includes 2 corner hammocks, 1 bridge, 2 pouches... and if you want, a tunnel and/or fleece vine... This all for me, minus the fleece vine, cost $30 something).

Any suggestions on traveling with infant on a plane?

paula r

I will be traveling ALONE with my 10 months old son for a 15 hours non-stop flight very soon. Any suggestions on how i can make it easier on myself and on him? I heard about the sucking bottle when take off and land to avoid his ear popping. The travel agent booked us the very last row. but then I heard that the best is the bulk head. I am not sure having a big screen in front of me and my baby though. He crawls everywhere. Not yet walking by himself. What do i do to entertain him? Can I bring a electronic toys on board? Is there any traveling gear that I should bring with me? I will have a travel system stroller and the car seat with me. I am afriaid it will be really tough when we get to the screening. Just a bit nervous since I will be going alone. That's a long flight too. Please help.

You have so many important questions! I found this site that is probably just what you need to read. It has information on everything listed below. I copied it from the site to give you an idea. Best wishes on your trip.

These baby and child air travel tips are from flying families worldwide
Get tips about:


At the airport

Diaper changing

Meals on board

Entertainment and playing

Getting around

Health and hygiene



Sleeping on board

Staying sane

Travel planning

What happens on board

What to wear

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How can I travel on the road for 9 hours with a baby?

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Me and the wife are going on our first vacation to the keys since we had our baby. She is worried about the ride for the baby cause it is 9 hours. How can we make it easier for all of us and no I couldn't get it closer to jacksonville (which is our home) cause of our timeshare week plus we are meeting family there. The baby is 6 months.

Like at home, you have to do everything around the baby's schedule. You want the baby to sleep in the car and never any other time. You may want to think about traveling more at night. The baby will sleep and you'll make better time. During the day plan lots of stops - at least every 3 hours but be flexible because you only want to stop when the baby is awake. Have lots of toys and something with lights or music, like a crib soother you can strap in your car. I had to do it with my 7 month old and your wife is right - its horrible. I'll never do it again. Also bring infant tylenol and oragel - my kid started teething during the road trip and it took forever to find a place that sold that stuff.

Moms what do you do to make your plane ride with your toddler easier?


In about a week me and my 13 month old are flying back to my home town for the weekend. Any thoughts on how to make the plane ride easier for me and her both. Also .. do you think I should take a car seat or just hold her. My sister back home has a car seat we can use when we get there, but I don't know if it will be easier for her to just sit in her own car seat or in my lap. Any suggestions?

Most airlines allow children under 2 to ride in their parent's lap. So if money is an issue for you, upon checking in (or purchasing your tickets), note that you will be carrying an infant in your lap so you don't have to pay extra for another seat. Make sure you get an aisle seat so there is no struggle when you have to get up to use the rest room and there is room for your wiggler to wiggle. Our two hour trip from Orlando to Newark (and back) was a little tough the first time. So what did to make sure that this flight would be easier was use a large diaper bag as my carry-on and fill it with stuff to entertain him (amongst his diapers and other motherly necessities). I bought a coloring book, his favorite small toys and favorite books to read, some snacks and a portable dvd player w/ his favorite tv shows or movies. Make sure to pack a juice or water (3ozs or less... lol), so that they can be drinking and swallowing when the plane takes off, which helps the popping in their ears be less painful. You can also just purchase a juice or water on the flight, but sometimes they are a little pricey. If you are getting one, buy a juice or water so you can share.
I also scheduled the flight around the time I knew he'd be taking his nap so he could sleep some of the time. I had done the whole flight thing with him once w/o this stuff and w/o getting aisle seats. It was horrendous and I learned from that tremendously. After the flight with the baggage filled with goodies, I was actually comments from those seated beside me. He was so well behaved and they had initially been worried about their flight with a baby next to them. I actually had one of them tell me that I was a good mother, which is always good to hear! I hope this helps!

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What to do during awake time with an infant?

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 on helping your baby learn to walk baby jumper items activity
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My son is 5 weeks old now, and I was wondering what are you supposed to do with them when they're awake? Obviously I have the feeding, burping and changing thing down, but he doesn't seem to have an interest in toys. I just end up holding him, going for a walk or letting him swing. It seems like there should be more to it. Am I missing something?
Shopping! Great answer ;P

*Shout out to my friend Mrs. Cleaver's Beaver's. Wasn't trying to piss you off my friend. Much love, xoxo!

Shopping.. lol **Kidding**
It seems to me like you are coping really well and have established a routine well done!
At times like this if your bored its time to get out and about with friends and sort of start interrupting his routine a little .... not different times but different things, new surroundings etc.
From the birth of my baby after this I joined a play group yes at this age its the parents doing more of the talking then the kids however sitting all the bubba's in a circle on the floor gives them a chance to explore other children's faces, expressions, movements etc... of similar age.
Your routine will change in the next few months when teeth come, rolling begins, crawling.
You may think your son is bored but really he is just getting used to the world, interaction with toys etc will grow as he gets older you may find the first time he crawls will be towards a toy....

What should I look for in a childcare provider?


My kids have always been watched by family members up to now. I am looking for a daycare or a home childcare provider for part time for my toddler and eventually for my infant. What should I look for and what questions should I ask?

I used to work at a daycare center and did childcare in my home for many years. Trust your insticts when you walk in. Are there toys on the floor, that is a good sign that the provider doesn't plop them in front of a television for the day. Ask for a schedule of what activities are done throughout the day. Also, ask for a menu!! Another important question to ask is how they punish the kids for bad behavior. Show up to look around without an appointment so they don't have time to "prepare" themselves or the kids. Ask how many people are employed there and how long they have been there, and about the screening process for the employees. If I think of anything else, I'll add it later. Those are some of the important things I can think of off the top of my head.

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What are the kinds of treatment children get from people, government and the like before?

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 on best-selling educational bricks wooden toys,baby toy
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Bugs Bunny

If possible the period must be before, during or after the middle ages. I need help for my research paper. By the way, when I say treatment, I mean if they are harassed, maltreated, taken care of and others. Please give links. Thanks!

Medieval laws existed to protect the rights of orphans. Medieval medicine approached the treatment of children separately from adults. In general, children were recognized as vulnerable, and in need of special protection.

During the Middle Ages, children born with physical defects or behavioral abnormalities were often viewed as evil or the product of supernatural forces. Changelings were infants believed to be exchanged in the still of the night by devils or goblins who removed the real child and left the changeling in its place.

Many women from rich backgrounds would have married when they were teenagers. Medieval society had a different outlook to children when compared to today. Children from poor families would have worked from the earliest age possible and they were treated as adults from the age of ten or eleven. Many girls from poor families did not get married until they were in their twenties. Girls from richer families tended to marry earlier than girls from poor families. The poorer families needed as many working for them as was possible, so a daughter getting married at an early age would have deprived them of a worker. This was not true for a rich family.

In noble and bourgeois families , the children were often also an instrument to enlarge family’s holdings and wealth through advantageous marriages. Thus parents often arranged marriages of their children while they were only infants.

If the child lived through the first year, it was soon walking and talking. Young children would have been given small chores like feeding the chickens or washing the dishes, but were otherwise free to play up until the age of around seven. Peasant children whose families were almost always poor wouldn't have had many toys. Fathers and older siblings might make a child a wooden spinning top, a doll, or a set of blocks. Most of the time though, children played with what was available and used their imaginations.

Around the age of seven, children began to learn what they would need to know for their adult lives. Younger male children might attend a village school run by the local church. There they would learn important prayers and songs, and a smattering of Latin and mathematics. When a male child was old enough to be useful, he would go to work with his father or another villager as an apprentice. As an apprentice, the boy would learn everything he would need to support himself and his family. Most male children, especially the eldest, worked the same job as their father. Girl children didn't usually receive formal schooling. Instead, they stayed home with their mothers and learned how to be a good housewife and mother. They learned how to weave cloth, cook, grow vegetables, make butter, clean house, tend children, and other necessary things.

Formal education was unusual in the Middle Ages, although by the fifteenth century there were schooling options to prepare a child for his future. Some cities such as London had schools that children of both genders attended during the day. Here they learned to read and write, a skill that became a prerequisite for acceptance as an apprentice in many Guilds. A small percentage of peasant children managed to attend school in order to learn how to read and write and understand basic math; this usually took place at a monastery. For this education, their parents had to pay the lord a fine and usually promise that the child would not take ecclesiastical orders. When they grew up, these students would use what they'd learned to keep village or court records, or even to manage the lord's estate. Noble girls, and on occasion boys, were sometimes sent to live in nunneries in order to receive basic schooling. Nuns would teach them to read (and possibly to write) and make sure they knew their prayers. Girls were very likely taught spinning and needlework and other domestic skills to prepare them for marriage. Occasionally such students would become nuns themselves.

Children were spanked as a means of protection rather than abuse.

What are some of the necessities for a baby?


I was just wondering what are some of the things you could not live without when baby arrived. I am 26 weeks along with our little girl. Thank you for your help.

When preparing for a new baby, there are so many things you will need. It can be overwhelming, but here at Hip and Little, we insist that shopping should be fun! Here is our new baby checklist for the necessities, as well as a few cute optional items. Use it to plan your registry or your own shopping excursions.

Clothing - Necessities:

___ 6 - 12 bodysuits or baby Ts (depending on how often you want to do laundry). Shirts that snap or tie on the side are helpful for babies who don't like things going over their heads.

___ 6 - 9 pairs of soft, comfy pants.

___ 3 - 5 newborn gowns. These are great for quick diaper changes, especially when baby is sleepy.

___ 6 - 12 soft pjs.

___ 3 - 5 soft knit caps.

___ tons of socks and booties (these disappear quickly!)

___ 8 - 12 bibs

Clothing - Extras

___ 2 sweaters if the weather will be chilly.

___ 1 adorable take-home outfit.

___ Christening or other newborn welcoming ceremony clothing.

___ Tiny little fancy outfits that may never be worn.

Nursery - Necessities

___ Crib (unless you are planning on cosleeping).

___ Crib mattress

___ 2 Crib mattress pads

___ 3 - 5 Crib sheets

___ Cosleeper and sheets

___ Crib mobile (and possibly one for the changing table as well).

___ Dresser and/or changing table. There are many cute combos now that have a removable changing table top on a child-safe dresser.

___ Changing pad.

___ 2 - 4 Changing pad covers.

___ Shelves and bins for books and toys.

___ A clothing hamper

Nursery - Extras

___ Crib bedding set

___ Rocking chair or glider

___ Nursery artwork

___ A fun, colorful rug

___ A moses basket

___ Washable curtains (avoid having window blinds in the nursery because of safety issues).

___ Lamp (preferrably one that is not too bright, so it doesn't wake your baby further in the middle of the night) or nightlight.

___ music box or radio with lullaby CDs

___ Wooden closet hangers

___ Armoire or closet organizer

___ A cradle or bassinet

___ Diaper stacker

Baby Gear - Necessities

___ A baby carrier or sling

___ 4 - 6 receiving blankets

___ Infant carseat

___ Car sunshade (preferably the kind that sticks onto the window).

___ Car mirror (so your newborn can see you while facing backwards).

___ Stroller

___ High chair

___ Baby swing and/or bouncy seat

___ Tons of burp cloths

Bath - Necessities

___ Baby bathtub

___ 2 - 4 hooded towels

___ A dozen or so washcloths

___ Baby soap and shampoo

___ Cotton swaps and alcohol (for umbilical stump care).

___ Bath toys


___ diapers

___ diaper pail

___ baby wipes

___ travel wipe container

___ diaper bag

___ changing pad

___ diaper ointment

Breastfeeding - Necessities

___ Box of disposable breast pads

___ 6 - 8 washable breast pads

___ 5 - 7 nursing bras

___ nursing tops and pajamas

___ Lanolin nipple cream (such as Lansinoh)

___ Boppy or other nursing pillow

___ Phone number of your local La Leche and/or lactation consultant

___ Breastpump, bottles and accessories (if needed)

Bottle Feeding - Necessites

___ 6 - 8 bottles

___ Newborn nipples

___ Bottle brush and drying rack

___ Bottle sterilizer

___ Formula

Safety - Necessities

___ Outlet covers (enough for your home outlets, plus a few for travel).

___ Cabinet locks

___ Baby monitor

___ Safety gates

___ Oven lock

___ Toilet locks

___ Earthquake straps (if you live in a earthquake-prone area)

___ Cord winders

___ CPR / First Aid class for you and family, babysitters, etc.

___ First Aid kit

___ Spout cover for bath tub

___ Playpen

Baby Health/Care

___ Pain reliever / fever reducer as recommended by your pediatrician

___ Thermometers (rectal and ear)

___ Baby size nail clippers

___ Hair brush

___ Teething ring / toy

Saving Memories

___ Camera (still and/or video)

___ Film, photo paper, and/or video cassettes

___ Scrapbook or photo album

___ Baby book and/or journal

___ Picture frames

___ Handprint/footprint keepsake kits

___ Personalized blanket or other custom item

___ Storage box for keepsakes such as the hospital bracelet, first haircut curls, etc.

It seems like a lot, but remember that you will receive much of these items as gifts and you can spread the rest out over time. Enjoy shopping for your baby!

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At what age do you remove the crib bumper from an infants bed?

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 on Best Baby toy (6-18 months) �20 and over: Practical Parenting Awards ...
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I have a 6 month old and I haven't removed them yet because I have heard both to wait and to go ahead and remove them. Just wondering what others have done. Thanks!

I never use bumpers they are a SIDS risk.

"Crib bumper pads became popular in older-style cribs where the slats were far enough apart that a baby's head could become trapped between the slats, posing a suffocation risk. Today, all cribs sold in the United States and Canada are required to have slats close enough together that it's nearly impossible for an infant's head to fit through.

So why do we still use the crib bumper pads? For some parents, the reason may be as simple as liking the way the bumper pad looks. The matched crib bedding sets in stores are often cute and the package deal makes for a nice coordinated nursery. Other parents are worried about their child's arms and legs sticking through the crib sides, and some worry that the baby will hit his or her head on the crib sides and cause injury. According to Health Canada, it is nearly impossible for an infant to hit his or her head hard enough on the crib to cause bruising or injury. Health Canada also reports that serious injury is not likely when a child puts his or her arms and legs through the crib slats. The baby will either remove their arm or leg from the slats if possible, or make enough noise to alert a parent for help.

Which Groups Have Recommended Against Bumper Pads?
Some major children's safety organizations have recently suggested that parents and child care providers should remove crib bumper pads from baby cribs. The groups include: American Academy of Pediatrics, Health Canada, National Center for Health and Safety in Child Care, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the First Candle/National SIDS Alliance. Some state and regional Back to Sleep campaigns now recommend removing bumper pads, as well."
Which Groups Have Recommended Against Bumper Pads?
Some major children's safety organizations have recently suggested that parents and child care providers should remove crib bumper pads from baby cribs. The groups include: American Academy of Pediatrics, Health Canada, National Center for Health and Safety in Child Care, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the First Candle/National SIDS Alliance. Some state and regional Back to Sleep campaigns now recommend removing bumper pads, as well.

Health Canada recommends in their "Crib Safety" fact sheet that bumper pads never be used. This position is supported by the Canadian Paediatric Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics and The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths. The rationale behind this statement is that bumper pads, and other products such as quilts, duvets, sheepskins, pillows, stuffed toys, and position maintaining devices, affect the flow of fresh oxygen around the infant and can also pose a smothering hazard if the child's face is in close contact with them. The American Academy of Pediatrics, in their position paper, hypothesis that certain infants may have a maldevelopment or delay in maturation in a part of their brainstem involved in ventilatory response, chemosensitivity and blood pressure responses. When these infants become compromised (physiologically) during sleep (perhaps from overheating or lack of oxygen as a result of being in contact with or too close to one of the above listed products, or a combination), they are not able to arouse themselves enough to prevent hypoxia and death. The re-breathing of air may in fact be a contributing factor.

Bumper pads were first introduced many years ago as a method of protecting infants from head entrapment in unsafe cribs where the slats were too far apart. Since 1986, cribs are manufactured with slat widths that are impossible to get an infant's head trapped in. Therefore, the bumper pads are no longer necessary. As well, many years ago when bumper pads were first used, infants were dying as a result of SIDS, but the research as to why this was happening was not as advanced as it is today, and researchers had not yet discovered the link between bumper pads and re-breathing or decreased air flow. Luckily, we have that information today from a vast body of scientific research, and it is very important that we convey this information to parents who question the recommendations.

Parents will also often comment that if they do not use bumper pads, their infant's hands, feet or legs will get stuck in the slats. This in fact can also happen with the use of bumper pads, as baby's can get their feet, legs etc. lodged in between the slats either above or below the level of the bumper pad. Although it is possible for the infant to get their hands, leg, etc. caught in between the slats, this event will not result in any serious injury. In fact, the infant will either dislodge the body part themselves, or will make a noise so that the parents can respond and help to remove the part. On the other hand, the risk with bumper pad use is much more serious and can in fact result in the death of the child.

What Baby Items Should I Buy For After 6 Months?


Hi! I just had my baby shower and have what I need through about 6 months. My Dad is giving me 250.00 to spend. What should I get for down the road a ways? I did already get his car seat for when he's out of the infant seat. Thanks!!

1. size 6 to 12 months clothing
2. toys that make noise, light up, roll around, and or play music
3. board books
4. Jumperoo
5. high chair
6. sippy cups and toddler bowls and spoons
8. plastic bibs
9. size 3 and 4 diapers
10. bathtub toys
11. baby gate and other safety items

You have a nice dad!

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aporx. how much money do you think an infant needs a month?

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I want to know how much the baisics would be a month for having a child. food, diapers, wipes, clothes, maybe a few toys. you know mainly the esentials. Just a rough estimate.
i live in wisconsin. theres not much here. and i do ususally shop at wal mart. hah.

There is a myth out there that kids are expensive. The expense of a child is solely dependant on the parental units. If you want to spend $50 on Nikes for a baby than thats your perogative, dont complain about an expense that is your fault.
Honestly, do you really need to put a new born in Nikes and Tommy hilfiger Do you realy need entire bedroom suite for a child that wont crawl or walk for at least 6 Changing a diaper on a couch, table or chair is just as easy, do you really need a
Keys to being thrifty
*Find a local dollar store..the toy, clothes and whatnots there last just as lonf as the ones at fancy stores. My sons $5 batman gets played with and broken just as fast as the $30 version from toys r us.
*Find a thrift store-tons of deals on kid supplies
*Friends with kids are a blessing, we constantly get hand me downs like cloths, furniture, toys all in great condition. My 2 year actually has a Tommy Hilfiger outfit that was a hand me down, I would never pay that much, crazy
*Drop the pride for a day, take a drive through rich neighborhoods on garbage day, you would be amazed at what they throw away. I havd found unopened infant baths, bassinets etc..
*the most important thing money cant buy...your time, smother them with your time and they wont require all the access things that parents buy to avoid hangin with their kids. Me and my boys are inseperable, walks, rides, beach, parks all free
*There are tons of food programs that assist, WIC etc..There is a church dinner for everyday of the week where I am at, always free and open to everybody, just look and you will find
*good luck
1500 bucks a month for a kid is ridiculous

Is it bad not to buy toys for your infant?


She is @ daycare every weekday from 9-5, but I have no toys for her @ home. I don't see the point. On Saturdays, I hold her and sing & dance while handwashing laundry, and other cleaning, and cooking, then in our other spare time we just go 2 the beach. My mom always makes me feel so guilty, she bought her a ton of stuff and she never played w/ it so I took it to GoodWill

I dont think it is bad not to have toys for your daughter but I think that you should have some things for her to play with around the house. Wheter it be some activites such as crayons and coloring books or some sort of game for the entire family. Too many toys can spoil a child but not enough toys can delay development. Toys can be very educational for children or all ages...depending on the toy. Although she get her play time at daycare it is important for her to learn the quality of playing alone at daycare she is with many children for her to interact with. At home she will need time with her parents...sounds like you've got that part down...but she also needs to learn to play on her own to gain some independence and feelings of responsibility and control.

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What are some good educational toys for a 2 year old girl?

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 on Baby Genius: 10 reasons why musical baby toys are the best
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My daughter is going to be two in May. I am wondering what would be some good educational toys for her. I have been looking but most of what I have been seeing is for infants and toys that she would get bored of. She likes things that make noise. Right now she is into drawing and organizing. She likes pushing things around. She is really into baby dolls right now. I got her one and some accessories to go with. I am just wondering what educational. I a curious what your child at this age likes or liked and also what are some toys to avoid? Thanks!

I would recommend anything Leapfrog. A couple that come to mind are the Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set and the Leapfrog Alphabet Explorer. Here is a link to all Leapfrog toys that are appropriate for a 2 year old-

Vtech also makes a toddler laptop. I don't have it but it looks like it got good reviews and it would be educational-
I believe it is for ages 18 months to 3 years.

My son likes his Little People Animal Sounds Farm. I would recommend that highly. Great for learning animal sounds and names and for speech (saying in, out, up, down).

i have to make an infant learning material for college class?


i have to create something infants can learn from but it also has to be safe for them any ideas?

Some kind of stuffed toy that has things to open, flaps to lift, someting hidden uder a door ..

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