Saturday, February 22, 2014

Are parents aware of the harmful effects of lots of chemicals found in most plastic?

Stupid Sma

like ''Bisphenol A'' or 'BPA' and other chemicals like phthalates ?

''BPA is controversial because it exerts weak, but detectable, hormone-like properties, raising concerns about its presence in consumer products and foods contained in such products. Starting in 2008, several governments questioned its safety, prompting some retailers to withdraw polycarbonate products. A 2010 report from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised further concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants, and young children.[1] In September 2010, Canada became the first country to declare BPA a toxic substance.[2][3] In the European Union and Canada, BPA use is banned in baby bottles.[4]''

Yup, thus why we only buy wooden toys and we make sure all of our plastic is BPA free, or buy glass/wood products where possible. We use glass baby bottles.

Please help.. My 14 months old daughter is delayed, autism?


My 14 months old daughter is delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills. She is not waiving, not clapping, not pointing, not self feeding. She will sometimes show where my eyes are or mouth, when I ask her, and she will look at a picture on the wall when I ask where the picture is. But she rarely pays any attention to me or anyone else. She loves to play with all her toys, but she doesn't do anything repeatedly (like pushing the same button over and over). When I talk to her or ask her something she ignores me, and continues to do what she was doing like playing with her toy or watching tv. When she watches her cartoons and I get in front of her to get her attention she completely ignores me like I'm a see-through ghost. I'm worried sick.. Has anyone had a kid who was delayed in these areas (waiving, paying attention to mommy, pointing etc), and now are older and normal? Or is she for sure has an autism. I've convinced myself that she does and can't stop panicing. I will make an apt with the neurologist tomorrow, and I was told by an Early Intervention program that she is significantly delayed in her social skills and fine motor skills such as picking up small cereal and putting them in her mouth. (she doesn't do that at all). She seems like normal happy baby to me, she loves it when I sing to her, she looks directly at me into my eyes when I sing, or when I do silly games. She loves pikaboo games and runs to me on her walker when I call her all excited. But when I talk to her most of the time ignores me. I would love to hear from someone who went through this and their kid turned out fine. Some words of encouragement also would help :( thank you so much. I am so afraid of what the neurologist would say. It seems like 100% of normal kids do all these things. If I can just find one who didn't do these things and turned out normal, I could breath just a little easier. Thanks again!
About vaccines etc.. We are on dr. Sears vaccine schedules and we haven't even gotten everything she needs. So I really don't think this could be from vaccines we are being very careful about them.

You are right to be concerned, but don't worry about this until you have done some homework and researched the issue. There is a wonderful web site you can visit to see the symptoms and what is being done to not only help autistic children but what can be done to prevent it.

Go to:

Mary Tocco has been researching vaccines for 30 years and has a volume of information on this subject. Her daughter, Rene Tocco, is the doctor that has dedicated her practice to AUTISM and that is the web site above. Many of the problems children are having today are a result of what is being done to the children in doctor's offices and the food they are eating and the lack of information on good breast feeding, etc.

Become educated, not indoctrinated.

EDIT: NO child needs ANY vaccine. It is a very well known documented fact that children who do not get vaccinated are far healthier and grow up much more healthy. Believe what you will about vaccines, but those promoting it is relying on indoctrination and distortion of the facts, not educated facts.

EDIT: Here's a wonderful article for you to read to get a better in depth understanding of why vaccines are causing many of the problems your child is experiencing.

Dr. Sears is just spreading the poisons over longer time between getting the poison injections. Infants and babies should NOT be receiving these injections at all. Look at the evidence to learn the truth. Pediatricians were invented to inject poisons and nothing more. The well baby visits is just an injection party, nothing more.

If you are still in doubt about this, watch Dr. Maurice Hilleman that was the Number 1 vaccine expert, researcher, and developer of over 40 popular vaccines talk about the "Bargain Basement Technology" vaccines are in this confidential interview:

Now watch this video showing the probity of the Bayer Pharmaceutical that makes aspirin for the world and how they view PROFIT over HEALTH:

Is it no wonder the public has started to reject what these guys are promoting?

Drug companies would have you believe their technology saved the world of disease, but nothing is farther from the truth. Look at this study on small pox that drug companies tell you they eradicated:

Babies are being damaged by these corporations that are promoting this farce. BIG MONEY is being made by them. In fact drug companies make 5 times the profit of any U.S. corporation and politicians get a huge amount of this. This is why the recent Health Care Law funnels so much money directly to them. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame and the public is getting the booby prize. And the worst part is that children are the victims.

good luck to you

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Toys for infant?


I need some ideas on toys for my son who is 4 1/2 months old. I stay at home with him and he gets lots of attention. But there are moments I need to do something. Like right now I've been trying to get ready to go to the store and he's just whining. He's in his exersaucer with a baby video in. Nothing keeps his attention for any length of time, even a few minutes. I know part of it is his age. Is there anything that has worked for anyone or am I just going to have to deal until he learns to play better with age (and when does that happen)?

Get the Baby Einstein Baby Mozart, Beethoven, etc. DVD or videos. My daughter is now 8 months, and she STILL will sit there for at least an hour and watch the pictures and listen to the music. It's AMAZING how much she loves it.

Also, LAMAZE toys are terrific, especially for children your sons age that are starting to play with toys more with their hands. They are very colorful, and normally make some sort of noise. You can get them at places like Babies R Us, Kohls, Toys R Us, etc.

Also, I got a vibrating rocker chair from Fischer Price that has a detachable toy arch. It has a cow/farm theme. She has loved that chair pretty much since birth. She naps in it, plays in it, and it's wonderful!!!

Finally, anything with a mirror in it. Look for activing chairs or gyms that have mirrored things on them. My baby now likes to have conversations with herself! lol!

Good luck!

Looking for the best infant toys for development from newborn to 1 year- Any suggestions??


My baby girl is almost 2 months - i need something to occupy her later on - some kind of activity play center toy - something great with lights and music _ I've been window shopping and dont see much that i like - What do you parents out there recommend -What toys does your baby like??
What about activity mats or something that will promote sitting up and crawling??
And also looking for toys I can attatch to her swing (since her swing does not play music or have lights- a toy with light & music thats attatchble - where can I find one??

My kids LOVED the peek-a-boo blocks from Fisher Price. It is also good for development for them to learn how to put things in and take things out. They have a shape sorter from peek-a-boo blocks. It has different shapes and each block has something new inside. There are SO many different accessories that you can get with the Peek-a-boo blocks. has a great way to select that type of thing. You select the age, and then you select the type of toys. You want to find cause and effect toys, early development, and sights and sounds. You can look at all those categories there, or just type whatever type of toy into a search engine and it should pull up some options.

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why does my infant hate his car seat?


he is 18months old and starts screaming minutes into getting into the car, he has hated it from the day we brought him home from the hospital. we have tried different types of car seats, different pisitions, dvds, just about everything and nothing seems to help

My son hated his car seat until he was about a year old, then he was in a convertible tall enough to look out the car window and that seemed to help. But honestly I think he was simply car sick from rear-facing and had to distract himself with toys and the mirror and such. Also you want to make sure that the seat isn't hot, the buckles aren't too tight, check the groin especially since it can pinch there.

I made sure that when we go in the car seat he always gets to go to a fun place, not just boring things. He also has toys he only gets in the seat. And I ignore him if he's screaming, it's the one time I'll turn up music and sing out to my heart's content if I need to. There's no choice, he must be in his seat, it's not safe otherwise, and it's just life.

An infant car seat travel question please?


My son and I are traveling overseas in January to visit my sick mom. He'll be 5 months old. It's going to be just the baby and me from beginning till end. Since it's just the 2 of us, I'm taking my FAA approved car seat and stroller with me. I was wondering if anyone else has traveled this way and if you could give me advice. I'm already aware of the fact that I need to be there earlier than normal but will the stewardesses be mad if I book the seat next to me? Are they helpful? Is it hard to put the seat in place? What about bathroom brakes? Where do you change the baby? Can I take the CAN of formula or does it have to be in a bottle already mixed (I'll be breastfeeding but I'd like to have it with me just in case)? and things like that. I've traveled this route more times than I can count but never with a baby so any advice would be very welcome!
Thank you in advance!
I'm asking the question in this category because more mothers are likely to read it and respond! :)

Definitely book the seat next to you--it will give you SO much more space. You will get there early and you can just buckle his car seat right into the seat next to you just like you would do a lap belt install in a regular car. It works great! If you didn't do this and you hit turbulence during the flight, your baby would become a projectile, not only becoming injured himself, but injuring you and the other passengers. Not to mention, checking the carseat with luggage can mean a badly damaged carseat.

You'll take the stroller and carseat right to the gate and you'll check the stroller at the gate when the attendants get there and you'll carry him on in his car seat. They'll have the stroller waiting for you at the other end of your destination.

As for the canned formula, you'll have to ask the airline--each one has different regulations. That said, most say it's ok so long as it is completely sealed and you just buy bottled water once you are through security. If it needs warming, the flight attendants are usually more than happy to warm it for you.

Make sure to bring a few toys for him and a pacifier for take off and landing--or make sure he's feeding during those times. And, as for changes, many planes these days do have a spot for changing children. If your plane does not, either plan on changing him on your seat or the floor space in front of the seats which is why it's imperative that you choose the window seats not the middle section of the plane. Just bring a changing pad. If your baby has a poopy diaper, head for the bathroom and lay the pad on the toilet seat in there and work fast, or ask the flight attendants for a suggestion. They may let you change him in their area on the floor.

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Best toys for 6-12month?? Moms advice needed!!?

Q. Im trying to find new toys to play with my son with. It seems the ones we have no longer interest him much. He has a bouncer, floor jungle gym thing, walker, blocks, books, rattles, music toys, driving toys....any other toys you can think of? what did your child like the best??

Take the toys that you already have and put them in three boxes. Pack two of the boxes away. Every week alternate the boxes of toys. This worked for my son. It was like new toys every week. Also, try not to let him have to many things out at once, it is overstimulating for infants. He will start to play with one thing and then see another toy and decide to play with that. It can be overstimulating, and doesn't let him engage in anything for a decent amount of time. He will just jump from one thing to the next, and then be done with all his toys in a matter of minutes. As my son has gotten older, I have put all of his toys in little bins. He takes out what he wants, one at a time. When he is done with it, he knows that he must clean up the other toys in order to play another activity. It is working very well for us.

Has anyone ever seen this infant toy?


I saw an infant toy in a magazine while I was pregnant and I have never been able to find it in stores. It wasn't a jumper, walker, Jumparoo, Exersaucer, or anything like that.

It acually reminded me of the leg press machine in the gym where you lay back and push up and down with your legs except the baby is upright in a seat and they can push the seat up and down using their leg muscles.

My baby loves to use his legs and I would really like to find this product but I've searched everywhere and cannot find it. Has anyone ever seen this toy?

The only thing I can think of is this:

Hope I helped!

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Twins are 6 months and still not sitting!?


I have identical twin boys. Their due date was October 25, 2009 but instead they were born Oct 5. I am getting a little concerned because they are not rolling or sitting yet. When I go to sit them on their own [I put their hands in between their legs so that they can balance on themselves, if that makes since]. They MIGHT stay up for 1 sec, but they either end up leaning all the way forward [looking uncomfortable] or lean off to one of their sides. I know all babies are different but I was really thinking that 6 months I would have it a little easier as far as having to hold them all the time, I figure they would be nearing the early crawling stages by now. Never the less is there anything that i can do to "help" the learn to balance while sitting, or strengthen their backs. They have their 6 month check up next week, i just wanted to hear stories for several different parents.

My son turned 6 months last Saturday. He just rolled over for the first time Wednesday, and has done it about 40 times since then. He sits pretty well, I still put a boppy behind him to be safe because he will have his tumbles when he reaches for a toy.
I think its completely average. Bases on everything you read, especially on here you start to wonder if your child is behind.
Im a teacher in the infant room at daycare. There are 3, 6 month olds at work (one being mine)
Neither besides my son is CLOSE to sitting up what so ever.
1 of them rolled over when around 5 months, but has only done it a handle of times, seems more accidental.

How to decorate rooms of our adopted kids?


So basically, I am 31 and my husband is 32. He is a doctor and I am a teacher. Together we have 4 children of our own, Jonas (8), Charles (6), Edward (5) and Alice (0). I am currently on maternity leave.

Last week, my husbands sister passed away. We have never met her but we were informed that we were the next of kin to her three sons, Mason (16), Louis (14) and Oscar (10). We have offered to take them In and care for them.

We have been through the procedure correctly, they are all in schools and will be flying to the UK from New Zeland next week.

They are bringing clothes and toys. Luckily our house is 7 bedrooms, therefore the boys will each get there own room.

The question is, we only know a little about them and have no idea how to decorate their rooms.

So, how do we decorate their rooms? Money is no object? The rooms are all average sized. Please attach pictures and descriptions.

Mason: 16 - He Is head boy in his current school and is very academic. All his teachers say he is lovely, they say he is confident but kind and gentle. He does allot of water sports for fun.

Louis: 14 - The opposite of his brother, he is apparently a trouble maker who can never sit still. He is loud and likes messing around with his friends. He does athletics and running.

Oscar: 10 - Oscar is very shy and clever. He works hard and loves animals of all kinds. He is apparently loving and sweet.


Decorating a Bedroom for Your Adopted Child
Carla Raley
Carla Raley, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Oct 22, 2009 "Share your voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here."

Adopted Child
Adopted Children
Adopt Child
Adopting Children


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Every child needs and loves his own special spot, whether he or she has to share it with a sibling, maybe even more than one sibling, or is blessed enough to have a room all to themselves.

As a mother who has adopted three children from the foster care system, I've found that setting up a bedroom was different for each one of them. My first adopted child came to live with us as a newborn infant. For this baby, we fixed up a crib in our own bedroom. Decorating for an infant is easy, you just need a warm bed and some bright toys to catch his or her eyes. We hung a mobile over the crib, and put some cute pictures on the wall. He slept contentedly there for many months.

Our second adopted child was a very verbal little girl who came to live with us at the age of two and a half years, continued in our home as a foster child for the next twenty months, and was finally adopted by us when she was four years old. In the beginning, we fixed up the bottom bunk in our older, biological daughter's room, but we soon realized this was not going to work. In the trauma of being removed from her birth mother, one of the ways she acted out was to destroy whatever she could secretly, and sometimes openly, get her hands on. She ripped wallpaper off the walls during the night, colored on the bed and the sheets with markers, and drew on everything she could get her hands on. It didn't take long to realize this arrangement wasn't going to work, as she was destroying our older daughter's much loved room. When another foster child, a six month old girl, came to live with us soon after she did - one who went back to her family a year and a half later - we ended up moving our already adopted son and the two younger girls into the master bedroom, and turned the loft into a bedroom for us. We gave each child a section of this large room for their own. Both of the girls were still having visits with their birth families at the time, so for them, I fixed a wall with pictures of their birth family. The older girl, now our daughter, and her birth mother liked to exchange real (though deceased) butterflies, so I decorated her part of the room with lace butterflies hanging from the ceiling. On the wall just about her headboard, I stapled another lace doily with butterflies on it, framed some of the butterflies her birth mother had given her and hung these on this piece of lace, along with a picture of her mother. These hang on the wall still today, and since our adoption is somewhat open with her birth mother and she still receives butterflies, we continue to add to it.

Our third adopted child was the full sibling brother of our little girl. He moved in with us the day before he was six months old. Our other little foster daughter had left us just less than a month before, so setting up a space for this child was simple: I sat back up the crib I had taken down in tears just three short weeks back, and made ready for my new son. Although he had a crib in the room with his big brother and sister, he slept in a port a crib in my bedroom for many weeks, while he adjusted to his new home and family.

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traveling with infants?


I took my twin sons age 7 weeks camping 3 1/2 hours away. When I got home they were really fussy and just wanted to be held. I am thinking maybe they got use to their car seat and the car moving now they may want to be in their car seat. I have not put them in it but was thinking abt going camping again this weekend. Not sure if I should ge. We do have a trailer at this camp ground. Do u think they are fussy because of the car seat?

They may not have had enough sleep over the weekend. 90% of the time my daughter is/was fussy it was over lack of naps and disrupted sleep. She is extra clingy, skiddish of loud noises, and doesn't seem to be content with anything when she's tired. I kept thinking "she's sleeping again??" but when she didn't sleep, she was a bear!

Hope you don't encounter any while you're camping!! LOL.

Enjoy it ... now is such a good time to go. They require so little as far as toys and they aren't crawling. Don't give up the chance!!

Advice for traveling with an infant..?

Momma to 4

Hello Everyone- We recently got a call that a very close uncle of mine has passed away. His funeral is Wednesday evening, so we will be traveling Tuesday. We have about a 5 hour drive to make. I have 2 daughters. A 26 month old & a 3 1/2 week old! We will be traveling with both girls. We have never taken a long trip with such young ones...
Any tips for traveling with an infant?!
She is formula fed... if that helps at all :)

First of all sorry for your loss.
My husband and I made a trip from Rich VA to Pittsburgh PA, with a 2 1/ yr old and a 3 week old. Even though my older baby was potty trained we put her in pull-ups just in case we could not get to a rest stop quick enough. For her we packed a back back of coloring books, reading books and some small toys. Also some juice sippy cups and crackers and snacks. For the 3 week old he was on formula, we had water already measured out in the bottles, when he needed to eat we mixed in the powdered formula. I would sit back there and keep him in his car seat with his seatbelt on to feed. I would quickly take him out of his seat just long enough for a burp, then put him back in and buckle him back up. As far as changing his diaper, when he peed I would unbuckle him leave him in his seat and change him then put the clean diaper on and re-bucklehim. When he pooped, we pulled over to a gas station or rest area.

For the most part babies at that young of an age 3 1/2 weeks get "put" to sleep when in a car anyway. So the baby will probably be the easier one. The older baby will probably get ancy and want to get out of the seat.

Good Luck and again I am sorry for you loss

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when do terrible twos end?

angela r

my son started terrible twos at terrible one and now he is worse its hard to believe he is the same baby!! when do they end?

Unfortunately, the experts say it tapers off around age 5, I read a few articles in the parenting magazines I get in the mail before they were destroyed by my kids, lol. My daughter just turned 3, she started hers at about 20 months, and has been getting worse. It's not an all the time thing, but dang, some days I really wish I could just duct tape her to the wall w/ tape on her mouth without getting in trouble. We are currently engrossed in a "Mom made this for dinner and this is what we are all eating, and you will not get something else because you haven't even tried this and are trying to talk me into letting you eat pop tarts for dinner" battle, it's been going on for 2 weeks now. She'll eat food sometime. She had her first public tantrum the other day cause I couldn't push the grocery cart w/ the toy car on the front all the way across the parking lot through the slush to our car, so I had to drag her kicking and screaming, while carrying an infant seat w/ my chubba son, and 6 bags of groceries. She's worse because she has a new brother, and is trying for attention while trying to be independent, and is overly loving to my infant, including trying to lay her 40 lb self on his 11 lb while he's laying on the couch, or in his bouncy seat. She won't potty train. And I could vent for hours, lol. She was a sweet natured baby, now she's 3 going on 30 and I'm not looking forward to her teenage years. She's been hanging around her grandparents too much, and cussing, and is a bossy lil thang. My mom truly got me with the whole "I can't wait till you grow up and have a little girl just like you"... sigh...
Good luck!

Parents I really need some honest help (possible child molesting psycho said something to my boyfriend)?

No Cookies

This Creepy member of our church, we can call him Phil, brought X=rated materials, dirty magazines, to church. We found out when there was a mix up with his book bag and my son's book bag, I reached in and saw that there were no toys in it like I thought and that it was all porn. This guy has always given me the creeps. I asked the assistant pastor to say something to him and explain that, that's not appropriate but she said it made her too uncomfortable. The regular Pastor is on vacation right now. So my boyfriend stepped up and had a talk with "Phil". I don't know what was said but my boyfriend was totally freaked out, and even walked my children and me home, he acted all paranoid and won't tell me what's wrong. So I went on Megan's law and found a guy that looks just like "Phil" but different name but I know it's him. I tried to talk to my boyfriend again tonight about it and he just dismissed me and said "keep the kids away from Church until Pastor Rodney comes back." When I tried to tell him about the Megan's law thing he got really silent and suggested I not take the kids on a walk in the evenings anymore without him. Now i'm pissed and paranoid, obviously he told my boyfriend something I need to know what it is, but I think my boyfriend thinks I will freak out *because I freak out easily. What should I do.

I know people come on her and troll some of the girls and I have posted some funny questions before (like why won't my infant eat pizza) but this is serious and no joke, serious answers please.
I meant to say some of the girls at work- sorry.

This 'Phil' guy sounds like he could be quite dangerous and I would suggest you take your partners lead and refrain from going until your regular pastor comes back. I get the vibe that your partner has been threatened by creepy guy and rather than start trouble he is avoiding the situation. Especially for the safety of you and your children.
I would suggest if you have significant evidence that you speak to someone within your local law enforcement about your worries. At least that way they will be aware there could be a sexual predator in the area.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

what is the list of things i must buy for my 6 months old daughter?


may b toys medicine etc

Toys-but you don't have to buy a lot of them. You could even some use some household items like a pot with a lid or a big plastic serving spoon. Every toy today talks about being educational, but you know, everything they do is helping them learn so I wouldn't pay too much attention to that. Studies show that babies who play with the so called educational toys knew no more than babies who play with everyday items. (Read this in Parenting Magazine.)
Keep some Tylenol and Infant Motrin on hand. Maybe some saline drops (for colds), Nail Clippers, use Johnson and Johnson Baby Bed Time Bath for her night baths-it really helps them sleep well. Also, have some Johnson and Johnson Vapor Bath on hand as it soothes babies when they have colds. It probably wouldn't hurt to have a vaporizer or humidifier too for when she has a cold. Have some diaper ointment on hand too-like A & D or Desitine.

Can an infant teething cause the upper lip to form a blister like bump on her lip?

A and A B

My children had them when they were breast feeding. I'm sure they could be caused by teething, but are most likely the result of sucking on fingers or toys to sooth the teething. This is a portion of the definition found in Parenting Magazine. Hope this helps.
SUCKING BLISTER- Found in the center of a baby's upper lip, this blister results from the baby's sucking on a thumb, toe, or other body part

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Fisher Price Customer Service number?


Can I please have the customer service number for Fisher Price? I want to voice a complaint. Thanks! :)

Fisher-Price products, including Baby Gear, Infant Toys and Car Seats:
In the US and Canada: 800-432-5437

Technical products, including the FP3 Player, Digital Camera, InteracTV, Read With Me, Hyperscan and Knows Your Name Products.
In the US and Canada: 888-892-6123

Mattel products, including Hot Wheels, Barbie and Polly Pocket:
In the US and Canada: 800-524-8697

Power Wheels Products:
In the US and Canada: 800-348-0751

Radica Products:
In the US and Canada: 800-803-9611

R/C and Electric Racing Products:
In the US and Canada: 888-557-8926

American Girl product support, click here

Song names on Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Jumperoo?


It's the mode where it continuously plays songs without words. I know "Turkey In The Straw" then there are two songs that I don't know. It follows with "Farmer in the Dell" and one similar to "Mary Had a Little Lamb". Does anybody have this jumperoo and can tell me the name of those two mystery songs? I like to sing along, like a crazy person, to make my son laugh. :) Thanks!

i tried to find something about it on line but i found nothing here is the contact info tho: Fisher-Price products, including Baby Gear, Infant Toys and Car Seats:
In the US and Canada: 800-432-5437
Call them and ask i am sure they will be able to tell you!
Good Luck!

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my 9 and half month old son.... is about 22LB and he hates his car seat?


what kind of car seat/bran name/style do you segest..please help

First off, don't ever put any hard toys on a baby's seat, nor a TV! OUCH in a crash or even a speed bump. My first question would be how reclined is he? If he is still in an infant carrier, you can't change the 45 degree recline angle, but in a rear facing convertible car seat, you can adjust it a little bit. Newborns must have a 45 degree angle recline to prevent their head falling forward and closing off their airway, but an older baby only needs 30-45 degrees recline. He may want to be able to see more than he can right now. So I'd look into that first off. Put some static clings on the rear windshield and back side windows to give him something to look at. Play music for kids, or better yet, talk and sing to him. He may just not like his seat, he may be bored, he may be scared b/c he can't see you.

Put one of those mirrors so you can see him. I had a mirror securely attached (with several safety pins to make sure it would not become a projectile in an accident) to the rear headrest so he could see himself, also, I put on of those baby view mirrors below my rear view mirror so I could see his reflection in his mirror in my mirror without turning around while driving (which isn't safe!) You may have to try several different models of mirrors (for his headrest) until you find one that works securely with your car.

He may really just not like car rides right now. In that case, minimize travelling for a little bit till he gets over it, which he soon will! Aim to travel at his best times of the day, morning for most babies, only go when he's eaten, well-rested, and in a good mood. It will make the trip easier for both of you.

Please DON'T get the Safety1st 3-in-1/Cosco Alpha Omega/Eddie Bauer 3-in1 seats. These are all the same company - same seat, just different covers. They stink. Hard to install, b/c of narrow belt paths. Ever tried to wash a skinny cup by hand? Now imagine that skinny cup with pointy edges. That's what putting your hand through these to install them is like. AND they have too short a shell to really go to 40lbs. And they do not make good boosters. Also, most kids have to use boosters until they're at least 8 years old. Car seats expire 6 years after the date of manufacture, so no matter what they say it is NOT the last seat you'll ever need to buy. Not a good choice.

If you think padding might help, some great choices (and best bang for your buck, too!) are:
The Evenflo Triumph Advance (not the original Triumph, make sure it says Advance) is a great seat. $150 version at Babies R Us has padding similar to Britax seats, top slots of 17", harnesses to 35lbs rear facing, and 50lbs forward facing. $120 Walmart version just has little less plush padding. Wide open belt path, easy to install, though it doesn't have built in lockoffs. The harness adjusts at the front of the car seat, you don't have to take the car seat out of the car just to raise/lower the straps. It's one of only 2 seats that does this (The Britax Boulevard is the other, I believE), and it has infinite harness adjustment so the harness always fits perfectly until its outgrown. No more tugging straps to tighten them either. You tighten and loosen the harness using knobs on the side of the seat. As a major bonus, it can be used in a recline position even in forward facing mode. Awesome for kids who still sleep in the car. I LOVE THIS SEAT! LOL My son, who is too big for every other car seat at Walmart has the same amount of room in this as the Britax Marathon.

The Britax Marathon/Boulevard/Decathalon (These 3 are the same seat, just different variances of luxury additions, with the Marathon being the cheapest base model) can be found for regular price of $269, and on sale at Albee Baby online for $209-$219. The Marathon a wide open easy to route belt path, which makes using it correctly a lot easier, as do the built in lockoffs, which mean you never again have to use a locking clip. I can get it into 4 different vehicles in under 2 minutes. Because of the way the base is made, it fits in most cars. And, it is worth the money, b/c it lasts usually twice as long as most other car seats (all car seats expire 6 years after the date of manufacture) lasting a baby till they are 5-6 years old, where most at Walmart will only last till 2-4 years old. Rear faces to 33lbs, then forward to 65lbs. and top slots 17inches tall, lasts most kids to ages 5-6 years old.

Whatever you do, don't turn him forward facing! It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (see sources) that ALL babies stay rear facing as long as possible, up to the weight/height limits of their seat. Most seats go to 30lbs rear facing, some go higher, check your manual. They are too tall for an infant carrier when the head is within an inch of the top of the shell. Too tall for most convertible seats when their ears reach the top of the seat. Has nothing to do with how long their legs are! There isn't a single documented case of a child breaking their legs b/c they were rear facing in an accident. There are, however, lots of cases where children have been killed and seriously injured where a rear facing seat would have protected them better. They are safest rear facing b/c their bones have not yet completed the ossification process that bonds/hardens them like adults. They need the bracing support that a rear facing seat offers to withstand a crash. 20lbs AND 1 year is the bare minimum as far as the law is concerned, but the law is the bare minimum of safety, and who wants to do the bare minimum for their child? A forward-facing child under 2 years old is 4 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash than a rear-facing child of the same age. A child's vertabrae do not fully fuse until 3-6 years old, before then, she is at great risk for internal decapitation. The spinal column can stretch up to 2 inches in a crash BUT the spinal cord can only stretch up to 1/4 inch before it snaps and baby is gone.

Best convertable infant car seat for compact car?


My daughter is 9 months and about 18 pounds(preemie) and is quickly outgrowing hergraco carrier.I have a small car- a 2 door hatch back Ford Focus,so my main issue is finding one that will fit my car.
Anyone have any suggestions for a good,small convertable car seat? Id like to be able to use it for a long time and dont want to have to buy another any time soon.


Car accidents are the #1 killer of children under age 12. Another person said that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends to age 2 and the NHSTA recommends until age 3. I believe that all children should rearface as long as possible. This also means that you should keep on buying a higher weight limit rearfacing seat.

5 children in the United States die every single day due to incorrect use of car seats or not using car seats at all.

I would recommend any car seat that fits your vehicle, your child, and is used correctly each and every time.

To achieve this, car seats must be installed with less than one inch of movement from side to side. 1 inch is the maximum amount of movement. I would get the car seat in your car rock solid. The car seat fits your child (when rearfacing) when the harness straps are at and below your childs armpit level AND when the child's head is one inch away from the shell. If the child's head is above the car seat, then the child will be exposed to injury because our American seats are not tethered rearfacing and they do not have foot props to prevent downward rotational force.

Please note that since your daughter is now 9 months old, her convertible car seat can be installed at a more upright angle.

I would recommend the Radian RXT or R120 as this can rearface up to 45 lbs and has a top slot of 17.5 inches. It is an extremely narrow seat, so if you ever need to fit three car seats in a row, this is the car seat for you. But anyhow, the amount of room it takes up is a little extreme, which can be remedied by installing at in at a more upright angle in the middle seat as the car seat could fit between the 2 front seats, but the downside is that you may be unable to install the car seat in the center seat with LATCH. LATCH is basically metal hooks that hold crash forces of a car seat and the car seat is attached to the car by these hooks, instead of using the seat belt. If your car manual doesn't say that you can use latch in the center seating position, then you CANNOT use latch. Latch anchors are connected to each other and will fail. I would go to toys r us and test out the seat in your 2 door vehicle.

Rear facing seats:
Radian RXT (45 lbs rear facing)
Britax Marathon, Boulevard, or Advocate- (16.75 inch top slot as advertized by britax and up to 40 lbs rearfacing) I'm not sure if I would recommend the use for a small car because they are extremely bulky, but if you could get it to fit, it would install like a breeze due to the lock off it has built in.
Safety First Compass True Fit- has an 18" high top slot (up to 40 lbs rear facing)

I wanted to let you know that the Swedish have the lowest child fatalities in car accidents because of their rear facing car seats. They rear face their children up to 4 or 5 years of age or whenever the child outgrows their rear facing seats. Their seats go up to 50 or 55 lbs! They accomplish this by having 2 rearfacing tethers and a foot prop to accomodate larger taller children. Because of the foot prop and tethers, taller children are able to use the seat until the tips of the ears are even with the headrest or shell. American seats will never be able to accomplish this weight limit because they are not allowed by US Standards to have support from the seat with tethers and foot props. The rules is that the seat must be able to measure up to standards with only the seat belt supporting it. There have been only 5 or so cases of children in Sweden who have died in a car crash in a span of 2 years! Rear facing is safest and is meant for everyone!

Also, Swedish car seats can be installed at up to 10 degrees from vertical, to allow more room. It is actually slightly safer to be at a more upright angle. The only reason why newborns are at 45 degrees, is to support their necks.

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Cleaning infant toys?

Maddie's M

I've been cleaning my 5 months toys in soap and water. I told yesterday that it wasn't enough that I should be using Bleach and water. How do you clean toys?

I use the Clorox spray that santitizes but isn't bleach. I'm drawing a blank on the name- but it's very common. "anytime spray"- safe around pets/food/kids/etc
I use that- but not EVERYDAY time I wash the toys- and it also depends on the reason I'm washing them. If it's just becuse my son was playing in his crib with they toy and slobbered all over it- I use soap and water. If it's because he dropped it at the mall on floor or at the DR's office- I use the santizing spray. I used to ALWAYS use the sanitizing spray. I think some people thought I was crazy- I jsut wanted my son to have safe toys. But as he's gotten older and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth-I've realized that no matter how much you watch them, they are going to ocasionally get SOMETHING in their mouth that you wouldn't like them to. You're not too far off from that stage. I am still one of the most "anal" mothers about my sons things, I've just realized what's necessary and what's going overboard.
Use good judgement. Don't spend ALL of your energy cleaning your baby's toys- all that sanitizing/wahing/rinsing takes time. I swear I used to spend all day washing/cleaning/etc....
With that said- I still sterilize my son's bottles. He's 10 months old. I do it out of habit because we did it when he was a preemie baby. And I've just never thought to stop. Until tonight. And tomorrow I think I'm just going to start soap washing.

Clorox anytime sanitizing spray works great, is affordable and safer than bleach- plus it's already mixed. It's intended for toys.

Where can i find Spiderman infant toys in the U.K?


Woolworths used to do them!!! :(
I have Incy Wincy Spiderman, The Bedtime one with the web comfort blanket and the Spiderman and friends ride on....
I was just wondering if anyone had noticed anymore?? (Tried Ebay and google = Nothing..) thanks xx

What spiderman toys you looking for? As in, spiderman, the movie spiderman? Lol sorry.


This is from the USA so i dunno if it's any good..

Might be a bit too old for him?

I thought this was cool. Lol.

I know it's not a toy but still....


Don't know if these are any good but can't help to look :) xxx

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Best convertable infant car seat for compact car?


My daughter is 9 months and about 18 pounds(preemie) and is quickly outgrowing hergraco carrier.I have a small car- a 2 door hatch back Ford Focus,so my main issue is finding one that will fit my car.
Anyone have any suggestions for a good,small convertable car seat? Id like to be able to use it for a long time and dont want to have to buy another any time soon.


Car accidents are the #1 killer of children under age 12. Another person said that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends to age 2 and the NHSTA recommends until age 3. I believe that all children should rearface as long as possible. This also means that you should keep on buying a higher weight limit rearfacing seat.

5 children in the United States die every single day due to incorrect use of car seats or not using car seats at all.

I would recommend any car seat that fits your vehicle, your child, and is used correctly each and every time.

To achieve this, car seats must be installed with less than one inch of movement from side to side. 1 inch is the maximum amount of movement. I would get the car seat in your car rock solid. The car seat fits your child (when rearfacing) when the harness straps are at and below your childs armpit level AND when the child's head is one inch away from the shell. If the child's head is above the car seat, then the child will be exposed to injury because our American seats are not tethered rearfacing and they do not have foot props to prevent downward rotational force.

Please note that since your daughter is now 9 months old, her convertible car seat can be installed at a more upright angle.

I would recommend the Radian RXT or R120 as this can rearface up to 45 lbs and has a top slot of 17.5 inches. It is an extremely narrow seat, so if you ever need to fit three car seats in a row, this is the car seat for you. But anyhow, the amount of room it takes up is a little extreme, which can be remedied by installing at in at a more upright angle in the middle seat as the car seat could fit between the 2 front seats, but the downside is that you may be unable to install the car seat in the center seat with LATCH. LATCH is basically metal hooks that hold crash forces of a car seat and the car seat is attached to the car by these hooks, instead of using the seat belt. If your car manual doesn't say that you can use latch in the center seating position, then you CANNOT use latch. Latch anchors are connected to each other and will fail. I would go to toys r us and test out the seat in your 2 door vehicle.

Rear facing seats:
Radian RXT (45 lbs rear facing)
Britax Marathon, Boulevard, or Advocate- (16.75 inch top slot as advertized by britax and up to 40 lbs rearfacing) I'm not sure if I would recommend the use for a small car because they are extremely bulky, but if you could get it to fit, it would install like a breeze due to the lock off it has built in.
Safety First Compass True Fit- has an 18" high top slot (up to 40 lbs rear facing)

I wanted to let you know that the Swedish have the lowest child fatalities in car accidents because of their rear facing car seats. They rear face their children up to 4 or 5 years of age or whenever the child outgrows their rear facing seats. Their seats go up to 50 or 55 lbs! They accomplish this by having 2 rearfacing tethers and a foot prop to accomodate larger taller children. Because of the foot prop and tethers, taller children are able to use the seat until the tips of the ears are even with the headrest or shell. American seats will never be able to accomplish this weight limit because they are not allowed by US Standards to have support from the seat with tethers and foot props. The rules is that the seat must be able to measure up to standards with only the seat belt supporting it. There have been only 5 or so cases of children in Sweden who have died in a car crash in a span of 2 years! Rear facing is safest and is meant for everyone!

Also, Swedish car seats can be installed at up to 10 degrees from vertical, to allow more room. It is actually slightly safer to be at a more upright angle. The only reason why newborns are at 45 degrees, is to support their necks.

Switching baby from infant car seat to full size car seat.. toy solution?


My baby loved playing with the toys dangling from the handle of the infant car seat. Now that he's in a full size car seat I haven't figured out how to have toys dangling for him to play with. Does anyone have a solution for this?
I should clarify he's 8 months old and the car seat is rear facing. If I just gave him toys to play with he'd toss them. I was hoping to find some kind of bar that could be attached to the car seat but I couldn't find anything.

Most cars have a handle, that I guess is to be used to aid you in getting out of the car, just above the window. I hang toys from there

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Airplane travel with an infant....?

London's M

I am going on a short (1.5 hours) airplane ride with my 3 month old this weekend. I purchased a seat for her and will be putting her in her car seat on the plane. Any tips for a smooth ride.... ? Any experiences...?
umm Red.. that didn't answer the question..
As naive as this sounds.. the airplane is going to emit the same amount of CO2 whether we are on it or not :)

She'll probably sleep the WHOLE time. Nurse or bottlefeed her, bring one toy for her and a change of clothes. We took my daughter for a plane trip at 2 months, she didn't have her own seat I just held her, it was about 6 hours total of flying time, split into two flights. She slept and slept, she only cried for about 15 minutes total and that was because the plane was really hot before takeoff on the second flight. We did only one diaper change on the plane when her diaper leaked, but you'll probably be able to get away with just changing her before and after the flight. Don't worry, the whole flight will probably be over in the blink of an eye. I took my daughter on a 1.25 hour flight more recently when she was about 14 or 15 months, and she chewed a teething toy and watched cartoons and waved at people, and then I fed her as we were landing and we got off. She thought it was a great adventure.

what should i know about taking an infant on an airplane?

Q. he will be 8 mo when we will fly

I've been flying internationally with my children since they were 2 months (now 7&5), and here are some tips and advice that have always worked for me:

FAA regulations currently allow children under the age of two to fly free of charge as "lap children" (not required to have their own seat). If you are flying internationally, the airline might charge you (I say might because not all do) a 10-20% fee.

The steward/stewardess should place you in a front seat where you will have more room. Most airlines will provide you with a special baby seat belt that hooks onto yours so your child can be buckled up as well. And depending on the airline and length of flight, the steward/stewardess might give you a crib type thing that attaches to the front wall to put your child in (however you can not uses this during take-off and landing).

This is not the safest way for a child to fly and the airlines recommend children to have their own seat with a child safety device, but does not mandate it because of the cost to the parents.

1.) I advise using a CRS (Child Restraint System) because it is safe for the child - especially during turbulance, makes them feel secure, is more comfortable for both parent and child, and gives you the opportunity to relax a bit.

A CRS is an airline-approved alternative to using a hard-backed seat and is approved for use on aircraft and for use in motor vehicles. Many people confuse it with a regular car seat, which it is not.

This website talks about approved CRS devices and their ratings:

Many airlines offer half-price tickets so parents can be guaranteed that their child can travel in a CRS device. Parents should call their airline to ask for a discount and/or ask what the airline's policy is for using empty seats.

Ask your airline if they can provide a CRS for your child. If so, you may not be permitted to bring your own CRS on board, and may need to check it as baggage.

2.) For take-offs and landings, the best thing you can do is if your son is still nursing, make sure to nurse him. If he is not nursing, give him a bottle to drink (milk, water, juice - it doesn't matter) or a pacifier.

Baby formula is fine to take with you, and you are not limited to the amount you can bring aboard with you, do not worry.

New regulations allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz, OR beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from inside the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food onto the plane with you.

Save your money when it comes to buying water though because the stewards/stewardess' will provide you with hot or cold water (or any other drink) free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request it.

Another trick is that if your son is not taking to the pacifier or wanting to drink, gently rub his neck from the chin down to the chest several times - this will cause a swallowing motion which will help with the ears popping.

3.) Make sure to pack plenty of things to entertain your son. A few of his favorite toys, books, and any comfort things such as a blankie. The Fa's will also provide you with a toy or coloring book for your son also.

4.) Pack a few instant hot/cold cereals, instant rice, and other just-add-water packets (age appropriate, of course). The stewards/stewardess' will provide you with hot or cold water upon request. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food and a few other non-perishable snack items. Drinks will be provided free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request.

5.) Be sure to pack 2-3 changes of clothes for your son. You will need this in case he gets sick, spills something on himself, or in case your luggage gets lost. Also bring any medications that you might need for him should he get sick. Do NOT give your child medicine with the hopes of it making him sleep. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well.

6.) Last but not least, if help is offered to you, take it.

I hope you have a great trip, and if I can be of any more assistance, please feel free to contact me

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

When can infants fly on the airplane?


My baby is 4 months and my husband and I are planning to take her on the plane in about a month. Is it ok for her to fly? Has anyone had any experience with taking a young infant on the plane and are there any tips I should know?

Mu husband and I took our daughter on her first flight when she was nearly 4 months old. Our doctor recommended Tylenol and a pacifier or bottle for take-off and landing--to help with pain and to help her ears pop when the pressure changes.

Skip the Benadryl--especially at that age. There are new studies out that say that Benadryl can make some children stay awake instead of get sleepy. Just try to book your flight for naptime instead.

Bring a bag stuffed with all of her favorite toys and blankets--anything that makes her feel at home.

The biggest issue we had were diaper changes. We only booked 2 seats so we could save money. We booked an aisle seat and the seat next to it so we could have easy access to the restroom; but, the restrooms are so small that we had to sort of balance her on the toilet cover to change her. The next flight we took, we booked the whole row. We still sat her on our laps, but we had a seat to hold the diaper bag while in the air and a spot to change her that was a little less uncomfortable.

Airplane travel with an infant....?

London's M

I am going on a short (1.5 hours) airplane ride with my 3 month old this weekend. I purchased a seat for her and will be putting her in her car seat on the plane. Any tips for a smooth ride.... ? Any experiences...?
umm Red.. that didn't answer the question..
As naive as this sounds.. the airplane is going to emit the same amount of CO2 whether we are on it or not :)

She'll probably sleep the WHOLE time. Nurse or bottlefeed her, bring one toy for her and a change of clothes. We took my daughter for a plane trip at 2 months, she didn't have her own seat I just held her, it was about 6 hours total of flying time, split into two flights. She slept and slept, she only cried for about 15 minutes total and that was because the plane was really hot before takeoff on the second flight. We did only one diaper change on the plane when her diaper leaked, but you'll probably be able to get away with just changing her before and after the flight. Don't worry, the whole flight will probably be over in the blink of an eye. I took my daughter on a 1.25 hour flight more recently when she was about 14 or 15 months, and she chewed a teething toy and watched cartoons and waved at people, and then I fed her as we were landing and we got off. She thought it was a great adventure.

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baby interactive toys?


What kind of interactive theme based activity centers are available for infants and toddlers? i.e. nursery rhymes, science, math, geography, music,etc... Do babies like this type of product and which would you recommend? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I prefer the baby gym made by Selecta. Selecta makes quality wooden toys. They are more expensive, but well worth it! Babies benefit from exploring their environment; themes are not really necessary.

Cheapest place to buy Vtech - V.Smile Baby - Infant Development System?

Where can I find a great deal online for Vtech - V.Smile Baby - Infant Development System

Bring a smile onto your little oneâs face and connect her to a world of interactive learning toy games! The V.Smile⢠Baby Infant Development System goes beyond passive developmental videos with a breakthrough, interactive approach to learning. With the V.Smile Baby Infant Development System, you'll receive a colorful panel that fits comfortably in your childâs lap and connects wirelessly to a receiver that hooks right into your TV! The signal works from nine feet away no matter how high or low your baby is seated. Plus, you can choose from three grow-with-me play modes. Select the Play Time mode on the panel and watch your baby play with games and use colorful, easy-to-press buttons to hear fun, educational phrases. Select the Watch & Learn mode and your baby can watch educational animations complete with baby sign language. Finally, as your baby grows, select the Learn & Explore mode where she can actually direct the games on the learning toy screen by choosing the subjects she wants to explore.

The V.Smile Baby Infant Development System works with Baby Smartridge games, which slide easily into the receiver. Each Baby Smartridge features learning games with five different baby signs, and teach important skills like colors, numbers, sounds, animals, music and shapes. V.Smile Baby Infant Development System even doubles as a car toy. Take the colorful learning toy panel on the road for games on the go!

V.Smile Baby Infant Development System features Baby Sign Language. Dr. Susan Goodwin and Dr. Linda Acredolo, authorsâ of Baby Signs, have helped VTech provide a great start for Baby Signing with your little one. Itâs a great way to start language development with lasting benefits as children grow. To learn more about the Doctorsâ research on Baby Signing visit
V.Smile Baby⢠Infant Development System Features
Offers 3 modes of learning games: Play Time, Watch & Learn, and Learn & Explore, where your baby can go from playing games; to watching educational videos; to making choices about what she wants to learn
Connects wirelessly to a receiver, which transmits from to up to 9 feet away
The Infant Development System`s activity panel provides an independent learning toy for on-the-go games for the youngest learners
Baby Smartridge games offer unique learning activities and include 5 different baby signs
The Infant Development System includes an activity panel, console receiver, and Learn & Discover Home Baby Smartridge

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Dose Anyone have toddler or infant toys...they wana give away?

Hannah's M

I am planing to start a home daycare and would love it if anyone who lives in KW or surrounding areas have toys they don't need anymore wouldnt mind giving them away free?

I would NOT buy toys from the dollar store, many of them are cheaply made and contain lead, which leads to brain damage and could be fatal. Sorry I don't live near you but I thought I would throw that out!

travel with an infant?


i have my 15 mo.old baby for 24 hours flight to philippines...And need some advice for the people who have experience travelling with their kids...
What tips you can give to me on plane and airport?

Have a nice day

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I now fly a lot internationally with my three children.

First of all, I hope you have whatever passport he or she needs. This can be a real headache with children. If you haven't tackled that, do so now and please be careful with the photo. Taking the correct child's picture can be tricky so get the full instructions from whichever country this concerns. If your child is a U.S. citizen, he or she will need that passport to re-enter the U.S., even they have another passport.

This can be a difficult age to travel. Toddlers love to run and hate to be confined. I do recommend that s/he have his/her own seat and that you bring his/her carseat along. Try to get an extra seat next to you if the flight isn't full and you haven't purchased a seat for your child. Ask very nicely for this at check in.

This is the only way to fly safely with any baby. Lap children are allowed because statistically, flying is so safe, there's very little chance of anything going wrong. If it does though, a lap child has no protection.

First check that your seat is approved by your airline. This is the link if you are flying a U.S. company;

For a non-U.S. company, check with your airline's website.

I will say that my toddlers were much more settled and much easier when they were in their familar seat. Not to scare you but some parents haven't been able to keep a hold of their little ones and have been "off loaded" as a result.

I will admit that I've strapped down an unhappy little one more than once. Toddlers hate to be confined and simply don't understand that they have to be seated sometimes. Firmly anchored in, I could then consol them while we landed.

To get through the airport, they sell all sorts of gizmos like these;

I simply use a small metal luggage cart with an extra bungee cord and it works great. I skip on the stroller and she can even ride in it. She usually prefers to walk and then I load the carry-ons aboard. Some parents are also able to wedge the seat in the stroller or bungee cord it to the back of the seat portion of their stroller.

Besides, taking your car seat onboard virtually guarentees that it'll be there at your destination. Checking them risks damage and loss. Wont you need it when you get there?

For entertainment, get him a new toy, anything and it doesn't have to be expensive. Keep it and give it to him or her once you're on the plane. My son at that age liked anything with wheels. Once, I simply had a package of plastic animals. Kept him busy for ages!

Play dough, stickers, anything to color with and simple toys like pinwheels are also recommended. Just make sure that they don't make ANY noise. Even a quiet toy can drive your fellow passengers batty. No one will mind if you read to your child though. Chunky books with flaps are fun for toddlers. These make good suprises on the aircraft.

I actually don't recommend a portable DVD player *unless* s/he can watch it without sound. I doubt s/he'll wear the headphones but try it at home. For such a long flight, I recommend a player with at least 5 hours playing time. Keep the light low to save battery time and bring a recharger with any adapters to recharge it on layovers.

Just some other small tips;
-Bring a change of clothes
-Bring way more diapers than you think you'll need
-Wrap extra diapers and clothes in plastic and tie with rubber bands to save space in your carry-on.
-Learn to change him or her standing up (don't try to fit him on those tiny babychangers and toddlers hate to lie down in strange places)
-Bring an empty sippy cup to fill during the services. This will prevent spills in the air.
-Get up and move around with him but keep an eye out. Those carts the F/A's use are the perfect height for hiding little ones
-Bring snacks. Don't fret security. I've never had anything taken away (yes, water but not snacks) and that's the only risk. If you have something not allowed, they simply remove the item. No scenes, no speeches, no arrests!
-Try to sit in a bulkhead seat so that there's no one in front of you
-Bring slippers, especially if you're not in the bulkhead!

The stroller can be "gate-checked", meaning that you will get a tag at the counter when you first check-in and then you can bring it to the door of the aircraft. Please ask if your stroller will be returned to you at the gate on any connections. When exiting the plane, if they are using more than one door, ask at which door are the strollers (usually with the wheelchairs). Bring a bungee cord and at the door of the aircraft, fold the stroller and double secure it with a bungee cord to prevent it from popping open en route. You can also cover it in a bag if you want.

It's actually a myth that children need to suck on something for take-off and landing. I rarely saw it in my 13 years as a Flight Attendant and with all the flights I've made with my children, I have never, ever done anything special with them for take-offs and landings.

ENT specialists simply recommend that the child is awake for landing;

The delicate time is not during take-off or landing/touchdown but at the *top of descent*. This is usually 40 minutes to an hour before landing and everyone's ears have to reverse the pressurization. I can confirm that when I worked, if any passengers had ear problems, this was the time. Not just children either! They actualy felt *better* as we got closer to landing.

If you dive (which I thought of because I've gone diving in Borcay), you learned the same principal but in the opposite direction. Going down into the water is the same as going up in the air and vise versa. Just as a reminder, if you are a diver, don't do it within 24 hours of flying!

The BEST way to avoid ear issues is to take your little one to the doctor a few days before flying. My son was good at getting symptomless ear infections. The doctor will look in his or her ears and make sure they're clear and infection-free. Healthy ears can handle pressurization changes.

My son was 20 months old and slept just 20 minutes of an 11 1/2 hour flight. It was just so fun for him! Not so fun for mom but I survived... Even the calmest, most placid children are not good on planes at this age. Take heart. You're not alone.

It can be tempting to use some sort of medication to get a toddler to sleep on a long flight. I never have done this due to a family history of allergies but be aware that this is not rare. Sometimes children get the opposite reaction and I've seen this a couple of times when working. If you decide this would be a good idea, talk to your doctor and try it at home first.

For more information, I wrote an article on this subject. It's based on both my personal and professional experience of flying with kids. It's totally non-commercial and other parents have contributed;

Both of you get plenty of sleep the night before and good luck!

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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Question?


When my baby is born if he/she is born on time how much of a chance does it have of passing away from SIDS? When should I stop worrying about it when he/she is born? I am just kinda worried. For when they get here. What are the percents of babys that pass away from SIDS?

1. Place infants to sleep on their backs, even though they may sleep more soundly on their stomachs. Infants who sleep on their stomachs and sides have a much higher rate of SIDS than infants who sleep on their backs.

2. Place infants to sleep in a baby bed with a firm mattress. There should be nothing in the bed but the baby - no covers, no pillows, no bumper pads, no positioning devices and no toys. Soft mattresses and heavy covering are associated with the risk for SIDS.

3. Keep your babyâs crib in the parentsâ room until the infant is at least 6 months of age. Studies clearly show that infants are safest when their beds are close to their mothers.

4. Do not place your baby to sleep in an adult bed. Typical adult beds are not safe for babies. Do not fall asleep with your baby on a couch or in a chair.

5. Do not over-clothe the infant while she sleeps. Just use enough clothes to keep the baby warm without having to use cover. Keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for you. Overheating an infant may increase the risk for SIDS.

6. Avoid exposing the infant to tobacco smoke. Don't have your infant in the same house or car with someone who is smoking. The greater the exposure to tobacco smoke, the greater the risk of SIDS.

7. Breast-feed babies whenever possible. Breast milk decreases the occurrence of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Studies show that breast-fed babies have a lower SIDS rate than formula-fed babies do.

8. Avoid exposing the infant to people with respiratory infections. Avoid crowds. Carefully clean anything that comes in contact with the baby. Have people wash their hands before holding or playing with your baby. SIDS often occurs in association with relatively minor respiratory (mild cold) and gastrointestinal infections (vomiting and diarrhea).

9. Offer your baby a pacifier. Some studies have shown a lower rate of SIDS among babies who use pacifiers.

10. If your baby has periods of not breathing, going limp or turning blue, tell your pediatrician at once.

11. If your baby stops breathing or gags excessively after spitting up, discuss this with your pediatrician immediately.

12. Thoroughly discuss each of the above points with all caregivers. If you take your baby to daycare or leave him with a sitter, provide a copy of this list to them. Make sure they follow all recommendations.

Babies and Toys?


When do babies usually become interested in toys. My 2 month old only seems to like her dangly toys like from her bouncy seat, swing and crib. I was just wondering if she should be inerested in rattles and other things yet. Also, what are some of the better and more educational toys that they first play with?

Every year Oppenheim evaluates infant toys and gives awards for the best 'developmental' toys that engage the baby's senses and encourage different skills (eye tracking, eye-hand coordination, understanding of cause and effect, understanding of object permanence, gross- and fine-motor development etc.) You can see the award winning toys here:

Tiny Love has several award winning toys. Their website is also very informative about how each of their toys encourages infant development.
They have several amazing infant activity gyms. (See link below.) The activity gyms tend to be pricey but you can find them for reasonable prices on Craigslist or Ebay.

Lamaze also makes many award winning toys. (See link below.) Their toys tend to be soft and cuddly with many textures, peek-a-boo flaps, patterns, colors, and sounds to explore.

Have fun watching your little one explore and see her developing right before your eyes. :D

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Where can i find Spiderman infant toys in the U.K?


Woolworths used to do them!!! :(
I have Incy Wincy Spiderman, The Bedtime one with the web comfort blanket and the Spiderman and friends ride on....
I was just wondering if anyone had noticed anymore?? (Tried Ebay and google = Nothing..) thanks xx

What spiderman toys you looking for? As in, spiderman, the movie spiderman? Lol sorry.


This is from the USA so i dunno if it's any good..

Might be a bit too old for him?

I thought this was cool. Lol.

I know it's not a toy but still....


Don't know if these are any good but can't help to look :) xxx

How to disinfect infants toys?


I have an underground storage space where I live in Italy. It's quite damp and very dusty there. I've stored toys there from when my kids were little.I'd like to pass on these toys to my grandchildren. The toys have been there for probably 17 years. Is there a way of safely disinfecting the infant toys that will go into baby's mouth or should i throw them out? They were stored in a closed bag and then in a box. Most are hard plastic ,but a couple are stuffed.

You can definitely disinfect the toys. You just need to get a surface wipe (they have them at most supermarkets) get a surface wipe and wipe the toys clean. If they were in closed bags, they should be fine with a little bit of cleaning. Give them to your grandchildren after you clean them, they'll love them!

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Suppose your infants pediatrician recommends that your newborn receives lots of senory stimulation.?


Which of the following techs might you use? play classical music, rub the infants back, turn off and on the lights, show the infant complex pictures.

You can use anything that is colorful or plays music. Infants are attracted to bright and colorful bet get a musical globe or one of the moving picture toys for the playpen or crib. Stimulation galore! Like one w/ bright fish swimming....

sensory stimulation and childcare?


How much sensory stimulation do you think caregivers should provide for infants? Could an infant be given too much sensory stimulation?

How much is too much?

Age, development, and individuality, all play a role in identifying the optimal stimulation threshold in a particular child. As a general guideline, stimulation activities should be limited to three sessions per day and not to exceed fifteen minutes per session. Your child will tell you when âtoo muchâ is âtoo muchâ. Does he become irritable after ten minutes? Does he push away the toys? Learn to read his cues and remember that sensory-stimulation activities are to be short in duration and individualized.

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What is the bst way to clean infants toys after they have been sick?


My baby has RSV and I need to disinfect his toys soon. I know I can throw the stuffed animals in pillow case and wash them but what about all the other stuff?

Put some bleach in a bath tub full of water and dunk them in. The ones with batteries, just give them a wipe down. I understand completely why you want to get those germs out! My nephew had RSV and did breathing treatments and took steroids to get better. I remember him being sick for weeks. Poor thing! I hope your baby gets better soon. You should think about an air purifier like the ones Rainbow has. Those are great.

How to safely clean plastic and electric children's toys?

Carolyn L

I have some old, gently used toys that I used to play with from my attic. I want to use them with the kids I will be working with in First Steps, but I would like to clean them first to get the dust and germs off. What is a safe way to clean them? I will be working with infants and toddlers, so I don't want anything that may harm them. What products should I use to make these items safe and clean? Some are electronic (battery-operated, make noises, etc.) and others are plastic.

For plastic toys I tend to use clorox wipes. If you think that is to strong you can always then wipe them down with a damp cloth or toweling. You'll want to keep liquid away from any speaker if the toy has one. You either clean carefully around it or disassemble the toy (if possible) and clean the outer shell.

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