Saturday, August 10, 2013

Any tips for traveling with a buddy pass on Frontier Airlines?

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I plan on traveling with buddy passes for my daughter and I. I will also have an infant on my lap. (crazy I know, this was my husbands idea!)
I have never used a buddy pass before and would like ANY tips! I plan on traveling on a tuesday or a wednesday from San Diego to Chicago, on frontier airlines.
I am also traveling with kids which makes me a unique, and crazy stand by passenger.
Also... will they enforce the dress code for kids as well?
Thanks for any help!

tip: be zen about it. If you are supposed to make your flights, you will! If not....lots of diapers, wipes, change of clothing, snacks, toys to keep amused...oh, and some for the kid too :)

do check the flight loads! presume you are changing in Denver, so you have to make sure they both look OK (when res says the day before "they are both wide open", you can relax...a little...)

Don't know specifically about Frontier's dress code, but usually they just ask that kids' clothes should be neat, clean, & in good condition (if your daughter is partial to jeans with a hole in the knee, hide them that day)

Just chill, hang by the gate, and listen for your name! and bone up on the timetable, in case your plans do not immediately come to fruition (and don't freak out if that happens--it is part of the deal that sometimes you get on, sometimes you don't, and the gate agent doesn't really have time to solve your problems)

Good luck!

What can cause abnormally fast strength and skill development in infants?


My 10 week old infant has been gaining certain abilities at a very fast rate. He started trying to lift his head the day after he was born. At 3 weeks old he had full control of his head and learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back. At 7.5 weeks he started trying to roll from his back to his stomach. At 8 weeks he started trying to crawl. He can't get his knees under him but he manages to travel across the designated play spot at a very slow pace. He hates tummy time and fights to get out of the position which results in the rolling over and crawling. I try to encourage play with toys because tummy time is good for him but he just screams so he has gotten limited practice. At 10 weeks he can almost sit, has full control of his back, can roll from tummy to back, can almost roll from back to tummy, and is in the process of gaining skills to crawl. He also has a very strong grip and very strong legs. When we are holding him he tries to stand on our laps. If he is laying down and holding our hands, if we try to pull our hands away, instead of him letting go he holds on and his whole body comes up with us.
What causes this abnormal amount of strength and skill development?
How can I get him to have more tummy time without screaming his head off?
Is this considered a birth defect?
This is not me thinking my child is special or trying to brag. Some of the stuff he's doing typically doesn't occur till 5 months or later. I'm asking what can cause this and if it's reason for concern.
Then why did the doctor say he's very strong for his age? He also said it was abnormal for him to have full control of his head. I've also had other parents saying it's weird and how their kids couldn't do this. He can crawl it's just very slow and not up on hands and knees. I read that kids don't roll from tummy to back till 5 months and back to stomach even later and he did it at 3 weeks and gets 3/4 over from back to tummy. So I wanted to know if he can hurt himself or if there is something wrong.

Your baby is on a normal development track. Being "almost" able to do something is not the same as doing it. He does not have full control of his back if he can not sit unsupported. Babies try to make the motions of crawling often for months before actually being able to do so. Rolling over can easily occur early depending on the muscles he is using to accomplish the task. I am not trying to minimize your son's performance, but from a developmental standpoint he is not so advanced that you have need to worry about something being wrong. Just let him develop at his own pace.

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I am starting an in-home daycare in Jan 2011, but interviewing parents now. Should I make them pay a deposit?

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Hailey B

My daycare opens Jan 3rd. But I am beginning to interview now and I have been flooded with calls. I am starting to interview on Monday if the parents decide to go with me should I make them put down a deposit to hold their child's spot so I know they are serious? If so how much per child and should I put it towards their first week of care or should i keep it and put it towards daycare odds and ends? My full-time rates are as follows. Infant (6wks-12months)- $110/week, Toddler (12months-2years)- $115/week, Preschool (2-5years) $120/week, School aged (5-12years)- $100/week Hope this info helps!!!

Usually you can charge a "Materials Fee" - many private schools do this as well as daycares. It pays for arts and crafts supplies, books, even toys.

Consider the fact though that you aren't up and running yet though - so there's nothing the parents can even see. It might be important to have a little good faith with them like they're having with you.

what is on my babys skin?


everything happend since last october in 2011 he stardee with what looked like two bites realy close together than more starded popin out thats when i new it wasnt a mosquito or something normal ther first bump seemed hot to the touch and the skin around it got realy hard later oh and they are itchy he cryes of how ichy they got so me and my hubby figured it was bed bugs we cleaned my room out and got rid of the bed wich was about a year old when we realyzed if it was bed bugs it would of bit him or me but nothing not even one on me or him and this is weird since my son sleeps with us a month passes and they get worse we took him to the doctor and he was like is aunt bites we go home another month same thing exept now there spreading to his cheeks when i take him to the doctor again she says it looks like scabies gives me medicine one weeks worth he starts clearing up and stops scraching but as soon as the medicine ends they come back hes itching again same deal proscrived it again gone than return bumps when she tells me too much medicine is bad for him so proscives something less harsh but hes back to itchy bumps they are on his legs his arms his back on his scalp and on his cheeks i feel so bad his skin is full of bums and since he scraches he is scaring realy bad i cut his nails and put ointment on him but he still maneges to take out blood i dono what to do any more i reserched like crazy but i dont know what it can be and me and my hubby still nothing on us im so woried he has been itchy for a 6 months now and it must be horrible for him plz most points to anyone who can open my eyes to something....anything

If the treatments aren't working, he could have an allergy to something in the house or in his diet. Ask your pediatrician to do a blood test for common food and environmental allergies. It's the least uncomfortable method for infants, especially ones who are already spotty and rashy.

While you wait for his test and results, try switching to dye and perfume free laundry soaps and wash everything that touches his skin in hot water and the new soap (even his plushy toys!). If you have carpeting, toss a clean sheet over where he plays so he doesn't touch it (lots of nasty things in carpeting that can cause rashes), and if you have small rugs he touches, wash them in the machine too. If you have pets, keep them out of his sleeping room, and keep them away from his skin as much as you can. This should remove any allergens that he's rolling around in. As for food allergies, it's best to just wait for the test results since it's hard to do a "test to see" elimination diet with an infant.

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How to babysit twin two year olds and an infant?

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This weekend, I will be babysitting twin two year old girls and a baby girl (4 months ish). I have babysat for just the twins before and did well, but I need advice on how to take care of all of them at once, and on what to do whit the infant. Thanks!

Hello! I've been babysitting for 4.5 years for children exactly those ages! The tough part of the job will be if the baby cries, which, at 4 months she probably will. Here are a few main causes of crying in infants:
-needs to be burped
-needs diaper change
-too hot or cold
-too much noise and stimulation
-not enough stimulation
-separation anxiety (even babies that young can miss their mothers although that typically starts closer to 6 months)

So obviously, you are going to have to try various things to stop the crying.s Start by checking the diaper and try giving her a bottle. Even if it's not the exact time the mom said to feed her, she may be hungry anyway. Pat her gently on the back to burp her and wait for a burp. Try to figure out if she could be uncomfortable with her clothing or the temperature. If it's noisy, take her to a quiet place. If nothing is going on, try to get her interested in toys and give her some tummy time. Try putting her in a bouncer or baby swing. A white noise machine can work wonders. Try rocking her and holding her in various ways to see what works. Carry her and walk around, GENTLY bouncing your heels. Make shushing sounds, talk quietly, or sing soothing songs. Remember, it probably isn't your fault she is crying and she isn't doing it on purpose. Be patient and do not get frustrated! Do not shake her at all as that could lead to Brain damage or even death. If you grow frustrated, set her in her crib and step away for five minutes, it's okay of she cries for a few minutes. If you need to, call her mom and ask ahead of times what she does to soothe the baby. Meanwhile, let the toddlers play on their own just make sure that you can see them at all times!

Before the mom leaves, ask her what the babies schedule is. Here are a few questions to ask:
-how to prepare bottle
-when baby gets bottle
-how to change diaper (but you probably already know)
-how to put her to bed/naps
-when bed/nap is
-how to calm baby
-if she has a pacifier or anything to help calm her down

And anything else you can think of! Try to come with a few coloring books or old toys for the toddlers so that they don't get bored because sometimes dealing with the baby may take up a lot of the time. Some babies are naturally independent and happy though so you may not have a problem! If you babysat the twins before, you already know what to do with them so they will be easy! Have fun, hope I helped!

What are the benefits from masturbating?


Is masturbating good for your health?
What are the disadvantages of masturbating?
Is it good to use a toy to masturbate such as the Fleshlight.
When i grow up and have my own kids (son and daughter), is it a good idea to buy then a fleshlight toy to masturbate with when they are at their teens?
Is it a good idea to buy them sex dolls?
Is it a good idea to buy them porn movies as they will have internet access and watch it over the internet?

Read on:
MASTURBATION is the deliberate stimulation of one's own genitals to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure. It is done at least occasionally by a majority of both men and women. In one recent national study, 95 percent of men and 89 percent of women reported having masturbated. It is the first overt sexual act for the majority of men and women, although more women than men engage in sexual intercourse before they ever masturbate. Most men who masturbate tend to do so more often than women, and they are more likely to report always or usually experiencing orgasm when they masturbate (80 percent to 60 percent respectively). It is the second most common sexual behaviour (coitus being first), even for those who have a regular sexual partner.
Most children - often from the time they are infants onward - find the occasional stimulation of their genitals sensually pleasing, but do not come to understand this behaviour as "sexual" until late childhood or adolescence. During adolescence, the percentage of both sexes who report masturbating increases dramatically, especially for males. Most people continue to masturbate in adulthood, and many do so throughout their lives.
The fact that this important source of sexual pleasure is still regarded by some with guilt and anxiety is partly due to ignorance of the fact that masturbation is not harmful. In addition, many of us have received negative messages about masturbation from our parents or have even been punished when caught masturbating as children. The cumulative effect of these influences is usually confusion and guilt that is often difficult to sort out. About the only time masturbation can be harmful is when it becomes compulsive. Compulsive masturbation, like all other compulsive behaviours, is a sign of an emotional problem and needs to be addressed by a mental health specialist.
So, contrary to ancient and popular beliefs, masturbation does not lead to unbridled lust, does not make you blind or deaf, give you the flu, drive you crazy, grow hair on your hand, and make you stutter, or kill you.
Masturbation is a natural and harmless expression of sexuality in both men and women and a perfectly good way to experience sexual pleasure. In fact, some experts argue that masturbation improves sexual health by increasing an individual's understanding of his or her own body and of what is erotically pleasing, building self-confidence and fostering self-acceptance. This knowledge can then be carried forth to make for a more satisfying sexual relationship with one's partner, both through each partner's comfort with mutual masturbation, and because of the ability to tell each other what is most pleasing. It is a good idea for a couple to discuss their attitudes about masturbation and to calm any insecurity a partner may have if the other should sometimes favour masturbation over sexual intercourse. In some relationships, masturbation may be mutually acceptable. Done alone or in the presence of a partner, the act can be pleasing and add to mutual intimacy if it is not experienced as a rejection.
(Tips to remember: It is better if you wear a condom to avoid spilling of seminal fluid on the floor or other areas)

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Can angle of back seat be lowered to accommodate the correct level of a baby car seat?

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Thanks in advance

I haven't heard of back seats being able to adjust, but you can used up rolled up towels or a cut up pool noodle to make the car seat more reclined. Sometimes, infant seat bases can have an adjustment that is made in with it. I know if it is a Graco Base, you just turn the knob to get it more reclined or less reclined.

If you are unable to get the infant seat to the correct angle, then you need to buy a different car seat. Not all car seats fit vehicles. At Toys R Us, sometimes they let you test the display model in your car to make sure it fits. I was surprised to discover that Toys R Us can be cheaper than Walmart and Target. Just remember that the safest car seat is the one that fits your vehicle, your child, and is used correctly each and every time.

I am a teacher at a daycare center for infants ( 6 weeks to a year). I need ideas for some activities for them?

debbie m

I am a teacher at a daycare center for infants ( 6 weeks to a year). I need ideas for some activities for them to do. I also need to know if it fine or gross motor skills. Also are there certain toys they should be playing with. Please help I am new at this. Thank you

Non toxic fingerpaints are always a good idea for little kids. Also fill some old food tubs with dry pasta or lentils and seal them with masking tape. The children will love shaking and rolling them about. Things of bright colours are good as well. Get a paddling pool fill it with ball pit balls and maybe hide a few soft toys in there. They'll love finding the toys and the bright colours are good simulation for them.

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What are good Christmas presents for new borns and 4 year old girls?

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 on Five Toys For Infants Between 0-6 Months Old
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My little cousins are 4 and the other is like 3 months.What are good gifts for them?

for the 4 year old you could get her some dress up stuff, princess stuff. That would be a big hit. (my daughter is 5 and loves them)
For the infant, I would get her some little blocks or something like that. Get some teethers. You can look at the toys themselves and they have recomended ages on them like 0-6 months etc. You could get her some bath toys, I am sure that would go over big. But it doesn't really matter, she won't know the difference one way or another. You could get a bag of diapers for her or some clothes. Something useful or practical.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas!

What are the changes in the baby 0-6 months?


newborn & baby
changes of the perimeter of the head
changes of the weight
and all the similar things

Infants cannot be "spoiled" if they are held too much. Babies need constant, loving and tender touches to build self-confidence, trust and communication. Loving touches like holding, cradling, hugs, kisses and gentle tickles are important to a baby’s development.

Talk to your baby a lot. Talk in complete sentences – even as you carry out your daily routine. Tell him about the weather or what you’re doing at the moment. Talk and describe things to him as you get dressed, drive or go shopping. When you talk, he learns the rhythms of language and words and the sound of your voice.

It’s never too early to begin reading to your baby. Starting when she is a newborn, make reading an everyday experience. Read simple children’s stories or make up a story as you look at a picture book. If you are reading a book or newspaper, read it aloud so your baby can begin to hear the rhythm and pattern of language.

A baby’s vision is the first thing to develop. Give her lots of things to look at. Safely hang things above her crib such as paper plates - draw black and white patterns as well primary colors like red, yellow and blue on the plates. Hold an object 10 to 12 inches from her face and slowly move it back and forth. As she tries to follow your movement, she will build eye coordination and neck muscles.

Every time you change a diaper, sing a song or talk to baby. Gently tickle his tummy and feet, make bike-riding motions with his legs. Make eye contact and recite nursery rhymes or make up silly songs. Make the most of diaper changing – your baby is a captive audience!

Make sure your baby has "noisy" toys so she can hear different sounds. Make a rattle by putting a few beans in a tightly sealed plastic container. Securely sew small bells to her socks, booties or shoes. Always stay close and play with your baby when she uses toys to make sure she doesn’t remove or swallow small parts.

Play "Peek-a-Boo" and "This Little Piggy" for as long as your baby laughs and enjoys the games. When he turns his head away, he’s had enough for now. Give him time to rest before the next play. For "This Little Piggy," gently wiggle each toe, starting with the big toe, as you say each line of the rhyme: "This little piggy went to market; this little piggy stayed home; this little piggy had roast beef; this little piggy had none; and this little piggy cried ‘wee, wee, wee’ all the way home!"

Make sounds that your baby can imitate. Repeat them and encourage her to make the sounds like you do.

Use bath time for learning fun. For small babies, float brightly colored sponges in the water. Cut new new household sponges in the shape of fish. Make up silly songs about the bath tub fish.

When taking baby outside for a walk, talk about what you see. Describe the green grass, sounds of birds, texture of bark and everything you can see, hear, touch or smell.

Smile at your baby as much as you can. Smiling at him will teach him to smile in return and sends a positive, approving message. Approval can also come from gentle hugs and pats.

When your baby makes noises at you, treat them as conversation. Talk back. Your response will help teach your baby how to relate to other people and starts to teach the basics of conversation.

Repeat, repeat and repeat again. Repetition helps all babies and toddlers form a strong foundation for learning and good behavior. Don’t feel you always have to have a new story, new song or new activity. Children learn from repeated experiences.

Help your baby learn from gently experiencing different textures and temperatures. Guide baby’s hand to feel a soft, furry plush toy; hard, smooth plastic; cold ice; warm toast or rough carpet. It’s important to describe what baby is feeling as she touches. Be careful that textures or temperatures are clean and safe and won’t hurt little hands.

Babies can be fascinated by mirrors. Hold your baby close to a mirror so he can see himself. Point out his eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Play pat-a-cake or other games so he can watch himself in action.

Help your baby’s physical activity through gentle pulls and pushes. Place your hand on the bottoms of baby’s feet so he can push against them. Gently bicycle his legs and move his arms. Clap his hands or move his feet to the beat of different kinds of music.

It is never too early for a baby to experience all kinds of music. Starting when she’s newborn, let your baby hear music every day. Music from other world cultures as well as classical, jazz and popular music can come from the radio, tape or CD player, live performances or just you singing or humming. Make sure music is not too loud for little ears.

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Should i be worried about my 16 month old?

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My daughter is 16 months old and says mama, dada, dowa (dora), bah pah (backpack) , mahp (map), cup (tup), and ipah(diaper). And that's it. She understands almost evrything that you tell her and points at things; ie nose, mama's face, pretty eyes.. so on and so forth but most of the time she doesn't seem to want to talk, should i be worried about this?

I read at a parenting website that most gilrs her age should say about 70 words and understand over a hundred.

What parenting website would that be? That's insane!

American Academy of Pediatrics
By the end of two years:

* Pays increasing attention to speech
* Responds to simple verbal requests
* Responds to "no"
* Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for "no"
* Babbles with inflection
* Says "dada" and "mama"
* Uses exclamations, such as "Oh-oh!"
* Tries to imitate words

From the National Institutes of Health
How Do I Know If My Child Is Reaching the Milestones?

Here is a checklist that you can follow to determine if your child's speech and language skills are developing on schedule. You should talk to your child's doctor about anything that is checked "no."
12 - 17 months Yes No
Attends to a book or toy for about two minutes.
Follows simple directions accompanied by gestures.
Answers simple questions nonverbally.
Points to objects, pictures, and family members.
Says two to three words to label a person or object (pronunciation may not be clear).
Tries to imitate simple words.
12 to 18 months

* babbles - sounds like sentences
* understands simple questions/statements e.g.. "where is your nose?", "give me"
* says words (not clearly)
* nods "yes" and shakes head for "no"
* enjoys rhythm and likes to "dance" to music

warning signs

* does your child not talk at all?
* is your child sociable?
Between one and two

* Understands "no"
* Uses 10 to 20 words, including names
* Combines two words such as "daddy bye-bye"
* Waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake
* Makes the "sounds" of familiar animals
* Gives a toy when asked
* Uses words such as "more" to make wants known
* Points to his or her toes, eyes, and nose
* Brings object from another room when asked
By 12 to 15 months

Children this age should have a wide range of speech sounds in their babbling and at least one or more true words (not including "mama" and "dada"). Nouns usually come first, like "baby" and "ball." Your child should also be able to understand and follow single directions ("Please give me the toy," for example).
From 18 to 24 months

Children should have a vocabulary of about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more partial words by the time they turn 2. By age 2, kids should be learning to combine two words, such as "baby crying" or "Daddy big." A 2-year-old should also be able to follow two-step commands (such as "Please pick up the toy and bring me your cup").
By the end of 18 months, your child may:

* Point to an object or picture when it's named
* Recognize names of familiar people, objects and body parts
* Follow simple directions, such as "Throw me the ball"
* Say up to 20 words

why do children in daycare talk and potty train faster than children who are raised at home?


All children are different. However, in daycare the children are almost forced to get to the next step. Sometimes children at home can babble, point, etc and a parent will still know what they want and give it to them. At daycare, or with other children they are forced to use their words in order to communicate and be understood. Children who are developmentally delayed are often put in a group of their peers(despite not having reached certain milestones), b/c they are forced to try harder to "compete" amongst these peers. I work in a daycare and we have a little boy 18 months that is developmentally at a much younger age. He was in the infant room for quite awhile, but he was not being challenged to be more physical(crawling, pulling to stand, etc), b/c the other children do not do that either. He does not need to pull to stand to get toys, b/c they are all at ground level shelves. The next room would encourage pulling to stand if he wanted something, as the shelves are higher.

Potty training can sometimes be more consistent at a daycare. We are in the same place all day, no need to grocery shop, clean the house, clothes shop, etc. We can set children on a very strict routine of when they are sitting on the potty. A daycare can have a child sitting on a potty to try and go every 2-3 hours if they chose. They also have their peers for examples. Children want what others have, so if Billy has spider-man underpants, and Danny sees and wants them, he may be willing to go on the potty like Billy. Or if everyone in the room is using the potty, little Hannah may feel left out if she is still in diaper, and will want to be a big girl like her friends, so she will be more willing to try.

However, with all that said, all children are different. Some children are great talkers at 18 months, while other find their voice at 2. Some kids potty train at 2 years old and others are not ready until they are three.

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

How do I train my boxer puppy not to bite?

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 on SuperStock - Baby boy (15-18 months) standing beside toys, portrait
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My 8 weeks old boxer puppy is very playful, but we don't want her to think it's okay to bite us. We are having a difficult time getting her to understand. I know we shouldn't expect results overnight, but NOTHING phases her. We've tried "yelping" when she bites too hard, giving her toys to chew instead of our hands, walking away and ignoring her when she bites...she just follows us, climbs all over us, and continues to bite. Any suggestions?

There are two main reasons your puppy is biting.
First reason is that he may be teething, (or he may be teething in the near future) which means that all of his puppy teeth need to come out for his new ones to grow. Provide plenty of toys so he doesn't use your hands or other items which may be of importance to you. You might find some teeth in the toys or in his food at that stage.
Another thing is that although you need to stop your puppy from biting if the habit continues, it's pretty normal at this point. You know how infant babies like to touch everything and see how it feels? Well dogs do this with their mouth because they don't have fingers and hands.

A way to stop this mouthing is pretty simple. Do not hit your puppy, as that is just making him scared of you and a frightened dog makes a nervous-aggressive dog.
Get some frozen butter (frozen because it makes less of a mess) and rub it all over your hands. Your puppy will lick the butter instead of biting and will learn to treat human skin differently than his chew toys.

Also, just stand up and ignore him for about two-three minutes immediately after he bites. Don't make eye-contact or give him any attention until he calms down. Then you may play with him again. Repeat this until the habit goes away.

Good luck, and have fun with your new puppy!

Any tips for traveling with a buddy pass on Frontier Airlines?


I plan on traveling with buddy passes for my daughter and I. I will also have an infant on my lap. (crazy I know, this was my husbands idea!)
I have never used a buddy pass before and would like ANY tips! I plan on traveling on a tuesday or a wednesday from San Diego to Chicago, on frontier airlines.
I am also traveling with kids which makes me a unique, and crazy stand by passenger.
Also... will they enforce the dress code for kids as well?
Thanks for any help!

tip: be zen about it. If you are supposed to make your flights, you will! If not....lots of diapers, wipes, change of clothing, snacks, toys to keep amused...oh, and some for the kid too :)

do check the flight loads! presume you are changing in Denver, so you have to make sure they both look OK (when res says the day before "they are both wide open", you can relax...a little...)

Don't know specifically about Frontier's dress code, but usually they just ask that kids' clothes should be neat, clean, & in good condition (if your daughter is partial to jeans with a hole in the knee, hide them that day)

Just chill, hang by the gate, and listen for your name! and bone up on the timetable, in case your plans do not immediately come to fruition (and don't freak out if that happens--it is part of the deal that sometimes you get on, sometimes you don't, and the gate agent doesn't really have time to solve your problems)

Good luck!

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Keep getting denied a position at Target?

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I've applied to Target 3 times since 2011. Each time I apply (online) they send me an email within the next few days stating "Thank you for taking the time to apply with us. We are unable to offer you a position at this time, but we do appreciate your interest in Target." I know they're hiring in my city because other people apply and get an interview, then get offered the job. For some reason I can't get an interview. I have experience. I've worked as a cashier before at Walmart, could this be the issue, since both companies are in competition? Or could it be the assessment questions? Also, I get the same response/emails from Babies R US/Toys R US, whose always hiring. What could the issue be?

I think it's the assessment questions. I've applied at Target and Toys R Us twice and I've also received those emails each time. I thought it was because I don't have experience besides an internship that they were turning me down but you've gotten the same emails and you have worked at Walmart so it must be the questions.

Have you ever helped another person or family at Christmas time?

B 7- Bingo

Wow... it takes a really sad person to give thumbs down to people doing good things for others.

Yes... for the last 30 odd years !! Some of my favorites -

1990 - Was in port, Philippines and 20 of us from the ship visited an orphanage and brought toys, books, and Christmas Dinner (plus $$ to feed them for another 3 months)... I wanted to adopted 1/2 the kids !!

1995 - Had all the "homeless" in my Division (guys who lived on the ship and had no local family) over to our house for Dinner and Gifts. Also got 4 guys to "take-the-duty" for another guy who had JUST had a baby, but was on the duty-roster... he really needed to be home.

2000 - Did the same thing for a bunch of "young" students at Stanford while I was teaching and finishing my PhD

2004-2011 - Donate Christmas Eve day to our local food-bank / shelter... cook for the 20 families who show up for Supper, give gifts to the little kids, hire some of the guys for work at our ranch later. We also had my little brother go to the local Navy Airbase and bring 5 people up to our ranch for Christmas Eve and Day - "Adopt a Sailor" program.

GIVING is more rewarding... that said "Santa, I REALLY want that used tree-trimming bucket truck!!"

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First Time Mom & I Need Help On Baby Items/etc..?

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 on Toys that 3-6 Month Old Babies Love
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This might look a tad bit long but please help me out with at least a few!!!

So I'll be finding out the gender of my baby in about a week or so & soon I need to start shopping/collecting items for my baby. I am starting to get nervous about a few things and as a first time mom I would really appreciate some help from other parents who have kids.

PLEASE help me out if you can.

Clothing --> do I need to get a lot of 0-3 months? or should I get a few and just focus on stocking up on 3-6 mnths? I know people keep telling me that the baby will grow fast.
-->What are some 'much needed' clothing items (clothes that make life a bit easier for example: clothes that you don't have to struggle putting over their head / baby gowns// etc..)

Shoes--> Do I need them? I heard baby's hate having shoes on or that they aren't needed til they walk

Items in general such as cribs, stroller, etc---> What is NEEDED exactly? Like I know that I can live without a Diaper Genie.. but a Crib is a must! So what all do I actually need & what are the things I should avoid wasting money on?

Toys--> Should I start buying toys for the baby already? How soon do they take interest and chew on the toys?

***I have a washer/dryer so I can always wash clothes (that means I probably don't need too many)
***Husband and I are financially stable so we're not worried about the cost of things if our baby needs it.

If you have any extra advice/info -moms/dads- I'd appreciate it!!! THANKS!

Clothes:Don't even bother with 'newborn',go straight tp 0-3 months. Get plenty of vests and stick to gowns and babygrows, they are easier to handle when it comes to changing times. Babygroes are the best option, gowns tend to let too much air in and newborns need to be kept as warm as possible. Get beanies and socks, you'll be using the socks for his/her hands for a while as newborns tend to scratch themselves. Get 6-12 pairs of 3-6 months clothes.It's just enough to cover you for a few days when baby starts growing out of his 0-3 months, mine is 2 months old and already wearing his 3-6 months clothes.
Skip shoes entirely. It's perfectly useless for a child that young. You can get one or two pairs when baby is around 6 months and then you'll only be using them for when you go someplace nice and you want him to look cute.
Must haves: You will need a stoler, carseat and carrycot. Get one of those strap on carriers that the mother wears and the baby rests on her chest, we have 3 and they are SO comfortable(you can use them at around 2 months) A camping cot is very convenient, though not utterly necissary.It's great to have around when visiting friends or keeping next to your bed when the tot is sick. Baby monitors, don't be cheap because the cheap ones tend to give off so much static that you can hardly hear the baby over it.
Get a comfortable changing station, even if you convert an old dresser into one. It needs to be high enough as to not hurt your back from bending over, It's a bonus if it has drawers to keep the tot's clothes close by, it needs a changing pillow(not sure what the correct term is) and get a bin that seals propperly to keep the daiper's smell locked in.
Get a baby bath and stick to nonscented products for the fist 3 months. travel changing mats are great and very cheap. Baby bags, get at least 2, one for the car and a spare.
If you aren't breastfeeding, get a bottle warmer. I know it's not a MUST have, but it saves you plenty of time running up and down to the kitchen with a screaming infant. If you are breastfeeding, get a breastfeeding pillow, or you might have backaches from bending over all the time when breast feeding. And get a baby medi kit, it has your themometer, the suction to suck up the boogies, Measuring spoons for medicine etc.
Toys: Don't go too big. Just get a rattle or two and something that makes noise and lights. They only start being interested in shiny, noisy things from around 2 months and can't hold anything until 4 months. Besides, plenty of friends will bring stuffed toys so you won't even have to bother buying any in the begining.

Having first baby, what should i buy?


I know that sounds dumb, but seriously what are some things to buy for a baby.

You will need to buy:

An infant carseat

A stroller

Bottles (2oz or 4oz depending on how much the baby eats)

Bottle brushes

Diaper bag

Diapers (size Newborns, size 1's maybe size 2's)


Either a bassinet or a crib (some people also use a pack n play)

A kit with a nasal aspirator, nail cutter, nail files, thermometer, hair brush and a teether

Baby body wash, lotion and baby powder

Baby towels and wash clothes


Clothes (size newborn, 0-3 months and 3-6 months), baby shoes, socks and mittens

Baby blankets

A bouncer chair

Anything that babies can play with (toys)

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

where can someone who is opening a daycare get donations from?

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 on Whoozit Musical Mobile Manhatten Baby Crib Toy | eBay
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My friend is opening a daycare and needs help getting infant and toddler stuff for the center. She needs things like cribs,toys,furniture, and anything else that can be helped with.

Maybe post an ad on Craig's list seeking donations. Or, get a loan from a bank and buy used stuff.
Or, she could ask around at existing day care centers to see if one of them wants to sell their established business and buy the supplies/business with a loan and payments.

Relying on donations to open a business is risky. If she doesn't have enough money to get the essential supplies to open she may want to wait until she has money saved up to open her business. Or get a business partner to front the money.

I need help with room arrangement in my Day Care Center. Can you help?


I work in a Day Care Center. My Center is removing a wall to make my Infant Room large enough for 12 Infants. The children range in age, from four months to 15 months. Can anyone help me with ideas on how to arrange cribs, toy shelves, and high chairs to accomodate all twelve children. I really need help with this. Thank You!

make them space efficiant but so that the kids feel at home u need somewhere for them to play either have a play thingy or take them to the park put the objects in order from age like and ohh ohh make it COLORFULL hope i helped

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Breastfeeding an infant while you have a toddler, any suggestions?

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 on best infant activity toys on Skip Hop Treetop Friends Activity Gym
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I am currently 7 months pregnant and have a 2 year old. I am a little nervous about breastfeeding my infant because my 2 year old is so demanding and cranky at times. Any suggestions on how to breast feed one baby and still take care of a toddler?

you learn :). With my first I always breastfed sitting or side lying with a pillow for support. With my second I quickly learned how to breastfeed with baby in the crook of one arm while chasing my 16 month old ;). Its just something you adapt to. It also helps to have a comlpetly child proof room with toys and an activity set up for your older child so hopefully you can sit to feed your youngest without worry or having to chase. Reading a book to my oldest while nursing my little one also worked out well. Slings are also invaluable. Just make sure you wear them right. Best of luck! I love my two being so close and wouldn't have it any other way.

How to give your baby a well-rounded life right from the start? What should be a part of it?


I've heard all about "Mommy & Me" play-dates, swimming with infants, etc. Basically, I want my future child to have the best childhood I can give them. What should I get them involved in and at what ages? Does anyone have a detailed kid-raising manuscript about their experiences, regrets, etc?

This is from the child's perspective.

I had an absolutely wonderful childhood. The key to this was my beautiful mother who knew just what to do the entire seventeen years of my life. The most important things from my experience:

-Be genuinely interested in your child's life. Develop that confidentiality, almost like you were the big sister and not the mum. This will ensure an honest relationship, and in turn a more loving one.
-FUN! A sense of fun is the most important part of childhood, as it develops a child's imagination. This doesn't mean necessarily buying them lots of toys, it could just mean having an amazing playground in your backyard, letting them climb trees (little scrapes aren't worth saying no), giving them green cordial, anything! Be imaginative.
-Don't put pressure on them to perform from a young age. Always support them in any of their endeavors. But remember, be honest. If you think something's a bad idea, tell them diplomatically.
-Nurture their talents! Your child is an awesome dancer? Put him into ballet classes! Make sure there is one extracurricular activity after school, that your child does at least once a week. This develops a sense of identity in your child, knowing that they are good at something.
-Don't fight with your partner in front of your child. The only thing that would have made my childhood better would be that I never saw my mum and dad fight. It has a really scarring effect, and can make the child feel split in half. If you are experiencing trouble with your partner, make sure you argue only when the child is not around i.e. at school. Always keep a pleasant atmosphere in the house.
-Teach your child to read at a very early age. This is very important.
- Be involved in your child's social life from a young age. Host slumber parties, allow friends to come over and encourage your child to have an outgoing, friendly personality!
-Ultimately, bring your child up with Christian values. That is; be kind to others, nurture your spirituality.
-Keep your child close to nature, don't buy her/him thousands of video games, let the child play and explore in nature. This is really important, with the constant advancement of technology in mind.

Best of luck!

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what is the best gift for an ucle to give his newborn nephew?

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 on First Steps Baby Walker : Early Education - Baby World, Boys Toys
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ronny t

my sister just recently had a baby boy, which by my luck was born on my birthday. my sister was already given all the essentials, such as bottles, formula, ect. and since im the uncle and its a boy i want to be the one to get him the best things. i want to spoil him. what would be the best gift for a newborn boy?

Here are some things I found to be absolutely amazing with a newborn/young infant: (sorry the links aren't clickable, just copy/paste them to see what they are) (I believe these are available at Babies R Us now) OR
I think that's so cool you want to spoil your nephew and be the "cool" uncle. I think you're already on your way. OH-- and as he gets older, and your sister gets more comfortable with being away from him, offer to babysit, spend time with him one on one, or just visit him often. My boys love my husband's brother- he doesn't spend a lot of money on them, but he spends TONS of time with them, and is always willing to go to the park and play in the dirt with them, take them to movies, McDonald's, or the zoo. They worship the ground he walks on, and the world stops when he comes over, simply because he's their favorite toy. :)

Where should I buy gently used infant toys online?


I am a proud new mother of a beautiful baby boy, and I am looking to purchase sencond hand toys at a very good price.

I've looked at e-bay but after shipping there is not much of a discount from store prices.

Any suggestions??

Thank You in advance!!

Anything online is going to have similar shipping cost. the best bet is to go look at second hand infant clothing stores. Try the yellow pages (or
We have one in out town that lets us sell the cloths our children outgrew. We put them on consignment. As they sold, we got half of what they sold for, and we always spent it at the store purchasing more age appropriate toys and cloths that fit them.

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What should I buy my little brother for christmas?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What items can i buy for a newborn that is coming in February now?

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 on Top Toddler Toys: Best & Worst Equipment for Your Baby | Developmental ...
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My babys coming in February 2009. I had an idea to buy things like diapers, formula. wet wipes etc. a little every week, so that by the time the baby is born, i will have a stockpile of things so I wouldnt be spending so much later on.

what can i buy now that will last the next few months (little things not a crib or car seat of course) that will last?

little things 2 buy as u go...girl or boy?

baby kit with thermometer, clippers, hairbrush, comb ,etc--some of these can be bought 2gether or sep

baby monitor
receiving blankets (would only buy a few if u r having a shower)
baby washclothes/towels
avent formula divider cup 4 when u r out and need 2 feed baby; can be switched 2 a snack cup later
if ff bottles
bottle brushes
drying rack
dr brown's formula pitcher--great 2 keep out bubbles instead of shaking
swaddle me, by kiddopotamus, only 10 bucks at babies r us--easier and baby cant kick out
couple thicker blankets
diaper bag
a few sleepers with material suited 2 your area--good 4 baby 2 wear at home if cooler, onesies better if it is warmer in your home
crib sheets
waterproof lap pads (gerber is my pref, carters didn't seem as well made)
waterproof mattress protector
if u will be getting a bassinet and/or play yard u can buy wp pads and sheets 4 them
and 4 crib, check out 'the ultimate crib sheet'
bouncy seat/swing--prices vary greatly and u could get them 2nd hand
boppy--good for feeding either way, holding, baby sitting in, tummy time
boppy covers--cotton ones are cheaper and they fit better
changing table pad and covers
bins or baskets to organize things under table
baby hangers, baby hangers with the clips for outfits
clothes hamper
diaper genie2
small infant toys
teether toys
diaper depot
baby meds--generics are cheaper and just as good--tylenol, mylicon for now
desitin regular, not creamy (more zinc oxide than anything else i can find)
frag/dye free laundry detergent and baby wash
don't buy too much formula in case u need 2 switch :)
play mat with a toy bar, prices vary greatly here too
mirror for baby in car so that u can see them in your rearview
sunshades for car windows
lingerie bag for washing those little baby socks
baby sleep sacks
hand mittens so baby doesn't scratch their face up
hats since it will be cold and babies esp lose a lot of body heat through their head
*not sure where you are, but when you buy up diapers, make sure that wherever you buy them will let you exchange them for a diff size if needed after their return period is up bc it is gonna be a while before you know exactly what size you will need the most of...i bought the huge boxes at babies r us bc per diaper they were the cheapest i could find and i asked and they said it would be ok to exchange and i had too and they let me, walmart will too, but they don't carry the big buying the big boxes of swaddlers, i save a ton! i looked at the grocery store and luvs would be more expensive per diaper if i bought them there, i guess bc they didn't have the big boxes, but i have never seen a big box of those anywhere
if you are having a shower you may get most or all of this stuff at your shower, so if you are having one, i would hold off on things that you wouldn't want duplicates of that you can't return....some things, doesn't matter, you will use them eventually, others, not so good...alll i can think of right now...LOL, sorry for the book, but i hope it gives you some ideas, most aren't necessitites, but are really nice to have..good luck

My four month old infant has very spastic hand movements is this normal?


My four month old daughter has very spastic hand/arm movements like she cant control them. And she was doing very good eating stage one baby food but recently, in the past two weeks or so, she has been having a hard time doing what looks like swallowing. Her tongue just pushes the food out of her mouth. When she concentrates on a toy, she can bring her hands to it but then soon drops it because her arms spaz. Is this normal or should talk to a doctor about possible signs of a tic?

If she is pushing food out with her tongue SHE IS NOT READY FOR SOLIDS. Forcing solids at this stage damages her natural gag reflex. Babies loose the 'tongue thrust reflex' around 4-7 months. This is a natural reflex that all babies have, and will go away on its own.

As for the spasms, she is still young. You can ask the doc for better advice on this.

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Do you look on the back of the package to find out where it was made before buying it? Do you buy made China?

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 on baby-toys
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Fedup Vete

The last question was suppose to be, "Do you buy stuff "Made in China" or do you try to find something else to take the place of it."

How about infant toys? Do you return it if it says China on it?

I look to make sure. Especially if Im giving the toy to a baby or toddler. They seem to chew on everything. Im checking chocolates and candy now too.

What are some good educational toys for a 2 year old girl?


My daughter is going to be two in May. I am wondering what would be some good educational toys for her. I have been looking but most of what I have been seeing is for infants and toys that she would get bored of. She likes things that make noise. Right now she is into drawing and organizing. She likes pushing things around. She is really into baby dolls right now. I got her one and some accessories to go with. I am just wondering what educational. I a curious what your child at this age likes or liked and also what are some toys to avoid? Thanks!

I would recommend anything Leapfrog. A couple that come to mind are the Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set and the Leapfrog Alphabet Explorer. Here is a link to all Leapfrog toys that are appropriate for a 2 year old-

Vtech also makes a toddler laptop. I don't have it but it looks like it got good reviews and it would be educational-
I believe it is for ages 18 months to 3 years.

My son likes his Little People Animal Sounds Farm. I would recommend that highly. Great for learning animal sounds and names and for speech (saying in, out, up, down).

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Monday, August 5, 2013

What kind of things do you add to your baby registry?

best infant toys 6-9 months
 on Baby Gifts 6-9 months | Best Baby gifts for babies 6 7 8 9 months|Safe ...
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I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.

I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.

First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.

Here are some things for your registry

Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer

That is all I can think of for now. Good luck

my baby is a premie but I think she may be teething?


She was born 13 wks early is now 10 1/2 wks old and tonight she won't eat. She's constantly crying, screaming her head off unless I put an ice cold washcloth on it and her gums look like teeth indentions. I didnt think babies started to teeth until they were 6-9 mo. old. Plz help. How can I get her to eat? Make her formula cold?

When a baby begins teething, there is no set pattern on when it will begin, how long it will take and how painful it will be. For one baby cutting a tooth might happen overnight without pain, while another child might have to go through a long, drawn out and painful experience.
You may sometimes visibly see a rise or lump in the gum for several weeks, while sometimes there may be no visible clue at all until the tooth actually appears.The process of teething often follows hereditary patterns, so if the mother and father teethed early or late, your baby may follow the same pattern. On average the first tooth comes in during the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months, as late as a year, or in rare cases even earlier or later.
There are several things that you can try to help ease the pain of teething; some work and some don’t, but most parents agree they’re always worth a try. Teething rings, water filled and chilled rubber teething toys; mom and dads fingers can all provide counter pressure that can sometimes bring relief. Offering your baby a cold bottle of water can also help. If sucking on the bottle bothers your child, offer a cold cup of water. The water can also help replenish your baby’s fluid if they’re drooling a lot or have loose bowel movements.
Cold food has also been found to be helpful by some parents. Chilled applesauce, yogurt and pureed peaches may be more appealing to your baby and also more nutritious than a chilled teething ring.
When nothing else helps, you can also turn to the Infant Tylenol. Before giving your child Infant Tylenol (acetaminophen) always check with your doctor first. Your doctor will tell you if it’s all right and what the proper amount is to give your baby. Baby Orajel and other teething pain medicines that are applied to the gums can also provide some relief. Some parents say the Baby Orajel type products work great, while other parents will say it doesn’t. Also check with your doctor before giving this type of over the counter pain reliever to your baby.
The teething process will come and go just like so many other things with new babies. Keep trying different things until you find what provides the best relief for your child.
Before trying any of the suggestions listed above or any other type of home remedy it is highly recommended that you contact your pediatrician first. You should follow your pediatricians advise first before trying anything mentioned on this site or on any other site. Your child's doctor knows what is best for your child.

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Any suggestions for good toys for young babies?

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 on Top Baby Educational Toys
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Q. I'm a first-time mom and my three month old daughter is just starting to swat at toys on her playmat. We didn't stock up on any toys before she was born because we knew we wouldn't need them right away so now I'd like to get some for her. Also, we're planning on getting an exersaucer in the near future when she can hold herself up a little bit better. Any suggestions including name brands? Thanks for your help!

My baby is 4 months, and he's just now getting big enough for his Rainforest Jumperoo. The activity mat kept him pretty busy for the first couple of months... there's not much they can do except swat things on the activity mat and watch the mobile on the crib at that age. You might buy more toys for the activity mat (I bought the Tiny Love windchimes for my baby to kick, he loves those). Also, board books (like Goodnight Moon) are great. Until they are older, babies really need to interact with their parents, so just pointing things out and talking to her about them is enough entertainment.

By the way, I saw someone suggested the Baby Einstein videos... I would not suggest those. Research has shown that they actually delay language development.
"Despite marketing claims, parents who want to give their infants a boost in learning language probably should limit the amount of time they expose their children to DVDs and videos such as "Baby Einstein" and "Brainy Baby."

Rather than helping babies, the over-use of such productions actually may slow down infants eight to 16 months of age when it comes to acquiring vocabulary, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute.

The scientists found that for every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them."

What are some good craft projects for infants?


I am a infant teacher at a daycare and I do different art projects with them weekly, but I am running out of ideas. Does anyone have any ideas? There from age 6 weeks to 12 months, but my oldest is 10 months.

Are you serious? This is a real title and you went to school to learn this?

Babies should not be doing anything but playing with baby certified toys.

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What are some things to think about before having a baby?

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 on Babble's Best Bath Toys for Kids
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I'm trying to make a list of "problems" and "solutions" - just some things to think about before we have a baby to make sure we are as prepared as we can be. Not big things like financials, more like obstacles along the way.

Such as, traveling by plane with a baby, going grocery shopping with a baby, how to find a baby sitter while traveling etc etc.

Take the baby with you. My guys are 7 months old I've never had a baby sitter.

You need 2 people. One makes money, one watches the child. The one who watches the child spends all day with the child. They can be mom, dad, a nanny, a daycare provider, grandma whoever. The one who makes money preferably is not the same one, and not the government either.

My guys are easy. We don't take planes, we drive. I put the infant seats on the grocery cart. They like it and will sit back for hours just babbling and smiling. There are babysitters from Craig's list, but I don't use them. When we visit grandparents I might take off for awhile leaving them with grandma. Otherwise their dad watches them, but those outtings are rare. I like bringing my little sidekicks with me places.

I don't find it that difficult, except that we are short 1 income, so finances are tight. The world is made for babies.

We followed an eat-play-sleep schedule so that "jump up at every cry" thing was not true for us. That said, I spent 11 hours a day breastfeeding alone. Then another 4+ doing diaper changes etc. And that is all broken up time. I got 15m out of every 2h to get things done, and 3h of sleep per 24 hours.

By 9 weeks they slept 8 hours straight at night, and now at 7 months they sleep 11 hours straight and take 3 hours of naps during the day, so lots of time for sleep / housework / play. And they like shopping and car rides and stroller rides. We have taken them to restaurants, they just gawk at everything. Today we went to take the car to the shop. We had to wait about 2 hours and they just played with a couple of toys and had bottles in their car seats / stroller.

Should i be worried about my 16 month old?


My daughter is 16 months old and says mama, dada, dowa (dora), bah pah (backpack) , mahp (map), cup (tup), and ipah(diaper). And that's it. She understands almost evrything that you tell her and points at things; ie nose, mama's face, pretty eyes.. so on and so forth but most of the time she doesn't seem to want to talk, should i be worried about this?

I read at a parenting website that most gilrs her age should say about 70 words and understand over a hundred.

What parenting website would that be? That's insane!

American Academy of Pediatrics
By the end of two years:

* Pays increasing attention to speech
* Responds to simple verbal requests
* Responds to "no"
* Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for "no"
* Babbles with inflection
* Says "dada" and "mama"
* Uses exclamations, such as "Oh-oh!"
* Tries to imitate words

From the National Institutes of Health
How Do I Know If My Child Is Reaching the Milestones?

Here is a checklist that you can follow to determine if your child's speech and language skills are developing on schedule. You should talk to your child's doctor about anything that is checked "no."
12 - 17 months Yes No
Attends to a book or toy for about two minutes.
Follows simple directions accompanied by gestures.
Answers simple questions nonverbally.
Points to objects, pictures, and family members.
Says two to three words to label a person or object (pronunciation may not be clear).
Tries to imitate simple words.
12 to 18 months

* babbles - sounds like sentences
* understands simple questions/statements e.g.. "where is your nose?", "give me"
* says words (not clearly)
* nods "yes" and shakes head for "no"
* enjoys rhythm and likes to "dance" to music

warning signs

* does your child not talk at all?
* is your child sociable?
Between one and two

* Understands "no"
* Uses 10 to 20 words, including names
* Combines two words such as "daddy bye-bye"
* Waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake
* Makes the "sounds" of familiar animals
* Gives a toy when asked
* Uses words such as "more" to make wants known
* Points to his or her toes, eyes, and nose
* Brings object from another room when asked
By 12 to 15 months

Children this age should have a wide range of speech sounds in their babbling and at least one or more true words (not including "mama" and "dada"). Nouns usually come first, like "baby" and "ball." Your child should also be able to understand and follow single directions ("Please give me the toy," for example).
From 18 to 24 months

Children should have a vocabulary of about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more partial words by the time they turn 2. By age 2, kids should be learning to combine two words, such as "baby crying" or "Daddy big." A 2-year-old should also be able to follow two-step commands (such as "Please pick up the toy and bring me your cup").
By the end of 18 months, your child may:

* Point to an object or picture when it's named
* Recognize names of familiar people, objects and body parts
* Follow simple directions, such as "Throw me the ball"
* Say up to 20 words

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