best babies toys 2010 image
Dorothy K.
I think I would have to say it is knowing that my best friend's newborn baby boy got to go home from the NICU!
You kinda sorta just changed my views on the best thing. :) It was my new camera and expensive perfumes. Now,I'm sure it's my little brother is having so much fun with his toys and our new kitten and that makes me happy. We haven't fought all day. And we usually constantly fight. And my family's on the way. And you made me realize it because you said it was your best friend's baby and that made me think. Thanks!
You kinda sorta just changed my views on the best thing. :) It was my new camera and expensive perfumes. Now,I'm sure it's my little brother is having so much fun with his toys and our new kitten and that makes me happy. We haven't fought all day. And we usually constantly fight. And my family's on the way. And you made me realize it because you said it was your best friend's baby and that made me think. Thanks!
How soon after your baby began to pull up did he learn to walk?
and so it
My baby has begun to pull up on the furniture but he doesn't seem to be interested in walking or cruising (holding on to furniture). He has a push walker: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://toyxplosion.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Vtech-Sit-to-Stand-Learning-Walker.jpg&imgrefurl=http://toyxplosion.com/2010/12/vtech-sit-to-stand-learning-walker-on-sale/&usg=__bgV9e-n-eoRAnIcVfxbISoYwvAY=&h=316&w=228&sz=21&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=2tDV76_cgcIgIM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=92&ei=EvVaTcePKYSmsQO8_82NCg&prev=/images%3Fq%3DVTech%2BSit-to-Stand%2BLearning%2BWalker.%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ACGW%26biw%3D1242%26bih%3D569%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=463&oei=EvVaTcePKYSmsQO8_82NCg&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=76&ty=78
but he doesn't know how to use it.
Moms, tell me your experience with walking. Anything I can do to encourage him to walk?
for my now 3 year old son he was around 6-7 months when he started scooting around, about 7-8 months before he started crawling,8-10 months before he started pulling himself up 11-12 months before he started cruising around, and then he didn't start to turning lose and trying to walk until he was over 12 months. so he was sort of slow at all of it, of course i didn't think so until my baby who is now only 9 months came along and started learning it all. he started scooting around at around 4-5 months, has been crawling since he was 5 months, started pulling himself up around 6-7 months, and has been cruising around the furniture ever since he turned 8 months. he was 9 months old on the 7th of Feb. and in i'd say the past week we have seen him actually turn lose of the furniture and just stand freely on his own for quite a while before realizing what he was doing and grabbing a hold of something again.. the reason i went back all the way to the crawling even though you just asked about the pulling up and walking is to explain that it was just the difference in kids, i do the same exact things with my 9 month old that i did with my now 3 year old, they just developed and learned to do these things differently, in their own time. the push toys are great to help them, my 3 year old had them and loved them, my 9 month old has the same ones and never touches them, he just seems to like doing it on his own. so, we sit in the floor and just try to help him, my husband will sit a little bit away from me holdling his little hands as he is standing, and i try to coax him over to me by holding out a toy or something that he loves, and it seems to be working, because he is actually letting go and just standing there for a while on his own then when he tries to step he realizes daddy isn't holding to his hands anymore and he either grabs for him or sits down. i think he will soon get brave enough to try to come to me. this is what i would recommend trying. but, again like i said, each kid is different, and he will get it in his time. just be patient and work with him.
for my now 3 year old son he was around 6-7 months when he started scooting around, about 7-8 months before he started crawling,8-10 months before he started pulling himself up 11-12 months before he started cruising around, and then he didn't start to turning lose and trying to walk until he was over 12 months. so he was sort of slow at all of it, of course i didn't think so until my baby who is now only 9 months came along and started learning it all. he started scooting around at around 4-5 months, has been crawling since he was 5 months, started pulling himself up around 6-7 months, and has been cruising around the furniture ever since he turned 8 months. he was 9 months old on the 7th of Feb. and in i'd say the past week we have seen him actually turn lose of the furniture and just stand freely on his own for quite a while before realizing what he was doing and grabbing a hold of something again.. the reason i went back all the way to the crawling even though you just asked about the pulling up and walking is to explain that it was just the difference in kids, i do the same exact things with my 9 month old that i did with my now 3 year old, they just developed and learned to do these things differently, in their own time. the push toys are great to help them, my 3 year old had them and loved them, my 9 month old has the same ones and never touches them, he just seems to like doing it on his own. so, we sit in the floor and just try to help him, my husband will sit a little bit away from me holdling his little hands as he is standing, and i try to coax him over to me by holding out a toy or something that he loves, and it seems to be working, because he is actually letting go and just standing there for a while on his own then when he tries to step he realizes daddy isn't holding to his hands anymore and he either grabs for him or sits down. i think he will soon get brave enough to try to come to me. this is what i would recommend trying. but, again like i said, each kid is different, and he will get it in his time. just be patient and work with him.
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