Saturday, June 29, 2013

Childrens/Infant/Toddler Toys NOT made in China?

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Where can I find toys that are not made in China? Like german toys or british toys that are actually made in not manufac and then made in china? Thanks!

check here, or look on a search engine

Looking for a COMPLETE list of all recalled infant toys, I can only find little lists here and there.?


Is there some place on line where all of them have been listed from the onset of this hype until now?

All my sons toys are freak'n made in China... I think iam going to have to take them all away.

How do we know that the ones that havent been listed are safe? Maybe they just havent been tested or listed YET.

Beyond that, what toy companies actually make infant toys in the US? Are there really any? I havent found any...

Stupid freaking chinese. Hacking our defense computers and poisoning our children, theyre probably trying to weaken us for an invasion.. jeez.

Try the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here is their list of toys, Chinese or otherwise:

Their main page is

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How much should I expect to spend on daycare?

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 on Best rated baby toys for 6-12 months? at IMshopping
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I will need to send my two month old daycare for about four months until my mother moves closer so that she can take care of him. I would like to send him/her to a daycare that I can trust not just some flea bag place. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Please let me know where you are from when answering the question. Thanks!

I live in Michigan and the center that I work at only offers a 3 day rate $150/wk and a 5 day rate $215/wk for infants. This is a lot of money, but you pay for what you get! Parents provide all food, bottles, and diapers. Each baby gets their own crib (does not change week to week). We provide the sheets, which are changed weekly. Once the child is on vitamin D milk, we provide the milk and snacks. Find a place that is close to your home. This will help if you get the day off and want to drop the baby in so you can go to the doctors for instance. Tour several places, and always drop-in. Make sure that they are in ratio, find out what they are for your state. See that staff are attentive to children. Check to see if it is clean (toys can be out, just not dirty). See how bottles, and food are stored. Best if refridgerator in the classroom so that staff does not have to leave room to retrieve food. See how bottles are heated. Ask what kind of training the staff has. Most are required to have CPR, First aid, etc. Go with your gut instinct. There is also a way that you can look up their liscence through your state website. Do this, as you can see any violations that they hold. And make sure that they are liscenced. This keeps centers safe, because they are monitored by the state. Good luck. Search now, because many centers have waiting lists for infants. Do not go with a center just because it is cheaper, there is likely a reason.

What are some tips for babysitting etiquette?


I am going to be babysitting and I was wondering if there were some tips about what I should do.. Like I know to leave the house cleaner then it was when I came, but is there any other etiquette I should know about?

Basic ediquite:

1)Show up a few minutes before you are supposed to be there(I usually am 5 minutes early), however, don't show up more than 10 minutes early.

2)Call if you are going to be late, and if you have to cancel, than do so as early as possible so they can find someone else.

3)Clean up anything the children play with, or any dishes they use. You don't have to clean the house, but be sure you put the toys and things the children used away.

4)Follow parents rules. If the kids are not allowed to play on the computer, or watch tv, etc do not break those rules. Most parents do not have rules so strict, but if they do set a rule about certain things(and they are specifically telling you), then do not allow the children to do it.

5)Follow bedtime. If the kids are supposed to go to bed at a certain time, then they should be in bed by then. You can stretch it to a half an hour past bed time, but nothing later than that. It looks as if you are irresponsible if the kids are supposed to go to bed at 8, and you allow them to be up until 9 or 10 o'clock.

6)If they do watch tv, make sure it is age appropriate. I don't care what the children say, if it is not for their age group, they are not allowed to watch it. You don't want to be putting on mom/dads movies for the kids. I stick to g rated movies only, and only other movies if the parents have said it was ok.

7)Don't allow the kids to pig out on junk food. I think a little extra is ok(I allow one little boy potato chips sometimes), even though I know that he usually does not eat it. I'm sure his mom/dad knows, b/c kids tell everything.

8)Most parents will give you free reign of the kitchen. I would suggest not opening things(bags of chips, boxes, etc), you don't know if they are saving them. I also would not eat them out of house and home.

9)No talking on the phone. If the kids are in bed ok, but you should not be using your phone otherwise.

10)Your time should be spent interacting with the kids. I know some babysitters pop on the tv and then let that do the work, but I think that is the wrong way. I prefer to play board games, color, play dough, etc. A little tv is fine, but not hours of it.

11)An extension of above... if you are watching toddlers, older infants(walking), there is nothing parents like more than to see you interact with them. They don't want to see you come in and sit on the couch while the baby entertains himself with toys.

I think the rest is common sense. Dress appropriately, be polite, act responsibly(you are the caregiver, don't act like one of the kids). You should be fine, don't dwell.

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What should I bring when traveling/flying with an 8 month old baby?

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 on Baby Playing With A Toy Top Stock Image - Image: 5837331
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We are flying to Ohio for a week (2 flights about 2 hours each). I am packing, but want to make sure I don't forget anything. I have diapers, wipes, clothes, a few toys, etc. How many bottles should I bring? I nurse and pump everyday, but will probably mostly pump while we are there. Any other suggestions would be great!
We are only bringing two small carry on suitcases and the diaper bag because luggage costs so much.

I just traveled with my son who was 10 months at the time...God bless you! haha....Anyway, Things I took on the plane with me 2 hour flight plus time in the airport....Diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib, 2 bottles, 1 can of formula, infant tylenol/motrin, orajel (hes teething pretty bad lately), Food (3 jars), spoons, snacks (cereal), sippy cup, toys (ones that don't make too much noise).

Things I brought in general for the trip....Clothes, PJs, stroller, car seat, toys, baby toiletries (soap, lotion, nail clippers, nasal aspirator, brush, diaper rash cream, baby monitors (we were staying with family, so I was able to put him down for a nap, and still go outside by the pool). Towel and washclothes, sunblock.

I bought food, formula, and diapers when I got there. My relatives also borrowed a lot of baby gear from a friend so I had things there (Pack n Play, walker, high chair).

Check your airlines policies. There usually isn't a charge for checking carseat, strollers, or bassinets (pack n play), even if the child is flying on your lap. You are also allowed to bring the diaper bag plus your carry ons...the diaper bag does not count as your carry on.

Best of luck. I hope you are not traveling alone, and will have help, my son was very good and slept the entire flight there, and if it weren't for my fiance and my mother traveling with us, I would have had a nervous break down.

How to help infants in the car?

Kate T

We are traveling 5 hours to upstate NY this weekend with a 3 year old and a 6 month old. The 3 year old is fine in the car, but the 6 month old screams the whole time. Does anyone have any suggestions as to help this? It is not car sickness or reflux, I think it is just boredom. Thanks a million for all of your help in advance.

My husband and I took a trip from MA to PA (6-7 hour trip) when my daughter was 10 months old. The best way we did it was to wake her up in the middle of the night (1:00am) start driving and let her fall back to sleep in the car. Then when she woke up at 6:00 we only had an hour or two left. We stopped and had breakfast, changed her and let her play for 20-30 minutes. When we got back in the car we only had 1 hour left and she was great.

We brought books and toys and don't forget the pacifier (bring a few so when he/she throws it you have more). Plus you have an added bonus, the 3 year old can sing songs and show pictures and toys to him/her. Teach the 3 year old to make faces to make the baby smile and sing baby songs. Give him a reward for helping you! Good Luck!

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help on how to make an educational toy for a infant?

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 on Educational Baby Toys - The Best Educational Toys for Infants
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okai basically for a school project we have to make ann educational toy for an infant but like no wood or metal jus fabric e.g. cotton wool
and i dont know what to make so i was hoping that you can help think of some ideas?

do diffrent colors like do a fleec piec the color pink and sew the leter p on ther so they will learn the letter p is for pink and when you are playing with the baby say pink is the color p is the leter put it together and you have pink pigs like a rime hope it works

Is My baby can read worth the hassle?


So my grandma is stuck on getting this for my Nephew. He just turned 1. I have read quite a few reviews where it doesn't work, some I've read where it worked pretty good. Should we really get it for him or buy more educational toys?

If you let your child do this they will have 200+ hours of screen time in 9 months or something. Don't buy "educational toys" spend time playing with and reading to your child. that is how they learn not from a toy.

Research has linked infant screen time to sleep disturbances and delayed language acquisition, as well as problems in later childhood, such as poor school performance and childhood obesity. If parents follow Your Baby Can Readâs viewing instructions, their baby will have watched more than 200 hours by the age of nine monthsâspending more than one full week of 24-hour days in front of a screen. Meanwhile, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for children under age two.

The last thing babies need is to be drilled with flash cards and to watch videos. Itâs particularly worrisome that screen time takes away from the two activities known to be educationalâtime with caring adults and hands-on creative play. Babies learn in the context of loving relationships, and with all of their senses. Yet, 19% of babies under the age of one have a television in their bedroom and 40% of 3-month-olds are regular viewers of television. And we all know that screen time is habituating. The more time babies spend with screens, the harder it is for them to turn them off when theyâre older.

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Baby shower: How to choose what to register for?

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Kelsey B

I am soon to be mom and I need to start registering for my baby shower... I just don't know where to start! How do I choose a diaper brand when I have never had a child before and I don't know which brand is best for newborns? Any suggestions and tips of what works and doesn't would be greatly appreciated as well as things you would recommend a new mom to register for!

Read lots of reviews... they are so helpful! Also, many stores now have way more available online than they do in the store, so just make sure several things on your registry are available IN the store... because most of your babyshower guests are going to go and buy things in person.

Don't register for clothes. They go in and out of stock so quickly that they probably won't even be available by the time your shower arrives. Plus, you'll get SO many clothes anyways that you're better off to just buy the other clothing items that you really like.

Some really great registry items:

Larger items:
- A playmat
- A swing
- A carseat (and base... if needed)
- A Pack n Play
- Bedding (with at least one extra crib sheet)
- A changing pad & cover
- A stroller
- A Boppy
- An exersaucer or doorway jumper
- Swaddle/Halo sacks
- Storage baskets/Hamper/liners
- A mobile
- A diaper genie

Smaller items:
- diapers (Pampers are my fave)
- diaper genie refill packs
- pacifiers
- bathing goods (shampoos/lotions)
- washcloths
- a hooded towel or two
- small toys/stuffed animals/teethers

I personally chose not to register for furniture (I thought it looked a little greedy) or my breast pump (because nobody EVER buys breast pumps as baby gifts anyways). So we bought a few of the bigger items ourselves!

Would a 3 month old still be interested in a baby gym toy?

first time

I read reviews from parents of 4 weeks old to 3 month old babies. Until what age are babies still interested in a baby gym? The can be quite pricey and wouldn't want to have it for a few weeks only... Thank you.

My children are about 20 weeks old and they still love it. They always sat in it and looked, but they really couldn't play with the toys until they were about 15 weeks. It has been incredibly worth it. My friend has a 8 month old who still plays with thier gym - only now he can crawl around it on his own.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

How does my baby compare to your baby at 3 months of age?

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 on Best Baby Toys For 3 Month Old
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My baby is 3 months old and I thought he was on track in development until I went to a play group last week and saw a baby who was 3 1/2 months old who seemed leaps and bounds ahead of my baby. This is where my baby is at:

he weighs 13 pounds 4 ounces. He sleeps about 3-4 hours at night then I feed him and he'll sleep another 2-3 hours. He eats about 25-30 ounces a day, about 90% breastmilk (I pump) and the rest formula. He hates being on his stomach, just bobs his head and cries. He isn't even close to rolling over yet. He can hold his head fairly sturdy, but not total control. He can handle some weight on his legs if I hold him. He stares at hanging toys but doesn't reach for them. He can't hold a toy on his own. He has periods of about 20-30 minutes of happy awake times before he wants to sleep, he naps on and off all day.

How does this compare to your baby's development at 3 months?

Well, first of all, I know it's soooo tempting, but try not to compare your baby with anybody else's. Every baby develops at their own pace. When you take your baby in for his doctors visits, they can give you some average guidelines for development. If your baby falls way behind in development, your doc will let you know.

But, to answer your question, it sounds like your son is quite similar to how mine was at 3 months. He had NO interest in being on his tummy, would scream if left on it for more than a few seconds. He also still had bobble-head, and only stared at toys, never reached for them. His naps were on and off all day too, with 6 hours sleeping at night, feeding, and another 4 hours sleeping.

He is now 9 months old and still has not crawled! And he has only just cut his first tooth. We recently met a baby the same age as my son who is walking and has 8 teeth. It's hard, but just try to enjoy where your baby's at. When he starts hitting those milestones, it'll be so exciting for you, and once he gets one thing, it'll be everything else coming on fast right after!

I found that my son was much happier when he could sit up on his own (not until 6 or 7 months old).

What toys are good for a 3 month old baby girl and what activities can i have with her?


My daughter is just days till she's 3 months old and her sleeping pattern has already changed. She's now awake during the morning and afternoon hours with 30 minute naps in between and she sleeps thru the night and now I don't really know what to do with her when she's awake other than carrying her and talking to her. What else is there to do and what toys do they play with at 3 months?

My son loved Baby Einstein dvds at 3 months and he loved activity mats that had toys hanging from them, also small hand toys are good like rattles and teethers and chimes and all those small toys on the toy aisle at walmart and babiesrus, anything they can really grip well is awesome!!

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Why does my 9 month old keep getting bronchilitis, rsv and pnumonia?

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My 9 month old daughter has had rsv, pnumonia and bronchitis since january, she has only had 3 weeks since then when she has been clear, it is so distressing seeing her like this, why does she keep getting it?

you are desperate for a cure.

I was worried when my daughter started having distress breathing, but it was not as bad as you describe. I have severe asthma and I thought she was developing it - my worst fear. Her Dr. and I spoke and she was prescribed albuterol nebulizer treatments daily as needed. I had the expensive machine already so it was easy to follow the orders. My daughter probably only had a cold, but the fear was real. I fear for your daughter, she must have the right doctor, the right place that handles large loads of pediatric cases rather then a general clinic. If you are near a city where there is a childrens hospital take your daughter there instead of the regular pediatrician. It's hard to treat bacteria in such a young infant. Right now she should be getting all she needs, her passive immunities from mothers milk, but that's not always possible and children do get sick. She may need some passive immunities, immunoglobulins are sometimes given to children in hospitals. They are found in mom's milk. Ask about passive immunity.

I know you probably don't smoke or allow anyone near her that does, but I must say don't ever let anyone smoke in the same house as this child, keep her room very clean and don't clean while she is in the room, she may be allergic to chemicals, molds, dust, the vacuum, trace cigarette smoke from unwashed hands of a smoker and the clothing. Have everyone in the house stop smoking.

One persons life is worth so much more then two persons pain on withdrawal from nicotine and habit. Try your best and seek the best. I wish you the best of luck with your daughter who is so dependent on you for life itself.

Boil all bottles, things, sterilize all toys, minimalize things in the house so that there is no clutter, turn off any air circulators and check filters, replace filters with hepa types in the furnace and wherever possible, if the floors in her room are hard then mop every week and dry well, use disinfectants that kill molds and dust mites but are safe for childrens rooms. You may need to take a 10% bleach soloution and clean off the walls of the place, and her room. Don't have too many stuffed toys, and always wash the toys she has after becoming ill. Consider her childcare provider for the exposure, if she is your first child, understand that they do get pretty sick once they get into daycare, and they don't stop being sick till about Kindergarten, but not in the way you describe. Try to list everything she does so you know where exposure to irritants and bacteria is coming from then decide whether it's chemical, bacterial, or allergy. What kind of plants do you have in the area? Are they in bloom? consider everything and take a personal inventory as well.

good luck to you and the child

For parents: anyone else with a baby with a lopsided head from sleeping on only one side?


My baby's head is lopsided and the ears as well because he only sleeps on his left. We tried putting him on the other end of the crib so he has to turn to the right to see his toys, but to no avail. The doctor said it will probably correct itself now that he spends less time on his back and that we can wait 3 months for the 9 months appointment to see if it's better and then discuss the options. Did anyone have or is having the same problem? If so, what did you do about it?

First, welcome to motherhood!

It is quite common to see "lopsided" heads in infants and the usual reason is just what your Doctor described. All babies have a series of "fissures" (called sutures) that traverse the skull. There is one that runs down the middle of the skull (front to back) and two others that bisect this one (one in front and one in back) which allow for normal brain growth. These sutures essentially divide your babies skull into semi-mobile plates which can move or mold to the pressure applied. If your baby favors one side during sleeping it could cause these somewhat mobile and malleable plates to accomodate the persistent pressures. As your babies sleeping preferences change his head should return to a more normal shape.

In the meantime Iâd try not to worry....unless your husband has a "lopsided" head. :-)

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will a nissan rogue fit three car seats?

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raeann k

I have a 6 and 5 year old in two booster seats and just found out i'm expecting.. Will a 2011 Nissan Rogue fit 2 boosters and an infant car seat comfortably or should i start looking around for something bigger


It totally depends on what seats your children will be riding in and in what positions.

Many parents have successfully installed three car seats across as shown here:

I would look into the Chicco Key Fit 30 infant car seat as it is typically narrower than other infant car seats. Usually the KeyFit works best when installed in the center. Another option is using a convertible car seat straight from birth. Look at the lowest bottom slots measuring about 8 inches or less to ensure the harness straps can be adjusted at or below the baby's shoulders.

The Diono Radian is the narrowest car seat on the market that measures about 14" across the thighs and 17" wide at the shoulders. It is typically outgrown around age 3-5 rear facing and another two to three years forward facing. This means that it will be the last harnessed car seat your child will need. It is spendy, but it is indeed worth it. The Radian R100 can typically be found on sale on amazon for around $207:

A newborn needs their car seat in at at a 45 degree angle to keep their airway open and the Radian does take up a ton of front to back space in the vehicle. You could try installing it in the center seat and have the top part of the Radian fan between the two front vehicle seats. Or you could have the Radian installed behind the passenger seat, but have no one sit in the front passenger seat until your baby gets some head control. When your infant is older, you can always used the angle adjuster by Diono to get the seat more upright.

You can always use the Chicco KeyFit 30 then get the Diono Radian later so you don't have to eat the dashboard. It is completely up to you =]

But I have to warn you- boosters can be difficult to buckle in a three across situation. You might get some scraped knuckles, but it is indeed do-able.

Also, if you do install in the outboard seating position for the infant seat, installing with the seat belt generally gives you more room. When installing it with the seat belt, the car seat can be scooted closer to the door. The seat just needs to be installed with less than an inch of movement. The KeyFit 30 has a built in lock-off to aid seat belt installs.

My best advice for you is to go to Toys R Us and try out car seats and different combinations. If you are installing a car seat in the center position in the back seat, LATCH cannot be used as they aren't reinforced in the center (unless your vehicle manual says specifically that they can be used in the center). The lower anchors on the side seating positions are connected by a metal bar; this is (usually) not found in the center.

Are you going to circumcise your baby boy?

Proud Momm

Why or why not?

No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

No. It is a cosmetic surgery, medically unnecessary. It is extremely painful (see the video link at the end of my message). Genital Integriy, Intact Genitals, Rights to an Intact Body are for all.

If you are religious, "God Designed. Mother Approved. Revision is Circumcision"

Every baby boy on the planet is born with a foreskin and yet very few have them removed. The foreskin is a perfectly normal natural body part.

It is illegal to circumcise baby girls. Would you be asking this question if your baby is a girl? The answer is probably no. So, the answer to would "I amputate normal healthy body parts of my baby boy,at the risk of death, perform cosmetic elective surgery on my perfect newborn?" The answer is no.

Doctors tell you the amputated Lie when it comes to Circumcision. I beg you to learn the WHOLE TRUTH.

Every YEAR, more than 100 babies die from Circumcision. If this was a product, a toy, a crib, stroller, bottle for sale, on the market, for babies, it would have been recalled long ago.

Here is a video made by doctors for doctors on circumcision.

Here is a another link containing the actual surgical procedures of circumcision

â¢No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

â¢Only the USA circumcises the majority of newborn boys without medical or religious reason.

â¢Medicalized circumcision began during the 1800s to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease.

â¢Today's parents are learning that the foreskin is a normal, protective, functioning organ.

â¢Today's parents realize circumcision harms and has unnecessary risks.

â¢Circumcision denies a male's right to genital integrity and choice for his own body.

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What should I buy my little brother for christmas?

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 on Fisher Price Infant Toys | An Educational Baby Toy
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My mom want to know what I am getting him so she can save up for it and order it and all that. He is 1 years old probally like 16-18 months (not sure lol). What do you think about a sit N' Spin or a tricycle?
What ideas do you have?
She said nothing over 50 I think.

Learning toys are always great for infants and toddlers, I would find something that will help mold his little mind. Something along the lines of fisher price.

Little People® Pop ân Surprise Train
Little People® Racinâ Ramps Garageâ¢
Little People® Amazing Animals Circus

All of which are under $50 and are very nice, we bought them for our son when he was little.

Best of luck.

A question for all the mothers of infants?


What things do you have for the baby that you couldn't possibly live without?
What items to do have that are completely useless and you couldn't imagine why you got them?

I'm adding items to my registry for my 'surprise' baby shower (I know its happening, but have no idea when..or where) and want to make sure I covered everything.

Feel free to tell me about toys your baby loves, etc.
I need to make sure I have it all =)
I'm due in 4 1/2 weeks!


Couldn't live without(and *= really nice to have):
teething rings,
wubbanub paci
moby wrap
40 x 40 swaddle blanket
sleep sacks
teething tabs
gripe water
johnson and johnson bedtime bath and lotion
baby tub
hooded towels and rags*
graco luvin hug swing
medela breast pump
boppy seat
boppy pillow*
bright stars toys (that drop from play time mat)
tummy time mat with above toys*
huggies natural diapers, or cloth
cloth wipes for new born
destin diaper rash cream
playtex dropins bottles for after 3 weeks or vent aire (if bottles)
happiest baby on block dvd

crap I thought I needed and never used
- high chair
- stroller (she hates it) maybe later but def not anytime soon
- bases for car seats, they dont fit right in my car, so i wind up strapping her in and she goes with me need for multiples
- pack and play
- more than one moby wrap
- lots of blankets
- ultimate crib sheet
- fancy bed linens for crib
- any dresses at all for her
- any coats for a baby
- papasan cradle swing- unstable and she outgrew it too fast, the other swing was life saver first 3 months
- fisher price chair that is sort of like boppy chair
- fisher price infant to toddler rocker
- ETA: angel care monitor- nice if your baby actually sleeps in a crib- which mine barely does now at 23weeks. if i had a do over i would get the video monitor.
i will update as i think of others, but bottom line, wait to meet your baby!

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Is this a beautiful crib? (Read Details)?

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 on Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Little Super Star Classical Stacker
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Scroll all the way down and look at all the other beds....They are so pretty. I love that crib but the price tag is too much..I just wanted to know what you all think.
I only have one child who is 6 years old. I am not wanting to buy this crib, i wanted opinions.

I have to admit, I actually think it's beautiful, It has the wow factor.

But I would never buy it. I don't know what country you're in, but here in Australia, there's a huge push to very simple, safe cots and bedding including no toys in the cot, no bumpers, no canopy's, because of the risk of SIDS ( sudden infant death syndrome)

That cot would give any midwife a heartattck!

Suffocating on stuffed animal?


my son will be 4 months old on saturday. He is a cosleeper who isn't happy sleeping with mommy anymore :( so sad. But the only time he will sleep in his crib is when i put his arm around a stuffed pooh bear the size of his upper body, i was worried if i let him do this he could suffocate in his sleep by burrying his face in the stuffed animal. there just isn't enough room in the bed anymore, he just kicks and grunts all night long :(

i got this from a website for u,
i don't have a kid and i can't imagine how hard it could be!

i've posted a website that gives you everythind you need.,
good luck and congragulations on your baby!

Expert Answers
The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Because of the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and death from suffocation, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says not to let your baby sleep with any soft objects until he's 12 months old. This includes stuffed animals, dolls, blankets, quilts, and other bedding. Many experts suggest waiting until your baby is at least 2 years old to let him sleep with a pillow.

Though it may seem unlikely, there is a chance that a doll or stuffed toy could cover your baby's face and suffocate him. "Some 2,000 babies die each year from suffocation," says Mark A. Brandenburg, a practicing emergency physician at the Trauma Emergency Center (TEC) of St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and author of Child Safe: A Practical Guide for Preventing Childhood Injuries. The safest option is to keep your baby's crib free of clutter, including stuffed toys.

After his first birthday, your baby's risk of dying from SIDS goes down significantly. The likelihood of suffocation also diminishes because most 12-month-olds are able to roll over, sit up, and move objects away from their faces.

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Can an infant teething cause the upper lip to form a blister like bump on her lip?

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A and A B

My children had them when they were breast feeding. I'm sure they could be caused by teething, but are most likely the result of sucking on fingers or toys to sooth the teething. This is a portion of the definition found in Parenting Magazine. Hope this helps.
SUCKING BLISTER- Found in the center of a baby's upper lip, this blister results from the baby's sucking on a thumb, toe, or other body part

Moms of potty learners: what do you pack on the go?


What is in your diaper bag/purse/bag/etc. when you leave the house with your potty learner. Tell me everything, even if it's not related to change of clothes, etc. Thanks!

Ok, i'm not a mom, but i am a parent, so....

My son has a SpiderMan backpack that has been used as a diaper bag for a couple of years.

While he was an infant, the diaper bag had: complete spare outfit, 6-8 diapers, package of wipes, a couple of small garbage bags, rash cream, teething toy, however many bottles/sippy cups were needed, and all of his baby documents (birth cert, vaccination record).

As he grew older, the rash cream was replaced with sunscreen, and the teething toy was replaced by old magazines, and a small zip top bag of Cheerios.

Now that he's potty training, we carry three pairs of underwear, two pairs of shorts, and one neutral shirt for back up outfit duty. No diapers, but wipes are always good to have on hand for accidents in and out of the pants--messy eating, small spills, sticky hands, etc. Still have those grabage bags as well, for wet/soiled clothes. A fresh bag of Cheerios--some things don't change so fast. Sunscreen and a bottle of water for emergencies (can you tell i was a Boy Scout?) Still carry a copy of his birth cert and shot records. A couple of toy cars. A rock he picked up at the park. My wife's old cell phone (it's his "phone" now). And a pair of shades--one of three pairs he owns.

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For parents: anyone else with a baby with a lopsided head from sleeping on only one side?

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My baby's head is lopsided and the ears as well because he only sleeps on his left. We tried putting him on the other end of the crib so he has to turn to the right to see his toys, but to no avail. The doctor said it will probably correct itself now that he spends less time on his back and that we can wait 3 months for the 9 months appointment to see if it's better and then discuss the options. Did anyone have or is having the same problem? If so, what did you do about it?

First, welcome to motherhood!

It is quite common to see "lopsided" heads in infants and the usual reason is just what your Doctor described. All babies have a series of "fissures" (called sutures) that traverse the skull. There is one that runs down the middle of the skull (front to back) and two others that bisect this one (one in front and one in back) which allow for normal brain growth. These sutures essentially divide your babies skull into semi-mobile plates which can move or mold to the pressure applied. If your baby favors one side during sleeping it could cause these somewhat mobile and malleable plates to accomodate the persistent pressures. As your babies sleeping preferences change his head should return to a more normal shape.

In the meantime Iâd try not to worry....unless your husband has a "lopsided" head. :-)

What can I do to entertain my 9 month old all day long?


He loves Blues Clues, Dora, and Baby Einstein, but I recently read that the AAP recommends that infants under 2 years of age never watch tv. He sleeps, plays with toys, reads books, eats, and excercises for several hours of the day, but what am I supposed to do the rest of the time if he can't watch any movies? Oh, and maybe the AAP has forgotten that there are things I need to get done during the day too! I need suggestions!

My daughter watched TV from when she was a little baby. I really don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's not all they do all day long. I'm sorry I don't really know what else you could do during the day. Sound's like it's already pretty full.

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When will my infant start playing with toys?

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Jadahs mom

I was wondering when will my baby Jadah start sitting up on her own and playing with her toys? She is 3 months old and Ive tried to introduce rattles to her and little bears. Also could she be teething ?...
She always has her hands in her mouth and slobbing She also like to chew on her clothes to where the front of her shirt in soaking wet.
thanx everyone!

My son noticed his toys at about 10 weeks...and started batting & slapping at them (on his activity mat) at about 11-12 weeks. He hasn't yet been able to sit up on his own, nor is he able to hold onto a toy and play with it yet...but I suspect it will be soon.

Get some teething keys or gumming toys...your child might like those, since she is chewing on everything right now. BTW, this behavior is completely normal!

Why is my 7 month old baby so emotionless and mean?


She is 7 months old. She doens't like to be with me. She won't hug me or give kisses. She get frustrated VERY easily and hits her toys. She won't let me hug her. It's as if she were indifferent around me, or anyone else for that matter. Is this normal behavior for an infant?

baby is not suppose to be emotionless babies for a very strong bond with the person who takes care of them most, an emotionless baby is def. a sign of autism

Among the early signs and symptoms that parents and Pediatricians look for to alert them that a child needs further evaluation for autism include:

â¢not smiling by six months of age
â¢not babbling, pointing or using other gestures by 12 months
â¢not using single words by age 16 months
â¢not using two word phrases by 24 months
â¢having a regression in development, with any loss of language or social skills
Infants with autism might also avoid eye contact, and as they get older, act as if they are unaware of when people come and go around them

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What should I get my niece for Christmas?

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My niece is 1 years old and I need gift ideas. I was thinking of getting her a toy truck but I want to know what you think. What are some good gift ideas I can get for my niece?

Typically at this age, kids are inquisitive and love to learn, so an educational toy might be a better choice. They also love bright colors - large, big colorful blocks work well for small hands. Plus, you do not want to get her a toy with small parts that may present a choking hazard.

I would suggest heading over to to get an idea of appropriate gifts for 1 year olds. If anything, at least it will give you some ideas.

What kind of games can I play with my 8 month old?

Q. I'm looking for some fun games to play with my 8 month old that are educational and fun. What's your babys favorite game to play? I'm just looking for something different than our regular floor play with toys. Any help is appreciated :) Thanks!

Things Youâll Need:

* Hats
* Cups
* Plastic Containers
* Children's Puzzles
* Infant Soft Dolls
* Toy Blocks

Step 1:
Play peekaboo and other hide-and-seek games. These are fun games as she's learning that you and her toys exist even when she can't see them.

Step 2:
Build a tower of blocks and show her how to knock it down. She'll delight in her ability to produce such an outstanding effect.

Step 3:
Give her toys that come apart or fit together; she'll find them particularly interesting at this stage.

Step 4:
Take turns patting a doll, banging a pot, drinking from a cup or putting a hat on your head. Imitation is one of her primary methods of learning.

Step 5:
Give your baby her own kitchen cabinet and fill it with containers and small objects. She'll enjoy her play.

Step 6:
Read to your baby. She'll like activity books like "Pat the Bunny." Expose her to a variety of books.

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What is a general list of essentials I would need when my baby is born?

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Q. I still don't know the sex of my baby, but I was wondering if I could get a list of essentials I'm going to need... such as bottles... washcloths... etc.

Just a little help please?

CAR SEAT- Graco snug ride 32 is great and will fit your baby from 5 to 32lbs.
STROLLER- Graco is good. Buy the travel system which includes the car seat, stroller, and base for car.
INFANT SWING- great for soothing and helping baby get to sleep. I have the Graco brand
BOPPY PILLOW- to use to prop baby when feeding and you can use it later to help baby sit up.
BUMBO SEAT AND TRAY- to help baby sit up and we also use ours as a highchair when she started eating solids.
CRIB AND MATTRESS- convertible cribs are great because you can convert it to a toddler bed and then a full size bed as baby grows.
BOUNCER CHAIR- soothes baby and serves as a safe place for baby while you shower, clean house, do laundry, cook, etc.
PACK AND PLAY- use it for a bassinet by your bed until baby goes to a crib in his or her own room. When baby outgrows the bassinet part you can use the playpen part of it. Graco brand is the best.
DIAPERS- Pampers Swaddlers are great for newborns and they are really soft.
BABY WIPES- Pampers sensitive care are good
DIAPER RASH CREAM- Desitin works great
VASELINE- great for preventing diaper rash
BATH SUPPLIES- 4 or 5 hooded towels, 8 to 10 wash cloths, baby wash (Johnson's is best), baby lotion (ageain I like Johnson's brand), baby bathtub or bath sling
BABY FIRST AID KIT- includes baby nail clippers, thermometer, bulb syringe, medicine dropper
GAS DROPS- Mylicon works great
BOTTLES- Avent and Playtex Ventaire are great for preventing gas and spit up
PACIFIERS- Avent brand
CLOTHING- 5 or 6 onesies, 5 or 6 footed sleeper pajamas, 5 or 6 pairs of socks, and a few cute outfits for when baby comes home from the hospital and when family and friends come to visit. Carter's brand clothing is great and very good quality
DIAPER BAG- Kalencom brand is great. Very roomy with lots of pockets and also comes with a changing pad, insulated bottle carrier, and a zip up bag for wet or soiled clothes.
CRIB BEDDING SET- includes comforter, dust ruffle, 1 crib sheet, and crib bumpers
EXTRA CRIB SHEETS- get 3 or 4. Newborns leak out of their diapers and soil sheets a lot!
WATERPROOF CRIB PADS- get 2 or 3. Protect crib mattress if baby's diapers leak
STORAGE BASKETS- for organizing diaper supplies, bath supplies, feeding supplies, toys, etc.
CAMERA- you will want to take tons of pictures as baby grows!

Some things that are a waste of money:
CHANGING TABLE- we just use a changing on the bed or floor. So much easier and convenient.
DIAPER GENIE- just throw dirty diapers in the regular trash. Odor is not a problem if you just take the trash out often.
BOTTLE WARMER- nice for baby but what happens if you are not at home and baby gets hungry? If baby is only used to perfectly warmed bottles then he or she will not drink unwarmed bottles. Room temperature is fine.
BABY WIPE WARMER- same concept as bottle warmer above

Congrats on the baby!

Where are the cheapest places to by baby supplies?

Pokemon Tr

My friend is having a baby shower for her son who is due sometime in 3-4 months. Im not sure. Im on a budget but want to make her a nice basket. I plan on diapers and some onesies and some other small things. I know she is looking for jake footie pajamas and has dc shoes on her wish list. I dont know if I can get her all that but I do want to know the cheapest places to find baby items. We have a walmart and a dollar store ao it may need to be online. If anyone else has any ideas for a basket let me know. I am not sure yet whether she will be using breast or bottle. Should I get some bibs or a blanket?

Um, does DC Shoes even make sizes for infants? I wouldn't get her name brand stuff as the baby will outgrow it quickly. I don't know about the Jake footie pajamas either.

Amazon and Wal-mart has some cheap shipping options too.

I would consider getting her the onesies packs that Wal-mart sells. I would throw in some teethers (a set of 3 is cheap). A glowhorse or a glow-worm in the toy section of Wal-mart is a good buy because every baby I've seen loves them. I would consider a package of regular cloth diapers for burping. Bibs I'd hold off on. Receiving blankets maybe but those big plush ones aren't actually recommended till the child is out of the SIDS range. I would consider a sleeper gown. Baby shampoo and wash clothes are good for baskets.

Any clothes you get, I'd recommend buying in the 3-6 or 6-9 months range. A lot of people will buy clothes in the 0-3 range or newborn so that way the baby has stuff to grow into.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How to get my rescue puppy to learn to hold her bladder?

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I have a approx. 6 mon. Old Doberman puppy who I adopted from a rescue at 41/2 mon. Her litter had been abandoned by the owners and had been running loose in the woods fending for themselves. Immediately upon getting her home, I noticed that she urinated frequently. Sometime two or three times an hour anywhere and everywhere. I chalked this up to her being used to no correction. I was off from work the week I got her and really worked hard to housebreak her. Out after waking, out after eating, out as often as she needed it. Maybe this is where I went wrong. By Friday, she really had the hang of alerting me that she needed out. In two months she has only pooped inside once. I consider her housebroken in the sense that she will always run to the door then to you to be let out. But she can't hold her bladder more than an hour at a time unless she is sleeping. Sometimes she goes out 2 to 3 times in an hour and always urinates. I tried distracting her with toys etc, but when she alerts she will go in the house if ignored.She is not crate trained. I considered this but with her issue, I thought this would not help things. She is confined to a large room while I work. While in this room she reliably uses puppy pads. I had her checked for a uti 3 days after I brought her home and it was negative. Her kidney function is normal per pre-anesthesia labs for her spaying. And she can sleep up to 7 1/2 hours with no trouble at night. No diabetes as her glucose was normal as well. My vet says what goes in must come out, but this seems very excessive. I can only assume she doesn't understand that "holding it" is expected. I am not looking for a full day of holding it, but no other dog that I have ever had has ever had this issue. I will be returning to the vet for an "all clear" , more bloodwork, urinalysis, etc. If that is good then I am going to try to restart her crate training with the hope that if I start slowly and lengthen the time it may finally click. Advice?
Dixie's only correction is just a quick no for distraction, then rushed outside to finish her business. After she is praised. No treats as I don't want her to just ask for out for the treats. I just think that having to take her out 15 or more times a day is excessive. I am more concerned about something being medically wrong. She has a problem with eating very quickly, gulping down her food, that we are working on. I am wondering if she feels the same about her water and is concerned about drinking while the water is available. I haven't tried to withhold water before bedtime etc. I'm not sure if that is wise. As far as I know none of her littermates have this problem.
And for those who think this is a ridiculous request. I have raised dogs for 35 years and have housebroken many puppies with no trouble. I just have never seen a puppy at 6 months old having to urinate multiple times an hour all day long but is fine at night and is completely housebroken without there being a problem. I am not asking for a miracle and not asking for holding it all day, just longer than an hour at a time! I was hoping someone could offer some help, not looking for sarcasm! Thanks in advance for those with honest answers not judgement.

Puppies are prone to accidents, theyre just like infants or kids who pee in the bed because of their weak bladder. The best advice i can give is feed them consistently, for a 6 month puppy 2 times a day is enough with a 12 hour interval in the middle. Be consistent then it will learn to pee at those times. Another thing you can do is to cage the puppy in an enclosed area and bring them out to pee, my puppies never urinate when theyre in their cage (or a spot where they sleep).

If you are concerned for medical problems, get a blood test for your dog and ask the vet to check it out, my puppy is a tiny yorkie but only pees after 3 hours average.

How to create a homemade toy for toddlers?


I am trying to create a homemade toy for my toddler. I am a stay at home mom of twin girls. They show that they are tired of playing with the same toys and so my husband and I thought it'll be a good idea if I came up w/a homemade toy. But, Im stuck.
Please help me.

We'd like it to have a meaningful concept as well as it being safe. Dont' want pieces to easily come off and find them in their mouths!
the twins are 3years of age!

Homemade toys for your toddlers is very satisfying and can become very addicting. This is a great way to explore your creativity, recycle and provide your child will incredibly unique learning tools.

Here's the link for Home Made Toys for Infants and Toddlers

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What are some fun things to do with older infants (like 10 months) while your babysitting?

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Im 13 years old and today i started babysitting this 8-9 month old baby. she got bored with her stuffed animals and toys so easily! what can i do to keep her entertained?

There are lots of things you can do to keep the baby entertained! For example, you can:

-read books to her and ask her questions about the book so she feels like she's participating
-sing songs to her
-put her in a stroller and go on walks together (if the weather permits)
-put on an educational television program for her
-play with stuffed animals and make animal noises to keep her excited and interested
-play music and dance around goofily
-play peek-a-boo

As long as you're creative with your resources, you can almost always keep the baby you're babysitting amused!

I would also recommend downloading the free app Recalls Plus. It allows you to keep track of foods and products that have been recalled, that way you can make sure that both you and the baby are consuming and using safe foods and products!

Recalls Plus

what to pack for a 5 day vacation with a 9 month old?


I need a packing list for a 9, almost 10 month old to Disneyland. I don't want to forget anything.

Diapers / Wipes.
Formula (if you formula feed.)
Bottle Brush (to wash bottles.)
Soap (to wash bottles.)
Water (for formula.)
Jarred Food (solids.)
Pack N' Play (if you have one.) .. or something else to sleep in.
Pants / Shorts
Shirts / Sweat Shirt / Jacket/ Tank Top
Baby Bath Soap
Towels / Wash Clothes
PAPER TOWELS (always come in handy!)
Infant Tylenol (just in case he gets a temp! or starts to cut a tooth.)

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How many toys does your toddler have? Or how much of your house does your baby occupy?

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I'm wondering how many toys other people give their toddlers. You can estimate.
Each stuffed animal counts as one toy.
A fisher price barn with all the animals I would count as one.
Each hotwheels is one toy.

You can figure your own system. I'm wondering if we're nuts or if most people have this many toys. We have a pretty big house and we've turned the dining room into a play room for books, letters and numbers with some stuffed animals and cars. It's also where my piano is and we have a sofa where I play guitar. The entry area has his play village with his play houses and tunnels. The village spills over into my office but it makes a nice door and he doesn't go past that line.

The kitchen, living and breakfast area are relatively toy free. Maybe a toy or two that he's playing with and his rocking horse stays in the living room.

Upstairs, his room is another play room which is nice in winter as it is much colder downstairs. We have more books, letter and learning toys, oodles of stuffed animals, Fisher Price garage and Farm and a variety of other toys.

Just curious to see the toy situation in your home. My mom says she's never seen a child with more toys.

My 2 year old doesn't have a lot, but she has enough.
Our house is a little different. Our main living space (3 bedrooms, 2 bath, kitchen/living/dining) is only 900 square feet all together - high ceilings in our A-frame make it feel bigger, though. We've got a basement that adds another 900ish square feet, but we only really use that when it's warm. it's only heat is a wood stove. So we don't have a lot of room for lots of toys.
In the kitchen area, I've got a cooking stand with a shelf that has 2 tubs of art supplies/playdoh, which she shares with her 5 year old brother
In the living room, she's got a large dollhouse (we fixed up my old one, for her, for Christmas) and in a corner I have a medium sized bookcase (3 ft x 5 ft) of puzzles, games and toys, 2 kid recliners with a little end table that has a few books. there's also a basket of books by the couch (not that anyone usually notices) We also have a large rubbermaid of blocks. Not necessarily fancy, expensive blocks - some were melissa and doug, but the vast majority are old decking cut up that a neighbor brought over. They love those the most.
In her room, which is pretty small, she's got a laundry basket of stuffed animals and dolls. She has a small play kitchen and a little bin of play food/dishes. She's got a small bookshelf with her books and a few random toys. She's got a few dress up clothes in there as well. And that's about it for her. We don't have oodles of anything.

What's a good toy to get my almost 8 month old for Christmas?


I was just wondering what kind of fun learning toys i should think about getting for my almost 8 month old son?

My favorites for this age are toys they can pull up on.. like sit and stand toys..

There are many so maybe google sit and stand toys and see what you get...

If your baby doesn't pull up yet.. Im sure he will in the next few months and he will love being able to stand at his toy....

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