Thursday, June 27, 2013

When will my infant start playing with toys?

best infant toys 12 months
 on Best Baby Toys (6-12 Months),Best Baby Einstein Toys | Tibesti
best infant toys 12 months image

Jadahs mom

I was wondering when will my baby Jadah start sitting up on her own and playing with her toys? She is 3 months old and Ive tried to introduce rattles to her and little bears. Also could she be teething ?...
She always has her hands in her mouth and slobbing She also like to chew on her clothes to where the front of her shirt in soaking wet.
thanx everyone!

My son noticed his toys at about 10 weeks...and started batting & slapping at them (on his activity mat) at about 11-12 weeks. He hasn't yet been able to sit up on his own, nor is he able to hold onto a toy and play with it yet...but I suspect it will be soon.

Get some teething keys or gumming toys...your child might like those, since she is chewing on everything right now. BTW, this behavior is completely normal!

Why is my 7 month old baby so emotionless and mean?


She is 7 months old. She doens't like to be with me. She won't hug me or give kisses. She get frustrated VERY easily and hits her toys. She won't let me hug her. It's as if she were indifferent around me, or anyone else for that matter. Is this normal behavior for an infant?

baby is not suppose to be emotionless babies for a very strong bond with the person who takes care of them most, an emotionless baby is def. a sign of autism

Among the early signs and symptoms that parents and Pediatricians look for to alert them that a child needs further evaluation for autism include:

â¢not smiling by six months of age
â¢not babbling, pointing or using other gestures by 12 months
â¢not using single words by age 16 months
â¢not using two word phrases by 24 months
â¢having a regression in development, with any loss of language or social skills
Infants with autism might also avoid eye contact, and as they get older, act as if they are unaware of when people come and go around them

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