Friday, June 28, 2013

How does my baby compare to your baby at 3 months of age?

best babies toys 3 months
 on Best Baby Toys For 3 Month Old
best babies toys 3 months image


My baby is 3 months old and I thought he was on track in development until I went to a play group last week and saw a baby who was 3 1/2 months old who seemed leaps and bounds ahead of my baby. This is where my baby is at:

he weighs 13 pounds 4 ounces. He sleeps about 3-4 hours at night then I feed him and he'll sleep another 2-3 hours. He eats about 25-30 ounces a day, about 90% breastmilk (I pump) and the rest formula. He hates being on his stomach, just bobs his head and cries. He isn't even close to rolling over yet. He can hold his head fairly sturdy, but not total control. He can handle some weight on his legs if I hold him. He stares at hanging toys but doesn't reach for them. He can't hold a toy on his own. He has periods of about 20-30 minutes of happy awake times before he wants to sleep, he naps on and off all day.

How does this compare to your baby's development at 3 months?

Well, first of all, I know it's soooo tempting, but try not to compare your baby with anybody else's. Every baby develops at their own pace. When you take your baby in for his doctors visits, they can give you some average guidelines for development. If your baby falls way behind in development, your doc will let you know.

But, to answer your question, it sounds like your son is quite similar to how mine was at 3 months. He had NO interest in being on his tummy, would scream if left on it for more than a few seconds. He also still had bobble-head, and only stared at toys, never reached for them. His naps were on and off all day too, with 6 hours sleeping at night, feeding, and another 4 hours sleeping.

He is now 9 months old and still has not crawled! And he has only just cut his first tooth. We recently met a baby the same age as my son who is walking and has 8 teeth. It's hard, but just try to enjoy where your baby's at. When he starts hitting those milestones, it'll be so exciting for you, and once he gets one thing, it'll be everything else coming on fast right after!

I found that my son was much happier when he could sit up on his own (not until 6 or 7 months old).

What toys are good for a 3 month old baby girl and what activities can i have with her?


My daughter is just days till she's 3 months old and her sleeping pattern has already changed. She's now awake during the morning and afternoon hours with 30 minute naps in between and she sleeps thru the night and now I don't really know what to do with her when she's awake other than carrying her and talking to her. What else is there to do and what toys do they play with at 3 months?

My son loved Baby Einstein dvds at 3 months and he loved activity mats that had toys hanging from them, also small hand toys are good like rattles and teethers and chimes and all those small toys on the toy aisle at walmart and babiesrus, anything they can really grip well is awesome!!

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