Wednesday, June 26, 2013

what is the best gift for an ucle to give his newborn nephew?

best infant toys for boys
 on Best Infant Baby Toys
best infant toys for boys image

ronny t

my sister just recently had a baby boy, which by my luck was born on my birthday. my sister was already given all the essentials, such as bottles, formula, ect. and since im the uncle and its a boy i want to be the one to get him the best things. i want to spoil him. what would be the best gift for a newborn boy?

Here are some things I found to be absolutely amazing with a newborn/young infant: (sorry the links aren't clickable, just copy/paste them to see what they are) (I believe these are available at Babies R Us now) OR
I think that's so cool you want to spoil your nephew and be the "cool" uncle. I think you're already on your way. OH-- and as he gets older, and your sister gets more comfortable with being away from him, offer to babysit, spend time with him one on one, or just visit him often. My boys love my husband's brother- he doesn't spend a lot of money on them, but he spends TONS of time with them, and is always willing to go to the park and play in the dirt with them, take them to movies, McDonald's, or the zoo. They worship the ground he walks on, and the world stops when he comes over, simply because he's their favorite toy. :)

Where should I buy gently used infant toys online?


I am a proud new mother of a beautiful baby boy, and I am looking to purchase sencond hand toys at a very good price.

I've looked at e-bay but after shipping there is not much of a discount from store prices.

Any suggestions??

Thank You in advance!!

Anything online is going to have similar shipping cost. the best bet is to go look at second hand infant clothing stores. Try the yellow pages (or
We have one in out town that lets us sell the cloths our children outgrew. We put them on consignment. As they sold, we got half of what they sold for, and we always spent it at the store purchasing more age appropriate toys and cloths that fit them.

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