Saturday, January 25, 2014

What are some Montessorri activities I can do with my 4 month old?

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I am looking for some activities that I can do with my 4 month old that are Montessori-inspired. Right now I am working on getting her to roll over, to reach for toys that are dangled in front of her, and to spend more time on her tummy for more head control. Any ideas?

I don't have a lot of infant ideas, since I teach 3-6 year olds.

I would recommend this book:

Really, what I would suggest, thinking about Montessori, is your actual environment. Not so much specific activities, but I would look and see whether the environment is set up for the child. When your daughter is old enough to crawl, is everywhere she crawls safe for her?

Right now, language is playing a huge role in development. Not that she'll start talking, but it is important to make sure you talk to her a lot, sing and play games, and she sees positive communication from you.

At what age should infants be able to sit up on their own?


My son is 6 1/2 months old. He was a 5 week early preemie and had tons of problems keeping him in the hopsital until his due date. His development has been going fine. But he will not sit up on his own. My friends baby starting sitting up just before 6 months. I know better than to compare but I just wanted to get some other opinions. He grabs toys, rolls over, laughs, etc. He just doesn't sit up. Thanks for the advice!

All babies develop at their own rate, he just may take his sweet time sitting up. Your right about the comparing part, I think that makes every woman worry about their child.
He will eventually get it, if your worried about it speak to his doctor about it.

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How can i stop my Yorkie form being so destructive?

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When ever i leave him at home he chews everything in sight. When we crate him, he goes to the bathroom in the crate. We take him out often but he still whizzes in the house. HELP!!

Most little dogs are notorious for being hard to house train, keep at it, take him out often. Believe me it will happen. With the crate, he may have been in the pet store for a long time or from a puppy mill. That destroys their sense of keeping their sleeping/eating area clean.

He may be bored at home, concidering the destruction. Try different types of toys that he can choose from like interactive (make noise when played with especially the ones that make noise if he just touches them) A lot of cat toys or human infant toys worked for my yorkie. Chew, toys something he can really get his teeth into are great too. Rope toys are good for interaction with you nad to assist with dental issues and you know how yorkies can have dental issues. Most important, exercise him as much as you can.

I have found Natures Miracle Bitter Spray kept my little guy from crewing extension cords, wicker baskets, coffee table legs etc.

Best of luck!

How to babysit? how to babysitt little kids and what to do when babysitting?


my parents want me to learn how to be responsible and how to make my own money,so they want me to babysit, when the told me i was like, "okay fine". but then i realized i have never babysat in my life! Usually when i go to the mall, my mom comes with me and she just pays for whatever i get.
i don't know how to babysit, like, what do you do? and when do you feed the kids that you babysit?

I was the same way when I first started babysitting, it's normal:)

To really earn the trust of the parents, the Red Cross Association offers babysitting and CPR classes. I would suggest taking one of those, they are only about a week long. You get CPR certified, and you can show your little card to the parents and they'll definitely know they chose the right person to leave their kids with.

On the subject of things to do when you're babysitting a kid(s), it depends on the age.
If they're young, (infant), you wont do much. Just make sure the baby is okay, fed, changed, and healthy by the time the parents are back. If you have any other age kid on your hands, it's quite simple. They'll have toys, things to do outside, they'll want to do interactive stuff too. Pick them up and do piggy back rides. Hold a picnic outside after making sandwiches. Pop in a tape or CD and throw a dance party. It's really easy. Just keep them entertained.

You'll know when you need to make food. They'll ask you or tell you when they're hungry, or just bring it up. If they tell you they're hungry, make them a snack. If they aren't just wait, they'll get there. If you're taking on one kid it's really simple. If you have siblings or friends over, it might be a little tougher, but you can do it. If a kid is grumpy or throws a fit, just set them in time out, and if they don't respond to that, threaten to call their parents. If it gets even worse, you can actually call the parents. They'll leave their numbers for you. Never, ever, resort to anything physical with a child. Never hit, shake, trip or hurt them if they're throwing a tantrum. You can get in SERIOUS trouble. The kids will warm up to you, and vice versa.

Make sure you play by the parent's rules though. If they tell you to make macaroni for lunch, you better know how to make macaroni. If they tell you to not go outside at 6:00, god forbid you go do not go outside at 6:00. If they tell you to bathe a child, or that they can't watch Nickelodeon and only watch Disney Channel, you play by the rules.

Also, don't "charge." That seems snotty. Let the parents pay you what they think you deserve. Most likely they'll pay you by the hour. You won't be making serious bank, but you'll be doing okay if you babysit for a whole day.

I hope I helped:)

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What infant toy(s) do you think actually benefits your child developmentally?

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Ivy has Tw

My guys are 4 months, and so far I think the activity gym (the mat with toys hanging overhead) is the only thing that really develops them in a way that not having it would not.

The swing, jumper, infant chairs etc. are soothing / fun, but not developmental, but the activity mat allows them to do something they couldn't yet otherwise, which is to grab and bat at toys.

I feel the same way. I have a jumper and a swing and they simply keep my son distracted (for a short period of time) when I need to be doing something. The activity mat actually engages his mind and helps him to play. It is by far his favorite place to be when I'm not holding him. I have recently tried him in a Jumperoo and he loved that thing so much he got kinda mad at me when I took him out of it because I could tell he was getting exhausted. It has lights and makes noises when he jumps and he loves light and noises. (And belly dancers for some reason, but I won't get in to that here.) (:

What are some fun activities to do with 9-month old?


I already do a lot of the standard stuff (play Peek-a-boo, read book, sing songs) but I am always looking for new ways of entertaining and educating my baby girl. Please share your ideas and favorite baby activities with me. Thanks.

My son is 8 and a half months. I love that he is getting more interactive. I throw him on the bed (making very sure that he goes back first). He loves it! I throw him in the air. He LOVES being held upside down!! That is his favorite. When he is in the high chair (with wheels) I spin him in circles.

He is a very gentle boy though and is not as rough as my daughter was at that age. So if he is not in the mood for those games I get him to 'help me make the bed' in the morning. I lay him on the bed and throw the first blanket in the air and let it float down on him. Than I take his feet and slide him out and put him on top of that blanket and to it with the next one. We do this till the whole bed is made.

Another thing we do on my bed is that when he rolls away from me or crawls away (almost crawling, lol), I will pretend to be upset (in a play way) and he gets so excited. I take him and turn him back over onto his back and say "NOW, you stay there!" He grins real big and rolls to his tummy again, lol.. that little twinkle is priceless.

I also get on the floor with him. I play with his toys with him and read books down there... and boy does the world look different from 4 inches off the floor! Gives me whole new ideas for baby proofing the house!

We do alot of cuddle time and when a good song is on the radio, we turn it up and dance. He loves it. Slow or fast songs... he loves it all.

Sometimes I take his hands and do baby sign hand over hand.

For rewards for him listening, I do lots of happy voice and touching his face. He loves having his face touched.

He play this back and forth game with the soother. I put it in his mouth and act like he stole it from me. He does that to me now.. will put his soother in my mouth and grab it back, lol. Too cute!

He learns from all of this. Fun energy is the best way to learn.

OH, infant massage is great too! He is very sensitive on his skin. I tickle him, give him the shivers, give a back rub, or even take one finger and gently trace it all over his skin... he loves that last one, especially when we are cuddling.

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Friday, January 24, 2014

There is alot of speculation about the world ending in 2012, what are your opinions?

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As i think that it could happen but i truly doubt it will.

People that say ANYTHING is going to happen out of the ordinary are delusional and need to seek psychiatric help.

There will be no pole-flips, no invisible pink planets, no exploding Mayan calendars, no alignments causing (unnamed) catastrophes... and if you don't believe me... go ask the people that made this #$% up. They are LOONS.

For example....

Nancy Lieder has more frequent flier miles than Barrack Obama, except SHE travels in a Flying Saucer. Yes, she came up with Planet X.

Jose Arguelles claims to be a reincarnated Mayan priest. Yeah, yeah, I know... Shirley MacLaine is an American Treasure, but that doesn't mean she isn't a LOON. Arguelles came up with the Exploding Mayan Calendar.

Terrence McKenna did more drugs than Timothy Leary. Okay, so NO ONE did more drugs than Timothy Leary, but it was close. McKenna, on one of his trips on Magic Mushrooms, came up with the "Chinese Connection" between the "I Ching" and his "Novelty Theory", calling it "Time Wave Zero" and spreading the lies to include China, which is very unfair. Sure, they poison our dogfood and add lead to baby toys, but they are innocent of the 2012 malarkey.

"Doctor" Jaysen Rand also likes to vacation in far off lands. Far FAR off lands, only reachable by Flying Saucer. He got his "Doctorate" by attending a conference of UFOologists. Why do they insist on calling them "UFOs"? The "U" stands for "unidentified" and according to "Doctor" Rand they are all from the Planet Omicron or something, so they are IDENTIFIED! Woo! Real alien life! Any proof? Well, no. He is just one more LOON.

Scratch below the surface of a 2012er and you get a nutcase. Every time.


Why are people so mean to Michael Jackson?

Kayla Bieb

I was just wondering. I get not everyone is gonna like you but some people just say the rudest things! I don't think he did anything. He's a very innocent man in my eyes.

For these reasons - hateful, ignorant, stupid or jealous.

I agree, you're not going to like everybody but the level of disrespect is ridiculous.

Ignorant people actually choose to be ignorant. The information is there but they chose not to learn it so they're acting out of their own lack of knowledge. The same knowledge that they rejected. IMO to reject knowledge is stupid. There is hope for this group, as soon as they decide to enlighten themselves, they'll no longer be ignorant.

Now stupid people have other mental issues that cannot be helped. They can look at information all day long but they cannot process it. They are without common sense. I believe that common sense is something that you are born with. For the people that don't have it, well "God takes care of babies and fools." These people are speaking out of their own stupidity and insecurity as well. If I was stupid, I would be a little insecure.

People that are hateful and mean to other human beings usually have very little or no self-esteem and are unhappy with themselves. Trashing someone else is a confidence boost for them but the real problem never gets fixed which is their own miserable existence. The old saying "misery loves company" is very true.

Then you have your jealous folks, which needs no explanation.

Michael was truly amazing! He was greatness. He wouldn't get such a rise out of people if he wasn't.

These are examples of information being available and not utilized:
Some people think MJ was only around boys. Media reports fail to mention the sisters, mothers and whole families at Neverland Ranch and with him on vacation, some which can clearly be seen in photos and video footage. Jordan's mom, June Chandler who was also a blk/asian ex-model traveled with Michael right along with Jordan and his little sister Lily. June Chandler also testified she never witnessed any abuse and didnât recall any stories of MJ with other boys. This information is available and ignored. There's even a video on YouTube of Michael at Neverland with children and parents. A family trip

Some people think Michael was sleeping in bed with strange children. This is not true. Michael was speaking of sharing a bedroom and not a bed. He didn't have a regular size bedroom like most of us have. His bedroom was 2 stories, like a small apartment without the kitchen. Even in the same conversation that some like to reference they leave out the part where he said at least twice that he did not sleep in the actual bed. They also leave out the part where the boy said that âthere was one nightâ he asked Michael if he could sleep in his room and the boy himself said Michael piled up blankets and slept on the floor. The whole conversation about this subject is usually ignored and it's on tape.

Some believe he had a life size doll in his room when he died. This is also BS. Another lie. There is even a picture of his room that is also available. The picture shows a little girls baby doll left in his room possibly by his little daughter, Paris. For God's sake the man had 3 kids. Like children don't leave toys in their parent's room. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it because I knew he had children that age. When it comes to Michael, some act like it's the first time they ever heard of anything.

Some people also think he was a junkie when his autopsy report states he had no drugs in his system other than the medication Murray used that night. The toxicology report even lists every drug you can think of and next to each drug it is documented that they were NOT present in his system. These documents are available to the public on the internet and they are ignored. And let's not forget during the trial every inch of the autopsy was covered for about 2 days and people are still clueless.

Some people ignore photos, video footage, taped recordings, legal documents, court transcripts and believe what they want to believe and see what they want to see which leads me to think they are one of the 4 groups above.

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Where are the cheapest places to by baby supplies?

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Pokemon Tr

My friend is having a baby shower for her son who is due sometime in 3-4 months. Im not sure. Im on a budget but want to make her a nice basket. I plan on diapers and some onesies and some other small things. I know she is looking for jake footie pajamas and has dc shoes on her wish list. I dont know if I can get her all that but I do want to know the cheapest places to find baby items. We have a walmart and a dollar store ao it may need to be online. If anyone else has any ideas for a basket let me know. I am not sure yet whether she will be using breast or bottle. Should I get some bibs or a blanket?

Um, does DC Shoes even make sizes for infants? I wouldn't get her name brand stuff as the baby will outgrow it quickly. I don't know about the Jake footie pajamas either.

Amazon and Wal-mart has some cheap shipping options too.

I would consider getting her the onesies packs that Wal-mart sells. I would throw in some teethers (a set of 3 is cheap). A glowhorse or a glow-worm in the toy section of Wal-mart is a good buy because every baby I've seen loves them. I would consider a package of regular cloth diapers for burping. Bibs I'd hold off on. Receiving blankets maybe but those big plush ones aren't actually recommended till the child is out of the SIDS range. I would consider a sleeper gown. Baby shampoo and wash clothes are good for baskets.

Any clothes you get, I'd recommend buying in the 3-6 or 6-9 months range. A lot of people will buy clothes in the 0-3 range or newborn so that way the baby has stuff to grow into.

What kind of things do you add to your baby registry?


I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.

I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.

First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.

Here are some things for your registry

Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer

That is all I can think of for now. Good luck

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How do I set up this algebra word problem?

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Three of the highest grossing toy categories in 2005 were infant toys, dolls, and games. Together they had gross sales of $8.2 billion. Total sales of dolls and games together were $2 billion more than sales of infant toys. Sales of games were $0.3 billion less than doll sales. Find the amount of sales of each type of toy.

I need to know how to set up the problem.

Stephanie...keep it simple, use obvious letters to replace words.

t + d + g = 8.2.....(1)

d + g = t + 2........(2)

g = d - 0.3...........(3)

Eliminating d's and g's by subtraction in equation 1 and 2 gives

t = -t + 8.2 - 2

t + t = 8.2 - 2

2t = 6.2

t = 3.1

Putting t back into equation 1 gives

3.1 + d + g = 8.2

d + g = 8.2 - 3.1

d + g = 5.1

Putting t back into equation 2 gives

d + g = 3.1 + 2

d + g = 5.1..............which is the same equation as 1

Now, looking at equation 3

g = d - 0.3

So, g - d = -0.3

d - g = 0.3

Now we have 2 equations in 2 unknowns

Adding gives 2d = 5.4

d = 2.7

Putting d back into either one of these gives

g = 2.4

Toys = $3.1 billion

Games = $2.4 billion

Dolls = $2.7 billion

Hope this helps.


What are the best ways to keep the baby occupied while in the car...?

amber 18

We visit the grandparents at least 1 a month and they live about 2 hours away. My 6 month old is getting tired of the infant toys that hang from his handle. What other toys are good for keeping babies occupied for so long in the car?

Other than my husband or I sitting back there playing peekabo!

Traveling is sooo hard. I have trouble with mine if its more than an hour. He will sleep about that long then wake up and be bored and fussy. I try bringing lots of toys from home. When he was that little he loved to rip up paper. Old magazines work great for that. That would keep him busy for awhile. The other thing I try to do is leave for the trip when I know he is tired. He used to sleep late so if we got going real early I knew he would fall back to sleep. Also try and tire him out before you leave, play outside in the fresh air. My baby also likes the toy cell phones. I set aside some toys for just the car so he doesn't get bored with them so fast. The only time he gets to play with them is in the car.

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How to patch a hole on an inflatable bath tub for infants?

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Lux Lucis

We have this inflatable bath tub that has holes in it. The material is similar to that of an inflatable pool toy (Not the transparent kind). The holes are pretty small, looks more like a dog chewed on it than it does a rip.

Try a bicycle inner tube repair kit.

What should I bring when traveling/flying with an 8 month old baby?


We are flying to Ohio for a week (2 flights about 2 hours each). I am packing, but want to make sure I don't forget anything. I have diapers, wipes, clothes, a few toys, etc. How many bottles should I bring? I nurse and pump everyday, but will probably mostly pump while we are there. Any other suggestions would be great!
We are only bringing two small carry on suitcases and the diaper bag because luggage costs so much.

I just traveled with my son who was 10 months at the time...God bless you! haha....Anyway, Things I took on the plane with me 2 hour flight plus time in the airport....Diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib, 2 bottles, 1 can of formula, infant tylenol/motrin, orajel (hes teething pretty bad lately), Food (3 jars), spoons, snacks (cereal), sippy cup, toys (ones that don't make too much noise).

Things I brought in general for the trip....Clothes, PJs, stroller, car seat, toys, baby toiletries (soap, lotion, nail clippers, nasal aspirator, brush, diaper rash cream, baby monitors (we were staying with family, so I was able to put him down for a nap, and still go outside by the pool). Towel and washclothes, sunblock.

I bought food, formula, and diapers when I got there. My relatives also borrowed a lot of baby gear from a friend so I had things there (Pack n Play, walker, high chair).

Check your airlines policies. There usually isn't a charge for checking carseat, strollers, or bassinets (pack n play), even if the child is flying on your lap. You are also allowed to bring the diaper bag plus your carry ons...the diaper bag does not count as your carry on.

Best of luck. I hope you are not traveling alone, and will have help, my son was very good and slept the entire flight there, and if it weren't for my fiance and my mother traveling with us, I would have had a nervous break down.

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Infant ear piercing: What is wrong with these people who call themselves parents?

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Buffy J

A baby is a baby not a fashion accesory. Permanent Body mutilation should be the choice of whoever is getting it. I think that parents do have a right to not allow their kid to do it to themselves, because the kid can when they grow up, but they have no right to do it to their kid before they are old enough to decide for themself. I have an arguement against a few of the biggest reasons why a parent would do this to their kid. First, they say it's cute. I think it looks tacky, but for those who do think it is cute, so are hairbows, a lot of baby outfits, and babies in general. Also, see reason above about it being the kid's choice. Second, they say it ends the problem of gender confusion. A simpler, pain free trick even more visible is putting a little girl in pink, boy in blue. Finally, they say it spares the kid the pain of remembering. If the kid doesn't want it and doesn't wear earrings, the holes are still visible. If they want it when they are older, they can if they are allowed.
I was running out of characters for the last reason, so here's what I meant. I had my ears pierced in kindergarten, I wanted to, in case you are wondering. When I don't wear earrings, the holes are still visible. One possible reason someone may not like having their ears pierced as a baby is because even if they choose not to wear earrings, the holes are still visible and they may not like that. When I looked at similar questions, there were some people who had their ears pierced as infants and ended up not liking it. And if you want to know why I am so bothered by this, when I go to the mall, seeing this done to infants really haunts me, seeing parents deliberately put their kid through so much pain deliberately.

Thank You! I was at a birthday party not too long ago and my friend walked in with her 3 MONTH OLD daughter with her ears pierced! I was so horrified I couldn't say anything nice about it! I just said "I can't bear it when my daughter gets shots, how could you deliberately put her through that much pain!". Needless to say the mother was speechless and after they left EVERYONE at the party was in shock. It is now the punch line for everything like, "hey, at least I don't poke holes in my babies ears..." So awful, and trashy to boot!

OH and she didn't get them pierced for cultural reasons...she was treating her daughter like her own little fashion toy.

what is the best gift for an ucle to give his newborn nephew?

ronny t

my sister just recently had a baby boy, which by my luck was born on my birthday. my sister was already given all the essentials, such as bottles, formula, ect. and since im the uncle and its a boy i want to be the one to get him the best things. i want to spoil him. what would be the best gift for a newborn boy?

Here are some things I found to be absolutely amazing with a newborn/young infant: (sorry the links aren't clickable, just copy/paste them to see what they are) (I believe these are available at Babies R Us now) OR
I think that's so cool you want to spoil your nephew and be the "cool" uncle. I think you're already on your way. OH-- and as he gets older, and your sister gets more comfortable with being away from him, offer to babysit, spend time with him one on one, or just visit him often. My boys love my husband's brother- he doesn't spend a lot of money on them, but he spends TONS of time with them, and is always willing to go to the park and play in the dirt with them, take them to movies, McDonald's, or the zoo. They worship the ground he walks on, and the world stops when he comes over, simply because he's their favorite toy. :)

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Does anyone know of a modeling agency in Houston that represents newborn infants?

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Melissa N

I am due to have a baby boy in June and am interested in getting him in some ads or commercials. Daddy and I are both very attractive (so we've been told) and thought this might be a great way to kick start his college fund. He will have blue eyes and either blonde or strawberry blonde hair. Thank you for your input.

Neal Hamil is the only agency in Houston with a kids division, but it looks like the youngest they represent is 2 years old, not newborns

But you have to realize there is VERY little work for newborns. Companies like Pampers or Fisher Price use the same visuals on their packaging and ad campaigns for several years, so that baby you see on the toy box is probably 5 years old by now. When they become toddlers, there are more chances for ad campaigns, catalog work, in-store visuals, etc.

What are the most popular toys to get this year?

Susan L

I don't have any kids so I'm just curious what they are.

Top Toy for Girls: Digi-Makeover Interactive Make-up Kit

Top Toy for Boys: Air Hogs Radio-Controlled Storm Launcher

Top Toy for Teens: Nintendo Wii

Top Seasonal Toy: Fisher-Price Little People Children's Nativity Set

Top Toy for Family Play Time: Cosmic Catch

Top Infant Learning Toy: V.Smile Baby from VTech

Top Toy Girl 3-5: Baby Alive Doll

Top Toy Boy 3-5: Kid-Tough Digital Camera from Fisher-Price

Top Toy Girl 6-9: Amazing Allyson

Top Toy Boy 6-9: ESPN Fast Action Footbal

Top Toy Girl 10+: Designer's World Plug n' Play TV Game

Top Toy Boy 10+: Fly Wheels XPV (Xtreme Performance Vehicle)

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Does anybody have any tips for babysitting for an infant?

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meg [arthu

I've got a part time job for when I go to Canada babysitting a 4 month old boy. I've had babysitting experience before but for no kids under the age of 18 months. Obviously, this is quite different because he's a lot younger and I can't just leave him to play with his toys like I can do with older kids. Has anyone had any similar experiences? Can you give me some tips?

You are certainly right- you can't leave a 4 month old alone! Never leave babies unattended. They'll fall over when you think they won't/can't, etc.! You can talk to them, play with age-appropriate toys with them, sing/lullabys, bath time is enjoyable for them, even reading to them at that young age is recommeneded and my daughter seemed to enjoy it! You can go for walks in the stroller if the weather is nice enough, or just bundle baby up well if it's a bit cold. Also babies like activity centers, jumpers, exersaucers at this age. Baby will be rolling around that age and soon enough, starting to sit up and crawl which is a fun, fun time.

How to patch a hole on an inflatable bath tub for infants?

Lux Lucis

We have this inflatable bath tub that has holes in it. The material is similar to that of an inflatable pool toy (Not the transparent kind). The holes are pretty small, looks more like a dog chewed on it than it does a rip.

Try a bicycle inner tube repair kit.

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First Time Mom & I Need Help On Baby Items/etc..?

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This might look a tad bit long but please help me out with at least a few!!!

So I'll be finding out the gender of my baby in about a week or so & soon I need to start shopping/collecting items for my baby. I am starting to get nervous about a few things and as a first time mom I would really appreciate some help from other parents who have kids.

PLEASE help me out if you can.

Clothing --> do I need to get a lot of 0-3 months? or should I get a few and just focus on stocking up on 3-6 mnths? I know people keep telling me that the baby will grow fast.
-->What are some 'much needed' clothing items (clothes that make life a bit easier for example: clothes that you don't have to struggle putting over their head / baby gowns// etc..)

Shoes--> Do I need them? I heard baby's hate having shoes on or that they aren't needed til they walk

Items in general such as cribs, stroller, etc---> What is NEEDED exactly? Like I know that I can live without a Diaper Genie.. but a Crib is a must! So what all do I actually need & what are the things I should avoid wasting money on?

Toys--> Should I start buying toys for the baby already? How soon do they take interest and chew on the toys?

***I have a washer/dryer so I can always wash clothes (that means I probably don't need too many)
***Husband and I are financially stable so we're not worried about the cost of things if our baby needs it.

If you have any extra advice/info -moms/dads- I'd appreciate it!!! THANKS!

Clothes:Don't even bother with 'newborn',go straight tp 0-3 months. Get plenty of vests and stick to gowns and babygrows, they are easier to handle when it comes to changing times. Babygroes are the best option, gowns tend to let too much air in and newborns need to be kept as warm as possible. Get beanies and socks, you'll be using the socks for his/her hands for a while as newborns tend to scratch themselves. Get 6-12 pairs of 3-6 months clothes.It's just enough to cover you for a few days when baby starts growing out of his 0-3 months, mine is 2 months old and already wearing his 3-6 months clothes.
Skip shoes entirely. It's perfectly useless for a child that young. You can get one or two pairs when baby is around 6 months and then you'll only be using them for when you go someplace nice and you want him to look cute.
Must haves: You will need a stoler, carseat and carrycot. Get one of those strap on carriers that the mother wears and the baby rests on her chest, we have 3 and they are SO comfortable(you can use them at around 2 months) A camping cot is very convenient, though not utterly necissary.It's great to have around when visiting friends or keeping next to your bed when the tot is sick. Baby monitors, don't be cheap because the cheap ones tend to give off so much static that you can hardly hear the baby over it.
Get a comfortable changing station, even if you convert an old dresser into one. It needs to be high enough as to not hurt your back from bending over, It's a bonus if it has drawers to keep the tot's clothes close by, it needs a changing pillow(not sure what the correct term is) and get a bin that seals propperly to keep the daiper's smell locked in.
Get a baby bath and stick to nonscented products for the fist 3 months. travel changing mats are great and very cheap. Baby bags, get at least 2, one for the car and a spare.
If you aren't breastfeeding, get a bottle warmer. I know it's not a MUST have, but it saves you plenty of time running up and down to the kitchen with a screaming infant. If you are breastfeeding, get a breastfeeding pillow, or you might have backaches from bending over all the time when breast feeding. And get a baby medi kit, it has your themometer, the suction to suck up the boogies, Measuring spoons for medicine etc.
Toys: Don't go too big. Just get a rattle or two and something that makes noise and lights. They only start being interested in shiny, noisy things from around 2 months and can't hold anything until 4 months. Besides, plenty of friends will bring stuffed toys so you won't even have to bother buying any in the begining.

a list of things i will be needing?


I'm almost 29 week pregnant and in all honesty my brain just can not think of everything i need for bubs...Iv got a few things like Pram,cot,bath,bouncer,swing,blankets,sheets,car seat, a few clothes not much just yet any more ideas?Also where can i buy cheap maternity wear as i will not be needing them for long?

· nail clippers - the scissor kind is worthless, get small clippers that look like adult ones

Changing Supplies

small changing pads

diapers I get huggies from you can buy them in bulk and free over night shipping.

wipes -

changing table or countoured changing pad and a cover that can sit on top of a dresser

Bath Supplies

bath towel - buy two with hoods

· bath toys - plus a plastic cup for rinsing and pouring

· washcloths

· baby soap and shampoo or body wash

· baby lotion

· desitin or corona (Which is for animals and sold at feed supply stores. It has lanolin, which heals diaper rash faster than anything I've ever found. A nurse recommended it to me.)

· soft brush

· infant bath tub or sling - I preferred the sling because the tubs are so hard to store

Feeding Supplies
bottles - 1 or 2 are nice even if you plan on breastfeeding


· burp clothes - need 4 to 6 or more if your baby has reflux

breast pads- If you dont breastfeed your might leak.

formula- even you do breastfeed if always good to have some on hand just in case.

breast pump - I found hand pumps worked better than electric.

you can wait until your baby is four months old before buying these items ( or stock up now they grow fast)

· plastic bibs - get a small one that fits the baby's neck

baby spoons - plastic coated ones are the best

baby food and cereal also plain mashed potato flakes are easy to fix and cheap.

sippy cup - I like the ones with handles for first time drinkers

Bring home from the hospital

alcohol pads

soft brush for scrubbing babies head while bathing - this prevents cradle-cap

nose aspirator

Sleeping Essentials


receiving blankets - buy 4 to 6 because babies need to be wrapped up when they are first born

sheets - at least two for when your baby poops or throws up on one

Car Basics

infant car seat

sun screen for the car window


clothes - don't buy too many you will receive a lot of 0-3 month clothes at your baby shower. If you get too many which you probably will take them back and buy a bigger size. Figure out how old your child will be the next time the season comes around and buy that size.

pajamas - buy lots of these, 4 to 6 pairs, because they are easy to change and keep your newborn warm


socks - keep those baby feet warm

Toys and Board Books

teething rings

toys with bright colors and music



rubber toys for chewing

soft toys for cuddling

board books - not paper

Great extras

bounce chair - my son slept in his the first three months because he was elevated and it helped his acid reflux

swing - some children love these and some don't

baby carrier - I used to take mine to the grocery store and carry my baby in it so I had my hands free.

stroller - I used to take my son on walks for exercise.

bassinet - this is nice because you can keep the baby closer for the first month

rocking chair - babies love the rocking motion

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

What car seat(s) work best in these two vehicles?

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I have a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee and my boyfriend is in the process of getting a late 2000's Ford Focus. Any suggestions on a car seat (infant &/or convertible) that fits well in both of these vehicles and functions easily but also safely?

Well, if the Ford Focus is a 4 door then from what it looks like it should have plenty of room for a convertible. The Graco My-Ride is one I'd try, you might need to put it in the middle of the backseat between the front seats to get it to lay back but it should be fine. I've actually heard a lot of good things about the Radian XTSL and that it seems taller but because it's actually shorter in the base it fits some cars better. The Grand Cherokee shouldn't give you any sort of trouble, so much room in that one in the backseat that I remember.

I did find this site, and they say that the Graco My-Ride doesn't fit well in their Ford Explorer. But what I'd do there is take the car to Babies R Us or a Toys R Us and try their 'model' in your car to see if it'll fit. You have to make sure it reclines fully for a newborn though. But that gives you the freedom to try them out. People list several of the Britax fitting.

Keep in mind you want to be able to keep them rear-facing at least to 2 years and 30lbs according to the AAP's more recent recommendation (though 4 years is the safest.) So a convertible may be wiser if you want to spend less money in the long run. I remember doing a comparison and since the Radian lasts 8 years it's basically the only seat you'd buy (no infant, convertible, then booster seats, just the one) and it starts to be close to the same price as if you went with having to replace them as the baby grows and goes from 5lbs up. Second link is the importance of keeping them rearfacing.

I was able to keep a Britax Decathlon and Graco My-Ride rearfacing in my old Dodge Reliant which had a very small backseat by putting them in the middle between the front seats until my daughter didn't need the recline as badly. The My-Ride was a bit harder to get to recline better without being between the two though, so I would look at the Britax line at Toys or Babies R Us and see if that will work. You sort of nest it between the front seats.

Add: Fourth link, I found this person complaining that safewise the Ford Focus has the hardest time fitting car seats safety wise, so you'll want to make sure you try it out before buying the seat. Of course they're talking European car seats, so maybe that will make a difference, but it's something I'd be warned about. Fifth link is from someone else asking a similar question and the Radian being recommended because of it's thinner width making it fit 3 to the backseat better (which to me again would make it easier to nest between the two front seats so that it reclines fully, but if your focus has a sort of lump in the middle back seat that might not even be a good place to put the car seat. :(0

Last link, promise. It's the carseatdata car seat search engine. Maybe that will help as well. It's not updated though and doesn't have some of the newer car seats (like the Graco My-Ride, Radian XTSL, or the Britax 70 line) but it should give you an idea of how it will fit and where. Looks like most folks haven't had problems putting them in the middle.

What are some things I can do to make a long car ride with a 9 month old easier?


In the near future my husband and I will be taking a 6 hour drive to the beach our 9 month old can get pretty fussy if she's been in the car a long time what are some things we can do to make it easier on both her and us and just beach tips with a baby are welcome too!

It has been a while since I took a long car ride with an infant, but here is what I used to do.

-Try to leave early so baby will sleep for as much of the ride as possible.
- Have someone sit in the back if possible, to provide toys or food as needed.
- Stop frequently so the little one isn't sitting in a wet or dirty diaper for a long time.
- Pack a few things from baby's normal sleeping environment, this will also help if you are staying overnight somewhere.

I don't have many beach tips as I never took my little one to the beach until she toddler age and then I spent most of my time keeping her from eating sand and running too far into the water.

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Total cost estimate for baby's first year?

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So I'm 16 and pregnant. My due date is January 28th, 2014. My boyfriend and I are gonna take full responsibility for this baby and pay for everything he/she needs without relying on our parents or taking any government assistance. We'd like to see if anyone has a rough estimate on how much our baby will cost us for the first year? We understand we'll have to provide for him/her throughout their whole childhood, but for now we're wondering around how much it will cost for the first year. I have insurance through Tricare since my father is in the army, so all of our hospital fees are covered by that, including the birth. I am planning on breast feeding and using a breast pump which is also free with insurance, so we won't be needing to pay for formula either. I know eventually I'll have to total it up myself and I know it all depends on what brands of baby products we buy, but for now it'd be nice to have a rough estimate of how much it'll cost us. Include diapers & wipes (I know that's gonna be a lot! haha), clothing, baby food, the nursery set (crib, changing table, etc.), car seat and stroller, toys, baby care items (such as a baby tub, lotion, shampoo, etc.), and any additional items the baby will need. Thank you so much!!
@bby: Yes, we're getting a breast pump for free through my insurance. We aren't formula feeding.
Also, is that estimate with or without hospital and birthing fees? We won't have to pay for those because I have Tricare insurance free since my dad is in the army.

Sorry but the person above is so beyond wrong. Having a baby is no where near that cheap. $300 for diapers for a whole year? That's only $25 a month. One box of the cheapest diapers is $32 and you only get about 260 in them which isn't enough for a whole month. All of her calculations are so so wrong. she didn't even include wipes? A baby doesn't have to be super crazy expensive like $20,000, but no way in hell is it less than $2,000 a year.

Buying the cheapest diapers and wipes, its probably about $75 a month. That alone is $900.

You'll need clothes for a whole year, so newborn, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12. If you buy used like off of Craigslist, you could probably get by with $50 for newborn (they arent in them long) and $100 for each clothes size, so that's a total of $450.

You'll need Bibs ($75), burp rags ($100), towels ($200), and wash clothes. ($75) so $450

Shampoo, body wash, lotion, You'll probably need about 20 bottles of each for the whole year, so $180

With those things alone its $2,000. That's not even close to half the things you'll need.

I didn't even get into a crib, changing table, dresser, Bassinet, pack n play, swing, bouncer, stroller, infant car seat, baby car seat (yes they're different and you'll need both) high chair, exersaucer, ect. All of which is safe to say another $1,500 if bought cheapest possible.

There's also all the little things like bottles, nuks, diaper rash cream, bedding, blankets, toys, baby monitor, diaper genie, baby bath, sunscreen, baby grooming kit, ect. For a whole year I'd say at least $500

Breast feeding isn't free either. You'll need breast milk storage bags, breast pads, nipple cream, breast feeding cover ups, nursing bras, a nipple shield, special bottles for the breast pump. Easily another $1,000 breast feeding things are way more expensive than you'd think. You'll probably spend $600 alone on storage bags and breast pads.

There's so much more you need I didn't even come close to adding in here. Id say if you buy used and the cheapest stuff possible $7,000-$8,000 is a good estimate. If you buy new things, I'd say about $10,000-$12,000.

help PLEASE?

yet to dis

tomorow morning i have my
first baby sitting gig
i want to start off on a good
foot so i just want some good advice
on how to take care of 3 boys
one toddler and one baby
(infant 6-9 months?)
I am thirteen so if i
could have any good advice on how to
keep the boys entertained
as well as keeping the kids safe
and ensuring my own safety
and some good web sites
that have good tips on baby care
like how to feed them, how to
change diapers, etc. that would be great
thanks so0 much =] and please i need
them by tommorow morning
Excuse you AGENT D
but i have had experience
with handeling these boys
just not alone for a full 3 hrs
so im sorry but since you're
no help i think you should just
jeep your rude comments to
you're self!
Excuse you AGENT D
but i have had experience
with handeling these boys
just not alone for a full 3 hrs
so im sorry but since you're
no help i think you should just
keep your rude comments to
you're self!

Boys are easily entertained, make sure you get down to their level. You're young so it shouldn't be too hard. They have a lot of energy, make a game out of picking things up. Get involved (if the baby is not awake or needs attention) and play with them and their toys, ask them what they like to do, be interested in their rooms, toys and interest. As for the baby, that one is easier than the boys. Baby might sleep most of the time but just keep a visual on the baby at all times. Good luck!

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Has anyone used the FAA approved Chicco Keyfit 30 carseat on an airplane?

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Did you have any problems? Do you have any tips? Do you need to use the base? Did you check the stroller?

No, I've never used it myself but I was a Flight Attendant for 13 years. I never saw any problems with any car seats in general, especially the infant ones. I never remembering offloading any car seat because it was too big and we saw some pretty big ones used onboard.

I fly a lot with my own children now. The oldest is 8 and we usually fly between Europe and California about twice a year, plus shorter trips inbetween. I've always brought a car seat and only one had problems with installing it (and that was a foreign airline).

By the way, congratulations on bringing the car seat onboard and using it. As F/A's we had to watch all those scary emergency videos and knew that a car seat was the only way to fly safely with a baby. When flying, I'd be careful to secure the coffee pots and then go in the aisles and see babies in laps... There is no alternative for a car seat. Double seatbelts you see on foreign airlines are banned by the FAA.

Normally, on most seats, you do not use the base for flying. Don't take my word on this-check your owner's manual!! If this is the case, which is probably is, take it out to the car and get comfortable with installing it like this. Don't do it for the first time on the aircraft with other passengers pushing by you, the baby crying, etc.

As far as the base is concerned, it's kind of bulky to bring onboard. You may want to check it but be careful and pack it well inside your bag surrounded by clothes and other soft items.

I'm also going to suggest you consider not taking the it along at all. Less convenient? Perhaps but the inconvenience of dragging the base along, especially if it's a fairly short trip and/or you wont be using it in the car much might offset it. Just weigh up your options and do what works best for your situation.

I assume this seat fits into a stroller, like a "travel system" or similar. If not, I suggest a stroller frame especially for infant seats. I flew this way and it worked fine.

For either situation, you take the stroller or frame up to the door of the aircraft and leave it there. You will have already been given a tag at check-in. Make sure it goes somewhere that it wont be squished when folding the stoller. Just some stroller tips;
-Remove all "extras", like cup holders, toys, even the sunshade, depending on the design. Either pack them or leave them at home.
-Attach the straps before leaving it.
-Bring a bungee cord and double secure it after folding it. This avoids damage if the stroller pops open en route.

Please don't every try to take a stroller onboard or even try. It's not necessary and just makes you unpopular taking up all that stowage area with a large bulky item you don't need inflight anyway When you travel with babies, you don't need enemies at the very start of the trip!

Lastly, please keep her in the seat for both take-off and landing. These are the most critical periods of the flight and it's important that she be safe in her seat. It's a myth that children need to suck on something during those times for their ears. It's helpful if she's awake at the top of descent, this is about 40 minutes to an hour before landing (touchdown). Take her to a doctor within a week of the flight and make sure her ears are healthy and infection-free. This is the best way to insure she wont be uncomfortable.

Here's information from an ENT;

Read this to remind yourself of what a good parent you are bringing a car seat onboard (or to convince yourselves that the money for the seat was well-spent!)

I wrote an article several years ago to "counter" a lot of the bad information on the subject out there. I'm not sponsered and I'm not selling anything. I grew up on airplanes myself, worked on them for 13 years and now have a lot of experience flying with my own three children, almost always alone;

So pull out your owner's manual and get practicing with that seatbelt.

Have a safe flight!

How can i keep my 7 month old baby entertained for a 7hr drive on airplane?


Any suggestions please?

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I now fly a lot with my own three children. We usually travel between Europe and California about twice a year.

Seven months is actually a good age to travel. It gets trickier when they can run! You may have him crawling all over the place but for the most part, you'll be able to keep up with him.

I have never used any sort of medications to get my children to sleep on any of those flights. At that age especially, they do nodd off at some point of the journey, more if it's at night.

I also think he's too young for a portable DVD player. I got one when my youngest was 3 years old. They are kind of heavy to cart around and could easily break. How much screen watching does he do? Mine were not very interested, especially with a small screen, at that age.

Bring a few quiet toys but a small selection. Again, short attention spans and he'll be more interested in his new surroundings.

First of all, I really recommend bringing a car seat and using it onboard. Make sure your car seat is approved for use on aircraft. If you're flying on a U.S. company, see the below link for information on if it's approved. Most car seats, including infant buckets, sold in the U.S. are.

If you are flying a non-U.S. company, see the information for your airline. If you search with the name of the airline, followed by "children", that will usually give you the right page.

This way, the seat will get to your destination without risking it being damaged or lost in luggage. On my last transatlantic with my kids, three of our four bags didn't make it but since we had the car seat with us, my daughter was safe for the 2 hour drive home (the bags arrived 2 days later). I saw at least two other seats while looking for our luggage. Wonder how they got home?

If you don't have a seat for him, request it at check-in. Ask if the flight is full, and if not, they can "block" the seat next to you, only using it if they really need it. They often do this for families.

Bring the seat to the gate, even if they are unsure that you'll get a seat. This way, if you don't manage it, they will "gate check" your seat, sending it down with the strollers and wheelchairs. This is gentlier than checking it in at the desk.

I also recommend trying to sit at the bulkhead. These are the seats with the wall in front, located in different places depending on the aircraft. Bulkheads are easier with children since no one is leaning in front of you and there's probably room to crawl on the floor.

If you have a travel system, you can use the stroller until you get to the door of the aircraft and then it'll be "gate checked". If not, use a stroller frame for a infant seat. You'll have it again, by the door of the aircraft when you arrive. If you have a convertible car seat (going to 40lbs), there are a number of contraptions you can use to wheel it around. I simply strap mine to a small metal luggage cart and that works great.

If you do have a stroller, bring a bungee cord and double secure it before leaving it at the door of the plane. They can get damaged if they pop open en route. Make sure the claim ticket can be seen and isn't squished or hidden. Be sure to ask when disembarking where the stroller is.

Bring at least 1/3 more diapers than you think you'll need. I saw so many parents run out on flights when I was working! Wrap them in plastic bags and throw a bunch of rubber bands around them to save room in your carry-on.

For a formula fed baby, I really recommend using the bottles with plastic liners. Traditional bottles are too difficult to wash onboard because of the kind of sinks on airplanes. I premeasured the powder and rolled them up, placing the rolls in a ziplock bag. Then you throw the liners away as you use them and only have the ring and nipple to clean.

If you use bottled water, be sure to give yourself enough time to buy some once you're past security. Make sure you have enough! The water on the aircraft is filtered tap so decide if you're comfortable using that for your baby. Bottled water runs out fast on flights and we never had any extra for baby bottles.

Be sure you baby does not need the bottle warmed. Get him used to a room-temperature bottle before leaving. This is unnecessary health-wise and a real pain to do while travelling. I warmed many bottles on my flights but I wasn't there in the check-in line, the security line or the waiting area! Babies do great with room-temperature bottles.

Make sure you have at least one change of clothes. I would bring two. At that age, I simply dressed mine in sleep suits for flying. No one will care so keep him comfortable. Bring extra socks if he crawls so that he doesn't pick up anything nasty on the floor and to keep his hands clean.

Hopefully you have a good baby carrier. They're so useful for flying, especially at this age. I had a sling but other parents swear by their wraps and pouches. The Ergo and Beccos are other popular carriers for travel that go on the back.

I liked the sling because I could slide my babies from into and out of a stroller or car seat without waking them. It also doubled as a blanket, baby changer, breastfeeding cover-up and sunshade! My sling was magic for calming my babies during the flight. Other parents wanted one when they saw how easy it made my travels. Avoid front packs like the Bjorn since they're so bad for both the parents' and child's back. A good carrier should go to at least age 2.

Many flying tips say to make the child suck on something or drink during take-off and landing. This isn't accurate. ENT specialists say to have the child awake about an hour before landing (top of descent, landing or touch-down is too late).

I can confirm that is when I saw problems at work. Take your child to the doctor in the last few days before you fly to make sure his ears are clear and infection-free. Heathy ears can handle pressurization changes.

About 8 years ago, I wrote an article on flying with children for an expat newsletter. Over the years many parents have contributed, both on line and in Real Life. I later put it on a blog so that parents had access to non-commercial information from someone with both practical and professional experience on the web.

Feel free to visit;

Have a great trip!

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How soon after your baby began to pull up did he learn to walk?

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and so it

My baby has begun to pull up on the furniture but he doesn't seem to be interested in walking or cruising (holding on to furniture). He has a push walker:,r:5,s:0&tx=76&ty=78
but he doesn't know how to use it.
Moms, tell me your experience with walking. Anything I can do to encourage him to walk?

for my now 3 year old son he was around 6-7 months when he started scooting around, about 7-8 months before he started crawling,8-10 months before he started pulling himself up 11-12 months before he started cruising around, and then he didn't start to turning lose and trying to walk until he was over 12 months. so he was sort of slow at all of it, of course i didn't think so until my baby who is now only 9 months came along and started learning it all. he started scooting around at around 4-5 months, has been crawling since he was 5 months, started pulling himself up around 6-7 months, and has been cruising around the furniture ever since he turned 8 months. he was 9 months old on the 7th of Feb. and in i'd say the past week we have seen him actually turn lose of the furniture and just stand freely on his own for quite a while before realizing what he was doing and grabbing a hold of something again.. the reason i went back all the way to the crawling even though you just asked about the pulling up and walking is to explain that it was just the difference in kids, i do the same exact things with my 9 month old that i did with my now 3 year old, they just developed and learned to do these things differently, in their own time. the push toys are great to help them, my 3 year old had them and loved them, my 9 month old has the same ones and never touches them, he just seems to like doing it on his own. so, we sit in the floor and just try to help him, my husband will sit a little bit away from me holdling his little hands as he is standing, and i try to coax him over to me by holding out a toy or something that he loves, and it seems to be working, because he is actually letting go and just standing there for a while on his own then when he tries to step he realizes daddy isn't holding to his hands anymore and he either grabs for him or sits down. i think he will soon get brave enough to try to come to me. this is what i would recommend trying. but, again like i said, each kid is different, and he will get it in his time. just be patient and work with him.

What diaper bag is big enough to store the necessities and then some for weekend long trips?

Teena C

I am expecting in April 2010 and am trying to find a diaper bag that will be big enough to fit everything I need in it for a weekend trip. We visit family often on the weekends and I need something that will fit clothes, diapers, bottles, toys, etc.

When we go away with our son on weekends, I pack an overnight bag - carryon luggage size - for him. But I usually end up with at least one other cloth bag of toys and random items as well. And then one other bag of stuff I didn't remember until the last minute. And another bag with toys and snacks for the car. Babies don't travel light.

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Infants: What are SAFE non asian lead toys that you can make at home?

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Q. With all the recalls I want a safe wholesome toys for my child and soon to be born girl. My oldest is 7 months and a girl.


It has 10 toys that are good for babies.

Congrats though!

How much do infants cost every month, I have a $2500 budget?


My wife and I are in our mid 20's and are planning our first baby.

We have $2500 left over every month for a baby after everything is paid for. (Our house mortgage and cars will be paid off BEFORE the baby is born.)

How much will a baby actually cost us monthy?

My wife is working part time and we will pay her mother $300 a month to watch the baby and clean.

Childcare: $300
Insurance: $0 (No change to my premiums)
Monthy doctor visit: $10 co-pay
Formula: $0 (wife wishes to breastfeed)
Diapers: $?????
Toys: $????

What will we need to pay for?

I am worried about money because I hear that children are SO expensive.


Children ARE expensive, trust me I have an 11 yo son and he "needs" everything. Her are some basic costs for where I live(NH).

Childcare...$300per week
Doctor.......$10 co pay(each time you go)with a new baby it is usually weekly.
Formula....$0, unless your wife cannot breast feed and some women cannot.
Diapers....$35 per week.
Toys.........$depends on what u buy
Clothes....$unlimited...they grow out of stuff sooo fast!!
Medicine/prescriptions..$depends on what you buy and how often
There are many more expenses involved, like furniture, swing, car seat, stroller, highchair...etc.

I wish you all the luck in the world!!

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Why are San Fran Liberals wanting to Ban Male Circumcision?

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The Board of Supervisors just banned toys in Happy Meals, which drew worldwide attention.

Now the latest ban being proposed in San Francisco is on male circumcision.

A proposed ballot measure for the November 2011 ballot â when voters will be electing the San Franciscoâs next mayor â would amend The Cityâs police code âto make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18.â

Doing so would result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail, according to the proposed measure submitted to the Department of Elections.
Are they seriously mentally challenged? Do they not know the serious Health risks of Not getting Circumcised?

Did it occur to you that it just might be the conservatives that don't want their tax dollars and insurance premiums being wasted on an unnecessary elective surgery?

And what "serious health risks" result from not being "circumcised"?
Have you ever heard of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? Pretty scary to new parents. It kills about 120 infants each year in the US. Well, "circumcision" kills about that same number of boys in the US each year. Add to that many boys will find that their equipment has been ruined by the amputation, instances where the glans has been amputated along with the foreskin, where the penis is badly damaged by infections after the surgery. Why do the European nations that do not mutilate their baby boys have better health stats than the US for all the baby maiming that is done here?

The only real risk is to the "doctors" that depend on easy income to pay for their Porches, they may have to get side jobs to make the payments, I would suggest they apply for Wal-Mart Greeter.

Do you know how morris and wiswell (your sources) come up with their numbers that show a benefit from male genital mutilation? When a boy is examined prior to surgery the "doctor" might determine that there is a problem with the penis so the child is deemed to be "not a good candidate for surgery" then when the "study" was performed these surgery rejects were included in the "uncircumcised" group and guess what; the "uncircumcised" boys had more infections and other problems than the mutilated boys had. Because the group also included the boys that the doctors would not operate on because they had other problems with their penises.

Even if you finish last in the class they still call you doctor.

Male infant or child genital mutilation is a human rights violation.

Should this measure actually make it to the ballot, some of my Mid-West conservative dollars will be sent that way to support it.

Unreported news...again. Anyone want to help?


I have often seen answers here where people have wanted to help Native Americans on reservations. Here's your chance.

I found this article in the Hocak Worak (Newspaper of the Ho-Chunk Nation) June 24th edition. As usual, the national media fails to report on Native issues and the government fails to provide for people in need right here within the boarders of the United States. Had this tragedy happened anywhere besides an Indian Reservation, it would be all over the news and the government would be bending over backwards to help.

Sara L. Peterson
Staff Writer
As storms sweep across the country during a tumultuous spring that will go down in the record books, tribal nations are struggling to find residents left stranded after flooding devastated the Crow Reservation in northern Montana on May 25, 2011.

Most of the state of Montana had been under some sort of flood advisory, as workers frantically fill
sandbags and search crews are searching for those still unaccountable. âThere are families and elders still isolated and stranded in their homes,â said tribe spokesman Donald Spotted Tail on May
26, 2011. âThereâs no way for them to access basic human needs such as food and water.â There is also the warning of water supply contamination in the region of the Little Bighorn River.

Tribal officials said the flooding has damaged at least 75 homes and about 150 people from the reservation remain at the Montana State University-Billings, along with 43 people from outside
Billings, according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs....

Donations are still needed for those that were displaced after the storms and flooding. Many of these people were left without any clothes, food, or shelter.

To date the terribly poverty stricken tribe has made over
150 layoffs and is working to just get people back into homes on the reservation. The tribe is quickly depleting its funds in the effort. âWe have never been a rich people: weâve always struggled, but weâve always survived. Thatâs what we will do nowâ, Old Crow said.

Items that are needed include:
⢠Non-perishable Food
⢠Milk, Juices, etc.
⢠Fruits and Vegetables
⢠Bottled Water
⢠Infant Formula and baby
⢠Personal Hygiene Items
(this includes items
such as soap, shampoo,
toothbrushes and
toothpaste, and toilet
⢠Plates and Eating Utensils
⢠Blankets and linens
⢠Laundry Soap
⢠Coloring Books
⢠Clothes (must be clean
and in repair if not new)
⢠Kids Toys
⢠Dog and Cat Food
They are also accepting gift
cards to Wal-Mart, Costco,
Target, Sams Club, etc.

Donations can be sent to:
Donations for Flood Victims
of the Crow Nation
8645 South Weaver Drive
Crow Agency, MT 59022
c/o Little Bighorn College

nie:wen for posting this Sarah. Lets hope a lot of people pitch in to help them.

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