Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can an infant teething cause the upper lip to form a blister like bump on her lip?

parent magazine best infant toys
parent magazine best infant toys image

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My children had them when they were breast feeding. I'm sure they could be caused by teething, but are most likely the result of sucking on fingers or toys to sooth the teething. This is a portion of the definition found in Parenting Magazine. Hope this helps.
SUCKING BLISTER- Found in the center of a baby's upper lip, this blister results from the baby's sucking on a thumb, toe, or other body part

Moms of potty learners: what do you pack on the go?


What is in your diaper bag/purse/bag/etc. when you leave the house with your potty learner. Tell me everything, even if it's not related to change of clothes, etc. Thanks!

Ok, i'm not a mom, but i am a parent, so....

My son has a SpiderMan backpack that has been used as a diaper bag for a couple of years.

While he was an infant, the diaper bag had: complete spare outfit, 6-8 diapers, package of wipes, a couple of small garbage bags, rash cream, teething toy, however many bottles/sippy cups were needed, and all of his baby documents (birth cert, vaccination record).

As he grew older, the rash cream was replaced with sunscreen, and the teething toy was replaced by old magazines, and a small zip top bag of Cheerios.

Now that he's potty training, we carry three pairs of underwear, two pairs of shorts, and one neutral shirt for back up outfit duty. No diapers, but wipes are always good to have on hand for accidents in and out of the pants--messy eating, small spills, sticky hands, etc. Still have those grabage bags as well, for wet/soiled clothes. A fresh bag of Cheerios--some things don't change so fast. Sunscreen and a bottle of water for emergencies (can you tell i was a Boy Scout?) Still carry a copy of his birth cert and shot records. A couple of toy cars. A rock he picked up at the park. My wife's old cell phone (it's his "phone" now). And a pair of shades--one of three pairs he owns.

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