Friday, May 16, 2014

BABY TOYS for younger kids(0- 4 months)?


I can't figure out what to get my nephew for his first Christmas. He will be 4 months! I already got him enough clothes(seeing how he is the first grandchild for both families he has clothes he will NEVER wear haha) and No diapers/diaper products(we buy it from costco so no issue). I was going to buy a baby swing because he likes to be rocked but his daddy and mommy bought it. What toys can I get for him? He will be barely four months when it's Christmas...Oh he has ALL the teething supplies needed haha.

Check out Tiny Love's website. They make developmental toys for infants. You can see what skills/milestones baby is working on at a specific age and choose toys that have those developmental goals in mind. They make *great* products. I've pasted the link for 3-6 month toys.

Lamaze also makes exceptional developmental toys.

Twins are 6 months and still not sitting!?


I have identical twin boys. Their due date was October 25, 2009 but instead they were born Oct 5. I am getting a little concerned because they are not rolling or sitting yet. When I go to sit them on their own [I put their hands in between their legs so that they can balance on themselves, if that makes since]. They MIGHT stay up for 1 sec, but they either end up leaning all the way forward [looking uncomfortable] or lean off to one of their sides. I know all babies are different but I was really thinking that 6 months I would have it a little easier as far as having to hold them all the time, I figure they would be nearing the early crawling stages by now. Never the less is there anything that i can do to "help" the learn to balance while sitting, or strengthen their backs. They have their 6 month check up next week, i just wanted to hear stories for several different parents.

My son turned 6 months last Saturday. He just rolled over for the first time Wednesday, and has done it about 40 times since then. He sits pretty well, I still put a boppy behind him to be safe because he will have his tumbles when he reaches for a toy.
I think its completely average. Bases on everything you read, especially on here you start to wonder if your child is behind.
Im a teacher in the infant room at daycare. There are 3, 6 month olds at work (one being mine)
Neither besides my son is CLOSE to sitting up what so ever.
1 of them rolled over when around 5 months, but has only done it a handle of times, seems more accidental.

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Looking for the best infant toys for development from newborn to 1 year- Any suggestions??


My baby girl is almost 2 months - i need something to occupy her later on - some kind of activity play center toy - something great with lights and music _ I've been window shopping and dont see much that i like - What do you parents out there recommend -What toys does your baby like??
What about activity mats or something that will promote sitting up and crawling??
And also looking for toys I can attatch to her swing (since her swing does not play music or have lights- a toy with light & music thats attatchble - where can I find one??

My kids LOVED the peek-a-boo blocks from Fisher Price. It is also good for development for them to learn how to put things in and take things out. They have a shape sorter from peek-a-boo blocks. It has different shapes and each block has something new inside. There are SO many different accessories that you can get with the Peek-a-boo blocks. has a great way to select that type of thing. You select the age, and then you select the type of toys. You want to find cause and effect toys, early development, and sights and sounds. You can look at all those categories there, or just type whatever type of toy into a search engine and it should pull up some options.

activities for infants?


I am studying early childhood education and I am going on placement in a centre soon. we have to make resources to take to these centre, the resources/activies are suppose to promote the use of language, so it could be anything from treasure chest to discussing different things in photo albums.

However i am stumped on what to do for infants (ages 0-16months). I am not sure how i can support or encourage the use of language. i was thinking of learning different body parts with a chart with removeble body parts but i'm sort of thinking thats a bit advanced, othrs in my class are doing mobiles so I want to do something diffferent.

please help

all younger kids learns fast when they experience it. you can do alphabets puzzles but is from foam, you can even just put words of the different toys that you have for them..just put words in all their toys.. label your classroom and let them listen to rhyming songs, and nursery songs..

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Nursery of child minder ?


I am going back to work full time after my baby is born. When he/she is 6months old I will need fulll time child care. What are the pros and cons of each ? Please share your experiences and why you would finally chose the place you did !

I don't know what your definition of child minder or nursery is but I use either a In-home daycare: a home where 10-20 children are watch by two or three adults, or a Childcare Center; each age level has a different room with one teacher, infant rooms have three or four teachers. Hopefully this helps you out.

If you are talking about a child minder being a nanny or babysitter...this could be a good idea if you know the person and can trust them fully, the child would not get a lot of socializing which I have found to be a VERY important part of my daughters life(she was very distructive, loud, didn't share with other kids, bullied a lot of that has changed thanks to our provider)...she can have FRIENDS to talk about and play with. You could arrange for special play dates with other children in your neighborhood or community that could help in the socializing...this may cost more? What would you do for back-up if your nanny gets sick?

I tried two types of child care, the one I like best is an in home preschool when I was in high school I had a chance to visit daycares and see how they ran their centers and how the children were treated and so on and then had to right a report...I put my child in an in-home daycare because I knew she was safe the center was right next to the school she will be going to next year, it is in our area that we plan to live, this way she has a strong relationship with at least one person from daycare. My mom was an in-home center also...they are a little cheaper and a little bit more homey. I tried New Horizon and the teacher was not as happy to be there and play with the kids as I wanted her to be. The kids just seemed to do as they pleased and run around.

Thing to consider when chooseing a daycare are:
-how many adults are there at all times...the ratio is like 1:10
-how many babies are there? 1:2 ratio
-what is there backround
-any schooling
-visiting? can you visit whenever you want?
-how does your provider inform you of what is going on? calendars, newsletter, emails?
-any awards? credits from the county
-what do other parents say about this provider
-how long have they been doing childcare?
-how do you feel when you arrive?
-do they have saftey undercontrol? gates on stairs? locks on cupboards, cleaning supplies up high, medication up high?
-how does your child interact with the provider?
-ask the provider if they have had any complaints? call and ask the county for reports on this provider
-do they keep their schedule the same everyday? other than field trips or special occasions.
-do they have diversity with in the center?
-how do they conduct free play?
-how often are toys cleaned? carpets? sanitized?
-what if your child is sick, what is their policy
-what happens when you take a vacation or have a day off? Is there a price difference?
-Do they have back-up provider for illnesses?
-How do they dicepline children?
all of these things should be available to you at anytime

Visit at least 10 different homes before you can start now...that would be best finding places for infants is hard because you can not have a lot of them in one place.

Ask the same questions for each and keep a list with you to record your findings. Make sure you are watching the children, how they interact with each other and the providers.

A center that I went to we sat for just a half an hour and during that time, I watched kids run around with yucky noses, hitting others, a little boy went into the bathroom to go potty and another child went in with him and the "teacher" did not even see it...nothing happened thank goodness I would have had to interupt. Another child was hit and went to the teacher and they did nothing about it. If that was your would you feel! At my in-home daycare they don't always step in but they give the children "WORDS" to use instead of hitting or bitting ect. There are always three adult, two at a time, one with the babies and one with the preschoolers, that way if one needs to be out of the room there is someone to cover at all times.

Price: I pay $119 a week for a preschool teacher to care for my child outside of my home, in her building. My daughter is there for 45 hours a week = 2.64 I pay an hour.

When I had my child in a center: I paid $37 for her to be there one day a week for five hours = $7.40 and hour = $170 a week

What specific things should parents do to foster a strong work ethic & love of learning in their children?

Margaret L

How early would you start and exactly what would you do.


I'll try to keep this as short as I can...

1. start as young as possible. If your child is still an infant, get yourself into good habits. Be what you want your child to be- because that's what happens, your kids really will grow up to be just like you and your spouse. SET A GOOD EXAMPLE! If you want your child to care about what's happening in the world- get into the habit of watching CNN. If there's something interesting in the news, share it with your child. Kids are naturally curious.

2. Many parents go to work for 8-10 hours a day and think that is a good example of work ethic for their kid: it's not. Kid's don't understand how hard you actually work unless they see it and do it themselves. When I was a kid, I thought my dad was so lucky to go to his huge office that always had fresh bagels and doughnuts and I had to be in school. When he took me to Daughter to Work day and had me helping him with his job for all 10 hours I really understood why he came home exhasted some nights! You need to SHOW your kid how hard you work, not just tell them or expect them to understand. Kids also need a lot of reminding-even the smartest ones.

3. Nurture, Nurture, Nurture! Make learning a fun and exciting thing that you do together. You can do many fun educational activities together- here is a small list of things I enjoyed doing with my parents:
1. Home science kits. You can find these almost any where- national geographic even has a series of them at Target. I loved, loved, loved doing science exparements when I was a kid (and ended up majoring in Biochemistry in college- coincedience? I think not)
2. Read to your child. It doesn't matter if it's Harry Potter, Goosebumps, Award winning children's books- whatever interestes your kid.
3. Rent/tivo good documentaries.

4. Teach them how rewarding it is to get good grades.
One system my parents used were those old fashioned star stickers. If I got anything below an 80% I got no sticker. 80-85 I got a blue sticker, 85-90 green, and so on. If I got 100% I got a silver sticker and if I got extra credit I got a gold sticker. Each color sticker was worth points-Gold being the highest. My parents would set up activities worth different amounts of points. Going to the movies cost less points than going to the water park, etc. If I got mostly A's and saved my points, I got to go to Disney land. By God I worked hard and saved my points and we went. The reason my parents used activities instead of toys was so I could also learn about money.

5. Reward your kid for a job well done- don't reward your kid for something they are expected to do. If your child keeps his room clean- good for him. If he goes out of his way to re-organize his desk (which you might want to suggest) reward him with money. Your child will learn that he benefits from really working hard at things and not just stopping at the basics. Once you start suggesting things to do as extras, he'll start finding things to do on his own. When I was 14, my parents would pay me if I had dinner made for them when they got home and would tip me if I cleaned up my mess. I was a mini Martha Stewart before I was even in HS. I even went out of my way to clean up dog poop because I really wanted an expensive pair of shoes.

It doesn't matter if you have money to blow on your child- don't spoil them. Buy them enough to keep them content and make them work for anything extra. It's not child abuse to only buy them two video games or stop after buying two dolls.

Make it a way of life for your whole family- not just something you focus on when it comes to your child. Step up your game- so to speak- you'll benefit from just doing that.

A few intereting things about my life to prove that you grow up to be like your parents:

My dad bought his first house at 19- I bought mine at 20
Both of my parents used to read at night before bed- I read in bed most nights and now my 21mo old daughter plays with books more than any of her toys.
My dad and a friend started a business. Curious- I married a business owner and after studying Biochemistry in college, I ended up going into business for myself.
Both of my parents don't go out with friends they much, they prefer to stay in. Now that I'm married I find myself doing the same.

Good luck!

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Looking for a COMPLETE list of all recalled infant toys, I can only find little lists here and there.?


Is there some place on line where all of them have been listed from the onset of this hype until now?

All my sons toys are freak'n made in China... I think iam going to have to take them all away.

How do we know that the ones that havent been listed are safe? Maybe they just havent been tested or listed YET.

Beyond that, what toy companies actually make infant toys in the US? Are there really any? I havent found any...

Stupid freaking chinese. Hacking our defense computers and poisoning our children, theyre probably trying to weaken us for an invasion.. jeez.

Try the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here is their list of toys, Chinese or otherwise:

Their main page is

Could someone recommend infant/toddler toy websites?


I'm looking for companies that sell American made toys. Preferably for infants and toddlers. I've already been to the Melissa and Doug website. I'm just looking for more. Thanks for your help.

Here's a whole list of them. Not exclusively infants and toddlers

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contact number for your baby can read?


i need to contact your baby can read, is there a number i can contact them, i tried the 800-741-8083 number but it didn't work...

Answer your baby can read
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Complaint filed to FTC over âYour Baby Can Readâ - Money ...
A national watchdog group has filed an official complaint with the Federal Trade Commission regarding âYour Baby Can Read,â calling the programâs claims ... - Cached

Experts: âYour Baby Can Readâ claims overblown - Money ...
Are those tots in the "Your Baby Can Readâ commercials really reading? No, experts contacted by NBC News agreed: The vast majority of infants and toddlers do not ... - Cached

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Why do all parents think their kids are smart?


Truth is: kids are stupid. Only about 1 in a million is actually VERY intelligent. Odds are your child is not going to grow up to be the next President, or a CEO, or a Doctor, or a Lawyer. Odds are they are going to be run of the mill hard working American slaves like the rest of the people living in America. To those of you who believe your child is SOO smart, do you believe you are the World's Greatest Mom or World's Greatest Dad like it says on your coffee cups? You are not the Worlds Greatest anything. You are just another regular plain old parent.

Actually I know what you mean...

But - my IQ is well over 140 and my children were all pretty much band geeks, Latin Award winners, Math Award winners, AP/Honors students and even the younger ones are in GT. I've got three in college at major universities right now (majors are: Administration of Criminal Justice, History/will Major in Education, and music Education)

The only one of the seven of them that's not a fair nickel near genius is my 14 year old who's autistic.

However... when I recently remarried and inherited what I'm told is a fairly "normal" teenager, I was stunned at how "slow" she appeared to me. When the rest of the kids are sitting around the table at dinner bantering some historical, math, music thing about, she just sits there, deer in headlights, like a fly could fly into her mouth.

She's capable... she just has to work harder to make up for the lack of natural intelligence.

One of my "most genius" kids did 2 1/2 years at a major university, first as a math major, then as a philosophy major, then burned his brain out on drugs and alcohol. How smart was that? Now he works in the warehouse of a retail toy store. His older brother who was never quite as "smart" in school is almost done with his degree, works for a major retail chain as a store director and makes enough money already that he drives a nice car and owns a huge home in a nearby town.

I hate Mother's Day. I don't think I'm the world's greatest anything. I struggle every day to do the best I can at parenting and many days I fall short. But... I keep trying and they're turning out okay for the most part. So... "smart" is what you make of what you have. True intelligence is being able and willing to access information and then using it to the best of your ability in every way. You don't have to know it all. You just need to want it all.

Odds are my children will grow up to be:

1) a Criminologist for the FBI
2) a retail worker who will struggle his whole life
3) a History teacher at the local community college
4) a Band instructor at the local high school
5) an autistic adult who will live in a group home/supported setting
6) a Vet Tech (God-willing, this is what the stepdaughter wants to do
7) an Attorney or Archaeologist (the 12 year old is undecided)
8) whatever a 10 year old videogamer and chess genius decides for himself

I'm not regular or plain as a parent. I'm strict, I have high expectations and I do not spoil them. They work, they earn, they achieve, they learn. Apparently this is no longer "normal."

I am a bit curious as to why you seem a bit bitter. Friends with kids and lots of pictures/bragging rights perhaps. If you become a parent, you'll understand why all parents want to believe their children are so smart. It's like thinking you have the coolest car or the hottest girlfriend. Someday you'll look into the face of an infant and want to jump up onto the roof and tell the world "Look what I did!!! I made this beautiful baby!!!!" and then you'll totally get it :)

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infants month by month?


i want to know what a baby does 2 & 3 months of age :)
what were your babies doing please be specific :)

2 months: Smiling, cooing, batting at toys, starting to laugh, lifting head off floor, following objects with eyes, able to sit with support, blowing spit bubbles.
3 months: Having conversations (IE: I talk and she cooes back), the mini push up (lifting her arms and belly off the ground while holding her head up), grabbing toys, trying to EAT her toys (haha), rolling belly to back, back to belly, able to stand while holding onto my fingers, plays with her feet and sticks them in her mouth.

Add: remember all babies develop at their own pace!

14 month baby hates bath time?


My son screams and cries when it is time to take a bath. He gets very excitedf when we are fulling hte tub and he helps put in his toys. When we put him in he instantly screams. And the water isn't too hot or cold. This has been going on for 2 months now. He loved to play in the tub with all this little toys and then we were at the in-laws. My husband and I were giving him a bath ( in December) and he has screamed ever since. Any ideas as to how long hating the bathtime will last? I am going out of my mind. He won't even play in his infant tub without having a meltdown.

It varies so much. My son (3.5) still doesn't enjoy the washing part and wants to go straight to the fun play part of it. So I get the washing done in about <5 minutes.

-Play kid music
-Offer toys that are only for bath time
-Sing songs/make it fun
-Dip his feet in and out and smile/laugh

A lot of times your (the parent)'s shocked/scared face of seeing your kid cry will make them even more uncomfortable, I've noticed this with my son. So lighten up and laugh.

A BIG thing with my son since about age 2 was fear of water in the eyes. When I rinsed his hair, he went CRAZY. It was making me nervous of making a mistake. I finally figured out to let him hold a small towel to his eyes so any over spill would hit the towel, and not go into his eyes/face.

Also, he didn't like rinsing in general. So I'd count back from "20" "19....." slowly or fast depending on how much time I'd need to finish rinsing. At 14 mo, I am not sure if he'd understand counting, but you could sing a favorite song and when it ends, the cleaning is over.

Slowly try dipping him in the water, in and out, just the toes, then the knees, splash him, maybe he's sensitive of temperature change. Do it slowly.

First I get ALL the bathing done and then it's play time so I am not on my knees for 20 minutes, but it may be different with your son. on and on.

Have other water 'experiences' that are fun....even out of the tub. Fill up a small tub of water (supervised) and let him throw a boat in, bath toys....don't make the tub/kitchen sink always for serious bath time/associated with screaming.

Is he scared of the tub? I had a "DUCK" inflatable tub that my son just HATED. I had to return it even though *I* thought it was cute.

Is it something simple like him slipping in the tub (fear of drowning), or ...? Put a towel under his butt so he won't slip...sometimes these baby tubs are slippery!!

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I am starting an in-home daycare in Jan 2011, but interviewing parents now. Should I make them pay a deposit?

Hailey B

My daycare opens Jan 3rd. But I am beginning to interview now and I have been flooded with calls. I am starting to interview on Monday if the parents decide to go with me should I make them put down a deposit to hold their child's spot so I know they are serious? If so how much per child and should I put it towards their first week of care or should i keep it and put it towards daycare odds and ends? My full-time rates are as follows. Infant (6wks-12months)- $110/week, Toddler (12months-2years)- $115/week, Preschool (2-5years) $120/week, School aged (5-12years)- $100/week Hope this info helps!!!

Usually you can charge a "Materials Fee" - many private schools do this as well as daycares. It pays for arts and crafts supplies, books, even toys.

Consider the fact though that you aren't up and running yet though - so there's nothing the parents can even see. It might be important to have a little good faith with them like they're having with you.

will a nissan rogue fit three car seats?

raeann k

I have a 6 and 5 year old in two booster seats and just found out i'm expecting.. Will a 2011 Nissan Rogue fit 2 boosters and an infant car seat comfortably or should i start looking around for something bigger


It totally depends on what seats your children will be riding in and in what positions.

Many parents have successfully installed three car seats across as shown here:

I would look into the Chicco Key Fit 30 infant car seat as it is typically narrower than other infant car seats. Usually the KeyFit works best when installed in the center. Another option is using a convertible car seat straight from birth. Look at the lowest bottom slots measuring about 8 inches or less to ensure the harness straps can be adjusted at or below the baby's shoulders.

The Diono Radian is the narrowest car seat on the market that measures about 14" across the thighs and 17" wide at the shoulders. It is typically outgrown around age 3-5 rear facing and another two to three years forward facing. This means that it will be the last harnessed car seat your child will need. It is spendy, but it is indeed worth it. The Radian R100 can typically be found on sale on amazon for around $207:

A newborn needs their car seat in at at a 45 degree angle to keep their airway open and the Radian does take up a ton of front to back space in the vehicle. You could try installing it in the center seat and have the top part of the Radian fan between the two front vehicle seats. Or you could have the Radian installed behind the passenger seat, but have no one sit in the front passenger seat until your baby gets some head control. When your infant is older, you can always used the angle adjuster by Diono to get the seat more upright.

You can always use the Chicco KeyFit 30 then get the Diono Radian later so you don't have to eat the dashboard. It is completely up to you =]

But I have to warn you- boosters can be difficult to buckle in a three across situation. You might get some scraped knuckles, but it is indeed do-able.

Also, if you do install in the outboard seating position for the infant seat, installing with the seat belt generally gives you more room. When installing it with the seat belt, the car seat can be scooted closer to the door. The seat just needs to be installed with less than an inch of movement. The KeyFit 30 has a built in lock-off to aid seat belt installs.

My best advice for you is to go to Toys R Us and try out car seats and different combinations. If you are installing a car seat in the center position in the back seat, LATCH cannot be used as they aren't reinforced in the center (unless your vehicle manual says specifically that they can be used in the center). The lower anchors on the side seating positions are connected by a metal bar; this is (usually) not found in the center.

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infants month by month?


i want to know what a baby does 2 & 3 months of age :)
what were your babies doing please be specific :)

2 months: Smiling, cooing, batting at toys, starting to laugh, lifting head off floor, following objects with eyes, able to sit with support, blowing spit bubbles.
3 months: Having conversations (IE: I talk and she cooes back), the mini push up (lifting her arms and belly off the ground while holding her head up), grabbing toys, trying to EAT her toys (haha), rolling belly to back, back to belly, able to stand while holding onto my fingers, plays with her feet and sticks them in her mouth.

Add: remember all babies develop at their own pace!

COGNITIVE development game ideas for infants, toddlers & preschoolers?

im not even sure what cognitive development is, but i need to come up with games/toys that contribute to it. (it can be a toy or game from toys r us) thanks in advance!
ps its for an assignment

Cognitive development is basically memory and problem solving (cause and effect, ect). For infants, mobiles, rattles,teething toys, stacking toys, squeeze toys and picture books.

For 1-3 years, Push-pull and ride-on toys,Small tricycles and wagons, Simple puzzles, shape sorters, peg boards, movement games, Blocks, stacking rings, Picture and coloring books, Crayons, markers, and clay

For 3-5 years, Dress-up with accessories, Puppets, Large bead threading and lace sets, Storybooks
⢠Simple board games (Candyland ,Whac-A-Mole, or Chutes and Ladders),Puzzles (no more than 24 pieces)

Hope that helps! :)

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What is the bst way to clean infants toys after they have been sick?


My baby has RSV and I need to disinfect his toys soon. I know I can throw the stuffed animals in pillow case and wash them but what about all the other stuff?

Put some bleach in a bath tub full of water and dunk them in. The ones with batteries, just give them a wipe down. I understand completely why you want to get those germs out! My nephew had RSV and did breathing treatments and took steroids to get better. I remember him being sick for weeks. Poor thing! I hope your baby gets better soon. You should think about an air purifier like the ones Rainbow has. Those are great.

How to safely clean plastic and electric children's toys?

Carolyn L

I have some old, gently used toys that I used to play with from my attic. I want to use them with the kids I will be working with in First Steps, but I would like to clean them first to get the dust and germs off. What is a safe way to clean them? I will be working with infants and toddlers, so I don't want anything that may harm them. What products should I use to make these items safe and clean? Some are electronic (battery-operated, make noises, etc.) and others are plastic.

For plastic toys I tend to use clorox wipes. If you think that is to strong you can always then wipe them down with a damp cloth or toweling. You'll want to keep liquid away from any speaker if the toy has one. You either clean carefully around it or disassemble the toy (if possible) and clean the outer shell.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What are some good toys for a baby 3-6 months old?

W.C. Felch

Bright, colourful and tactile toys are good at this age. If your little one's teething, get some bright teethers, anything gummy. My 3 month old loves anything that dangles that he can bat at or grab, so if you haven't got a playmat/gym then that would be useful. Soft toys that can fit into his hand that can be put in baby's mouth without risk of choking are wonderful, and usually quite inexpensive because of their size. Babies have no need for huge stuffed animals at this point.

You can usually make a game out of household items at this age, without spending a fortune on toys. Things like bright plastic cups and mirrors, babies aren't looking at the brand label or price tag, they just love interesting looking things. I've bought so many toys and my son prefers to stare up at my sparkly lampshade most of the time!

Let me reword, what kind of toys to buy a 6 month old baby?

Tristens M

I just want to know what kind of toys, what toys you would buy a 6 month old baby? People are saying they wont know the difference for Christmas, and I understand that, but since I dont have a lot of money, this is the one time of year I will be able to buy my daughter some toys, so what kind should I get?

My daughter will be 5 1/2 month by christmas, so almost 6 months. I plan to buy her for toys:
---Baby Einstein "Push and pull toys" I can attach to her play mat----they have a lot of these at Target or walmart for affordable prices
----A couple of "Pat The bunny" type children's books---probably I'll get them at Barnes and Noble in the children's section. My daughter loves it when I read to her.
---some toys that squeak like rubber duckies etc.
---I'm considering getting a new mobile thing for her crib that hangs, this one I saw at Target plays music and is very decorative looking.
----a touch toy---something that when you touch it, it lights up and makes sounds, I'm not sure which one yet, but I'm thinking of the phone one for her.

I already have one of these, but you could also buy her a colorful "stacker" those pyramid-shaped things with colorful rings on them (I think thats what theyre called)---at walgreen's they have one that lights up when you touch them and plays music. It says 6 mons plus on it.

My dad already said he's going to get me an exersaucer for her. also another tip. maybe this sounds tacky, but when ppl ask me what I want for christmas, I say something for my daughter instead lol. like my mom asked what I wanted and I said an umbrella stroller lol.

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What kind of toys work best? Which do you recommend?

Q. Impressive
Thanks Salreyjr, I'll have to try your toy.

Fisher-Price has toys for every stage of growth and development. From infant activity toys, to discovery toys for toddlers, to imagination- and creativity-building toys for preschoolers and early school-age kids, Fisher-Price toys make growing and learning through all stages of development so much fun!

Infant(0-12 months)Toys by Type
Activity Gyms & Tables
Crib Toys
Fisher-Price Classics
High Chair, Stroller, & Car Seat-attaching
music & Movement
Push, Pull, & Roll
Put & Take
Rattles & Teethers
Rolling Vehicles
Stacking & Sorting
Popular Brands
Amazing Animals
Brilliant Basics
Go, Baby, Go!â¢
Laugh & Learn
Lil Laugh & Learn
Little Superstar
Miracles & Milestones
Ocean Wonders
Sesame Street
Winnie the Pooh
Our Infant Favorites
Toddler(12-36 months)Toys by Type
Cars & Vehicles
Dollhouse (toys by type)
Dolls & Accessories
Electronic Learning Toys
Fisher-Price Classics
Kitchen Sets & Food Play
Musical Toys
Playing Grown-Up
Push, Pull, & Roll
Sports & Outdoor Fun
Trikes & Ride-ons
Popular Brands
Blue's Room
Dora the Explorer
Fun 2 Learn
Knows Your Nameâ¢
Learn Through Music
Little Einstein
Little Mommy Dolls
Little People Toys
Power Wheels
See 'n Say
Sesame Street
Snap 'n Style
The Backyardigansâ¢
Winnie the Pooh
Our Toddler Favorites

Toddler(12-36 months)Toys by Type
Cars & Vehicles
Dollhouse (toys by type)
Dolls & Accessories
Electronic Learning Toys
Fisher-Price Classics
Kitchen Sets & Food Play
Musical Toys
Playing Grown-Up
Push, Pull, & Roll
Sports & Outdoor Fun
Trikes & Ride-ons
Popular Brands
Blue's Room
Dora the Explorer
Fun 2 Learn
Knows Your Nameâ¢
Learn Through Music
Little Einstein
Little Mommy Dolls
Little People Toys
Power Wheels
See 'n Say
Sesame Street
Snap 'n Style
The Backyardigansâ¢
Winnie the Pooh
Our Toddler Favorites

Toys by Type
Action/Adventure Toys
Cars, Vehicles & RC Toys
Creative Activities
Dollhouse (toys by type)
Dolls & Accessories
Electronic Learning Toys
Kitchen Sets & Food Play
Musical Toys
Playing Grown-Up
Preschool Games
Sports & Outdoor Fun
Popular Brands
Digital Arts & Craftsâ¢
Doodle Pro
Dora the Explorer
Easy Link
Fun 2 Learn
Fusion Crew
Go Diego Goâ¢
I Can Play Guitar
I Can Play⢠Piano
Kid Tough Electronics
Knows Your Nameâ¢
Learn Through Music
Light Sketcherâ¢
Little Mommy Dolls
Little People Toys
Loving Family
Planet Heroesâ¢
Power Wheels
Rescue Heroes
Sesame Street
Shake ân Go
Smart Cycleâ¢
Spark Art
Star Station
The Backyardigansâ¢

Wooden Toys Or Plastic Toys? Plastic From China May Contain Lead?


After over 1 million recalls this year would still continue to by toys that are made in china? What do you think of wooden toys?

Infantino Sling (owned this)
Dora Explorer Toys
Baby Einstein Blocks (owned this)
Kolcraft Pack And Play
Fisher Price Take Along Rainforest Swing
Laugh & Learn⢠Kitchen Toys
Soft Blocks Tower Toys (on Graco® Baby Einstein® discover and play⢠Activity Centers)\
Learn-Around⢠Playground Activity Center
Fisher-Price Recalls Infant Musical Toy Chair Posing Strangulation Hazard

And Tons More

I have desided to buy my baby for Christmas only wooden toys. And if I buy plastic I will make sure its not from China.
Wooden toys dont have slinters they are made so well that a child can bit it and wont get splinters.

I'm also making a concerted effort to buy more locally-made toys, made from organic products such as wood, this Christmas. I just feel that we haven't learned all that we will in the coming months/years about plastics and how inorganic materials in children's toys can affect their health.

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What's missing from my baby registry?

Momma Bear

Ok so I am putting the final touch on my baby registry!

So far I have

Clothes in all sizes including plain onsies + baby socks
Diaper's size newborn to 3
Wipes of course!
bibs+burp cloths
a blanket that I absolutely would love to get for baby!
extra crib sheets
breast soother gel pack things (I don't know they can be warmed or cooled and had a good rating)
A baby thermometer (with great reviews so I'm sure it's a good one!)
First Aid Kit
bath toys, baby towels and bath time essentials kit (shampoo baby soap lotion, ect.)
Bottle wamer + breastmilk storage bottles that I'm pretty sure don't use drop ins
Normal bottles for like water or if I HAVE to use formula for some reason
A dry rack organizer
A close and Secure sleeper
A pack and play
Baby Moniter
Auto Mirror+sunshades
A little baby play gym
A few select decorative items

We already have received from friends and family
a crib + matress
a breast pump (which I will be buying new shields for myself)
A changing table (with extra sheets)
teething rings, rash cream baby powder ect,
baby dresser
Baby Bathtub
Organizing items
(I think that's it..)

So what's missing I know there has to be SOMETHING haha.

Anything vital I forgot or any good products you recommend?

This is my first baby so kind of new to all this but I think I've pretty well covered it..

Sounds like you've got everything!
Maybe add a few toys to that list and a baby gate.
Congratulations! :)

baby registry check list.?


Does anyone have a really good baby registry check list? I'm having my shower in November but I'm throwing everything on the check list even if I'm going to buy it so I can just go into the store with my printed checklist and find exactly what I wanted online. [plus I use online because you can check out what has good reviews and what has bad reviews so I'll know if I'm buying something good]

I can't find a good checklist for a first time baby most have weird pages you have to navigate through, so if anyone has a good checklist for a first timer that's easy to navigate you'd be my hero if you'd help me :)

Bottles- tons of them. Even if you are breastfeeding stock up because you never know what might happen. I started out breastfeeding and had problems and had to buy tons of bottles.
High chair
Breast pads, cream
Receiving blankets- lots of them (they make great burp cloths)
Burp cloths
Wash cloths
Towels- maybe a set with two
Baby bath tub
Baby wash- Johnsons head to toe wash
AD Ointment or some diaper rash cream
Diaper bag
Waterproof pads (put several, you might go through a few a day)
Onesies/bodysuits at least one multi pack for each size
Grooming kit
Formula just in case something goes wrong with breastfeeding
Car seat or get the stroller car seat combo
Extra car seat base- if you have 2 cars it comes in handy
Crib and mattress
Swaddler blankets
Mylicon gas drops
Infant pain/fever reducer
Bouncer chair
Variety of toys

Do not register for any cute clothes. That is mainly what people buy. I am set until my child is 18 months old because all people wanted to buy were clothes.

Put everything on your registry and do not delete it after your shower if you don't get it. Put extras because you won't really know what you need until after the baby comes. I have been back to the store so many times it is sad. Also don't rush out and buy everything right after your shower. I did because I didn't know that Target and BabiesRUs send out a coupon for a percentage off everything left on your registry.

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Babies and Toys?


When do babies usually become interested in toys. My 2 month old only seems to like her dangly toys like from her bouncy seat, swing and crib. I was just wondering if she should be inerested in rattles and other things yet. Also, what are some of the better and more educational toys that they first play with?

Every year Oppenheim evaluates infant toys and gives awards for the best 'developmental' toys that engage the baby's senses and encourage different skills (eye tracking, eye-hand coordination, understanding of cause and effect, understanding of object permanence, gross- and fine-motor development etc.) You can see the award winning toys here:

Tiny Love has several award winning toys. Their website is also very informative about how each of their toys encourages infant development.
They have several amazing infant activity gyms. (See link below.) The activity gyms tend to be pricey but you can find them for reasonable prices on Craigslist or Ebay.

Lamaze also makes many award winning toys. (See link below.) Their toys tend to be soft and cuddly with many textures, peek-a-boo flaps, patterns, colors, and sounds to explore.

Have fun watching your little one explore and see her developing right before your eyes. :D

What kind of toys work best? Which do you recommend?

Q. Impressive
Thanks Salreyjr, I'll have to try your toy.

Fisher-Price has toys for every stage of growth and development. From infant activity toys, to discovery toys for toddlers, to imagination- and creativity-building toys for preschoolers and early school-age kids, Fisher-Price toys make growing and learning through all stages of development so much fun!

Infant(0-12 months)Toys by Type
Activity Gyms & Tables
Crib Toys
Fisher-Price Classics
High Chair, Stroller, & Car Seat-attaching
music & Movement
Push, Pull, & Roll
Put & Take
Rattles & Teethers
Rolling Vehicles
Stacking & Sorting
Popular Brands
Amazing Animals
Brilliant Basics
Go, Baby, Go!â¢
Laugh & Learn
Lil Laugh & Learn
Little Superstar
Miracles & Milestones
Ocean Wonders
Sesame Street
Winnie the Pooh
Our Infant Favorites
Toddler(12-36 months)Toys by Type
Cars & Vehicles
Dollhouse (toys by type)
Dolls & Accessories
Electronic Learning Toys
Fisher-Price Classics
Kitchen Sets & Food Play
Musical Toys
Playing Grown-Up
Push, Pull, & Roll
Sports & Outdoor Fun
Trikes & Ride-ons
Popular Brands
Blue's Room
Dora the Explorer
Fun 2 Learn
Knows Your Nameâ¢
Learn Through Music
Little Einstein
Little Mommy Dolls
Little People Toys
Power Wheels
See 'n Say
Sesame Street
Snap 'n Style
The Backyardigansâ¢
Winnie the Pooh
Our Toddler Favorites

Toddler(12-36 months)Toys by Type
Cars & Vehicles
Dollhouse (toys by type)
Dolls & Accessories
Electronic Learning Toys
Fisher-Price Classics
Kitchen Sets & Food Play
Musical Toys
Playing Grown-Up
Push, Pull, & Roll
Sports & Outdoor Fun
Trikes & Ride-ons
Popular Brands
Blue's Room
Dora the Explorer
Fun 2 Learn
Knows Your Nameâ¢
Learn Through Music
Little Einstein
Little Mommy Dolls
Little People Toys
Power Wheels
See 'n Say
Sesame Street
Snap 'n Style
The Backyardigansâ¢
Winnie the Pooh
Our Toddler Favorites

Toys by Type
Action/Adventure Toys
Cars, Vehicles & RC Toys
Creative Activities
Dollhouse (toys by type)
Dolls & Accessories
Electronic Learning Toys
Kitchen Sets & Food Play
Musical Toys
Playing Grown-Up
Preschool Games
Sports & Outdoor Fun
Popular Brands
Digital Arts & Craftsâ¢
Doodle Pro
Dora the Explorer
Easy Link
Fun 2 Learn
Fusion Crew
Go Diego Goâ¢
I Can Play Guitar
I Can Play⢠Piano
Kid Tough Electronics
Knows Your Nameâ¢
Learn Through Music
Light Sketcherâ¢
Little Mommy Dolls
Little People Toys
Loving Family
Planet Heroesâ¢
Power Wheels
Rescue Heroes
Sesame Street
Shake ân Go
Smart Cycleâ¢
Spark Art
Star Station
The Backyardigansâ¢

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

are extreme, inconsolable tantrums normal in an infant under 1 year old?

shallan a

I am a professional nanny and have started a new position a few weeks ago. I am taking care of a 2.5 year old and 11.5 month old boys

the 11.5 month old is generally super happy, but it seems he has only 2 moods, happy or tantrum.

he can be playing clamly by himself or with me when out of nowhere he is screaming at the top of his lungs and throwing himself on the floor. once he goes into this mode it lasts for a long time, anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more. nothing i do seems to help him calm down. i change his diaper, offer him different food choices, milk, water, games, cuddles, tv. absolutely nothing will stop his screaming until he is ready to stop. he screams for such a long time and so hard that his lips turn blue and he shakes like he is freezing, i cant tell if he looks angry or more scared. he also has a tantrum everytime he wakes from a nap or night sleep.

I talked to his mom about it and she said he had had tantrums since he was 3 weeks old.

this seems very strange to me, in all my experience working with young children i have never come across behaviour like this that cannot be altered with positive reinforcement.

he also hardly eats anything, he is very skinny (his ribs, hips and spine are more prominent than normal infants. he has less muscle mass than a 7 month old i also take care of. he does not put any weight on his legs even when i hold him up.

his older brother had not had any of the behavioral or eating issues that this little boy has.

any advice on what could be wrong, if this is normal, and what i can do would be greatly appreciated.

thank you!

Hi, I have a 11 month old son. He does not cause tantrums as long as your little boy does, but he does scream, shout and gets irriatable at times. He is a very hyper little boy, always playing crawling, trying to walk and talk and play with alomst anything that comes in his way. And when it comes to feeding it is a big challenge.... I have seen my freinds babies quietly and happily drink their milk and finish their food but my son has his bottle in one hand and a toy in the other and his eyes distracted on something.. It is difficult getting him to finish his food or drink milk or anything as he is very active. Compared to all my friends and families babies, he is not as big as they are but he is more active and stronger in his movements then they are. In the beginning, I was concerned that he was putting on much weight as other babies around his age, so we took him to the doctors just to be sure, however, Thank God, the results all came out well, and the doctors said that though he looked small, he was not unhealthy and his weight was just right.. Not too big and not too small. Now coming to the tantrum part, my son used to scream shout and cry, and one day as he was doing so and I tried everything to calm him down, I started to sing and fan him and he instantly got quiet... And now when he starts his tantrum I do the same and it works..
In your case I do firstly suggest that you talk to his mom and ask to see a doctor just to make sure he is not crying and yelling because of something thats hurting him. My sisters son used to throw very large tantrums like throwing himself on the floor and throwing things, yelling and crying, and she tried everything then also took him too the doctors and founf out there was nothing wrong, all he wanted was attention..... Hope this helps you a little.. all the best an dhope baby starts being happy all th etime :)))

car seat for 1 year old?

linda d

what is a good car seat for my soon to be 1 year old son??? He is in a infant car seat right now but is just about outgrowing it. I need something easy to buckle as i am always in and out of the car with him. I would also like a cup holder on the side and i would like a car seat under $100.00...I want one from either target, walmart or toys r us??

Target has a wide selection on car seats that under a 100 bucks. I recently purchased a Graco model that has a cup holder on the side and easy to put my 1 year old in and it was only 60 bucks. Good luck!

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Purchase balls for a fisher price infant toy.?


Does anyone know where I can buy (retail or online) the small plastic balls that the infant toys use?
I bought a used go baby go item and the colored balls are missing. Thanks!

u should try toysrus, cuz toys like those usually com with "refills" incase u lose them.

Toys for infants/toddlers?


My son is currently 3 months old and we are cramped for space, so I want to make sure he enjoys the toys we get for him. What toys do your children love to play with? And does anyone know of a good crawling toy that will work on carpet aside from toys that throw balls everywhere (don't get me wrong, I already have two of them :]). I'm willing to buy toys beyond his age (up to three) if there a good chance he will one day love them. Also, what shows do your toddlers love? It doesn't seem like there are any good shows on tv anymore and I'm about to buy a ton of blues clues and little bear DVDs

Age-appropriate toys

With so many choices, shopping for just the right toy can be an overwhelming (and expensive) undertaking. Our guides will help you find age-appropriate toys that will bring joy to the babies and toddlers in your life. In each guide, we've included information about children's development, so you'll know why a toy makes sense at a particular age.

Pick the relevant age, and go:

Toys for birth to 3 months
Toys for 3 to 6 months
Toys for 6 to 9 months
Toys for 9 to 12 months
Toys for 12 to 18 months
Toys for 18 to 24 months
Toys for 24 to 30 months
Toys for 30 to 36 months

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Best convertable infant car seat for compact car?


My daughter is 9 months and about 18 pounds(preemie) and is quickly outgrowing hergraco carrier.I have a small car- a 2 door hatch back Ford Focus,so my main issue is finding one that will fit my car.
Anyone have any suggestions for a good,small convertable car seat? Id like to be able to use it for a long time and dont want to have to buy another any time soon.


Car accidents are the #1 killer of children under age 12. Another person said that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends to age 2 and the NHSTA recommends until age 3. I believe that all children should rearface as long as possible. This also means that you should keep on buying a higher weight limit rearfacing seat.

5 children in the United States die every single day due to incorrect use of car seats or not using car seats at all.

I would recommend any car seat that fits your vehicle, your child, and is used correctly each and every time.

To achieve this, car seats must be installed with less than one inch of movement from side to side. 1 inch is the maximum amount of movement. I would get the car seat in your car rock solid. The car seat fits your child (when rearfacing) when the harness straps are at and below your childs armpit level AND when the child's head is one inch away from the shell. If the child's head is above the car seat, then the child will be exposed to injury because our American seats are not tethered rearfacing and they do not have foot props to prevent downward rotational force.

Please note that since your daughter is now 9 months old, her convertible car seat can be installed at a more upright angle.

I would recommend the Radian RXT or R120 as this can rearface up to 45 lbs and has a top slot of 17.5 inches. It is an extremely narrow seat, so if you ever need to fit three car seats in a row, this is the car seat for you. But anyhow, the amount of room it takes up is a little extreme, which can be remedied by installing at in at a more upright angle in the middle seat as the car seat could fit between the 2 front seats, but the downside is that you may be unable to install the car seat in the center seat with LATCH. LATCH is basically metal hooks that hold crash forces of a car seat and the car seat is attached to the car by these hooks, instead of using the seat belt. If your car manual doesn't say that you can use latch in the center seating position, then you CANNOT use latch. Latch anchors are connected to each other and will fail. I would go to toys r us and test out the seat in your 2 door vehicle.

Rear facing seats:
Radian RXT (45 lbs rear facing)
Britax Marathon, Boulevard, or Advocate- (16.75 inch top slot as advertized by britax and up to 40 lbs rearfacing) I'm not sure if I would recommend the use for a small car because they are extremely bulky, but if you could get it to fit, it would install like a breeze due to the lock off it has built in.
Safety First Compass True Fit- has an 18" high top slot (up to 40 lbs rear facing)

I wanted to let you know that the Swedish have the lowest child fatalities in car accidents because of their rear facing car seats. They rear face their children up to 4 or 5 years of age or whenever the child outgrows their rear facing seats. Their seats go up to 50 or 55 lbs! They accomplish this by having 2 rearfacing tethers and a foot prop to accomodate larger taller children. Because of the foot prop and tethers, taller children are able to use the seat until the tips of the ears are even with the headrest or shell. American seats will never be able to accomplish this weight limit because they are not allowed by US Standards to have support from the seat with tethers and foot props. The rules is that the seat must be able to measure up to standards with only the seat belt supporting it. There have been only 5 or so cases of children in Sweden who have died in a car crash in a span of 2 years! Rear facing is safest and is meant for everyone!

Also, Swedish car seats can be installed at up to 10 degrees from vertical, to allow more room. It is actually slightly safer to be at a more upright angle. The only reason why newborns are at 45 degrees, is to support their necks.

Christians, are you aware of the dangers of toy wizards? Behold Sparlock, and tremble!!!!!!!!!?


This link goes to a JW film telling of the dangers of toy wizards. No joke.
Who else teaches this?

I agree with Doctor Frog

You have jumped the Gun on the Witnesses and leaked their top secret video. Well it is a huge improvement from their Paradise book with graphic pictures of
Death By flood
Death by plagues
death by armageddon
Cain Killing Able
Wise King Solomon getting ready to cut an infant in half
Abraham in the process of preparing to slaughter Isaac

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What are some Montessorri activities I can do with my 4 month old?


I am looking for some activities that I can do with my 4 month old that are Montessori-inspired. Right now I am working on getting her to roll over, to reach for toys that are dangled in front of her, and to spend more time on her tummy for more head control. Any ideas?

I don't have a lot of infant ideas, since I teach 3-6 year olds.

I would recommend this book:

Really, what I would suggest, thinking about Montessori, is your actual environment. Not so much specific activities, but I would look and see whether the environment is set up for the child. When your daughter is old enough to crawl, is everywhere she crawls safe for her?

Right now, language is playing a huge role in development. Not that she'll start talking, but it is important to make sure you talk to her a lot, sing and play games, and she sees positive communication from you.

my neighbor had a little girl today,besides a cigar,what would be a nice gift(were not really that close)?


*Baby clothes are nice. Try getting something in the 3-6 month range. They probably already have enough newborn, and 0-3 clothes already.

*Baby wipes, lotion, wash, washcloths, hooded-towel, infant tylenol drops, spoons- make up a gift basket.

*Maybe a baby toy for when the baby is older, like teethers, rattles, crib toys, etc. Board books are nice too.

*Photo frame- Baby's first year, newborn frame, first bath, etc.

*Get the mom a gift certificate for a massage, make-up, salon, etc. Everybody's focus went from the pregnant mom to the new baby, and now she's probably feeling a little left-out. Baby won't remember any gifts, but the mom won't forget.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Infant Teething right?

Kelli - Mo

My little four-month old has two white lumps on his lower gums and his gums are slightly swollen. Obviously I believe he's getting in his first little teeth. He's been screaming, drooling, has a ever so slight fever, has been chewing on his hands (and everyone else's hands he comes in contact with), etc. This sounds like teething, right?

So I've tried frozen bananas in a mesh feeder, teething tablets, cold water, and teething toys. Nothing has really seemed to help much. Any other ideas to help relieve pain a little? And has anyone else has children get teeth this young?

Thanks in advance!
I'm allergic to tylenol (I know, sucks right?). So we're not allowed to give him acetaminophen until he's more than 1 year old - just in case he's allergic as well.

My son is 5 months old and just got his bottom tooth. He has been teething for the past two months tho. It could be months from now until your little one's tooth actually breaks through. The only difference I noticed when it was actually about to break through was diarhhea. You can try a cold, frozen washcloth or towel. When my son was in a lot of pain, mostly at night when lying down when he couldnt get comfortable, I would give him tylenol...not all the time...only when it got really bad, for his sake. but you just have to ride it out, keep trying everything and if nothing works tylenol is the last resort. The first tooth is always the worst!

old methods of easing teething pains for infants?

Q. there is an over the counter drug that used to be recommended for teething babies that would numb the mouth and gums. i can't remember teh name of it but it was recommended up until sometime in the 80s. ideas?

Any pressure on the gums will help. The wet cloth works well, as do teething toys. I used a big thick carrot that my daughter chewed on. It was thick enough that she couldn't break pieces off, and cold and smooth.

My own mother used paregoric, and didn't understand why I didn't use it. It's an opium derivative. I wouldn't use ora-gel or whiskey, either.

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What does the dollar tree sell for infants and babies?


They have a lot of little things; comb sets, bottles, small toys, bibs, a few little blankets, t shirts, lotions, powder, etc. I have not seen a lot but they do have a small section.

Carseat Toy?

Q. I've been looking around for something that I can attach to my daughter's carseat that she can play with. Any ideas? If you can can you give me the exact name of the item

Car seat toys are becoming so popular nowadays that you can find any brand anywhere. Just go to your local store that sells baby supplies, shoot even grocery stores now carry them too, and look at the baby section. You will find so much stuff it might make your head! Seriously look at Walmart, Target, wherever, and look in the infant section, do not look in the toy section! You will not find these in the toy section. Good luck choosing the right one!

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What clothes and quantities do I need for twins for the first year? How would you change my list?

Ivy G

100 Newborn Disposable Diapers
70 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 INFANT size
50 Indian Prefold Cloth Diapers 4x8x4 PREMIUM size
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size One 6-18 lbs:
10 Thirsties Duo Wrap, Size Two 18-40 lbs:
6 Newborn daytime Winter outfits
4 Newborn Hats
30 Newborn onsies
2 Newborn Shoes / Booties (Size 0)
14 Newborn Sleepers / Pajamas
20 Newborn Socks
4 Newborn Velcro Swaddle
30 Receiving Blankets
10 0-3 month early spring daytime outfits
30 0-3 month onsies
4 0-3 month shoes (size 1)
14 0-3 month sleepers / Pajamas
2 3 - 6 month baby brimmed hats
4 3 - 6 month shoes (size 2)
30 3-6 month short-sleeved onsies
14 3-6 month sleepers / pajamas
10 3-6 month Summer Daytime Outfits
4 6-12 month Hats
14 6-12 month Socks
4 6-9 month shoes (size 3)
2 6-9 month Winter snowsuit / bunting
14 6-9 month daytime fall outfits
10 6-9 month long-sleeved onsies
10 6-9 month short-sleeved onsies
14 6-9 month sleepers / pajamas
4 9-12 month shoes (size 4)
14 9-12 month daytime winter outfits
10 9-12 month long-sleeved onsies
10 9-12 month short-sleeved onsies
14 9-12 month sleepers / pajamas
2 9-12 month snowsuit / bunting
4 9-12 month coats

Is there anything I need more of? Less of? Missing? (This is just a clothing / diaper list for the first year, not lotions, car seats toys etc). Also I didn't put bibs on my list, but my mom says I should? If so how many and what size? I will be breastfeeding and using the wrong sized diapers as burp cloths.
I need to try to buy everything for the first year before they are born for financial and other reasons (such as baby shower gifts). This is for twins, so 2 babies, likely born weighing 5 pounds each.
Hmmm I heard you need lots of extra outfits when they are under 6 months because they spit up and drool a lot? I think this is why my mom says I need bibs. I thought the coat might get dirty when they crawl around at the playground and I might need a spare while it is washing?

We do have a washer and dryer, but I am hoping to get away with only doing laundry twice a week. If I can't then I can't, but that is what I am trying to aim for. ;)
Really want to try to get as much as possible now, but if I stick to layering I can use things out of season. For instance short sleeved onsies, a regular sleeper and a coat over them during winter? I am concerned about them being in the wrong season, but here in the south most days are warm and winter is 3 months long. If I have to go out and get smaller /larger coats I can do that. But for instance today I bought 50 outfits for $36 at a fantastic yard sale, including a 6-12 month coat for $0.75.
For seasons I am trying to estimate by their due date, not their actual birthdays,so hopefully they will be close to the right size. As long as the clothes are not completely unwearable for the season, they will be able to wear them at some point! ;)

My girls were 5lbs and 5lbs7oz at birth. I think we were in newborn diapers for 2 months, about a box a week. They were the big boxes you get at Toys R Us of Pampers. We go through a box of 88 (size 4) a week now at 12 months. The first year, most of our clothes were given to us from his mom and my parents. I would not buy your coats in advance. You will not know how much they will grow in the first year to know what size to get them. I always get coats bigger than their size because of putting clothes on under them. Their coats and winter pants for this year are 24 months, because I will have to pile a onsie and a sweater on under it. They can still wear some 6 to 9 months clothing in pants. Shirts it almost has to be 18 months at this point, the few 12 months shirts they have are getting too small. The one thing it seems like we still run out of is onsies, and then socks. Also shoes are funny about sizes. I don't get new shoes for them until they are about to outgrow them. I have 3's that are still too big for them and 4's that are almost too small. According to sizing charts they should be in 4 for their age.

My suggestion is instead of getting everything for the year is get what you need for right now, put the other money away in a savings account and then sell the clothes that look good after they outgrow them on either craigslist or once-upon-a-child and use that money to get their new clothes as you need them.

Edit: I know you don't want to do laundry every day, or even every other day. I do a load every other day, but that is for a family of 7, we also have three boys 14, 14, and 6. You will be surprised how much goes unworn even when you layer them and I didn't have nearly that much. But I am also running out of storage, his mom will see things at the thrift stores and pick them up so I have a bin of 2t, a bin of 3t, and still need to weed out clothes I kept thinking they could wear them this winter and can't.

Having first baby, what should i buy?


I know that sounds dumb, but seriously what are some things to buy for a baby.

You will need to buy:

An infant carseat

A stroller

Bottles (2oz or 4oz depending on how much the baby eats)

Bottle brushes

Diaper bag

Diapers (size Newborns, size 1's maybe size 2's)


Either a bassinet or a crib (some people also use a pack n play)

A kit with a nasal aspirator, nail cutter, nail files, thermometer, hair brush and a teether

Baby body wash, lotion and baby powder

Baby towels and wash clothes


Clothes (size newborn, 0-3 months and 3-6 months), baby shoes, socks and mittens

Baby blankets

A bouncer chair

Anything that babies can play with (toys)

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

what can we buy as gift for baby girl?


new born baby girl, what can we buy her as a gift? something between £15 and £20.

parents are young 23 and 20 years old, french background, wife is at university husband works.

any ideas and where to get the gift from will be apreciated
lots of you said diapers...but we want something that lasts they can remember

Outfits, blankets, bottles, pacifiers, infant toys, baby food, little shoes, bathing products.

Safe toys for X-Mas?


I was wondering if anyone knows of any safe toys for boys 5-7 yrs old and girls infant to toddler ages. There are so many recalls that I am unsure what I can get them without having to worry about their safety. Anyone's children really enjoying a certain type of toy?

Well, there's always

wooden blocks, play-doh, Stuffed animals and/or soft plush dolls,Wooden tinker toys, Lincoln Logs, Board games & Card games.

You can also try these websites, some of which feature American-made and safe lead-free toys.

I hope things helps - Good Luck! :o)

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Do y'see the love in this one?!?


The Feeling of Done

Sometimes, like an architect
where my write is the ribbon
on opening day;
sometimes just fully spent,
and my poem is the towel to
wipe my tears away!

Sometime, the fool drunkard
inebriated by this cocktail
penned to true love;
sometimes the wolfish glutton
who writes and writes but
never gets enough.

Sometimes a wee small infant
a strange format my newest toy to
learn to rattle;
and sometimes I am a warrior,
with cause shield and word sword brandished
well in battle!

RAH (c) 09/23/2010
"D"...hugs t'you too sweetie! :)

Caz...I posted all these love poems 'n' wodnered where y'went!?! ;)

Muchas gracias amiga! :)
T'anks again ladies...y'all so dependably sweet!

T'anks s'much BF and CG...actually, I've posted a number today, cuz I got asked about somethin' and these were my answer! From the archives or on teh spot, I'm enjoyin' the ones I chose today!

Yes I do see the love in this one , Nice one Ray

Are parents aware of the harmful effects of lots of chemicals found in most plastic?

Stupid Sma

like ''Bisphenol A'' or 'BPA' and other chemicals like phthalates ?

''BPA is controversial because it exerts weak, but detectable, hormone-like properties, raising concerns about its presence in consumer products and foods contained in such products. Starting in 2008, several governments questioned its safety, prompting some retailers to withdraw polycarbonate products. A 2010 report from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised further concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants, and young children.[1] In September 2010, Canada became the first country to declare BPA a toxic substance.[2][3] In the European Union and Canada, BPA use is banned in baby bottles.[4]''

Yup, thus why we only buy wooden toys and we make sure all of our plastic is BPA free, or buy glass/wood products where possible. We use glass baby bottles.

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Moms of infants who celebrate christmas?

mommy of 3

What are some good presents for a 5 months old who will just be turning 6 months on the 18th of dec.?

Also I need more things to do with my son now that it is winter and snowing outside! so what are good things to do inside?

Gifts for that age depends on how far along your baby is. If he is sitting up then you can get musical toys made by vtech that they can sit at and play with. Clothing works well, and books...lots of books. I have a 5 month old who will be turning 7 months on dec 24th...and I bought books, clothes, stuffed toys, his first hockey stick(lol) and I plan on getting a few toys that have lights and sounds. I think the most entertainment for my son at this age will be looking at the lights on the christmas tree.
As for activities inside, reading, tickling, playing with their toes. Let him watch you make supper, clean around the house. I dance with my son to my favorite music as well, and he really enjoys turning in circles with mommy.(plus it is exercise for me)
Also, consider buying a sled and a warm snowsuit for him and go out for walks on warmer winter days. The fresh air does wonders for them, and they'll enjoy the lights and sounds of winter. Enjoy your baby's first Christmas!

Looking for the best infant toys for development from newborn to 1 year- Any suggestions??


My baby girl is almost 2 months - i need something to occupy her later on - some kind of activity play center toy - something great with lights and music _ I've been window shopping and dont see much that i like - What do you parents out there recommend -What toys does your baby like??
What about activity mats or something that will promote sitting up and crawling??
And also looking for toys I can attatch to her swing (since her swing does not play music or have lights- a toy with light & music thats attatchble - where can I find one??

My kids LOVED the peek-a-boo blocks from Fisher Price. It is also good for development for them to learn how to put things in and take things out. They have a shape sorter from peek-a-boo blocks. It has different shapes and each block has something new inside. There are SO many different accessories that you can get with the Peek-a-boo blocks. has a great way to select that type of thing. You select the age, and then you select the type of toys. You want to find cause and effect toys, early development, and sights and sounds. You can look at all those categories there, or just type whatever type of toy into a search engine and it should pull up some options.

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