Saturday, August 17, 2013

List of things to buy for a newborn?

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Baby will be due March/April 2013
i dont know the gender of the baby yet..
Please give me a list of things to get for a new born (most needed, urgent things)
crib, bottles, car seat, clothes, what else? If you could include the price on some items? That'd be great! Thank You!

crib and a good crib mattress and crib sheet, wipes, lots of bottles (at least 8), diapers, diaper rash cream, a good thermometer, infant tylenol and infant gas drops, diaper bag, carseat, stroller, colorful infant toys (garanimals makes good soft ones), lots of onesies (short and long sleeved), sleepers/gowns, newborn mittens (because they tend to scratch their face) and socks, receiving and thermal blankets, a swing or bouncer, baby washcloths, baby lotion and soap, an infant bathtub, a few pacifiers, pack n play..

Do you think it is right to even suggest that a two year old killed by a pit bull could be at fault?


I had someone suggest that perhaps the pit bull was provoked. I'm sure that two year old was threatening the pit bulls life and it had to kill the toddler. No way a growl or nip would have sufficed? This person is actually suggesting that the dog could have been justified.

I say that there is no provocation under the sun that a two year old could possibly do anything to justify that reaction. This person is far more ready to blame a dead toddler over a 100+/- pound dog.

The person also goes on to defend the mother saying it wasn't her fault. They apparently don't see how leaving a two year old with a 100#+/- pit bull is completely irresponsible and that if she was determined to have such an animal in her house that it was her duty to protect her child and ensure that the animal was secured and could never be a threat to her child. After all, two year olds are known to be somewhat unpredictable themselves.

Of course it is her fault. She left a two year old unsupervised with a 100# biting machine. It doesn't matter if the dog had been good for years. Leaving a toddler with any large dog is totally irresponsible. If she was determined to have such an animal in her home, it was her duty to secure the dog and never leave her child alone with it.

Finally, I find it noteworthy that the mother left the house without a scratch. I guess her house is so big that she couldn't hear her child being eviscerated or she was too scared to even try to rescue her child.…

Do I think a 2-year-old could provoke an unstable dog to bite? Yes, certainly. The dog isn't going through some mental checklist of "can this human kill me?" or "what response would best make my point?". The dog is reacting in the moment to a child who *might have* seriously hurt or startled the dog in some way. The injury that killed the child may also be exaggerated by media. That is not to say that it wasn't a serious bite, but one serious bite to the head, neck, or thigh could quickly result in fatal blood loss.

However, that does not mean that the child is "at fault" for the incident. A toddler is impulsive and does not understand safety or the effects of her actions on others. The person/persons to blame for the incident would be whichever ADULTS made the terribly poor decision to leave the dog and the toddler alone together.

All those supposedly cute youtube videos of infants and toddlers mauling the "good old family dog" by chewing his ears, yanking his tail, bopping him with toys, etc. make me cringe. One momentary loss of control on the dog's part and their child may be damaged for life and their beloved dog may be have to be euthanized. Little kids and big dogs can mix, but there must be adult supervision, a safe space away from the child for the dog, and adult guidance so that the child is taught proper behavior around the pet.

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What can I do for my baby who hates riding in the car?

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My 12 month old baby HATES riding in the car. He started in an infant-carrier style seat. We then switched him to a more comfortable rear-facing seat. Recently, we turned that same seat around to be forward facing. We've tried giving him toys, a sipee cup, putting a mirror on the seat he faces. It doesn't matter if the trip is for 5 minutes or 45 minutes. He starts screaming the second he realizes that we are putting him in his car seat. He gets so upset that he gets red splotches all over his face and he throws up. Sometimes, we can entertain him by playing peekaboo or giving him Cheerios, but this only keeps him calm for a few minutes. My mother-in-law suggested that he may have motion sickness.

Is there anything that we can do to make riding in the car less of a nightmare?
I think that Nimo2 is right. The other answers were good, but I've tried those things or variations of them and nothing seems to work. I was afraid that it was a stage that we would have to suffer through.

What I think that I'll try though is getting him to sit or play around the car seat outside of the car as was suggested (THANK YOU). Just looking at the seat makes him cry. Maybe getting him used to the seat in a happy non-car environment will help.

Have you tried changing carseats. Maybe he is not comfy anymore. Take the car seat in the house and let him play with it. Let him use it to watch tv and to play on. Let him play in while you are in the car, not driving down the road. If you are working outside let him play in the car , without the keys in it. Once he knows it is not something bad he will calm down. Do you have a portable DVD player? Take a movie that he has started to watch at home and move it to the car.

How can I travel on the road for 9 hours with a baby?


Me and the wife are going on our first vacation to the keys since we had our baby. She is worried about the ride for the baby cause it is 9 hours. How can we make it easier for all of us and no I couldn't get it closer to jacksonville (which is our home) cause of our timeshare week plus we are meeting family there. The baby is 6 months.

Like at home, you have to do everything around the baby's schedule. You want the baby to sleep in the car and never any other time. You may want to think about traveling more at night. The baby will sleep and you'll make better time. During the day plan lots of stops - at least every 3 hours but be flexible because you only want to stop when the baby is awake. Have lots of toys and something with lights or music, like a crib soother you can strap in your car. I had to do it with my 7 month old and your wife is right - its horrible. I'll never do it again. Also bring infant tylenol and oragel - my kid started teething during the road trip and it took forever to find a place that sold that stuff.

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My daughter is 4 1/2 months and I'm wondering if there is anything specific I should be having her play with?

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She has rattles that she plays with, but she doesn't always attach to them. She seems more interested in just looking and playing with me without any toys involved. Is that ok for her development? I still try and introduce the toy with our play time but she doesn't get attached. I'm just worried that I'm not helping her with her development.

High-contrast patterns and bright colors captivate her because they're the easiest for her to see. She's already learned to appreciate sounds and soft music. (Find out the lyrics to all your favorite lullabies.) Objects that move slowly and produce a gentle sound are far more interesting to her than those that are fixed and silent.

Hand-held toys: Her nearsightedness makes her appreciate anything you can move into her line of sight. She won't be able to hold toys for a while, but she'll demonstrate her preferences by batting at the ones she likes.

Tape player or music box: Music is one of the best ways to entertain and soothe your infant. Play a variety of music — nothing too raucous — and see how she responds. For more ideas, see our musical recommendations for this age group.

Mobile: A mobile can add a new dimension to a baby's horizontal view of life. Look for ones with high-contrast colors and patterns. Many babies are particularly fond of mobiles that play music. Attach the mobile to the crib rail. Infants this age look to the right 80 percent of the time, so a toy hung overhead or on the left will be of limited value now. For safety's sake, keep the mobile out of your baby's reach.

Unbreakable mirror: Although they won't realize it's themselves they're seeing at this stage, babies find their own reflection fascinating. And by 3 months old, yours may have struck up a relationship with hers, and begun smiling at it. Look for a mirror you can fasten to the side of the crib or hang near a changing table.

Soft books with high-contrast patterns: Soft books with easy-to-see patterns or decorations are designed just for babies. Lie down next to her so she can watch you turn the pages as you read aloud to her — even at this age it pays off. For more ideas, see our recommended books for newborns.

Sensory toys: A soft toy that trills or tweets when pressed will please a baby for months to come. The accidental squeaks will also help her become aware of what her hand is doing.

Sock and wrist rattles: Attach a soft rattle to your baby's wrist or ankle, or warm her feet with socks that have built-in rattles to provide long moments of entertainment as she experiments with new sounds she can make herself.

Wind chimes: Babies love soft music, so hang a set of these in a place where she can watch it move and listen to the sound. If the chime is over her crib, your baby may fall into the habit of watching it for a few minutes before drifting to sleep. Hold her up once in a while so she can sound the chimes herself, too.

Suppose your infants pediatrician recommends that your newborn receives lots of senory stimulation.?


Which of the following techs might you use? play classical music, rub the infants back, turn off and on the lights, show the infant complex pictures.

You can use anything that is colorful or plays music. Infants are attracted to bright and colorful bet get a musical globe or one of the moving picture toys for the playpen or crib. Stimulation galore! Like one w/ bright fish swimming....

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What's a good portable bathtub for a 19mo old?

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New Mom

We currently have the Summer Infant Newborn tub but our 19 mo old is getting to big for it (we do not have an actual bathtub in our house, only a large shower stall). Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Well, my mom has the same problem, so when we visited her I would just put a washcloth/plug in the drain and watch the kids. Of course, it would probably be more fun to buy:

#1: A TOY/storage BIN (you know those big round ones from walmart) and fill it up, just like they did in the olden days. You could also by a hook-on shower hose, for easier tub filling and easier washing of kiddo. If the wash bin was small enough you could just stick it in the shower stall, (which saves you from mopping the bathroom floor later). She is just the right size for one of these!
#2: you could get a small HARD plastic kiddy/pet pool (we went with the "pet" one, due to space concerns) and put it on the bathroom or kitchen floor and let her splash in that. Then during the summer she could splash outside in it too. I admit to now using the one we have on the back porch, as a fun outside 'bath' on sunny days.

The upside of these, esp. the toy bin is that you could even put it on a towel on the kitchen floor and then it would be easier to watch her while you worked. When she outgrows the toy bin, you could actually use it for toys!

My daughter is 6 months does anyone have any recommendations for fun daily activities or fun things to do??


FIRST BABY. I am learning to parent. Any good suggestions for me. I do think I am doing good so far. I am open to any thoughts. ANY GOOD ADVICE for a new mom... Thanks a bunch.

babies this age love to experiment and discover.

walks in the park or around your neighborhood are a great idea. during the hot summer months-try the local kiddie pool for some water fun.

when at home

-if she's sitting on her own (or with the help of a baby seat) give her some pots,pans and a spoon. she will love this new game of making music on her own.

-put some cheerios in a tupperware container and let her shake it.

-a large bowl or container of water and colorful bath toys to splash around with

-do some research online or check with your city's local parks and recreation center to see about "mommy and me" classes or play groups in your area.

-some gyms have infant classes or mom and me classes you can take with her. this will introduce her to other babies and give you some time around adults too.

hope this helps!! enjoy her-they grow so fast!!

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Friday, August 16, 2013

My 1 year old wakes up at 4 am and screams, and he won't stop until we get him. How can I make it stop.?

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Did GSU *REALLY* just call your child a pet? Your child is not a pet. Don't follow that advice and treat it like one. How insulting!

Don't leave your child alone when they are screaming at night. The reason the child might stop is because they have lost trust in you. Why would you want that?

The first stage of Erikson's theory on development is "Trust vs. Mistrust." The infant and toddler stages are a time for the child to realize that, when they need you the most, you are going to be there for them. If you loose that developmental stage at this point, it will carry through for the rest of their lives.

Let me say that again - If you loose that developmental stage at this point, it will carry through for the rest of their lives.

What kind of toys does your child have in his crib? A stuffed animal and a toy similar to these:

may help him if he wakes up. He may be able to keep himself occupied and not become as afraid.

If you wear perfume, try lightly scenting a blanket with it and leaving it in his crib. Smell is the strongest association senses. That may help him quite a bit.

Does he have any lighting or is the room pitch black? Try a night light as this may help him feel more comfortable.

Remember that, at this age, if a child cannot see you, they might think you are no longer there. They do not necessarily have a concept yet that if you're not in their vision or sight of any of the other senses, you still exist. He is crying out of fear sometimes that he is alone. Give him the reassurance every time that you are there when you hear him. It is a LOT!!! of work, but the payoff is there in knowing you are doing what is best for your child.

I hope the other suggestions help some.


will a nissan rogue fit three car seats?

raeann k

I have a 6 and 5 year old in two booster seats and just found out i'm expecting.. Will a 2011 Nissan Rogue fit 2 boosters and an infant car seat comfortably or should i start looking around for something bigger


It totally depends on what seats your children will be riding in and in what positions.

Many parents have successfully installed three car seats across as shown here:

I would look into the Chicco Key Fit 30 infant car seat as it is typically narrower than other infant car seats. Usually the KeyFit works best when installed in the center. Another option is using a convertible car seat straight from birth. Look at the lowest bottom slots measuring about 8 inches or less to ensure the harness straps can be adjusted at or below the baby's shoulders.

The Diono Radian is the narrowest car seat on the market that measures about 14" across the thighs and 17" wide at the shoulders. It is typically outgrown around age 3-5 rear facing and another two to three years forward facing. This means that it will be the last harnessed car seat your child will need. It is spendy, but it is indeed worth it. The Radian R100 can typically be found on sale on amazon for around $207:

A newborn needs their car seat in at at a 45 degree angle to keep their airway open and the Radian does take up a ton of front to back space in the vehicle. You could try installing it in the center seat and have the top part of the Radian fan between the two front vehicle seats. Or you could have the Radian installed behind the passenger seat, but have no one sit in the front passenger seat until your baby gets some head control. When your infant is older, you can always used the angle adjuster by Diono to get the seat more upright.

You can always use the Chicco KeyFit 30 then get the Diono Radian later so you don't have to eat the dashboard. It is completely up to you =]

But I have to warn you- boosters can be difficult to buckle in a three across situation. You might get some scraped knuckles, but it is indeed do-able.

Also, if you do install in the outboard seating position for the infant seat, installing with the seat belt generally gives you more room. When installing it with the seat belt, the car seat can be scooted closer to the door. The seat just needs to be installed with less than an inch of movement. The KeyFit 30 has a built in lock-off to aid seat belt installs.

My best advice for you is to go to Toys R Us and try out car seats and different combinations. If you are installing a car seat in the center position in the back seat, LATCH cannot be used as they aren't reinforced in the center (unless your vehicle manual says specifically that they can be used in the center). The lower anchors on the side seating positions are connected by a metal bar; this is (usually) not found in the center.

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What is open heart surgery like for an infant?

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My daughter is going to have open heart surgery in a couple of weeks. SHe is 8 months old. I am just wondering if anyone can tell me what they went through and what I should expect. She is getting a large VSD fixed. Thanks!

If she has the procedure done at a children's hospital, I am sure she would receive extra special care.

My son had head surgery at 4 months. They removed a 4" by 5/8" piece of his skull (Craniosynostosis). I think he possibly only remembered waking up. My wife was by his side save for the 45 minute operation. His face swelled up, but he still was smiling at the cute nurses. Heart and respiration monitors showed his relaxed and excited (painful) states and he was medicated appropriately - morphine the first 8 hours, tylenol w/ codiene the 2nd day, and children's tylenol from day 3 on.

You will develop a huge respect for the human body in infant form. Your young daughter will show you a resiliance and tolerance that you will seldom seen in any adult. I predict one of your worries will be that she bounces back too quick, causing self injury before she is fully healed. I would worry about that, too.

You should plan to stay at her side 24/7. Bring some toys from home for her.

Best Wishes for Your Princess.

What are the most important questions to ask when interviewing a new child care provider?


Our babysitter quit today with no notice. I've visited a few child care centers today, and I'm so nervous about sending my daughter to such a big environment when she's used to being in a house. She's 8 months old. What have been your experiences with infants and child care centers?

Before I was a mom I worked in a childcare center and we had an infant room. Some of the things that my center took pride upon were the following things:

**all of the staff was CPR/First Aid certified (re-issued every year at training, no lapsing!)
**parents were able to drop in whenever to say hello to their babies (once the baby graduated to the toddler room the parent was welcome to observe but it was usually hard for the child to see mom or dad leave 2x in one day)
**Our toys and equipment were sanitized at least once during the day and every night at closing. Toys were also rotated around

I also agree about talking with parents to see how they feel about the center. Parents are usually more than willing to share their experiences about the centers (even the if they don't like it)

Good Luck! It can be hard dropping your baby off somewhere else but in the end it should be a great experience for your daughter. Lots of interaction with kids and loving adults!

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Can anyone give me some American based toy companies that are not linked with lead poisoning?

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I have a 6 month old daughter and I am getting concerned with all the recalls in infant/toddler/children's toys. If you also have any great ideas about bottles and so forth. Much would be greatly appreciated.

Melissa and Doug . . . . AWESOME toys that are made in America and can be found at Toys R Us. Their products are also high quality and usually wooden (as opposed to plastic). They also focus on educational value as opposed to TV character association.

Quote from their site:
"Additionally, we specifically test our paints and coatings very frequently, to be sure our toys meet or exceed government recommendations limiting heavy metals and lead in children’s items. We have cabinets full of thousands of passing test reports, and these passing results have been verified by 3rd party independently accredited testing laboratories, considered by many to be the best scientific laboratories in the world."

Their site:

What should I get my niece for Christmas?


My niece is 1 years old and I need gift ideas. I was thinking of getting her a toy truck but I want to know what you think. What are some good gift ideas I can get for my niece?

Typically at this age, kids are inquisitive and love to learn, so an educational toy might be a better choice. They also love bright colors - large, big colorful blocks work well for small hands. Plus, you do not want to get her a toy with small parts that may present a choking hazard.

I would suggest heading over to to get an idea of appropriate gifts for 1 year olds. If anything, at least it will give you some ideas.

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What is the best car seat toy for a forward facing carseat?

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I am going to be getting my son a new car seat because he no longer fits in his old one. The new one is forward facing. In the old car seat, we have a bar that has rattles and a light up musical frog that my son loves to play with. Anyone have any ideas for an awesome car seat toy? I'm looking for the best one out there, one that I haven't seen on my google searches. Thank you!!

When deciding on any toy to be allowed in the car, think about what's going to happen in an accident and it goes flying. This will sound silly, but its a simple test to decide whether it should be allowed as a toy in the car: smack yourself upside the head with it. did it hurt? If not, go for it, if it hurt you, think about how much more it will hurt a baby, whose skull is softer, and when in an accident it will hit with a lot more force. Ican't at all remember who made them, but check your local kids resale shop (like Once Upon a Child) since they seem to have them often: soft toy steering wheels so child can play-drive while in the car.

However, a bigger issue here, would be how old is your child and what size? Sounds like he's outgrowing an infant carrier car seat? Kids do not go from infant carrier seat straight to forward facing seat. The next step is a rear facing convertible car seat. Most state laws require kids to be rear facing until at least 20lbs and 1 year, but more importantly, the laws of physics say kids should stay rear facing as long as they possibly can. Its THAT much safer. The old 20lbs/1 year rule is just that. OLD. It came about in the 1980's when our seats were only capable of rear facing to 20lbs and we didn't know any better. Now we definitely know better and all current convertible seats rear face to at least 30lbs, but its hard getting people to realize this.
Turning kids forward at 20lbs/1year is an outdated practice that could cost you your child's life!
1)A forward-facing child under 2 years old is 5 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash than a rear-facing child of the same age.
2)A child's vertabrae do not fully fuse until 3-6 years old, before then, she is at great risk for internal decapitation. The spinal column can stretch up to 2 inches in a crash BUT the spinal cord can only stretch up to 1/4 inch before it snaps and baby is gone.
3)Current research suggests that children under the age of two years are 75 percent less likely to die or be seriously injured when they are riding rear facing.
4)In a recent article from Injury Prevention, it was found that the odds of severe injury to forward facing children age 12-23 months old was 5.32 times higher than a rear facing child. (Car Safety Seats For Children: Rear Facing For Best Protection; Injury Prevention 2007; 13:398-402.)

It works this way: when you get in an accident and run into something, the car stop suddently, but everything and everyone in the car keeps moving in the direction the car was moving when it stopped, in most accidents, this is forward. So in an accident with a child in a forward facing seat, his head, the heaviest part of the body on babies and toddlers, flies forward very forcefully and easily snaps. If that same child is in a rear facing seat, his head tries to fly forward but is supported by the back of the rear facing seat, so there is no stress put on the child's neck and spine.

Check out this photo album exclusively of rear facing kids, many of them much older than 12 months: There isn't a single documented case of a child breaking their legs b/c they were rear facing in an accident. There are, however, lots of cases where children have been killed and seriously injured where a rear facing seat would have protected them better. And most kids actually prefer to be rear facing b/c they can rest their feet on the vehicle seat back. When they are forward facing, their legs don't receive enough support and will frequently fall asleep.
In the foreground is a forward facing seat, in the background a rear facing seat. You can see how much trauma the forward facing dummy has to endure. The rear facing child simply rides it out.

Here's another video. You can see how there is NO trauma to the baby, it simply sits there waiting for it to end.

The story of a child who suffered severe injuries from being forward facing when he could've been rear facing:

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep a 4mth old happy while riding in a carseat?


I have toys that hang from the infant seat handle. I have one of those mirrored/lightup toys. I've also just started putting stuffed animals in front of her so she can talk to them. This is helping a little. Is there anything else I can do?

Some good advice so far.

Re: infant seat handles being REQUIRED to be down in the car, not true. Some are required, some aren't. Read your manual to be sure. Graco allows you to keep it up if you want. At least one infant seat actually requires you to leave the handle UP in the car. So double-check those manuals!

Only soft toys or mirrors in the car. A one-pound object becomes a 30-pound object flying at you in a 30 mile an hour crash. If it's not something you would actually be okay with throwing at your head, don't bring it in the car.

Some babies are just really unhappy car riders, no matter what. As a previous poster said, angle can have a lot to do with it. If your baby has good head and neck control you can move him/her to a convertible carseat, still rear-facing, of course, and install it as upright as is comfortable for your baby, but no more than about a 30 degree angle. 45 degree angle is only required for infants without good head control.

Please don't think that turning baby around at 1 year old and 20 pounds is the "cure" for this. My daughter became a much unhappier car rider when she was 13 months old and 25 pounds and I turned forward. Her legs dangle when forward, putting strain on her back. When rear-facing she can rest her legs on the vehicle seatback, almost like a recliner chair. She also started getting carsick. :o(

Knowing what I know now, I'd have kept her rear-facing to the maximum limits of her convertible carseat, which was 35 pounds. All seats on the market in the US today rear-face to at least 30 pounds, and the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended for 5 years now to keep kids rear-facing to the maximum limits of a convertible seat for optimum safety. Too bad lots of pediatricians don't keep up-to-date with their own agency's policy statements, and still recommend the outdated policy.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Any Mommy/Baby costume ideas for Halloween?

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Amy Gwendo

Hi everyone!

My son will be almost 5 months when it's Halloween. What are some costume ideas that him & I could do together? Thanks!! :)

You could do something from Toy story. He could be woody:

And you could be Jessie. Check these two out

If you don't like that idea, you can find a lot of other 0 to 6 month costumes here:

This way you can look at what is available and team something up with you.

Where r some online websites 2 find some babygirl clothes??? LINKS PLZ?


l'm going 2 be an aunt!!! LOL i'm sooo excited. (I already started shopping and she's not due until spring of 09!!!) thx I would like links.

Congrats on being an aunt! Here are some good sites for baby girl clothing, toys and other fun baby stuff your sister or sister-in-law will probably need and it's the link directly to it.

Old Navy Baby Clothes:

Baby Clothing At Target:

Baby Toys at Target:

Baby Best Sellers:

Children's Place Clothing:

Babies R Us/Toys R Us Clothing|0-3+Months

Ralph Lauren Baby Clothes:

The Retro Baby Clothes:

Walmart Baby Clothing:

Walmart Popular Baby Items:

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What do you look for in an infant toy?

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Ok, I have an assignment to create an infant toy and I'm totally clueless!!! I have a baby but she isn't into toys yet. So what do you like for your babies to play with? And what interests them?

Color, something they can grab themselves. Texture is also important to me when looking for toys, I want to safely expose them to different touch. Nothing that can potentially get wrapped around a finger or neck.
I personally don't get toys with batteries. I want any noise to be generated by the child or non-mechanical music. (bells, crackle paper, etc.) I think this has helped my children's imagination and creativeness. Just something that works for my family.

How do I set up this algebra word problem?


Three of the highest grossing toy categories in 2005 were infant toys, dolls, and games. Together they had gross sales of $8.2 billion. Total sales of dolls and games together were $2 billion more than sales of infant toys. Sales of games were $0.3 billion less than doll sales. Find the amount of sales of each type of toy.

I need to know how to set up the problem.

Stephanie...keep it simple, use obvious letters to replace words.

t + d + g = 8.2.....(1)

d + g = t + 2........(2)

g = d - 0.3...........(3)

Eliminating d's and g's by subtraction in equation 1 and 2 gives

t = -t + 8.2 - 2

t + t = 8.2 - 2

2t = 6.2

t = 3.1

Putting t back into equation 1 gives

3.1 + d + g = 8.2

d + g = 8.2 - 3.1

d + g = 5.1

Putting t back into equation 2 gives

d + g = 3.1 + 2

d + g = 5.1..............which is the same equation as 1

Now, looking at equation 3

g = d - 0.3

So, g - d = -0.3

d - g = 0.3

Now we have 2 equations in 2 unknowns

Adding gives 2d = 5.4

d = 2.7

Putting d back into either one of these gives

g = 2.4

Toys = $3.1 billion

Games = $2.4 billion

Dolls = $2.7 billion

Hope this helps.


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Why are people so mean to Michael Jackson?

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Kayla Bieb

I was just wondering. I get not everyone is gonna like you but some people just say the rudest things! I don't think he did anything. He's a very innocent man in my eyes.

For these reasons - hateful, ignorant, stupid or jealous.

I agree, you're not going to like everybody but the level of disrespect is ridiculous.

Ignorant people actually choose to be ignorant. The information is there but they chose not to learn it so they're acting out of their own lack of knowledge. The same knowledge that they rejected. IMO to reject knowledge is stupid. There is hope for this group, as soon as they decide to enlighten themselves, they'll no longer be ignorant.

Now stupid people have other mental issues that cannot be helped. They can look at information all day long but they cannot process it. They are without common sense. I believe that common sense is something that you are born with. For the people that don't have it, well "God takes care of babies and fools." These people are speaking out of their own stupidity and insecurity as well. If I was stupid, I would be a little insecure.

People that are hateful and mean to other human beings usually have very little or no self-esteem and are unhappy with themselves. Trashing someone else is a confidence boost for them but the real problem never gets fixed which is their own miserable existence. The old saying "misery loves company" is very true.

Then you have your jealous folks, which needs no explanation.

Michael was truly amazing! He was greatness. He wouldn't get such a rise out of people if he wasn't.

These are examples of information being available and not utilized:
Some people think MJ was only around boys. Media reports fail to mention the sisters, mothers and whole families at Neverland Ranch and with him on vacation, some which can clearly be seen in photos and video footage. Jordan's mom, June Chandler who was also a blk/asian ex-model traveled with Michael right along with Jordan and his little sister Lily. June Chandler also testified she never witnessed any abuse and didn’t recall any stories of MJ with other boys. This information is available and ignored. There's even a video on YouTube of Michael at Neverland with children and parents. A family trip

Some people think Michael was sleeping in bed with strange children. This is not true. Michael was speaking of sharing a bedroom and not a bed. He didn't have a regular size bedroom like most of us have. His bedroom was 2 stories, like a small apartment without the kitchen. Even in the same conversation that some like to reference they leave out the part where he said at least twice that he did not sleep in the actual bed. They also leave out the part where the boy said that “there was one night” he asked Michael if he could sleep in his room and the boy himself said Michael piled up blankets and slept on the floor. The whole conversation about this subject is usually ignored and it's on tape.

Some believe he had a life size doll in his room when he died. This is also BS. Another lie. There is even a picture of his room that is also available. The picture shows a little girls baby doll left in his room possibly by his little daughter, Paris. For God's sake the man had 3 kids. Like children don't leave toys in their parent's room. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it because I knew he had children that age. When it comes to Michael, some act like it's the first time they ever heard of anything.

Some people also think he was a junkie when his autopsy report states he had no drugs in his system other than the medication Murray used that night. The toxicology report even lists every drug you can think of and next to each drug it is documented that they were NOT present in his system. These documents are available to the public on the internet and they are ignored. And let's not forget during the trial every inch of the autopsy was covered for about 2 days and people are still clueless.

Some people ignore photos, video footage, taped recordings, legal documents, court transcripts and believe what they want to believe and see what they want to see which leads me to think they are one of the 4 groups above.

How do u convince parents to let u get a parakeet and how do u care 4 them (the bird, not the parents)!?!?!?!?


I have a lot of pets........but next time I get a new one (if one dies or something) I want it to be a parakeet (budgie). A relitive of mine had 2 of them and said they pooped everywhere and my parents use that as an excuse. I always take care of my pets and do all of the chores accepting as little help with them as I can and I am very grateful when they offer 2 help! Thanks!
From: Kassykitten

Budgies are great little pets c: They do poop everywhere, but it's very manageable. Their poos are really tiny, like the size of a bead and birds are just messier, not "dirty" at all unless you let them get yucky.

Here's what I recommend for caring, cleaning, housing etc..:

Feed either zupreem natural budgie/parakeet-sized pellets(really tiny ones). NOT COLORED PELLETS. Colored pellets contain dyes and sugars, both of which can cause serious harm to your bird, especially smaller birds. That or you can feed Roudybush pellets which are a little softer, but I've had a budgie and he did just fine crunching up the solid zupreem pellets. You can find zupreem and roudybush in most pet stores or you can order online from bird supplies providers.

For treats: Millet seems to be a favorite among budgies. You can also try dry roasted sunflower kernels and freeze dried fruit pieces(plain, no sugars or additional ingredients, just the fruit).

Along with pellets you should feed a daily serving of fresh food. Google "chop" for ideas. Bascially you take different veggies, herbs, spices, etc.., make them bite-sized(put them through the food processor) and mix it together. You can freeze it and it'll last quite some time. $14 worth in ingredients of chop mix lasted my one conure about 8+months. A budgie would probably only need a small spoonful. Here is a pretty picture of a chop batch:
It can also have pieces of fruit, scrambled eggs, and pasta.

Cage should be big enough for the tail and wings not to drag around all the time or hit the sides. I would recommend this cage which I just got for my soon-to-come-home baby lineolated parakeet:
Or you could get a bigger cage, like a large flight cage if you plan on keeping your bird fully flighted.
Cleaning should be done about twice a week. It depends on how messy it gets. Provide plenty of bird-safe little toys and perches. Lots of stringy things are not good, birds can get caught in those and I've heard stories about then breaking their legs or chewing off their legs to get free! :C

That's about all I can come up with for now c:

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What are some things I can do to make a long car ride with a 9 month old easier?

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In the near future my husband and I will be taking a 6 hour drive to the beach our 9 month old can get pretty fussy if she's been in the car a long time what are some things we can do to make it easier on both her and us and just beach tips with a baby are welcome too!

It has been a while since I took a long car ride with an infant, but here is what I used to do.

-Try to leave early so baby will sleep for as much of the ride as possible.
- Have someone sit in the back if possible, to provide toys or food as needed.
- Stop frequently so the little one isn't sitting in a wet or dirty diaper for a long time.
- Pack a few things from baby's normal sleeping environment, this will also help if you are staying overnight somewhere.

I don't have many beach tips as I never took my little one to the beach until she toddler age and then I spent most of my time keeping her from eating sand and running too far into the water.

Good family activities to do with my three year old daughter?


She seems to be getting a bit tired of the park, aquarium, zoo, and ponds. Generally this something my wife and I do every other weekend or so, just to get out of the house and spend some time together.

Also, we have twin five months old, and we'd rather not go hiking / camping with the infants, as you can imagine.

My daughter generally enjoys anything with animals, and crafts. She doesn't particularly enjoy anything 'girly' from what we've gathered. Likes to figure out puzzles, and always finding ways to make things 'work'. (She'll find a broken toy and will attempt to make it work again.) Extremely shy, if anyone comes at her too quickly, she's retreat behind my wife's leg.

Open to any serious suggestions, :) Thank you in advance.
My daughter hates the water, refuses to go to the pools / lakes with us. She will only go to the frog ponds with us to try and catch frogs in the puddles. Thanks for the suggestion though! :)

Some more ideas outside of the house...

-- Museums -- art, science, children's, etc. Most places have things for young children.
-- Library story hour
-- Children's theater production (maybe just for the 3-year-old and one parent, no babies)
-- Pet store. You don't have to buy anything -- just look at the animals.
-- Indoor playgrounds -- mall, McDonald's, other parks
-- Check out parks with short hiking trails (and you can wear the babies in backpack carriers), or find a new playground in your area.
-- Find a way to make old adventures more interesting. For example, our zoo has specific animal feeding times, so when we want something new, we choose a couple animals that we want to watch get fed that day. Or we splurge and buy the crackers to feed the giraffes ourselves or the food for the lorikeets. Or we watch for special events or shows on certain days.
-- Also, keep trying the pools/lakes. She may grow to like them over time.

Things to do at home...
-- Draw with chalk. You can do pictures, hopscotch, draw a maze or a path to follow, etc.
-- Ride bikes/scooters up and down the sidewalk.
-- Use blue painter's tape on hardwood or linoleum floors to make hopscotch or paths inside (for rainy/cold days).
-- Puzzles. (Maybe you could pick up a couple new ones.)
-- Board games like Candy Land.
-- Paint with water. You can do this on the driveway, the side of the house, or anywhere. Just get a cup of water and a paintbrush, and it disappears as it dries. Aquadoodle mats are fun for indoors.
-- Take a walk while you push babies in the stroller and she pushes a doll in her own stroller.
-- Build with blocks.
-- Take a magnifying glass or binoculars, and go on an animal hunt in your neighborhood. Look for birds, squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, and all kinds of bugs.
-- Get an easel and some dry-erase markers, and let her draw and erase as much as she wants.
-- Since she likes puzzles and building, let her help with minor repairs around the house. If you're doing some hammering to hang a picture on the wall, let her help hammer a nail or two into a spare piece of wood. When my kids were 3, their preschool teacher had them hammer big pieces of styrofoam together, and then they got to paint what they had created. I think they even got to use a real saw to help saw the styrofoam before hammering it.
-- Get some sewing cards and let her "sew" them with shoelaces.
-- Start collections of leaves, flowers, or rocks, and let her sort and count them.
-- Blow bubbles.
-- When it rains, let her go out and jump in all the puddles.
-- Turn on all kinds of music, and dance around the house. She can even play along with her own toy or homemade instruments.
-- Read books. Lots and lots of books.

Honestly, there are so many things you can do with a 3-year-old. If you live in or near a major city, there are probably tons of things you haven't even discovered yet, and there's plenty you can do at home as well. Have fun!

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Where can I find a list of everything I need to have b4 baby arrives?

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I am due in April. I am not sure of everything I need to have for my baby. I know all the basics like crib, dresser, ect.. I just want to have everything done and ready for his arrival by March. I am so confused I dont even know where to start!! Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated!! This is my first and I am just wanting to be completly prepared!

You can look on any baby care website, or in one of those "What to Expect..." books. Or, just take all the answers you get and compile them. Someone may list something no one else thought of. Some basics I can remember are:
onesies in all sizes
bath supplies - lotion, baby oil, baby bath, baby powder, nail clippers, towels, washcloths, brush
vaseline, Desitin, infant Tylenol
baby monitor
bottles and bottle brush
burp cloths
blankets (receiving and thicker ones)
outdoor wear (jacket or sweater and hat - snowsuit if necessary)
lap changing pads
waterproof pads for bassinet and/or crib mattress
sheets for bassinet and/or crib
nose aspirator (the sucker thing!)
cotton balls/q-tips
musical mobile for crib, if desired (my daughter still likes hers at age 2!)
some small baby toys, and a stuffed animal or doll
diapers, can be all sizes, not just newborn
baby wipes
diaper pail if desired

These are just some I can think of. Hope it helps a bit.

What toys start with the letter I?


My son needs to bring a show and tell item that starts with the letter I and we can't think of anything!
Sorry - you can't tell with the font on here - I mean I like Igloo. Not L. Thanks!

It doesn't have to be a toy does it? Just something that starts with 'i'.

Maybe if someone you know has a baby and who is available your son can have an 'infant'. Maybe he could bring in some 'ink' and show a picture he made with the ink. You could even go to the butchers and see if they have any animals guts and he can bring in some 'innards'. You could catch an 'insect', show a musical 'instrument' or if you have something made out of ivory he could use that.... But if it HAS to be a toy, I'm completely stumped. Maybe you could find or make a stuffed iguana.

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Any suggestions for traveling overseas with a baby?

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We're taking a 2 week trip to Japan with a 6 month old. I'd love any advice on dealing with an infant on a long (12 hour) flight, or managing jetlag. Our daughter has been sleeping wonderfully through the night for 3 months now. I guess that will all change.

Book bulkhead seats. (Assuming you’re flying economy.) These are seats that sit directly behind the bulkheads (dividers) on the plane, usually just behind business class. They offer a lot more legroom, and you usually get the option of booking a bassinet (see below). Plus your little one can crawl around a bit on the floor in front of you.
Book a bassinet. These attach to the bulkhead in front of the seat. They’re usually fairly small but your baby can lie with their legs over the end if necessary. Even if the baby doesn’t sleep in it, it provides a great place to stash the 3 tons of stuff you end up with (books, magazines, blankets, pillows, food trays, water, toys, …)
Be aware of liquid restrictions for air travel. There are exceptions for baby food and so on, but you still need to stick within certain limits. Find out more information on this Australian site.
Take your own baby food on the flight. Your baby will prefer familiar food. Although many airlines offer baby food in-flight, your baby may not like what’s available, and the food often has additives such as sugar and salt, too. Bananas are always a good standby when flying.
Give your baby something to drink after take-off and before landing. This will help with their ear pain as the pressure changes. Breastfeeding is great and has the added benefit of comforting. Water does the job too.
Have a stopover. If you’re flying from Australia to the UK, a stopover does help to break up the journey, but make sure it’s at least 2 nights or it’s not worth the hassle.
Be prepared for jet-lag. It’s worse when you have a baby! You can forget about having those blissful few hours’ sleep as soon as you arrive, as the little darling will have different ideas. You’ll be spending those first few hours trying to stop him or her bawling their head off. Also your baby will be waking up at 3am for the first few nights, thinking it’s the middle of the day. Very entertaining. The best strategy I can offer is: be prepared for this emotionally, and know that it will be OK after a few days.

Any suggestions on traveling with infant on a plane?

paula r

I will be traveling ALONE with my 10 months old son for a 15 hours non-stop flight very soon. Any suggestions on how i can make it easier on myself and on him? I heard about the sucking bottle when take off and land to avoid his ear popping. The travel agent booked us the very last row. but then I heard that the best is the bulk head. I am not sure having a big screen in front of me and my baby though. He crawls everywhere. Not yet walking by himself. What do i do to entertain him? Can I bring a electronic toys on board? Is there any traveling gear that I should bring with me? I will have a travel system stroller and the car seat with me. I am afriaid it will be really tough when we get to the screening. Just a bit nervous since I will be going alone. That's a long flight too. Please help.

You have so many important questions! I found this site that is probably just what you need to read. It has information on everything listed below. I copied it from the site to give you an idea. Best wishes on your trip.

These baby and child air travel tips are from flying families worldwide
Get tips about:


At the airport

Diaper changing

Meals on board

Entertainment and playing

Getting around

Health and hygiene



Sleeping on board

Staying sane

Travel planning

What happens on board

What to wear

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What activities can I do with a 6-month old baby to see her development?

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Horse Love

I have a project and I need to know some activities, the baby is 6 months old, im not the mother, i want to know what activities can i do with her to the physical, intellectual, social and emotional development.

My duaghter is 6 months and she loves her toys.. Anything paper get her all excited. She likes to just lay on the floor and play with things and she likes hearing running water and she likes looking in mirrors. He favorite thing to do is be held and walk around.

What is a good toy for a 6 month old?

Mrs. Pizan

I have a 6 month old baby boy and I am wondering what kind of toys are good for him? I would like activity toys.

I gave my son a toy cell phone. Also he loves those little glow worms. he loved yo gaba gaba too.

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Tips on surviving an International flight with an infant?


In a few days my husband, our 8 month old son and I are going to be on a 14 hour International flight. Any tips on surviving the flight? I am having a hard time getting excited about the trip because I am so worried about the long flight! Any advice from those who have "been there, done that"?

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I now fly a lot with my own three children. We usually travel between Europe and California about twice a year.

Seven months is actually a good age to travel. It gets trickier when they can run! You may have him crawling all over the place but for the most part, you'll be able to keep up with him.

I have never used any sort of medications to get my children to sleep on any of those flights. At that age especially, they do nodd off at some point of the journey, more if it's at night.

I also think he's too young for a portable DVD player. I got one when my youngest was 3 years old. They are kind of heavy to cart around and could easily break. How much screen watching does he do? Mine were not very interested, especially with a small screen, at that age.

Bring a few quiet toys but a small selection. Again, short attention spans and he'll be more interested in his new surroundings.

First of all, I really recommend bringing a car seat and using it onboard. Make sure your car seat is approved for use on aircraft. If you're flying on a U.S. company, see the below link for information on if it's approved. Most car seats, including infant buckets, sold in the U.S. are.

If you are flying a non-U.S. company, see the information for your airline. If you search with the name of the airline, followed by "children", that will usually give you the right page.

This way, the seat will get to your destination without risking it being damaged or lost in luggage, a bigger risk than anything going wrong during the flight itself.

If you don't have a seat for him, request it at check-in. Ask if the flight is full, and if not, they can "block" the seat next to you, only using it if they really need it. They often do this for families.

Bring the seat to the gate, even if they are unsure that you'll get a seat. This way, if you don't manage it, they will "gate check" your seat, sending it down with the strollers and wheelchairs. This is gentlier than checking it in at the desk.

I also recommend trying to sit at the bulkhead. These are the seats with the wall in front, located in different places depending on the aircraft. Bulkheads are easier with children since no one is leaning in front of you and there's probably room to crawl on the floor.

If you have a travel system, you can use the stroller until you get to the door of the aircraft and then it'll be "gate checked". If not, use a stroller frame for a infant seat. You'll have it again, by the door of the aircraft when you arrive. If you have a convertible car seat (going to 40lbs), there are a number of contraptions you can use to wheel it around. I simply strap mine to a small metal luggage cart and that works great.

If you do have a stroller, bring a bungee cord and double secure it before leaving it at the door of the plane. They can get damaged if they pop open en route. Make sure the claim ticket can be seen and isn't squished or hidden. Be sure to ask when disembarking where the stroller is.

Bring at least 1/3 more diapers than you think you'll need. I saw so many parents run out on flights when I was working! Wrap them in plastic bags and throw a bunch of rubber bands around them to save room in your carry-on.

For a formula fed baby, I really recommend using the bottles with plastic liners. Traditional bottles are too difficult to wash onboard because of the kind of sinks on airplanes. I premeasured the powder and rolled them up, placing the rolls in a ziplock bag. Then I threw the liners away as I used them and only had the ring and nipple to clean.

If you use bottled water, make sure you have enough! The water on the aircraft is filtered tap so decide if you're comfortable using that for your baby. Bottled water runs out fast on flights and we never had any extra for baby bottles. Most security operations around the world will let liquids over the 3oz restrictions for those flying with babies.

Be sure your baby does not need the bottle warmed. Get him used to a room-temperature bottle before leaving. This is unnecessary health-wise and a real pain to do while traveling. I warmed many bottles on my flights but I wasn't there in the check-in line, the security line or the waiting area! Babies do great with room-temperature bottles.

Make sure you have at least one change of clothes. I would bring two. At that age, I simply dressed mine in sleep suits for flying. No one will care so keep him comfortable. Bring extra socks if he crawls so that he doesn't pick up anything nasty on the floor and to keep his hands clean.

Hopefully you have a good baby carrier. They're so useful for flying, especially at this age. I had a sling but other parents swear by their wraps and pouches. The Ergo and Beccos are other popular carriers for travel that go on the back.

I liked the sling because I could slide my babies from into and out of a stroller or car seat without waking them. It also doubled as a blanket, baby changer, breastfeeding cover-up and sunshade! My sling was magic for calming my babies during the flight. Other parents wanted one when they saw how easy it made my travels. Avoid front packs like the Bjorn since they're so bad for both the parents' and child's back. A good carrier should go to at least age 2.

Many flying tips say to make the child suck on something or drink during take-off and landing. This is actually a myth. I rarely saw ear problems in anyone in my 13 years of flying. ENT specialists say to have the child awake about an hour before landing (top of descent, landing or touch-down is too late). This is also the recommendation of the AAP:

Take your child to the doctor in the last few days before you fly to make sure his ears are clear and infection-free. Heathy ears can handle pressurization changes.

About 8 years ago, I wrote an article on flying with children for an expat newsletter. I later put it on a blog so that parents had access to non-commercial information from someone with both practical and professional experience on the web. Over the years I've expanded it, adding tips from parents around the world.

Just be really prepared and that will be half the battle!

Have a good trip!

What can I do to ease the transition for my baby when moving house (new country)?

Jennifer D

My baby is 8 months old and our family will be making a big move soon (from my husband's home in Jakarta to my home in Australia).

Does anyone on here have experiece moving house with an infant? I've heard it can be traumatic for them.

If you have any tips I'd really appreciate them. Both in terms of the logistics of moving with an infant and in terms of helping my son adjust to the move.

Best thing i can offer you is set up his room the exact same way in advance, your child is young enough to realize it and be tricked at the same time. Pretend like this is a mini road trip and try to keep him on the same schedule, eventually he will transition to the new enviorment. Pack tons of toys and things to keep him busy when he is awake. ALSO here is a website my sister in law used:

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How much to sell baby things for at a yard sell?

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Mama Dukes

I have a TON of clothes, toys, an exersaucer, cradle swing..etc. I plan on having my first yard sell in October, but I have no clue how to price things. Some of the clothes still have tags and some new without the tags. Obviously the toys and the other baby things have been used, but are in good condition.

Any help?

I recently had a garage sale, and this is how I priced Hannah's clothes, and they flew out the door!

Basic clothes and brands (Carters, Old Navy, stuff from Kohl's and Target, some Baby gap)
Onsies (nicer ones, not plain white), pants, skirts, tops $ .50 each
One piece outfits $ .75 each

For nicer outfits like Ralph Lauren, Gymboree, Janie and Jack~I put the outfit in a gallon size storage bag, and labeled the brand, # of pieces (pants, shirt, socks) and the size. I priced them between $2.00 and $10.00 an outfit.

Coats I priced from $3.00 - $15.00. I got $15.00 for a Hanna Anderson snowsuit, and $10.00 for a wool baby gap coat.

Shoes: infant crib shoes $ .50 each. Nicer shoes between $2.00 - $5.00

At first I had a hard time letting go of clothes for these prices...I thought, Way too cheap!! But the more I realized that I wasn't getting ANY money for them sitting in my basement collecting dust, the easier it was to part with.

I sold clothes from newborn-2T, plus coats, shoes, books and toys and made almost $400.00.

Make sure you advertise your garage sale on craiglist for free, including the sizes of clothing you have, and brands. I had a TON of people emailing me about them, and they were lined up outside my door before the sale started!

Also, you can also come down on your prices if it isn't moving. We priced everything to move in the sale.

Does anyone know of a modeling agency in Houston that represents newborn infants?

Melissa N

I am due to have a baby boy in June and am interested in getting him in some ads or commercials. Daddy and I are both very attractive (so we've been told) and thought this might be a great way to kick start his college fund. He will have blue eyes and either blonde or strawberry blonde hair. Thank you for your input.

Neal Hamil is the only agency in Houston with a kids division, but it looks like the youngest they represent is 2 years old, not newborns

But you have to realize there is VERY little work for newborns. Companies like Pampers or Fisher Price use the same visuals on their packaging and ad campaigns for several years, so that baby you see on the toy box is probably 5 years old by now. When they become toddlers, there are more chances for ad campaigns, catalog work, in-store visuals, etc.

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