I have an outdoor infant shoot tomorrow with a 3 month old baby girl. Im shooting at a gorgeous park with waterfalls and grassy fields. I have one cute white wicker basket i will be using as a prop but i need a couple more ideas for props. I love those cute little beds people use as props. I need quick/inexpensive ideas for props since the shoot is tomorrow.
I like the simple white cloths/blankets that are wrapped round babies in many of the proffesional photos. Also natural things work really well.. flowers/leaves
or just the babies favourite toys because it would make them feel natural. However you could try charity shops for baskets in the early morning at like 9-30 ish or any cushions that take your fancy. also they are good for things like fake flowers if you would want them :) sunflowers are nice, maybe go to your florist and grab a few?
I like the simple white cloths/blankets that are wrapped round babies in many of the proffesional photos. Also natural things work really well.. flowers/leaves
or just the babies favourite toys because it would make them feel natural. However you could try charity shops for baskets in the early morning at like 9-30 ish or any cushions that take your fancy. also they are good for things like fake flowers if you would want them :) sunflowers are nice, maybe go to your florist and grab a few?
Infant tantrums?
Lovin' Lif
I have a 7 month old baby girl who has been throwing some major hissy fits here lately. I don't know if there is such a thing because I don't remember my son ever doing this until later on. The typical thing for her is wanting to be held all day. I have been visiting my family alot since my husband deployed and I think she may be getting used to all of the attention from the grandparents. I give her tons of attention here at home, but am very cautious not to spoil her on these things. I know it can turn out badly because I did this to my son. Also, when it is time to get dressed, something she loved to do before..she cries. Not just a cry, a scream. Her face turns beet red and she is so obviously mad. When her brother takes a toy away, same thing. It just differs. So my question is, should I start redirecting her now with her anger. When she does this, pick her up and ? I don't know exactly what to do. I know this is all normal, but at such a young age, how do you handle such a thing?
There is also this song that we sing to her, all day everyday...she never gets tired of it and wants us to sing this to her every minute of the day. This is not such a bad thing and is actually kind of cute..lol
Anybody that says babies can't throw little tantrums has never had one!
At 7 months old, they are VERY aware of their environments, and believe me, crying can become a learned response even earlier than this.
My 9 month old daughter was a similar way around 7 months, she was crying for no reason other than attention. When a baby is going red in the face, yelling, with no tears, believe me there is nothing wrong with them! I just persevered with my daughter for a few weeks, she was still given plenty of attention, but if she started screaming the second I put her down, I just let her cry for a few minutes, then distracted her with a toy or song. It's one thing to give babies heaps of attention, and of course they should get unlimited love, but pandering to them, and reinforcing that yelling at you will get them picked up will lead to big problems by the time they're one.
I've worked with a lot of babies, as well as having my own, and some bubs just go through this stage. You'll get lots of well meaning people telling you that you can't 'spoil' a baby by holding them too much, but trust your own instincts. If you truly know that there's nothing wrong with her, then start redirecting her now. Some kids ae just more advanced, and it is very difficult to deal with a baby doing it, but don't worry, it's not abnormal at all, just more unusual, which is why a lot of people don't understand. Trust your own instincts and see how she goes. Good luck, I hope that helps!
Anybody that says babies can't throw little tantrums has never had one!
At 7 months old, they are VERY aware of their environments, and believe me, crying can become a learned response even earlier than this.
My 9 month old daughter was a similar way around 7 months, she was crying for no reason other than attention. When a baby is going red in the face, yelling, with no tears, believe me there is nothing wrong with them! I just persevered with my daughter for a few weeks, she was still given plenty of attention, but if she started screaming the second I put her down, I just let her cry for a few minutes, then distracted her with a toy or song. It's one thing to give babies heaps of attention, and of course they should get unlimited love, but pandering to them, and reinforcing that yelling at you will get them picked up will lead to big problems by the time they're one.
I've worked with a lot of babies, as well as having my own, and some bubs just go through this stage. You'll get lots of well meaning people telling you that you can't 'spoil' a baby by holding them too much, but trust your own instincts. If you truly know that there's nothing wrong with her, then start redirecting her now. Some kids ae just more advanced, and it is very difficult to deal with a baby doing it, but don't worry, it's not abnormal at all, just more unusual, which is why a lot of people don't understand. Trust your own instincts and see how she goes. Good luck, I hope that helps!
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