I can't figure out what to get my nephew for his first Christmas. He will be 4 months! I already got him enough clothes(seeing how he is the first grandchild for both families he has clothes he will NEVER wear haha) and No diapers/diaper products(we buy it from costco so no issue). I was going to buy a baby swing because he likes to be rocked but his daddy and mommy bought it. What toys can I get for him? He will be barely four months when it's Christmas...Oh he has ALL the teething supplies needed haha.
Check out Tiny Love's website. They make developmental toys for infants. You can see what skills/milestones baby is working on at a specific age and choose toys that have those developmental goals in mind. They make *great* products. I've pasted the link for 3-6 month toys.
Lamaze also makes exceptional developmental toys.
Check out Tiny Love's website. They make developmental toys for infants. You can see what skills/milestones baby is working on at a specific age and choose toys that have those developmental goals in mind. They make *great* products. I've pasted the link for 3-6 month toys.
Lamaze also makes exceptional developmental toys.
Twins are 6 months and still not sitting!?

I have identical twin boys. Their due date was October 25, 2009 but instead they were born Oct 5. I am getting a little concerned because they are not rolling or sitting yet. When I go to sit them on their own [I put their hands in between their legs so that they can balance on themselves, if that makes since]. They MIGHT stay up for 1 sec, but they either end up leaning all the way forward [looking uncomfortable] or lean off to one of their sides. I know all babies are different but I was really thinking that 6 months I would have it a little easier as far as having to hold them all the time, I figure they would be nearing the early crawling stages by now. Never the less is there anything that i can do to "help" the learn to balance while sitting, or strengthen their backs. They have their 6 month check up next week, i just wanted to hear stories for several different parents.
My son turned 6 months last Saturday. He just rolled over for the first time Wednesday, and has done it about 40 times since then. He sits pretty well, I still put a boppy behind him to be safe because he will have his tumbles when he reaches for a toy.
I think its completely average. Bases on everything you read, especially on here you start to wonder if your child is behind.
Im a teacher in the infant room at daycare. There are 3, 6 month olds at work (one being mine)
Neither besides my son is CLOSE to sitting up what so ever.
1 of them rolled over when around 5 months, but has only done it a handle of times, seems more accidental.
My son turned 6 months last Saturday. He just rolled over for the first time Wednesday, and has done it about 40 times since then. He sits pretty well, I still put a boppy behind him to be safe because he will have his tumbles when he reaches for a toy.
I think its completely average. Bases on everything you read, especially on here you start to wonder if your child is behind.
Im a teacher in the infant room at daycare. There are 3, 6 month olds at work (one being mine)
Neither besides my son is CLOSE to sitting up what so ever.
1 of them rolled over when around 5 months, but has only done it a handle of times, seems more accidental.
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