Saturday, January 25, 2014

What are some Montessorri activities I can do with my 4 month old?

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I am looking for some activities that I can do with my 4 month old that are Montessori-inspired. Right now I am working on getting her to roll over, to reach for toys that are dangled in front of her, and to spend more time on her tummy for more head control. Any ideas?

I don't have a lot of infant ideas, since I teach 3-6 year olds.

I would recommend this book:

Really, what I would suggest, thinking about Montessori, is your actual environment. Not so much specific activities, but I would look and see whether the environment is set up for the child. When your daughter is old enough to crawl, is everywhere she crawls safe for her?

Right now, language is playing a huge role in development. Not that she'll start talking, but it is important to make sure you talk to her a lot, sing and play games, and she sees positive communication from you.

At what age should infants be able to sit up on their own?


My son is 6 1/2 months old. He was a 5 week early preemie and had tons of problems keeping him in the hopsital until his due date. His development has been going fine. But he will not sit up on his own. My friends baby starting sitting up just before 6 months. I know better than to compare but I just wanted to get some other opinions. He grabs toys, rolls over, laughs, etc. He just doesn't sit up. Thanks for the advice!

All babies develop at their own rate, he just may take his sweet time sitting up. Your right about the comparing part, I think that makes every woman worry about their child.
He will eventually get it, if your worried about it speak to his doctor about it.

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