Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why are San Fran Liberals wanting to Ban Male Circumcision?

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 on Parenting & Pregnancy magazine Awards 2011/2012 best baby toys ...
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The Board of Supervisors just banned toys in Happy Meals, which drew worldwide attention.

Now the latest ban being proposed in San Francisco is on male circumcision.

A proposed ballot measure for the November 2011 ballot â when voters will be electing the San Franciscoâs next mayor â would amend The Cityâs police code âto make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18.â

Doing so would result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail, according to the proposed measure submitted to the Department of Elections.
Are they seriously mentally challenged? Do they not know the serious Health risks of Not getting Circumcised?

Did it occur to you that it just might be the conservatives that don't want their tax dollars and insurance premiums being wasted on an unnecessary elective surgery?

And what "serious health risks" result from not being "circumcised"?
Have you ever heard of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? Pretty scary to new parents. It kills about 120 infants each year in the US. Well, "circumcision" kills about that same number of boys in the US each year. Add to that many boys will find that their equipment has been ruined by the amputation, instances where the glans has been amputated along with the foreskin, where the penis is badly damaged by infections after the surgery. Why do the European nations that do not mutilate their baby boys have better health stats than the US for all the baby maiming that is done here?

The only real risk is to the "doctors" that depend on easy income to pay for their Porches, they may have to get side jobs to make the payments, I would suggest they apply for Wal-Mart Greeter.

Do you know how morris and wiswell (your sources) come up with their numbers that show a benefit from male genital mutilation? When a boy is examined prior to surgery the "doctor" might determine that there is a problem with the penis so the child is deemed to be "not a good candidate for surgery" then when the "study" was performed these surgery rejects were included in the "uncircumcised" group and guess what; the "uncircumcised" boys had more infections and other problems than the mutilated boys had. Because the group also included the boys that the doctors would not operate on because they had other problems with their penises.

Even if you finish last in the class they still call you doctor.

Male infant or child genital mutilation is a human rights violation.

Should this measure actually make it to the ballot, some of my Mid-West conservative dollars will be sent that way to support it.

Unreported news...again. Anyone want to help?


I have often seen answers here where people have wanted to help Native Americans on reservations. Here's your chance.

I found this article in the Hocak Worak (Newspaper of the Ho-Chunk Nation) June 24th edition. As usual, the national media fails to report on Native issues and the government fails to provide for people in need right here within the boarders of the United States. Had this tragedy happened anywhere besides an Indian Reservation, it would be all over the news and the government would be bending over backwards to help.

Sara L. Peterson
Staff Writer
As storms sweep across the country during a tumultuous spring that will go down in the record books, tribal nations are struggling to find residents left stranded after flooding devastated the Crow Reservation in northern Montana on May 25, 2011.

Most of the state of Montana had been under some sort of flood advisory, as workers frantically fill
sandbags and search crews are searching for those still unaccountable. âThere are families and elders still isolated and stranded in their homes,â said tribe spokesman Donald Spotted Tail on May
26, 2011. âThereâs no way for them to access basic human needs such as food and water.â There is also the warning of water supply contamination in the region of the Little Bighorn River.

Tribal officials said the flooding has damaged at least 75 homes and about 150 people from the reservation remain at the Montana State University-Billings, along with 43 people from outside
Billings, according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs....

Donations are still needed for those that were displaced after the storms and flooding. Many of these people were left without any clothes, food, or shelter.

To date the terribly poverty stricken tribe has made over
150 layoffs and is working to just get people back into homes on the reservation. The tribe is quickly depleting its funds in the effort. âWe have never been a rich people: weâve always struggled, but weâve always survived. Thatâs what we will do nowâ, Old Crow said.

Items that are needed include:
⢠Non-perishable Food
⢠Milk, Juices, etc.
⢠Fruits and Vegetables
⢠Bottled Water
⢠Infant Formula and baby
⢠Personal Hygiene Items
(this includes items
such as soap, shampoo,
toothbrushes and
toothpaste, and toilet
⢠Plates and Eating Utensils
⢠Blankets and linens
⢠Laundry Soap
⢠Coloring Books
⢠Clothes (must be clean
and in repair if not new)
⢠Kids Toys
⢠Dog and Cat Food
They are also accepting gift
cards to Wal-Mart, Costco,
Target, Sams Club, etc.

Donations can be sent to:
Donations for Flood Victims
of the Crow Nation
8645 South Weaver Drive
Crow Agency, MT 59022
c/o Little Bighorn College

nie:wen for posting this Sarah. Lets hope a lot of people pitch in to help them.

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