Friday, January 24, 2014

How to patch a hole on an inflatable bath tub for infants?

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Lux Lucis

We have this inflatable bath tub that has holes in it. The material is similar to that of an inflatable pool toy (Not the transparent kind). The holes are pretty small, looks more like a dog chewed on it than it does a rip.

Try a bicycle inner tube repair kit.

What should I bring when traveling/flying with an 8 month old baby?


We are flying to Ohio for a week (2 flights about 2 hours each). I am packing, but want to make sure I don't forget anything. I have diapers, wipes, clothes, a few toys, etc. How many bottles should I bring? I nurse and pump everyday, but will probably mostly pump while we are there. Any other suggestions would be great!
We are only bringing two small carry on suitcases and the diaper bag because luggage costs so much.

I just traveled with my son who was 10 months at the time...God bless you! haha....Anyway, Things I took on the plane with me 2 hour flight plus time in the airport....Diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib, 2 bottles, 1 can of formula, infant tylenol/motrin, orajel (hes teething pretty bad lately), Food (3 jars), spoons, snacks (cereal), sippy cup, toys (ones that don't make too much noise).

Things I brought in general for the trip....Clothes, PJs, stroller, car seat, toys, baby toiletries (soap, lotion, nail clippers, nasal aspirator, brush, diaper rash cream, baby monitors (we were staying with family, so I was able to put him down for a nap, and still go outside by the pool). Towel and washclothes, sunblock.

I bought food, formula, and diapers when I got there. My relatives also borrowed a lot of baby gear from a friend so I had things there (Pack n Play, walker, high chair).

Check your airlines policies. There usually isn't a charge for checking carseat, strollers, or bassinets (pack n play), even if the child is flying on your lap. You are also allowed to bring the diaper bag plus your carry ons...the diaper bag does not count as your carry on.

Best of luck. I hope you are not traveling alone, and will have help, my son was very good and slept the entire flight there, and if it weren't for my fiance and my mother traveling with us, I would have had a nervous break down.

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