Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What do you think about parents who accept their trans-gender child?

best babies toys 2010
 on Baby Alive Bouncing Babbles | Top Toys
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Q. Say a mother and father allows their son to dress like a girl, play with babies, wear makeup, wear a wig or grow their hair out.... I'm not talking about teens im talking about 4.. 5.. 6... 7...8 etc year olds. Someone who lets their minor child make such a life altering decision?

Personally im for it... what is your opinion, because i find that some people are against it without a reason, what is your reasoning?

Toys don't have genders, we just push our stereotypes on our kids. My husband does a wonderful job with our children and I wouldn't be the least bit shocked to see my sons one day playing with a baby doll. They would be copying their father and their father is manly.

Likewise, why is dress up just for girls? Surely you have seen some beautiful adult males with long hair. One of my good friend's husband has hair down to his butt and it looks great on him. No one would ever doubt his manliness, he is as manly as they come!

I don't see why more males don't use makeup. When I was a teen I covered my zits with concealer... why wouldn't a man want to cover his zits?

Meh, toys have no gender. Girls who play with dump trucks and dinosaurs turn out just fine. Boys should be able to have a doll if they want one. It is 2010, I am 100% confident that my sons rocking a baby doll to sleep will not CAUSE them to be gay or grow up to have a sex change operation. If anything it will make them wonderful husbands when their wife has a baby and they already know how to hold and rock the baby.

What is the difference between a 2009 Bob Revolution 12"AW stroller and the 2010 model?


I cant seem to find anything to show what's different between the 2 models. Any input? Thanks! :)

Usually if a company selling baby products or toys distinguishes a product by year, it means not much has changed, usually just the fabric colors. I see it usually in car seats and children's bicycles. It's also more common in higher end products, like the Bob.

By the way, I've spoken with 50+ people who own a Bob and have never heard a negative comment, with the possible exception of having to pay a higher price for a higher quality product.

If there is a difference in safety features, weight or something like that, they usually change the name to reflect the change. For example, if a carseat changes from a solid blue to a blue with a pattern, they may add the years. If the change from 50 lbs to 65 lbs they would change the name from "Acme Blue" to the "Acme Blue 65."

If you're shopping at a "brick and mortar" store, seeing the model years is a good opportunity to ask for a discount. They want to get rid of the older model because having to display basically 2 of the same stroller (2009 & 2010) costs the store money.

Hope this helps,


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