Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to disinfect infants toys?

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I have an underground storage space where I live in Italy. It's quite damp and very dusty there. I've stored toys there from when my kids were little.I'd like to pass on these toys to my grandchildren. The toys have been there for probably 17 years. Is there a way of safely disinfecting the infant toys that will go into baby's mouth or should i throw them out? They were stored in a closed bag and then in a box. Most are hard plastic ,but a couple are stuffed.

You can definitely disinfect the toys. You just need to get a surface wipe (they have them at most supermarkets) get a surface wipe and wipe the toys clean. If they were in closed bags, they should be fine with a little bit of cleaning. Give them to your grandchildren after you clean them, they'll love them!

What do you look for in an infant toy?


Ok, I have an assignment to create an infant toy and I'm totally clueless!!! I have a baby but she isn't into toys yet. So what do you like for your babies to play with? And what interests them?

Color, something they can grab themselves. Texture is also important to me when looking for toys, I want to safely expose them to different touch. Nothing that can potentially get wrapped around a finger or neck.
I personally don't get toys with batteries. I want any noise to be generated by the child or non-mechanical music. (bells, crackle paper, etc.) I think this has helped my children's imagination and creativeness. Just something that works for my family.

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