Jennifer m
My baby will be 6 mon. on the 8th. She has been having teething symptoms for a couple of months now. Her doctor also said that she is teething. I do not feel anything, but she has been very irritable today. She has also been shaking her head like she is mad, and trying to shove things into her mouth then she starts to whine!! She has also been ruuning a low grade fever and has a runny nose, and diarrhea. These symptoms have been going on for over two weeks!! The doctor tested her for rotovirus, but the results today said she was negative for that. Could all of this be coming from teething?? Please give teething symptoms of your children. It has been six years since my first, and I don't remember anything!!
Yes i'd say it is teething. My son is 8 months old but he has had 8 teeth for about 3 months now!! they are always irritable before the tooth breaks throough so by the time you can see or feel the tooth she will probably have settled down. Th saliva produces more acids when babies are teething so all those symptoms are caused from a change in the saliva! she may also have a nappy rash or rash on her cheek. just keep up the bonjela (gum numbing gel) and let her chew on teethings rusks or special toys designed for teething babies. frozen toys are also great for her or even cold cucumber (which stays cold for long periods of time)
poor little thing, but it will all be over before you know it!
Oh and keep panadol handy for bedtime or if her temperature gets worse
Yes i'd say it is teething. My son is 8 months old but he has had 8 teeth for about 3 months now!! they are always irritable before the tooth breaks throough so by the time you can see or feel the tooth she will probably have settled down. Th saliva produces more acids when babies are teething so all those symptoms are caused from a change in the saliva! she may also have a nappy rash or rash on her cheek. just keep up the bonjela (gum numbing gel) and let her chew on teethings rusks or special toys designed for teething babies. frozen toys are also great for her or even cold cucumber (which stays cold for long periods of time)
poor little thing, but it will all be over before you know it!
Oh and keep panadol handy for bedtime or if her temperature gets worse
Best places to find cheap toys for 6+ month baby on Black Friday?

My husbands is currently looking for another job because they cut his hours to 1/4 of what they originally were, and Christmas is going to be very hard for us this year.
We have a son who is going to be almost 7 months by time Christmas rolls around, and I cannot seem to find many stores that offer toys for children his age..
If anyone knows of any stores that may be having good deals I would be forever grateful if you shared your information.
Thank you.
(ps. no rude and/or sarcastic comments please)
Ross all the way, I get all of my 6 month old's toys there
Ross all the way, I get all of my 6 month old's toys there
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