htx_281 (T
Like what do you notice in the setup according to gender.
In the toy store I work at we have girls on the left and boys on the right. Lego lives right down the back wall. and stuff for infants is usually more toward the front. as mothers with push chairs don't want to have to find their way through the store with a push chair. Toys that are very "in" are at the front and to the left as most people when entering any store turn to the left straight away. Also, like milk in a grocery store, toys that people often want like monopoly are right down the back so people have to walk past everything else to get to it. Then there is a bigger chance of them buying other stuff.
In the toy store I work at we have girls on the left and boys on the right. Lego lives right down the back wall. and stuff for infants is usually more toward the front. as mothers with push chairs don't want to have to find their way through the store with a push chair. Toys that are very "in" are at the front and to the left as most people when entering any store turn to the left straight away. Also, like milk in a grocery store, toys that people often want like monopoly are right down the back so people have to walk past everything else to get to it. Then there is a bigger chance of them buying other stuff.
Has anyone ever seen this infant toy?

I saw an infant toy in a magazine while I was pregnant and I have never been able to find it in stores. It wasn't a jumper, walker, Jumparoo, Exersaucer, or anything like that.
It acually reminded me of the leg press machine in the gym where you lay back and push up and down with your legs except the baby is upright in a seat and they can push the seat up and down using their leg muscles.
My baby loves to use his legs and I would really like to find this product but I've searched everywhere and cannot find it. Has anyone ever seen this toy?
The only thing I can think of is this:
Hope I helped!
The only thing I can think of is this:
Hope I helped!
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