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My four month old daughter has very spastic hand/arm movements like she cant control them. And she was doing very good eating stage one baby food but recently, in the past two weeks or so, she has been having a hard time doing what looks like swallowing. Her tongue just pushes the food out of her mouth. When she concentrates on a toy, she can bring her hands to it but then soon drops it because her arms spaz. Is this normal or should talk to a doctor about possible signs of a tic?
If she is pushing food out with her tongue SHE IS NOT READY FOR SOLIDS. Forcing solids at this stage damages her natural gag reflex. Babies loose the 'tongue thrust reflex' around 4-7 months. This is a natural reflex that all babies have, and will go away on its own.
As for the spasms, she is still young. You can ask the doc for better advice on this.
If she is pushing food out with her tongue SHE IS NOT READY FOR SOLIDS. Forcing solids at this stage damages her natural gag reflex. Babies loose the 'tongue thrust reflex' around 4-7 months. This is a natural reflex that all babies have, and will go away on its own.
As for the spasms, she is still young. You can ask the doc for better advice on this.
How do I get my 7 year old son to stop playing with his penis in public?
He doesn't pull his pants down or anything. Everytime I turn around his hands are down his pants. He says he does it because it feels good and makes him happy. I don't want him to think that playing with it is a bad thing just a natural one. I have had many talks with him but nothing seems to work. Help.
He is a boy. Boys do that.
I was in the Walmart the other day and a boy was looking at toys with his hand pinching his penis. His mother scorned him and told him, "I told you to quit that", to which he replied he was sorry. I could tell he didn't even know what he was doing wrong.
My son who is now 21, spent a whole lot of time with his penis in his hand. He started when he was an infant, pinching it, flicking it and it went on clear to about the 2nd or 3rd grade. He would get excited and immediately go for the most comforting thing he had, his penis. He would get all excited about something and grab his penis.
You just gotta accept it as a boy thing. Its a freudian sort of event. Ignore him. He is normal.
He is a boy. Boys do that.
I was in the Walmart the other day and a boy was looking at toys with his hand pinching his penis. His mother scorned him and told him, "I told you to quit that", to which he replied he was sorry. I could tell he didn't even know what he was doing wrong.
My son who is now 21, spent a whole lot of time with his penis in his hand. He started when he was an infant, pinching it, flicking it and it went on clear to about the 2nd or 3rd grade. He would get excited and immediately go for the most comforting thing he had, his penis. He would get all excited about something and grab his penis.
You just gotta accept it as a boy thing. Its a freudian sort of event. Ignore him. He is normal.
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