Sunday, June 23, 2013

Part 2 :) What will you name your children?

the best infant toys 2010
 on 2010-Baby-Names-Main
the best infant toys 2010 image


put first and middle names for your kid's names, please.
you can also add pictures
1. So you are 18 and going to college. You meet a guy/girl that is in a few of your classes. He/She has everything that you look for in a guy/girl!
1a) What do you want to be when you graduate college?
1b) What does the person you like want to be after they graduate?
1c) What does he/she look like?
2. 7 years late both of you have graduated and found jobs. You have been going out for a long time now and he/you proposes and they say yes. When you get back you move into your first home.
2a) Where do you get married?
2b) Where do you go on our honeymoon?
2c) What does your house look like?
3. Both of you want kids right away and on your first anniversary you find out that you are having a baby! A few months later you find out you are having a girl!
3a) What is her name?
3b) What does she look like?
4. Your daughter is now 2 and you are ready for another child. 6 months later you find out you are pregnant with your second child and this time it is a boy.
4a) What is his name?
4b) What does he look like?
5. Now your kids are 5 and and 3. Your daughter is starting kindergarden and you miss having a infant. You beg your spouse for another, and to your surprise they agree with you. It turns out you both wanted 4 kids and never knew it. So you try for another and within 5 months you find out that you are having another. You go to the doctor one day and find out that you are having twins! You decide that it is time to move into a bigger house because the one you have will be to small when the twins come and you don't want any of your kids to have to share a room. 8 months later you are the parent of another daughter and son.
5a) What does your new house look like?
5b) What is your new baby girl's name?
5c) What is your new baby boy's name?
5d) What do they look like?
6. Your done having kids and they are 6, 4, 1 and 1 but you want to get the kids a puppy.
6a) What kind of dog?
6b) What gender?
6c) What name do you choose?
7. What do your kids look like now and what are their personalities like?
Hope you enjoy!

My Answers
1a Teacher
1b Doctor
2a In a church
2b Caribbean
3a Francesca Rose
4a Matthew James
5b Adriana Marisa
5c Nicholas Joseph
7a Francesca is 6 and has a bubbly personality-
7b Matthew is 4 and will talk to anyone and laughs all the time-
7c Adriana is 1 and loud and energetic-
Nicholas is 1 and is the quite one out of him and his twin-

1a) Doctor
1b) Teacher

2a) on the beach
2b) Greece

3a) Ariana Danielle

4a) Landon Matthew

5b) Madison Olivia
5c) Jamie Ryan

6a) Boston Terrier
6b) girl
6c) Juno

I am going to make it 10 years in the future:

Ariana: 16, loves music, dance, art or anything where she can be creative; bubbly personality:

Landon: 14, skateboarding is his life, average in school, very skateboarder personality:

Madison: 11, loves fighting with her brothers, still a tomboy, loves skiing & snowboarding
Jamie: 11, loves fighting with Madison, shy in class, very smart, loves baseball & soccer:

Do y'see the love in this one?!?


The Feeling of Done

Sometimes, like an architect
where my write is the ribbon
on opening day;
sometimes just fully spent,
and my poem is the towel to
wipe my tears away!

Sometime, the fool drunkard
inebriated by this cocktail
penned to true love;
sometimes the wolfish glutton
who writes and writes but
never gets enough.

Sometimes a wee small infant
a strange format my newest toy to
learn to rattle;
and sometimes I am a warrior,
with cause shield and word sword brandished
well in battle!

RAH (c) 09/23/2010
"D"...hugs t'you too sweetie! :)

Caz...I posted all these love poems 'n' wodnered where y'went!?! ;)

Muchas gracias amiga! :)
T'anks again ladies...y'all so dependably sweet!

T'anks s'much BF and CG...actually, I've posted a number today, cuz I got asked about somethin' and these were my answer! From the archives or on teh spot, I'm enjoyin' the ones I chose today!

Yes I do see the love in this one , Nice one Ray

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