Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is this a beautiful crib? (Read Details)?

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Scroll all the way down and look at all the other beds....They are so pretty. I love that crib but the price tag is too much..I just wanted to know what you all think.
I only have one child who is 6 years old. I am not wanting to buy this crib, i wanted opinions.

I have to admit, I actually think it's beautiful, It has the wow factor.

But I would never buy it. I don't know what country you're in, but here in Australia, there's a huge push to very simple, safe cots and bedding including no toys in the cot, no bumpers, no canopy's, because of the risk of SIDS ( sudden infant death syndrome)

That cot would give any midwife a heartattck!

Suffocating on stuffed animal?


my son will be 4 months old on saturday. He is a cosleeper who isn't happy sleeping with mommy anymore :( so sad. But the only time he will sleep in his crib is when i put his arm around a stuffed pooh bear the size of his upper body, i was worried if i let him do this he could suffocate in his sleep by burrying his face in the stuffed animal. there just isn't enough room in the bed anymore, he just kicks and grunts all night long :(

i got this from a website for u,
i don't have a kid and i can't imagine how hard it could be!

i've posted a website that gives you everythind you need.,
good luck and congragulations on your baby!

Expert Answers
The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Because of the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and death from suffocation, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says not to let your baby sleep with any soft objects until he's 12 months old. This includes stuffed animals, dolls, blankets, quilts, and other bedding. Many experts suggest waiting until your baby is at least 2 years old to let him sleep with a pillow.

Though it may seem unlikely, there is a chance that a doll or stuffed toy could cover your baby's face and suffocate him. "Some 2,000 babies die each year from suffocation," says Mark A. Brandenburg, a practicing emergency physician at the Trauma Emergency Center (TEC) of St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and author of Child Safe: A Practical Guide for Preventing Childhood Injuries. The safest option is to keep your baby's crib free of clutter, including stuffed toys.

After his first birthday, your baby's risk of dying from SIDS goes down significantly. The likelihood of suffocation also diminishes because most 12-month-olds are able to roll over, sit up, and move objects away from their faces.

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