Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is the coolest Native American artifact you know?

Q. Corn husk dolls, bow and arrow, etc.

A. A ten foot tall Salish loom. I can't think of why a person would need one so tall, it must have been hell to pack round back in the day. I got to weave on it while working on an exhibit at the Smithsonian, it was found at a sight near Sequim, WA. But Im a weaver, so it was really exciting for me. The other would be a little toy axe, no bigger than a pinki finger, made out of a twig and a sharp pebble, tied around with cherry bark. It was roughly 900 years old (which is nothing compared to some of the artifacts found in the same area, which are about 11,000 years old), and looked like something my little boy would like to play with. Exmining it, with the understanding that several generations ago, a little kid lost that toy while playing outside his/her home touched me, it reminded me of how long my people have been here and living in these EXACT same locations. My own children play on beaches that our ancestors have enjoyed for countless generations...and are no doubtedly leaving behind tidbits of evidence that we were there for future generations to find and examine.

Edit: I also LOVE looking at stone cooking tools, especilly those meant for grinding. Cultures all over the world have been using them for countless generations and to this day you find them in kitchens of well-established cooks.

Edit2: We say dzidzi, skuki, wiw'su, and chachash fr infants and children...not guagua, and the lndbridge theory has been debunked. In addition to this, chinese was not a language spoken 50,000 years ago.

I need a lesson plan for elementary students in Music?
Q. It needs to be on Italy, any music and ideas welcome, i really need help with this, I'm so stuck! and it has to be a music lesson

A. Specially for children - Italian language learning sites featuring nursery rhymes, counting exercises, videos, children's songs, and cartoons. It's never too early to learn a foreign language.

alian would describe the sound. So do Italian animals speak a different language?
Italian Colors for Children
Hear green, white, red, and all the other colors!
Italian Conversation For Children
Conversazione per i bambini: an afternoon at the beach, a birthday party, and more!
Italian For Children
Teach your child the Italian ABC's and practice counting from 1-20 with illustrations and audio.
Italian Language Immersion Camp
Swimming, sole, and salame. Marshmallows, minestrone, and montagne. It may not evoke the traditional images of summer camp, but then, Lago del Bosco, the new Italian language and culture immersion camp, isn't a conventional program.
Italian Numbers For Children
Illustrated counting exercises in Italian for children. With audio.
Learn Italian With Your Children
It's never too early to learn a foreign language, whether it's nursery rhymes, counting exercises, or children's songs. Parents can introduce their children to a whole new world and encourage their appreciation of other cultures.
Start Italian in Your School
Start Italian language classes in your school with the Order Sons of Italy in America Adopt-A-School program, a national initiative designed to promote the study of Italian in public and private schools throughout the U.S.
Click on a letter to hear how to pronounce it and to see how to handwrite it. Also has an introduction to Italian punctuation.
Italian links for kids broken down into channels such as songs, games, nursery rhymes, cartoons, hobbies, and school.
Books Without Borders
Foreign language bookstore for children sells multilingual media including books, tapes, and videos.
Meet Calimero, the famous cartoon character. Children can send postcards, read stories in English and Italian, play online activities, and learn more about the pulcino nero.
Children's Italian Books
Order books, courses, software, and videos to teach children Italian.
Corriere dei Piccoli
A children's version of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera with news, games, and many other resources.
Disney Italia
Topolino, Pippo, and all the rest are here, with interactive features such as an online coloring book, music, games, and cartoons.
Favole Infinite
Children can color these stories online as they click through the narrative.
Fiabe di Animali
Wonderful, robust site with many tales of "mischievous animals" plus other amusing stories.
Giornalino Online
Il grande giornale dei ragazzi! Fumetti, giochi, e-card!
The first Italian web search engine designed entirely for children.
Harry Potter e il Calice di Fuoco
Chapter by chapter reading notes in Italian of the latest Harry Potter book.
I Compiti
Homework help and scholastic material for Italian students in grade school.
Il Paese dei Bambini che Sorridono
Large archive of material for children with sections such as festivals and traditions, stories, music, animals, travel, and legends.
Italian poems and songs for children. Includes titles such as Avevo Un Bel Pallone, Banana Cocco BaoBab, and Il Pesciolino e La Conchiglia.
Italian for Toddlers
Italian language playgroup for infants and toddlers based in New York City. Playgroup includes traditional songs and activities using animals, arts & crafts, toys, music and story telling.
Italian Kids Library - NYC
Library in New York City targeted to toddlers and children. Provides children, teachers, and parents with a wide range of Italian fairy tales, games, and educational toys in addition to multimedia materials on cinema, arts, opera, and theate
Italian Names Translated
Italian names and their English equivalents.
Italy With Kids
Information and resources for children and their families traveling to Italy with a focus on food, music, history, and popular culture. Includes a newsletter, journal, games, and cards.
Mama Lisa's World: Italian
Hear audio clips of children's songs and rhymes. Accompanying text lets children sing along.
Mondo Bimbo
Links to games, stories, and animated cartoons for youngsters.
Multilingual Munchkins
Provides resources for raising multilingual children. Includes a playgroup database, newsletter, articles, and activity suggestions.
Games, fairy-tales, and information for new parents. A great resource for teaching children Italian.
Picture Dictionary: English-Italian
Illustrated dictionary for children and beginners.
Terrific Flash animation site for children has games, cards, and information on the magazine. Children can also submit their artwork for inclusion on the site.
Socrates Me Too
Online course for children to learn the basic words (colors, numbers, animals, foods) and phrases. Includes audio.
Storie del Gatto Sissi e del Topino
The stories of Sissi

name of an old toy i had as a kid?
Q. it was a plastic doll (harder than a barbie doll, and the hair was plastic and everything) that had a backpack that changed into a high-chair for an infant (the doll was a babysitter). it came with the baby doll, too, i think. i think "babysitter" MAY have been in the name, somehow

this toy would be from the early-to-mid nineties.

first to get it right gets ten points
if you have a picture, automatic ten points

thanks SO much!


This doll was actually one in a series
of dolls which featured a backpack
{with hidden features} COLLECT ALL SIX

" The BackPack Club:
Babysitting Fun with Emily "
circa - '97

" It's feeding time for baby as our babysitter Emily
unfolds her backpack which transforms into a high-
chair for baby and bottle hidden inside"

also found ...

" Pizza Party "

" Beach Party "

" Playful Pet Fun "

" Camp- Out Fun "

not found is " scooter 'n' fun " ...
webpage of company indicated a complete lineup
with spin-off sets and accessories ....even a full -sized
backpack for girls that opened-up into a dollhouse-like
playset for ALL dolls


Bumble luvz


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