Saturday, May 18, 2013

Is there anything I can use to substitute infant Tylenol?

Q. My 5 month old son is cutting his second tooth and is too fussy to use his teething toys and I don't want to give him too much orajel.. I would go to the store to buy more tylenol but my boyfriend just went to work and has my car. Is there anything I can use that can substitute tylenol that's safe?

A. Frozen fruit it really helps also n There's camilia drops n tablets that are that are better then medication hope it helps

What can i do to soothe my 2 month old?
Q. He has a tooth starting to come in, besides orajel and infants tylenol what can i do to soothe him? So far his pacifier soothes him since he's not really hanging onto the teething toys i have yet. not sure what else to do.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Mom of 2 boys - 7yrs old and 2 months old (a preemie born 6 weeks early at 34 wks gestation)
I have teething rings etc but he doesn't put them to his mouth yet just holds them and the lets go of them.

A. what really worked for me was wetting one of his wash rags n sticking it in the freezer for a couple of minuets n then letting him suck n bite on it. the cold water n small ice crystals numbed his mouth. my son loved it. oh n theres also teethers that u can put in the freezer n ones that vibrate too, those also worked. u just gotta try everything to see what works for your little one. good luck

why is my 9 month old chewing on everything and what can I do?
Q. My daughter is chewing on everything, she has ruined her crib. And, when I let her down to crawl she will chew on furniture and anything she can get her mouth on to... She will not chew on her teething toys... I am not sure what to do?

A. The primary sense for infants and toddlers is touch, and what is the most sensitive part of their body? Their mouth! they'll put the object in question into their mouth, roll it around their gums and their tonge and then put the slobbery item on the floor and move onto the next item.

And if the infant has teething pains, well, all the more things will go into the mouth. Knawing on items seems to help the pain in their gums.

I highly recommend getting a couple of teething rings, or something like that and triple-checking your home for chokking hazards. If you provide something safe for your child to chew on, and make sure that marbles, coins and other small dangerous things are completely out of reach, then your child can "explore" safetly.

Oh, and hide the remote. When my two kids were toddlers, they each LOVED the remote control to chew on.

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