Friday, June 6, 2014

whats the most natural way??


to get rid of thrush in my 6 mth old babs mouth???
white blobs on the corners of his mouth, looks painful coz doesnt wanna eat.

1) Antibiotics will CAUSE thrush, not prevent it.

2) Thrush doesn't normally present in the corners of the mouth but generally on the inside, so I would advise being seen by a nurse/doctor.

However, assuming it is thrush here are some ideas, and even if it isn't none of this will be bad for your baby.

1) Wipe down the area with dilute vinegar (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water)
2) Grapefruit Seed Extract is a natural anti-fungal that is safe for newborns, you can get it at most health food stores.
3) Give acidophilus pills or active cultured GOAT's milk yogurt daily. Check the bottle for dosing of the pills each brand is different. Just open the capsules the inside powder tastes pretty good. This is good for health in general and many people and children take every day all the time, not just when they have a problem.

If you are breastfeeding be sure to treat your nipples as well.

YOU MUST also treat the laundry as it is spread that way. Bleach is not an efficient way of killing yeast(thrush),. Wash your laundry in the hottest water possible and
Hot water over 122º F will kill yeast, either in the laundry, dishwasher, sink, or on your skin (not infants â too hot!). Add one cup of vinegar to the final rinse, you can use a fabric softener dispenser ball. (In addition vinegar is a natural fabric softener, and you should never use liquid fabric softener on infant clothes as it increases flamability)

*Microwaving your undergarments on high for 5 minutes will kill yeast (make sure thereâs no metal in the bra).

*Sunlight kills yeast.  Hang infected clothing outside to dry in the sun.

Sterilize bottle nipples or pacifiers â boil them for 20 minutes each day to kill the yeast that may be residing on them.

Wash toys that baby frequently chews on in hot, soapy water every day.

Gentian Violet is NOT a natural remedy, it just sounds like one, it is in fact a synthetic dye.

Infant frustration?

Q. When your child first started reaching for things, did he or she seem frustrated with not being able to grab them and put them in his or her mouth? My son is 4.5 months, and he just started reaching. He seems to whine and grunt when trying to grab some of his hanging toys. He's also very vocal, and he never talks this much when he's playing with me or his dad.

My son, now 8 mos, gets highly fristrated when he can't get something just out of his reach. It's normal for them to do that, it is just a natural phase. Babies love to vocalize with things around them most often. Mom and dad should mimic baby's sounds to 'talk' with him. It sounds silly, but it works. It'll bring out the kid in you too!

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