Thursday, May 1, 2014

To Disinfect infant toys, isnt a spraybottle with 2/3 water and 1/3 Bleach WAY too much?


We bring our 11 Month old daughter to the center here in our area. Apparently they have a buncha kids that have intestinal problems and/or rashes that parents cant explain. Is there any site I can go to to get SOLID info on whether it's from the bleach? Or maybe a way to test if it's from the bleach? I have seen a few disinfecting answers here that say like 2 spoons to a gallon of water. I am kinda worried about my child sucking bleach off the toys with them using 33% bleach.

Nope, not at all. And just to let you know, more than likely, it's state law. So if you want your daughter in a state certified facility that goes through yearly safety checks and certifications you're going to have to live with it. In CT, we have to use a mix of 50/50 bleach and water. Either there is something else going on in the facility, or they're using MUCH more bleach than they are letting on, because we never had any problems with the children.

What kind of bathtub toys do you have?(for your kids lol)?

Q. Just curious...when my son was an infant, I bought all the proper bath tub toys but now he drags in his trucks/cars and anything else that might tickle his fancy at the time. He is 2.
What kind of toys do your kids play with in the tub? And do you disinfect them regularly?(weekly?)

I just use rubbery duckies :-) I try not to make bath time so stimulating otherwise she will not sleep but play, but if she is in a cranky mood I will encourage her to play with her rubber duckies lol.

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