Thursday, May 1, 2014

games for an infants birthday party?


I'm having a birthday party for my son who is turning 1 this weekend, we will be having other children there that will be abour 2-5 and i want to make sure that they enjoy themselfe as well. I don't want them to be board but i want them to have fun with small simple games. Any advise would help.

My daughter has a summer birthday as well. What we always do is provide a kiddie pool and sprinkler toy/game with bubbles in the backyard so the toddlers and young'ins can keep cool and make a huge mess outdoors. It's great fun if that's an option for you. This way no organized games are necessary. I think those "pin-the-tail" games and such are more appropriate for 5+ age group.

Where can I buy infant floats (for the pool) in NYC?

The Foul

thanks, all.

Probably at Toys R Us, Target, or Kmart.

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