Friday, May 2, 2014

how much to spend on infant car seat?


we are having twin babies this coming summer and I am looking at different car seats. I just learned that they will need an infant car seat and a car seat for when they are more than 30 lbs or so.

I have been looking on amazon for ones that have the best ratings etc...

is this a normal range?

249.99 for one infant car seat ...... that will be about $500 for the twins

179.99 for one older baby car seat.....that will be about $360 for the twins.

are we really looking to spend over $800 on just car gear :( None of our friends have small babies who are ready to give away theirs. And since this is our first time as parents, I'm sure you can imagine we want to be really safe.
But I just want to make sure this is a normal price range.

any suggestions for buying gear for twin babies?

thank you

Welcome to the world of twins!

With the infant carrier, you can buy 2 seats and than an extra 2 bases if you need to have them in multiple cars. Some people will tell you to just get a convertible seat and skip the carrier, but I disagree - it is easier with a carrier and twins frequently run a bit smaller and just "fit' better in the carrier. Because our twins were small - 5 lbs 1 oz and 5 lbs 4 oz, they had to pass a "car seat test" at the hospital before we could take them. Basically, they fit them in the seat and monitor their oxygen levels for an hour. Our daughter failed and had to be retested - we almost had to go out and buy a "car bed" to take her home in. There is no way they would have been able to sit in a convertible seat at that size and be released from the hospital. Just because a convertible seat is rated for 5 lbs and up does not mean it is the right choice from birth.

Graco is a good brand and you can get the infant carriers for as low as $100 at Babies R Us ($200 for two and then you need to decide whether you need the extra bases).

When they outgrow it, you can switch to a convertible seat - we invested in the Britax Marthons, pricey but worth it to us as they will be in it for years. We got 4 - 2 for my car and 2 for my husbands as it varies as to who picks them up from daycare etc . . .

Honestly? Car Seats are all safety checked and follow the same standards set by the government - some have additional side impact protection - otherwise it is just padding, ease of use etc . . .

Go to Babies R Us - try them out in your car (they will let you check them for fit) and go from there. Shop online - you will find better deals.

I also recommend that you call the local police station / fire department - they can assist you with getting the seats installed, but I would also ask them about car seat programs. Our town had a deal with Graco. If you brought them an old seat, they would recycle it and replace it with a new one. We got our infant carriers for free through this program as friends and family donated their old seats for us to trade in. It made investing in nicer convertible seats for later easier.

You should also check to see if there are any Parents of Twins groups in your area - a lot of times, they have tag sales etc . . . I am not suggesting buying a used car seat. Car seats and cribs are what you invest in . . . but on a tight budget, it is a great way to get a good double stroller, clothes, toys etc . . .

Hope this helps!

Switching baby from infant car seat to full size car seat.. toy solution?

Q. My baby loved playing with the toys dangling from the handle of the infant car seat. Now that he's in a full size car seat I haven't figured out how to have toys dangling for him to play with. Does anyone have a solution for this?
I should clarify he's 8 months old and the car seat is rear facing. If I just gave him toys to play with he'd toss them. I was hoping to find some kind of bar that could be attached to the car seat but I couldn't find anything.

Most cars have a handle, that I guess is to be used to aid you in getting out of the car, just above the window. I hang toys from there

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