Monday, April 28, 2014

Traveling by plane with infant?


I am looking for plane tickets for my husband, infant, and I. I am not sure what it means by infant in lap or infant in seat. Which one is better? We are from Fresno, Ca traveling to St. Paul, MN. When we go on our trip baby will be 2 months old.

Basically the difference is In a seat they get their own seat in lap means you hold the baby for the duration of the flight.

In my opinion I do think that in a seat is much better for you and the baby for the flight since you dont have to hold him/her for the entire flight (your arms can get a little tired) but with the lap seat its cheaper since you dont have to buy a hole other ticket.

If you do decide to go with the lap seat make sure u have a sling for the baby (with or without the lap seat actually it makes it alot easier to walk around airport) the sling will help with actually holding her so its not so stressful on your arms and your arms wont get that tired (not to mention they sleep real easy in one) you cannot wear the sling during take off and landing but during the flight its a life saver.

I've never actually used a regular seat yet but i imagine i will soon. But I heard you can bring a car seat and stuff but im not entirely sure...

Some addition tips.
Brings some toys for him/her to play with
and make sure shes sucking on something or feeding during take off and landing (it helps with the ear poping)
Hope This Helps

Flying with an infant on a plane!?


My husband and I are going on a 3 hr flight up north for vacation this summer and our daughter will be 7 months old at the time. Any advice, suggestions, ideas to make flying easier? She is a breastfed baby and I'm hoping she'll nursing during take off and landing to help her ears adjust. Any ideas greatly appreciated!!

Hi! I travel a lot with my son (and alone at that) so the fact that you're with your husband and will have four arms is wonderful! It will be fine. Try to nurse during take-off and landing or give LO a pacifier. Bring along lots of hand sanitizer and some alcohol wipes for the tray table, and I also like to bring the toys with the suction cups on the bottom to stick on the tray table (they're usually made for the high chair). I don't know if you're doing solids yet, but a hard breadstick might be a good, nonmessy option too. In terms of changing diapers, take LO to the bathroom and there is usually a changing table that drops down above the toilet. It's small so have your husband come with to help. I bring a big garbage bag to line it then stick all the messy stuff inside the bag when I'm done and give to the flight attendant since they don't always want diapers disposed of in the restroom. Check your stroller and carseat at the gate, bring some toys and you'll be fine! Also, you can check with your doc to see if a little benedryl is ok if you're really worried. Have fun!

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