Saturday, February 1, 2014

What would you get an infant girl about 6 months old for Christmas?


At 6 months, it isn't a present for the child. The infant won't know it is a present. It is a present to the parents. At 6 months, perhaps a toy that makes noises or plays a nursery rhyme. Perhaps a chewing toy since gums are pretty itchy at the time. Winter is approaching so perhaps soft warm flannel crib sheets. The infant needs lots of wash cloths, sleepers, 1-sies.

Whatever you get for her, give the both of you a present by holding her in your arms. Make funny faces. Make baby sounds. It will make your heart and her heart leap with joy.

what can we buy as gift for baby girl?


new born baby girl, what can we buy her as a gift? something between £15 and £20.

parents are young 23 and 20 years old, french background, wife is at university husband works.

any ideas and where to get the gift from will be apreciated
lots of you said diapers...but we want something that lasts they can remember

Outfits, blankets, bottles, pacifiers, infant toys, baby food, little shoes, bathing products.

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