Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is it bad not to buy toys for your infant?

best infant beach toys
 on Top Water Toys for the Pool and Beach | Products | Disney
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She is @ daycare every weekday from 9-5, but I have no toys for her @ home. I don't see the point. On Saturdays, I hold her and sing & dance while handwashing laundry, and other cleaning, and cooking, then in our other spare time we just go 2 the beach. My mom always makes me feel so guilty, she bought her a ton of stuff and she never played w/ it so I took it to GoodWill

I dont think it is bad not to have toys for your daughter but I think that you should have some things for her to play with around the house. Wheter it be some activites such as crayons and coloring books or some sort of game for the entire family. Too many toys can spoil a child but not enough toys can delay development. Toys can be very educational for children or all ages...depending on the toy. Although she get her play time at daycare it is important for her to learn the quality of playing alone at daycare she is with many children for her to interact with. At home she will need time with her parents...sounds like you've got that part down...but she also needs to learn to play on her own to gain some independence and feelings of responsibility and control.

How do I make a long drive with my toddler manageable?

Ruby Tuesd

My family goes on vacation in 19 days and I'm concerned about the long drive with my 20 month old. It will be my husband, myself and the baby. My husband will be driving. We are driving form the Philadelphia area to North Carolina which takes about 7 1/2 hours. I'm really stressing about this now that it's not far away. We've taken trips to the Jersey shore which is only about 1 1/2 hours away and she was flipping. Any suggestions on how to make it work? Also, I'm having problems figuring out what to pack for a week long beach vacation with a toddler. On our last vacation she was an infant so packing was much different. Any suggestions on packing as well? Thanks in advance

Two words: DVD Player
Think of the things she uses at home, and pack those, and then pack extras for emergencies (extra changes of clothes, extra wipes, extra sippy cups in case you open the car door and hers falls out, not like you can run to the sink to wash it). Favorite lovey (doll, stuffed animal) lots of clean finger food snacks, and I pack a beach bag to keep in the backseat with books, toys, etc, and a carrying case with her favorite movies for the DVD player. Don't make a marathon drive, stop at every rest area as needed to walk and stretch your legs. Stop for lunch and get out of the car, even if you packed something to eat. I sat in back with her part of the time so she didn't feel lonely. This worked for me! Good luck.

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