Friday, January 31, 2014

If a boy was brought up as a girl?


What do you think would happen if you gave a normal little boy only girl toys to play with and they only played girls?

Do you thinks babies play with girl or boy toys because they are given to them or because they instinctively play with their gender's toys?
Hey, Greydoc can you allow email; I want to ask you something.

A small fraction of infants are born with ambiguous genitalia, that is, you can't be certain if they are male or female. Another term for this is intersex. Chromosome testing usually settles the issue. However, it is easier to surgically transform the child into a female. This was standard procedure from the 1950s to the 1980s. Prominent psychologists confirmed that if you reared a child as a female, the child will naturally assume a female identity.

As it turns out, the psychologists were wrong. Further study of these individuals reveals a broad spectrum of reactions, but many persons with intersex, especially those who were chromosomally males, do not have a female orientation in adulthood. Consequently, there has been a major shift in gender assignment policy in infancy.

Now for your second question. Babies will play with whatever toys are given them. As they become toddlers, most will gradually develop a preference with gender specific toys. Both nature and nurture play a role in this.

are you giving your infant a easter basket?

lorenzo an

i want to get one for my son but hes only 9 months old and does not eat candy and i dont want to cheap toys for him.

i want to make it myself what do you suggest i add to it?

are you making one for your little one(s) ? what are you putting into theirs?

I have a 2 month old boy, and I just put him together his Easter basket. I know that it's silly because he doesn't even know what it is, but it was so much fun. I filled it with socks and toys and pacifiers- stuff he needs. The thought of doing this every year from now on, planning surprises, watching him unwrap gifts makes me feel so happy to be a mom. I can't wait until he actually knows what Easter is. My parents made flour bunny prints across the kitchen floor and left a half-eaten carrot next to our baskets when I was younger, and I can't wait to do that stuff for my son. Just put stuff you would buy for him anyway in the basket- bubble bath, clothes, whatever you want.

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