Friday, January 31, 2014

Where can i find Spiderman infant toys in the U.K?


Woolworths used to do them!!! :(
I have Incy Wincy Spiderman, The Bedtime one with the web comfort blanket and the Spiderman and friends ride on....
I was just wondering if anyone had noticed anymore?? (Tried Ebay and google = Nothing..) thanks xx

Hi hun

You could try searching for a specific toy on ebay or

Argos or toys R us maybe

and of course good old sammy's links lol
Good luck


Traveling with an infant?


In a few weeks I'll be traveling to the west coast. Not only is this my first plane ride but I will have my toddler wit me as well. Does anyone have any tips or advice they can give me.


Since you will be traveling with a young child on a longer plane ride it is very important that you be prepared for the unexpected.

Be sure to pack enough extra clothes, diapers, food and drink items for your child.

Keeping your child occupied while at the airport and then on the plane will be your biggest challenge.

I am not sure what time of day you will be traveling but it might be a good idea to travel around your child's nap time. However, it may not matter because all the new sites and people around will keep your child very occupied so it may be hard to get your child to nap.

If you child is walking, I would recommend that while you are waiting at the airport try to walk your child around a little bit and point out some interesting sites. You will want to try to keep them occupied while at the same time tire them out. This way once things settle down on the airport you child may be so pooped out that they will fall asleep.

I would recommend bringing toys that can entertain your child but at the same time not disturb the other passengers as much.

Also you may want to plan ahead and see if you can reserve a seat toward the back of the plane. This way you will be near the bathroom in case it is needed and also will have a little more room if you need to get up and rock your child.

A window seat may also work to help occupy your child if you are traveling during the day as during take off and landing they will have something to look at through the window.

I am not sure if you child watches any TV yet, I know it is hard at that age as kids do not have a long attention span. But you could also try bringing along a DVD player to watch some movies. Or if you have a smartphone, there are plenty of You Tube videos on there with short cartoon clips to keep your child somewhat occupied.

How these tips help and good luck!


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