Tuesday, January 14, 2014

where wood i go to get an application for the Bruce Roberts Toy Fund?

best infant toys for boys
 on Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Babys First Blocks
best infant toys for boys image


Its where the program provides free toys to boys/girls from infant to 13(i think) low income families. pltd. press heard puts the application in the sundays paper.

Here's the link:


Want to talk to all you moms and dads out there with infants around six weeks old?

Breanna B

I have a baby boy who is five and and half weeks old. All my friends have older kids and seem to have forgotten what it is like to have a baby. I am a first time mother and just want to talk to some folks with babies about the same age. Tell me about your baby. How do they sleep, eat, what is their schedule like if they have one... Just curious Maybe it will give me some new ideas.

Hello. Congrats, and welcome to the "Mommy club!" I have a beautiful baby boy, named Gabriel, who is about 14 weeks old.
Gabe didn't start really developing a schedule until around about last month. I'm a single mom, so I take him to daycare. We start our day at about 6-6:15a.m. I get myself ready, and then he wakes up to eat. I feed him a bottle, get him burped and dressed, I load the car, then we go to daycare. Thankfully for me, he doesn't sleep much at daycare, so he's tired when I pick him up, but in a good mood. He eats about 6 oz (with a teaspoon of cereal) every 4-5 hours. He's a very curious child already, and doesn't like to be left alone. He constantly craves attention, but is not fussy at all. He just seems to be really curious about the world around him, which I just love.
So, when I pick him up, I either take him home where we spend an hour playing, or we go to Grandma and Grandpa's house, where we play. We do a combination of "bouncy play" or belly time, or toy time, or all three. I talk and sing to him.
After that, at about 6:30p.m.-7p.m. I give him a bath, change him, spend another few minutes holding him, then I feed him. Once he's done with the bottle, I burp him, and put him down immediately in the crib. It usually doesn't take him long to fall asleep. He sleeps an average of about 8-10 hours a night, and we start our day over again.

I'm blessed b/c he's such a good, happy baby.... it took a while to establish the routine, and daycare's really good about keeping one up, and b/c he's so stimulated during the day, and interacting with so many kids and adults, he's exhausted by the time I get him, so he sleeps throught the night.
On the weekends, we just do whatever. I let up on the schedule during the day, but he still goes to bed no later than 7:30pm.-8p.m.

Good luck! Email me if you have anything you want to discuss!

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