Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What should I do for Christmas this year?

best outdoor infant toys
 on Best Toys for Girls and Boys- Toy Ideas for Your Boy or Girl
best outdoor infant toys image


My kids already have to many toys and clothes. I was thinking of getting them a laptop but hubby veto that idea.

How does new bedroom furniture sound? I could fix up their rooms (which would most likely be a better idea as I plan to sell the house next year)
We did just take a trip to Louisiana but I could take them to my Dad's Lake house.

My kids play ball and catch but not to good at sports they are only 4 yrs, 2 yrs and 5 months old

So you have an infant to a 4 year old and aren't going to do Christmas for them because "they have enough all ready". I'm sorry but I think it's a bad idea all the way around.
Taking a trip or redoing their rooms at that age is not going to be appreciated. Kids want things they can unwrap and play with not furniture they have to "keep nice" or a trip that they may never remember taking years later. Besides, if you're moving anyway, why sink all the money into redoing any room when you won't be living there and the new owner is likely to change it anyway after they move in.

Your best bit is to go through all the toys they don't play with anymore and donate them long before Christmas. If they are broke or have critical missing pieces, throw them away. Clothing, if you can't reuse it as hand me downs for your younger children and it has no sentimental value to you then donate it as well if it is free of severe wear and stains.

Buy them some new books. New clothing or PJ's for Christmas. Get some toys like an art center, something for outside rather than inside if you are over run in the house. How about new toy boxes with their names on them for their rooms to keep their personal things in? get some board games for kids that are in their age range to play together.
My son has oodles of indoor things to play with but for his birthday in March instead of telling people "don't buy him toys he has too much all ready" we just told them "outdoor toys, swim items for summer or books". Kids like things they can have and open. When they are this young it is more important to them. As for stockings you could always put in some treats, new crayons, coloring books, tub toys (throw out worn out ones that you have at home), things that can go in the car to amuse them with a tote with their name on them to keep in the car with their car toys.

A laptop at their age is a bad idea. It would end up broken and would be a waste for them at their age.

What do you recommend to get a Daycare started?


How many employees should I have? I need books, sleeping mats, food, toy's, outdoor gym, cribs, playpins, highchairs, eating table etc. Give me some other ideas.

Day Care Center or Day Care Group Home or Day Care Family home? A big difference. As an individual who has worked in child care for over 10 years I've done the center route and am doing the family child care route presently. My husband and I also have looked into opening a center. Check with your State rules and Regulations.

In Michigan the child-teacher ratio for child care is 1:4 for infants and toddlers, 1:10 for preschool and I believe 1:12 for school-agers. That should help with your question about employers.

Beyond equipment...think philosophy...what is your philosophy regarding early childhood education. Create a handbook of policies and stick with it!

Some food for thought: The quality of a preschool and the quality of a childcare/preschool should be NO different. Consider incorporating a high-quality preschool program.

Consider education...how much do you have? Does it meet state guidelines? How much does your employees have?

Advertisement... using the classifieds in the newspaper will get you EVERYONE and especially problem families. Word of mouth is best... consider having an "open house".

You will definately need a schedule for each classroom... it will be fine tuned as you go along...but there should be a variation of activities provided and areas for quiet play and large motor play. Consider centers in older toddler on up.

Oh the list goes on. Hope this helps!

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