Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Any suggestions for good toys for young babies?

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best infant crib toys image
Q. I'm a first-time mom and my three month old daughter is just starting to swat at toys on her playmat. We didn't stock up on any toys before she was born because we knew we wouldn't need them right away so now I'd like to get some for her. Also, we're planning on getting an exersaucer in the near future when she can hold herself up a little bit better. Any suggestions including name brands? Thanks for your help!

My baby is 4 months, and he's just now getting big enough for his Rainforest Jumperoo. The activity mat kept him pretty busy for the first couple of months... there's not much they can do except swat things on the activity mat and watch the mobile on the crib at that age. You might buy more toys for the activity mat (I bought the Tiny Love windchimes for my baby to kick, he loves those). Also, board books (like Goodnight Moon) are great. Until they are older, babies really need to interact with their parents, so just pointing things out and talking to her about them is enough entertainment.

By the way, I saw someone suggested the Baby Einstein videos... I would not suggest those. Research has shown that they actually delay language development.
"Despite marketing claims, parents who want to give their infants a boost in learning language probably should limit the amount of time they expose their children to DVDs and videos such as "Baby Einstein" and "Brainy Baby."

Rather than helping babies, the over-use of such productions actually may slow down infants eight to 16 months of age when it comes to acquiring vocabulary, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute.

The scientists found that for every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them."

What is a mother of a small infant supposed to do when the baby is sleep or contented?


I see a LOT of holier-than-thou parents in real life, and elsewhere, preach about all this QT one is supposed to have with one whose attention span rivals a forest creature. I'm asking, if the child is in no obvious distress and is happy, or resting, should the parent fix a sandwich for his or herself if they are hungry? Is it cool to do a few loads of laundry, or maybe even take out some garbage or check your e-mail if baby is on her mat playing with blocks? Or, is this child abuse and neglect? Should the parent just fix their presence before the child with insta-bond and leave only to put baby in their crib for bedtime/naps? If so, where do they sell IV's for parents and are there new robots issued out to parents at the hospital that cook, take out trash, do the wash, and etc? Just wondering...I never got my issue or my IV (still looking), and I feel like a bad parent because she gets stuck (gasp) watching TV sometimes while I throw a grilled cheeze together for myself.

Aw hon sounds like you are terrified of being misjudged, which only tells me that you are probably a darn fantastic mom! Look, children will always get into trouble, no matter what you do or how close you are. Those quiet moments are gold, so do what you must. If the child is sleeping, use a room monitor. If they're involved with their favorite toy, keep them in plain sight. No manuals are available, but common sense is a must. Not to worry. God gave you your share when he made you!

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