Friday, January 17, 2014

I am pregnant and due oct. 10 2011 with my first baby?

best toys newborns 2011
 on Pretending play is an important part in children's development. Beside ...
best toys newborns 2011 image


This is all really new to me and I am not sure what I am really going to need when he gets here. I have looked online and gotten a couple of lists of things that they suggest but I was wondering what I am really going to need for him since he is due in October. If anyone could help it would be great

warm clothes. lots of socks. all size newborn. slippers are better than shoes for babies.
carseat, stroller, swing, lots of clothes, burping pads, breast-feeding cover, baby monitor, soother maybe, lots of bottles and formula unless breastfeeding. buy diapers now once a week. a pack of size 1, 2, 3, alternating. you will be glad you did. a hat is important for newborns even if warm outside. baby soap, baby tub. crib and pj's. floor mat toy. crib toys. instrumental music for his brain development like mozart and bethoven.

My MIL says i'm a bad mother to my newborn...(please help me :( )?


I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Amberlyn Jade on June 17, 2011. My husband and I made the decision long before I gave birth that we wanted to have time to bond with our little one and get settled at home before accepting family and friends to come and see her.

We got home on June 20th and his mother was sitting in our driveway waiting for us. Apparently she had called the hospital because my husband and I had shut our phones off, and the hospital told her I'd been discharged. My husband got out of the car and told her she needed to leave and wait for us to call. My MIL told him she wasnât leaving without her grandbaby because she wanted to take her and show her off to her friends. My husband told her under no circumstances would ANYONE touch OUR daughter unless we were present. This made her cry, and she finally left. We went in the house and got settled in with our LO. After a week had passed, my husband and I felt we were ready to share our daughter with family, and I called my mother and he called his and told them they could come over. When my MIL arrived, I was sitting in the living room with my princess asleep in my arms, and my MIL walked straight in and took her out of my arms and started kissing her face and bouncing her up and down and rocking her. She didnât even wash her hands before she stuck her finger in her mouth and started saying, âOh your my precious baby Iâm gonna take you home for the weekend and buy you toys, I have your crib all set upâ, and all this other sh!t that pissed me off. My baby was screaming (she had woken her up) but my MIL said âOh your mommy doesnât know how to take care of you like I do.â My husband grabbed our daughter and took her to the nursery to calm her down and I told my MIL she needed to leave and she wasnât allowed back. She told me I was a bad mother for trying to keep her grandbaby away from her and that I didnât know how to be a mom. I told her to get out, and she left but she kept making rude comments. My mother showed up about 15 minutes later, and I had no problem letting her hold Amberlyn, because she washed her hands and waited till I handed her over. I told my mother what had happened and she told me not to pay her any attention, and that I was a great mother because I was being very careful with my daughterâs health and well-being. My family has all been over to see her, and they respect my husband and I enough to wash their hands before they hold her, they donât smoke before they come, they give her back if she starts to cry and they donât pass her around, they ask us if we mind if someone else holds her first. My husband and I really appreciate how supportive my family is being, but my husbandâs family has refused to come over, even though weâve invited them, including his mother back, as long as they follow our rules. His mother calls him every day and tells him that Iâm a bad mother because I wonât let her take my daughter out. Um, hello, sheâs barely is a month old, there is NO way in hell my daughter is going anywhere without her mother. She tells my husband that Iâm a selfish and inconsiderate mother who has postpartum depression and should be in rehab and to let her take care of our baby until Iâm âbetter.â

Iâve been letting the insults roll off my back, but last night his mother showed up at our house and my husband let her in. I was in the nursery breastfeeding my daughter and she just barged in and told me I needed to get done because she was gonna take the baby out and bring her back in the morning after she had time to spend with her. She said I was a horrible mother and should be locked up for âdepriving her of her rights as a grandma to take her grandchild out and have her spend the nightâ

Am I a bad mother? Did you let grandparents take your newborn out? Did you let them have stay over at their grandparents house? Am I just overreacting to this? I know that new moms are overprotective, but am I taking it too far? Iâm scared my little girl is gonna lose out on having both sets of grandparents. I donât want Amberlyn to resent me for not letting her be close to her grandma :( What do I do? Iâm so confused and my husband doesnât think itâs a big deal but I do :( I grew up with a very close and loving family and I want the same for her, but if all my MIL is gonna do is call me a bad mother should I just ignore that side of the family?

You are NOT a bad mom, your MIL is crazy and if she is going to keep acting like this then the best thing you can do is keep your daughter away from her (if she won't respect your wishes in your own home, lord only knows what would happen if she had the baby for a few hours). My daughter is 5 1/2 weeks old and I have not let her go anywhere without me. The only time I left her was for 5 minutes with my mother while I went to get my mail, and that was only this past weekend. I will not be letting her spend weekends with my mom or MIL anytime soon which is especially hard for my MIL to understand because my stepson is with her every weekend. And the others are right about breastfeeding - At this age, it is absolutely detrimental that you feed on demand.

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